Youth Development and Youth Leadership in Programs

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Youth Development and

Youth Leadership in Programs

What are Youth Development provides workforce investment services
and Youth Leadership & This brief describes how administrators and activities through local One-Stop
Why are They Important? and policymakers can use the concepts of Career Centers and youth-serving
Research supports the premise that youth development and youth leadership programs. The presence of youth
both youth development and youth in developing and administering development principles in WIA
leadership programs positively shape programs that serve all youth and reflected the growing consensus that
the growth of young people with and activities specifically geared toward the most effective youth initiatives are
without disabilities. Youth leadership youth with disabilities. The brief is the ones that focus on a wide range of
programs build on solid youth based on a longer paper, Youth developmental needs. One of the 10
development principles, with an Development and Youth Leadership, program elements required under WIA
emphasis on those development and A Background Paper, published by is leadership development. Research
program components that support The National Collaborative on Workforce shows that effective youth initiatives
youth leadership. and Disability for Youth. The full paper give young people opportunities for
is available online at new roles and responsibilities in the
Often, and mistakenly, the terms program and the community. Because
"youth development" and "youth leadership development and youth
leadership" are used interchangeably. as motivation, academic performance, development are needed by all youth,
Youth development is a process that self-esteem, problem-solving, positive and because they have such a
prepares young people to meet the health decisions, and interpersonal prominent role in WIA, NCWD/Youth
challenges of adolescence and skills). Participation in leadership identified essential areas of
adulthood through a coordinated, development experiences is linked to development and program
progressive series of activities and increased self-efficacy and the components for youth leadership and
experiences that help them to become development of skills relevant to youth development programs.
socially, morally, emotionally, success in adulthood and the
physically, and cognitively competent. workplace such as decision-making The Five Areas of Development
Youth leadership is an important part and working well with others. Building
Some common competencies and
of the youth development process. self-advocacy and self-determination
desirable outcomes emerge from a
Youth leadership is both an internal skills, an important aspect of
review of youth development and
and an external process leading to (1) leadership development for youth with
youth leadership research. The
the ability to guide or direct others on a disabilities, correlates with making a
competencies and outcomes are best
course of action, influence their opinion successful transition to adulthood.
articulated in a framework created by
and behavior, and show the way by the Forum for Youth Investment that
going in advance; and (2) the ability to Youth Development in organizes the range of youth
analyze one's own strengths and Workforce Development development outcomes
weaknesses, set personal and The youth provisions into five
vocational goals, and have the self- of the Workforce developmental areas:
esteem to carry them out. Investment Act (WIA) working,
of 1998 fused youth learning,
Youth development experiences are development principles thriving,
connected to positive outcomes in with traditional connecting, and
youth, including decreases in negative workforce development. leading.
behaviors (such as alcohol and tobacco WIA, the cornerstone of the
use and violence) and increases in publicly funded workforce Youth development
positive attitudes and behaviors (such development system, programs strive to

provide supports, services, and Connecting refers to the organizational components —

opportunities that help youth, development of positive social practices and characteristics of the
including youth with disabilities, behaviors, skills, and attitudes. organization as a whole that are
achieve positive outcomes in all five of Positive outcomes that fall under this necessary for effective youth programs
these areas. While youth leadership area include quality relationships, the — and programmatic components —
programs also help youth achieve ability to build trust, and effective the practices and characteristics of a
positive outcomes in all five areas, they communication. Activities such as specific program that make it effective
place more emphasis on developing adult mentoring, positive peer for young people. In addition, there are
competencies in the areas of leading interactions, and team-building some components that comprise a
and connecting. Using the Forum for exercises help youth achieve these disability focus that programs should
Youth Investment's framework, outcomes. include in order to meet the needs of
NCWD/Youth has outlined intended youth with disabilities.
outcomes and examples of program Leading refers to the development of
activities for each of the five areas. positive skills, attitudes, and Organizational Components
behaviors around civic involvement Both youth development and youth
Working refers to the development and personal goal-setting. Beneficial leadership programs need to be
of positive attitudes, skills, and outcomes that fall under this area supported by an organization that
behaviors around occupational and include a sense of responsibility to has all of the following
career direction. Positive outcomes oneself and others and the ability to characteristics: clear goals related to
that fall under this area include articulate one's personal values. the development of young people;
demonstrated work-readiness skills Activities such as the opportunity to youth development-friendly staff;
and involvement in meaningful work take a leadership role and connections to the community; and
that offers advancement, satisfaction, participation in community service youth involvement. Youth leadership
and self-sufficiency. Activities such as projects help youth achieve these programs must emphasize the
career interest assessments and outcomes. importance of involving youth in
summer internships help youth every facet of the organization,
achieve these outcomes. The chart "Five Areas of Development including serving on the Board of
with Related Outcomes and Activities" Directors, strategic planning, and
Learning refers to the development provides intended outcomes and other administrative decision-making
of positive basic and applied suggested activities for each of the five processes.
academic attitudes, skills, and areas of development. The chart
behaviors. Beneficial outcomes that includes youth leadership program- Programmatic Components
fall under this area include rational specific outcomes and activities for the Youth development and youth
problem solving and critical thinking. "connecting" and "leading" areas. leadership programs should do all of
Activities such as group problem- the following: provide varied hands-
solving games and contextualized Organizational and on and experiential activities; provide
learning using academic skills to Program Components opportunities for youth to succeed
complete a project help youth Youth development and youth and to take on various roles in the
achieve these outcomes. leadership programs for all youth, program; encourage youth
including those with disabilities, involvement in developing and
Thriving refers to the development consist of the same basic implementing program activities;
of attitudes, skills, and behaviors that components necessary to build establish high expectations for
are demonstrated by maintaining on each youth's capabilities youth, and allow them to
optimal physical and emotional well- and strengths and address a experience the
being. Beneficial outcomes that fall full range of developmental consequences of
under this area include knowledge needs. Youth leadership their
and practice of good nutrition and programs place an
hygiene and the capacity to identify additional emphasis on
risky conditions. Activities such as certain components central
workshops on nutrition and hygiene to leadership development.
and role-playing adverse situations The key components of
help youth achieve these outcomes. youth development and
youth leadership programs
can be divided into

CHART: Organization and Program Components


Components of Additional Components of Additional Components for

Youth Development Programs Youth Leadership Programs Disability Focus
• Clear mission and goals • Youth involvement at all levels, includ- • Physically and programmatically acces-
• Staff are trained, professional, support- ing administration and the Board of sible
ive, committed, and youth-friendly Directors • Staff are aware, willing, prepared, and
• Safe and structured environment supported to make accommodations

• Connections to community and other • Knowledge of resources (national and

youth-serving organizations community-specific) for youth with dis-
• Partnerships and collaboration with
other agencies serving or assisting
youth with disabilities


Components of Additional Components of Additional Components for

Youth Development Programs Youth Leadership Programs Disability Focus
• Focus on each young person's individ-
ual needs, assets, and interests

• Hands-on experiential and varied • Hands-on involvement at all program-

activities matic levels such as planning, budget-
• Youth involvement in developing and ing, implementing, and evaluating pro-
implementing activities grams

• Opportunities for success • Multiple opportunities to develop and

• Opportunities to try new roles practice leadership skills
• Youth leadership • Varied, progressive leadership roles for
youth: small group, large group, event,

* Mentoring and role models • Ensure peer and adult role models and
mentors include people with disabilities

• Personal responsibility • Self-advocacy skills building

• Independent living information and
assessment (career, employment, train-
ing, education, transportation, recre-
ation, community resources, life skills,
financial, benefits planning)

• Family involvement and support

* Opportunities for youth to develop self- • Education on community and program • Disability history, law, culture, policies,
awareness, identity, and values values and history and practices

CHART: Five Areas of Development with Related Outcomes and Activities (continued)

Intended Youth Outcomes Suggested Activities

Thriving • Understanding of growth and development as both • Workshops on benefits and consequences of various
an objective and a personal indicator of physical and health, hygiene, and human development issues,
emotional maturation including physical, sexual, and emotional
• Knowledge and practice of good nutrition and development
hygiene • Role playing adverse situations and how to resolve
• Developmentally appropriate exercise (will vary them
depending on age, maturity, and range of physical • Personal and peer counseling
abilities) • Training in conflict management and resolution
• Ability to identify situations of safety and make safe concerning family, peer, and workplace relationships
choices on a daily basis • Community mapping to create a directory of
• Ability to assess situations and environments resources related to physical and mental health
independently • Meal planning and preparation activities
• Capacity to identify and avoid unduly risky • Social activities that offer opportunities to practice
conditions and activities skills in communication, negotiation, and personal
• Ability to learn from adverse situations and avoid presentation
them in the future • Sports and recreational activities
• Confidence and sense of self-worth in relation to • Training in life skills
their own physical and mental status

Connecting • Quality relationships with adults and peers • Mentoring activities that connect youth to adult
• Interpersonal skills, such as ability to build trust, mentors
handle conflict, value differences, listen actively, and • Tutoring activities that engage youth as tutors or
communicate effectively in being tutored
• Sense of belonging and membership (such as valuing • Research activities identifying resources in the
and being valued by others, being a part of a group community to allow youth to practice conversation
or greater whole) and investigation skills
• Ability to empathize with others • Letter writing to friends, family members, and
• Sense of one's own identity both apart from and in pen pals
relation to others • Job and trade fairs to begin building a network of
• Knowledge of and ability to seek out resources in the contacts in one's career field of interest
community • Role plays of interview and other workplace
• Ability to network to develop personal and profes- scenarios
sional relationships • Positive peer and group activities that build
camaraderie, teamwork, and belonging
• Cultural activities that promote understanding
and tolerance
1 Youth Leadership Program-Specific:
• Ability to communicate to get a point across • Workshops in public speaking
• Ability to influence others • Research on historical or current leaders
• Ability to motivate others • Contact with local leaders
• Ability to seek out role models who have been • Strategic planning to change something in the
leaders community or within the youth program
• Ability to be a role model for others

CHART: Five Areas of Development with Related Outcomes and Activities (continued)

Intended Youth Outcomes Suggested Activities

Ability to articulate personal values • Personal plan development with goals, action steps,
' Awareness of how personal actions impact the larger and deadlines
communities • Resource mapping activities in which youth take the
Ability to engage in the community in a positive lead in planning and carrying out a search of com-
manner munity resources for youth
Respect and caring for oneself and others • Voter registration and voting in local, state, and fed-
eral elections
Sense of responsibility to self and others
• Participation in town hall meetings
• Community volunteerism, such as organizing a park
Awareness of cultural differences among peers and
clean-up or building a playground
the larger community
• Participation in a debate on a local social issue
High expectations for self and community
• Training to be a peer mediator
Sense of purpose in goals and activities
• Participation in a letter-writing campaign
Ability to follow the lead of others when appropriate
• Opportunities to meet with local and state officials
and legislators
• Participation in a youth advisory committee of the
city, school board, training center, or other relevant
• Learning activities or courses about leadership prin-
ciples and styles
• Group activities that promote collaboration and team
• Mentoring relationships with positive role models
• Opportunities to serve in leadership roles such as
club officer, board member, team captain, or coach
Youth Leadership Program-Specific:
• Ability to motivate others • Mediation and conflict resolution training
• Ability to share power and distribute tasks • Training in team dynamics
• Ability to work with a team • Training in project management
• Ability to resolve conflicts
• Ability to create and communicate a vision
• Ability to manage change and value continuous

CHART: Organization and Program Components


Components of Additional Components of Additional Components for

Youth Development Programs Youth Leadership Programs Disability Focus
• Clear mission and goals • Youth involvement at all levels, includ- • Physically and programmatically acces-
• Staff are trained, professional, support- ing administration and the Board of sible
ive, committed, and youth-friendly Directors • Staff are aware, willing, prepared, and
• Safe and structured environment supported to make accommodations

• Connections to community and other • Knowledge of resources (national and

youth-serving organizations community-specific) for youth with dis-
• Partnerships and collaboration with
other agencies serving or assisting
youth with disabilities


Components of Additional Components of Additional Components for

Youth Development Programs Youth Leadership Programs Disability Focus
• Focus on each young person's individ-
ual needs, assets, and interests

• Hands-on experiential and varied • Hands-on involvement at all program-

activities matic levels such as planning, budget-
• Youth involvement in developing and ing, implementing, and evaluating pro-
implementing activities grams

• Opportunities for success • Multiple opportunities to develop and

• Opportunities to try new roles practice leadership skills
• Youth leadership • Varied, progressive leadership roles for
youth: small group, large group, event,

• Mentoring and role models • Ensure peer and adult role models and
mentors include people with disabilities

• Personal responsibility • Self-advocacy skills building

• Independent living information and
assessment (career, employment, train-
ing, education, transportation, recre-
ation, community resources, life skills,
financial, benefits planning)

• Family involvement and support

• Opportunities for youth to develop self- • Education on community and program • Disability history, law, culture, policies,
awareness, identity, and values values and history and practices

choices and with disabilities. On the ensuring that all youth, including
decisions; involve programmatic level, the youth with disabilities, have access to
family members additional high quality programs focused on
when possible; and components for youth development and youth
provide the meeting the needs leadership, NCWD/Youth is seeking to
opportunity to interact of youth with work with stakeholders at all levels of
with a mentor or role disabilities include the workforce development, youth
model. Youth leadership involving peers and development, and disability fields to
programs place a adults with disabilities as develop needed resources and
particular emphasis on mentors in order to give materials for program practitioners and
involving youth in every aspect of youth with disabilities as well as those administrators, federal and state
program delivery. Practically, this without disabilities the option of legislators, and youth and their
means that youth have multiple selecting these individuals as their families. The challenge is great, but the
opportunities to observe, practice, mentors; providing self-advocacy skill- promise of better outcomes for youth is
and develop leadership skills; building activities for all youth in greater.
experience progressive roles of programs focused on developing
leadership ranging from leading a leadership skills (self-advocacy skills References
small group to planning an event; are especially important for youth with Access Living of Metropolitan Chicago.
receive education on the values and disabilities as they transition into (n.d.). Y.i.e.l.d. (Youth for Integration
history of the organization; and learn adulthood and employment); through Education, Leadership and
to assess their own strengths and set providing opportunities to learn about Discovery) the power project.
goals for personal development. the history and culture of individuals Retrieved December 12, 2003 from
with disabilities, including disabilities
The chart "Organizational and laws, policies and practices; and
Program Components" provides an providing independent living Aune, B., Chelberg, G., Stockdill, S.,
overview of all the organizational and information and assessment for youth Robertson, B., Agresta, S., &
programmatic components relevant to with disabilities and those without Lorsung, T (1996). Project LEEDS:
youth development and youth disabilities (while important for all Leadership education to empower
leadership programs, including those youth, initial and ongoing assessments disabled students. Minneapolis:
relevant to serving youth with for independent living that center on University of Minnesota.
disabilities effectively. careers and employment, training and
education, transportation, recreation Center for Youth Development and
Disability Focus and leisure, community resources, life Policy Research. (1996). Advancing
The outcomes in all five areas of youth skills, and financial independence and youth development: A curriculum
development are relevant for all youth, planning are especially critical in for training youth workers.
including youth with disabilities. Youth programming for youth with Washington, DC: Academy for
with disabilities can and should be disabilities). Educational Development.
included as participants in youth
development and youth leadership Conclusion ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities
programs along with peers without Few programs for youth include all of and Gifted Education. (1990).
disabilities. There are some additional the youth development, youth Developing leadership in gifted
components that programs should leadership, and disability-related youth. Retrieved January 21, 2004
include in order to meet the needs of components necessary for youth to from
youth with disabilities fully. On the participate fully in all aspects of their e485.html.
organizational level, it is important for lives and society. In order to serve all
organizations and programs to have youth effectively, practitioners should National Collaboration for Youth.
physical and programmatic connect to national resources as well as (n.d.). What works: Essential ele-
accessibility; willing, prepared, and other youth-serving organizations in ments of effective youth develop-
well supported staff with knowledge of their own community to incorporate ment programs. Retrieved December
how to accommodate youth with these components. The increasing 12, 2003 from http://www.nydic.
disabilities; national and community recognition of the importance of youth org/ nydic/ elements.html.
resources for youth with disabilities; development and youth leadership for
and partnerships and collaborations all youth holds both promise and National Youth Employment Coalition.
with other agencies that serve youth challenge. To meet the challenge of (1994). Toward a national youth

development system: How we can Sands, D. K. & Wehmeyer, M. L. (Eds.). Wehmeyer, M. & Schwartz, M. (1997).
better serve youth at risk. A report to (1996). Self-determination across the Self-determination and positive
the U.S. Secretary of Labor. life span: Independence and choice adult outcomes: A follow-up study
Washington, DC: National Youth for people with disabilities. of youth with mental retardation or
Employment Coalition. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes learning disabilities. Exceptional
Publishing Co. Children, 63, 245-256.
Pittman, K. & Cahill, M. (1991). A new
vision: Promoting youth develop- Scales, P. & Leffert, N. (1999). Wehman, P. (1996). Life beyond the
ment. Testimony of Karen Johnson Developmental assets: A synthesis of classroom: Transition strategies for
Pittman before the U.S. House of the scientific research on adolescent young people with disabilities.
Representatives Select Committee on development. Minneapolis: Search Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes
Children, Youth, and Families. Institute. Publishing Co.
Washington, DC: Center for Youth
Development and Policy Research, U.S. Department of Heath and Human White House Task Force for
Academy for Educational Services, Administration for Disadvantaged Youth. (2003). Final
Development. Children and Families. (1996). report. Retrieved January 21, 2004
Reconnecting youth & community: from
Sanborn, M. (1997). Leadership: A youth development approach. disadvantaged/FinalReport.pdf.
Personal and organizational leader- Retrieved December 12, 2003 from
ship defined. Training Forum News Youth Leadership Support Network.
& Views. 15 Jan 1997. Retrieved htm. (n.d.). About the youth leadership
January 21, 2004 from support network. Retrieved December 12, 2003 from

This Information Brief was written by Patricia D. Gill based on a larger paper found This document was developed by NCWD/Youth, funded under a grant supported by
at obtain this the Office of Disability Employment Policy of the U.S. Department of Labor, grant
publication in an alternate format please contact the Collaborative at 877-871-0744 # E-9-4-1-0070. The opinions contained in this publication are those of the
toll free or email This Information Brief is part of a series grantee/contractor and do not necessarily reflect those of the U.S. Department of Labor.
of publications and newsletters prepared by the NCWD/Youth. All publiations will be Individuals may produce any part of this document Please credit the source and sup-
posted on the NCWD/Youth website at port of federal funds.
The National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth (NCWD/Youth) is com- NCWD/Youth
posed of partners with expertise in disability, education, employment, and workforce 1-877-871-0744 (toll-free)
development issues. NCWD/Youth is housed at the Institute for Educational Leadership 1-877-871-0665 (TTY toll-free)
in Washington, DC The Collaborative is charged with assisting state and local workforce
Office of Disability

development systems to integrate youth with disabilities into their service strategies. contact© Employment Policy

Youth to Work

A Coalition of
Corporations, Foundations, Nonprofits and Federal Agencies
Promoting Internships and Mentoring Programs
for Youth with Disabilities
Youth to Work Coalition
The Youth to Work Coalition evolved from the Federal Agency/Foundation Initiative, a
joint effort of the Department of Education Office of Special Education and
Rehabilitative Services and the Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation. The Federal
Agency/Foundation Initiative brought together foundation executives and senior
government officials from agencies that fund programs for youth with disabilities to
explore linkages that would improve quality of life and employment outcomes. The
group identified four need areas including increasing internships and mentoring
opportunities for youths with disabilities. The need is great — a recent study found
that only two percent of juniors and seniors receiving special education services take
part in experiences such as mentoring or internships.

The Youth to Work Coalition was established to make the business case to
companies for instituting model programs that would engage students with disabilities
and lead to meaningful employment. The Coalition also aims to connect and
strengthen public and private sector programs supporting internships, mentoring and
school-to-work transition. The Coalition will seek to partner with business associations
and nonprofits serving youth and disability groups, gather data on best practices and
model programs around the country and provide technical assistance to businesses
that wish to institute or enhance programs to serve youth with disabilities.

For more information on the Youth to Work Coalition, including a directory of model
programs, benefits of work-based learning, profiles of businesses and youth, and
more, please visit our Web site at, or contact:

Joe Timmons
National Center on Secondary Education and Transition

Founding Coalition Members

• Abilities, Inc. • Disability Funders Network
• Booz Allen Hamilton > The Disability Institute
• Career Opportunities for Students with • University of Washington: DO IT Program
Disabilities • EIN SOF Communications
• Cingular Wireless IBM Corporation
• Cornell University McDonald's Corporation
• US Department of Defense Medtronic Corporation
• US Department of Education , Microsoft Corporation
US Department of Labor , Mitsubishi Electric America Foundation
* US Department of Transportation Transcen, Inc.
• emerging leaders
Internship and leadership development opportunities for students with disabilities.

My internship experience has made me realize that I [play] an integral role in breaking down
non-disabled employees' stereotypes and misconceptions of people with disabilities by demon-
strating through my work that people with disabilities have enormous career potential and do
make substantial contributions to organizational business and strategic goals. I learned the
importance in demonstrating to my colleagues that the power of my mind and the strength of
my human spirit transcend my disability, and that the sky is my only limit.

—Emerging Leaders Intern, Class of 2004

Leaders have distinct qualities—the drive to achieve and the desire to excel. The Emerging
Leaders Program supports college students with disabilities through paid summer internships
and leadership development opportunities.

Booz Allen Hamilton, a global leader in international strategy and technology consulting, found-
ed the Emerging Leaders Program in 2001. And our commitment is rich. We used our contacts
in the business and non-profit world to expand the Partner Network in order to offer internships
in a wide range of career fields.

While part of the program, you will have the opportunity to:
• gain meaningful professional experiences
• build a network of supportive peers and business contacts
• attend our annual Leadership Conference in Washington D.C.

Alumni of the Emerging Leaders Program have leveraged their experiences to find rewarding
employment at many of the country's leading companies and non-profit organizations.

Launch your career by becoming a leader.

If you have completed 30 credits, are carrying at least a 3.0 GPA, and qualify as a person with a
disability under the ADA, you may qualify for an Emerging Leaders internship.

For more information, visit

Emerging Leaders partners with businesses and non-profit

organizations to offer meaningful Internship and leadership
development opportunities to students with disabilities.

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