SESSION: (2016-2019)
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Study to assess the usefulness of
Homoeopathic CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE in pain management of Sciatica- A
Prospective Randomized Control Trial” is a bonafide work by GEETIKA NAGPAL under the
guidance of DR. HARPREET SINGH In partial fulfillment of regulations for the award of
Degree of Doctor of Medicine in Homoeopathy [M.D.(Hom.)] in Practice of Medicine.
This work conforms to the standards of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. It has not been
submitted previously to any University for the award of any Diploma or Degree nor copied
from any other dissertation.
I have great pleasure in forwarding to it Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra for approval.
Signature of Principal
I, GEETIKA NAGPAL, hereby declare that the dissertation entitled “Study to assess the
usefulness of homoeopathic CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE in pain management of Sciatica-
A Prospective Randomized Control Trial” has been prepared by me under the guidance and
supervision of Dr Harpreet Singh, in partial fulfillment of regulation for the award of the
degree of Doctor Of Medicine in Homoeopathy [M.D.(Hom.)] in PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Of
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. It has not been submitted previously to any University
for award of any Diploma or Degree nor copied from any other dissertation.
I owe gratitude to the higher power, who gave me opportunity to be a part for the noble
profession of serving the suffering humanity. The writing of this dissertation has been one of
the most significant academic challenges I have ever had to face; this task taught me time
management, critical analysis, bridging theory and practice, new research techniques and
how to work independently.
In bringing out the present work, the debts of gratitude that I owe are heavy and numerous,
but some of them need special mention.
Firstly, I am deeply indebted and will remain ever grateful to Dr. Harpreet Singh, Professor,
Department Of Practice Of Medicine; Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital,
my Guide, for all his relentless guidance and valuable inputs for this project, despite her
many other academic and professional commitments. Her wisdom, knowledge and scientific
approach towards homoeopathy inspired and motivated me.
The herculean task of completing the dissertation would not have been possible without the
whole hearted cooperation of my husband, parents, friends and well wishers. During the
execution of the present work, the help from library of Bakson Homoeopathic Medical
Special thanks go out to my professional friends and colleagues who have been supportive
of my efforts.
Above all, I express my gratitude to the Almighty for all strength and support. He bestowed
upon me to complete this work.
Lastly, I duly apologize, if somebody, who owes special references, has not been
inadvertently included in this acknowledgement.
Prof. (Dr.) Harpreet Singh
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Study to assess the usefulness of
homoeopathic CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE in pain management of Sciatica- A Prospective
Randomized Control Trial” is a bonafide work by GEETIKA NAGPAL under the guidance of
DR. HARPREET SINGH In partial fulfillment of regulations for the award of Degree of Doctor
of Medicine in Homoeopathy [M.D.(Hom.)] in Practice of Medicine.
This work conforms to the standards of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. It has not been
submitted previously to any University for the award of any Diploma or Degree nor copied
from any other dissertation.
I have great pleasure in forwarding to it Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra for approval.
Signature of Guide
M.D. (Hom.)
Head, Department of Practice of Medicine Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College &
Hospital, 36-B Knowledge Park, Greater Noida
This is to certify that the dissertation entitled “Study to assess the usefulness of
homoeopathic CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE in pain management of Sciatica- A Prospective
Randomized Control Trial” is a bonafide work by GEETIKA NAGPAL under the guidance of
DR.RASHMI CHOWDHURY Head of the Department of Practice of Medicine, In partial
fulfillment of regulations for the award of Degree of Doctor of Medicine in Homoeopathy
[M.D.(Hom.)] in Practice of Medicine.
This work conforms to the standards of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra. It has not been
submitted previously to any University for the award of any Diploma or Degree nor copied
from any other dissertation.
I have great pleasure in forwarding to it Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Agra for approval.
List of Figures I
List of Tables II
Abstract III
Introduction 1-3
Discussion 58
Conclusion 59-61
References 62-65
Appendices 66
3. Age Incidence 46
4. Sex Incidence 47
5. Past History 48
6. Family History 49
7. 50
Socio-Economic Status
8. 51
Presenting complaints
9. 52
Lifestyle of the
10. 52
Factors responsible for sciatica
11. 53
Response of Auxillary treatment
12. Response of Homoeopathic
constitutional medicine
13. Overall improvement in EG and CG
CT Computed Tomography
M Male
F Female
H/o History of
EG Experimental Group
CG Control Group
N.A.D. No Abnormality Detected
NS Nothing Significant
SLRT Straight Leg Raising Test
DM Diabetes Mellitus
HTN Hypertension
< Aggravation
> Amelioration
O.P.D. Outdoor patient
t.d.s. Thrice daily
SacLac Saccharum Lactis i.e.
Sugar of milk
No. Number
There are about an estimated 2% to 40% of people having sciatica at some stage of life. It is
most common among the age group of 40-60 years and females are more frequently
affected than male. A number of environmental and inherent factors thought to influence
the development of sciatica have been studied, including gender, body habits, parity, age,
genetic factors, occupation, and environmental factors. Homoeopathic remedies are
inexpensive, easy to administer, do not require much dietary or lifestyle changes. Some
homoeopathic assert that certain homoeopathic “constitutional” remedies are useful in
cases of sciatica and often achieve cure what the allopathic treatment has failed to do.
Another benefit of using homoeopathy is that along with the treatment of sciatica, it also
aims at strengthening the patient’s immunity in order to prevent further recurrences.
The present study consisted of 30 patients of sciatica who attended O.P.D. of Bakson
Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital on the basis of inclusion and exclusion criteria
fixed .The cases were studied keeping the individualization and . The patients included were
suffering from pain in the buttock or leg that is worse when sitting; weakness, numbness, or
difficulty in moving the leg or foot. During the attacks of sciatic pain, on the basis of
symptoms- similarity and recorded in a case Proforma prepared for the study. Selection of
remedy was done on the basis of constitution of the individual, totality of symptoms,
reportorial result, characteristic symptoms and miasmatic diagnosis of the patient. Follow-
up criteria and parameters for evaluating the result for study were formulated.
It was noted that out of 30 patients,’marked improvement’ was found in 8 cases (53.33% );
’moderate improvement’ in 5 cases (33.33% ); ‘mild improvement’ was found in 1 cases
(6.66%) ).Constitutional medicines were given to 15 patients, out of which patients had
marked improvement. And overall improvement is seen in about 75% of patients.
Colocynthis, Rhus toxicodendron, Pulsatilla, Lachesis, Gnaphalium, Natrum muriaticum,
Bryonia alba, Sepia are found effective when prescribed on the basis of constitutional
Sciatica refers to pain that begins in the hip and buttocks and continues all the way down
the leg. This condition is often accompanied by low back pain, which can be more or less
severe than the leg pain. The term sciatica describes a symptom rather than a specific
disease; a nerve dysfunction caused by compression of one of more lumbar or sacral nerve
root from a spinal disc herniation. Pain typically occurs in the distribution of a dermatome
and goes below the knee to the foot. It may be associated with neurological dysfunction,
such as weakness. The pain is characteristically of shooting type, quickly travelling along the
course of nerve; the pain and tenderness usually marked along the course of sciatic nerve
through the thigh and leg.[1]
Even with the increasing value and usage of imaging techniques and promising
developments in the field of surgery there is no satisfactory results in treating sciatica, as
the high incidence of asymptomatic individuals associated with neural compromise shows
that pressure alone does not cause pain in sciatic nerve roots .This reflects the need for
study of different methods in the treatment of sciatica.
Homoeopathic medicines are found to act effectively on the
nerves and sciatica is a disease affecting the nerves therefore the present study is an
effort to know [2]
“The usefulness of homoeopathic CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE in pain management of
Sciatica most likely to affect between the ages of 25 and 64. It may happen as a result of the
general wear and tear of aging or any sudden pressure on the discs that cushion the bones
of lower spine.
Approximately one in every 50 people will experience a herniated disc at some point in their
life. Of these 10%-25% have symptoms that last more than 6 weeks.[3]
The prevalence of sciatica reported varies considerably ranging from 1.6% in the
general population to 43% in a selected working population. [4]
Although the prognosis is good in most of the patients. [5], a substantial proportion
(upto 30%) continues to have pain for 1 Year or longer, [6] [7]
There are various studies done in past which showed that homoeopathy can help in
reducing the intensity of pain and cases of sciatica one research has been done that is to
study the
Brief about the research: The study consisted of two parts theoretical and
practical. Theoritical part study was completed by, collecting and compiling the
data through authentic literature about sciatica and homoeopathic approach with
details. And in second phase detail practical study was completed by collecting
data and treating 30 patients presenting with symptoms of sciatica where
colocynth were prescribed. The study concluded showed that homoeopathic
remedy act very effectively in the cases of right side and even left side. It have
convincing potential to reduce the pain intensity and improving quality of life of
sciatica patients by reducing pain and numbness, weakness of leg. [9]
The increasing global prevalence of sciatica, the large burden it now imposes on patients,
and the high health care costs have led to extensive research into its mechanisms and
treatment. Since the consumer of health care in India is not sufficiently literate, physicians
have been assigned a lot of responsibility in decision making for the patients. There is a
paucity of data for complaints of sciatica in middle age group in India. The present study is
aimed to find the impact of homoeopathic in intervention in the pain management of
Comparison of the efficacy of ibuprofen and Belladonna in the control of
orthodontic separator pain.
The study was done to compare the efficacy of ibuprofen and Belladonna in the control of
orthodontic pain and ascertain the pain relief by Belladonna in comparison with ibuprofen
during orthodontic separation. Patients, between 20-35yrs of age were included. Patients
were randomly divided into two groups; one was assigned to ibuprofen 400mg and second
group was allocated to Belladonna 6C group. Patient were given two doses of medication of
their respective groups, Pain scores recorded on visual analogue scale(VAS) as VAS was a
10cm scale with millimeter caliberation to record their pain. And the comparison conclude
with that ibuprofen and Belladonna 6C are effective and provide adequate analgesia with
no statistically significant difference. Lack of adverse effects with belladonna 6C makes it an
effective and viable alternative.[11]
To assess the usefulness of homoeopathic constitutional medicine in pain management of
To study the clinical presentation of pain associated with Sciatica
‘Sciatica’ is the term for pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve, anywhere from the lower
back, buttocks, down the back of the leg, to the foot. Sciatica is defined as pain in the area
of distribution of Sciatic nerve i.e. low back pain associated unilateral leg pain radiating to
foot to toes, numbness and par aesthesia in the same distribution straight leg raising test
induces more leg pain localised neurology that is limited to one nerve root it lasts up to six
weeks and persistent (chronic) sciatica lasts more longer . The term sciatica dates back to
1398 A.D. appearing to originate from Latin word ‘ischiadus’ meaning ‘of pain in the hip’ and
from the Greek word ‘iskhiadiakos” meaning “pain in the hips”.
Fig.1. Location of sciatic nerve, source (courtesy: Gray Henry. The Anatomical Basis of
Clinical Practice. 40th Edition. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier. 2008)
The Vertebral Column
The vertebral column is the central bony pillar of the body it supports the skull, pectoral
girdle, upper limbs, and thoracic cage and, by way of the pelvic girdle, transmits body
weight to the lower limbs. Within its cavity lies the spinal cord.
In the frontal section of 4 week embryo, the sclerotomes appear as paired condensations of
mesenchymal cells around the notochord .each sclerotome consists of loosely arranged cells
cranially and densely packed cells caudally . Some densely packed cells move cranially
opposite the center of myotome, where they form the interverterbal disc.
The notochord degenerates and disappears where it is surrounded by the developing
vertebral bodies, between the vertebrae the notochord expands to form the gelatinous
center of the intervertebral disc, the nucleus pulposus .the nucleus is later surrounded by
the circularly arranged fibers that form the annulus fibrosus.The nucleus pulpous and
annulus fibrosus constitute the intervertebral disc.
The human nervous system is the most complex physical system known to mankind: it
consists of many billions of interactive cellular units shows constantly changing patterns of
activity are reflected in every aspect of human behavior and experience.
The inner complexity of organization of nervous systems is due to its vast population of inter
communicating cells. There are nerve cells or neurons, can encode information conduct it
and then transmit it to other neurons, or to various non newer cells, besides neurons, there
is also a great number of supporting cells (neuroglia) are responsible for creating and
maintaining an appropriate environment in which the neurons can operate efficiently.
Neurons have a rounded central mass of cytoplasm enclosing the cells giving off long,
branched extensions collectively termed neuritis. In most instances, one of these processes,
the axon, is much longer, than of others, which are termed as dendrites.The spinal cord a
direct down word continuation of the medulla oblongata, starts at the upper border of the
atlas and ends at the lower border of the first lumbar vertebra as the conus medullaris.
Though cylindrical, it is slightly flattened in its anteroposterior diameter. Corresponding to
the large nerves supplying the upper and the lower limbs is a cervical enlargement from
cervical 3 to thoracic 2 and a lumbar enlargement from Thoracic 9 to 12. From the lowest
end of the spinal cord-the conus Medullaris-extends a delicate median prolongation, the
filum terminale interna which ends with the Dural sac at the second sacral vertebra. Its
extradural prolongation filum terminale externa-ends at the coccyx.
The Spinal cord is enveloped by the dura, the arachnoid and the piaMater .External to the
dura is the epidural space filled by a thin layer of fat, areolar tissue and veins. The
arachnoids and the subarachnoid spaces are filled with fluid 13 which cushion spinal cord.
The pia mater intimately surrounding the spinal cord also has lateral extensions to the inner
dural surface. These are equally spaced between nerve roots and are known as dentate
ligaments.The Spinal nerves emerge from the spinal cord in pairs; 8 in the cervical region, 12
in the thoracic region, 5 in the lumbar region, 5 in the sacral region, and 1 pair of coccygeal
nerves, making a total of 31 pairs of spinal nerves. These also correspond to varying
segments of neuromeres of the spinal cord.[13]
Fig.2. Division of segments of Spinal Cord
Sciatic nerve
The Sciatic nerve is the thickest nerve in the body. In its upper part is forms a
band about 2 cm wide. It begins in the pelvis and terminates at the superior angle of
the popliteal fossa by dividing into the tibial and common peroneal nerves.
The sciatic nerve enters the gluteal region through the greater sciatic
foramen (Below the piriformis). It runs downwards with a slight lateral
convexity, passing between the ischial tuberosity and the greater trochanter.
(C) Medial.
(1) Inferior Gluteal nerve and vessels; and
(2) Sometimes the
posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh.
1. Articular branches to the hip joint arise in the gluteal region.
2. Muscular branches may arise lower part of the gluteal region or in the upper
part of the thigh. The tibial part of sciatic nerve supplies the
semitendinosus, the semimembranosus, the long head of the biceps femoris,
and the ischial head of the adductor magnus. The common peroneal part
supplies only the short head of the biceps femoris.[14]
Figure.3. Branches of Sciatic Nerve, source (courtesy: Gray Henry. The Anatomical Basis of
Clinical Practice. 40th Edition. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier. 20080
Fig.4. Location of Sciatic Nerve and Arteries involving
Applied Anatomy
1. Compression of the sciatic nerve against the femur, or unusual stretching, after
sitting for a long time, may give rise to a “sleeping foot”.
2. Shooting pain along the cutaneous distribution of the sciatic nerve and its
terminal branches (chiefly the common peroneal) is known as sciatica. Pain
usually begins in the gluteal region or even higher, and radiates along the back
of the thigh, and the lateral side of the leg, to the dorsum of the foot.
This is usually due to compression and irritation of one or more nerve roots
forming the sciatic nerve. (The cause may be osteoarthritis, lumbar disc prolapse,
spondylolisthesis, fibrositis, neuritis, etc.).
4. In above-knee amputations, the companion artery of the sciatic nerve should be carefully
isolated and ligated separately to avoid sharp bleeding that
otherwise follows. Isolation of the artery from all nerve fibres must be perfect
because ligation of nerve fibres with the artery would be followed by severe
pain in the stump.[15]
be carefully isolated and ligated separately to avoid sharp bleeding that
otherwise follows. Isolation of the artery from all nerve fibres must be perfect
because ligation of nerve fibres with the artery would be followed by severe pain in the
The patient’s pain and specific sciatica symptoms can usually be traced to where the
injured/irritated nerve originates in the lower back. Typical symptoms include:
Fig.5. Sciatic nerve Pain Patterns, source (courtesy: Gray Henry. The Anatomical Basis of
Clinical Practice. 40th Edition . Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.2011)
Symptoms of sciatica originating at this level of the lower back may include: pain and/or
numbness at the top of the foot, particularly in the web between the great toe (big toe)
and the second toe.
Sciatica from S1 nerve root Symptoms of sciatica originating at this L5-S1 level, which is
at the bottom of the spine, may include: pain and/or numbness to the lateral, or
outside, of the foot; weakness that results in difficulty raising the heel off the ground or
walking on the tiptoes. The patient may have reduced ankle-jerk reflex.
Patho physiology
Fig.6. Division of Sciatic Nerve, source (courtesy: Gray Henry. The Anatomical Basis of
Clinical Practice. 40th Edition. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier.2008)
Clinical Features-
Sciatica usually affects only one side of the lower body. Often, the pain extends from the
lower back all the way through the back of the thigh and down through the leg.
Depending on where the sciatica nerve is affected, the pain may also extend to the foot
or toes.[17]
1. True sciatic Neuritis- Nerve injury due to injections or trauma, post herpetic
neuralgia leprosy, polyarteritis nodosa.
Conditions that compresses the sciatic nerve causing sciatic pain is listed below:
Herniated lumbar discs: Is the most common cause of sciatica in the lumbar
Piriformis syndrome: Running directly above the sciatic nerve, the Piriformis
muscle starts at lower spine and connects to each thigh bone (femur). Piriformis
syndrome occurs when the muscle becomes tight or goes into spasms, putting
pressure on the sciatic nerve. Active runners and walkers, prolonged sitting, car
accidents and falls may contribute to this condition.[18]
Trauma: A car accident, fall or blow to the spine can injure the lumbar or sacral
nerve roots. Also occupation in which people carry heavy loads or drives a motor
vehicle for long period makes more prone to develop sciatica.
Spinal Tumors and Infections are rare disorders that may compress the sciatic
Sciatic nerve tumor or injury Although uncommon, the sciatic nerve itself may
be affected by a tumor or injury, leading to sciatic pain.
Other causes. In some cases, no cause may be found. A number of problems can
affect the bones, joints and muscles, all of which could possibly result in sciatic
Miscellaneous causes. These conditions may worse the back pain include being
overweight, not exercising regularly, wearing high heels, or sleeping on a
mattress that is too soft.
N.B. Sciatica also may be caused by wear and tear on the vertebrae (e.g., lumbar 5
[L5], sacral 1 [S1]) that results in pressure on the sciatic nerve root. The effects of
aging and degenerative disc disease (osteoarthritis) can damage the vertebrae.
Fig.7. Causes of Sciatica, Source (Courtesy: Kasliwal RM,et al. Incidence, Etiology and
Diagnosis of Sciatica Syndrome. 2010)
1. Tenderness of nerves.
2. Intensification of pain in back and leg during rotatory extension of lumbar
spine very suggestive of ruptured disc.
3. Popliteal compression-Radiating pain can often be aggravated by pressure
over the course of the tibial nerve through the popliteal fossa.It is additional
finding in favour of root compression.
4. Testing of sacroiliac joints –by pressure on two anterior superior iliac joints.
5. Estimation of range and painlessness of hip joint by passive stretching.
6. Sensations-Impairment of perception of pin-prick found on dorsum of foot if
implication of 5th lumbar and 1st sacral nerve roots.
7. Presence of tender nodules in paraspinal muscles and along iliac crest may be
found in sciatica.
8. Tone and size of gluteal muscles judged by asking patient to contract both
buttocks; in upper sacral root lesions marked wasting may be clearly seen.
9. Knee and ankle jerks-When L4root is involved knee jerk is depressed and
there is weakness of tibialis anterior muscle.L5 root lesions, both knee and
ankle jerks usually brisk but there may be weakness of dorsiflexion of toes
particularly of extensor hallucis longus.S1 root ankle jerk lost and weakness,
when present involves the calf muscles.
Local examination:
There are three important components to the examination of the lumbar spine:
· To inspect for the presence of deformity.
· To assess the movements of spine.
· To assess the effects of lumbar spinal pathology on the spinal cord or
nerve roots.
II. Palpation:
a. Tenderness: Localized tender infiltrates of the skin and subcutaneous
tissue. Palpable tender induration of small intervertebral muscles.
Tenderness at the level of posterior articulation of the involved segment and
pain on percussion of affected intervertebral space.
Lateral flexion: Instruct the patient to bend to left and to the right as far as
possible. Normal range is 35° on each side.
Rotation: Instruct the patient to rotate from the waist to the left and to the
right as far as possible. Normal range is 45° per side. Note: In all the
movements of the spine the neutral position is 0°.
Fig.8. Straight Leg Raising (SLR) Test, Source (courtesy: Walsh J Flatley. Slump Test: Sensory
Responses in Asymptomatic Subjects. J Man ManipTher,2007)
Lasegue test: Here the hip is flexed, knee is flexed and the leg is
slowly straightened. The patient is supine. Flex the patient’s hip and knee to
90°. The nerve roots are not under tension and no pain is elicited. Not
extend the knee. If the patient complains of pain, the test is positive and it
indicates nerve root compression or inflammation.
MRI SCANS- This procedure uses a powerful magnet and radiowaves to produce
cross sectional images of your back. MRI produces detailed images of bone and soft
tissue such as herniated disks. During the test, you lie on the movable table inside
the MRI Machine
MRI Scans often detect spine abnormalities that are not causing symptoms in the
patient. At least 40% of all adults have bulging or protruding vertebral disks, and
most have no back pain. Also, the degree of disk abnormalities revealed by MRIs
often has very little to do with the severity of the pain of the need for surgery. Disk
abnormalities in people who have back pain may simply be a coincidence rather than
an indication for treatment.
CT Scans- When CT is used to image the spine, you may have a contrast dye injected
into your spinal canal before the X-rays are taken- a procedure called a CT
myelogram. The dye then circulates around your spinal cord and spinal nerves,
which appear white on the scan.
Nerve conduction studies to determine the health or disease or a nerve.
This type of neuralgia is due to visceral diseases of bladder,
prostate, uterus, ovaries, etc or structures like joints ligaments and muscles. The main
features of this type of neuralgia are that neurological disturbances do not correspond
to known patterns of nerve distribution and there are no objective neurological signs.
B] Secondary sciatica:
This is due to a peripheral neuritis and is due to pressure on the nerve, which
may be
There are no definite changes. The inflammation may be confined to nerve
sheath [perineum], to the interstitial part, or to the axis cylinder. In the first condition
the nerve is swollen, red and infiltrated with leucocytes. In the last instance
degenerative changes of axis cylinder are seen. The degeneration may extend down
the nerve, because the fibers are cut off from the trophic cells, and the muscles may
undergo atrophy. If recovery takes place there is an increased fibrous tissue formed in
the nerve.
1. Blood tests have no place, except if other diagnosis needs to excluded, for
example, pain of a non-mechanical nature, atypical pain pattern, persistent
symptoms, and age older than 50 years. In these cases, consider FBC, U & E,
ESR, LFT’S, serum calcium and serum protein electrophoresis.
X-rays: X-rays will show if there are any abnormal bone spurs which might
be in close proximity to spinal nerve root. Almost most of these osteophytes growth
are harmless & do not cause any pain, at least the x-ray film will give the doctor
reason to persue additional testing to determine if bone spur is indeed compressing a
nerve. Osteophytes are targeted for causing many pinched nerve conditions although
most of time, these products of spinal aging are typically coincidental and innocent. Xrays
help for detecting disc narrowing in lumbar spine or lesion of sacroiliac joint.
MRI: MRI results can help to show damage to various parts of your spine such as
discs and ligaments.
CT scan: gives detailed picture of inside your spine are. It is similar to MRI.
A bone scan is indicated to rule out tumors, trauma, or infection.
CSF: may show increased protein with normal cell count in large protruded
intervertebral disc.
Note: Physical therapists often treat each of these conditions with McKenzie exercises
appropriate for the level and severity of injury.
Main region of front of thigh down to or including knee: L3
Partial or Complete loss of sensation in the leg- One of the complications of sciatica
is numbness in the affected leg. Numbness can be felt on the hip, the back of the
calf and even on the sole of the foot. Due to a loss of sensation, the affected leg
feels weak and movement, may become difficult. Numbness combined with a partial
loss of movement in the leg may require emergency treatment.
Partial or complete loss of leg movement- loss of leg movement as a complication
of sciatica, since this condition affects the nerve that controls the back of the leg
muscles, it can cause problems where the leg muscles do not work or move
properly. This loss of muscle function can be partial or total. The complete loss of
muscle movement in the leg is called paralysis of legs.
Prevention is always better than cure. So it is better to avoid triggers. These self measures
can help to relieve the symptoms of sciatica and also prevent recurrence.
· During bad attacks, sleep with pillow under or between your knees.
· Adjust the height of chairs so your feet are flat on the floor and the knees are a little higher
than the hips.
· Keep your feet flat on the floor and do not cross your legs when sitting.
· Sit in chairs that have firm back support and sit up straight against the back of chair.
· Weight reduction
· Always lift from a squatting position, using your hips and legs to do the heavy work. Never
bend over or lift with a straight back.
· Do abdominal crunches: These exercises strengthen the abdominal muscles that help to
support your lower back. Lie with your back on the floor, hands behind your head and knees
bent. Press your lower back to floor, lift your shoulders up about 10 inches off the floor, and
then lower them. Repeat 10 to20 times daily.
· Lay in the face down position and clasp your hands behind the lower back, then raise the
head and chest slightly against gravity while looking at the floor.
· In the above position with the head and chest lowered to the floor, lightly raise an arm and
opposite leg slowly. with the knee locked,2-3 inches from the floor.
· Stretch: Sit in a chair and bend down toward the floor, stop when you feel just discomfort,
hold for 30 sec then release. Repeat 6-8 times.
· Lay on the back and gently pull the knees to the chest until a comfortable
stretch is felt.13
Fig.11. Correct posture of doing daily routine work,source (courtesy: Kline DG, Kim D,
Midha R, Harsh C, Tiel R. Management and results if sciatic nerve injuries: a 24-year
experience. J Neurosurg1998)
When disabling leg pain after 3 months or more of non-surgical treatment or in case
of intractable radicular pain (not responding to morphine) or if pain does not
diminish after 6-8 weeks of conservative care[20].
In cases of herniated disc may be removed to stop it from pressing on nerve
Laminectomy with dissectomy may be done under local, spinal or general anesthesia[22
Physiotherapy is directed at:
1. Relief of pain.
2. Restoration of movement.
3. Strengthening of muscles.
4. Education of posture.
5. Analysis of precipitating factors to reduce recurrences.
The following treatments may be used:
1. Heat:
A heat pad can help to relieve the aching which comes from prolonged muscle
2. Corsets:
A lumbar corset will help in restricting movements and thereby relieve pain. In men who are
employed in heavy work, a corset may be supplied for working hours.
3. Posture education:
Posture education involves teaching the patient the correct position in sitting ,standing and
lying and then basing activity on these positions.
4. Traction:
Vertebral traction for patients suffering from severe nerve root pain. The initial examination
will emphasize the acute irritable nature of this type of pain as will the dermatomal
distribution. Intermittent sustained traction is carried out after careful positioning has
localized the involved segment. In such cases treatment at least once a day is essential;
prolonged pain relief will take several days to obtain. The more chronic aching pain of
osteoarthritic changes in the apophyseal joints may respond to regional intermittent
traction used as a passive mobilizing technique. Passive mobilizing techniques are valuable
together with light, general back exercise. If the muscles are in a state of spasm, pelvic
traction is sometimes helpful.[22]
In homoeopathy, a medicine is selected on the basis of principle ”Similia similibus curentur”,
i.e. like cures like. A medicine capable of producing symptoms in a healthy person can cure
similar symptoms in a sciatica patient. Since no two individuals are same, different
medicines are required for different patients suffering from sciatica.[23]. In acute cases of
sciatica, the medicine is generally selected on the basis of acute totality with reference to
location, sensation, modalities and concomitants in respect of each complaint. But in
chronic cases, apart from the above, the physical attributes, mental symptoms, relevant
family, personal and past history of the patient are taken into account to determine the
constitutional remedy.
Homoeopathy as a natural system of medicine offers distinct advantages to the people who
suffer from sciatica. Homoeopathy is able to treat the sciatica pain very effectively and is
able to rectify the compression or irritation on the sciatic nerve. Another great benefit of
using homoeopathy is that besides curing the sciatic pain, homoeopathy also aims at
strengthening the patient’s immunity in order to prevent further reoccurrence of pain.[23]
No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of the origin — that is, the
beginning; and as all man’s diseases originate in his constitution it is necessary that his
constitution should be known if we wish to know his diseases. Paracelsus
Constitution is defined as the structure, composition, physical make up or nature of a
person, comprising inherited qualities and modified by the environment. The English word,
constitution, comes from the Latin root, constituere, which means constitutes: to set up, to
establish, to form or make up, to appoint to give being to.
In homoeopathy, the choice of remedy is based on a consideration of the totality of an
individual's symptoms and circumstances, including personality, behaviours, fears,
responses to the physical environment, food preferences and so on.
Hahnemann and Constitution
Dr. Hahnemann gives a fair idea on the importance of the constitution in Aphorism 5 of
Organon of Medicine, where +in he sates “Useful to the physician in assisting him to cure
are the particulars of the most probable exciting cause of the acute disease, as also the
most significant points in the whole history of the chronic disease, to enable him to discover
its fundamental cause, which is generally due to a chronic miasm. In these investigations,
the ascertainable physical constitution of the patient (and intellectual character, his
occupation, mode of living and habits, his social and domestic relations, his age, sexual
function, ..etc., are to be taken into consideration. Thereafter, at least at 20 places he
mentions about the constitutions in different context. He mainly refers constitution to the
inherent in the natural frame, or inherent nature of the individual. Hahnemann used the
word Beschaffenheit in German, which usually translated as constitution in relationship to
the Latin root "constiture" in homoeopathic works. Chambers Dictionary defines
constitution as the natural condition of the body or mind; disposition.
The term constitution is used at least 16 times in The Chronic Diseases. Pages 30, 34, 35, 48,
75, 90, 98, 99, 101, 103, 142, 143, 145, 181, 242, 243, etc.
Homeopathic concepts
BAZIN classified constitution into 3 types as SCROFULOUS, GOUTY and SYPHILLITIC
Carbonic constitution – The characteristics of carbonic constitution are mentally and
physically upright persons, having square white regular teeth, slight acute angle between
Lower-arm and upper-arm, orderly, undemonstrative, responsible and capable. Cal carb,
Kali carb, Mag carb, Nat carb, Graph, Carbo veg, Carbo animalis are the drugs having this
Phosphoric constitution has scrofulous or tubercular diathesis. Tall, thin delicate, easily
tired persons with long yellow teeth but well fitted. Arm forms perfect straight line when
stretched. Dislike hardwork but orderly and fastidious. Calc phos, Phos acid, Kali phos, Phos,
Mag phos are the main drugs.
Flouric constitution is characterized by unbalanced irregular body formations with obtuse
angle or outstretched arm, teeth irregular and ill fitted, untidy, cunning and unreliable.
Capable or heroism, sanctity and wickedness. Predisposed to diseases or nervous system,
dislocation of the joints and suicide.. Flouric acid, Calc flour are the main drugs.
Von Grauvogl classified constitution as Oxygenoid, Carbo – nitrogenoid and Hydrogenoid
Oxygenoid constitution is characterized by the accumulation of excess of oxygen with
resultant destruction of tissues. Body is thin and thus ill on change of season. Destructive,
disorders involving the genitalia and diseases of central nervous system. Body is prone to
ulcerations and self –destruction. Numerous white spots on the nails. Calc phos, Ferr phos,
Nat phos, Phos, Phos acid, Iod, Sil, Calc, Nat mur, Hell, Tuberc, Syph, Merc sol are the main
Carbo – Nitrogenoid constitution is characterized by excess of carbon and nitrogen and
suffers from functional disorders of body and mind, diminution of the absorption of oxygen
by the tissues. Psora, eczema, arthritism, marked by erratic working or the heart, lungs,
kidneys, liver, spleen etc. Ars, Ars iod, Calc phos, Carbo veg, Hep, Iod, Kali bich, Lach, Lyco,
Natr mu, Sulph, Zinc met etc. are the main drugs.
Hydrogenoid constitution is characterized by the excess of water in the body. They are
aggravated by moisture and humidity, prone to dropsy and anasarca, and suffers from
tissue growth of benign type. They are slow, fatigued, without life, apathetic, heavy, and
indolent. Slow nutrition. Asthmatics, rheumatics, obesity. Ars, Dulc, Nat sulph, Nit acid
phytolacca, Rhustox, Thuja, Dig etc. are the main drugs.[24]
A constitutional remedy removes an inherited tendency for the disease ,our system not only
works wonders in treating diseases but also in preventing them it guards against increasing
this load by enabling his vital energy to provide its own immunity against disease .we
consider the health of individual as a precious charge and his return to health as almost
certain if but we follow the fundamental law. The dynamic force in homoeopathy which
acquired through the potentisation of crude drugs which goes deep to nervous system re-
vitalizing and normatising the natural healing process & thus silencing the cry of pain.
“sciatica” is age related disease, as age is one of the important factor for the occurance of
any disease, so as sciatica, the occurance of disease is co related by In the first phase, there
are always or usually inflammatory or infective diseases. This shows that in first phase of life
when the child is in learning stage, the diseases encountered are due to the first defence
i.e.) physiological defense. This is predominantly by PSORA. In the second phase, a middle
aged person usually suffers from back ache, arthritis, hypertension or diabetes and
sometimes with more severe diseases like psoriasis, tumors, fibroids etc. These diseases are
either accumulative or constructive.Those who go into accumulative or constructive type of
disease have entered the sycosis phase of their life.The third phase is the stage
characterised by catabolism, after every construction, there has been destruction, and this
is rule of life. The catabolic stage in life may start in middle age or in the late sixties or
sometimes even seventies, the aging process depends upon genes and telomeres varies
with individual subjects .this change in defence at the genetic can occur as a consequence to
sycotic diseases or even directly after psoric diseases if the genes show syphilitic traits,
inherited or acquired.25
Sciatica & its miasmatic manifestation:
Psora: hands & feet dry hot, often with burning sensation in palms & soles cramp in
extremities in calves of in feet toes ankles’ &in steps
Burning of soles of feet, numbness of extremities with tingling sensation feeling as
if parts with sensations ,feeling as if parts were going to sleep worse lying down or
after sleep or if any pressure is brought to bear on the part as lying on the arm or
circulation coldness of singles parts as knee’s hands feet ear nose etc
Over stimulated responsive system with failed arrested activity, loss of control
paranoid ideas ,guilt ,feeling of insecurity which are mostly seen in majority
characterized by destruction all over and all levels. Homoeopathic physician with
controls at intellect, emotional and physical levels .progressive loss of life leads to
anger ,hate ,envy ,jealously, suspicion leading to paranoid traits with violent
the upper or lower extremities .worse at night or approach of night, worse change of
weather, by cold and damp .feet become deformed because legs cannot take weight
Miasm express in the level of physical as cracks, fissures, ulcerations with destructions,
abscess carries, explosive inflammation with toxaemia, malignant rapid spread, necrosis
with crippling deformities, osteoporotic changes and fractures ,deep disfigured scar
,organic paralysis.
Dr. Hahnemann: denounced the concept of treating the disease in man and proposed the
concept of treating the man in disease. As “Sciatica” is a chronic disease, there fore owes
its origin to miasmatic cause.” Homoeopathy views the constitution as a pathogenic
dynamism which the individual inherits and modifies during his life, in three distinct
directions – inflammations, destruction of tissue or its proliferations, these dynamic
morbid tendencies were called by Hahnemann as “miasm”. In every case of chronic
disease, it is either any one or any two or all the three miasms that are in the background
making disease chronic.
The Homoeopathic concept of treating the diseases includes:
2. Individualization
being. Man is an aggregate of material units – of flesh and blood, muscles and nerves
and organs. But in addition to being the sum of these constituents, the human being
has a personality of his own which is more than the arithmetical sum total of the
constituent parts of the body. Life, mind and personality are conceived as Successive
disease and drug also. Holism or holistic approach is one of the basic tenets of
Homoeopathy. So that disease is defined as affecting the whole and not just as part.
The Homoeopathic physician notes down the state of the patient’s mind in addition
homoeopathic remedy with a similar set of symptoms. Even the medicines produced
changes not only in some particular region in the body but affected the whole body
discriminate. The substitution of one remedy for another cannot be thought of, or
homeopathically, for without these no man can individualize and see distinction.
While several medicinal substances did produce symptoms resembling the same
disease condition each substance did so in its peculiar way, with its own distinct
sensations etc. In treating an individual also a homoeopath will look for these
peculiar symptoms which individualize the patient, so that treatment is not diagnosis
The concept of totality of symptoms & the principle of individualization, together, permit
homoeopathic prescribing.27
In aphorism 10 Hahnemann says: The material organism, without the vital force, is
and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being (the vital
principle) which animates the material Organism in health and in disease. So when there
is dynamic deviation the vital force perceptible Signs and symptoms are seen.27
Totality of symptoms:
says that physician only needs to remove the totality of symptoms in order to cure the
disease and totality of symptoms is the only indication and guide to the selection of the
symptoms, not expressing the disease so much as expressing the individual who suffers.
Homoeopathy takes more to account the patient who has the disease than the disease
affecting the individual. As every man is unique by reason of his individuality so is every
patient who is nothing but diseased man. In medicine we are concerned with the
individuals, though we need the knowledge of the general concepts for the
aspects. Human beings are not found anywhere in nature; there are only individuals. The
individual differs from the human being because he is a concrete event. Individuality gives
in our uniqueness. Individuality causes every man to be himself and nobody else.
According to aphorism 153, “one should look for the more striking, singular, uncommon
and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of disease are chiefly and
most solely to be kept in view, for it is more particularly these that very similar ones in the
list of symptoms of the selected medicine; must correspond to, in order to constitute it
A Homoeopath should find an individual picture of a drug disease which will correspond
to the natural disease picture of the individual patients. Now to individualize either a
patient or drug means to pick up symptoms which are “striking, singular, uncommon and
peculiar (Characteristic) signs and symptoms”. As some unique feature distinguishes one
individual patient with that of a drug, the matching will never be most similar unless the
individualizing or striking, uncommon, singular, uncommon and peculiar feature was first
ably done by Boenninghausen to whom Hahnemann also refers in his footnote 109 to the
sec. 153.
Hahnemann’s “striking, singular, extraordinary and peculiar symptoms” are basic
miasmatic ones such symptoms; they are capable of reaching down deep enough to
extinguish or what is a better term, to separate their miasmatic bond from the life
Hahnemann says, the true healing art is that reflective work, the attribute of the higher
but energetic automatic vital force, when it has been diverted by a homoeopathically
the natural disease, has now only the similar, somewhat stronger, medicinal morbid
affection to contend with, against which it now directs its whole energy and which it soon
overpowers, whereby the vital force is liberated and enabled to return to the normal
standard of health and to its proper function, “the maintenance of the life and health of
the organism”, without having suffered, during this change, any painful or debilitating
“On the other hand, constitution is not also super able to ‘Hereditary’; at least this word is
used in its current meaning. This case belongs to the field of pathology where manifestly
exogenous factors come into play. Thus syphilis may be hereditary,but it may not be
constitutional in the strictest sense of the term. The predisposition to tuberculosis and
many other diatheses may in all probability, be anomalies of constitutional nature”.
words, the constitution, which we called the Homoeostatic vital interior, is not completely
stagnant. It changes more or less, but at the same time remains more or less constant.29
For all the acute miasmatic diseases the human constitution possess that process which
,as a rule ,is so beneficent ; to wipe them out in the course of form two to three weeks
,and of itself to extinguish them again ,through a kind of decision ,from the organism ,so
that man then is wont be entirely healed of them and, indeed ,in a short time ,unless he
be killed by them.
In the chronic miasmatic disease nature observes the same course with respect to the
mode of contagion and the antecedent formation of the internal disease, before the
external declarative Symptoms of its internal completion manifests on the surface of the
body ; but then that in the chronic miasm the entire internal disease ,as we have
mentioned before ,remains in the organism during the whole life ,yet ,it increases with
There are some diseases where some medicines alone cannot give relief to sick
.apart from some physiotherapy. Hahnemann has recognised the importance of active
In aphorism 261 Hahnemann states “the most appropriate regimen during the
recovery and in supplying where necessary the reverse; innocent, moral and intellectual
recreations, active exercise in the open air in almost all kind of weather (daily walks, slight
In the foot note to aphorism 261-262, Hahnemann says “one should coffee, all excess in
food, spirituous drinks, sedentary life, anger, grief, over exertion of body and mind etc. in
Many homoeopathy stalwarts have suggested certain medicines for treatment of sciatica.
EB Nash says that in Arsenicum album the pain is marked by complete intermissions; it is
increased by vigorous and relieved by gentle motion. It is aggravated by cold, but relieved by
gentle motion. It is aggravated by cold, but relieved momentarily by warmth. It is a pure
neuralgia, neither inflammatory, toxaemic nor reflex. Chamomilla should also be thought of
in pure neuralgias of the sciatic nerve with unbearable pains, and the more it pains the hotter
the patient becomes.[32]
HC Allen recommends colocynthis where pains in the sciatic nerve extend to the knee or to
the heel, worse from any motion, and especially aggravated by cold. The pain is paroxysmal,
followed by numbness and partial paralysis. There is a sensation which has been described as
if the thigh were bound with iron bands, or as though screwed in a vise;the muscles are
fearfully tense and fixed. Particularly is the right side involved and there are stitches during
William Boericke says Gnaphalium has intense neuralgic pains along the sciatic nerve and
numbness. The whole trunk and the main branches seem affected, worse when lying
down,worse from motion, stepping and better while sitting in a chair. The pains extend to the
toes. Terebinth has a exquisite sensitiveness; of the lower extremities, with painfulness along
the tract of the nerve; drawing ,tearing, paralytic pains. Colocynthis typifies the sciatica due
to nerve changes with no special inflammatory conditions attending it. The 6 th potency will be
found to act better than low potencies.[34]
JH Clarke emphasizes Rhus Toxicodendron is especially useful in sciatic pain with muscular
and ligamentous involvement. The pains are tearing and burning, worse during rest,
alleviated a short time only during motion. It is a rheumatic sciatica,the fibrous sheath of the
nerve being involved. Sciatica arises from over-exposure to wet or from lifting,wrenching and
over-exertion and relief from warmth. Arnica is also a remedy for sciatica due to over
exertion. The acute pains are followed by a sensation as if bruised. Ruta also has shooting
pains down the back,down the sciatic nerve on first moving or on rising after sitting; the
patient is obliged to walk about constantly during the paroxysm of pain. The pains are felt
most in the region of the knee. It is worse during damp or cold weather and from cold
applications. Bryonia has shooting pains worse from motion and relieved by hard pressure. It
is a valuable drug in the treatment of sciatica of rheumatic origin. Ledum also has sciatic pains
mixed with rheumatism.[35]
CM Boger quotes a case of a female of 42 years, having severe stiffness and aching in lumbar
region on rising or sitting down. Now confined to bed by throbbing, quivering, soreness,
numbeness and shooting pains downright sciatic nerve to foot,which feels as if she were
stepping on. And the thigh as if lying on rocks; pains aggravate on outside of thigh. Aching in
right calf on standing and right sole burns. Menses profuse, with backache and aphthae.
Leucorrhoea causes itching. Sleeps in catnaps. Easy fatigue in hot weather. Thirsty. No
appetite. Nervous, weepy and restless. Hot flashes. Aggravation : motion and evening,
pressure of clothes, before storms, trifles. Amelioration :rubbing, motion, heat locally. This
case was cleared by Lachesis 200 one dose;the patient was better in five days and in ten days
entirely well.[36]
As per ML Tyler, Magnesia phosphorica has aching pain in small back. Dorsal spine very
painful and sensitive to touch. Sciatica with tender feet. Cramping of muscles with radiating
pains. One vertebra seems absent.[37]
Samuel Lilienthal says that Nux Vomica is frequently the remedy in sciatica. It has lightning-
like pains,with twitching of the parts. Violent pains,has to change position; pains shoot down
upto the foot, the limb is stiff and contracted and the parts feel paralyzed and cold. Better
when lying on the affected side and from the application of hot water. Constipated bowels
and sedentary habit. Plumbum also has lightning-like pains and in paroxysms. Pains and
cramps along the sciatic nerve, and especially where the atrophy is present. Use the
potencies not lower than the 12th to 30th . Coffea may be indicated where there ia great
hyperaesthesia of the senses and physical exhaustion and debility present. If the sciatica be in
those of a haemorrhoidal constitution Sulphur may be the remedy. If dependent on vertebral
disease then such remedies as Phosphorous, Silicea, Natrum muriaticum and Sulphur will
need to be prescribes according to the symptoms.[38]
WH Schuessler says that Magnesia phosphorica and Kali phosphorica are tissue remedies
undoubtedly cure sciatica.[39]
There are more than 96 rubrics in respect of sciatica in the kent’s repertory. Out of the 98
drugs covered in the main rubric of sciatica,the first grade remedies are;
Bryonia alba, bufo rana , colocynthis, iris, kali iodium, Mag phosphorica, Nux vomica, Rhus
tox and Tellurium.
Ammonium muriaticum, kali bichromium, kali carbonicum. But for alternating side only one
remedy is given that is, Lac caninum.[40]
However there are only two medicines given in first grade medicines in the Boericke’s
Repertory, namely, Arsenicum album and Phosphorous. Boger has suggested Aconiteum
napellus, Belladonna, Iris, Lycopodium, Phytolacca, Ruta, and Zincum metallicum in the first
medicines in his repertory.[41] grade
The study was carried out in the Out Patient Department, In Patient Department and Peripheral
OPDs of Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital, 36B Knowledge Park Phase 1,
Greater Noida,(U.P.)
Inclusion criteria-
It includes the clinical history and findings.
Patients from both the sexes between the age of 25yrs-65yrs having pain will be
Diagnostic criteria includes the Lasegue’s sign or straight leg raising test (SLR).
Patients are included those who are suffering from conditions like post
traumatic, degeneration of spine, low back strains.
Patients/Attendants willing to give consent for the study.
Patients/Attendants who are thoroughly interested in follow up visits.
Exclusion criteria-
Study Design was Prospective Randomized single blinded placebo control trial.
Constitutional Medicine according to the case was given to the patients of Experimental group
and Placebo was given to those of control group.Medicines were available from the pharmacy
of Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida.
POTENCY : 30C, 200C, & 1M potencies were used following Homoeopathic Principles, according
to need of each case.
FOLLOW-UP: Of cases was done according to the progress of individual case. Status of the
patient and prescription was recorded at each follow-up.
Data were collected from the patients in the case recording formats during their first and
subsequent visits.
The cases were enrolled following inclusion and exclusion criteria and the patients were
asked to fill up the consent form (Appendix A). Thorough case taking of every enrolled case, at
entry, was done and score for sciatica was recorded. The enrolled cases were allocated in the
Experimental group and in the Control group. Placebo was given to the patient in the Control
group. The constitutional medicine prescribed to the patients of Experimental group general
management like hot application was adviced in required cases. Follow-up was done after 7
days of administration of placebo/medicine in all cases. After every follow-up VAS was filled
which has score ranging from 0-10; score greater than > 7 shows patient with sciatic pain.
Follow-ups were done for 3 months for every patient, the interval between the two follow-ups
depended upon the need of each patient. In case of acute exacerbations, patients reported
even before the scheduled date of reporting. On reporting, the cases were followed up properly
and data were recorded on the basis of their particular symptoms, mental and physical general
symptoms as well as physical examinations, and improvement of the patient as a whole, but
with special reference to the VAS. All the patients were finally assess at the termination of the
study by using VAS. The data of the patient administered with homoeopathic constitutional
medicine as well as placebo were analyze using unpaired T- test.
Each case was diagnosed and clinically assessed on the basis of X-ray, MRI, CT scan of the
The intensity of sciatic pain of each patient was assessed by adopting VAS (Visual Analogue
Scale-0-10). [36]. VAS consists of a line, usually horizontal and 10cm long, the ends of which are
marked with the extreme states of the pain being measured. VAS scoring is done on scale of 0-
10, where 0 is no pain and 10 is the worst pain. In this study, the patients were asked to mark
their current sciatica pain intensity on this scale.
Outcome of each patient was determined by assessing the progress/ status of the symptoms
after administration of indicated homoeopathic remedy. Patients were grouped into no pain,
mild, moderate, severe and worse imaginable pain on the basis of score obtained from Visual
Analogue Scale (VAS) according to intensity of pain. Outcome of each patient was determined
by assessing the progress/ status of the symptoms after administration of homoeopathic
medicines. At the end of the treatment scoring was done and the improvement percentage was
assessed as
Baseline score- Score at end x 100
Baseline score
The marked improvement status of the patients was measured in the following categories:
In order to find out the usefulness of constitutional medicine in pain management of sciatica,
30 patients were enrolled in the research study, out of whom 15 were in the experimental
group and 15 in the control group. These patients were enrolled from the O.P.Ds & P.O.P.Ds of
Bakson Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital, Greater Noida.
In this study it is observed (Fig. ) that the number of patients belonging to the different age
groups are: 25-34yrs (n=6;20%), 35-44yrs (n=7;23.33%), 45-54yrs (n=12;40%), 55-64 (n=3;10%),
2. 35-44 4 3 23.33%
3. 45-54 6 6 40%
4. 55-64 2 1 10%
5. 65-74 1 1 6.66%
TOTAL 30 100
25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74
Figure no.13 . Age incidence of patients suffering from Sciatica
The following graph (Fig. ) shows patients from both the sex groups. It was noted that female
patients (n=9;70%)were more in number than the male patients (n=6,30%)
In the study of 30 Cases, Injury 9(30%) cases, Headache 5(16.66%) cases, Sinusitis 2(6.66%)
cases, tonsillectomy 1 (6.66%) cases, Hysterectomy 1(6.66%) cases, Malaria 1 (3.33% ),
Scabies 1 (13.33% ), Joint pains 1 (3.33% ), Hyperthyroid 1 (3.33% ), Dysmenorrhoea 1
(3.33% ), Apthous ulcer 1 (3.33% )
S.No Past History No. of CONTROL Percentage
Cases(E) GROUP
1 Injury 4 5 30.00
2 Headache 2 3 16.66
3 Sinusitis 1 1 6.66
4 Gastritis 0 3 10.00
5 Hysterectomy 1 1 6.66
6 Tonsillectomy 1 2 10.00
7 Malaria 1 0 3.33
8 Scabies 1 0 3.33
9 Joint Pains 1 0 3.33
10 Hyperthyroidism 1 0 3.33
11 Dysmenorrhoea 1 0 3.33
12 Apthous Ulcer 1 0 3.33
15 No. of Cases(E)
5 Percentage
The following simple bar diagram shows patients family history with Hypertension 7(23.33%);
Tuberculosis 5(16.66%); Diabetes Mellitus 2(13.33%); Heart Disease 3(10%); cancer 3(10%),
Asthma 1(3.33%), Disc prolapsed 1(3.33%), joint pain 2(6.66%) , Allergic rhinitis 4(13.33%),
No. of Cases(E)
Control group(c)
5 Percentage (%)
The following bar diagram (Fig. ) shows patients in this study were from low socio-economic
status (n=10;33.3%), medium socio-economic status (n=15;43.35%), high socio-economic group
Back pain Back pain Numbness in Stiffness of
radiating limbs back
down to limbs
4 Active
Number of cases(E) Control group Percentage
Expect in two cases, the Auxillary methods like application of hot fomentation to the
Back, back care exercises, sleeping on a firm mattress, wearing a lumbar corset were
Recommended in almost all the cases.
No. of cases(E)
Control group( C)
10 Percentage (E)
0 Percentage (C)
The data obtained from this study were analyzed with the help of Student T test(unpaired).
This test was performed to assess the statistical significance of “ Homoeopathic constitutional
medicine in pain management of sciatica”.
After completion of the study, the comparison of various post treatment outcome measures,
showed that the 13 patients were successfully treated by constitutional remedies by decreasing
the intensity and sciatica pain and ease the living of patient, while 4 patient got relief from pain
in sciatica by placebo.
In the study it was found that patient were most vulnerable to stress related disorders due to
fast modern life,competition in every field due to vast population, nuclear family system, family
pressure to do well in every aspect, lack of parental care and in some cases lack of affection,
tension regarding carrier etc. giving birth to depression and frustration among them.
The result obtained from the present study was very encouraging especially confirming the
already known fact that well selected homoeopathic constitutional medicine are capable of
tackling enumerable acute as well as chronic disease. Homoeopathy is a natural system of
medicine. Its strength lies in its marked effectiveness as it takes a holistic approach towards the
sick individual to through promotion of inner balance at mental, emotional, spiritual levels.
Homoeopathy recognize the inseparability of body and mind. Homoeopathy treats the patient
as a whole and not just the disease. It believes in a Holistic, Totality and Individualistic
The homoeopathic medicines can be symptomatic relief to the patients who can’t opt for
surgery due to other medical reasons. The homoeopathic constitutional treatment can prevent
the recurrence of pain.
Atlast, it could be concluded that homoeopathy has enough scope in the treatment of sciatica
and the result of the study inspite the limitations were satisfactory. Constitutional treatment
provides a long-lasting relief to the patient and episodes of recurrence can be avoided.
In this study on the topic “study to assess the usefulness of Homoeopathic Constitutional
Medicines in pain management of Sciatica”. The objective was to study the clinical presentation
of pain associated with sciatica to be effective in treating the patient of middle age group
suffering from sciatica and to assess the progress of pain by adopting the Visual Analogue Scale
30 cases were examined and analyzed statistically on the basis of Age, Sex, Occupation,
Lifestyle, Presenting complaints, Socio-economic conditions.
From this study it has been observed that the majority of the patients who reported to the
O.P.Ds belong to middle age or old age, with over 50% of people being more than 35 years of
age. A preponderance of male to ratio of 1:4 was also observed in this study, as revealed by the
data. Besides, it was observed that those with sedentary kind of occupation or lifestyle were
more prone to developing the condition with 73% of the study sample belonging to this
category. However, the data confirms the understanding of history of injury as an etiological
factor with 30% of the sample. Medicines gives as constitutional remedies are: - Colocynthis,
Rhustoxicodendron, sepia, lachesis, silicea, gnaphalium, Natrum muraticum, Pulsatilla.
After thorough case taking of each and every patient, constitutional medicine given to
experimental group(EG) i.e., Group A and control group(CG) i.e., Group B received as placebo.
After completion of the study, Group A(Experimental group) showed marked improvement with
13 patients out of 15 patients. In Group B (Control group) showed marked improvement with 4
patient out of 15.
It was seen that some case does not show improvement because of carelessness of the patient
constant stressful condition and lack of exercise. This hampered effectiveness of the drug for
the case.
In every case 3 month follow-up has been done. The interval between the two follow-up was
more or less 30 days. On feedback reporting the cases were followed up properly and results
were evaluated on the basis of enquiry about increase or decrease in the intensity of pain or no
improvement in pain. No supplementary, intermittent therapy or acute remedies were adopted
for any type of casualities or adverse or undesirable symptom-spectra during the treatment
span, as these might affect the inferential quality of the study.
After the interrogation as per the case taking proforma, 1 dose of constitutional medicine and 1
dose of placebo was given to the patient respectively. The medicine was selected on totality of
symptoms of the particular cases. The medicines were dispensed from dispensary of Bakson
Homoeopathic College and Hospital.
Auxiliary and physiotherapy measures were advised in every case. The outcome measures were
assess on the basis of clinical parameters and also by the improvement in the intensity of pain
of the patient.
Despite the sincerest approach adopted to study to assess the usefulness of Homoeopathic
Constitutional Medicine in pain management of sciatica, few lacunas were evident in the study.
This study therefore demands reconfirmation.
The main problem with this study was the paucity of samples (30) in the out patient
department, therefore the study was limited to very small circumference, which needs further
study comparing a wide range of patients. In this study, the sample size was not adequate. The
sensitivity of the outcome measures is directly proportional to sample size and therefore
increases with it.
The time estimated for the study was not adequate, therefore cases with Sciatica could not be
studied for longer period. The probability of a better yielding of outcome measures could not
be ignored by any means from the cases, which can at the terminal phase of the study.
Recommended Physiotherapy and auxillary treatment such as hot application use of pain oil for
early healing.
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CONSENT : 1.) I have had the study explained to me and have read the patient
information sheet/had the contents of patient information sheet read to me and I have
understood the same. I have been given the opportunity to ask questions and all my
questions and doubts have been answered to my complete satisfaction.
2.) As per the information sheet, I will be available for the follow-ups and for laboratory
3.) I understand that my participation in the study is voluntary and that I am free to
withdraw at any time, without giving reasons, without my relationship with the attending
physician being compromised or my legal rights being affected.
4.) I understand that my identity will not be revealed in any information released to third
parties or published, unless as required under the law. I agree not to restrict the use of any
data or results that arise from the study,
5.) I agree not to withhold any information about my health form the investigator and will
convey the same truthfully.
6.) I agree to mu taking part in the above study and to comply with the instruction during
the study and to cooperate with the study team.
7.) I give my consent to my undergoing a complete physical examination as specified in the
protocol and explain to me.
I am willing to enroll myself in the study.
Name of the patient: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Age: Sex: -------------------------------- ------------------------------------
Date: - -----------------------------
Name of the Attendant/Witness/Guardian (In case, if patient is minor):---------------------------------
Address of the Attendant/Witness/Guardian (In case, if patient is minor):------------------------------
2.2 History of PresentComplaints(In chronological order of their appearance;mode of onset-
(sudden/insidious); probable immediate cause; course of illness, treatment adopted for each
complaint and effect thereof)
2.3 Past History(any major illness, surgery, accident, hospitalization, vaccination, drug
reactionetc. in the past; age/year in which occurred, etc.)
2.5 Family History(any chronic disease with blood relations, presently or in past; their present
state of health; if dead, cause of death)
color, odour, presence of blood, consistency, character, before during or after menses),
Intermenstrual bleeding, Pelvic pain(site of pain, nature and relation to periods), Major
gynecological disorders in the past, Gynecological treatment including surgery in the past)
2.6.2 Obstetrical History(GPA( Gravida, Parity, Abortion and Live births), Major
pregnancies, Puerperal complications, Sexual History: discomfort, pain, bleeding
Cravings Sleep
Aversion Dreams
Appetite Sensations
Thirst Diathesis
Taste Stool
Level of Anaemia
Physical attitude Jaundice
Decubitus Pigmentation
Facies Oedema
Built Cachexia
Gait Emaciation
Deformity Respiratory
Obesity Height
Lymphadenopathy Weight
Clubbing Temperature
Nutrition Pulse
Cyanosis BP
Hands & Feet
JOINTS & BONES:(Inspection: Screen for GALS (Gait, Arms, Leg & Spine) deformed shape,
swelling, etc. Palpation: Temperature, Tenderness, Swelling, etc. Joint Movement)
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: (Inspection: Shape of chest, respiratory movements, & any other
conspicuous observation. Palpation: Chest Movements, trachea, apex beat. Tactile vocal
fremitus, etc. Percussion: Anteriorly, Posteriorly, Axilla, Upper Lower, and Auscultation:
Breath Sounds, Added Sounds(bronchi, crepitation, and pleural rub) vocal resonance etc. )
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM: (Inspection: Precordium, apex impulse, pulsation, scars, dilated
veins/arteries & any other conspicuous. Palpation: Apex beat, left parasternal heave,
diastolic surf, thrills. Percussion: Left border, right border (in case of pericardial effusion).
Auscultation: Heart sounds: 1st 2nd& 3rd sound, murmurs, pericardial friction rub & its
10. TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS [Peculiar& characteristic features relating to Mind,Physical
Generals&Particulars (PQRS); causative factors (exciting, maintaining, fundamental) etc.]
Registration No. 889/14
Date: 21/04/2018
Name of Patient: Mrs. K R
Age: 38years
Sex: Female
Religion: Hinduism
Occupation: Teacher
Marital Status: Married
Name of Husband: Mr. Ram Rawat
Address (Res.): 29/5, Laxmi Nagar,Delhi
Violent pain in the back especially in the lumbar region with right calf muscle pain since one
become tearing down the limbs drawing pains. Paralytic, benumbing the affected parts along
with numbness in the joints. Pain > from motion and worse from keeping still.
Mother Hypertensive
Father diabetic
Duration: 4-5days
Pattern of Bleeding: regular
Abnormal presentations in the past pregnancies: Breech presentation with big head
of baby
2.7 Treatment History Took painkillers(allopathic medicines) for pain in leg 20 days ago but not
2.8 Physical Generals
Thermal Chilly Perspiration Normal
Built Endomorphic Cachexia Absent
Cyanosis BP 120/80mmHg
Scalp (dandruff, hair N.A.D
loss, discoloration,
Oral (teeth, tongue , N.A.D
Neck (lymph glands,
thyroid, pulsations) N.A.D
Groins N.A.D
3.2 Systemic Examination ABDOMEN: N.A.D
While stretching right leg, pain in lower half of leg-SLR test positive.
Not Required
Psoriatic Arthritis
Mental Symptoms
Physical Generals
Sensation-Stiffness Psora
and soreness or
Paralytic benumbing Psora
affected parts
<cold damp Sycosis
weather, rest
>motion Sycosis
Rhus tox.
Date :- 21.04.2018
Rhustox 200/1dose
Registration No. 934/18
Date: 12/05/2018
Name of Patient: Mr. S N
Age: 44years
Sex: Male
Religion: Hinduism
Occupation: Bank Accountant
Marital Status: Married
Name of Husband: Mr. Om Prakash Narayan
Address (Res.): 28/C-Wing, Mayur Vihar Extension,Delhi
Sudden attack of pain after straining and lifting heavy loads since 20 days. Neuralgic pain
alternate with numbers of the left leg and foot.
followed by numbness left leg and foot. Feeling as if partial paralysis of the part, heaviness of
the limb while moving, < at night.
General <night
2.9 Mental Symptoms
Cyanosis BP 120/80mmHg
Scalp (dandruff, hair N.A.D
loss, discoloration,
Oral (teeth, tongue , N.A.D
Neck (lymph glands,
thyroid, pulsations) N.A.D
Groins N.A.D
Psoriatic Arthritis
Mental Symptoms
Friendly, interactive
Physical Generals
Sour thing
Dryness of mouth
< at night
Tingling sensation
Pain alternate with numbness
Predominant Miasm= Psoro –syco-Syphilitic
Friendly, interactive
Sour thing
Dryness of mouth
< at night
Tingling sensation
Pain alternate with numbness
Date: - 12.05.2018
Gnaphalium 200/1dose
Post-treatment outcome measure by adopting VAS
Table no.15.
b/f Before
t/t Treatment
M Male
F Female
EG Experimental group
CG Control Group
NS Nothing Significant
Med. Medium
SNO Name Age Sex Eco. Occupation Presenting B/F T/T Follow IMP. Status
of status symptom T/T up
subject VAS VAS
Score Score
1. KC 38 F Med. Teacher Back pain 9 EG 6 Moderate
2. SN 44 M Hi. Bank Acc. Back pain 10 EG 9 Marked
down to
3. SG 30 M Med. Engg. Back pain 9 CG 9 Not Significant
4. MH 35 F Low Farmer Backpain 9 CG 9 Not Significant
of limbs
5. JK 39 F Low Housewife Back pain 6 CG 6 NS
6. PC 41 F Med. Teacher Back pain 9 CG 6 Mild
down to
7. KP 48 M Med. Business Back pain 9 EG 6 Moderate
8. RS 40 F Med. Teacher Back pain 6 EG 6 NS
down to
9. SS 32 M Med. Shopkeeper Back pain 10 CG 6 Moderate
of back
10. RG 46 F Med. Receptionist Backpain 9 CG 9 Worse
11. SH 46 F Med. Housewife Back pain 6 EG 3 Mild
12. ST 56 M Med. Shopkeeper Back pain 6 EG 0 Marked
13. PK 46 M Med. Hotel Back pain 9 EG 3 Mild
manager radiating
down to
14. SI 48 F Low. Housewife Back pain 6 CG 0 Marked
15. SB 50 F Med. Hotel Back pain 9 CG 9 Not Significant
manager with
down to
16. KG 51 F Med. Housewife Back pain 10 CG 10 Worse
17. IM 29 M Low Farmer Severe 9 EG 3 Mild
back pain
18. SD 33 M Low Farmer Back pain 10 EG 0 Marked
19. ST 52 F High Teacher Back pain 10 CG 10 Worse
20. KG 60 F Low Housemaid Back pain 9 CG 9 Not significant
down to
21. DK 71 F High Housewife Back pain 9 CG 3 Moderate
22. JM 39 F Med. Housewife Stiffness 9 EG 9 Marked
of back
23. PP 45 F High Receptionist Numbness 9 EG 0 Marked
of back
24. RW 56 F Med. Tailor Back pain 6 EG 0 Marked
25. PU 41 F Low Farmer Stiffness 10 EG 6 Moderate
of back
26. AT 49 F High Receptionist Stiffness 9 CG 3 Mild
of back
27. SK 54 F Low Housemaid Back pain, 9 EG 0 Marked
of limbs
28. MK 47 F Low Housemaid Back pain 10 CG 6 Mild
29. PS 26 M Med. Student Back pain 9 CG 6 Moderate
30. RN 27 F Low Housewife Back pain 10 EG 10 Not significant