Improving Students' Ability in Writing Report Text Through Mind Mapping Technique at The Second Grade of Sma N 3 Bandar Lampung

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Octavinia Manalu S*, Patuan Raja, Flora

English Education Study Program,

Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Lampung University

Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meneliti apakah ada peningkatan signifikan
pada keterampilan pemahaman menulis siswa setelah penerapan teknik mind
mapping. Pendekatan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 33
siswa tingkat kedua SMA. Tes menulis digunakan sebagai alat pengumpulan data.
Data dianalisis dengan menggunakan Repeated Measure t-test. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan signifikan pada kemampuan menulis
siswa dengan tingkat signifikansi 0.05. Hal ini menandakan bahwa teknik mind
mapping dapat diterapkan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan menulis siswa.

Abstract. The objectives of this research were to find out whether there was a
statistically significant improvement of the students’ writing ability after the students
were taught through mind mapping technique and to find out which writing aspect
improves the best after being taught by using mind mapping technique. The approach
of the research was quantitative. The subjects were 33 students of the second grade
of high school. The writing tests were used as the research instrument. The data were
analyzed by using Repeated Measure t-test. The result showed that there was a
statically significant improvement of the students’ writing with the significant level
of 0.05. This suggests that mind mapping technique facilitates the students to
improve their ability in writing skill.

Keywords: writing, writing ability, mind mapping technique



In learning English, there are four major skills which need to be mastered by the
learners. They are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. According to Langan
(2007: 13), writing is a necessary basic skill. Through writing, people can share
the information with others, such as to carry out the transaction, to persuade, to
infuriate, to tell how they feel, learn to shape their thoughts, their ideas and their
lives. In addition, Raimes (1983: 76) says that writing is a skill in which people
express their ideas, feeling and thoughts which are arranged in words, sentences
and paragraph using eyes, brain and hand. Thus, writing is basically the process of
expressing ideas and thoughts of the writer using knowledge of structure and
vocabulary to combine the writer’s ideas as means of communication. However,
Nunan (1985: 91) states that writing is clearly complex. This knowledge will be
useful for the students and important for them to be able to express what they
actually want to express. Not only that, but also there is another reason why
writing is regarded difficult. According to Simpson in Supiani (2011: 13) the
difficulty is due to the fact that a writer needs to have enough language and
general intellectual skills to generate the organized ideas and put those ideas into
coherent, logically ordered, intelligible sentences, paragraphs and essays.

Besides, most students did not like writing. It was because the students considered
writing was difficult. Their difficulties happened in producing a written text.
Byrne (1988: 4) states that writing is difficult for most people both in mother
tongue and in foreign language. Hall and Harris (1979) in Waldron (2005: 25)
also say that writing is perhaps the most complex of all the language skills that the
students must learn because there are many aspects to produce a piece of a good
writing, they are: content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic.
Those factors that might influence the students’ quality of writing. Students
mostly encountered the problems in writing because they were lacking of one of
those factors; content, organization, vocabulary, grammar, and mechanic.
Therefore, the teacher should pay attention in increasing these factors to make the
students’ writing skill better. The teacher should enrich the students’ vocabulary,
teach the rules of grammar, and develop the students’ ability of making ideas.

There are many kinds of text such as narrative, recount, hortatory, descriptive, and
report text. According to Barker (2000: 23) report text is a piece of writing which
aims to describe something in a general way. This theory implies that report text
refers to kind of text that describes the information by explaining the general
information which is used to report the information. There are some topics that
can be discussed in report text are such as; phenomenon, animals, sports.

There are some ways of teaching the report text. They differ on the media,
method, or technique which are used in the teaching-learning process. Mind
mapping can be an appropriate technique in teaching writing report text. Based on
the researcher’s experience in Teaching Practice (PPL) at SMAN 1 Semaka, it

was found that the students still got difficulties in producing the ideas before they
did writing. Besides, most of the students got bored and confused because they
did not have the ideas that they were going to write. In line with the problem
above, Buzan (2007) says that by using mind mapping, people can represent ideas
in visualization and graphic forms where one idea is connected to another idea by
using branches. Mind mapping orders many keywords in every branch. In other
words, it helps students to associate ideas, think creatively, and make connections
in sentence. Therefore, the researcher believed that mind mapping could
overcome the students’ problem in producing the ideas which meant it helped
them at the first writing step because they had already had the written ideas. Thus,
the students just needed to elaborate the ideas into sentences then arranged them
into paragraphs sequentially based on the generic structure of report text.

Referring to the explanation above, this research applied mind mapping technique
in teaching writing on report text of Senior High School students. Therefore, the
objectives of this research are (1) find out if there is an improvement of the
students’ ability in writing report text after being taught by using mind mapping
technique, and (2) to see the aspect of writing which improves the most after
mind mapping technique applied in teaching learning process.
The approach of the research was quantitative. The design was one group pre-test
and post-test design. The population of the research was students of the second
grade of SMA Negeri 3 Bandar Lampung and the sample of the research was class
XI Science 5 consisting of 33 students. The activities were started from
administering pre-test, doing treatment, and administering post-test.
The instrument used were writing test. The writing test was administered twice:
the first was pre-test and the second was post-test. Pre-test was conducted to know
the students’ writing ability before being given the treatment and post-test was
given to know the students’ writing ability after treatments. In analyzing the data,
repeated measure t-test was used to prove the hypothesis and to know whether this
research was significant or not by looking at the results of pre-test and post-test.
According to Hatch and Farhady (1982: 281) there are two basic types of validity;
content validity and construct validity. The test in this research has content
validity because the researcher made this test based on the objective of teaching in
syllabus for the second grade of senior high school students. In this research, the
researcher asked the students to write a report text to measure the students’
writing ability. The researcher classified the score using writing report scoring
rubric by Heaton (1998: 146). The technique of scoring is based on five aspects.
They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic.
Hatch and Farhady (1982: 243) establish that the reliability of a test could be
defined as the extent to which a test produces consistent result when it administers
under similar conditions. In order to achieve the reliability of the writing of the
students, interrater reliability was used in this study. In this study, the first rater
was the researcher based on the scoring criteria Heaton (1998: 146); the second
rater was the English teacher in the school. The result of reliability score of pre-

test was 0.956 (very high reliability), and the result of reliability score of post-test
was 0.951 (very high reliability).
After conducting the research, the researcher gathered the result of pre-test and
post-test as follows:
Table 1. The Difference of Students’ Writing Score in the Pre-Test and Post-
Mean Score of Mean Score
Pretest of Posttest
62.75 68.28 5.53

Table 2. Distribution of the Students’ Pretest and Posttest Score

No Score Fi Pre-test Percentage Fi Post-test Percentage

1 45-51.5 3 9.09 1 3.03
2 52-58.5 11 33.33 3 9.09
3 59-65.5 6 18.18 11 33.33
4 66-72.5 9 27.28 6 18.18
5 73-79.5 3 9.09 10 30.31
6 80-86.5 1 3.03 1 3.03
7 87-93.5 0 0 1 3.03
Total 33 100 33 100

From Table 1, it shows that the mean score of pretest is 62.75. Meanwhile, the
mean score of posttest is 68.28. It can be concluded that there is an increase
between the students’ pretest and posttest. The increase of the mean score of the
pretest and postest is 5.53.
Besides, it can also be seen that mind mapping technique can increase the
students’ ability in writing report text in each aspects of writing. The increase of
each aspect of writing report text is presented in the following table.
Table 3. The Increase of Each Aspect from the Pre Test to the Post Test
No Components Pretest Posttest Increase
1 Content 18.72 20.71 1.98
2 Organization 12.65 13.62 0.96
3 Vocabulary 14.81 15.74 0.92
4 Language Use 13.40 14.27 0.86
5 Mechanic 3.15 3.93 0.78

It can be seen in the table above that there is an increase in every of writing
including content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. The
aspect with the highest increase is content (1.98). The second is organization
(0.96) then vocabulary (0.96), language use (0.86), and mechanic (0.78).

The researcher administered the hypothesis of this research to find out whether the
hypothesis of this research was accepted or not. Besides, the researcher also
compared the result of t-value and t-table to determine whether the alternative
hypothesis can be accepted or not. The researcher used Paired Sample t-test to
test; and this was the result of the test.

Table 4. T-test of the Hypothesis Analysis

Paired Samples Test

Paired Differences
95% Confidence
Interval of the
Std. Std. Error Sig. (2-
Mean Deviation Mean Lower Upper T df tailed)
Pair Posttest – 5.5303
1 Pretest .86548 .15066 5.22342 5.83719 36.707 32 .000

Null hypothesis is rejected if t-value> t-table with the level of significance at

<0.05. From the data in Table 4.5, it could be seen that 36.707 > 2.0345 and 0.00
< 0.05. Therefore, for the hypothesis, the null hypothesis was rejected and the
research hypothesis was accepted.
In short, it means that there is a significant increase of students’ writing report text
through mind mapping technique for the second grade students of SMA Negeri 3
Bandar Lampung. Moreover, the aspect improved the most was content.
This research had showed that the implementation of mind mapping technique can
improve the students’ writing report text. The improvement of the students’
writing ability can be seen from the comparison between the students’ pretest
score and posttest score. The researcher asked the students to write report text by
limiting the topic, that is about sport. After that, the researcher and the English
teacher analyzed the students’ score to know whether there is an increase of the
students’ writing report text. The result of the mean score of the pretest was 62.75
and the posttest was 68.28. The increase of the means score is about 5.53. So, it
can be said that there is an increase of the students’ writing report text by using
mind mapping technique.
There are several previous studies about the implementation of mind mapping
technique in teaching writing. One of them was conducted by Purnomo (2014).
The subject of her research was second grade students of MTs Muhammadiyah 1
Cekelan in Academic Year of 2013 / 2014. The result shows that mind mapping
technique can be used in teaching writing descriptive text.
The second previous research was conducted by Aprilia (2017) who carried out a
research about mind mapping technique to improve students’ writing ability in
writing descriptive text at second grade of SMPN 1 Trimurjo. The result of this
research shows that there is an improvement in students’ writing descriptive text

after being taught using mind mapping and also mind mapping technique can
increase each aspect of writing, namely: content, organization, vocabulary,
grammar, and mechanics.
The third previous research was conducted by Nurlaila (2013). Her research was
aimed to investigate the use of mind mapping to help students improving their
writing ability in writing descriptive text at seventh-graders in a Junior High
School in Bandung. The results of this study shows that the use of mind mapping
technique is effective to improve students’ scores in writing descriptive text. It
also shows that mind mapping can increase each aspect of writing.
The fourth previous research comes from Cahyo (2013) who tried to find out how
the mind mapping technique was applied in the classroom to improve the
students’ writing skill in the English teaching learning process at Man Yogyakarta
III. The subject was the tenth grade students of Man Yogyakarta III. The results of
this study shows that the use of the mind mapping successfully improves the
students’ writing descriptive text especially in content.
According to the findings of the previous researches above and in this research,
the students gained significant improvement after the implementation of mind
mapping technique for their writing scores. Interestingly, the improvement of
students’ scores happened not only in report text as it is used in this research, but
also in another type of text such as descriptive text as it had been tested in the
previous researches.
According to those three previous researches, they found that mind mapping
technique improves students’ writing ability mostly in aspect of content.This
happened because mind mapping technique more guide the students in content
aspect, such as leading the students to have the ideas before doing writing.
Therefore, mind mapping technique can improve students’ aspect of writing
mostly in aspect of writing.
In addition, in this research it was also found that mind mapping technique did not
only increase the students’ report text, but it also increased aspects of writing.
They are content, organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. From
five aspects of writing, the highest score was content. The increase is 1.98. It was
because on the prewriting, the students had already had the ideas about the topic
they were going to write by making the mind map. Besides, the students were
active and got new vocabularies by making the keywords as the ideas. It was also
easier for the students to make the content of their writing because on the drafting
session they just needed to elaborate their ideas became sentences, gave the
number in each sentence based on the generic structure of the report text and
arranged the sentences into paragraphs.
Through mind mapping technique, the students were given a guideline in the form
of pictures in writing report text to help the students to make the ideas. By having
mind maps, they have something to write and their piece of writing would be well
organized. It also supports Mercer’s statement (2002) who said that mind mapping
can help writers stick to the topic by having their ideas in front of them as they are
writing. It is similar to what the researcher found during the treatments. Before

getting the treatments, the students had difficulties in conveying their ideas by
writing. It made their writing disorganized and poorly written. However, after
getting the treatments, their writing became better and smoother. It means that it is
good for the students because mind mapping helps the students to organize and
create the ideas as many as they can before they move on writing. That makes the
students can be easily to write because they only need to elaborate the ideas. So,
mind mapping is useful for the students to do writing and the students in this
research were helped in writing report text through mind mapping technique.
On the other hand, the aspect with the lowest increase was mechanic with 0.78.
This happened because the researcher did not discuss the mistakes made by the
students in form of mechanic aspect during the implementation. This made the
students unaware that they made mistakes such as the use of capital letter,
punctuation, and paragraph.
From the explanation above, it is concluded that the implementation of mind
mapping technique can significantly improve students’ writing especially in
terms of content.
Referring to the discussion of the research findings on the previous chapter, the
researcher comes to the following conclusions: (1) Based on the result of this
research, mind mapping technique can increase students’ writing skill and it also
improves the students’ skill in five aspects of writing namely: content,
organization, vocabulary, language use, and mechanic. (2) The content has the
highest score than other aspect. It is because the students already have the ideas
before writing which makes the students only need to elaborate their ideas into
sentences then arrange the sentences into paragraphs. Mind mapping also makes
the students more focus on making the ideas that will be the content of their
writing. The suggestions for both English teacher and further researcher can be
drawn as follows: (1) English teachers are suggested to apply mind mapping
technique as one of the alternative ways to increase the students’ writing report
text. This is because mind mapping technique can help the students who still have
the problems in expressing their ideas in written form to generate their ideas
related to the topic. (2) English teachers are also suggested to use media in
teaching writing by mind mapping technique while the treatments, such as:
pictures, videos, and posters. It is because most of the students are more excited
when the teacher uses media in teaching learning activity. Besides, the activities
in the class will be more fun. (3) Topic choice also motivates the students in
learning activity. Teachers should choose a topic that is appropriate for students
and also choose the topic which can make the students interested. The topic
should be related to the students’ daily life. (4) The mechanic aspect was the
lowest achievement among the other aspects of writing. The teacher should
discuss the aspect of writing especially mechanic aspect during the treatments. (5)
In this research, the researcher only focused on the increase of students’ report
text writing ability. The researcher suggests other researchers to find out the effect
of mind mapping technique in other skills such as reading, listening and speaking.

(6) Other researchers also can try to find out other types of texts besides report
text, for example: analytical exposition text, narrative text and procedure text.
Those are the conclusion of this study during the research using mind mapping
technique, also the suggestions for both English teachers and further research in
using mind mapping technique.

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