This document provides information on astrological symbols and their associated archetypes. It describes the psychological functions and spiritual principles associated with each planet, sign, house, and element in astrology. The planets are associated with different urges and essences. The signs express these urges through archetypes evolving in different life experience fields represented by the houses. The modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) and elements (fire, earth, air, water) each have distinct qualities that influence personality.
This document provides information on astrological symbols and their associated archetypes. It describes the psychological functions and spiritual principles associated with each planet, sign, house, and element in astrology. The planets are associated with different urges and essences. The signs express these urges through archetypes evolving in different life experience fields represented by the houses. The modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) and elements (fire, earth, air, water) each have distinct qualities that influence personality.
This document provides information on astrological symbols and their associated archetypes. It describes the psychological functions and spiritual principles associated with each planet, sign, house, and element in astrology. The planets are associated with different urges and essences. The signs express these urges through archetypes evolving in different life experience fields represented by the houses. The modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) and elements (fire, earth, air, water) each have distinct qualities that influence personality.
This document provides information on astrological symbols and their associated archetypes. It describes the psychological functions and spiritual principles associated with each planet, sign, house, and element in astrology. The planets are associated with different urges and essences. The signs express these urges through archetypes evolving in different life experience fields represented by the houses. The modes (cardinal, fixed, mutable) and elements (fire, earth, air, water) each have distinct qualities that influence personality.
House Life Field Experiential Themes 1st Self-Expression Appearance Behavior Life-Dharma Soul-Embodiment Persona 2nd Values Self-Worth Security Resources Finances Possessions Nature Appetites 3rd Perception Communication Learning Intelligence Environment Siblings Short Trips 4th ` Hearth Home Family Roots Inner Peace Heart Core Mythic Archetype 5th Joy & Hobbies Recreation Play Fun/Games Entertainment Romance Creativity Children 6th Service & Health Employment Skills Duties Training Diet Health Routines Mentoring 7th Companionship Intimacy Friendship Adversaries Trust Aesthetics Contracts Partnership 8th Change & Power Investments Sexuality Eternal Mystery Death/Rebirth Psychology 9th Culture & Faith Exploration Travel Civilization Law Morality Sports Meaning Publishing 10th Life Calling Vocation Destiny Profession Reputation Authority Fame Honors Wisdom 11t Community Cosmic-Tribe Acquaintances Group-Activities Activism Humanity Goals 12th Spiritual Vision Secrets Inspiration Dreams Meditation Isolation Compassion Escapism Modes and Elements Kelly Lee Phipps of Cardinal (Outward) Mode: Aries Cancer Libra Capricorn The Outward signs initiate the seasons. People imbued with many planets in these signs are Activating experts at activation, creation, and expression. They love doing things and initiating projects Generating and situations. They’re not so great at following through unless they also have planets in the Creating Inward mode of expression. Their true gifts involve generation energy! A deficiency of the Expressing Outward mode can indicate a lack of drive and initiative or impatience. Illuminating Fixed (Inward) Mode: Taurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius The Inward signs are characterized by source or seed wisdom. They are the masters of the Penetrating elements and excel at harnessing power and sustaining projects and situations. They are Harnessing strong at empowering others as well as utilizing resources to construct and concentrate life. Concentrating They are the four living creatures before the throne of God in the Biblical account, the Lion, Utilizing the Bull, the Man and the Eagle. Taken to the extreme they can be stubborn, rigid, obsessed. Empowering Mutable (Spiral) Mode: Gemini Virgo Sagittarius Pisces The Spiral signs are the educators and seekers of the zodiac. They excel at discovering the Seeking meaning that underlies life events and distributing knowledge and insight. They are naturally Adapting reflective and contemplative, able to penetrate to the core of any situation and learn from the Evolving experience. These signs are skilled at accelerating people’s evolution and evolving fields of Demonstrating wisdom. They are masters of adaptation but can become scattered, depleted, and restless. Distributing Fire Element Air Element Essence Awareness These people are brainy, blessed with These people are full of charisma, Vitality Ideas intelligence and communication/con- longevity, and vitality. Their charac- Identity Thoughts ception abilities. Their focus in life is ter’s exude confidence and inspira- Consciousness Concepts the mental realm of ideas, awareness, tion and their bodies enjoy action, Inspiration Knowledge and knowledge. They are very diplo- energy expression, and motion. They are strong in the physical and spiritual realms, acting as matic as a result because they see the interconnected- conduits between them. The Fire element animates peo- ness of life. They thrive in any situation that requires ple, and a person deficient in it can lack zest and energy.thinking abilities and are experts in the domain of mind Taken to the extreme, fiery people can be impulsive, ag- and socializing. The Air element produces brilliance, gressive, egocentric, and fanatical. People blessed with and a person deficient in it can lack perspective and Fire are here to be living beacons of warmth, creativity, logic. Taken to the extreme, airy people can be “air- daring, and optimism. They are both enterprising and headed”, inconsistent, scattered, and indecisive. People courageous, spirited and inspired. blessed with Air ar here to enliven us with intellect.
Nature Earth Element Imagination Water Element
Resources These people are grounded and full of Emotion These people are adepts at emotional Values practical wisdom and a deep reverence Empathy expression. They are gifted healers, Structures for nature and the world of things. Compassion empaths, and nurturers, concerned with Life They excel at manipulating forms, Soul Vision the welfare of others. You can sense living in the “real world”, and creat- their inward, silent connection to soul ing, maintaining, and improving structures and orga- forces and the realm of imagination and dreams. They nizations. Of all the elemental types, they thrive in the thrive in realms of feeling expression and are usually physical dimension. They are usually very sensual and very visionary, psychic, and compassionate. The Water present. The Earth element brings industriousness, and element bonds people together and sustains us, and a a person deficient in it can lack the ability to cope with person deficient in it can be unsympathetic, cold, and responsibilities. Taken to the extreme, earthy people aloof. Taken to the extreme, watery people can be over- can be rigid, controlling, possessive, and overly cau- protective, clinging, insecure, and secretive. People tious. People blessed with earth are natural builders blessed with Water are flowing masters of change, able and crafts folk, skilled at organizing daily life. to sustain our dreams and dissolve our wounds.