(ii) the procedure of identification parade is available in: (a)Art. 22 of Q.S.O. (b)Art. 24
of Q.S.O. (c) Art. 27 of Q.S.O. (d) Any of these
(iii) fact of judicial notice requires its proof by: (a) oral evidence (b) documentary
evidence (c) by both (a) & (b) (d) Need not to prove
(iv) expert is a person who is specially skilled in the subject of: (a) foreign law (b) Art (c)
Both (a) & (b) (d) None of these
(v) hearsay evidence is generally: (a) admissible evidence (b) inadmissible evidence (c)
oral evidence (d) none of these
(vi) Accomplice is a type of witness: (a) who is partner in crime (b) who don’t associate
in crime (c) who may be a planted person in a criminal gang (d) none of these
(vii) section __________ deals with arrest without warrant: (a) 46 (b) 48 (c) 54 (d) 59
(viii) Arrest without warrant can be made by a Police officer: (a) of any rank (b) officer in
charge of a police station (c) not below the rank of officer (d) any of these
(ix) unlawful assembly is an assembly consisting at least _________ persons: (a) 4 (b) 5
(c) 6 (d) None of these
(x) after recording confession, the accused is: (a) sent back to the police custody (b) kept
in judicial lock up (c) set free (d) none of these
(xi) confirmation of death sentence by the High court must be signed by: (a) one judge
(b) two judge (c) three judges (d) any of these
(xii) bailable offences are offences punishable with: (a) imprisonment for life (b)
imprisonment less than 10 years (c) Death (d) All of these
(xiii) FIR of a cognizable offences can be lodged by : (a) the aggrieved person (b) the
relative of the aggrieved (c) Any person having knowledge of the offence (d) All of these
(xiv) statement recorded under section 342 shall be administered on Oath : (a) Yes (b) No
(c) Discretion of court to ask for Oath or not
(xv) The form of FIR contains: (a) 4 columns (b) 5 columns (c) 6 columns (d) 7 columns
(xvi) Pakistan Penal Code was passed in: (a) 7th April 1860 (b) 6th October 1860 (c) 7th
October 1860 (d) None of these
(xvii) right of private defence of body includes the defence of: (a) his own body (b) Any
other person (c) His own body and of his close relative (d) His body and the body of any
other person
(xviii) kidnapping includes: (a) kidnapping from Pakistan (b) kidnapping from lawful
guardianship (c) kidnapping from Pakistan and from lawful guardianship (d) None of
(xix) the word “injury” includes or denotes any harm whether illegally caused to person:
(a) in body (b) reputation or property (c) mind (d) All of these
(xx) whoever commits theft shall be punished with imprisonment of the description for a
term which may extend to: (a) 3 years (b) 19 years (c) 14 years (d) 17 years
“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”
Whoever commits criminal breach of trust shall be punished with imprisonment of either
description for a term which may extend to seven years.
3. Arsh denotes the compensation to be paid to the victim or his heirs.
4. Without exposing the bone of the victim, the accused is said to cause...shajja-e-
5. Qisas for qatl amd shall not be enforced when the offender dies before the enforcement
of qisas.
6. An officer above the rank of constable can perform duties of an s.h.o.
7. Section 54 deals with commutation of sentence of death.
8. Section 55 deals with commutation of sentence of imprisonment for life.
9. Section 55-A deals with saving for president prerogative.
10. Section 57 deals with fraction of terms of punishment.
11. Section 63 deals with amount of fine.
12. Section 64 deals with sentence of imprisonment for non payment of fine.
13. Whoever causes the jurh in which the injury extends to the body cavity is said to have
caused... Jaifah.
14. Whoever by force compels, or by any deceitful mean induces a person to go from any
place is said to abduct that person.
15. Section 73 deals with solitary confinement.
16. Section 75 deals with enhanced punishment for certain offenders under chapter xii or
chapter xvii after previous conviction.
17. Section 77 deals with the act of judge when acting judicially.
18. Section 80 deals with accident in doing a lawful act.
19. Section 82 deals with act of a child under 7 years of age.
20. Section 83 deals with act of a child above 7 and under 12 years of age of immature
21. Section 84 deals with the act of a person of unsound mind.
22. Section 94 deals with act to which a person is compelled by threats.
23. Section 95 deals with the act causing slight harm.
24. Section 96 deals with things done in private defence.
25. Section 97 deals with right of private defence of body and property.
26. Section 99 deals with the act against which there is no right of private defence.
27. Section 106 deals with right of private defence against deadly assault when there is
risk of harm to innocent person.
28. Section 107 deals with abetment of a thing.
29. Section 108 deals with abettor.
30. Section 108-A deals with abetment in pakistan of offences outside it.
31. Section 109 deals with punishment of abetment if the act abetted committed in
consequence and where no express provision is made for its punishment.
32. The liabilty of abettor when one act abetted and different act done is the same,
provided the act done was a probable cause of the abatement.
33. A criminal conspiracy is an agreement between two or more persons to do or cause to
be done an illegal act or a legal act by illegal means.
34. Electoral righ means the right of person to stand or not to stand as candidate and to
vote or not to vote in election.
35. A, voluntarily a valuable security belonging to Z intending to cause wrongful loss to
Z, A has committed Mischief. 36. A person is said to commit house breaking by night
when he commits house breaking after sunset and before sun rise.