C9 Industrial MBD0000|-UP(SEBP4145 - 34) - Document Structure Page 2 of +
620-03 262.03 5 Nalt Senor DC Power Supply show to
1079-03 att
620-04 5 Volt Sensor DC Power Supply short to
262-04 ‘t 5
1079-04 Broun
100-03 100-03, Engine Oil Pressure open/short to +batt
4 100-04 100-04 Engine Oil Pressure short to ground,
00-10 100-10 Engine Oil Pressure abnormal rate of change
102-03 102-03 Boost Pressure Sensor short to +batt
102-04 102-04 Boost Pressure Sensor short to ground
W210 102-10 Boost Pressure Sensor abnormal rate of
25 102-03 1785-03 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor volage
102-04 1785-04 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor voltage
2 below normal
102-10 1785-10 Intake Manifold Pressure Sensor abnormal
rate of change
108-03 274-03 Atmospheric Pressure open/short to +batt
108-04 274-04 Atmospheric Pressure short to ground
110-03 110-03 Engine Coolant Temperature apenshor 1
110-08 110-04 Engine Coolant Temperature short to ground
28 91-13 91-13, ‘Throttle Position calibration required
32 91-08 91-08 ‘Throttle Position signal abnormal
190-08 190-08 Engine Speed signal abnormal
723-08 342-08 Secondary Engine Speed signal abnormal
190-15 £362 (1) Engine Overspeed Waring
190-00 £362 3) Engine Overspeed Shutdown
94-03, 94-03 Fuel Pressure open/short to batt
94-04 94-04 Fuel Pressure short to ground
38 105-03 172-03 Intake Manifold Air Temp openishort to +battC9 Industrial MBD00001-UP(SEBP4145 - 34) - Document Structure Page | of 4
[ljservice information Syster|_ shutdown
revious Screen
Contguration, 9 rel DMO
C7 and C9 Industrial Engines and C7 Petroleum Engine
Media Number -RENR2418-06 Publication Date -01/11/2008 Date Updated -10/11/2008
Diagnostic Code Cross Reference
SMCS - 1900
Problems with the electronic control system are reported via these types of codes: flash codes,
SPNIPMI codes, diagnostic codes and event codes.
For information on flash codes, refer to Troubleshooting, "Flash Codes"
For information on SPN/FMI codes, refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Codes”
For information on diagnostic codes, refer to Troubleshooting, "Diagnostic Codes"
For information on event codes, refer to Troubleshooting, "Event Codes”,
Use Table I as a eross-re
ence between the various types of codes.
Table |
Cross Reference for Diagnostic Codes
Flash | SPN O/EME ode sption of C:
cus Pa od Description of Code
Event Code
[ 1074-05 1248-05 Retarder Solenoid current below normal |
lis 4
1074-06 [ 1248-06 Retarder Solenoid current above normal
» 5 Ether Injection Control Solenoid open/short
626-05 2417-05 io bat
6 = - - =
626-06 3417-06 Ete Injeston Control Soleo sont
| grou _
| 678-03 41-03 8 Volt DC Supply short to +batt
678-04 41-04 8 Volt DC Supply short to ground
IMachine Type
xe 138.
(cio rerm recs
Valve, ident, Wire Colourito.
[Vaive, ident, Wire Colour.
Valve, Ident, Wire Colour
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L ~Crushers with 32 Way Receiver Fault Codes: _ (roms: oun
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fea [eize [Screeners
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Freese este rp
eo lenge sp aSC9 Industrial MBD00001-UP(SEBP4145 - 34) - Document Structure
174-16 £363 (2) High Fuel Temperature Derate
° 174-00 £363 3) High Fuel Temperature Shutdown
441-15 E445 (1) h Auxiliary Temperature Warning
0441-16 E445 (2) High Auxiliary Temperature Derate
0441-00 E445 (3) High Auxiliary Temperature Shutdown
" 1836-03 1836-03 ‘Aaniliary Temperature Sensor openshor to
1836-04 1836-04 Auxiliary Temperature Sensor short to ground
1387-15 E443 (1) High Auxiliary Pressure Warning
1387-16 E443 (2) High Auxiliary Pressure Derate
68 1387-00 F443 (3) High Auxiliary Pressure Shutdown
1835-03, 1835-03 Auxiliary Pressure Sensor open/short to +batt
1835-04 1835-04 Auxiliary Pressure Sensor short to ground
651-05 001-05 Cylinder #1 Injector open circuit
” 651-06 001-06 Cylinder #1 Injector short,
; 002-05 Cylinder #2 Injector open circuit
r 652-06 002-06 Cylinder #2 Injector short
n 653-05 003-05 Cylinder #3 Injector open circuit
653-06 003-06 Cylinder #3 Injector short
654-05 004-05 Cylinder #4 Injector open circuit
" 654-06 004-06 Cylinder #4 Injector short
as 655-05 005-05 Cylinder #5 Injector open circuit
655-06 005-06 Cylinder #5 Injector short
656-05 006-05 Cylinder #6 Injector open circuit
a 656-06 006-06 Cylinder #6 Injector short
FY Suspect Parameter NumberC9 Industrial MBD00001-UP(SEBP4145 - 34) - Document Structure Page 3 of 4
105-04 172-04 Intake Manifold Air Temp short to ground
164-02 164-02 Injector Aetwation Pressure signal erratic
164-03 164-03 Injector Actuation Pressure voltage high
» 164-04 164-04 Injector Actuation Pressure voltage low
164-11 164-11 Injector Actuation Pressure system fault
42 637-13 261-13 Engine Timing ealibration required
100-17 £360 (1) Low Engine Oil Pressure Warning
46 100-18 £360 2) Low Engine Oil Pressure Derate
100-01 £360 (3) Low Engine Oil Pressure Shutdown
709.05 17-05 Air net Heat Relay opensuret blow
729-06 617-06 Air net Heater Rely yroundedcure
168-00 168-00 System Voltage high
sl 168-01 168-01 System Voltage low
168-02 168-02 System Voltage intermittentirratic
56 630-02 268-02 Check Programmable Parameters
38 639-09 247-09 31939 Data Link communications
Hots F361 4) High Engine Coolant Temperature Warning
6 110-16 E361 (2) High Engine Coolant Temperature Derate
110-00 £361.) High Engine Coolant Temperature Shutdown
1-17 £2143(1)__ |] Low Engine Coolant Level Warning
a 1118 £2143 2) _ | Low Engine Coolant Level Derate
111-01 £2143 (3) __ || Low Engine Coolant Level Shutdown
94-15 £096 (1) High Fuel Pressure Warning
63 94-17 E198 (1) Low Fuel Pressure Warning
94-18 £198 Q) Low Fuel Pressure Shutdown
1636-15 E539(1) High Inlet Air Temperature Warning
“ 1636-00 E539 (3) High Inlet Air Temperature Shutdown
17415 £363 (1) High Fuel Temperature Warning
1 1 1