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Std:11 EM Lesson 3 Creating Animation Using Synfig

(01) ______ is the sequence of images displayed one after the other in a given time frame.
a) Animation b) Ordering c) Numbering d) Media order
(02) ______ is a visual change over time where in the digital images are played one after the other to create a moving
a) Animation b) presentation c) photographs d) canvas
(03) The images used in animation can be first created and then displayed in a sequence known as ______ animation.
a) One-by-one b) frame-by-frame c) image-by-image d) frame-to-frame
(04) ______ are defined as the length of time in the document.
a) Frames b) sequence c) image d) Animation
(05) Each frame consists of some ______ to be displayed over a period of time.
a) Image only b) Text only c) canvas d) object
(06) In which type of animation, each small change in the image is created and then displayed in sequence?
a) Frame by frame b) cel c) Morphing d) kinematics
(07) A _______ is a frame in which a changes to an object’s properties are defined.
a) Multiframe b) single frame c) keyframe d) userframe
(08) The first position and the last position of the object has to specify in animation is prepared using ________.
a) Frame-by-frame b) multiframe c) keyframes d) Auto animation
(09) _______ is an action which calculates the number of frames between keyframes and path of the action.
a) Tweening b) Morphing c) Transforming d) none of these
(10) Animation created using tweening is known as ________ animation.
a) Frame-by-frame b) cel c) Morphing d) none of them
(11) Another type of computer animation is known as _______.
a) Thermodynamics b) kinematics c) Trinematics d) Dynamics
(12) An effect known as ______ where in the image transforms into another.
a) Morphing b) Transforming c) converting d) changing
(13) What is the default end time in properties dialog box?
a) 2s b) 4s c) 5s d) 6s
(14) The color of the circle can be changed later on using the _______ panel.
a) Parameter b) Tool option c) Layer d) History
(15) Fps stands for _______.
a) File per second b) frames per second c) file per signal d) none of them
(16) By default each second is divided into _______ frames
a) 6 b)12 c) 18 d) 24
(17) In synfig, grab the circle and hold the ______ key to move it in a straight line to the right of the working area.
a) Ctrl b) Shift c) Alt d) Caps
(18) _______ means the computer uses various algorithms to apply the final effects you have specified on the object
a) Capturing b) Animating c) Rendering d) Tweening
(19) Before rendering, click on the _______ to leave editing mode.
a) Animation editing mode b) animate mode c) editing mode d) entry mode
(20) Which option is selected to save the file?
a) Caret->save->file b) File->caret->save c) caret->file->save d)none of them
(21) In which tab of properties window, frames per second, start time and end time is specified?
a) Image b) Time c) Other d) Duration
(22) In synfig, ______ tool is used to make changes in the circle drawn.
a) Transform b) scale c) zoom d) edit
(23) In keyframe panel, Time indicates ________.
a) Start time b) end time c) half time d) all of them
(24) In keyframe panel, Length indicates _______.
a) Width b) duration c) minutes d) all of them
(25) In keyframe panel, jump are links used to jump to _________.
a) Start time b) end time c) correct time d) stop time
(26) ______ represent the time at which the parameter (like color or location) of the object changes.
a) Waypoint b) keyframes c) keypoint d) timeframe
(27) Window status bar is located on the _______ of the window.
a) Top b) bottom c) left d) right
(28) To repeat the animation _______ is used.
a) Animation loop b) Time loop c) Repeat animation d) Looping
Std:12 EM, Lesson 3 Creating Animation Using Synfig (www.verymicro.org) 1
(29) Animation can be preview using _______.
a) Preview->Animation b) File->preview c) File->File preview d)File->Animation preview
(30) The time loop parameters shows the duration which denotes the _______ that are looped.
a) Frames b) seconds c) a or b d) none of them
(31) Which of the following is correct entry in the timeslider?
a) 3f 9f b) 3s 9f c) 3f 9s d)3s 9s
(32) …………. Makes the picture lively.
a) presentation b) Internet c) Animation d) Audio,video
(33) In ………… the digital images are played one after the other to create a moving effect.
a) animation b) framming c) multimedia d) viewing
(34) ………… are used to make the picture or image lively.
a) natural Images b) Artificial images c) Digital images d) none of these
(35) The images used in animation can be created ……….
a) first b) while making animation c) later on d) any of these
(36) In animation, images are displayed in …………
a) as per the size b) in alphabetical order c) sequence d) any of these
(37) ………….. is the type of animation.
a) morphing b) frame by frame/tweening/cel
c) kinematics d) all of these
(38) Freames are defined as ………… in the document.
a) the length of time b) the length of object c) the length of frames d) the length of animation
(39) ……….. consists of some objects to be displayed over a period of time.
a) cel b) frame c) Gorm d) Work area
(40) ………… term defines the length of time in a document.
a) Layer b) keyframe c) Timeline d) frame
(41) ………… suggests to display object using a period of time.
a) panel b) object c) frame d) keyframe
(42) What type of animation is frame by frame?
a) slow and boring b) fast and easy c) slow but easy d) fast but tedious
(43) Using ………… animation can be made easily.
a) object b) form c) image d) keyframes
(44) ……….. changes are made in key frames.
a) properties of frames b) properties of time
c) properties of cel d) properties of object
(45) …………. Is the frame having changes in object’s properties.
a) keyframe b) panel c) Timeline d) layer
(46) Using keyframes we need to specify the …………… position of the object.
a) beginning b) last c) in-between d) both (a) and (b)
(47) Using keyframes we need not to specify the ……….. position of the object.
a) beginning b) last
c) in-between d) both (a) and (b)
(48) The series of frames in between are drawn automatically is known as …………
a) morphing b) tweening c) kinematics d) all of these
(49) The computers generally employ ………… type animation.
a) morphing b) cel c) kinematics d) all of these
(50) Kinematics is a type of …………..
a) video b) multimedia c) animation d) presentation
(51) …………. Is the study of movement and motion of objects that have joints.
a) frame by frame animation b) Tweening c) Morphing d) kinematics
(52) Kinematics is the study of ……………
a) movement b) motion c) both (a) and (b) d) none of these
(53) Walking man or running leopard is the example of ………….
a) frame by frame animation b) tweening c) morphing d) kinematics
(54) You must have seen that a person’s face transforms into another face and so on is ………..
a) frame by frame animation b) tweening c) morphing d) kinematics
(55) What does timebar display?
a) position of time b) position of work
c) position of object d) position of mode
(56) We can see the ………… indicator showing the position in time.

Std:12 EM, Lesson 3 Creating Animation Using Synfig (www.verymicro.org) 2

a) red b) orange c) green d) blue
(57) Clicking at various points in timebar, we can see values like ………… in the entry field.
a) 0f b) 1s c) 1s 10f d) any of these
(58) We can type the position in the entry field in time bar and press ……….. key.
a) Enter b) Tab c) Home d) End
(59) What does ‘s’ suggest in timebar?
a) Source b) section c) second d) solution
(60) What does ‘f’ suggest in timebar?
a) Form b) Frame c) Font d) File
(61) ………….. indicate a specific point on the timeline in terms of seconds (s) and frames.
a) second, frame b) Minute, frame c) Second, object d) Minute, object
(62) By default each second is divided into ……….. frames.
a) 12 b) 24 c) 36 d) 48
(63) If 12 frames pass in 5 seconds, what will timebar show?
a) 5s 12f b) 5f 12s c) 12f 5s d) 12s 5f
(64) How many buttons are there on the right side of the timebar?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
(65) ………… button is there on the side of the timebar.
a) unlock past keyframe b) unlock future keyframe
c) Turn on animation editing mode d) All of these
(66) Turn on animate editing mode button is of ……….. color.
a) red b) orange c) green d) blue
(67) When ‘Turn on animate editing mode’ button is displayed?
a) if the end time is not zero b) if the end time is zero
c) if the beginning time is not zero d) if the beginning time is zero
(68) Red color line around canvas suggests ………… status of animate editing mode.
a) close b) off c) active d) inactive
(69) When animated editing mode gets active, changes are affected in ……….. part.
a) timeline b) time slider c) time manager d) time icon
(70) When animated editing mode not active, changes are affected to …………
a) timeline b) time slider c) time manager d) time icon
(71) ………….. menu option is used to start the synfig software.
a) Application -> Graphics->synfig b) Application -> Image->synfig
c) Application -> picture->synfig d) Application ->synfig
(72) How to open the canvas properties dialog box in synfig?
a) Caret->Properties b) caret->File->Properties c) caret->Edit->Properties d) caret->Format->Properties
(73)Which type of information can be added in canvas info of the canvas property dialog box?
a) File,Description b) Name,Description c) File,Name d) Name,Image
(74) How many tabs are there in the canvas property dialog box?
a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 6
(75)…………. tab is displayed in the canvas property dialog box.
a) Image b) Time c) Other d) All of these
(76) ……….. is the value of start time in the Time tab of canvas property dialog box.
a) 0f b) 1f c) 2f d) 3f
(77) …………. Is the value of End Time in the Time tab of canvas property dialog box.
a) 2s b) 3s c) 4s d) 5s
(78) …………. Button is used to save the changes and close the window in the canvas property dialog box.
a) Apply b) Close c) OK d) Finish
(79) ………… is used for the color of circle.
a) foreground color b) palette c) parameter panel d) All of these
(80) ……….. tool is used change the color of the circle.
a) Transform tool b) Edit tool c) scale move tool d) property tool
(81)When we open a new file in synfig ………… is displayed in entry field of the timeline.
a) 0s b) 0f c) 1s d) 1f
(82) ………… button is used to see how the animation will look in synfig.
a) play b) start c) Begin d) Launch
(83) ……….. button is used to see the animation frame by frame in the synfig.
a) previous Frame b) Next Frame c) (a) or (b) d) none of these
(84) ………… is the default extension of file in synfig.

Std:12 EM, Lesson 3 Creating Animation Using Synfig (www.verymicro.org) 3

a) .syn b) .sin c) .sifz d) .sif
(85) ……….. menu option is used for file rendering in synfig.
a) caret->Render b) Caret->File->Render
c) caret->Edit->Render d) caret->Format->Render
(86) …………. Options are available in the target tab of Render Settings.
a) Filename,Quality b) Name,Description c) Filename,Target d) Name,Target
(87) ………… tab is available in the Render setting dialog box.
a) Image b) Time c) Other d) All of these
(88) What is the default file format in file rendering ?
a) auto b) gif c) bmp d) png
(89)While rendering the file, auto format is changed to ………..
a) sizf b) gif c) bmp d) png
(90) ………….. software can be used to view animation after rendering the file.
a) web browser b) Image viewer c) Both (a) and (b) d) none of these
(91) …………. Is used to create background in synfig.
a) Line tool b) Rectangle Tool c) Transform tool d) BLine Tool
(92) Keyframe panel is opened using …………. Panel to insert a keyframe.
a) parameter panel b) timeline panel c) property panel d) layer panel
(93) …………. Panel is used to insert keyframe.
a) parameter panel b) Timeline panel c) Keyframe panel d) Layer panel
(94)How many options are there in the keyframe panel?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
(95) ……….. option is available in the keyframe panel.
a) Time and Length b) Jump c) Description d) All of these
(96) ………… line is added in the list while inserting a new keyframe.
a) 0f,0f(JMP) b) 1f,1f (JMP) c) 2f,2f(JMP) d) 3f,3f(JMP)
(97) What is the meaning of JMP?
a) jumping b) Jump c) jamping d) jamp
(98) What is the diamond called in the time track panel?
a) way-point b) Day-point c) Lay-point d) None of these
(99) What is the color of diamond in way point?
a) Red b) Green c) Orange d) Black
(100) …………. Is the shape displayed in the waypoint in time track panel.
a) Triangle b) Diamond c) Rectangle d) Octal
(101) What does the way point represent?
a) time of changing color b) Time of changing location
c) various factorsd of object d) All of these
(102) ………….. message is given when rendering done successfully.
a) File rendered successfully b) File rendering succesfully
c) File render successfully d) File successfully rendered
(103) …………… bar displays the message for rendering done successfully.
a) Task bar b) Property bar c) Status bar d) Window bar
(104) What is loop?
a) circulating b) Continuing c) Repeating d) All of these
(105) Repeating data for some time is known as ……………
a) time loop b) repeating loop c) definite loop d) regular loop
(106) Using ………….. animation can be generated twice.
a) copy keyframe principle b) double keyframe pronciple
c) duplicate keyframe principle d) creative keyframe principle
(107) ………….. option is available in circle tool.
a) create outline BLine b) Create Region BLine c) Bline Origins at Center d) All of these
(108) …………. Is useful to insert time loop layer.
a) add new layer -> Other -> Time loop b) Add layer -> Other -> Timeloop
c) Add new layer -> Timeloop d) Add layer -> Timeloop
(109) What does elements of time loop suggest?
a) preview time b) Element of time c) Duration of time d) Time format
(110) …………. Shows that loop will run for how many frames or second.
a) Time line b) Time loop c) Time track d) Time tracker

Std:12 EM, Lesson 3 Creating Animation Using Synfig (www.verymicro.org) 4

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