Gas - Oil Separator 8.1 Mechanical Separation, Thermodynamic Transients

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[Page 210]

8. Gas – oil separator

8.1 Mechanical separation, thermodynamic transients

In the separation calculations in the previous chapter, we used a control volume to represent
the separator. We assumed then that only gas would come out of the gas outlet and only liquid
would come out of the liquid outlet; and that the gaseous and liquid phase would be in
thermodynamic equilibrium.

In reality, some liquid will accompany the gas as droplets and some gas will accompany the
liquid as small bubbles. The phases will not necessarily be in thermodynamic equilibrium. An
actual separation process cannot be completely ideal. We usually quantify the non-ideal effect
as follows:

“Carry-over” : mass flow of liquid in the gaseous phase, over total mass flow
“Carry-under” : mass flow of gas in the liquid phase, over total mass flow

In this chapter, we will look at how real separators are designed and sized so that they work as
efficiently as possible, i.e., how we can find the most ideal separation, without unnecessary

We should be aware that there is no separation equipment that is ideal for all purposes
imaginable. The equipment must be selected for the purpose in question.

Important selection parameters are:

a) Space available
b) Flow volume
c) Liquid / gas ratio (more separation stages will be used at liquid volumes higher than
around 5% volume)
d) Operating pressure
e) Water production
[Page 211]
Table 8.1: Separation methods
1 Separator tank Tank, or large Reduce the flow rate Oil - gas – water Simple, reliable, Large and heavy, requires
diameter pipe so that gravitational separation inexpensive, large and costly support
differences give efficient down to structures
separation around 200 μm

2 Cyclone separator Tangential inlet gives Rotating flow gives Incorporated in some Efficient and Difficult to size. Can lead
rotating flow acceleration, which separator tanks. Also compact. to formation of emulsion
far exceeds used in processing Unaffected by
gravitational drilling mud and gas minor external
acceleration purification. movements.

3 Wire mesh Mats of thin wire Droplets in the gas Oil - gas separation Cheap and May disintegrate. May
mesh flow will collide with efficient down to become clogged with
the mesh and run around 10 μm solid particles.
down this.

4 Profiled plates Plates which have Centrifugal Oil – gas separation Requires little
(Vanes, hooked been profiled to give acceleration will volume, little
vanes) the gas flow abrupt mean that droplets in pressure loss,
changes in direction. the gas flow collide efficient down to
with the plate walls. around 20μm.

5 Filter The filter openings Gas and water Efficient, good Expensive, requires
stop solid particles, purification control regular back-flushing or
coalesce the droplets. replacement.

6 Scrubbing Bubbling gas through Droplets are collected A lot of unintentional

liquid, or large drops use.
of liquid through gas. Glycol plant

7 Electro-static Particles or drops are Precipitation of Very efficient Expensive

separation charged and water droplets in oil.
precipitated in an
electrical field.
8 Sound waves Sound wave Sound waves cause No, but may reduce Reduction of tank
generator. precipitation of drops the retention time in volume
Not necessarily and bubbles conventional
within an audible separators
[Page 213]

f) Emulsion and / or foam problems

g) Sand production

Table 8.1 shows 8 normal separation methods. These are:

Separator tank, cyclone separator, wire mesh, profiled plates, filter, scrubbing, electro-static
separation, sound waves.

These have been described briefly below.

A basic design of separator tank can be seen in Fig. 8.1. A separator tank may be regarded as a
pipe segment with a large diameter. Flow rate and turbulence will be reduced and liquid, gas
and solid particles will be separated due to gravitational differences. A separator tank is large,
heavy, not particularly efficient, but very reliable.

Figure 8.2 shows different cyclone separator designs. The flow rotates in a cyclone separator
and this gives accelerative forces that far exceed the gravitational acceleration. Therefore, we
can manage with a much smaller separator volume and retention time than for equivalent
separator tanks. One disadvantage is that the sizing methods are somewhat uncertain.
Foaming and formation of emulsion may create problems during rapid rotation.

a) inadequate design methods

b) foaming, formation of emulsion

Figure 8.3 shows separation using wire mesh. A wire mesh is usually made from thin metal
threads. The opening between the threads is relatively large. Pressure loss over the wire mesh
is therefore insignificant. Separation occurs when the drops of liquid collide with the threads
and run down along these.

Figure 8.4 shows separation using profiled plates. In principle, these work in the same way as
wire mesh: drops of liquid collide with the plates and run down along these.
[Page 214]

Figure 8.1 Separator tank

[Page 215]

Figure 8.2 Cyclone separators

[Page 216]
Figure 8.3 Wire mesh
[Page 217]
Profiled plates are less susceptible to blockage and disintegration than wire meshes. There are
many different and patented designs of profiled plates (corrugated plates and hooked vanes).
The special profiles have been designed to improve drainage and prevent the liquid film from
being blown by the gas flow.

A filter is a well-known method of separation and is used in cleaning injection water and in
gas purification. The filter stops solid particles down to a minimum diameter. It does not stop
drops of liquid, but causes these to coalesce into larger drops. Because the filter stops solid
particles, it will gradually become clogged. This is corrected either by replacing the filter
element, or by back flushing. Figure 8.5 shows a gas separator with filter.

Scrubbing as a separation mechanism may consist of bubbling gas that contains very small
droplets, through a liquid. During all flow of two or more phases, the drop – size ratio will be
affected by scrubbing. This may be exploited when designing the upstream and admission
section of conventional separators.

Electro-static separation consists of precipitation of charged particles or droplets using a

strong electrical field. Onshore, this is used, among other things, in smoke purification. In the
oil industry, this method is sometimes used in separation of water droplets in oil.

Sound waves, or sonic separation to accelerate thermodynamic equilibrium, have been used
industrially during production of sulphuric acid according to the lead chamber method. It is
also known that, e.g., air-raid sirens sometimes trigger off rainy weather from oversaturated

8.2 Structure of conventional separators

Oil wells will produce oil, gas, water, salts and some solid particles (fine sediment, particles,
grains of sand, etc.). An oil field separator must be able to receive this mixture in varying
quantities and ratios and separate each phase.
[Page 218]
Figure 8.4 Profiled plates

[Page 219]
Figure 8.5 Filter separator (Campbell /1976/)

[Page 220]
The separator should give a fluid loss with the gas flow (carry-over) less than 10 ppm. For
example, if we transfer such a requirement to coal transport, this means that a railway carriage
with 50 tonnes of coal, we would tolerate a maximum loss of 0.5 kg.

Task 8.1: Separation volume

Let’s observe an oil field with the following production data:

Oil production : 200 000 B/D = 31 800 m3/D

Gas / oil ratio : 100 SCF/STB = 178 m3 /m3

Oil gravity : 32o API

Gas gravity : 0.7

Sediment content : 0.1%

Let’s assume that the oil flow is divided into 2 parallel separator trains. How much mass per
time unit will each separator process?

Oil density – [Equation]
Gas density – [Equation]
Total mass production:
Sediment production per separator:
[Page 221]
Figure 8.6 Oil field separator, schematic structure

[Page 222]
Figure 8.6 shows a schematic structure of a conventional oil field separator. We have
indicated a division of the separator tank into 4 main parts:

1. Inlet section:

This gives deflection of the incoming fluid flow and breaks the flow impulse. The incoming
fluid flow has a high velocity. Without impulse refraction, this would continue as a jet straight
through the separator.

2. Primary separation section:

The purpose here is to reduce the flow rate and turbulence so that we have gravitational
separation. The flow rate is reduced through ensuring enough cross-sectional area in the
separator. Parallel guide plates are usually installed to break turbulence further. Figure 8.7
shows a separator with such plates. The affect of the guide plates may be explained using the
Reynolds number as a target for turbulence:

When the total flow diameter is constant, the velocity, v, will be constant. By increasing the
number of guide plates, we reduce the distance between each plate, D. The Reynolds number
is therefore in inverse ratio to the number of plates.

The guide plates will also counteract foaming. In general, large surfaces will break up the
foam. However, we will have too little distance between the guide plates, as this will make the
separator sensitive to solid particles.

With a good primary separator section design, it will be possible to expect to separate drops of
liquid with a diameter down to 100-200 μm (0.1 – 0.2 mm). With regard to the liquid phase,
the primary separator section must ensure adequate retention time to allow nearly all the gas
to bubble off.
[Page 223]
Figure 8.7 Oil field separator, NATCO design

[Page 224]
3. Drop separator

Gravitational separation of drops down to 100 – 200 μm is usually not enough to ensure fluid
carry-over less than 10 ppm. We will therefore have to install a special droplet separator. Wire
mesh or profiled plates are used for this. With the correct sizing, we can separate drops down
to 10 – 20 μm.

Wire mesh or profiled plate droplet separators have limited liquid capacity, as the precipitated
liquid must be drained down. If the liquid volume is too great, the droplet separator will be
flooded and lose its entire effect. It is decisive for the droplet separator therefore that primary
separation acts satisfactorily.

4. Outlet section:
This separator section is designed to prevent the liquid / or gas from forming a vortex at the
outlet. If a vortex is formed, the liquid may be reabsorbed into the gaseous phase, or the gas
may be drawn down into the liquid phase. Vortex breakers and if necessary wave dampers will
therefore be installed at the outlet.
[Page 225]
8.3 Particle and drop mechanics
In a separator tank, drops of liquid will sink to the liquid surface and gas bubbles will rise up.
These sinking and rising rates are therefore important when sizing separator tanks.

We will use a spherical particle or drop as a basis here. A large drop is not spherical, but when
the drops are small enough, they will assume a spherical shape and behave almost like solid

Figure 8.8 illustrates a drop of liquid sinking in gas and the forces that affect this. These are:

Friction force:
Gravitational force:
When the drop is spherical, we can use volume and area of the diameter.
We can set up the following force balance for constant sinking rate.

[Page 226]
Friction force
Sinking rate
Gas density
Gravitational force

Figure 8.8 Force balance of the sinking drop

[Page 227]
We incorporate equation (8-1) with (8-5) in the force balance and work out the equation for
sinking rate


The friction factor, fD, will be a function of the drop – Reynolds number:

The link between the drop – Reynolds number and the friction factor can be seen graphically
in Figure 8.9 and analytically in Table 8-2. These connections have been prepared for solid
particles. Normally, fluid viscosity is so much greater than gas viscosity that small drops will
almost behave like solid particles.

[Page 228]
Figure 8.9 Drop particle friction factor (Lydersen /1976/)

Form factor:
Ψ = surface of sphere with same volume as the particle
the surface of the particle
[Page 229]
Table 8.2: Drop particle friction factor

Drop – Reynolds number Friction factor Flow conditions

Turbulent boundary layer

Transition area

Laminar boundary layer

We usually use the following equation as a basis when sizing separators:


ks = separation constant (m/s)

By comparing equation (8-9) and (8-7) we see that under the ideal conditions we can express
separation constants as follows:
[Page 230]

From the expression for sinking rate, equation (8-7), we see that the smaller a drop is, the
slower it will sink. We can therefore choose a small drop size and calculate the sinking rate
for this. Large drops sink more slowly and will then be separated out.

Task 8.2 : Sinking rate during low pressure separation

Find the sinking rate for drops with a diameter of 200 μm under the following conditions:

Fluid density ρL = 800 kg/m3

Gas density ρG = 10 kg/m3
Gas viscosity μG = 0.012 cp = 1.2 x 10-5 Pas

1) Assume a typical separation constant
2) Estimate the sinking rate
3) Find the drop – Reynolds number and friction factor

[Page 231]

From Table 8.2:


4) Re-estimate the separation constant


5) Re-estimate the sinking rate

[Page 232]
6) Find the new drop – Reynolds number and friction factor

7) Re-estimate the separation constant


8) Re-estimate the sinking rate


This is so close to the previous estimate that we will stop here. (A 3-iteration would have
given an even more correct estimate according to the equations.)

[Page 233]
Task 8.3: Sinking rate during high pressure separation

Find the sinking rate for drops with a diameter of 200 μm (same as above) during conditions
corresponding to ten times the pressure. This results in a heavier and more viscous gas. The
liquid will be lighter, as the gas is dissolved in the liquid phase.

Liquid density : ρL = 700 kg/m3

Gas density : ρG = 100 kg/m3
Gas viscosity : μG = 0.03 cp = 3 x 10-5 Pas

1) Try with the same separation constant as for the low pressure case:


2) Estimate the sinking rate

[Page 234]

3) Find drop – Reynolds number and friction factor


From Table 8-2

4) Re-estimate the separation constant


5) Re-estimate the sinking rate

With our number of applicable digits, we get no change in the separation constant when
increasing the pressure tenfold. (The sinking rate, however, is reduced to 27% of the original).
Therefore, it is quite reasonable to regard the separator constant as being independent of the
operating pressure.
[Page 235]
Separator constants for vertical tank separators will usually be in the range

ks = 0.018 = 0.11 m/s

We see that our calculated separation constant, 0.042 also lies exactly in the middle of this
variation range.

8.4 Gas capacity

Vertical separators
Figure 8.10 shows a vertical tank separator. This type of separator is often used on small
onshore oil fields. In such a tank, drops of liquid and particles will sink in a counter flow of
gas. This has been illustrated in Fig. 8.11. We know that the smaller a drop is, the slower it
will sink. The smallest separable drop in a vertical tank separator has a sinking rate equal to
the gas velocity. This forms the basis for sizing vertical separators with a view to gas capacity.

Gas velocity

Sinking rate for drops


[Page 236]
Figure 8.10 Vertical tank separator (according to Standing /1974/)

[Page 237]

Net sinking rate

Figure 8.11 Drop of liquid in a vertical separator
[Page 238]
Max. gas velocity

We can now incorporate equation (8-11) and (8-12) into (8-13) and find the gas capacity for a
given size of separator (or the other way round: the necessary separator diameter for a given
gas flow)




The gas capacity applies to free gas at separator pressure and temperature. We can also give
this gas flow at standard pressure and temperature.


We have not mentioned anything about separator length (height) yet. The minimum
requirement is that the length is long enough to allow the gas flow to distribute itself evenly
over the entire flow diameter. In addition to this, there is the fluid-filled length and extra
margin for slug capacity. In practice, we usually find the length / diameter ratio to be around
3:1. In chapter 8.5 we will return to the fluid capacity and necessary fluid volume in the
[Page 239]
Task 8.4: Vertical separator

Find the necessary diameter of a vertical separator based on the following data:

Separator pressure : P = 20 bar

Separator temperature : T = 50oC
Gas flow : QGstc = 2 x 106 stm3/d
Gas gravity : γG = 0.7
z-factor : z = 0.90
Oil density, sep. ratio : ρL = 800 kg/m3
Standard temperature : Tstc = 288 K
Standard pressure : Pstc = 1.013 bar

SOLUTION: Vertical separator

1) We assume an average separation factor: k = 0.042 m/s

2) Estimate gas density at separator ratio


3) Calculate the necessary gas area from equation (7-15)

[Page 240]

Gas capacity for horizontal separators

In a horizontal separator, the sinking direction of the drops will be at right angles to the gas
flow direction. Figure 8.12 illustrates the movement of a drop of liquid in a horizontal
separator. We see that the drop sinking rate may be less than the gas velocity, without this
preventing separation. A horizontal separator will often have guide plates installed, which
means that the drops are collected after a short sinking distance. We can see this in Figure 8.7

Let us assume that the guide plates in a separator are such that a drop will be collected after a
sinking length, λ. The total length of the separator is L. We will then have the following links.

Sinking time before collection:


Gas retention time:


The retention time in the separator must be equal to or greater than the necessary sinking time
in order for the drop to be collected.


We incorporate equation (8-16) and (8-17) in (8-18) and get:

[Page 241]

Figure 8.12 Drop of liquid in horizontal separator

[Page 242]
Ideally, the length factor, FL, is equal to the ratio between the separator length and the
maximum drop sinking length. In reality, the ratio is much more complex, as increased gas
velocity also means increased turbulence and a tendency toward entrainment of the drops. The
length factor is usually given using an empirical correlation.

From the above equations, we can derive the sizing equations for gas capacity in horizontal
separators. We can give the gas capacity in mass units.


Or in standard volume units


We see that the equations are analogue to the sizing equations for vertical separators (8-14),
(8-15). The differences are:

a) For horizontal separators, the effective cross section is equal to the total cross sections,
less fluid-filled cross section.

b) For horizontal separators, the capacity depends on the length. This is expressed as a
dimensionless length factor FL.

The correlation for FL will depend on the structure of the separator.

API Spec. 12J /1982/ recommends the following correlation

[Page 243]
C = 0.12 – 0.15 (m/s)
L : separator length (m)

Task 8.5: Horizontal separator

Find the necessary diameter with regard to gas capacity for a 6 m long horizontal separator
(same fluid data as for the task above).

Separator pressure : P = 200 bar

Separator temperature : T = 50oC
Gas flow : QGstc = 2 x 106 stm3/d
Gas gravity : γG = 0.7
z-factor : z = 0.90
Oil density, sep. ratio : ρL = 800 kg/m3
Standard temperature : Tstc = 288 K
Standard pressure : Pstc = 1.013 bar

SOLUTION: Horizontal separator

1) We estimate the length factor according to equation (8-22):


2) We estimate gas area from equation (8-21)

[Page 244]

3) We assume that the separator is operated half-full of fluid:


4) Separator diameter: 1.70 m

8.5 Fluid capacity

The separator must be able to separate gas from the liquid phase. The fluid capacity will be
affected by several mechanisms:
a) Diffusion of dissolved gas into gas bubbles
b) Rising gas bubbles to gas / liquid surface
c) Foaming on gas / liquid surface
d) Hydro-dynamic behaviour of the separator

We will now look at each of these mechanisms:

a) Diffusion:
Most diffusion rates are proportional to concentration c.


This gives:

c = concentration of oversaturated dissolved gas in liquid
a = proportionality factor, diffusion coefficient

We see that diffusion will give exponential decreasing concentration of gas dissolved in the
liquid phase.
[Page 245]
The diffusion coefficient will depend greatly on the turbulence in the liquid phase. The
diffusion rate may be sizing for separation during depressurization, e.g. in case of a leak in a
tank. In normal gas-oil separation, strong turbulence in the admission section will probably
mean that the diffusion goes very quickly.

b) Surfacing gas:
Small gas bubbles will rise up through the liquid according to the same laws that govern drops
that sink through the gas. This was discussed in section 8.3 above.

However, the viscosity of the bubbles will now be less than the surrounding liquid and the
bubbles will no longer behave as solid particles. The surfacing rate of small bubbles in
endless liquid, which Hadamard and Rybczynski found analytically as early as in 1911, has
been quoted by Grace /1982/: (Grace seems to have written something that I consider to be a
typing error and have corrected).



Index: B = bubble

This equation has two clear marginal cases:

a) = indefinite (Solid particle)

gives the surfacing rate, according to Stokes Law:


b) (Ideal gas bubble)

gives a 50 % higher surfacing rate
[Page 246]
As a matter of curiosity, it can be mentioned that equation (8-27) is often used in design.
This gives an under-estimation of the surfacing rate of around 30% (safety factor).

c) Foaming

The gas bubbles will form a layer of foam on the surface. If the bubbles are not burst
quickly enough, the layer of foam will grow. It should be obvious that a foam-filled
separator does not function particularly well.

Pure oils generate very little foam. Foam stabilization is due to surface-active substances.
These may be naturally present in the oil (clay particles), or be added for other purposes
(stimulation, corrosion protection, etc.). If foaming occurs, this will usually be the limiting
factor for the fluid capacity. Foaming is a problem for some fields in the North Sea.

Foaming oils are best treated in horizontal separators. The large fluid surface in horizontal
separators keeps the foam height at an acceptable level and eases breaking up of the foam.
Foaming is counteracted by continuous addition of a chemical inhibitor. Silicon (poly-
dimethyl siloxan, PDMS) is an effective foam inhibitor, Pape /1983/. Figure 8-13 shows a
schematic example of a plant for injection of foam inhibitor.

d) Hydro-dynamic behaviour
We would have liked the fluid to move like a piston (or plug) through the separator. This
would mean that all the fluid stayed the same length of time in the separator and had the
same opportunity to be stabilized. The actual hydro-dynamic behaviour of separators often
deviates from this, so that some of the fluid may move very quickly through the separator
and some of the separator volume may act as pure dead volume. We will return to
separator hydro-dynamics during oil-water separation in the next chapter.
[Page 247]
Well flow
Silicon, diluted with diesel oil
Injection pump

Figure 8.13 Separation with injection of foam inhibitor

[Page 248]
Diffusion, surfacing rate, foaming and hydrodynamic behaviour will determine the
capacity for a given fluid in a given separator. It is normal to express the fluid capacity
using an average retention time.


tr : average retention time
VL : fluid volume in the separator
QL : flow out of the separator

The fluid capacity is then expressed as:


Retention time is often used on the basis of experience with similar oils. It is also an
obvious advantage to take the mechanisms that determine retention time into
consideration. In order to give some feeling of quantity, a few minimum retention times
are given in Table 8.3.
Table 8.3: Minimum retention times for non-foaming oils

Separator pressure Retention time

Below 40 bar 1 min.
Between 40 and 70 bar 50 secs
Above 70 bar 30 secs.
[Page 249]
The prerequisite for Table 8.3 is that high pressure also leads to high temperature and
dissolved gas. Both of these reduce viscosity of the fluid and increase the surfacing rate of the
gas bubbles.

In practice, 2-5 minutes retention time is often used. Heavily foaming oils may require a
retention time of up to 15 minutes. Some separator tanks are also designed to even out
irregular inflow. When this is relevant, the sizing must be according to this.

[Page 250]
Task 8.6 Fluid capacity

Estimate the fluid capacity for task 8.5: Horizontal separator.

Retention time: 2 minutes.


a) Fluid-filled volume, half full separator, ignoring bending in the end pieces.


b) Fluid capacity


For a formation factor Bo = 1.2 under separator conditions, this gives the following fluid
capacity in standard volume units:



= 4,100 stm3/d
[Page 251]
Task 8.7: Retention time

Calculate the average retention time to ensure that a 150 μm bubble reaches the surface under
the following conditions:

Gas density : ρ0 = 108 kg/m3

Fluid density : ρL = 800 kg/m3
Fluid viscosity : μL = 1 cp
Fluid depth : h =1m


a) Calculate the surfacing rate from equation (8-27)


b) The retention time to ensure that a 150 μ bubble reaches the surface


8.6 Wall thickness and weight

The shell of the tank is sized according to given industry standards. According to the ASME
standard, the wall thickness is the cylindrical main part of the separator given using the
following equation:



t = Wall thickness (in the same unit as diameter)

P = Separator pressure in same unit as stress (s)
S = Maximum acceptable stress in the separator shell (bar)
[Page 252]
D = Inner separator diameter
ε = Corrosion safety margin
Ε = Welding seam safety factor
Y = Correction factor for axial stress
(Y = 0.5, recommended by the Norwegian Pressure Vessel Committee)

E = 1 may be used for a seamless separator cylinder and for fully x-ray checked double
welding seam. You should note that the wall thickness is directly proportional with the

Corresponding sizing equations such as (8-30) exist for end pieces with different designs. The
equation for hemispherical end pieces, without corrosion corrections, is as follows:



R = inner radius of the sphere

When we know the diameter, thickness and density of the steel, we can calculate the weight of
the separator. The following equation is given by Campbell /1976/ for an empty separator.


Di : inner diameter (m)

t : wall thickness (m)
L : length (m)
m : mass (kg)
[Page 253]

Task 8.8: Separator wall thickness

Estimate the wall thickness of the separator for the following design parameters:
Di = 1.50 m
Pmax = 140 bar
S = 950 bar (25% of the strength of ordinary 3,800 bar 55000psi steel)
E = 1
ε = 5 mm

SOLUTION: Separator wall thickness

We incorporate directly into equation (8-30)

[Page 254]

Task 8.9: Separator weight

Estimate the weight of our horizontal separator during operation:

L = 6m
Di = 1.5 m
t = 0.115 m
ρL = 800 kg/m3
ρG = 108 kg/m3


a) Estimate the weight of an empty separator equation (8-32)


b) Estimate the weight of oil and gas when assumed to be half full of oil


c) Total weight

[Page 255]
8.7 Regulation, instrumentation

In two-phase tank separators, the regulation problem consists of maintaining the correct
pressure and fluid level. The flow into the separator is controlled by a special choke valve.
But this is positioned at a constant opening and is controlled automatically. Usually, the
control equipment only consists of:

a) Fluid level control:

This controls the liquid outlet valve in order to maintain a constant fluid level in the
separator. The level control usually consists of a float that controls a pneumatic control
valve. This has been shown in Figure 8.14. We get a control signal that may be used
directly for pneumatic control of the liquid outlet valve.

b) Liquid outlet valve:

Pneumatically controlled valve. Most types of valves may be used. The valve is sized
for maximum flow, plus a safety margin (10%). A back-up valve is often used. Figure
8.15 shows a liquid outlet valve.

c) Pressure control:
This controls the gas outlet valve in order to maintain a constant pressure in the
separator. Usually, the separator pressure does not need to be very accurate. The
pressure control usually also gives the pneumatic control signal.

d) Gas outlet valve:

A back-pressure valve which, controlled by the pressure control mechanisms,
maintains a constant pressure in the separator.
The separator is usually equipped with some instrumentation, safety equipment, such
- Upper fluid level alarm
- Lower fluid level alarm
- Temperature gauge
- Pressure gauge
- Safety valve(s)
[Page 256]
Compressed air in
Compressed air out
Ventilation port
Guide sleeve

Figure 8.14 Pneumatic fluid level control

[Page 257]

- Drain device
- Visual level control

The test separator will also be equipped with oil and gas measuring equipment

Figure 8.15 Pneumatically controlled liquid outlet valve (Rémont (1967)

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