Max 4000 User Manual
Max 4000 User Manual
Max 4000 User Manual
MAX-4000 Electrometer
REF 90015
DOC #80206-16
General Precautions
! Do not disassemble unit
since it may result in change
of calibration factor. Refer
servicing to qualified indi-
Table of Contents
2 General Precautions
3 General Operation
4 Front Panel
4 Rear Panel
5 Setting up the MAX-4000
7 Using the MAX-4000
9 MAX COMM Software
9 Maintenance
10 Troubleshooting
10 Parts and Accessories List
11 Features and Specifications
15 Service Policy 7601 MURPHY DRIVE
MIDDLETON, WI 53562-2532 USA
15 Customer Responsibility WWW.STANDARDIMAGING.COM
16 Warranty
General Operation
1. With nothing connected to the input jack 7. Check the system leakage. Take a read-
of the MAX-4000, turn the power on and ing without exposing the chamber to radia-
wait at least 10 minutes for the electrometer tion. This reading should be less than 0.1%
to warm up. of the final signal expected.
2. Select the desired Range of Operation, 8. Measure the atmospheric temperature and
Low or High, with the arrow buttons, followed pressure.
by the Mode button.
9. Turn on or insert the radiation source(s)
3. Press the Start button to perform the and take at least 3 measurements. Further
electrometer zero adjustment. This will explanation of the Range, Threshold, Rate,
take about one minute. Charge, and Rate/Charge modes can be
found on pages 5-7.
4. Connect the ionization chamber to the
MAX-4000 and select the desired voltage 10. Analyze the data taking into account the
bias. Allow at least 10 minutes for the sys- average of the readings, system leakage,
tem to stabilize. temperature/pressure corrections, calibration
factors and any other appropriate corrections
5. Verify the leakage of the ionization cham- to be made.
ber is within the manufacturer’s stated ac-
ceptable limits. 11. When all measurements are completed,
set bias voltage to 0 VDC, turn off the MAX-
6. Press and hold the Mode button and re- 4000 and disconnect the ionization cham-
peat the zeroing process in Step 3, but with ber.
the ionization chamber connected. This is
the system zero adjustment.
Front Panel Rear Panel
1 6
! R
2 3 4 5 1 2 3
1 Power button: Turns the unit off and 1 2.1 mm Battery Charger Input:
on. Connect the battery charger to this
input jack when charging the internal
2 Input connection: A standard two battery. Note: If the MAX-4000 is
lug, BNC, triax connector for signal being used in a patient environment,
input. This connector features low do not plug in the charger. Connect
leakage current properties. The to mains power through an isolation
signal current is carried on the cen- transformer only.
tral lead, the guard carries the high
voltage and the outermost ring is 2 RS-232 serial port: A standard
ground. 4 conductor telephone cable may
be used to connect to the serial
To protect the input connector, al-
port for remote observation or data
ways replace the chain cap when
recording. A 15’ cable and DB-9 fe-
the MAX-4000 is not in use.
male adapter (for connection to the
computer) has been provided. Do
3 Battery Charging Light: When lit,
not connect RS-232 serial port to
the battery charger is energized and
the telephone line. This port is for
charging the internal battery.
connection to equipment where no
risk of external voltage exists.
4 Mode button: Press to toggle
through the modes in the follow-
ing order: Range, Bias, Thresh-
3 External reset switch: In the un-
likely event that the device stops
old Levels, Rate, Charge and
responding, use a small diameter
Rate/Charge. Press and hold for
rod to lightly press the internal but-
2 seconds to select the zero ad-
ton and reset the device.
justment procedure and perform
system zero.
Setting up the MAX-4000
Before using the MAX-4000 to take measurements, perform the following steps
to ensure accurate readings. The MAX-4000 features an automatic zero function
and a convenient way to check battery status and bias level.
1. Turn on the MAX-4000. The display 1. The charge level of the internal bat-
will count down a 10:00 minute warm tery is displayed in percent. When
up. The warm up may be bypassed the battery capacity drops below
by pressing the MODE button. If you 15%, the display will read “RE-
choose to bypass the warm up, be CHARGE BATTERY.”
aware that repeatability and leakage
2. Use the arrow buttons to select the
specifications may not be achieved
bias level from the following op-
until 10 minutes has elapsed.
2. Select the desired Range of Opera-
-100% -300 VDC
tion, Low or High, with the arrow but-
tons, followed by the Mode button. -50% -150 VDC
Press the Start button to perform
0% 0 VDC
the zero adjustment. This process
will take 60 seconds. +50% 150 VDC
3. The display will read “ZEROING +100% 300 VDC
COMPLETE.” The MAX-4000 now
defaults to the Bias mode. 3. Press the Mode button to select a
mode of operation. You may return to
NOTE: Each Range of Operation must be the Bias mode at any time to change
zeroed upon initial use. To perform subse- the bias voltage.
quent zero adjustments, press and hold the
Mode button for two seconds.
! When connecting or discon-
necting an ionization chamber to
Range Selection Mode the MAX-4000, set the bias voltage
to 0% (0 VDC).
1. The measuring range of the MAX-
4000 is displayed as High or Low.
The actual numeric range is also Threshold Levels
shown to indicate the proper units
of measurement for each range. The MAX-4000 Electrometer has a thresh-
old mode, which allows it to automatically
2. Use the arrow buttons to select the detect the start and stop of a radiation ex-
desired range of operation. Range posure by measuring the current crossing
change is immediate. predetermined limit thresholds. The start
and stop thresholds are set independently,
3. Use the mode button to select mode
with the default settings of start 0.8 pA and
of operation. You may use the mode
stop 0.5 pA. Threshold limits cannot be
button to return to the range selection
set to 0.0. When making measurements
mode at any time.
in the presence of larger leakage currents,
it may be necessary to raise the threshold
limits. Conversely, since the start threshold
Setting up the MAX-4000 Continued
Using the MAX-4000
Using the MAX-4000 Continued
4. Use the arrow buttons 4. Use arrow buttons to 4. Use arrow buttons to
to select the collection select MAX RUN. select THR DET.
time. Time periods from
5. Press Start/Reset but- 5. Press Start/Reset but-
0 - 600 seconds are
ton to start charge col- ton to start detection.
available in 15 second
lection. The MAX-4000 Meter will display THR
will continue to collect RDY.
5. Irradiate the ionization charge until stopped
6. Irradiate the ionization
chamber. by pressing the Start/
Reset button.
6. Press the Start/Reset
7. When the threshold
button. The MAX- 6. Irradiate the ionization
start level is exceeded,
4000 will count down chamber.
the MAX-4000 will be-
from the time set and
7. Record the reading gin to collecting charge
display the charge
after irradiation period. and the display will
accumulated. When
change to THR TRG.
the countdown is com- 8. Press Start/Reset to
plete, the charge ac- stop collection and 8. The MAX-4000 will con-
cumulated will remain reset reading. tinue to collect charge
until the unit is reset. until the measured
9. Repeat steps 4-8 for
current is below the
7. Record the reading and other charge readings.
threshold stop level.
press the Start/Reset
NOTE: The charge collection When stopped, the
button to clear the
is erased when stopped, so display will change to
reading and reset to
record value before stopping THR RDY.
the chosen collection
time. 9. Record charge value.
8. Repeat steps 4 - 7 for 10. Repeat steps 6-10 for
other charge readings. other charge readings.
NOTE: Charge measure- 11. Press Start/Reset but-
ments greater than 999,999 ton to exit threshold
nC will produce an “OVER- charge collections.
LOAD” message. The display will change
MAX COMM Software
Exterior cleaning of the device can be done with a soft brush and a cloth. Gently brush all
surfaces to remove dirt and dust. Remove any remaining dirt with a cloth slightly dampened
with a solution of mild detergent and water or a liquid disinfecting agent. Do not use water or
liquid on triax jack. Do not permit any liquid to seep into the MAX-4000 in any manner during
cleaning. It is not recommended to clean the window of the LCD with anything other than
a mild detergent and a very soft cloth. Failure to use a soft cloth may result in a scratched
window, and this may impair the visibility of the LCD.
Qualified users may replace the Lead Acid battery only. An illustrated Instruction Booklet is
available. See the Parts and Accessories List below. There are no other user serviceable
parts in the MAX-4000.
If you require further assistance, please contact Standard Imaging’s Service Department
at (800) 261-4446 or (608) 831-0025 for international calls.
REF Description
Features and Specifications
Short term: ±0.1% + one count
Long term: ±0.2% (max change over 2 yrs)
Signal settling time (typ): High Range - 12 sec
Low Range - 3 sec
Operating Conditions:
Pressure: 680 to 770 mm Hg
Temperature: 10 to 40 °C
Relative Humidity: 20 to 80%, non-condensing
Features and Specifications Continued
Width: 22.2 cm (8.24 in)
Height: 7 cm (2.75 in)
Length: 23 cm (9 in)
Service Policy Customer Responsibility
Standard Imaging, Inc. sells this product under the warranty herein set forth. The warranty
is extended only to the buyer purchasing the product directly from Standard Imaging, Inc.
or as a new product from an authorized dealer or distributor of Standard Imaging, Inc.
For a period provided in the table below from the date of original delivery to the
purchaser or a distributor, this Standard Imaging, Inc. product, provided in the table
is warranted against functional defects in design, materials and workmanship,
provided it is properly operated under conditions of normal use, and that repairs and
replacements are made in accordance herewith. The foregoing warranty shall not
apply if the product has been altered, disassembled or repaired other than by Standard
Imaging, Inc. or if the product has been subject to abuse, misuse, negligence or accident.
Standard Imaging’s sole and exclusive obligation and the purchaser’s sole and exclusive
remedy under the above warranties are, at Standard Imaging’s option, limited to repairing,
replacing free of charge or revising labeling and manual content on, a product: (1) which
contains a defect covered by the above warranties; (2) which are reported to Standard
Imaging, Inc. not later than seven (7) days after the expiration date of the warranty period
in the table; (3) which are returned to Standard Imaging, Inc. promptly after discovery of
the defect; and (4) which are found to be defective upon examination by Standard Imaging
Inc. Transportation related charges, (including, but not limited to shipping, customs,
tariffs, taxes, and brokerage fees) to Standard Imaging are the buyer’s responsibility. This
warranty extends to every part of the product except consumables (fuses, batteries, or glass
breakage). Standard Imaging, Inc. shall not be otherwise liable for any damages, including
but not limited to, incidental damages, consequential damages, or special damages.
Repaired or replaced products are warranted for the balance of the original warranty period,
or at least 90 days.
This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, whether statutory or otherwise,
including any implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall Standard
Imaging, Inc. be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use,
misuse or abuse of the product or caused by any defect, failure or malfunction of the product,
whether a claim of such damages is based upon the warranty, contract, negligence, or otherwise.
This warranty represents the current standard warranty of Standard Imaging, Inc. Please
refer to the labeling or instruction manual of your Standard Imaging, Inc. product or the
Standard Imaging, Inc. web page for any warranty conditions unique to the product.