Hawthorne Experiments

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Hawthorne Experiments

• The Human Relations Movement began with

the Hawthorne Experiments.
• They were conducted at Western Electrical
Works in USA, b/w 1924-1932.
• It was initially designed by Western Electric
Industrial engineers
Four Parts of Hawthorne Studies /
• Part I - Illumination Experiments (1924-27)
• Part II - Relay Assembly Test Room Study
• Part III - Mass Interviewing Programme (1928-
• Part IV - Bank Wiring Observation Room
Experiment (1932)
Part I - Illumination Experiments
• These experiments were performed to find out
the effect of different levels of illumination
(lighting) on productivity of labour.
• The brightness of the light was increased and
decreased to find out the effect on the
productivity of the test group. Surprisingly, the
productivity increased even when the level of
illumination was decreased.
• It was concluded that factors other than light
were also important.
Part II - Relay Assembly Test Room
Study (1927-1929)
• Under these test two small groups of six female
telephone relay assemblers were selected. Each
group was kept in separate rooms. From time to
time, changes were made in working hours, rest
periods, lunch breaks, etc. They were allowed to
choose their own rest periods and to give
suggestions. Output increased in both the control
rooms. It was concluded that social relationship
among workers, participation in decision-making,
etc. had a greater effect on productivity than
working conditions.
Part III - Mass Interviewing
Programme (1928-1930)
• 21,000 employees were interviewed over a
period of three years to find out reasons for
increased productivity. It was concluded that
productivity can be increased if workers are
allowed to talk freely about matters that are
important to them.
Part IV - Bank Wiring Observation
Room Experiment (1932)
• A group of 14 male workers in the bank wiring
room were placed under observation for six
months. A worker's pay depended on the
performance of the group as a whole. The
researchers thought that the efficient workers
would put pressure on the less efficient
workers to complete the work. However, it
was found that the group established its own
standards of output, and social pressure was
used to achieve the standards of output.
Conclusions of Hawthorne Studies /
The conclusions derived from the Hawthorne
Studies were as follows :-
1. The social and psychological factors are responsible for
workers' productivity and job satisfaction. Only good physical
working conditions are not enough to increase productivity.
2. The informal relations among workers influence the workers'
behaviour and performance more than the formal relations
in the organisation.
3. Employees will perform better if they are allowed to
participate in decision-making affecting their interests.
Conclusions of Hawthorne Studies /
4. Employees will also work more efficiently,
when they believe that the management is
interested in their welfare.
5. When employees are treated with respect
and dignity, their performance will improve.
6. Financial incentives alone cannot increase
the performance. Social and Psychological
needs must also be satisfied in order to
increase productivity.
Conclusions of Hawthorne Studies /
9. Good communication between the superiors
and subordinates can improve the relations
and the productivity of the subordinates.
10. Special attention and freedom to express
their views will improve the performance of
the workers.
Criticism of Hawthorne Studies /
The Hawthorne Experiments are mainly
criticised on the following grounds :-
1. Lacks Validity
2. More Importance to Human Aspects
3. More Emphasis on Group Decision-making
4. Over Importance to Freedom of Workers

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