55014bosfndnov19 p1 Cp8u5
55014bosfndnov19 p1 Cp8u5
55014bosfndnov19 p1 Cp8u5
Revaluation Account
or Profit and Loss
Adjustment Account for
revaluation of assets and
Business of a partnership firm may not come to an end due to death of a partner as it is known as
Reconstitution of Partnership. Other partners shall continue to run the business of the firm. The problems
arising on the death of a partner are similar to those arising on retirement. Assets and liabilities have to be
revalued and the resultant profit or loss has to be transferred to the capital accounts of all partners including
the deceased partner. Goodwill is dealt with exactly in the way already discussed in the case of retirement in
the earlier unit. Treatment of joint life policy will also be same as in the case of retirement. However, in case
of death of a partner, the firm would get the joint policy value.
Since, (i) option is beneficial for C, he will necessarily go for his proportionate share in profits.
Calculate the deceased partner’s share in the profit upto the date of death.
Profit from 1st April 2016 to 31st May 2016 on the basis of sales:
If sales are `4,00,000, profit is `60,000
If the sales are `1,00,000 profit is: 60,000/4,00,000 × 1,00,000
= `15,000
Neha’s share = 15,000 × 1/6 = `2,500
Alternatively profit is calculated as
Rate of profit = x 100 = 15%
Method 1: If Joint Life Policy does not appears in the Balance Sheet, then the firm will gain on the death of
a partner. For example, A, B and C are in partnership sharing profits and losses at the ratio of 5:3:2. They took
a Joint Life Policy of ` 1,00,000. Now, if A dies, the firm will receive `1,00,000 from the insurance company.
` `
(i) Bank A/c Dr. 1,00,000
To Joint Life Policy A/c 1,00,000
(Policy value received from the insurance company on
A’s death)
(ii) Joint Life Policy A/c Dr. 90,000
To A’s Capital A/c 45,000
To B’s Capital A/c 27,000
To C’s Capital A/c 18,000
Method 3:
If Joint Life Policy appears in the Balance Sheet at surrender value along with Joint Life Policy Reserve, then
the firm will gain on the death of a partner and reserve will be distributed among partners. For example,
A, B and C are in partnership sharing profits and losses at the ratio of 5:3:2. They took a Joint Life Policy of
`1,00,000 which is appearing in the Balance Sheet at the surrender value of ` 10,000,along with JLP reserve.
Now, if A dies, the firm will receive `1,00,000 from the insurance company.
The journal entries will appear as follows:
` `
(i) Bank A/c Dr. 1,00,000
To Joint Life Policy A/c 1,00,000
(Policy value received from the insurance company on
A’s death)
(ii) Joint Life Policy A/c Dr. 90,000
To A’s Capital A/c 45,000
To B’s Capital A/c 27,000
3½ months profit. If A’s share is immediately paid off then profit for 2016 can be taken as base for calculating
3½ months profits in the year, 2016. If M/s. A, B & C earned ` 96,000 in year 2015, then 3½ months profit is
`28,000. A’s share comes to `28,000 × 2/5 i.e. `11,200.
Journal entry is:
Profit and Loss Suspense A/c * Dr. `11,200
To A’s Capital A/c `11,200
(Share of A 3½ months profit in 2016
is transferred to his Capital Account on death)
*At the end of the year 2016, the Profit & Loss Suspense A/c will be transferred to Profit and Loss A/c.
The following was the Balance Sheet of Om & Co. in which X, Y, Z were partners sharing profits and losses in the
ratio of 1:2:2 as on 31.3.2016. Mr. Z died on 31st December, 2016. His account has to be settled under the following
Balance Sheet of Om & Co. as on 31.3.2016
Liabilities ` ` Assets `
Trade payables 20,000 Goodwill 30,000
Bank loan 50,000 Building 1,20,000
General reserve 30,000 Computers 80,000
Capital accounts: Inventories 20,000
X 40,000 Trade receivables 20,000
Y 80,000 Cash at bank 20,000
Z 80,000 2,00,000 Investments 10,000
3,00,000 3,00,000
Goodwill is to be calculated at the rate of two years purchase on the basis of average of three years’ profits and
losses. The profits and losses for the three years were detailed as below:
(i) Calculation of goodwill and Z’s share of profit
` ` ` ` ` `
To Revaluation A/c 3,600 7,200 7,200 By Balance b/d 40,000 80,000 80,000
To Z’s Executor’s A/c 1,12,000 By General reserve 6,000 12,000 12,000
To Goodwill A/c 6,000 12,000 12,000 By X and Y – – 19,200
To Z 6,400 12,800 – By Car A/c 6,400 12,800 12,800
To Balance c/d 36,400 72,800 By Profit and Loss – – 7,200
suspense A/c
52,400 1,04,800 1,31,200 52,400 1,04,800 1,31,200
Balance Sheet of Om & Co. as 31.12.2016
Liabilities ` Assets `
Trade payables 20,000 Building 1,40,000
Bank loan 50,000 Car 32,000
Capital accounts: Inventories 16,000
X 36,400 Computers 50,000
Y 72,800 Investments 6,000
Z’s Executor’s account 1,12,000 Trade receivables 20,000
Cash at bank 20,000
Profit and Loss suspense Account 7,200
2,91,200 2,91,200
Working Note:
Goodwill calculated at the time of death of partner Z ` 48,000
Partner Old Share New Share Gain Sacrifice
1 1 2
X –
5 3 15
2 2 2
Y –
5 3 15
2 2
Z – –
5 5
Adjusting entry:
X’s Capital Account Dr. 6,400
Y’s Capital Account Dr. 12,800
To Z’s Capital Account 19,200
(Adjustment for goodwill on the death of Z on the basis of gaining ratio)
The partnership agreement of a firm consisting of three partners - A, B and C (who share profits in proportion of
½, ¼ and ¼ and whose fixed capitals are `10,000; `6,000 and `4,000 respectively) provides as follows:
(a) That partners be allowed interest at 10 per cent per annum on their fixed capitals, but no interest be allowed
on undrawn profits or charged on drawings.
(b) That upon the death of a partner, the goodwill of the firm be valued at two years’ purchase of the average
net profits (after charging interest on capital) for the three years to 31st December preceding the death of a
(c) That an insurance policy of `10,000 each to be taken in individual names of each partner, the premium is to
be charged against the profit of the firm.
(d) Upon the death of a partner, he is to be credited with his share of the profits, interest on capitals etc. calculated
upon 31st December following his death.
(e) That the share of the partnership policy and goodwill be credited to a deceased partner as on 31st December
following his death.
(f) That the partnership books be closed annually on 31st December.
A died on 30th September 2016, the amount standing to the credit of his current account on 31st December, 2015
was `450 and from that date to the date of death he had withdrawn `3,000 from the business.
An unrecorded liability of `2,000 was discovered on 30th September, 2016. It was decided to record it and be
immediately paid off.
The trading result of the firm (before charging interest on capital) had been as follows: 2013 Profit `9,640; 2014
Profit `6,720; 2015 Loss `640; 2016 Profit `3,670.
Assuming the surrender value of the policy to be 20 percent of the sum assured.
Prepare an account showing the amount due to A’s legal representative as on 31st December, 2016.
A’s Capital Account
2016 ` 2016 `
Sep. 30 To Current A/c 2,550 Jan. 1 By Balance b/d 10,000
(3,000 - 450) Dec. 31 By Profit and Loss A/c :
Dec. 31 To Profit and Loss Adjt. 1,000 Interest on Capital 1,000
(Unrecorded Liability) Share of Profit 835
To Balance Transferred to B & C (Goodwill) 3,240
A’s Executor’s A/c 18,525 Insurance Policies A/c 7,000
22,075 22,075
Working Notes:
(i) Valuation of Goodwill
Year Profit before Interest Profit after
Interest on interest
fixed capital
` ` `
2013 9,640 2,000 7,640
2014 6,720 2,000 4,720
2015 (-) 640 2,000 (-) 2,640
15,720 6,000 9,720
Average 3,240
Goodwill at two years purchase of average net profits 6,480
Share of A in the goodwill 3,240
(ii) Profit on Separate Life Policy
A’s policy 10,000
B and C’s policy @ 20% 4,000
Share of A (1/2) 7,000
(iii) Share in profit for 2016
Profit for the year 3,670
Less : Interest on capitals (2,000)
A’s share in profit (1/2) 835
(iv) As unrecorded liability of ` 2,000 has been charged to Capital Accounts through Profit and Loss
Adjustment Account, no further adjustment in current year’s profit is required.
(v) Profits for 2013, 2014 and 2015 have not been adjusted (for valuing goodwill) for unrecorded liability for
want of precise information.
The following is the Balance Sheet of M/s. ABC Bros as at 31st December, 2015.
Balance Sheet as at 31st December, 2015
Liabilities ` Assets `
Capital Machinery 5,000
A 4,100 Furniture 2,800
B 4,100 Fixture 2,100
C 4,500 Cash 1,500
General Reserve 1,500 Inventories 950
Trade payables 2,350 Trade receivables 4,500
Less: Provision for 300 4,200
Doubtful debts
16,550 16,550
C died on 3rd January, 2016 and the following agreement was to be put into effect.
(a) Assets were to be revalued: Machinery to ` 5,850; Furniture to ` 2,300; Inventory to ` 750.
(b) Goodwill was valued at ` 3,000 and was to be credited with his share, without using a Goodwill Account
(c) ` 1,000 was to be paid away to the executors of the dead partner on 5th January, 2016.
Required to show:
(i) The Journal Entry for Goodwill adjustment.
(ii) The Revaluation Account and Capital Accounts of the partners.
(iii) Which account would be debited and which account credited if the provision for doubtful debts in the
Balance Sheet was to be found unnecessary to maintain at the death of C.
(i) Journal Entry in the books of the firm
Date Particulars ` `
Jan 3 A’s Capital A/c Dr. 500
2016 B’s Capital A/c Dr. 500
To C’s Capital A/c 1,000
(Being the required adjustment for goodwill through
the partner’s capital accounts)
(ii) Revaluation Account
Particulars ` Particulars `
To Furniture A/c (` 2,800 - 2,300) 500 By Machinery A/c (` 5,850 - 5,000) 850
To Inventory A/c (` 950 - 750) 200
To Partners’ Capital A/cs 150
(A - ` 50, B - ` 50, C - ` 50)
850 850
Partners Capital Accounts
Particulars A B C Particulars A B C
` ` ` ` ` `
To C (Goodwill) 500 500 – By Balance b/d 4,100 4,100 4,500
To Cash A/c – – 1,000 By General Reserve A/c 500 500 500
To Executors A/c – – 5,050 By Revaluation A/c 50 50 50
To Balance C/d 4,150 4,150 – By A (Goodwill) – – 500
By B (Goodwill) – – 500
4,650 4,650 6,050 4,650 4,650 6,050
(iii) Provision for Doubtful Debts Account is a credit balance. To close, this account is to be debited. It
becomes a gain for the partners. Therefore, either Partners’ Capital Accounts (including C) or Revaluation
Account is to be credited.
Working Note:
Statement showing the Required Adjustment for Goodwill
Particulars A B C
Right of goodwill before death 1/3 1/3 1/3
Right of goodwill after death 1/2 1/2 –
Gain/(Sacrifice) (+) 1/6 (+) 1/6 (-) 1/3
Profit sharing ratio is equal before or after the death of C because nothing has been mentioned in respect
of profit-sharing ratio.
B and N were partners. The partnership deed provides inter alia:
(i) That the accounts be balanced on 31st December each year.
(ii) That the profits be divided as follows:
B: One-half; N: One-third; and carried to Reserve Account: One-sixth
(iii) That in the event of death of a partner, his executor will be entitled to the following:
(a) the capital to his credit at the date of death; (b) his proportion of profit to date of death based on the
average profits of the last three completed years; (c) his share of goodwill based on three years’ purchases
of the average profits for the three preceding completed years.
Trial Balance on 31st December, 2015
Particulars Dr. (`) Cr. (`)
B’s Capital 90,000
N’s Capital 60,000
Reserve 30,000
Bills receivable 50,000
Investments 40,000
Cash 1,10,000
Trade payables 20,000
Total 2,00,000 2,00,000
The profits for the three years were 2013: ` 42,000; 2014: ` 39,000 and 2015: ` 45,000. N died on 1st May, 2016.
Show the calculation of N (i) Share of Profits; (ii) Share of Goodwill; (iii) Draw up N’s Executors Account as would
appear in the firms’ ledger transferring the amount to the Loan Account.
* Profit sharing ratio between B and N = 1/2; 1/3; = 3: 2, Therefore N’s share of Profit = 2/5
N’s Executors Account
w The problems arising on the death of a partner are similar to those arising on retirement. Assets and
liabilities have to be revalued and the resultant profit or loss has to be transferred to the Capital Accounts
of all partners including the deceased partner. Goodwill is dealt with exactly in the way already discussed
in the case of retirement.
w Treatment of joint life policy will also be same as in the case of retirement. However, in case of death of
a partner, the firm would get the joint policy value. The only additional point is that as death may occur
on any day, the representatives of the deceased partner will be entitled to the partner’s share of profit
from the beginning of the year to the date of death. After ascertaining the amount due to the deceased
partner, it should be credited to his Executor’s Account.
w If the death takes place during the accounting period, the Executor of the deceased partner is entitled
to have a share of profit upto the date of death based on the profit earned in the immediately preceding
year or some other agreed basis. For this purpose, the deceased partners' Capital Accounts is credited
and Profit & Loss Suspense Account is debited.
(a) Goodwill should be valued at 3 years purchase of the average profits for 4 years. The profits were:
The firm has taken out a Joint Life Policy for `1,00,000. Besides the partners had severally insured their
lives for ` 50,000 each, the premium in respect thereof being charged to the Profit and Loss account. The
surrender value of the Policies were 30% of the face value. On 30th June, 2016 the firm received notice
from the insurance company that the insurance premium in respect of fire policy had been undercharged
to the extent of ` 6,000 in the year 2015 and the firm has to pay immediately. The revaluation of the assets
indicates an upward revision in value of assets to the extent of ` 20,000. Prepare an account showing the
amount due to Peter’s Legal representatives as on 30th September, 2016 along with necessary workings.
1 (c) , 2 (a), 3 (a) , 4 (b)
Theoretical Questions
1. The basic distinction between retirement and death of a partner relates to finalisation of amount
payable to the Executor of the deceased partner. Although, revaluation of goodwill is done in the same
way as it has been done in case of retirement, in addition, the executor of the deceased partner is
entitled to share of profit upto the date of death
2. When the partner dies the amount payable to him/her is paid to his/her legal representatives. The
representatives are entitled to the followings :
(a) The amount standing to the credit to the capital account of the deceased partner;
(b) Interest on capital, if provided in the partnership deed upto the date of death;
(c) Share of goodwill of the firm;
(d) Share of undistributed profit or reserves;
(e) Share of profit on the revaluation of assets and liabilities;
(f ) Share of profit upto the date of death;
(g) Share of Joint Life Policy.
Practical Questions
Answer 1 Journal Entries
2017 ` `
May 1 General Reserve Account Dr. 5,000
To Seed’s Capital Account 2,500
To Plant’s Capital Account 1,500
To Flower’s Capital Account 1,000
(General Reserve transferred to Capital Account on
the death of Plant)
Seed’s Capital Account Dr. 3,750
Flower’s Capital Account Dr. 7,500
To Plant’s Capital Account 11,250
(Adjustment for goodwill on the death of Plant on the
basis of gaining ratio)
(Value = 3 × (10,000 + 13,000 + 12,000 + 15,000)/4)
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