ClaimCenter - Developer Workstation Setup v-1.4
ClaimCenter - Developer Workstation Setup v-1.4
ClaimCenter - Developer Workstation Setup v-1.4
Developer Workstation
How to configure a developer workstation to support Guidewire
Studio and run a local instance of ClaimCenter.
Table of Contents
Revision History .......................................................................... 2
Overview..................................................................................... 2
Prerequisite Software ................................................................. 3
SQL Setup For Local ClaimCenter Instance ................................. 3
JAVA SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT (JDK) .............................. 13
Dynamic Code Evolution Virtual Machine ................................ 15
Ant ............................................................................................ 17
Install Guidewire Studio ........................................................... 18
Configuring ClaimCenter to Run Locally ................................... 19
Internet Explorer 11 Configuration........................................... 20
Running ClaimCenter Locally .................................................... 21
SETUP TEAM FOUNDATION SERVER (TFS) ................................ 22
Revision History
This document highlights the basic steps required to run Guidewire Studio and to run a local instance of
ClaimCenter. It outlines basic software requirements, workstation configuration, and supplemental
The approach herein makes use of the GW QuickStart Development Environment for the web application
but utilizes SQL 2008 for the database. The QuickStart application server (Jetty) is a fully certified servlet
container that starts faster than production application servers. It also provides an instantaneous view of
configuration changes. The QuickStart server uses the ClaimCenter configuration files from the file system,
rather than requiring a packaged WAR or EAR file. Therefore, developers can configure ClaimCenter
without needing to repackage the application.
Because of our usage of multiple target environments QuickStart is highly advantageous over TomCat or
JBoss. Also, GW recommends you do not use JBoss as your local app server. Using QuickStart you can pull
down the dev code from source control to a working folder (per branch i.e. CCL1, CCL2, etc) without having
to reconfigure your application server each time to point to each code base in each working folder. You
merely pull the code from source control, place the additional GW Studio code in the working folder and
you have a local instance running for development.
If you want to use Guidewire documentation to configure your developer workstation, search for the
“ClaimCenter Installation Guide” in the Guidewire resource portal knowledge base. Be advised that
document contains a host of information covering many options for developer and production
Prerequisite Software
The following software MUST be installed to run Guidewire Studio or to support commonly needed
Installers for all software listed below can be found here: \\safeautonet\dfs\repository\Claims
Corporate Legal IT\Software\
Virtual Clone Drive. Instructions for installation not provided (Installer here).
Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Professional (or greater). Instructions for installation not provided
(Installer here).
Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 Power Tools. Instructions for installation not
provided (Installer here).
Java Software Development Kit (JDK). Instructions for installation provided below.
Java Dynamic Code Evolution VM. Instructions for installation provided below.
These steps outline how to configure a local instance of the ClaimCenter SQL database. To set up the
SQL database perform the following:
Note: If you have SQL Server 2008 R2 SP1 already installed skip to step 2. If you have a greater version
of SQL Server installed, please remove it first and then install SQL Server 2008 R2.
Start the installation. If you need the install package, at the time this document was written, the install
can be found here: \\safeautonet\dfs\msdnpro\Microsoft Sql
In the SQL Server Installation Center application, select Installation on the left menu below Planning.
On the right side of the screen select “New installation or add features to an existing installation”.
At the Setup Support Rules screen click OK.
In the SQL Server 2008 R2 Setup application, at the Setup Support Files screen click Install.
At the Product Key screen enter the product key assigned to you and click Next.
At the License Terms screen check “I accept the license terms” and click Next.
At the Setup Role screen select SQL Server Feature Installation and click Next.
Instance Features:
Shared Features:
Change the Shared feature directory drive from C to E if you have a dedicated 500 Gig SSD on E.
Change the Shared feature directory (x86) drive from C to E if you have a dedicated 500 Gig SSD on E.
Change the Instance root directory drive letter from C to E if you have a dedicated 500 Gig SSD on E.
Click Next.
At the Disk Space Requirements screen click Next.
Set the services to use the NT Authority\System account for all services. The last two services will
automatically use NT Authority\Local.
Click Next.
Under Specify SQL Server administrators, click Add Current User. Once selected the list box should
show something similar to SAFEAUTONET\robist (Steven Robinette).
Click Next.
Click Next.
Click Next.
Start SQL Server Management Studio.
Authentication = Windows Authentication. Note your user name should show in the user name box.
Right-click the SQL Server Agent node and select Properties.
Click OK.
From SQL Server Management Studio, right click your local server and select properties.
Click OK.
Right click Databases in the Object Explorer.
Click OK.
From SQL Server Management Studio, beneath your local server right click the Security node.
At the Login - New screen . . .
Select the Server Roles page and check public.
Under the Database role membership for: GuidewireCC check db_owner and public.
Click OK.
From SQL Server Management Studio, right click your local server and New Query.
Below SQL Server Configuration Manager (Local) expand SQL Server Network Configuration.
In the popup window set Status to Enabled.
From SQL Server Management Studio, right click your local server and Stop.
From SQL Server Management Studio, right click your local server and Start.
Check if you're able to connect to the new database with the newly created user credentials. In case if
you're not, please change the password for the DB user as configured in step 5. Restart your computer.
After this, you should be able to connect to the database with the new credentials.
If you need to pull down a backup copy of the CC database, please see the instructions outlined in the
document: ClaimCenter - Dev workstation database restore.
The Java Software Development Kit (JDK) will install the Java Runtime Environment as well as the Java
Developer’s Kit. It is critically important to use the installers listed in this document. ClaimCenter 7.X
uses very specific versions of the Java toolset. If you try to use a version later than those listed in this
document ClaimCenter will not start. You must uninstall all other versions of Java before proceeding.
You technically can have multiple versions installed in parallel, but we have had serious issues doing
this. Guidewire recommended we only have the version of Java listed here installed.
Additional Note: Previously we used jdk-6u37. We have since moved to u151. This was to address TLS
1.2 issues with vendors. 6u37 only supported TLS 1.0. Additionally, u151 broke support for Dynamic
Code Evolution Virtual Machine (DCE VM). Development for DCE for 6 ended with earlier versions of
the JDK update and future development moved to Java 7.
Run the JDK installer \\safeautonet\dfs\repository\Claims Corporate Legal IT\Software\Java\java6\Java Development Kit (JDK 64 bit)\jdk-6u37-
At the Change Current Destination Folder screen change the Folder name drive letter from C to E if
you have a dedicated 500 Gig SSD on E. The complete path should read E:\Program
At the Change Current Destination Folder screen change the Folder name drive letter from C to E if
you have a dedicated 500 Gig SSD on E. The complete path should read E:\Program Files\Java\jre6\.
Please note: If either of these folders are missing Guidewire Studio will not function properly.
In the Windows Search (or Run) box type sysdm.cpl and hit enter.
Click the Environment Variables button at the bottom right of the form.
Locate the SYSTEM variables list box is in the middle of the screen (do not use a user variable).
Locate the variable JAVA_HOME. If it is not present create the variable JAVA_HOME.
Set the value to the path of your Java 6 developer kit path.
For example: E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_151
Locate the variable Path in the list.
Click Path in the list and then click the Edit button below the list box.
In the variable value text box place your cursor at the beginning of textbox.
Paste %JAVA_HOME%\bin; which will resolve to your JDK path including the bin folder. You must
make sure it is followed by the semicolon.
Click OK at each window until you close the System Properties window.
Open a command prompt (it must have been opened AFTER the steps performed above).
C:\Windows\System32>java -version
For this to take effect you MUST restart your computer even though the version check works
Because we are now using Java 6u151 dynamic code evolution no longer works for Java 6. This is
unfortunate as we lose the ability to reload as much on the fly (without having to restart CC). We
had to start using this update because of support for TLS 1.1 and greater.
The Dynamic Code Evolution Virtual Machine (DCE VM) is a modified version of the Java HotSpot
Virtual Machine (VM). The DCE VM supports any redefinition of loaded classes at runtime. You can add
and remove fields and methods and make changes to the super types of a class using the DCE VM. The
DCE VM is an improvement to the HotSpot VM, which only supports updates to method bodies.
During the installation, specify the JDK that you are using for development of ClaimCenter. The
installer replaces %JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin/client/jvm.dll and %JAVA_HOME%/jre/bin/server/jvm.dll.
The installer creates copies of the original jvm.dll files and names these files jvm.dll.backup. The
installer also adds dcevm.jar to %JAVA_HOME%/jre/lib/ext.
The Dynamic Code Evolution Virtual Machine is required by Guidewire Studio in order to reload class
files in the local running instance of ClaimCenter. To install the Dynamic Code Evolution VM perform
the following:
Confirm the Java runtime installer properly registered the correct Java executable and command line
parameters with windows.
Open the registry editor (type regedit.exe in the Windows search/run box).
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE->SOFTWARE->Classes->jarfile->shell->open->command
• Confirm that command points to where your Java Runtime Environment 6 is installed. This was installed
as part of the java JDK installer. However, the entry here should include the bin folder, the javaw.exe file,
and the command line parameters [-jar "%1" %*]. Also note that the path to the file javaw.exe is enclosed
by quotation marks.
For example: "E:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "%1" %*
If the registry entry is pointed to another Java Runtime Environment make sure to change it to point to jre6.
• Install the Dynamic Code Evolution Virtual Machine.
• If JDK 1.6 isn’t listed in the Directory list box you will need to add it to the list of directories.
• Click the Add installation directory button.
• Navigate to the folder where you installed Java 6.
• Navigate into the jdk1.6.0_37 folder and click Open.
• You should now see E:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_37 listed in the Directory list box.
• Repeat for the JRE6 entry.
• Click Install (in the lower right-hand corner). After the installation, under DCE (Dynamic Code Emulation)
it should say Yes (0.2-b02-internal).
• Open a command prompt (it must have been opened AFTER the steps performed above).
• At the prompt . . .
• Run the following: cd c:\
• Then run: java -version
• It should say the following:
C:\Windows\System32>java -version
java version "1.6.0_37"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_37-b06)
Dynamic Code Evolution 64-Bit Server VM (build 0.2-b02-internal, 19.0-b04-internal,
mixed mode)
• For this to take effect you MUST restart your computer even though the version check works immediately.
To install ANT perform the following:
• At the front of the value put the following: %ANT_HOME%\bin;
• Click ok on all windows until the System Properties window is closed.
• Open a command prompt (it must have been opened AFTER the steps performed above).
• At the prompt run the following: ant -version
• For this to take effect you MUST restart your computer even though the version check works immediately.
Note: If you do not need to check code in you can stop here for this section
• Open Microsoft Visual Studio and select the Source Control Explorer.
• Navigate to $/Development/CCL/CCL4-UAT/Guidewire/apps/claimcenter/
• At the top of the center window, click on the hyper link Local Path: Not mapped.
• In the Map window that opens, click the ellipse […] at the end of the Local folder input box.
• Make sure the Recursive checkbox is marked, then click Map.
• You will receive a confirmation asking Do you want to get contents now click Yes. Please note,
this process could take several minutes to complete.
• The resulting local folder now has all the source code from TFS.
• Under the Database Configuration section comment out the H2 database section. It should now
look similar to this:
• Copy the database node commented <!-- SQL Server DEV -->.
• Working with the first copy (just pasted) change the comment to read <!-- local -->.
<param name="jdbcURL"
The config file should look like the following:
• In the textbox titled Add this website enter: localhost.
• Click the Add button. Your localhost should now appear in the box listing Websites you’ve added to
Compatibility View.
• Make sure Display intranet sites in Compatibility View is still checked.
• Click Close.
• Start GW Studio:
E:\01Main\Tfs\Development\CCL\CCL4-UAT\Guidewire\apps\claimcenter\bin\gwcc -
Dgwdebug=true dev-start
E:\01Main\Tfs\Development\CCL\CCL4-UAT\Guidewire\apps\claimcenter\bin\gwcc regen-
Note: Provided you have a copy of the production database loaded locally, LDAP authentication
is disabled for your local instance. You can login using any user listed in CC. If you do not have a
user please use su with any password to setup a user for yourself.
Only after you're able to access above link from Browser, we can go ahead to setup TFS from
Visual Studio.
This setup includes connecting to TFS server and checking out the code.
Initially, unzip the base ClaimCenter 7.0.3 application code into C drive.
• Before proceeding to further steps, verify that you have access to TFS Server through Browser, if
prompted for credentials, please enter and the password:
• Once verified that you have access to TFS, please continue configuring Visual studio:
• Add an account, use your SA credential (User card detail)
• Enter below URL for connecting to TFS Server:
• Select 'Trunk'
• Ensure that local path is pointing to the previously checked out CC7.0.3 base application code.
• Now, we should be able to see the Team Explorer window as present in the right side of below
screen print.
If you click on 'Source Control Explorer', should be able to traverse the code in TFS.