Dispatch 029
Dispatch 029
Dispatch 029
Here’s a little scenario for you: it’s a little bit before
dinnertime, and you get a call from your playing
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Fight Defeat Rescue Protect Retrieve Hunt Look for Battle
5 Entreat Journey with Rally against Check Investigate Support Destroy Change
7 Conceal Look at Reveal Race Quarrel with Observe Trade with Tag
8 Strike Snatch Beset Shield Contend with Confuse Manipulate Harass
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Ruler Princess Treasure Worker Monster Creature Country Soldiers
2 Scientist People Citizens Freak Energy Train Police Assassins
3 Outcast Organization Enemy Object Relic Package Invention City
4 Animal Gang Secret Item Leader Artifact Vehicle Criminal
5 Company Wanderer Researcher Woman Man Child Insect Alien
6 Stranger Terrorist Driver Technician Rebel Government Fighter Military
7 Love Interest Thug Thief Politician Celebrity Spy Team Building
8 Prophet Aircraft Friend Wealth Book Technology Nature
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 City Rural Setting Small town Frontier Jungle At Sea In Orbit Under Water
2 Ghetto Skyscraper Docks
Resort Desert Mountains Forest
Enemy Government
3 River Lake Tundra
Subway Airport Port
Entertainment Hidden Secret Distant Business Corporate
4 Military Base
District Location Location
Land District Headquarters
Remote Research
5 Hideout Casino Landmark Farm Residence
Location Facility
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Mistaken Government
1 Identity
Disaster Crime Legal Trouble Misdirection Lack of Info
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Scientist Soldier Gang Member Priest Pilot Businessman Country Ruler
5 Spy Recurring Villain Cult Woman Man Roll Twice Lawyer Diplomat
in a shack in the mountains of Afghanistan. The unit secure the power for himself.
I break out my trusty d8s, and give a few rolls on the has to revive him and get the information, but they’re
tables above. I will give an example of how it might being fed incorrect intelligence by an allied country Police Campaign: The detectives are investigating
be used in three different campaigns: A military who have their own motives. a conspiracy, possibly involving crooked cops.
campaign featuring anti-terrorist commandos, An One witness, a common thief, is shot by a cop and
arcana campaign featuring modern-day sorcerers in a Arcana Campaign: The PCs have discovered that is wounded. The characters are placed with the
world-wide secret society, and a campaign where the centuries ago, a thief stole a magical artifact from thief in a safe-house (a ski cabin in the mountains),
PCs are police detectives in a large American city. the Vatican, and fled to the Italian Alps. While waiting for him to revive and reveal what he knows.
investigating the artifact, the thief triggered a Unfortunately, the crooked cops are former friends of
My result: (4-8, 7-3, 2-7, 1-5, 3-1) curse that placed him (and the artifact) in a state the PCs, and have set up the entire situation to frame
“The main characters must revive a thief, in the of suspended animation, trapped within a wall of the characters and get themselves off the hook.
mountains, while having to contend with misdirection crystal. The sorcerers must journey to the Alps, find
and being opposed by a friend.” the thief and release him from the curse, so that they You see? With a little bit of thought, the same result
can claim the artifact for themselves. Along the can be applicable for a wide variety of campaign
Military Campaign: a common thief has information way, however, they discover that they have not been styles.
regarding the whereabouts of an infamous terrorist told the truth about the true purpose of the artifact...
leader. The problem is that he’s very ill...near death because a fellow member of their order wants to So -- grab your dice and start rolling!
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