catalyst, AN - HTPB + catalyst and AP - PVC + catalyst are MPa, using a conventional strand burner. Nitrogen gas was
shown in Table 1, 2 and 3. used to pressurize the bomb. The dial type pressure gauges
were used to record incoming pressure and pressures in bomb
A. Mixing of Ingredients
and line. A surge tank was provided in the set - up to ensure
All the ingredients selected for above compositions were that a strict pressure level is maintained in the bomb represent
stored under 45% controlled humidity conditions. The the systematic diagram and line diagram of high pressure
processing variables, like mixing time of one hour, mixer strand burner apparatus. This has been shown clearly in Fig.
temperature 20℃ - 25℃ and sequence of ingredient addition 1 and Fig. 2.
into the mixer were kept similar in all the mixings. The The propellant strands, having two fine drilled holes
quantities of PVC and DBP were mixed in a stainless steel at a distance of 5cm to position the fuse wires, were installed
vessel. The metal in a quantity of 3% of total ingredient by in the bomb and igniter wire was suitably placed at apex of
weight has been added subsequently for the metalized the strand. The cap with the provision for electrical
compositions. The mixing was done for 30 minutes to get the connections in it was tightened on to the bomb. The bomb
final mix. Altogether five such operations have been carried was then pressurized with nitrogen gas to required pressure
out to get the same number of compositions. level. The necessary electrical connections were made and all
B. Casting of Propellants Slurry strands were ignited to record time with the help of an
electrical timer. The burning rates were then determined by
The slurry was cast in plastic mould which were cleaned and averaging the three close readings for each case.
greased with Metroark grease beforehand to ensure that the
surface of the propellant would be smooth and flat without
any rough patches.
C. Curing
The propellant slurry filled plastic containers were kept in a
vacuum electric oven at 60 0C ± 2 0C for a period of six days
to allow it to cure. The moulds were then removed from the
oven and allowed to cool to room temperature. The propellant
samples were stored in polythene bag and then into a
desiccators to avoid moisture absorption.
AP HTPB DOA TDI Glycerol Fe2o3
(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
1 70 21.59 6.48 1.70 0.23 -
2 75 17.99 5.40 1.42 0.19 -
3 80 14.39 4.33 1.13 0.15 -
4 70 21.59 6.48 1.70 0.23 3 Fig. 1: High Pressure Strand Burner setup
5 75 17.99 5.40 1.42 0.19 3
6 80 14.39 4.33 1.13 0.15 3
Table 1: Composition of AP-HTPB Samples
AN HTPB DoA TDI Glycerol Fe2o3
(wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%) (wt%)
1 70 21.59 6.48 1.70 0.23 -
2 75 17.99 5.40 1.42 0.19 -
3 80 14.39 4.33 1.13 0.15 -
4 70 21.59 6.48 1.70 0.23 3
5 75 17.99 5.40 1.42 0.19 3
6 80 14.39 4.33 1.13 0.15 3
Table 2: Composition of AN-HTPB Samples
Sr. AP (% PVC (% DBP (% Fe2O3 (%
No wt) wt) wt) wt) Fig. 2: Line diagram of High Pressure Strand Burner*where
01 70 15 15 - HV - Hand valve, RV - Regulating valve, PG - Pressure
02 70 15 15 3
valve, ST - Surge tank, F-Firing unit , TM - Timer, HPNGC
03 75 12.5 12.5 -
- High pressure nitrogen gas cylinder
04 75 12.5 12.5 3
05 80 10 10 -
Table 3: Composition of AP-PVC Samples IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSION
The burning rate measurements were obtained by using high
III. EXPERIMENTAL pressure strand burner at 2.068, 4.765 and 6.895 MPa in the
presence of nitrogen atmosphere. It is well known that the
A. Burning Rate Studies transition metal oxide affects decomposition and combustion
The burning rates of AP - HTPB, AP - PVC and AN - HTPB behavior of composite solid propellants and catalytic activity
with and without catalyst propellants were determined at of metal oxide is dependent on catalyst concentration and
ambient condition and different pressures, 2.06, 4.76 and 6.89 surface area. It is also believed that the catalyst being very
stable in nature influence the gas phase combustion process variation from 9.250 to 44.407 mm sec-1 at 1000 psi chamber
at high temperature and pressure. Therefore, this study is pressure. As the preparation is very difficult for 80% AP -
directed to assess the effectiveness of Ferric oxide (Fe2O3) on HTPB based composite solid propellants with and without
the combustion behavior of the ammonium perchlorate (AP) ferric oxide, which gives higher value of pressure index i.e.
and ammonium nitrate (AN) oxidized loading with different 0.526. The temperature coefficient is minimum in75% which
composition of hydroxyl terminated polybutadiene (HTPB) shows lowest performance with respect to the others. A
and polyvinyl choride (PVC) based composite solid comparative graph has been plotted in figure 3.
propellants. The burning rate of the propellant is found to
increase with combustion chamber pressure. The increase in
A. Burn Rate Studies of with & without Catalyst AP- HTPB
the rate of burning with pressure may be attributed to the
Composite Solid Propellants
more contribution of reaction kinetics process of controlling
The burning rate measurements were carefully carried out by of burning rate when compared with diffusion controlled
using strand burner at 2.068, 4.765 and 6.895 MPa by process at high pressures.
pressurizing nitrogen gas. The pressure dependence of
burning rate of AP - HTPB has been shown in table 4 and 5.
It is found from that the burning rate of propellant containing
80% AP loading have been found to be higher than the
corresponding propellants of 75% and 70% AP loading
(figure 3). At ambient pressure the burning rate of the
composite solid propellants are increasing as the AP loading
is increases. But as the 3% ferric oxide is added in same
compositions it gives high burn rate at 70% AP loading as
compare to others AP - HTPB based composite solid
propellants. The experiment is conducted on 2.068, 4.765 and
6.895 MPa pressure. The burning rate increases with increase
in pressure and 80% AP - HTPB based composite solid Fig. 3: Comparison of STA graph showing DSC/TG of AP -
propellants with ferric oxide (figure 3) shows drastic HTPB composite solid propellant
Burning Rate ( mm sec-1)
Types of Propellant Pressure (MPa) a n
0.101 4.760 2.068 6.895
70% AP-HTPB 4.16 6.76 7.26 9.25 6.2 .098
70% AP-HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 5.55 7.87 8.13 10.63 6.7 .203
75% AP-HTPB 4.26 5.54 7.02 7.96 5.02 .136
75% AP - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 4.44 13.04 14.91 17.54 10.31 .323
80% AP - HTPB 4.87 13.97 24.58 33.31 10.19 .433
80% AP - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 5.12 28.2 35.68 44.40 19.24 .52
Table 4: Burn Rate Studies of Catalyzed & Uncatalyzed AP-HTPB based Composite Solid Propellant
ln r
Types of Propellant ln p ln a n
-2.2920 0.7265 1.560 1.9307
1.713 1.916 1.982 2.224 1.829 0.098
70% AP - HTPB
70% AP - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 1.426 2.063 2.095 2.364 1.915 0.203
75% AP - HTPB
1.450 1.713 1.949 2.074 1.613 0.136
75% AP - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3
1.490 2.568 2.702 2.864 2.333 0.323
80% AP - HTPB
1.584 2.636 3.202 3.496 2.322 0.433
80% AP - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 1.633 3.339 3.574 3.900
2.956 0.526
Table 5: Pressure Dependence of Burning rate of AP - HTPB based Composite Solid Propellants at different Pressure
burner. Hence, these data are not considered in the present
B. Burn Rate Studies of with and without catalyst AN- HTPB
analysis. In open atmosphere, all the propellants burn when
Composite Solid Propellants
ignited with the help of an ignition device. Also, 70% AN -
At the same pressure variation when the experiment is taken HTPB based composite solid propellants with and without
out with ammonium nitrate in place of ammonium catalyst shows no effect of burning at high pressure upto
perchlorate, it is found that none of the propellants burn 6.895 MPa. The burning rate of the propellant is presented in
satisfactorily at 2.0685 MPa nitrogen pressure in the strand Table 6 and 7 shows similar results for all the compositions
with ± 0.3 variation upto 6.895 MPa. The burning in open gives the reason for its poor performance and it results
atmosphere may be attributed to the participation of negative values of temperature coefficient shown in figure 4.
atmospheric oxygen in the combustion processes of the It is observed that incorporation of catalyst increases the
propellants. At atmospheric condition it leaves carbon burning rate of AN - HTPB propellant at all pressures.
skeleton after completion of burning with huge smoke. However increases in burning rate due to addition of catalyst
Ammonium nitrate is more sensitive than the Ammonium depends on the nature of catalyst incorporated. A comparison
perchlorate as it absorb moisture, if it is kept in open space of burn rate of AN-HTPB composite solid propellant with
and very difficult to remove moisture easily from it. This variation in pressure is shown in figure 4.
Burning Rate ( mm sec-1)
Types of Propellant Pressure (MPa) a n
0.101 4.760 2.068 6.895
70% AN - HTPB 0.167 - - - - -
70% AN - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 0.187 - - - - -
75% AN - HTPB 0.196 - 1.88 2.428 0.750 0.588
75% AN - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 0.232 - 2.062 2.690 0.849 0.568
80% AN - HTPB 0.238 - 2.061 2.365 0.871 0.551
80% AN - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 0.416 - 2.257 2.481 1.212 0.398
Table 6: Burn Rate Studies of Catalyzed and Uncatalysed AN-HTPB based Composite Solid Propellant
ln r
Types of Propellant ln p ln a n
-2.2920 0.7265 1.560 1.9307
70% AN - HTPB 0.167 - - - - -
70% AN - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 0.187 - - - - -
75% AN - HTPB 0.196 - 1.88 2.428 0.750 0.588
75% AN - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 0.232 - 2.062 2.690 0.849 0.568
80% AN - HTPB 0.238 - 2.061 2.365 0.871 0.551
80% AN - HTPB with 3% Fe2O3 0.416 - 2.257 2.481 1.212 0.398
Table 7: Pressure Dependence of Burning Rate of AN- HTPB based Composite Solid Propellants at Different Pressure
At 0.101 MPa almost all propellants gives same
burning rate i.e. 2.010±0.1. but the result changes with
increase in pressure from 5.810 to 9.891 mm sec-1 upto 6.895
MPa. The highest pressure shows high burning rate and it also
dependent on higher loading. 75% and 80% oxidized loading
gives higher burning rate with high combustion index 0.376.
The nature of the plots in all the cases is identical
and the burning rate is found to be increase with combustion
pressure. On comparing the three set of burning rate data
obtained in the figure 3, 4 and 5, when the AP and AN loading
increased in the propellant, the burning rate, as also the
nominal combustion pressure increases. The increase of AP
Fig. 4: Comparison of burning rate 70, 75 and 80% of AN- loading ensures the combustion reaction to reach its
HTPB Composite Solid Propellant with Catalyst completion and even the burning surface temperature and rate
of condensed phase reactions may be taken have increased,
C. Burn Rate Studies of with & without catalyst AP- PVC not to say that the gas phase reactions and the heat in flux to
Composite Solid Propellants the burning surface would definitely increase.
The burning rate for 70, 75 and 80% AP and remaining It is observed that incorporation of Fe2O3 as a
constituents of PVC and DBP has been explained in Table 3. catalyst increases the burning rate of AP-PVC propellants at
The nature of the plots in all the cases is identical and the all pressures. However increases in burning rate due to
burning rate is found to increase in the combustion chamber addition of catalyst depends on the nature of catalyst
by varying nitrogen gas at similar pressure which is used incorporated.
previously. The results tabulated in Table 4 to 9 shows that the
The increase in the burning rate may therefore be effect of Fe2O3 on burning rate of AP and AN propellants
viewed as directly because of its dependence on the system at different pressure levels i.e. from ambient (0.101)
combustion pressure in each case. The increase in oxidizer to high pressure (at 2.068, 4.76 and 6.895 MPa) as well as
loading also increases the burning rate. The main emphasis propellants with 3 wt % concentration of catalyst are
has been put in the present investigation is higher loading of compared. An exponential dependence of burning rate on
AP i.e. 80 wt% does not sustained, which shows brittle nature pressure is observed in accordance with the well-known
is not applicable for experimental work. Ville’s law. The results show (figure 3,4 and 5) that the
burning rate of uncatalysed AP-HTPB propellants at different
pressures is similar to values mentioned in literature no. It can be noted that burning rate of AP-HTPB propellant with
Analyzing the burning rate of uncatalyzed and catalyzed Fe2O3 is higher in comparison to other systems like AN-
propellants, it is observed that on adding Fe2O3, burning rate HTPB and AP-PVC propellant with ferric oxide. It can, thus,
increases significantly in the following order: be seen that the propellant formulations studied in the present
HTPB - AN with 3 % Fe2O3 < AP - PVC with 3% Fe2O3 < work promises to deliver the highest burn rate achievable
HTPB - AP with 3 % Fe2O3 with AP-HTPB propellant system.
The burn rate results for various catalyzed
composite solid propellants at different operating pressures.
Burning Rate ( mm sec-1)
Types of Propellant Pressure (MPa) a n
0.101 4.760 2.068 6.895
70% AP - PVC 1.89 5.810 6.172 6.410 4.66 0.301
70% AP - PVC with 3% Fe2O3 2.20 7.352 7.64 7.93 5.84 0.316
75% AP - PVC 2.010 6.03 6.261 6.626 4.87 0.292
75% AP - PVC with 3% Fe2O3 2.101 7.66 8.163 9.216 5.91 0.356
80% AP - PVC 2.164 8.62 9.619 9.89 6.55 0.376
Table 8: Burn Rate Studies of Catalyzed & Uncatalysed AP-PVC based Composite Solid Propellant
ln r
Types of Propellant ln p ln a n
-2.2920 0.7265 1.560 1.9307
70% AP - PVC 0.637 1.759 1.820 1.857 1.539 0.301
70% AP - PVC with 3% Fe2O3 0.791 1.994 2.033 2.070 1.764 0.316
75% AP - PVC 0.698 1.796 1.834 1.891 1.583 0.2927
75% AP - PVC with 3% Fe2O3 0.742 2.036 2.099 2.220 1.776 0.356
80% AP - PVC 0.771 2.154 2.263 2.291 1.879 0.376
Table 9: Pressure dependence of Burning rate of AP- PVC based Composite Solid Propellants at different Pressure
they burn smoothly at pressure around 4.765 Mpa.
Finally, it is observed that the burning rate of AN - HTPB
comes in lower side and the pressure index at higher side,
indicate poor performance of the propellants.
5) Similar trend has been found for AP - PVC based
propellants as observed in AP - HTPB based propellants
with slightly lower data result.
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