011 - Judicial Review An Indian Perspective
011 - Judicial Review An Indian Perspective
011 - Judicial Review An Indian Perspective
The principle pronounced by the Chief Justice Coke, the legitimacy of the
legislation in numerous cases was confronted strongly in colonial courts. Afterward,
the United State of America created legal standards beforehand the world as a novel
outline of republic. The judicial review, within could act as a commanding checked
on the republic in contrast to disintegrating obsessed by monocracy and give in to the
rule of oppression. India has incorporated into her Constitution itself, the provision of
the judicial review. The Indian Constitution has its uniqueness and individuality.
Patanjali Shastri, the Chief Justice of Indian Supreme Court remarked while
the judiciary logically involved a countless heaviness to the jurisdictive verdict. The
judiciarycannotrecompenseitspersonalresponsibilitytoregulate to
finishconstitutionalityof atestedlegislation. Henceforth, we have laid down the
innovative criterions of statutory rules in the contemporary world.219