Surat Metro Rail Project Feasibility Study
Surat Metro Rail Project Feasibility Study
Surat Metro Rail Project Feasibility Study
Submitted by
Guided by
Preface........................................................................................................................................ 1
1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
4.1 Demand Assessment ................................................................................................. 27
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4.6.5 Ecological Impacts ........................................................................................... 156
5.2.1 Organization Structure for Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation ........................... 172
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5.7.4 Risk Response Strategies for Negative Risks .................................................. 190
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6.4.3 Documentation Control .................................................................................... 257
9 Annexure ............................................................................................................................. i
List of Figures
FIGURE 1.1 MAP SHOWING SURAT CITY AND ITS ADMINISTRATIVE ZONES ............................................................................. 3
FIGURE 1.2 PROPOSED ROUTE FOR PHASE 1 OF SURAT METRO............................................................................................ 5
FIGURE 2.1 CHART SHOWING AVERAGE DAILY DISTANCE TRAVELLED BY SURAT CITIZENS........................................................... 16
FIGURE 2.3 CHART SHOWING NO. OF PEOPLE WILLING TO SHIFT TO METRO IN SURAT.............................................................. 17
FIGURE 2.4 CHART SHOWING MAXIMUM FARE PEOPLE ARE WILLING TO PAY FOR METRO ......................................................... 18
FIGURE 2.5 CHART SHOWING PEOPLE OF SURAT'S PREFERRED MODE OF PAYMENT ................................................................. 18
FIGURE 2.6 CHART SHOWING PEOPLE OF SURAT'S PREFERRED FORM OF PAYMENT ................................................................. 19
FIGURE 3.1 POWER - INTEREST MATRIX FOR STAKEHOLDERS ............................................................................................. 24
FIGURE 3.2 POWER-INFLUENCE MATRIX FOR STAKEHOLDERS ............................................................................................ 25
FIGURE 3.3 INFLUENCE - IMPACT MATRIX FOR STAKEHOLDERS ........................................................................................... 25
FIGURE 4.1 BAR CHART OF POPULATION OVER DECADES.................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 4.2 DENSITY OF SURAT AND SECTIONED ROUTE..................................................................................................... 28
FIGURE 4.3 ADMINISTRATIVE ZONES WITH ALIGNED ROUTE................................................................................................ 29
FIGURE 4.4 BAR CHART OF ZONES VS POPULATION INCREASE.............................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 4.5 POPULATION DENSITY AND SANCTIONED ROUTES ............................................................................................. 31
FIGURE 4.6 HIGHER POPULATION DENSITY IS OBSERVED IN MARKED ZONES ........................................................................... 32
FIGURE 4.7 DISTRIBUTION OF EMPLOYMENT DENSITY ZONES ACROSS THE SURAT .................................................................. 32
FIGURE 4.8 MARKED MAXIMUM EMPLOYMENT ATTRACTION ............................................................................................. 34
FIGURE 4.9 INCREASE IN LEVEL OF VEHICLES .................................................................................................................... 35
FIGURE 4.10 MODAL SHARE CHART .............................................................................................................................. 36
FIGURE 4.11 INCREASE IN LEVEL OF POLLUTANTS ............................................................................................................. 37
FIGURE 4.12 PROMINENT POLLUTED PLACES .................................................................................................................. 38
FIGURE 4.13 PROMINENT RECREATIONAL PLACES ............................................................................................................ 39
FIGURE 4.14 TRANSPORT FACILITIES ............................................................................................................................. 40
FIGURE 4.15 HIGH MOBILITY CORRIDOR ....................................................................................................................... 41
FIGURE 4.16 BUS RAPID TRANSIT SYSTEM ..................................................................................................................... 42
FIGURE 4.17 CONGESTION LEVELS................................................................................................................................ 43
FIGURE 4.18POPULATION DENSITY, SURAT,2018 ........................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 4.19: POPULATION DENSITY, SURAT,2031 .......................................................................................................... 45
FIGURE 4.20:EMPLOYEMENT ZONES OF SURAT,2016 ...................................................................................................... 46
FIGURE 4.21:FUTURE DEVELOPMENTS IN SURAT ............................................................................................................. 46
FIGURE 4.22:PROMINENT COLLEGES OF SURAT CITY ........................................................................................................ 50
FIGURE 4.23: PROMINENT SCHOOLS OF SURAT CITY ........................................................................................................ 51
FIGURE 4.24: PROMINENT COMMERCIAL CENTRES OF SURAT CITY ..................................................................................... 51
FIGURE 4.25: PROMINENT MALLS OF SURAT CITY ........................................................................................................... 52
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FIGURE 4.26: PROMINENT TOURISM SPOTS OF SURAT CITY ............................................................................................... 52
FIGURE 4.27:PROMINENT INDUSTRIAL HUBS OF SURAT CITY ............................................................................................. 53
FIGURE 4.28: PROMINENT HEALTH CENTRES OF SURAT CITY ............................................................................................. 54
FIGURE 4.29 SUMMARY MAP SHOWING ALL PRIORITY AREAS ........................................................................................... 54
FIGURE 4.30:TRANSPORTATION HUBS OF SURAT CITY ...................................................................................................... 55
FIGURE 4.31: CONGESTION MAP OF SURAT CITY SHOWING HEAVILY CONGESTED ROADS. ....................................................... 56
FIGURE 4.32: MAP SHOWING ALL CRITERIA’S AND PRIORITY LOCATIONS .............................................................................. 56
FIGURE 4.33 RESULTANT METRO ROUTE BY OUR ANALYSIS ............................................................................................... 57
FIGURE 4.34: ROUTE 1-1’ AND 2-2’ APPROVED IN DPR ................................................................................................... 58
FIGURE 4.35:ROUTE A-A’ AND B-B’ BY OUR ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 58
FIGURE 4.36 TYPICAL ROLLING STOCK SECTION .............................................................................................................. 67
FIGURE 4.37 ROLLING STOCK FOR AHMEDABAD METRO................................................................................................... 68
FIGURE 4.38 TYPICAL SECTION OF TWIN BORED TUNNEL .................................................................................................. 72
FIGURE 4.39 TYPICAL SECTION OF AN ELEVATED VIADUCT................................................................................................. 75
FIGURE 4.40 COMMUNICATION BASED TRAIN CONTROL SYSTEM ......................................................................................... 82
FIGURE 4.41 INCANDESCENT LAMPS AND LED LAMPS ...................................................................................................... 83
FIGURE 4.42 CAB SIGNALLING ..................................................................................................................................... 84
FIGURE 4.43 TYPE OF INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS................................................................................................................ 85
FIGURE 4.44 GATES FOR STATION ................................................................................................................................ 88
FIGURE 4.45 DIGITAL TRAIN RADIO (TETRA) COMMUNICATION ........................................................................................ 91
FIGURE 4.46 LED BASED PUBLIC ADDRESS BOARDS ......................................................................................................... 91
FIGURE 4.47 IDENTIFYING ALTERNATIVES FOR NOISE BARRIER & ESCALATORS ...................................................................... 96
FIGURE 4.48: THE DESIGN PROCESS CYCLE OF D1 MODEL .............................................................................................. 102
FIGURE 4.49: FLOOR PLAN OF TICKET COUNTER ........................................................................................................... 108
FIGURE 4.50: SECTION THROUGH TICKET COUNTERS EXPLAINING FACADE DETAILS ............................................................... 108
FIGURE 4.51: REFLECTED CEILING PLAN EXPLAINING ELECTRICAL FITTINGS .......................................................................... 109
FIGURE 4.52 INTERNAL VIEW SHOWING FINISHES, STRUCTURAL DETAILS & FITTINGS............................................................ 110
FIGURE 4.53: VIEW SHOWING EXTERNAL FACADE ......................................................................................................... 110
FIGURE 4.54: INTERNAL SECTIONAL VIEW SHOWING FINISHES ......................................................................................... 111
FIGURE 4.55: CEILING DETAIL SHOWING ACOUSTICAL F.C. PANEL AND ELECTRICAL FITTINGS ................................................. 111
FIGURE 4.56 THE DESIGN PROCESS CYCLE OF D2 MODEL ............................................................................................... 113
FIGURE 4.57: INTERIOR VIEW OF THE TICKET COUNTER ................................................................................................... 116
DOOR SPECIFICATION, PAINT FINISH & ADDITION OF WINDOWS .............................................................................. 116
FIGURE 4.59: EXTERIOR VIEW ................................................................................................................................... 117
FIGURE 4.60: SECTIONAL DETAIL THROUGH COUNTER (FRONT WALL) ................................................................................ 117
FIGURE 4.61: SECTIONAL DETAIL THROUGH BEAM AND LINTEL (FRONT WALL) ..................................................................... 117
FIGURE 4.62: SECTIONAL INTERIOR VIEW OF D3............................................................................................................ 120
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FIGURE 4.63: TRANSVERSE SECTION THROUGH TICKET BOOTH......................................................................................... 120
FIGURE 4.64: SECTIONAL DETAIL THROUGH COUNTER SHOWING CABINET ........................................................................... 121
FIGURE 4.65: THE EVOLUTION OF DESIGN AND COST FROM STARTING TO END .................................................................... 122
FIGURE 4.66 DIFFERENT LEGAL COMPLIANCES AT DIFFERENT STAGES ................................................................................. 123
FIGURE 4.67: PROCEDURE FOR PROJECT APPROVAL....................................................................................................... 124
FIGURE 4.68: PROCEDURE FOR LAND ACQUISITION ........................................................................................................ 126
FIGURE 4.69: PROCEDURE FOR NOC APPROVAL FROM NMA. ........................................................................................ 127
FIGURE 4.71: PROCEDURE FOR NOC APPROVAL FROM AAI ............................................................................................ 129
FIGURE 4.72: PROCEDURE OF NOC FROM FIRE AUTHORITY ............................................................................................ 130
FIGURE 4.73: PROCEDURE FOR NOC FROM MOEF ....................................................................................................... 131
FIGURE 4.74: PROCEDURE OF PERMIT FOR TREE CUTTING................................................................................................ 132
FIGURE 4.75:PROCEDURE OF APPLYING FOR ELECTRICITY CONNECTION .............................................................................. 133
FIGURE 4.76: PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING FOR WATER CONNECTION .................................................................................. 134
FIGURE 4.77 PROCEDURE FOR APPROVAL FOR WITHDRAWAL OF GROUNDWATER ............................................................... 135
FIGURE 4.78 NPV OF CASHFLOWS FOR DIFFERENT INTEREST RATES ................................................................................... 142
FIGURE 4.79 YEARLY CASHFLOW CLOSING BALANCE ...................................................................................................... 143
FIGURE 4.81:WASTE GENERATED NEAR LABOUR CAMPS ................................................................................................. 157
FIGURE 4.82:MARKING OF METRO CORRIDOR IN SURAT ................................................................................................ 158
FIGURE 4.83:MAP SHOWING EARTHQUAKE ZONES OF INDIA AND DEMARCATING SURAT ...................................................... 159
FIGURE 4.84: SHOWING THE FLOOD OF 2006 WHICH SUBMERGED THE WHOLE CITY OF SURAT. ............................................. 162
FIGURE 4.85: OVERLAPPING MAP OF FLOOD AREAS OF 2006 AND PROPOSED METRO ALIGNMENT ....................................... 164
FIGURE 4.86:SENCTIONED ROUTE WITH HERITAGE STRUCTURES ....................................................................................... 167
FIGURE 4.87: NOISE BARRIER FOR REDUCING THE NOISE POLLUTION (GURGAON METRO) ...................................................... 168
FIGURE 4.88:DUST MITIGATION BY SPRAYING WATER (DELHI METRO) ............................................................................... 169
FIGURE 5.1 - TOP-LEVEL ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................... 176
FIGURE 5.2 ORGANIZATION FOR FINANCE DEPARTMENT ................................................................................................. 177
FIGURE 5.3 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE FOR ADMINISTRATION DEPARTMENT..................................................................... 177
FIGURE 5.4 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE FOR LEGAL DEPARTMENT .................................................................................... 178
FIGURE 5.5 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF CONSTRUCTION DIVISION ............................................................................... 179
FIGURE 5.6 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE FOR PLANNING DIVISION .................................................................................... 180
FIGURE 5.7 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE FOR OPERATIONS AND SYSTEMS DIVISION .............................................................. 181
FIGURE 6.1:FRUIN'S RANGES FOR LEVEL OF SERVICE....................................................................................................... 206
FIGURE 6.2 LIST OF PRIME CONSULTANTS FOR SURAT METRO PROJECT .............................................................................. 224
FIGURE 6.3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WHEN NCR IS NOT ISSUED BY GEC ................................................................ 252
FIGURE 6.4: QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM WHEN NCR ISSUED BY GEC ........................................................................ 253
FIGURE 6.5 LEAD DESIGN CHECKER'S CERTIFICATION ..................................................................................................... 257
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FIGURE 6.6 :COST CONTROL PROCESS ......................................................................................................................... 261
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List of Tables
TABLE 1.1 BUILT-UP AREA OF SURAT .............................................................................................................................. 4
TABLE 2.1 TYPE OF CONTRACTS ..................................................................................................................................... 7
TABLE 2.2 DEFINITION OF SELECTED VARIABLES .............................................................................................................. 10
TABLE 2.3 LIST OF LEGAL FRAMEWORKS EXISTING FOR METRO IN INDIA ............................................................................... 11
TABLE 2.4 TABLE SHOWING SCORING MODEL FOR LEGAL FRAMEWORK ................................................................................. 11
TABLE 2.5 TIMELINE OF SURAT METRO PROJECT ............................................................................................................. 11
TABLE 2.6 SCORING MODEL FOR POLITICAL RISK ............................................................................................................. 12
TABLE 2.7 BUDGETARY ALLOCATIONS AS PER STATE BUDGETS FOR FY 2017-18 ................................................................... 12
TABLE 2.8 SMC BUDGET FOR FY 2018-19 ................................................................................................................... 13
TABLE 2.9 SCORING MODEL FOR FISCAL SPACE CRITERION ................................................................................................ 13
TABLE 2.10 TABLE SHOWING CHANGE IN CURRENCY VALUATION ........................................................................................ 14
TABLE 2.11 TABLE SHOWING CURRENCY VALUATION CHANGE FOR EVERY MONTH OF 2018 ..................................................... 14
TABLE 2.12 SCORING MODEL FOR ANNUAL % CHANGE IN CURRENCY VALUE ......................................................................... 15
TABLE 2.13 SCORING MODEL FOR MONTHLY % CHANGE IN CURRENCY VALUE ....................................................................... 15
TABLE 2.14 CUMULATIVE SCORING MODEL FOR MACROECONOMIC FACTORS ...................................................................... 15
TABLE 2.15 AHMEDABAD METRO FARE......................................................................................................................... 19
TABLE 2.16 SURAT METRO FARE ................................................................................................................................. 20
TABLE 2.17 FARE COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT METRO SYSTEMS IN INDIA............................................................................ 20
TABLE 2.18 LAND REQUIREMENT SCORING MODEL ......................................................................................................... 22
TABLE 2.19 PROJECT FEASIBILITY MAP .......................................................................................................................... 23
TABLE 4.1 POPULATION OVER DECADES ......................................................................................................................... 27
TABLE 4.2 POPULATION DENSITY OVER ZONES ................................................................................................................. 30
TABLE 4.3 EMPLOYMENT DISTRIBUTION IN MAJOR AREAS ................................................................................................ 33
TABLE 4.4 EMPLOYMENT GROWTH ............................................................................................................................... 33
TABLE 4.5 INDUSTRIAL AND FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ZONES OF SURAT................................................................................. 34
TABLE 4.6 VEHICULAR GROWTH................................................................................................................................... 34
TABLE 4.7 MODAL SHARE COMPARISON........................................................................................................................ 35
TABLE 4.8 ACCIDENTAL GROWTH ................................................................................................................................. 36
TABLE 4.9 MODAL SHARE USAGE ................................................................................................................................. 36
TABLE 4.10 EMISSION FROM VEHICLES .......................................................................................................................... 37
TABLE 4.11 POLLUTANT LEVEL IN VARIOUS AREAS OF SURAT .............................................................................................. 38
TABLE 4.12 ADEQUACY LEVEL OF POLLUTION AT MAJOR PLACES ........................................................................................ 38
TABLE 4.13 STATION AND PHPDT FOR METRO RAIL ........................................................................................................ 43
TABLE 4.14: RESULT OF SURVEY FOR COMMERCIAL/BUSINESS CENTRES .............................................................................. 47
TABLE 4.15: RESULT OF SURVEY FOR COLLEGES .............................................................................................................. 48
TABLE 4.16: RESULT OF SURVEY FOR SCHOOLS ............................................................................................................... 48
TABLE 4.17 RESULT OF SURVEY FOR SHOPPING MALLS ..................................................................................................... 48
TABLE 4.18: RESULT OF SURVEY FOR TOURIST SPOTS ....................................................................................................... 49
TABLE 4.19 :RESULT OF SURVEY FOR INDUSTRIAL HUBS.................................................................................................... 49
TABLE 4.20: RESULT OF SURVEY FOR HEALTH CENTRES .................................................................................................... 49
TABLE 4.21 ROLLING STOCK PARAMETERS – DIMENSIONS ................................................................................................ 60
TABLE 4.22 ROLLING STOCK PARAMETERS - TRACTION AND BRAKING ................................................................................. 60
TABLE 4.23 ROLLING STOCK PARAMETERS - OPERATIONAL CHARACTERISTICS ....................................................................... 61
TABLE 4.24 ROLLING STOCK PARAMETERS - OTHERS........................................................................................................ 61
TABLE 4.25 PRINCIPAL CRITERIA TO BE MET FOR A METRO SYSTEM ................................................................................... 62
TABLE 4.26 SCORING CRITERIA MODEL ......................................................................................................................... 63
TABLE 4.27 SCORING FOR SPEED OF ROLLING STOCK ....................................................................................................... 63
TABLE 4.28 SERVICE LIFE CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................... 63
TABLE 4.29 SCORING MODEL FOR SERVICE LIFE .............................................................................................................. 63
TABLE 4.30 ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION CRITERIA ........................................................................................................... 64
TABLE 4.31 SCORING FOR ELECTRICITY CONSUMPTION..................................................................................................... 64
TABLE 4.32 COST/CAR CRITERIA .................................................................................................................................. 64
TABLE 4.33 SCORING FOR COST/CAR ............................................................................................................................ 64
TABLE 4.34 CARRYING CAPACITY CRITERIA ..................................................................................................................... 65
TABLE 4.35 TOTAL CAPACITY OF ROLLING STOCKS ........................................................................................................... 65
TABLE 4.36 SCORING FOR CARRYING CAPACITY ............................................................................................................... 65
TABLE 4.37 WEIGHTAGE MODEL FOR ROLLING STOCK CRITERIA ........................................................................................ 65
TABLE 4.38 FINAL SCORING MODEL FOR ROLLING STOCK ................................................................................................. 66
TABLE 4.39 GEOMETRIC & ALIGNMENT DETAILS ............................................................................................................. 70
TABLE 4.40 TUNNELLING RATES OF DIFFERENT METHODS ................................................................................................ 73
TABLE 4.41 OPTIMUM STRETCH FOR DIFFERENT METHODS .............................................................................................. 73
TABLE 4.42 COMPARISON OF COST PER KM FOR DIFFERENT METHODS ............................................................................... 73
TABLE 4.43 WEIGHTAGE SCORING MODEL FOR TUNNELLING METHODS .............................................................................. 74
TABLE 4.44 TABLE SHOWING MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE SPEED, CANT AND DISTANCE.............................................................. 76
TABLE 4.46 SECTION COMPARISON FOR RAIL .................................................................................................................. 77
TABLE 4.47 COMPARISON OF RAIL WELDING METHODS ................................................................................................... 77
TABLE 4.48 COMPARISON OF TRACK STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................ 78
TABLE 4.49 COMPARISON OF FASTENERS ....................................................................................................................... 78
TABLE 4.50 CLASSIFICATION OF FIRE ............................................................................................................................. 79
TABLE 4.51 FIRE DETECTION SYSTEMS .......................................................................................................................... 79
TABLE 4.52 COMPARISON OF FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS ................................................................................................ 80
TABLE 4.53 APPLICATION OF SUPPRESSION SYSTEMS ....................................................................................................... 80
TABLE 4.54 TYPES OF EXTINGUISHERS ........................................................................................................................... 81
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TABLE 4.55 FEATURES OF CONVENTIONAL AND CBTC ...................................................................................................... 81
TABLE 4.56 TYPE OF SIGNALLING .................................................................................................................................. 82
TABLE 4.57 SIGNALLING LIGHTS ................................................................................................................................... 83
TABLE 4.58 TRAIN DESCRIBER SYSTEM .......................................................................................................................... 83
TABLE 4.59 TYPE OF SIGNALLING ................................................................................................................................. 84
TABLE 4.60 INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS IN DIFFERENT METRO SYSTEMS IN INDIA ...................................................................... 85
TABLE 4.61 COMPARISON OF FARE COLLECTION MODES .................................................................................................. 86
TABLE 4.62 COMPARISON OF FARE COLLECTION TYPES .................................................................................................... 86
TABLE 4.63 COMPARISON OF FARE COLLECTION METHODS............................................................................................... 87
TABLE 4.64 AUTOMATIC FARE COLLECTION EQUIPMENT'S ESTIMATE.................................................................................... 88
TABLE 4.65 SPECIFICATIONS OF ALL TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS .................................................................................. 89
TABLE 4.66 PROPOSED LENGTH OF NOISE BARRIER FOR SURAT METRO PHASE-1................................................................... 92
TABLE 4.67 PROPOSED NUMBER OF ESCALATORS FOR SURAT METRO PHASE 1 ..................................................................... 94
TABLE 4.68 COLOR CODING FOR OVERLAPPING FACTORS OF STAKEHOLDERS.......................................................................... 96
TABLE 4.69 FACTORS FOR NOISE BARRIER BY DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS .............................................................................. 97
TABLE 4.70 FACTORS FOR ESCALATORS BY DIFFERENT STAKEHOLDERS .................................................................................. 97
TABLE 4.71 MUST & WANT FACTORS FOR NOISE BARRIER ............................................................................................... 98
TABLE 4.72 MUST & WANT FACTORS FOR ESCALATORS ................................................................................................... 98
TABLE 4.73 CODE & STANDARDS FOLLOWED FOR NOISE BARRIER DESIGN............................................................................ 99
TABLE 4.74 CODES & STANDARDS FOLLOWED FOR ESCALATORS DESIGN ............................................................................ 100
TABLE 4.75:LIST OF DOCUMENTS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE ................................................................................................ 102
TABLE 4.76:COST DETAILS FOR D1 ............................................................................................................................. 112
TABLE 4.77: COST DETAILS FOR D2 ............................................................................................................................ 118
TABLE 4.78: COST DETAILS FOR D3 ............................................................................................................................ 121
TABLE 4.79:COST DETAILS FOR WHOLE PROJECT AT DIFFERENT STAGES. ............................................................................. 122
TABLE 4.80 DETAILS OF APPROVAL FOR LAND PROCUREMENT.......................................................................................... 126
TABLE 4.81: DETAILS OF APPROVAL FROM MONUMENT AUTHORITY ................................................................................. 126
TABLE 4.82: DETAILS OF APPROVAL FROM AIRPORT AUTHORITY ...................................................................................... 128
TABLE 4.83 CHARGES FOR NOC OF HEIGHT CLEARANCE ................................................................................................. 129
TABLE 4.84:DETAILS OF NOC FROM CHIEF FIRE OFFICER ............................................................................................... 130
TABLE 4.85 DETAILS OF PROCEDURE FOR ENVIRONMENT CLEARANCE ............................................................................... 131
TABLE 4.86: DETAILS OF APPROVAL FOR FELLING OF TREES ............................................................................................. 131
TABLE 4.87 ELECTRICITY REQUIREMENT FOR SURAT METRO............................................................................................ 132
TABLE 4.88:DETAILS OF REQUEST APPROVAL FROM DGVPL ............................................................................................ 132
TABLE 4.89 DETAILS OF REQUEST APPROVAL FROM SMC ................................................................................................ 133
TABLE 4.90:DETAILS OF APPROVAL FROM GPCB ........................................................................................................... 134
TABLE 4.91:DETAILS FOR APPROVAL FROM CGWB ....................................................................................................... 135
TABLE 4.92: DETAILS FOR APPROVAL FOR MUCK DISPOSAL.............................................................................................. 136
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TABLE 4.93: DETAILS FOR APPROVAL FOR EMPLOYING LABOURS. ...................................................................................... 136
TABLE 4.94:DETAILS FOR APPROVAL FOR DISPOSAL OF HAZARDOUS WASTES....................................................................... 137
TABLE 4.95:DETAILS FOR APPROVAL FOR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT .................................................................................... 139
TABLE 4.96 PROPOSED FARE STRUCTURE .................................................................................................................... 140
TABLE 4.97 ANNUAL DISPATCH OF FUNDS FOR CAPEX ..................................................................................................... 141
TABLE 4.98 LIST OF DEPRECIATING ASSETS ................................................................................................................... 142
TABLE 4.99 ECONOMIC CONVERSION FACTORS OF VARIOUS COST COMPONENTS ................................................................. 144
TABLE 4.100 VEHICULAR POPULATION FORECAST OF SURAT CITY ...................................................................................... 145
TABLE 4.101 FUEL CONSUMPTION OF DIFFERENT MODES OF TRANSPORT ........................................................................... 145
TABLE 4.102 RATES/KM OF DIFFERENT MODE OF TRANSPORT .......................................................................................... 145
TABLE 4.103 FORECASTED DATA FOR 2021 ................................................................................................................. 146
TABLE 4.104 NET SAVINGS ON FUEL........................................................................................................................... 146
TABLE 4.105 COST CATEGORIES FOR ACCIDENT BENEFITS ............................................................................................... 147
TABLE 4.106 ACCIDENT COSTS .................................................................................................................................. 147
TABLE 4.107 MODE SHARE OF SURAT BY PRIMARY DATA ............................................................................................... 147
TABLE 4.108 FORMULA TO CALCULATE FATALITY COST .................................................................................................. 148
TABLE 4.109 SCHEDULE OF COMPENSATION COST ........................................................................................................ 148
TABLE 4.110 ANNUAL ACCIDENT COST ....................................................................................................................... 148
TABLE 4.111 VOLUME OF POLLUTANTS EMITTED (GRAM PER KM) FOR DIFFERENT NODES ...................................................... 149
TABLE 4.112 AVERAGE LEAD OF DIFFERENT MODES ...................................................................................................... 150
TABLE 4.113 TREATMENT COST OF POLLUTANTS .......................................................................................................... 150
TABLE 4.114 CALCULATION OF VEHICLE KM SAVED FOR YEAR 2021 ................................................................................. 150
TABLE 4.115 ANNUAL TREATMENT COST FOR YEAR 2021 .............................................................................................. 150
TABLE 4.116 TREATMENT COST FOR 'WITH METRO' AND 'WITHOUT METRO' SCENARIO ....................................................... 151
TABLE 4.117 ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE INDICATORS .................................................................................................... 152
TABLE 4.118 COMPARISON OF 'WITH METRO' AND 'WITH METRO' SCENARIO .................................................................... 152
TABLE 4.119:THE DESCRIPTIONS OF EACH EARTHQUAKE ZONE OF INDIA ............................................................................ 159
TABLE 4.122: RELATIVE IMPORTANCE VALUE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................. 160
TABLE 4.123: DEGREE OF IMPACT VALUE ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................. 161
TABLE 4.124 LIST OF YEARS HAVING VARIOUS FLOOD EVENTS IN SURAT. ............................................................................ 162
DEPARTMENT................................................................................................................................................. 163
TABLE 4.126 RAINFALL DATA OF PAST 5 YEARS ............................................................................................................. 163
TABLE 4.127: RELATIVE IMPORTANCE VALUE ASSESSMENT ............................................................................................. 163
TABLE 4.128: DEGREE OF IMPACT VALUE ASSESSMENT .................................................................................................. 164
TABLE 4.129 AFFECTED AND NON-AFFECTED HERITAGE PLACES ........................................................................................ 167
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TABLE 4.130:IMPACT LEVEL OF VIBRATION AND SOUND .................................................................................................. 168
TABLE 4.131 :DECLINE LEVEL OF POLLUTION IN DELHI DUE TO METRO RAIL......................................................................... 169
TABLE 4.132: OVERALL SUMMARY SHOWING EIV SCORES OF EACH COMPONENT ................................................................ 170
TABLE 5.1 COST ESTIMATION FOR PROJECT INCEPTION PHASE OF SURAT METRO ................................................................ 182
TABLE 5.2 COST ESTIMATION FOR PROJECT DEVELOPMENT PHASE OF SURAT METRO .......................................................... 183
TABLE 5.3 COST ESTIMATION FOR CIVIL WORKS OF SURAT METRO................................................................................... 184
TABLE 5.4 COST BREAKDOWN FOR ELECTRIFICATION AND SIGNALLING .............................................................................. 185
TABLE 5.5 COST ESTIMATION FOR OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PHASE OF SURAT METRO................................................ 186
TABLE 5.6 COST BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE PHASE-WISE ................................................................................................. 186
TABLE 5.7 MILESTONE SCHEDULE FOR SURAT METRO PROJECT........................................................................................ 187
TABLE 5.8 PROJECT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................... 187
TABLE 5.9 PROBABILITY RATING SCORE ....................................................................................................................... 189
TABLE 5.10 IMPACT RATING SCORE ............................................................................................................................ 189
TABLE 5.11 RISK SCORE BASED ON MAGNITUDE ............................................................................................................ 189
TABLE 5.13:TIMELINE OF DPR (SURAT METRO RAIL PROJECT) ........................................................................................ 192
TABLE 5.16: PROBABILITY RATING BASED ON BUDGETARY ALLOCATION ............................................................................. 193
TABLE 5.17: LAND REQUIREMENT DETAILS FOR SURAT METRO RAIL PROJECT ..................................................................... 193
TABLE 5.18: ROLLING STOCK BREAKDOWN DETAILS OF DMRC DUE TO POWER SUPPLY FAILURE............................................. 194
TABLE 5.20:WILLINGNESS TO PAY SURVEY DETAILS AND PROBABILITY RATING .................................................................... 195
TABLE 5.21:DSCR VALUES FROM FINANCIAL MODEL ..................................................................................................... 195
TABLE 5.22:PROBABILITY SCORE ................................................................................................................................ 195
TABLE 5.23: CURRENCY EXCHANGE VALUE ANALYSIS ..................................................................................................... 196
TABLE 6.1 TABLE SHOWING ZONAL AREAS .................................................................................................................... 206
TABLE 6.2 VERTICAL CLEARANCE FOR STAIRS ................................................................................................................ 207
TABLE 6.3 DESCRIPTION OF SIGNALLING AND COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS.......................................................................... 216
TABLE 6.4 SUMMARY OF TELECOMMUNICATION DESIGN ................................................................................................ 220
TABLE 6.6 PROCUREMENT STRATEGY FOR PRIME CONSULTANTS ...................................................................................... 224
TABLE 6.7 ACTUAL TIMELINE OF PROCUREMENT PROCESS .............................................................................................. 227
TABLE 6.8 PAYMENT SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................................. 227
TABLE 6.9 FORMS TO BE SUBMITTED FOR TECHNICAL PROPOSAL ...................................................................................... 228
TABLE 6.10 KEY STAFF DELIVERABLE INPUT PLAN .......................................................................................................... 229
TABLE 6.11 LIST AND CODE OF DELIVERABLES............................................................................................................... 230
TABLE 6.12 REMUNERATION FOR EXPERTS ................................................................................................................... 230
TABLE 6.13 SUPPORT STAFF CALCULATION .................................................................................................................. 231
TABLE 6.14 DUTY TRAVEL TO SITE .............................................................................................................................. 231
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TABLE 6.15 RENT FOR OFFICE ................................................................................................................................... 231
TABLE 6.16 OFFICE SUPPLIES..................................................................................................................................... 231
TABLE 6.17 FINANCIAL PROPOSAL SUMMARY SHEET FOR EXPENSES .................................................................................. 231
TABLE 6.18 WORK EXPERIENCE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ...................................................................................................... 233
TABLE 6.20 FORMS OF SUBMISSION UNDER SECTION 1 OF EOI ........................................................................................ 234
TABLE 6.21 FORMS OF SUBMISSION UNDER SECTION 2 OF EOI ........................................................................................ 235
TABLE 6.22 FINANCIAL INFORMATION TO BE PROVIDED BY APPLICANT ............................................................................... 237
TABLE 6.23 WEIGHTAGE FOR TECHNICAL SCORE ........................................................................................................... 237
TABLE 6.24 FORMS FOR FINANCIAL EVALUATION .......................................................................................................... 237
TABLE 6.25 BID PRICE OF APPLICANTS FOR GEC CONTRACT OF AHMEDABAD METRO PHASE 1 ............................................... 238
TABLE 6.27 BID PROCESS TIMELINE FOR APPOINTMENT OF GEC ....................................................................................... 239
TABLE 6.28 OFFICE RENT ......................................................................................................................................... 240
TABLE 6.29OFFICE SUPPLIES COST .............................................................................................................................. 240
TABLE 6.30SUMMARY OF COSTS (FIN 2) ..................................................................................................................... 240
TABLE 6.31 TENDER COST CRITERIA ............................................................................................................................ 242
TABLE 6.32 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT CRITERIA ........................................................................................................... 242
TABLE 6.33 WORK EXPERIENCE ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA ...................................................................................................... 243
TABLE 6.34 MINIMUM PLANTS & MACHINERIES REQUIRED ............................................................................................ 247
TABLE 6.35 DRAWINGS INCLUDED IN TENDER ............................................................................................................... 248
TABLE 6.36 PAYMENT MILESTONES TO CONTRACTORS .................................................................................................... 249
TABLE 6.37 BID PRICE FOR UG PACKAGE OF AHMEDABAD METRO ................................................................................... 249
TABLE 6.38 BIDDING TIMELINE FOR UG PACKAGE 2 FOR AHMEDABAD METRO ................................................................... 249
TABLE 6.40 LIST AND ELEMENTS OF IMPORTANT DOCUMENTATION CONTROL MEASURES....................................................... 257
TABLE 6.41 COST BASELINE ...................................................................................................................................... 262
TABLE 6.42 - MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE AGE OF CONSTRUCTION TOOLS AND MACHINERY ...................................................... 266
TABLE 6.43 SUMMARY OF CONTRACTOR'S MONITORING PROGRAM ................................................................................. 266
xv | P a g e
List of Annexures
ANNEXURE 1 LIST OF STAKEHOLDERS ................................................................................................................................ I
ANNEXURE 2 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT MATRIX ........................................................................................................... X
ANNEXURE 3 TOTAL ECONOMIC BENEFITS FOR 'WITH METRO SCENARIO' ............................................................................ XIII
ANNEXURE 4 TOTAL ECONOMIC COSTS FOR 'WITHOUT METRO SCENARIO' .......................................................................... XIV
ANNEXURE 5 KEY MEMBERS REQUIRED FOR CONTRACTOR (ELEVATED SECTION) ....................................................................XV
ANNEXURE 6 KEY PERSONNEL REQUIRED FOR CONTRACTORS (UNDERGROUND SECTION)........................................................ XVI
ANNEXURE 7 CONTENTS OF INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS (ITT) ....................................................................................... XVII
ANNEXURE 8 LIST OF AGENCIES INVOLVED IN APPROVAL PROCESSES ................................................................................. XVIII
ANNEXURE 9 LIST OF DRAWINGS GIVEN WITH TENDER FOR UNDERGROUND SECTION ............................................................. XX
ANNEXURE 10 COST BREAKDOWN STRUCTURE ............................................................................................................... XXI
ANNEXURE 11 COST SHEET FOR DESIGN 1 ................................................................................................................... XXIII
ANNEXURE 12:COST SHEET –C2 ...............................................................................................................................XXVIII
ANNEXURE 13:COST SHEET-C3 ................................................................................................................................. XXXIII
ANNEXURE 14 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ................................................................................................................. XXXVIII
ANNEXURE 15 DETAILED MSP SCHEDULE .....................................................................................................................XLIII
ANNEXURE 16 FORM TECH-5 (FOR BTP) ..................................................................................................................... LIX
ANNEXURE 17 DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED IN DIFFERENT PHASES.................................................................................... LX
GUJARAT BOCW RULES 2003............................................................................................................................ LXI
ANNEXURE 19 TEAM COMPOSITION, ASSIGNMENT AND KEY EXPERTS' INPUTS .....................................................................LXIII
ANNEXURE 20 CORE GROUP STAFF TABLE FOR GEC........................................................................................................LXIII
ANNEXURE 21 EXPERT POSITIONS FOR VIADUCT, ELEVATED STATION AND DEPOT ..................................................................... I
ANNEXURE 22 EXPERT POSITIONS FOR UNDERGROUND SECTION ..........................................................................................III
ANNEXURE 23 EXPERT POSITIONS FOR POWER SUPPLY AND TRACTION .................................................................................. V
ANNEXURE 24 EXPERT POSITIONS FOR S&T AND ELECTRIFICATION ...................................................................................... VI
ANNEXURE 25 POSITION FOR GENERAL STAFF................................................................................................................... X
ANNEXURE 26 CBA TABLE FOR NOISE BARRIER ................................................................................................................ XII
ANNEXURE 27 CBA TABLE FOR ESCALATORS................................................................................................................... XIV
ANNEXURE 28 ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF MEGA .................................................................................................... XVII
ANNEXURE 29 PROPOSED ORGANIZATION STRUCTURE OF SURAT METRO .......................................................................... XVIII
xvi | P a g e
Metro is quickly becoming the most favoured mode of transport of the urban population.
With urbanization becoming faster and much more furious, the demand of a sizeable portion
of the population is increasing. Key among these demands is the demand of a transportation
system that saves time and money in daily commute. This would, in turn, increase the
productivity of the people and improve their life, thus taking us a step closer in achieving the
ultimate goal of a happy and productive city and, in turn, a happy and productive nation.
To achieve the above-mentioned status, it is imperative that a Mass Rapid Transit System be
implemented in a city of such resources. Surat has been at the forefront of the garment
industry and diamond industry for years now. Its population has been steadily increasing,
number of vehicles per square km increasing and advent of fly-overs, BRTS and Sitilink has
been only partially successful in curbing the traffic problem. The key factor being that the
BRTS is still in an infant stage and lacks a feeder system which is being planned and
launched. Another major reason is the lack of connectivity to small regions on the outskirts of
the Surat district. These places need a good transit system that connects them to the major
city so that these places can get more footfall and more exposure, leading to more
development for them as a result.
One other factor is the initiative of Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make Surat a Smart
City. As per the pre-requisites of a Smart City, Surat will have to have a world-class transport
system, that is interlinked to provide every street with a means to travel to any other place.
For this, the feeder system around the Metro has to be very carefully planned out to give it
full connectivity and exposure. All these problems and issues are discussed in detail,
analyzed thoroughly, and then a suitable conclusion is formed leading to the feasibility of the
Key Abbreviations
DMRC – Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
1 Introduction
1.1 The City
Surat was a prominent seaport at the time of British colonialism. From there it has made a
journey towards becoming the diamond hub of the country as well as having prominent
garment industry. More than 40% of man-made fabric of the country comes from Surat. The
city has been advancing in sectors beyond industry too. It was the 4th fastest growing city in
world in 2016. In 2010, it was awarded the 3rd cleanest city in the country. It was chosen as
the country‘s first Smart IT city from Microsoft‘s CityNext initiative that had a tie-up with
local IT leaders Tata Consultancy Services and Wipro. 90% of the diamonds in the world are
cut and polished in Surat. But despite all these technological advancements and industrial hub
status, Surat has not been able to make its way to the most coveted cities in India. And that is
mostly because of the transportation system.
Figure 1.1 Map Showing Surat City and Its Administrative Zones
Surat has the 8th largest population in India. Its population has been growing at a rate of
6.3%, with the latest official census of 2011 putting it at 45.91 lakh, while unofficial census
estimating it at 63.37 lakhs in 2017, expected to rise to 66.73 by the end of 2018. The growth
in built-up area is shown in table 1.1.
Table 1.1 Built-up Area of Surat
Year SMC (sq. km.) Outside SMC Study Area (sq. Percentage
(sq. km.) km.) Growth
2001 85.8 67.2 153.0
2006 94.8 70.8 165.6 8%
2011 101.7 74.2 175.9 6%
2016 138.5 95.4 233.9 33%
(CoE, 2016)
The built-up area of the city has seen remarkable growth in the decade from 2006 to 2016. A
growth of 33% in 5 years is a testament to the city‘s growing appeal to outsiders. This, along-
with the population projections, shows the incredible growth of the city. The official census
of 2011 indicates that the growth rate of the city between 2001 and 2011 was 63%. It is
estimated to increase in the next decade and 80 lakh people are estimated to be resident in the
city by the year 2023. These kinds of projections make it a faster growing city than
Ahmedabad and thus, in turn, require a better and faster developing infrastructure than
Ahmedabad too. In this report, we shall learn more about the comparisons between the two
cities, their populations, their transportation systems, and the key differences between them.
A study of Ahmedabad‘s critical challenges will go a long way in providing a framework for
what needs to be done in Surat.
Corridor 1 - Sardhana to Khajod is a route of 21.61 km section which has 21 stations. The
length of elevated track is 15.14 km while for the underground section is 6.47 km. which
contains 6 stations.
Corridor 2 - Bhesan to Saroli, which is completely elevated corridor of length 18.74 km and
has 16 stations.
1.3 Phase 1 Details
For the Phase-1, High Power committee has finalised two routes with the combined length
of 40.35 km and 37 stations. The project is estimated to cost Rs. 12,800 crores and a small
6.47 km portion, through the heart of the city, will run underground while the rest will be
elevated. Both lines will meet near Majura Gate and a new bridge will be built over the Tapi
River to connect Adajan and Athwalines. The two routes were suggested by the Delhi Metro
Rail Corporation (DMRC) who is preparing the project‘s Detailed Project Report. After
surveying over 15,000 people, observing traffic patterns and taking the feedback of the Surat
Urban Development Authority, they narrowed down to 2 routes. There are two depots, one at
Bhesan and other at Khajod.
1.4 Objectives
The following are the objectives of the project as per defined by SMC in a press release -
The major objective of the project is to provide excellent and rapid mass transit
system. The objective is to reduce the commute time of all people of the region.
Another important goal is to provide connectivity all across the Surat Metropolitan
area. All the regions on the outskirts, that were hitherto reliant on private
transportation into the major city, will be the major beneficiaries of this project.
The objective of the project is to reduce over-reliance on personal vehicles and thus,
to curb the traffic problem to some extent.
In the process implementation of this project, care has to be taken to ensure that
minimum land acquisition is required. Wherever there is land acquisition,
rehabilitation of the stakeholder must be done appropriately and adequately.
Environmental impact of the project is also to be kept in mind. The aim is to provide
an eco-friendly, safe and fast transportation system.
2 Project Information
2.1 Project Delivery Approach
Project Delivery refers to the way in which different stakeholders of the project are going to
work together to achieve completion of the project. It shows the nature of relationship
between the client and the contractor and other stakeholders. The major part of this is
contracts, and their types.
• In current times, almost every interaction of one person with another is on the basis of
a contract.
• To carry out a massive project like a Metro Transit System, knowledge of different
types of contracts is necessary, so as to clarify the scope of work of the two parties.
• Public Private Partnership (PPP) is a type of delivery model usually used in Metro
Projects in India. In this model, different type of contracts can be used.
Thus, we have studied the type of contracts used in different Metro Projects around the nation
in the table 2.1.
It can be seen that most of the contracts have only minor differences. EPC and DBOT are
mostly used interchangeably. In EPC, design and installation of plants required for
construction is also done by the contractor, while in DBOT, that scope may be different
depending upon the scope of work given to the contractor. In a similar way, BOT and BOOT
have only a minor difference that in BOT, ownership is given to the contractor, which means
there is a higher level of freedom for the contractor to work in the way which he/she wants.
While in BOOT, there is a clause for extension of the operation period of the contractor.
Type of Contract Shorthand Description
Contractor owns the structure for a longer
Build-Own-Operate-Transfer BOOT period (as per contract) and then transfers
ownership to the Client
Contractor designs, builds, finances and
Design-Build-Finance-Operate DBFO operates the property for a contracted
period of time
Contractor is responsible for design,
EPC engineering, procurement and construction
of the structure
The Contractor has the full authority to
make investment, operation and
Management Contract -
maintenance functions, along-with daily
management decisions
Contractor agrees to render services in a
Service Contract -
specific field for a certain period of time
Contractor is responsible for a specific
Lumpsum Contract - scope of work in exchange for a lump sum
price, not detailed measurements
2.2 Delivery Approach of Different Metro in India
Hyderabad Metro
Lucknow Metro
• Contract Type –
Design, Construct and Install – Traction, Power Supply, S&T, lifts, escalators
Ahmedabad Metro
• Delivery Model Used – PPP
• Contract Type –
Design, Construct and Install – Traction, Power Supply, S&T, lifts, escalators
• Formation of an SPV is carried out to have comprehensive control over the project
• The contracts for Signals and Telecommunications, Traction, Power Supply are given
as Design, Construct and Install
Delivery Model to Be Used – PPP between GoG, GoI and funding agencies.
• Design, Construct and Install – Traction, Power Supply, S&T, lifts, escalators
• Design and Install – Signages
To determine the appropriated procurement strategy, first the variables affecting the project
are selected. These variables are given scores based on their effect on the project. This gives
us a preliminary framework comparing weightage of each variable.
Variables Definition
Legal Framework Capacity of courts, law, policies, acts to enforce contracts
Political Risk Likelihood that a project will be significantly affected by change in
political conditions
Fiscal Space Financial capacity of national/subnational entities to provide support
Macroeconomic Economic volatility as a result of macroeconomic policies
Institutional existence of regulator; capacity to implement regulatory framework
Capacity quality of authorities to provide technical support; corruption
Willingness to Pay acceptance of services, tariffs and alignment
Tariff Consumer ability to afford full cost recovery tariffs
Size and Location Effect of size of project and is location
The table gives out definition of each variable so that it becomes clear what is to be expected
form the variable and what can be included in its detail.
10 | P a g e
Table 2.3 List of legal frameworks existing for Metro in India
Legal Framework
Metro Railway (Construction of Works) Act 1978
The Delhi Metro Act 2002
The Metro Railways (Amendment) Act 2009
National Urban Transport Policy 2014
Metro Rail Policy 2017
As per the table, there is no exhaustive law existing that governs the Metro projects. The most
specific framework we have for Metro projects in India is the Metro Rail Policy of 2017. This
shows that there is room for improvement in legal framework formation for metro projects in
India. Still, we do have an existing strong policy.
Situation Score
Existence of exhaustive law 5
Existence of a specific Act 4
Existence of a specific Policy 3
Existence of a Government Order 2
No specific law, bill or policy 1
As already stated, there exists a policy governing specifically the aspects of a Metro project.
Thus, the legal framework is strong for this project.
Year Particular
2012 Metro System was proposed by CM Narendra Modi for Surat
2012 Offer for DPR was sanctioned by General Board of SMC
2016 HPC, GoG decided to prepare DPR
2016 DMRC started DPR preparation
2017 DMRC submitted the DPR
2017 DMRC submitted the final DPR for Phase 1
11 | P a g e
As we can see, the duration it took from proposal of the project to the proposal for DPR is
very long. Also, the DPR has not been approved as of yet. All these factors make it seem that
the political risk is high for this project. We have prepared the scoring mode for this criterion
To detail out this criterion, we pulled up the budgetary allocation done by Government of
Gujarat for Metro project specially and for Urban Transport in general. This allocation is
given in table 2.7, along with the comparative studies of 4 other states and their allocation
towards metro and urban transport.
12 | P a g e
State Total % for Allocation for Metro % of
Budget Transportation Transportation Budget Budget for
(INR in (INR in crore) (INR in Metro from
crore) crore) Transportat
Karnataka 2,06,200 2% 4,124 1,250 30%
Gujarat 1,08,000 1% 1,080 60 6%
Andhra 1,56,900 3% 4,707 0%
It can be clearly seen, that the budgetary allocation for transportation is the least by
Government of Gujarat. Furthermore, the budget for specifically metro systems is also the
lowest among available government data for Gujarat state. The next entity is SMC, whose
financial data is shown in table 2.8.
The budgetary allocation for Urban Transport works for FY 2018-19 by SMC is 1.5% of the
total capital budget. The allocation for DPR work of Surat Metro is 50% of the actual cost of
the work.
13 | P a g e Macroeconomic Factors
Macroeconomic factors are the factors that are global in their impact but still have a
likelihood to affect the project in a specific way. For our study, we have chosen the currency
valuation changes and FDI as the two major macroeconomic factors that would impact the
Surat Metro project.
It is clearly seen that the change in currency value was highest for the year 2013, and then the
increase has been fairly consistent. This shows that the currency devaluation is not as
problematic as it seems. The percentage change in currency value in 2012 to currency value
in 2018 is 29%, which is very high.
The next table will clear up the doubts by showing the changes in currency value for every
month of 2018 till October. This is shown in table 2.11.
Table 2.11 Table showing currency valuation change for every month of 2018
14 | P a g e
It can be seen that there has been a rapid increase in currency devaluation in the last few
months. As it is more recent data, it has some impact on the macroeconomic factors that
affect the Surat Metro project. The percentage change in values from January 2018 and
September 2018 has been 14%, which is high.
0 to 3 5
3 to 6 4
6 to 9 3
9 to 12 2
>12 1
As per this model, the scoring comes out to be 1 for Surat Metro Project.
Criteria Score
Monthly Currency Value 1
Yearly Currency Value 1
Average 1
The average score for macroeconomic factors comes out to 1.
15 | P a g e Willingness to Pay
The sampling was done through Google Forms and sample size of 52 was obtained. The
following questions were there in the Survey.
1. What is the average daily distance travelled for work/education/leisure etc. purpose?
6% 0-5 km
10-20 km
29% 20-30 km
30-40 Km
23% 5-10 km
8% More than 40 Km
Figure 2.1 Chart showing average daily distance travelled by Surat citizens
From the rest Rs. 30-40 is paid highest amongst other fares, followed by Rs. 10-20, Rs. 5-10,
Rs. 20-30 & more than Rs.40.
16 | P a g e
Amount of Money Paid for PT
I don't travel by Public
More than Rs. 40
Rs. 10-20
15% 43%
Rs. 20-30
Rs. 5-10
Figure 2.2 Chart showing amount of money people pay for public transport in Surat
73.5% of 56.9% of 52 people i.e. 22 which derives that 41.81% of the Sample size will shift
to Metro.
25% Yes
No Answer
Figure 2.3 Chart showing no. of people willing to shift to metro in Surat
38% are willing to pay Rs. 20 maxes, followed by 30% willing to pat Rs. 10 max & 20% who
are willing to pay Rs. 30 max. So, 88% of the total is willing to pay in the range of 10-30.
Potential Average travel distance is up to 20Kms. The Rate derived is Rs.45 for distance of
20Kms. So, rates shall be lowered down @33.33%.
17 | P a g e
Maximum Fare people are willing to
pay for metro
Figure 2.4 Chart showing maximum fare people are willing to pay for metro
Cash is the highest favourable mode of Payment, followed by E- Wallet, Credit/debit cards &
UPI. Payment for token would be done by Cash & Payment for Smart Card would done by
any of the four alternatives.
41% Credit/Debit Card
E-Wallet (PayTm, PhonePe)
UPI (BHIM, Google Pay)
As maximum people i.e. 88.5% are opting for Mobile app followed by Smart card, revenue
can be generated faster by offering extra top-up.
18 | P a g e
Favourable Form of Ticketing
19 | P a g e Surat Metro
As it will be operational from 2022, the rates are escalated at the rate of 15% from
Ahmedabad Metro fares, keeping 12 fare slabs. The minimum fare would be Rs.17 and
maximum of Rs.59. The average fare per km would be Rs.1.78.
The above table indicates the rates in relation with distances for Hyderabad Metro. There
would be an increase of 5% in fare every two years. There are 10 fare slabs with minimum
fare being Rs.10 and maximum fare being Rs.60 The fare slab of
Rs.10/15/20/25/30/35/40/45/50/55/60. The average fare per km is Rs. 2.29.
20 | P a g e
Metro Minimum fare Maximum Fare Average fare / Km Score
Ahmedabad 15 51 1.54 4
Surat 17 59 1.78 3
As for the Surat city metro, average fare rate per km is Rs.1.78 which falls in the range of
1.65-2.02. On comparing other metro in different city, tariff sustainability can be considered
as ‗medium‘.
21 | P a g e
Table 2.28 Permanent land parcel available
22 | P a g e
the viability of each strategy when exposed to the selected variables. This helps in selecting
the most adequate available procurement strategy.
Feasible Modalities
Non-feasible Modalities
3 Stakeholder Analysis
Stakeholder Analysis consists of three major steps – identification, management and
engagement of stakeholders. These steps are discussed in detail in this section.
23 | P a g e
affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project.‖ Project Stakeholder Management
processes are: -
1. Identification of Stakeholders.
2. Planning of Stakeholders Engagement.
3. Manage Stakeholder Engagement.
4. Monitor Stakeholder Engagement.
Low High
24 | P a g e
3.2.3 Power and Influence grid
It is a tool which helps to categorize project stakeholders by the power and influence they
have on project, which in turn helps in stakeholder prioritization.
10 4,5 1,2,3
9 6,15,16-
High 8 45-
12 11 13,14 49,50- 8,9,10
7 20-22
5 23-44,65-
4 70,71
Low 3 69
1 68
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Low High
Figure 3.2 Power-Influence Matrix for Stakeholders
Low High
3.2.4 Influence and Impact grid
It is a tool which helps to understand which stakeholders have the most influence and the
impact they can make to project success.
10 6-
9 16-
High 8 45-
48,49- 4,5
7 7,11 70,71 13,14
5 23-36,37-
12 69
Low 3
2 68
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Low High
Figure 3.3 Influence - Impact Matrix for Stakeholders
Low High
25 | P a g e
3.2.5 Stakeholder Engagement Matrix
This matrix supports comparison between the current engagement levels of stakeholders and
desired engagement levels required for successful project delivery. The engagement levels of
stakeholders are classified as: -
Unaware – One who is unaware about the projects and potential impacts.
Resistant – One who is aware about the projects and potential impacts but resistant to
any change which may occur as a result of outcome of the project.
Neutral – One who is aware about the project, but neither supportive nor
Supportive – One who is aware and supports the project.
Leading – One who is aware about the project and potential impacts and actively
engaged in ensuring that the project is success.
26 | P a g e
4 Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study is done by DMRC for this project. Feasibility studies covered in this report
consist of the following –
Demand Analysis
Location Analysis
Technical Analysis
Financial Analysis
Economic Analysis
Environment Impact Assessment
4.1 Demand Assessment
Demand Assessment related to the demand projections of the project. In this section, we have
covered the factors that lead to the demand projections for the Surat Metro Project. Demand
analysis is necessary to show the need of the project and it is fundamental for financial
calculations. The factors of demand analysis are discussed in detail in the following sections. Population
Population of Surat over the decades is shown in Table 4.1. It is seen that the population is
increasing heavily. The population projections for years 2021, 2031 and 2035 have been
taken from development plan prepared by SUDA in 2016.
27 | P a g e
Figure 4.1 Bar chart of population over decades
(SUDA, 2035)
The increase in population demands for a better and more efficient public transit system. As
per the government guidelines, every city with a population more than 2 million is eligible to
have its own metro system. Surat easily qualifies for this criterion. Figure 4.2 shows the
population density of Surat in year 2016.
(SUDA, 2035)
The map and colour coding shows that the population of Surat is more concentrated towards
centre core area and along the two prominent corridors of Surat city. Nana Varachha Road
and Udhna (Navsari) road, the population density is moderately high. The downtown territory
28 | P a g e
is discovered 22 Km south of the Tapti River and most of the population is dense near the
banks of the river.
Central Zone
East Zone
North Zone
South-East Zone
South Zone
South West Zone
West Zone
(SMC, 2016)
As the Surat metro proposed routes are passing through 4-5 administrative zones different
legal and other approvals will be from different admirative zones of the Surat city which will
lead to problems at some the Surat is having large diversity in organisational zones
29 | P a g e
there for the connections of the zones is must and the demand of public transport is more in
that zones. The metro route will cater West Zone, Central Zone, East Zone & South West
Zone which will also affect the more on demand of the public transport i.e. metro rail.
(SMC, 2016)
As the area bound in the city core is limited which is less and the population is more locating
towards the periphery of the city and near to the banks of the river .City core with high area
but less population as per the CMP report the rise in the population is more and the demand
of connection by public transport in future is more that is the reason why Surat metro has
been proposed in near to river banks ,city core and periphery of Surat city
30 | P a g e
Figure 4.4 Bar chart of zones vs population increase
31 | P a g e
connecting the highly dense area by means of metro on basis of futuristic population density
(CoE, 2016)
32 | P a g e
Table 4.3 Employment Distribution in Major Areas
High Employment Density Medium Employment Density
Hazira Olpad
Sachin Adajan
Kadodara Railway Station
Kamrej Udhana
Pandesara Palsana
As there is high employment density in the core area of Surat the daily shift will lead to
demand rise of the metro rail, and in some areas like pandesar and katar gam which have the
highest number of employments this all areas should be interconnected as well as connected
with commercial and industrial areas. the Surat metro rotes are such a way aligned that they
fulfil the demand of present and futuristic employment growth
And according to CMP 2046 the upcoming generation of Surat city in 2046 half of the
population will be employed and will move towards the employment zones which will lead to
high futuristic demand of metro rail.
As the metro route will pass through West Zone, Central Zone, East Zone & South West
Zone. Target Employment people would be approx. 9 lakhs.
33 | P a g e
(Self Analysis, 2018)
There is been observed that East, South East and South zone has the maximum employment
attraction. The following Industrial, Residential and commercial nodes have been identified
as growth centres –
Industrial Future Development
Kadodara Kathor
Palsana Olpad
Sachin DREAM City
Tena Kamrej
The other important projects which have been proposed are as follows
34 | P a g e
Year Transport Non-Transport Total
Vehicles Vehicles Vehicles
2015-2016 22,92,095 1,80,69,201 2,03,61,296
2017-2018 25,08,483 2,07,77,935 2,32,86,418
(RTO, 2018)
16.7 Lakh Vehicles added in the last 10 Years. (RTO Surat 2017)
If this trend continues the total vehicles will grow by 2.5 times (29 lakh to 63 lakh) in
35 | P a g e
From the above table, majority modal share is of walking and two-wheeler. The lowest
amongst the modes is Bus+Rail. So, there is a need for integration of Public Transport to
increase the modal share of Public Transport.
It is clearly indicative that the number of accidents is increasing every year. The decline in
the level of accident due to use of public transport may attract the users friendly public
transport like metro rail which will lead further decrease in accident rate.
Modes Usage
Bus + Rail Low
2 Wh High
Walk High
3 Wh Medium
4 Wh Low
36 | P a g e
As observed that the use of personal vehicle is more the shifting of public towards metro will
lead to high demand. It is observed that Public Transport system usage is very low in Surat
which needs to addressed.
(CoE, 2016)
The rate of emission in the city has increased significantly owing to rising number of
populations, Industries and Vehicular Growth.
Transportation sectors accounts to about 1177 tons of Emissions every day
Per capita Co2 emissions in Surat is 0.42 kg/day
37 | P a g e Prominent Polluted Places
More over the southwest, south part and north east part of the city, is affected by pollution
and there is rise in pollution due to high vehicular growth.
Place PM 10 PM 2.5 CO
SVR College 84 29 1.35
BRC, Udhana (Darshan Processors) 93 33 1.42
Air India Building 90 32 1.38
CETP Palsana 76 29 1.37
Chaltan Sugar 84 31 1.37
GIDC Pandesara 87 31 1.35
SGPTA Association Office 88 32 1.34
Delhi Gate Police Chowki 92 32 1.4
Hi-Choice Processors, Sachin 97 33 1.59
Garden Silk Mills, Kadodara 89 31 1.32
Table 4.12 Adequacy level of Pollution at Major Places
38 | P a g e
The table indicates that there is very high pollution in the air in some of most prominent areas
of the city. As the pollution level is rising and vehicular growth is high then shifting pubic
towards metro will create demand in the city for use of metro rail which will lead to 30-40%
decrease in the level of pollution .as per studies in Delhi metro phase one there is reduction in
the level of pollution and pollutant like CO, CO2 and NOX after the imp mentation of the
metro rail.
Through route there are some of the recreational places and some of the tourist places which
provide rider ship to metro line and better connectivity. And most of the prominent
recreational areas will lead to more demand attractions towards metro.
Prominent areas: -
Transport Facilities
39 | P a g e
Figure 4.14 Transport Facilities
For more ridership the connectivity is needed from transport hub, and the two lines of metro
are there by passing through major railways. Airport is not connected to route. Out of 3
Railway Station one is connected through proposed route. Out of 5 bus station two are
connected through proposed route. For airport there is less need of connectivity. There should
be proposed underground for city core area.
As there is more connectivity to transport modes than in city area of Surat, there will be
always rise in demand of the connectivity of the various areas of Surat by means of metro
40 | P a g e
Figure 4.15 High Mobility Corridor
As in Surat there is more of high mobility corridor where there is always present as well as
futuristic demand of connecting the rotes by means of public transport. The metro rail has
high means of demand in the mobility corridor and that is under consideration .and hence
from this conclusion comes that in high mobility corridor where there is need of public
transport metro line is passing. More rider ship can be derived from high mobility corridor
during peak hours.
• Route – 12Km
• Stations – 22
• Headway (Peak) - 3 to 4 min
• Headway (Off-peak) - 5 to 6 min
• Service – 24 hours
Bus Rapid Transit System
41 | P a g e
Conclusion from this is that the BRTS and sitelink act as feeder buses and the route doesn‘t
overlap. For some areas where there is a need of public transport the BRTS are less activated
so that route is covered by metro lines like areas of Bhatar and Khajod gam. The existing
BRTS data shows that in some areas where there is less need of public transport so this is
conclusion for the Surat metro rail cooperation and they had eliminated those routes and
created the most convenient routes which have higher demand.
42 | P a g e Congestion Levels
VCR % of Higher
Category order network
>0.9 72 km (14%)
>0.7 64 km (12%)
<0.7 382 km (74%)
Congestion levels on Surat kamrej road, Surat kadodara road and Surat Sachin road is the
highest. For Surat kamrej stretch some part the metro has been linked and same for Surat
kadodara road but for Sachin area no connectivity has been proposed. As the congestion level
on road network for Surat kamrej and city area is more by connecting this road by faster
network i.e. metro rail the demand will be more in future for other two most congested road
connecting more of the industrial areas and commercials as the public transport is
speedier than the demand will rise and traffic congestion will be less.
4.1.2 Conclusion
As the demand for the metro in some congested areas and most prominent area as well as
employment areas we have conclusion that the passenger per hour per direction transit will be
fulfilling the futuristic and present demand for Surat metro rail.
Station PPHPDT
Corridor 1
Sardhana 4,600
Varachha 4,600
Surat Railway 15,000
Cinema Road 15,000
Lalgate 15,000
Kasturba Garden 15,000
Nanpura 15,000
43 | P a g e
Station PPHPDT
Majuragate 15,000
Althan 3,500
Canal Road 3,500
Siecc 600
Khajod 600
Corridor 2
Bhesan Gam 400
Snehrashmi Garden 400
Palanpur 2,500
Lp Savani Road 2,500
Adajan 2,500
Chopati 2,500
Athwagate 15,000
Majura Gate 15,000
Ring Road, 15,000
Raghukul Market 15,000
Millenium Market 3,000
Mahendra Park Society 2,000
Bhavani Industrial Estate 2,000
Saroli 600
Total 1,85,800
1. Population Density
2. Concentration of Employment areas
3. Future Development Plans within next five years
4. Number of Vital paces/destinations in proximity
44 | P a g e
5. Significant transportation hubs in the city.
6. Points/Stretches on roads of high Congestion levels
Out of these, 1-2-6 except 3-4-5 will help us to determine which zones are to be preferred
over other while 3-4-5 will help us to determine the alignment based on connecting as much
as more prior areas in vicinity.
45 | P a g e
Figure 4.20:Employement Zones of Surat,2016
1. Commercial/Business centres
2. Educational Institutions like colleges and schools
3. Entertainment/Recreation areas like Shopping Mall
4. Places of tourism interests
5. Industrial hubs
6. Health Centres
While setting metro alignment, Commercial / Business centres shall be given more
importance and Health centres shall get the least priority.
Commercial/Business Centres
47 | P a g e
Commercial Centers Results
Sardhana jakath naka
Mora bhagal
Educational Institutions-
The survey results are as follows:
a. Colleges
LP Savani School
48 | P a g e
Recreational Centers-Shopping Malls Results
Central Mall
Marvella Mall
Reliance Mega Mall
Industrial hubs
The survey results are as follows:
Health Centres
The survey results are as follows:
49 | P a g e
Health Centres Results
Sanjeevani Multispecialty Hospital
Sunshine Global Hospital
Apple Hospital
Mehta Hospital
Adventist Wockhardt Heart Hospital
Unique Hospital
Lifeline Multispecialty Hospital
The results are shown for three categories mentioned below:
More priority
Less Priority
No priority
Note: No Priority results are not included in the maps below:
1. Educational Centres:
50 | P a g e
51 | P a g e
3. Entertainment/Recreation areas like Shopping Mall:
52 | P a g e
5. Industrial Hubs:
6. Health Centres:
53 | P a g e
Figure 4.28: Prominent Health Centres of Surat City
These results are combined and analysed which shows that maximum footfall goes to the
darker areas and then to lighter shades. The summarised map is given below:
With the help of this map, we can see the concentration of above-mentioned spaces keeping
the present need of the residents of the Surat city in mind. It gives us a clear picture where the
present need of the metro arises and the alignment shall follow connecting maximum number
of spaces as mentioned above.
54 | P a g e Significant transportation hubs in the city
The significant transportation hubs in the city are Railway Station, Airport and Bus Stand.
These are shown in figure given below:
It is very important to connect Metro with the existing transportation services as it will help
feeding each other services in the future and assist the city growth altogether. The population
will be comforted by inter-modal connection. Since, the airport services in Surat are mainly
catering to private aircraft services, flying training school, custom services. The scheduled
flights to major destination in India are very few. Hence, we may not consider connecting
Airport with the metro alignment in the present scenario but the provision for the future can
be left.
Out of the existing hubs as mentioned in the map, Surat Railway station, Linear Bus Stand,
Central Station Terminal hold major importance and needs to be given more importance
while setting alignment.
55 | P a g e
High Mobility Corridor
Figure 4.31: Congestion Map of Surat City showing heavily congested roads.
From this map, we concluded that the major three roads-Surat -Kadodara road, Surat -Kamrej
road, Surat-Sachin road are highly congested and needs to be taken in consideration for the
metro alignment. Also, inner ring Road around the city core shall be taken into account.
56 | P a g e
Consider the priority order of the categories as discussed in
Join the more prior locations first.
Try to join the maximum number of locations.
Preference shall be given to high density zones of future needs.
The employment map will help us to limit the boundary of the Metro alignment.
The congested routes on the existing road network are also considered.
Based on the above considerations, the resultant metro alignment is as follows: Analysis
The resultant route map of the metro alignment is analysed with the existing proposed map
(as approved in DPR) of the:
57 | P a g e
Figure 4.34: Route 1-1’ and 2-2’ approved in DPR
B-B‘ and 2-2‘ follow the same alignment passing through the city centre which covers
mainly the inner ring road which is a High Mobility Corridor for city and 2-O‘passes
through highly congested road. This route help connecting the city on the both banks
of the Tapi river.
58 | P a g e
A-O follows the same alignment with 1-O; hence it passes connecting number of
prominent tourist spaces, malls and colleges. It passes through one of the most
congested roads of current scenario i.e. Surat Kamrej Road. It passes through East and
Central zone which by 2031 will have high densities than rest parts of the city.
C-O shall be kept for the future extension as today it is proposed to be passing
through industrial zones but in the future, it will turn to a highly dense zone due to
industrial expansion. It‘s Surat-Sachin road is already one of the most congested roads
of the city.
O-A‘ lies under low density zone but connecting prominent schools, malls and
colleges. It can be extended to connect Airport. Even BRTS is catering to this area
which does not have much regular and sufficient ridership. Instead, O-1‘ is considered
because it caters to the south zone which is expected to of high density in the future.
New development like DREAM CITY is served. Space for depot is available nearby.
O-1‘ is presently serving the needs of both O-A‘ and O-City falls in between the both
alignments trying to fulfil the demand by acting as the best possible option.
High capacity Metro system is designed for PHPDT greater than ≥40000 and Light capacity
Metro is designed for PHPDT ranging from ≥8000 to 40000. So, it is essential to make
comparison of various urban mass transit systems to choose the best one for Surat city.
It is a transport system that runs on the exclusive beam slab track. It can run on sharp curve of
24 meters radius. The stations are spaced at 500m to 1 Km distance.
The Automated Guide Way Transit runs on an exclusive track built on elevated structure.
It is a very light weight vehicle compared to other urban mass transits.
59 | P a g e
It runs straddling on the beam tracks. It can be operated with sharp curves up to 50 m. It is a
rubber tyre based rolling stock, electrically propelled on concrete beams known as guide-
It is an advanced Rail based transit system in which Magnetic Levitation is used to raise the
vehicles above the rail surface. Rail wheel interaction is thus avoided and very high speeds
are attainable.
60 | P a g e
Running gear Light Automated Monorail Maglev Metro
& Track Rail Guide way
characteristics Transit Transit
Brake system Electric Electric Electric Electric brake and Electric brake
brake and brake and brake and air brake and hydraulic
hydraulic air brake air brake brake and
brake Regenerative
Power Catenary Conductor Conductor Conductor rail Catenary or
collector rail rail Conductor
Voltage D.C. 750 A.C. 750 V D.C. 1,500 D.C. 1,500 V D.C. 1500 V,
V V A.C. 25kv
Track Steel rail Concrete Track Steel rail Steel rail
slab beam (Electromagnetic
levitation system)
4.3.4 Operational characteristics
Table 4.23 Rolling Stock Parameters - Operational Characteristics
61 | P a g e
Other Light Rail Automated Monorail Maglev Metro
Parameters Transit Guide way
(LRT) Transit
cost/car Crores Crores
Service life 30 years 30 years 30 years 35 years 35 years
Now to come to conclusion for the suitable urban mass transit for the city, based on the 12 th
Five-year plan for urban infrastructure by the Planning Commission of India, there are certain
principle criteria which are to be met.
62 | P a g e
4. Cost/car (in Crores)
5. Carrying capacity (in No.)
Table 4.26 Scoring Criteria Model
Speed Score
50-59 1
60-69 2
70-79 3
80-89 4
≥90 5
The scoring is given on the scale of 1-5, in which 1 indicates Very Poor to 5 being Very
63 | P a g e
Based on the service a year being the highest, scoring is given high. The maximum score is
given if the service life is greater than 35 years.
Consumption (in
Rolling Stock technologies kwh/car-km)
Light Rail Transit 2.2
Automated Guide way Transit (AGT) 2.2
Monorail 2.2
Maglev 2.5
Metro 2.5
The above table indicates the electricity consumption of Rolling Stock in Kwh/car-km.
Maglev & Metro consumes the highest electricity i.e. 2.5 Kwh/car-km.
64 | P a g e Carrying Capacity criteria
Table 4.34 Carrying Capacity Criteria
From the above criteria and as per the scoring, a final weightage scoring model is prepared
for different Rolling stock technologies. In the weightage, the maximum weightage is given
to carrying capacity followed by Electric consumption, Cost/car, Service life and maximum
speed. The table below shows the weightage of different criteria out of 100.
65 | P a g e
Cost/car 20
Service life 15
Maximum Speed 5
The weightage scores are multiplied by the scoring which is above state for the different
criteria in the range of 1-5.
Weightage of each criteria is taken after talks with experts. Scoring is given as per the
previous sections. Weighted score is calculated by multiplying weightage of each criteria
with the respective score for each technology. After the weighted scoring is done, as per the
total score of different rolling stock technologies, we come to a conclusion that Metro is the
most suitable technology with the highest score being 320.
66 | P a g e Typical Section of Rolling Stock
67 | P a g e Rolling Stock Characteristics
68 | P a g e
Maximum operating speed: 80 Kmph.
Average speed: 34 kmph.
Frequency between two trains: During peak hours - duration of 1.75 minute, during
off peak hours – 15 min.
Duration of train stoppage on station: 30 seconds
Car body: Stainless Steel
5% of area required for the disables
Battery break up: During electricity cut down, Light, PA/PIS, A.C and ventilation, a
battery backup of 1 hour. Here PA indicates Public Address, system performs regular
announcements for passenger information and also emergency announcements for
passenger evacuations and the Passenger Information System (PIS) provide services
such as train information displays.
69 | P a g e
at 30m c/c. cant of 110 mm should be provided and cant deficiency of 85 mm should be
provided. Safe speed of 80 Kmph can be obtained at curve of 300 m radii or more & speed up
to 50 Kmph can be obtained at elevated section having minimum radius of 175 m. In
underground section at Surat Railway Station, there are six stations proposed which should
have a desirable minimum radius of curve shall be 300 m for ease of working of Tunnel
Boring Machine (TBM).
Desirable: 0.72 time‘s actual cant (0.72*110 = 79.2 m) or cant deficiency, (in mm) which is
85 mm, whichever is higher. So desirable length of transitions on horizontal curve should be
85 m.
Minimum curve length between two transition curves should be 25 m. Overlap between
transition curves and vertical curves is not allowed. Vertical curves are to be provided when
change in gradient exceeds 0.4% with the minimum length of curve being 20 m.
1. Alluvial Soil
2. Black cotton Soil
3. Saline soil
70 | P a g e
Soil characteristics in the corridor 1 i.e. Sardhana to Khajod (Dream city) is majority Alluvial
soil & near Khajod which is proposed depot in the project, black cotton soil is found there. In
the corridor 2 i.e. from Bhesan to Saroli also has alluvial soil strata, saline soil is observed on
the banks of Tapi River and some portions of Adajan to Athwagate near the banks of Tapi
71 | P a g e Typical Tunnel Section
72 | P a g e Criteria for Scoring Model Tunnelling Rate
Tunnelling Rate refers to the horizontal drive (in metre/day) that can be tunnelled on an
average day by a specific method. The table 4.40 shows the tunnelling rates of different
73 | P a g e Weightage Scoring Model
Table 4.43 Weightage Scoring Model for Tunnelling Methods
74 | P a g e Typical Section of Viaduct
75 | P a g e Kinematic Envelope
To ensure that the path required for the passage of trains is kept clear along the route of a
railway, a structure gauge is imposed. This has the effect of forming a limit of building inside
which no structures may intrude. The limit includes not only things like walls, bridge sand
columns but also pipes, cables, brackets and signal posts.
Table 4.44 shows the maximum speed and cant that are decided based on the radius of curve.
The kinematic envelope is decided based on these parameters.
Table 4.44 Table Showing Maximum Permissible Speed, Cant and Distance
Elevated Section
Minimum Distance
Maximum Permissible Between Adjacent
Radius of Curve Cant Speed Tracks
m mm kmph mm
>3000 15 80 3650
2800 15 80 3650
2400 20 80 3650
2000 20 80 3650
1600 25 80 3650
1500 30 80 3650
1200 35 80 3650
1000 40 80 3700
800 55 80 3700
600 70 80 3750
500 90 80 3750
450 95 75 3750
400 105 75 3800
350 110 70 3800
300 110 65 3850
200 110 50 3900
175 110 50 3900
150 110 45 3900
150 0 30 4000
120 110 40 4000
120 0 30 4000
To ensure adequate clearances between rolling stock and structures, or rolling stock on
adjacent tracks, monitoring and maintenance of track position is based on the air gap. Table
4.45 shows the minimum distance form track centre line.
76 | P a g e
Table 4.45 Minimum Distance from Track Centre Line for Existing Building Structures
Ht. from Rail Level (mm) Distance from Track Centre Line (mm)
RL-80 1535-1632
80-110 1632-1695
110-172 1695
172 1695
172-185 1695-1691
185-410 1691-1632
410-520 1632-1603
520-745 1603-1622
745-900 1622-1655
900-3310 1655-1590
3310-3508 1590-1503
3508-3910 1503-1220
3910-4060 1220
Flash Welding - The welding process is in principle a regulated electric short circuit with the
two rail ends functioning as D.C. poles. The high current produces an arc between the rail
ends, the two rail cross-sections are heated to melting temperature due to the high input of
77 | P a g e
Thus, as per table 4.47, to get maximum efficiency, flash-butt welding is to be adopted.
Fastener For
Ballastless Main Line
ERC MK III System Depot
As per the tables 4.41 and 4.42, it can be proposed that the ballastless tracks and fasteners
should be used for main line, while ballasted tracks and ERC MK III System fasteners are to
be used for depots.
78 | P a g e Fire Systems
The analysis of fire systems has been divided into three major parts – Fire Detection, Fire
Suppression and Fire Extinguishing. To understand about fire safety, first we need to
understand about the types of fire. The classification of fire as per FEMA is shown in table
Class Description
A Ordinary combustibles like wood, paper
B Flammable liquids and gases like petrol, propane
C Energized electrical equipment like computers
D Combustible metals like magnesium, sodium
K Cooking oils and greases
(FEMA, 2018)
79 | P a g e Fire Suppression Systems
Table 4.52 Comparison of Fire Suppression Systems
In the above table, X denotes the gas is suitable for the particular place.
80 | P a g e Fire Extinguishers
Table 4.54 Types of Extinguishers
CATC shall be arrange in the Surat metro which will lead to the minimization of the track
side equipment‘s apparatus and housing of Surat metro and instead of that equipment‘s shall
be installed in the equipment rooms available nearby
81 | P a g e
Features Conventional CBTC
Protection against human error No Yes
Maximize throughput No Yes
Equipment & maintenance High Low
Bidirectional operations No Yes
Automatic recovery Limited Yes
Energy optimization No Yes
Automatic speed regulation No Yes Performance Specification
Automatic Train Protection (ATP): When the Train is required to be run without ATO, the
Trains shall be operated ATP
Automatic Train Operation (ATO): The ATO function shall be applied self-sufficiently from
the ATP function so that no fault of the ATO equipment can constrain the ATP function.
Automatic Train Supervision (ATS): ATS system shall deliver link to Passenger Information
Display System and Public declaration system for on line information.
82 | P a g e
Metro rail Type of Signalling
Chennai metro rail network AFTC
Hyderabad metro ATCS
Surat metro can be proposed by AFTC based or CBTC based Train Control systems which
are convenient and efficient.
83 | P a g e
Direction type Route Indicator with three lit LED signal lighting units shall be 400 m. in clear
daylight with peak sun rays at rated voltage
84 | P a g e
• Later coded-track circuits and then coded AFTC have been introduced for this
purpose rotes of metro rail
Therefore, cab signalling with coded AFTC has been introduced for the proposal of Surat
Solid State
Computer Based
Mechanical Relay
interlocking Interlocking
85 | P a g e
Computer based Interlocking adopted for station having switches and crossing. All related
equipment as far as possible will be centralized in the equipment room at the station. The
depot shall be interlocked except for lines mainly used for workshop lines, inspection shed
lines for Surat metro.
Internet banking
The layout of the fare collection area covering information panels, signages, fare vending
equipment and controlling gates shall be such as to reflect the logical sequence a User is
required to follow to use the system allowing sufficient queuing space at the time of peak
patronage. The operating features of the system shall be fully parameterized. AFC System
shall be engineered for the patronage forecasts of the Design Year of 2046.
Smart token
Mobile app
Smart card
Table 4.62 Comparison of Fare Collection Types
Barcode scan
The TVMs shall be made from stainless steel and shall be freestanding or recessed into the
walls of the TVM rooms as required by the Station architecture. The TOM shall be installed
86 | P a g e
at the ticket counter at all Stations and shall be operated by the staff. Security of
communications between the AFC equipment, SC and CC system shall ensure no loss of data
in transmission
The major technology back was paper based but there has been a gradual change as new
technologies, ranging from magnetic stripe tickets to smartcards, have been developed and
successfully implemented in many major cities worldwide.
Contactless Smart Card – For multiple journeys. Contactless Smart Token –For Single
Journey, captured at exit gates for reuse and TVM & AVM are more suitable, can be
proposed. Gates
Computer controlled automatic gates at entry and exit. Gate arrays may be centre flaps, bi-
parting leaves and flaps or another configuration. Where there is need of barriers shall be
provided to separate unpaid and paid areas of the crowd. Emergency push button shall be
provided in the ticket counters to control any awkward situations. In the event of a total
power failure to the gates, the gates shall open to allow unobstructed User access. Minimum
distance for recognition shall be less than 200 mm. It shall be operational at ambient
temperatures from 0 to +50 degrees Celsius.
• Entry
• Exit
• Reversible (if required as per final station layout) – Option to set as entry or exit
based on operational requirements
87 | P a g e
Figure 4.44 Gates for Station
88 | P a g e
1. Each station has only 2 access
2. Minimum AFC equipment's at a station with "2 access- 1 for entry, 1 for exit": 2 entry
gates, 2 exit gates, 2 EFO, 2 TOM, 4 AVM/TR,2 TVM
3. Throughput of gate 25 passengers per minute, TOM: One per access.
4. 50 % passenger are assumed on Smart Card and 50% on single journey token.
5. Peak hour traffic = 12% of day traffic. Peak Minute traffic = 2% of peak hour traffic
The failure of the system should not be more than 50milliseconds and the difference should
be less than the same. Maximum traffic interruption time should not be interrupted by and
node. the group delay at the frequency of minimum of 600 microseconds taking in account of
the worst schemes.
System Ahmedabad Hyderabad Surat
The clock system will be accordance with the GPS source with full accuracy and exact
timings. Master clock units shall never run more than 30millesecnds of difference as it is the
reference to other clocks. The time should be well synchronized of whole rail system
89 | P a g e
Public Address System
This system should be in such a way that it shall allow the operators at station and OCC ton
make announcements to users in station areas.
The frequency response of the system shall be from 200 to 12,000 Hz ±3 dB, and 300 to 8000
Hz at the Depot area rent from the GPS reference.
Radio System
The radio system is to provide wireless unmodulated voices and communication files which
will support the operational and other works on station and depot. Preservation of the data of
the wireless system should be provided between the following parties
(i) Traffic Controller (TC) in OCC and the Train Operators (TO)
(iii) Engineering Controller (EC) and O&M staff carrying hand-portable radio sets at the
(iv) Depot Controller (DC) and the TOs when the Trains are within the Depot areas
(v) DC and staff equipped with hand portable radio sets in the Depot areas for Depot security
purpose; and
(vi) Between Operation and Maintenance (O&M) staff issued with hand portable radio sets at
stations, trackside and Depot areas.
90 | P a g e
Figure 4.45 Digital Train radio (TETRA) communication
The maximum interruption for required service bit rates due to link node or any type of
failure shall be less than 50 milliseconds. Redundant single mode optical fibre cables between
Communications Equipment Rooms (CER) at each Station, and on-line equipment rooms and
the OCC The Clock System provide synchronized time for the Rail system. The time source
shall be the GPS. The telephone system shall be provided to the staff working on Rail system
PAS shall allow the operators at Stations and OCC to make announcement to the Users while
they are in the Station areas. In each substation, OCC, station and Depot local area network
shall be built for local data applications. Passenger Information System (PIS) shall be
provided in such a way that operator‘s send audio visual messages to users when they are in
station with a cost comfort and easy-to-use features.
91 | P a g e
4.3.6 Choosing by Advantage
Choosing by Advantage (CBA) is a decision-making strategy that supports sound decision by
making comparisons among advantages of the alternatives. CBA is the process which
involves integrating multiple stakeholders‘ perspectives in making transparent tradeoffs
between advantages of the alternatives. The client prepares ‗Strategic Brief‘ for the
alternatives. Mission
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation has a mission to eliminate noise pollution due to Metro rail
project operation in elevated corridor as the project is for benefits of citizens. Objectives
It has been planned to propose noise barrier for elevated corridor in those areas where there is
already noise pollution above the prescribed limits as metro trains over tracks would multiply
the pollution. Installation of Noise Barrier should comply with all the Indian standards related
to noise pollution.
Table 4.66 Proposed length of Noise barrier for Surat Metro Phase-1
92 | P a g e
According to the noise pollution levels in the city, noise barrier installation has been
proposed for 20 km.
Noise barrier should be minimum 2 meters in height and framed in the galvanized
steel frames.
It would be provided on segments or on parapet wall which would be approx. 10
meters above ground level.
Hand rails should be provided on the top of the barrier at walkway.
Noise barrier should be Polycarbonate or composite of polycarbonate/acrylic &
metallic type with 6 mm/8 mm thickness having maximum noise absorption.
The panel width provided should be around 1-1.2 meters.
The shape of barrier should be flat or curved with creative appeal.
Coloring sheets can be also used which can denote vibrancy & this allows it to fit in
perfectly with its surroundings.
It should be transparent so that the train is visible to public while in operation.
It should be light weight so that it can be easily installed.
There should be no such traffic hindrances during installation.
The joints between panels should be sealed proper to prevent any transmission losses.
Natural light should be transmitted to the sheets so that it does not darken enclosures.
The sheets in noise barrier should be made with maintenance free materials with a
plain surface that does not allow dirt particles to settle on its smooth surface. If
required the surface should be easy to clean.
Polycarbonate/metallic sheets of superior quality should be procured locally if
available. Design requirements
93 | P a g e Monitoring Schedule
The installed noise barrier should be monitored twice in year & report to any issues of
maintenance. Mission
It has been planned to install two escalators at each station for easy moving of upward
direction. It is constructed for operating demand operational requirements in underground &
elevated stations. It should be designed in such a way that due to magnetic provision of
escalator floor, disabled people wheel chairs won‘t slip.
There should be two escalators provided at each station (elevated & underground)
which would be only used for climbing upstairs.
Total of 76 escalators should be provided & escalators would be operated 12-16
Escalators should be provided with clear tempered safety glass of minimum 10 mm
The outer cladding material should be of stainless steel/Aluminium.
Stainless steel punched with pattern should be provided in case of frictional
94 | P a g e
The balustrade skirt should be provided with brushes to prevent entrapment within the
step distance.
The skirts should be coated with anti-frictional material.
Inclination should be provided considering minimum headway of 2.5 meters at each
The entry and exit zone shall be kept clear of all obstacles
The pallet should be aluminium based.
There should be provision of moving arrow showing the side.
There should be emergency stop button provided.
There should be provision of audible alarm, if users attempt to walk in wrong
When the escalator is under light or no load, the power to the motor is reduced,
effectively lowering energy consumption and costs.
Hand rail guide should be given on the top of balustrade. Under Hand rail, LED
lighting should be provided for aesthetic performance of escalators/moving walks or
lighting can be also provided integrated in skirt band.
Its installation should be completed before the installation of floor slab, ceiling, roofs
and any other overhead obstructions.
Speed should be in range so that there is no inconvenience to users and cater to the
maximum transportation capacity.
Moving walk should be provided at upper & lower landing.
The escalator provided should be easy to maintain.
The escalators should be energy efficient Design Requirements
The height of Balustrade should be minimum 1.1 meters considering the safety of
metro users.
The design should be according to code compliance of safety standards.
The design should be dust free and fire resistant.
The area required for installation should be around 90-110
The height of the escalators should be minimum 8 meters.
It should provide greater durability even under with heavy stress.
It should have service life of 15 years minimum.
95 | P a g e Monitoring Schedule
The installed escalators should be monitored twice in year & report to any issues of
Noise Escalator
material technology
Escalators with
sheet Noise
Color Legend
Common factors among all stakeholders
Common factors among any two stakeholders
96 | P a g e
Table 4.69 Factors for Noise Barrier by different stakeholders
97 | P a g e
Table 4.71 Must & Want Factors for Noise Barrier
98 | P a g e
S. No. Factors Definition of the finalized factors
higher traffic.
11 CO2 foot print (in Kg/year) The pollution emitted due to Carbon dioxide during
operation of the escalator.
12 Step Rise (in mm) The step rise is kept in accordance to comfort level
of travellers.
13 Angle of inclination (in The angle of inclination is adjusted based on the
degree) headway and area available for installation.
14 Height (in mts) The height for escalators depends on the level of
station from ground level.
(Self Analysis, 2018)
Table 4.73 Code & standards followed for Noise Barrier Design
99 | P a g e
(Self Analysis, 2018) Conclusion
After giving importance to each factor, it was added and final Importance of each Advantage
(IoFA) is calculated and compared with the cost of the alternative. For Noise Barrier,
polycarbonate sheet has 202 score more than metallic sheet. Based on higher IoFA score,
considering the cost per sq. mts, Polycarbonate sheet was chosen as the suitable alternative
for Noise Barrier material. For Escalator, Inclined moving walk has 170 score more than
escalators with steps. Based on the higher IoFA score, consider the cost per unit, Inclined
moving walk was chosen as suitable alternative for escalators. Thus, CBA is helpful in
separating the value of alternatives from cost alternatives, making it easy to tradeoff between
the alternatives involving decisions of each stakeholders.
This is a very helpful mechanism that can get rid of many ambiguities prevalent in the
construction industry. There are some concepts that need to be understood first, these are
defined below.
Market Cost – it is the cost of executing the work at pre-existing cost and design.
This cost derived by taking average of the final cost of similar works.
Target Cost – It is the cost set by the Client after checking the Market Cost of the
work. Generally, a certain calculated percentage is deducted from the Market Cost to
arrive at Target Cost.
100 | P a g e
Allowable Cost – This is the minimum cost that can be allowed which keeps the
quality of the work intact. This is determined by deducting a certain percentage from
the Market Cost. This is always less than Target Cost.
Various objectives of Target Value Design strategy are as follows:
To provide maximum value addition based on the Client‘s need keeping Target value
as constraint. Assessments are made on what is Value for Client, Contractor, Designer
by thorough refining and revealing of each other‘s perspective.
To plan, design and approve collaborate based on inputs given by all stakeholders.
How to achieve that value are done by rigorous discussions.
To make maximize utilization of the resources keeping least wastage at priority.
To evaluate design whether you achieve targets against the budget to keep best worth
of design.
The purpose of this exercise is to show the changes that can be made to the designing
process if the Client, Designers and Contractors all sit together from the Inception phase.
Designing of Ticketing Counter has been chosen for the Target Value Design exercise. With
this strategy, the pre-defined objectives will be showcased by the medium of this report. It
involves various processes and stages as described below in detail.
The following process of working adopted while working has been described as
101 | P a g e
Figure 4.48: The Design Process Cycle of D1 Model
The various documents that are made and passed on in the first phase are discussed in the
below sections:
The Strategic Brief given by the Client for the Ticket counter is given below:
Project Objective
The objective of the Ticketing Counter is to provide easy and quick access to the
passengers for purchase of tickets.
The Ticketing Counter would also serve as an Information Booth, for people looking
for any enquiries.
General Requirements
102 | P a g e
The counter should be located out of the mainstream traffic flow
Ticket counters should be easily accessible to passengers purchasing tickets
Ticketing area shall be well defined spatially and conveniently.
Windows shall be located centrally for travelers‘ convenience
Booths shall be air conditioned by central ducting system
Booths are to be grouped together in continuous arrays in proximity to the entry gates
Induction loops are to be provided for passengers with hearing impairment.
Tactile guide paths are to be provided to lead the visually impaired vision from
designated entrance to the ticket office.
The placing of Ticketing Counters should be such that the distance travelled from
entrance to counter is minimum for wheelchair-based people.
Technical Requirements
As per Client‘s requirements, main focus lays on Lighting, Signage, Capacity of the Ticket
Counter. The following elements are discussed in detail, as needed by client, are mentioned
Fixed Identification sign saying ‗Ticketing Windows‘ should be provided at the top of
the counters.
103 | P a g e
Electronic Ticketing Display should be installed which will show the booking status
and other details for the Passenger.
No. of windows, as based on design hourly peak capacity, should be taken between 3-
Provide a queuing area with ample space for queuing with luggage.
Partitions between Passenger-Booking Clerks shall be of safety glass with an opening
for intercommunication at heights as per the code requirements for both regular and
handicap accessible heights.
Each group of booths should be at a suitable height for easy access by wheelchair
The Strategic Brief is shared to the designer which marks the basis on which the designers
prepare project brief, design and its supporting drawings.
The Project Brief given by the designer for the Ticket counter is given below:
Design Objective
The objective of the Ticketing Counter design is to provide sufficient and comfortable
working space to the Ticketing Counter staff and shall cater to the visitors with different
needs as well as capacities without hindering the traffic flow of the passengers.
The design shall appeal to the visitors, be easily approachable and recognizable.
The design shall be equipped with the various technological, electrical and mechanical
fittings needed as per client needs and codes.
The choice of the material, finishes and fittings shall be pertaining to lesser maintenance
and more wear and tear.
The façade shall be designed to fit for various purposes- Information booth, Ticket
Collection, Aesthetics, Advertisements, Signages, Visual permeability and fixing
Electronic Chart Display Screen.
104 | P a g e
Design Requirements
Space Requirements
The location of the ticketing counter shall be in proximity to the entry gates keeping
minimum distance travelled by the passengers and more vision to the mass without
hindering their flow to reach platforms.
Its area closure shall follow the structural grid of the Complex and the space shall be
bound by only non-load bearing masonry partition walls.
The space around the ticketing counter has been decided to provide ample queuing space
for visitors according to designed hourly peak capacity for the station without hindering
the mainstream traffic flow of the passengers.
The 6 m ample space for the queuing area along with luggage (keeping maximum 12
persons in a queue at a time) other than circulation has been kept outside the ticketing
The allocation of the number of windows shall be decided based on maximum hourly
peak flow of passengers and their number has been decided as three.
Internally, the overall carpet area of 3.6 m * 2.7 m has been provided with ample working
space of 1.2 *1.8 m for each staff along with sufficient circulation area.
The storage spaces are kept under the counters acting as supports to the counters. The
Steel chrome plated drawers (two in no.) shall be provided at equidistant supports.
The counter heights for the staff has been kept as +.85 m Level and for the Passengers
+1m Level.
One window is separately allocated for the persons with special needs. Their counter
height has been lowered at +.85m Level to match staff ‗s counter level.
The clear height of the room from Finish Floor Level to Slab Soffit is taken as 3m while
the false ceiling has been proposed at 2.55 m height.
The façade shall have transparent partitions between Passenger-Booking Clerks fitting
under Stainless steel box sections of 75 * 75 mm. The glass shall be 12mm thick
Toughened safety glass with 300 mm wide semicircular openings for ticket collection at
+.85 m Level. (Persons with Special needs) and at +1m Level. from finish floor level as
per the codes with the anti-glare film. For the intercommunication, the 150 mm wide
circular cutting in the glass shall be provided at +1.5m Level.
105 | P a g e
The door opening of .9 m* 2.1m wide opening with MS door frame and wooden panel
with Grey Metallic Paint finish. The door design shall have square glass fitted at Eye
level i.e. +1.5 m Level to allow visibility from outside to inside.
Plaster-The Plaster of 1:6 mix ratio shall be provided all over inside and outside the
structure with a thick of 12 mm while for the flooring the screed thickness shall be
increased to 15 mm.
Paint-Apex Paint shall be applied for exterior and white distemper for interior.
False Ceiling-The 18 mm thick Acoustic Gypsum False ceiling panels of size 600 * 600
mm shall hang from the ceiling at +2.55m Level. height from F.F.L based on suspended
ceiling system having medium range sound absorbing and fire resistance properties.
Flooring-The flooring shall be Anti-Skid Ceramic tile of size 600 *600* 25 mm. It shall
be of lighter earthy shades.
The Counters shall be provided with 8 mm thick white Corian Sheet over the plaster.
Structural Requirements
The Column size 230 * 450 mm shall be provided at each end (four in number)
coinciding with the 230 mm thick masonry wall.
The Beam size of 300 * 450 mm shall be taken running end to end on Column
The 75 mm thick R.C.C bands (three in number) shall be provided at counter levels
(two in numbers) while other one is provided at lintel level as mentioned in drawing.
The Grade of Concrete shall be taken as M 25.
Electrical Fittings Requirements
1. Lighting-
Well distributed four number of lights-5 inches LED Ceiling Lights mounted on the
false ceiling at each corner for better distribution of light with sufficient luminance of
9 watt and illumination level of 300 lux. Also, light shall be with or more IP level 45.
The Additional lighting is required at ticketing booths and is provided with two
numbers of 1200mm Strip Tube lights at the soffit of lintel.
2. Electrical Fittings and appliances
The Room has been provided with 1.2 m ϕ ceiling fan as the weather in Surat is
usually hot and dry.
106 | P a g e
The Client demanded of having air conditioning by Central Ducting System but it is
very costly and ineffective to cool such a small space with central ducting system.
Hence, the provision for one Wall Mounted Split AC unit shall prove to be more
The Induction loops systems, Desktop Computer Systems with Printer, Mike and
Speakers shall be provided in a complete set of three.
Electronic Ticketing Display should be installed which will show the booking status
and other details for the Passenger and will be placed nearby and above the glass
The provision of Power switches (1 No.) and Switch Boards (2 No. of 5 Amp. and 3
no. of 15 Amp) catering to the number of systems and electrical fittings have been
provided and indicated in the drawing.
LED Flatron T.V shall be provided at the back wall for the information display
regarding Metro Routes and their Arrivals and Departures. Another unit shall be
provided above the Lintel for providing the information to the Passengers.
Fixed Identification sign saying ‗Ticketing Windows‘ should be provided at the top of
the counters on the wall provided above the glass window showing the signs for
disables and other information.
The sticker signages (sizes as per code) shall be provided on Front façade above the
Eye level (>1.5m Level.) and shall be clearly visible.
Along with the project brief, a set of drawings are prepared and shared to the contractor.
Hence, the set of details explaining designer‘s design is shared in the next section.
107 | P a g e
Figure 4.49: Floor Plan of Ticket Counter
108 | P a g e
Figure 4.51: Reflected Ceiling Plan explaining electrical fittings
Once the drawings are prepared, they are shared to the Contractor and BIM Modeler along
with Project Brief. The Contractor is expected to calculate quantities of the works and based
on the prevailing Schedule of Rates, the Total Cost of Work is determined. 3D Model
After the drawings are sent to Contractor, BIM Modeler prepares 3-D Model which helps the
designer, Client and Contractor to have a proper visualization of the proposed design. It helps
contractor to calculate the quantities of the work and to derive Total cost of the work.
109 | P a g e
Figure 4.52 Internal View showing Finishes, Structural details & fittings
The internal finishes are taken to be of light earthy shades and are of less maintenance.
Continuous glass window facade and screen for Train route information are facade features.
110 | P a g e
Figure 4.54: Internal Sectional View showing finishes
The change in the height for counter for the person with special needs and the facade details
are kept to be transparent with provision of intercommunication between staff and customer.
Figure 4.55: Ceiling Detail showing Acoustical F.C. Panel and Electrical fittings
The false ceiling is proposed to hide other mechanical services and lighting fixtures and fan
are arranged accordingly with respect to false ceiling. False ceiling panels of size 600* 600
are taken into design.
111 | P a g e Cost of the work (C1) by Contractor
As per the prevailing Schedule of Rates, for each quantity of works decided by Designer and
approved by Client the final cost for the model D1 is determined as follows: Conclusion
Final Cost of D1 came out to be INR 4,19,759. This was then treated as the Market Cost and
a Target Cost was derived by deducting 10% from it. This decision was taken by the client.
This is shared with all stakeholders. The next step was to make design changes to reach the
Target Value based on qualitative as well as quantitative changes in the model. All the
stakeholders-Client, Designer and Contractor are co-located at one place. It involves rigorous
discussions and feedbacks given them altogether. This is all discussed in next section.
Rather than what one is capable of producing, we aimed at what is needed to provide value
addition by keeping budget targets in mind.
112 | P a g e
Figure 4.56 The Design Process Cycle of D2 Model
Co-location of team members and Co- designing sessions are new addition to the process
which helped in redesigning based on detailed design rather than
Some design changes were suggested and all the changes were debated and then approved in
their final form. Client again prepared the Strategic Brief and the designers prepared the
Project Brief. Contractor and BIM modeler then calculated the quantities and cost of the
project. The documents are all discussed in the coming sections.
These are:
Door Specifications
113 | P a g e
Side Opening in Wall - They are provided to add more visual connection of the staff with
the surroundings.
Provision of two window openings (size 900 * 1000 mm) are placed symmetrically on left
and right-side walls with lintel at 2100 mm Level.
Window specification –
Provide windows on right and left side wall i.e., wall opposite to the one with
the door and on the one with the door.
114 | P a g e
Window Glass – 12 mm thick Glass
Window Frame & Panel – Metallic Frame & Wooden Frame.
Paint & False ceiling
Replace RCC Bands for Counters with 40 mm thick block board Wooden Band.
Front Façade
Removed Cut Glass panels and replaced them with Rectangular Glass slab of 12mm
thick toughened of height 600mm having 200mm gap above and below it.
Concrete Mix Change 3D Model
All the design changes are incorporated in the previous model. Changed quantities of work
are determined. Also, designers could foresee the changes and determine if they are feasible
as design product. The quality of the product is never compromised but the value addition
shall be there.
115 | P a g e
Figure 4.57: Interior view of the Ticket counter
Windows are key elements to building envelope. The interior models having more openings
increase energy efficiency (light intake increase). Transparency inhibits openness and visual
connect with the surrounding. The door paint is changed to Satin Touchwood to reduce cost
keeping the textural quality same.
Figure 4.58: Addition of windows for more visual connections with the Surrounding; View showing change in Door
Specification, Paint finish & addition of Windows
116 | P a g e
Figure 4.59: Exterior View
The Façade wall has been replaced with rectangular 12 mm thick Glass slab (without any
cuts). The extra cost related to circular cutting of glass has been reduced. More openings on
sides reduce opacity of the structure and increase visual connection. The structural elements
are left unplastered to highlight edges which in turn improves aesthetic quality of the model.
The R.C.C counter is replaced by 40 mm thick block board Wooden Band reducing cost.
Figure 4.61: Sectional detail through beam and lintel (Front wall)
117 | P a g e
The wall between lintel and beam on front wall is replaced by Gypsum board wall reducing
the masonry quantities along the length of the front façade. Conclusion
Final Cost of D2 came out to be Rs. 4, 09,511. This was more than the Target Cost. Thus, a
decision was taken by the client to go for some more changes to reach the Target Value. The
change in strategy was observed. This is all discussed in next section.
To keep the formal documentation, client prepared Strategic Brief detailing changes he
wanted, and Designers and Contractor prepared their respective Project Brief. Contractor and
BIM modeler calculated quantities and cost of the work.
False Ceiling
118 | P a g e
False Ceiling
File Cabinet
Television 3D Model
The 3D model gives out the final details from the changes proposed.
119 | P a g e
Figure 4.62: Sectional interior view of D3
The thickness of Ceramic tile floor finish is reduced to 18 mm and Acoustic tile to 12 mm
and changed material to Vinyl Laminated Gypsum False Ceiling tile.
The size of the display screens is reduced from 32 inches to 24 inches keeping viewing
standards in mind.
120 | P a g e
Figure 4.64: Sectional detail through counter showing cabinet
The cabinet material is changed from Steel Chrome Plated to Oakwood finish reducing the
cost by considerable amount. Conclusion
Final Cost of D3 came out to be Rs.3, 69,461. This is less than the Target Cost but more than
the Allowable Cost. This meant that the exercise was completed as expected. It was
understood that the importance of this methodology is really underappreciated and more
should be done to make this approach mainstream.
The design process from D1-D2-D3 along with respective costs C1-C2-C3 is as follows:
121 | P a g e
Figure 4.65: The Evolution of Design and Cost from starting to end
The Target Cost was aimed to reduce by 10 % i.e. Rs.3, 77,783 and finally, Rs.3, 69,461 is
achieved which is 12% of the C1.
122 | P a g e
4.3.8 Project Compliances
Metro projects require various compliances at different stages starting from its Inception till
its Operations. Various bodies at Central Government, State Government and local level
bodies are involved at various stages which are as follows:
Metro Project
Operation and
Inception Phase Development Phase Execution Phase
Safety Certification
Proposal for Metro Land Procurement Felling of Trees & Technical
Approval from
Railways Approval
Chief Fire Officer
National Monument
Consent to Operate
Tree Authority
Traffic and
Disposal of
Hazardous Wastes
Power Distribution
Water Supply
123 | P a g e Project Approval
The process for approval of a metro project starts from the respective state government. The
state government floats the proposal for the project to the Ministry for Housing and Urban
Affairs at Central Government level. The Public Investment Board is appointed by Finance
Ministry and this is then responsible for appraisal and approval of the project whose cost
exceeds Rs. 500 cr.
The procedure for the approval of the Metro projects as per Metro Policy 2017 is as followed:
124 | P a g e Land Acquisition
Land Acquisition Act, 2013 will have to be adopted for the project where land has to be
acquired for the project for public use. The compensation to the objector will be provided
after collector approves the objection been made.
By Land Acquisition Act
By consent/contract
Land Transfer from Government
1. Surat Municipal Corporation will have to form a Standing Committee which then has
to take a decision over the availability of land and the mode of acquisition.
2. GMRC needs to send an application letter to the District Collector office in which the
area of land to be acquired and three copies of trace maps.
3. GMRC will deposit the requisite cost of land acquisition including the Social Impact
Assessment (SIA) as provided under the provision of Right to Fair compensation and
Transparency in Land Acquisition, Rehabilitation and Resettlement Act, 2013.
4. The following documents needs to be attached with the application letter for the land
acquisition -
Detailed Project Report (DPR) of Surat Metro
Administrative Approval
Budgetary Allocation
5. Collector transfers the application of land acquisition by GMRC to Revenue
Department, New Sachivalay, Sector 10, Gandhinagar.
6. After the Revenue Department processes the application, Land Acquisition Officer
will be appointed to check the land parcels that require the acquisition. The officer
will also be responsible for identifying the affected people.
7. After approval, affected people will have to be compensated adequately and according
to the Land Acquisition Act 2013.
8. After settling and agreeing with all the parties, possession will be taken by the
government who will then utilize it for Metro. The whole procedure should be
completed in 1 year.
125 | P a g e
Table 4.80 Details of approval for Land Procurement
• Possession
126 | P a g e
Approval from Monument Authority
Government of Gujarat
Gandhinagar 382017,
Documents to be Enclose ownership documents duly attested by an authorized officer
submitted of government.
Geo-coordinates of proposed site through SMARAC app.
Photography showing monuments and existing modern conditions.
Google earth images of area under reference showing monument
and site of construction related activities
Approximate duration
in approving 3 Months
Acts or Laws Ancient Monument and Archaeological Site and Remains Act 2010
The Process for NOC Application is as follows:
• Application through Form 1 for the approval for proposed site of construction
• Verified/Inspected by Competent Authority (Director of Archaeology
2 Government of Gujarat, Gandhinagar 382017)
127 | P a g e
Figure 4.70: In line 2, Kasturba Garden is a station, which is 203.33 meters from Surat Castle
128 | P a g e
• Application through NOCAS link ―Apply & Track‖
• Submission of documents to Regional Executive
2 Director(AAI Mumbai)
• Issuance of NOC
An application with the approved plans is to be submitted. CD/Pen drive containing photos &
videos of the operative Fire protection system for the station, contract letter for three years
with photo identity for maintenance of the fire protection system. After complete inspection
at the site if all the required Protection system is in place and operative, NOC is issued.
Charges for inspection are based on building height for fresh NOC
129 | P a g e
The charge for renewal of NOC is half of the charges mentioned above. So, for Metro
Station, Rs. 4000 would be the inspection charges and Rs. 2000 for renewal of NOC. The
charge for NOC is Rs. 1000.
Within 15 days of submission of application along with the charges for Inspection & NOC.
• Inspection on site
130 | P a g e
Table 4.85 Details of Procedure for Environment Clearance
Environment Clearance
Name of Responsible Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change,
Authority Jodhpur Bench
Documents to be submitted Form 1A
EIA Report
Approximate duration in 7 months
Form Fee Rs. 15,00,000
Acts or Laws Metro Railway Policy under 12th Year Plan
The Process for NOC Application with timeline is as follows:
131 | P a g e
Permit for felling of trees
Fee Compensatory Plantation
10 Times of the Cut Trees
Rs. 2200/- Per Cut-Tree Compensation
Rs. 50000/-Per Tree
Approximate duration in 8-11 Months
Act Tree Protection Act, 2005
The Process for Approval are as follows -
• Application forwarded to The Directors (Garden Department,Surat Municipal
Corporation) by AGM(Const.)Surat Metro .The proposed design with Area
1 details are enclosed for survey purpose.
• A jointly Surveyed tree list enclosed with an application asking NOC from
3 Environment Cell,SMC to cut the trees
132 | P a g e
Request for Electricity Connection
Approximate duration in 120 days
Act Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission, 2011
• On reciept of Test report, the connection is released (in 7-15 days)
133 | P a g e
• Applicant applies on IFP portal
134 | P a g e Permission for withdrawal of groundwater for Construction.
Table 4.91:Details for approval from CGWB
135 | P a g e Permission for Muck Disposal
Table 4.92: Details for approval for Muck disposal
Fee Nil
136 | P a g e Authorization for Disposal of Hazardous Wastes
Table 4.94:Details for approval for disposal of Hazardous wastes
Stage 1
Stage 2
137 | P a g e
Submission of Schedule of Dimensions (SOD) and Design Basis Report (DBR) to RDSO
through MoR. Scrutiny of SOD and DBR in RDSO is done and communicated to MoR. If it
is as per required, then further approval of SOD and DBR is done by MoR. If not then, MoR
sends comments on SOD and DBR to Metro cell, MoHUA and revised submission is done to
MoR and the process is repeated. The expected time for examination and clearance is 3
Stage 3
Stage 4
This stage consists of scrutiny and examination of test certificates & it takes approximately 4
weeks. After the examination, Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC) applies to
Commissioner of Metro Rail Safety (CMRS) for conducting oscillation trials.
Stage 5
After the sanctioning for oscillation trial, RDSO conducts oscillation & Emergency Breaking
Distance (EBD) trials. The duration for conducting these trials is approximately 6 weeks.
After the successful trials, RDSO issues provisional certificate for regular use of Rolling
Stock which approximately takes 4 Weeks.
Stage 6
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation applies for authorization of CMRS. After CMRS conducts
inspection and authorises Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation for opening of corridor. GMRC
needs to apply for sanction of MoR based on CMRS authorisation. After it is sanctioned,
opening of corridor would be done by GMRC.
138 | P a g e Approval from Traffic Department
Table 4.95:Details for approval for Traffic Management
4.4.1 Assumptions
To create the model, some input was required in the form of demand projections, tariff rates,
funding sources and cost models. These factors are all calculated as per previous studies, and
their results used in the model. The detailed discussion of these models is done further in this
To get the total annual ridership, the daily ridership is multiplied by average trip length, 7.46
km, and then by no. of days of operation annually, which is 365. This provides us with the
139 | P a g e
annual ridership for the first year of operation. The operation period has been assumed to be
from FY 2021-22.
140 | P a g e Office Expenses Corporate Office Expenses
The staff is divided as per the Organization Breakdown Structure. The salaries are as per the
standard market salary of October 2018 price level, with an escalation of 7.5% every two
years. Apart from that, office rent is assumed at Rs. 7,50,000 per month, office supplies at Rs.
1,00,000 per month and travel expenses at Rs. 2,10,000 per month. These are standard
assumptions and the travelling expense is calculated by taking no. of estimated travel done by
officials and no. of vehicles deployed for that purpose.
141 | P a g e
the interest rate shall be 1.45% p.a. The loan repayment period is 40 years for such projects,
with first 10 years as grace period and the repayment only starts from 11th year. Land is
provided free of cost by the government, or an interest-free subordinate debt is issued of the
same amount. We have assumed the provision of subordinate debt, which comes to be 7% of
total funding. Depreciation
The depreciating assets are first identified. The list of these assets is shown in Table 4.98.
Depreciating Assets Opening Value (INR) Useful Life (years) Rate (%)
Rolling Stock 12,210,000,000 30 6.67
Automatic Fare Collection Equipment 2,464,500,000 15 40
Stations 32,773,100.000 100 3.02
Depots 3,200,000,000 100 3.02
Viaduct 29,742,450,000 100 8.00
S&T 4,603,100,000 50 20
Traction 3,373,300,000 50 7.84
Trackwork 2,864,900,000 100 6.00
Bridge 257,600,000 100 3.02
The depreciation rates for Rolling Stock, Track Work, Traction and S&T are taken from the
Indian Railways Manual. All others are as per standard manuals. The depreciation for
Viaducts and Stations will start from FY 2022-23, while for all others it will start form FY
142 | P a g e
Figure 4.78 NPV of cashflows for different interest rates. As IRR is 12.97%, NPV is positive
before that interest rate. Figure 4.79 shows the yearly cashflow closing balance. The graph
starts high because the loan amounts are assumed to be acquired initially. As the graph
shows, the outflows are higher than the inflows for latter years when maintenance cost
becomes prominent.
FY 2029-30
FY 2021-22
FY 2022-23
FY 2023-24
FY 2024-25
FY 2025-26
FY 2026-27
FY 2027-28
FY 2028-29
FY 2030-31
FY 2031-32
FY 2032-33
FY 2033-34
FY 2034-35
FY 2035-36
FY 2036-37
FY 2037-38
FY 2038-39
FY 2039-40
FY 2040-41
FY 2041-42
FY 2042-43
FY 2043-44
FY 2044-45
FY 2045-46
FY 2046-47
FY 2047-48
FY 2048-49
FY 2049-50
143 | P a g e
Table 4.99 Economic Conversion Factors of various cost components
The motorized mode of transport in Surat city is considered i.e. two wheelers, Auto-
Rickshaws, Cars (including taxi) & Buses (including City Bus, BRTS & GSRTC).
144 | P a g e
The graph below shows the number of increases in 2W, 3W & 4W adding up to total
vehicles registrations from 1960 to 2017 in Surat city as per RTO data of Surat. It is
been observed that significant growth of vehicles is there and if this would continue,
by 2046 it would increase to 63 lakhs as per prediction done in Surat Comprehensive
Mobility Plan, 2046.
So as per assumption of increase in 7.5% every year vehicular population is shown in the
table below.
Mode type Fuel consumption (in lit/km) Rates/lit (INR) Rates/km (INR)
Two-wheeler 0.03 78 2.34
Three-wheeler 0.04 50 2
Four-wheeler 0.07 78 5.46
Bus 0.27 50 13.5
145 | P a g e
Table 4.103 Forecasted data for 2021
Year Fuel cost without Metro (INR) Fuel cost with Metro (INR) Fuel Savings (INR)
2021 9,31,54,682 6,52,08,277 2,79,46,404
2022 10,01,41,283 7,00,98,898 3,00,42,385
2023 10,76,51,879 7,53,56,315 3,22,95,564
2024 11,57,25,770 8,10,08,039 3,47,17,731
2025 12,44,05,202 8,70,83,642 3,73,21,561
2026 13,37,35,593 9,36,14,915 4,01,20,678
2027 14,37,65,762 10,06,36,033 4,31,29,729
2028 15,45,48,194 10,81,83,736 4,63,64,458
2029 16,61,39,309 11,62,97,516 4,98,41,793
2030 17,85,99,757 12,50,19,830 5,35,79,927
2031 19,19,94,739 13,43,96,317 5,75,98,422
2032 20,63,94,344 14,44,76,041 6,19,18,303
2033 22,18,73,920 15,53,11,744 6,65,62,176
2034 23,85,14,464 16,69,60,125 7,15,54,339
2035 25,64,03,049 17,94,82,134 7,69,20,915
2036 27,56,33,277 19,29,43,294 8,26,89,983
2037 29,63,05,773 20,74,14,041 8,88,91,732
2038 31,85,28,706 22,29,70,094 9,55,58,612
2039 34,24,18,359 23,96,92,851 10,27,25,508
2040 36,80,99,736 25,76,69,815 11,04,29,921
2041 39,57,07,216 27,69,95,051 11,87,12,165
2042 42,53,85,258 29,77,69,680 12,76,15,577
2043 45,72,89,152 32,01,02,406 13,71,86,746
2044 49,15,85,838 34,41,10,087 14,74,75,751
2045 52,84,54,776 36,99,18,343 15,85,36,433
2046 56,80,88,884 39,76,62,219 17,04,26,665
2047 61,06,95,551 42,74,86,885 18,32,08,665
2048 65,64,97,717 45,95,48,402 19,69,49,315
2049 70,57,35,046 49,40,14,532 21,17,20,514
146 | P a g e
Year Fuel cost without Metro (INR) Fuel cost with Metro (INR) Fuel Savings (INR)
2050 75,86,65,174 53,10,65,622 22,75,99,552
2051 81,55,65,062 57,08,95,544 24,46,69,519
The reduction in traffic volumes on roads due to modal shift to metro rail project is expected
to reduce the accidents on the project corridor owing to Lowering of number of vehicles on
roads due to reduction of vehicles of modal shift passengers and Lower accidents from
vehicles due to decongested roads / other modes.
Table 4.105 Cost Categories for Accident Benefits
147 | P a g e
Modes Vehicles (%)
Four Wheelers 23
IPT 7 Estimation of Fatalities
As per the Road User Cost Study (CRRI, 1982), following relationships exist between the
number of vehicles affected and the number of persons killed and injured in road accidents.
Where X=Total Estimated Diverted Traffic into Metro in Lakhs.
148 | P a g e
Year Compensation Compensation with Saving (INR in
without Metro (INR Metro (INR in crore) crore)
2031 in crore) 597 418 179
2032 674 471 202
2033 760 532 228
2034 858 601 257
2035 969 678 291
2036 1,093 765 328
2037 1,234 864 370
2038 1,393 975 418
2039 1,572 1,101 472
2040 1,775 1,242 532
2041 2,003 1,402 601
2042 2,261 1,583 678
2043 2,552 1,787 766
2044 2,881 2,017 864
2045 3,252 2,276 976
2046 3,670 2,569 1,101
2047 4,143 2,900 1,243
2048 4,676 3,273 1,403
2049 5,278 3,695 1,584
2050 5,958 4,171 1,787
2051 6,725 4,708 2,018
149 | P a g e
Table 4.112 Average Lead of Different Modes
Table given below reports the estimates of air pollution loads due to decongestion avoided due to
Metro. The monetary value of these pollution loads is estimated based on Chennai Metro
Economic Analysis Study.
Vehicle Type Average Lead (km) No. of Trips shift to Metro Daily vehicle km saved
2-Wheeler 7.65 18,71,95,610 1,43,20,46,417
3-Wheeler 8.21 67,82,450 5,56,83,915
Cars (incl.
cabs) 9.18 4,01,13,360 36,82,40,645
Bus (incl.
BRT) 69.72 9,68,925 6,75,53,451
Annual Treatment
Vehicle Type Cost (INR in Crore)
2-Wheeler 2.23
3-Wheeler 2.09
Cars (incl. cabs) 2.35
Bus (incl. BRT) 2.61
150 | P a g e
Table 4.116 Treatment Cost for 'with Metro' and 'without Metro' Scenario
151 | P a g e
Table 4.117 Economic Performance Indicators
152 | P a g e
2. Economical-Benefits to Economy-Fuel Reduction.
3. Ecological-Labour Camps, Hazardous Waste, Afforestation.
4. Disaster Management-Earthquake, Floods and Rainfall.
5. Structural-Shifting of Utilities, Archaeological and historical structure.
6. Pollution-Noise Pollution, Air Pollution, Vibrations.
Environment Impact
Institutional Economical Ecological Structural Pollution
Figure 4.80: Division of heads for Study conducted for Environment Impact Assessment
153 | P a g e Mitigation Measures
The same measures have to be taken as discussed earlier to reduce noise and vibration levels.
These include constructing noise barriers, monitoring and checking of construction
equipment for performance criteria. Additionally, the noise and vibration levels have to be
recorded at sensitive receptors. Construction in night should be avoided near the sensitive
receptors if possible. Blasting
Blasting will be required for construction of stations and removal of hard rock. It will
generate ground vibration and noise. Ground vibration can be measured by Peak Particle
Velocity (PPV) and Air Blast (dB). The safe ground vibration level for low-frequency blast
vibration is 19.05 mm/sec and 50.8 mm/sec for frequencies above 40 Hz. Table 4.6 shows
human response to blasting ground vibration based in these two parameters.
154 | P a g e
disturbed. Also, blast signals can be provided to alert the nearby citizens of the imminent
blasting. Depot
Two depots are proposed for Surat metro – one is at Bhesan at the other at Khajod. The depot
is going to have facilities such as Washing Lines, Operation and Maintenance Lines,
Workshop and Offices. The major issues could be due to effluent and waste generation, and
noise pollution. Impacts
The depot will use high quantities of water and large amount of effluent will be treated. This
can create effluent leakage problem, which will lead bad odour and thus air pollution. Oil
spillage is also a common occurrence, which provides a threat of oil pollution. Amount of
solid waste generated will also be high, and so it will have to be disposed accordingly. All the
impacts are negative.
Employment opportunities
Reduction in journey time
Reduction in number of accidents and fatal injuries
Reduction in traffic congestion
Reduction in number of vehicles on road
Reduction in fuel consumption
Reduction in Air pollution
155 | P a g e
Savings in road infrastructure
Due to the introduction of Metro, there would be 30% shift observed in the Modal share and
which would lead to fuel savings. The below table shows the fuel savings (in rupees) of five
years from the operation year, i.e.2021.
Year Fuel cost without Metro (INR) Fuel cost with Metro (INR) Fuel Savings (INR)
2021 9,31,54,682 6,52,08,277 2,79,46,404
2022 10,01,41,283 7,00,98,898 3,00,42,385
2023 10,76,51,879 7,53,56,315 3,22,95,564
2024 11,57,25,770 8,10,08,039 3,47,17,731
2025 12,44,05,202 8,70,83,642 3,73,21,561
4.6.5 Ecological Impacts
Improper disposal of municipal solid waste can pollute the surface water bodies &
156 | P a g e
Burning of the waste can cause Air pollution.
Lack of sanitation facilities relating to water supply and Human waste disposal
facility which leads to breeding place for insects.
Problem of cultural difference can also be expected from the local residential
Considering that 5000 labours would be employed during the peak construction period. Out
of which 30% of the labours would be local (i.e. from Surat). So labour camp would
comprise of 70% of the total labours. Out of 70% of the labours, 80% of them would be
married, considering a family of four people. The below table shows the wastage of water in
KLD. The solid waste which is generated daily is 315 Kg.
Description Numbers
Total labours 5,000
Local labours (i.e. 30%) 1,500
Labours at labour camp (i.e. 70 %) 3,500
Married (i.e. 80% of the labour on camps) 2,800
Total labours (considering average family of 4) 11,200
Water required in KLD (0.03 KLD per day) 336
Waste generated in KLD 66.8
Percentage of waste water generated 19.8%
The following mitigation measures should be taken by contractor and get approved by
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation which are as follows,
1. Water supply
2. Waste water and sewage treatment
3. Collection & disposal facilities for Solid Waste Management
157 | P a g e
4. Canteen facilities
5. Day crèche facilities
6. Health care awareness programs
7. Clinics Earthquake
The state of Gujarat falls in a region of Moderate to High Seismic Hazard as per Global
Seismic Hazard Assessment Program (GSHAP) data ranging from Zone II, III, IV and V. The
158 | P a g e
project area for proposed Metro Project falls in Surat, Gujarat. It lies in Zone III of Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) Seismic Zoning Map. This zone is classified as Moderate Damage
Risk Zone.
The Seismic Map of India having various seismic zones is mentioned below:
Zones Descriptions
Zone 1 Very Low Damage Risk Zone
Zone 2 Low Damage Risk Zone
Zone 3 Moderate Damage Risk Zone
Zone 4 High Damage Risk Zone
Zone 5 Very High Damage Risk Zone
159 | P a g e
An unprecedented devastating earthquake of the magnitude 7.7 Richter scale occurred at
08.46 hrs on January 26, 2001 at Bhuj area of Gujarat. It was one of the worst calamities in
the history of Gujarat. Hence its impacts were capable of shaking Surat too. Following map
shows Surat falls under Low to Moderate Risk Seismic Zone.
Keeping 250 Km. radius circle around Surat and database of past 60 years for the study
purpose, the data on earthquakes has been collected and compiled from various published
sources is mentioned below:
Table 4.120:The details of the earthquake occurred in the past 60 years around Surat, Gujarat
Table 4.121: Categorisation of the Earthquake based on their Magnitudes and Effects
160 | P a g e
Relative Importance Value Assessment Score
Total Earthquakes 14
Probability of Earthquake affecting Surat 50%
Score (Relative Importance Value) 3
Surat lies in Zone III which is Moderate Damage Risk Zone but lies very close to Zone 4from
Northern side which is a High-Risk Damage Zone. It is likely to bear frequent earthquakes of
4-5.5 Richter Scale and more than 6 Richter Scale in few years. The risk of developing
cracks, Structure and Sub-Structure Failure, Cave-in Accidents, loss of life and evacuation
incapability due to any earthquake is a thought to scare during Construction as well as
Operation and Maintenance Phase of the Surat Metro Project. The probability of occurrence
is almost 50 % which is a medium risk while its Degree of Impact Value Assessment shows
that the earthquake of low and lighter impact is expected in this range.
Mitigation Measures:
• Seismic factor proposed by India Meteorological Department (IMD) for the purpose
of design of Civil Engineering structures shall be incorporated suitably while
designing the structures.
• Relevant IS codes such as IS: 1893-2002shall also be adopted while designing the
civil structures to sustain the earthquake of highest magnitude in Seismic zone III. Flood
The floods are being experienced in Surat since ages as almost twenty floods are reportedly
recorded in past 100 years. The Floods in the Surat have been due to two major sources:
Tapi River
Local Stream passing through southern part of the city
161 | P a g e
The floods in low lying areas of the Surat adjacent to Tapi River are either due to
overflowing of Tapi River because of heavy Monsoon rains or due to release of water from
the Ukai Dam which is about 100 km upstream from Surat.
Figure 4.84: Showing the flood of 2006 which submerged the whole city of Surat.
As recorded, the flood of 2006 has been the most destructive floods as almost 80% of the
Surat went under water, killing more than 120 people and leaving around 10,000 people
without access to the basic facilities like food, electricity, water supply. Other than the Tapi
Floods, there is local flooding, also called Khadi floods, due to local two streams that pass
through the southern part of city. Due to heavy local rains, these streams flood and cause
serious damage to settlements located near their banks. The recent records of the floods from
the Tapi as well as Local streams are enlisted below:
Major flood since 1990 due to Tapi River Major flood since 2004 due to Local Streams
1990 2004
1994 2005
1998 2007
In the past few years, the rainfall levels in the Surat have been more than normal range, hence
due to which the overflowing of Tapi River increases and flooding in the low-lying areas up
to one foot has been observed. The following category for the range of rainfall is given by
India Meteorological Department (IMD) on the basis of which the rainfall levels of the
certain years can be categorised as Deficient, Below Normal, Normal, Above Normal and
162 | P a g e
Table 4.125: The rainfall range has been categorised on its rainfall levels as given by India Meteorological Department
163 | P a g e
Proposed Metro
Figure 4.85: Overlapping Map of Flood areas of 2006 and Proposed Metro Alignment
Flooding during rains will hinder the construction schedule. Proposed alignment is likely
passing through low lying areas. Major risk is to Underground (Tunnel and Station) and At-
Grade systems (Depot) as any seepage or overflowing of water will lead to strata
displacement, submerging tracks etc.
164 | P a g e
Use of prevention measures in engineering design not to develop any crack or any
seepage in to the tunnel system-concrete box Structure and watertight diaphragm wall
for underground station.
Installations of seepage pumps and pump rooms at each U.G station. Drainage
pipeline along the tunnel. Mitigation measures for Disaster management:
Safety Codes, Policies and Guidelines laid down by Ministry of Railways should be
followed during Project lifecycle to reduce the chances of any disaster.
Proper approved Disaster Management plan and capacity building for prevention and
mitigation measures by the SPV.
Public Liability Insurance Act and
New safety assessment methods are to be evolved.
Proper operation and maintenance, Better designing concepts and regular inspection
reduce the chances of risks.
Use of Effective technology and systems for detecting threats, suppressing and
preventing any emergency situation.
'Learning by doing' approach shall be taken up with regular mock drills of the
passengers and staff for full preparedness.
Provision of Emergency lighting and Transformers at each end of Platform shall be
there to lighten alternative row of lights in Tunnels shall be there.
The tunnels shall have fluorescent incandescent lamps at a spacing of 20 m centre to
4.6.7 Structural Impacts
165 | P a g e Impact
Since these affect construction and project implementation time schedule/costs for which
necessary planning/action needs to be initiated in advance. It will affect the utility users
causing incontinence. Impact
It will adversely affect the life and the structural aesthetic of the monument. Due to pollution
the materials expose to environment of the monument get affected. Vibration caused by
heavy machinery may cause structural damage of the monuments.
166 | P a g e
Table 4.129 Affected and non-affected heritage places Impacts
It can cause people to be irritated and stressed and can interrupt their ability to sleep
Construction noise may disturb people at home, in office buildings or retail businesses, in
public institutional buildings, at locations of religious services depending upon their vicinity
to construction site. Noise radiated from train operations and track structures generally
constitute the major noise sources causing disturbance to the surroundings.
167 | P a g e
Table 4.130:Impact level of vibration and sound
Figure 4.87: Noise barrier for reducing the noise pollution (Gurgaon metro)
168 | P a g e
Table 4.131 :Decline level of pollution in Delhi due to metro rail
169 | P a g e Impacts
The vibration induced by the train first causes the vibration of track structure as well as
tunnel structure and the surrounding structures. Vibration affects human health (workers) by
causing fatigue, increased pulse & respiration rates, dizziness & loss of balance, anger and
irritation. Vibration caused by train and equipment will lead to inconvenience to the
surrounding public.
4.6.9 Summary
The following table shows the summarized Relative Importance value and Degree of Impacts
for the all the above discussed factors. The qualitative analysis is as follows:
170 | P a g e
5 Concept Planning
5.1 Work Breakdown Structure
Work Breakdown Structure is the most important part of defining a project. A faulty WBS
can lead to problems in scheduling, cost estimate, scoping of work for designers and
consultants, poor organization structure and failure of a project. Thus, having a good WBS is
the necessity for success of a project.
WBS follows 100% rule, which means all the elements of a project should be included in the
WBS. This ensures that no detail escapes the scope of work.
To keep the distribution of authority and responsibility clear, it is important to have a sound
organization structure which reflects the challenges that are likely to arise over the course of
the project. Thus, it is a good practice to study and analyze the Organization Breakdown
Structures of different companies that have started and maintained Metro rails in other parts
of the country.
171 | P a g e
5.2.1 Organization Structure for Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation
Sr. Section
As we will see, almost all the organizations have some aspects in common. These being –
172 | P a g e
A Board of Directors at the top of the tree.
This board is directly preceded by a Chairman or a Managing Director.
Six departments, function-based, are created under the Managing Director.
One thing that this Organization lacked, is a different division for Legal department. This
oversight can be attributed for the multiple delays of the Project.
Kolkata was the first Metro of the country and that attributed to many of its problems during
the lifecycle of the Project. There were some archaeologically important sites that were
coming in their alignment. The lack of legal planning led to delays in the procurement of
appropriate approvals and compliances from the Archaeological Survey of India. This
highlights more the need for a dedicated team working on legal issues in this type of project.
173 | P a g e
5.2.2 Organization Breakdown Structure for Mumbai Metro
(MMRCL, 2015)
Director Director Chief (Land Media Company
(Finance)/CF ED (Planning) GM (HR)
(Projects) (Systems) and R&R) Advisor Secretary
(Electrical) - 3
AGM (Depot,
174 | P a g e
Due to land acquisition being a problematic issue, a different division just for the land
acquisition has been created. A unique feature is the Social Development Cell, which takes
care of the rehabilitation and resettlement of the Project Affected People (PAP). This is
important in a city like Mumbai due to the sheer scale of acquisition, which, in turn, will lead
to a high number of PAP‘s. It can be observed that the organization structure of MMRC is a
Pure-Project type structure. This is because it comes under the wing of MMRDA, but being a
substantially important project individually, a Pure Project type structure is viable.
Establishment of a separate Land department along with a Rehabilitation and Resettlement
department is well-thought as land acquisition in Mumbai is very tough.
175 | P a g e
Board of
Director (Legal)
(Project &
(Operations &
4. Finance Department – This is one of the major departments of the organization. All the
financial calculations, statistics, analysis and review is under the purview of this
department. It is headed by Director (Finance) cum Chief Financial Officer. A Company
Secretary is also present to take care of all the financials of the Company specifically.
Addition of a Sr. Executive Engineer is done to connect the department with Planning
department. Apart from this, Chief Accountant is present that looks after all the accounts
of the project and the company, with the help from two Jr. Accountants.
176 | P a g e
Director (Finance)
GM (Admin) GM (IT Cell) PRO HR Manager
177 | P a g e
6. Legal Department - The next major department that we have proposed is the Legal
department. This department is headed by Director (Legal). Its major task is to streamline
all the legal processes that are encountered during the course of the Project. After
observing other Metro constructions, one very important challenge faced by almost all the
Projects, that has surfaced, is that of land acquisition and then after rehabilitation and
resettlement of all the project affected people. To combat this challenge, we have proposed
to create a different sub-division headed by GM (Land). This sub-division will have two
major tasks – to analyze all the laws and legalities needed to smoothly acquire the required
land, and to assure legal rehabilitation and resettlement of the people affected from the
Project. Another sub-division shall deal with Contract and disputes. One other key person
is Social Development Officer, whose task is to check the Social Impact of the Project and
its various activities.
Director (Legal)
Liaison Officer Development GM (Legal)
7. Project & Planning – This is the department that is mainly tasked with Planning and
execution of the Project. Headed by the Director (Project & Planning), this is further sub-
divided into Planning and Construction departments. To keep the construction of different
elements easy, there are assigned different teams for Elevated and Underground Sections
of the Project. In Planning, Design and Engineering are kept in the same to facilitate a
better understanding and implementation of all aspects of construction – Architectural and
Engineering. General Managers for Procurement, Quality and SHE (Safety, Health and
Environment) are given specific teams to analyze and combat all the Project problems.
Also, Executives with specific tasks of Scheduling, Tender preparation and analysis,
178 | P a g e
Budgeting, Resource Planning are assigned. These can be interchanged to other
departments as per requirement.
CGM (Construction -
CGM (Construction -
Elevated Section)
Dy. GM Dy. GM
179 | P a g e
Director (Project
& Planning)
CGM (Planning)
GM (Design & GM
GM (Planning) GM (Quality) GM (SHE)
Engineering) (Procurement)
Dy. GM Dy. GM
AGM (Town Structural Dy. GM
Architect (Resource AGM (Tender) (Strategy & Dy. GM Dy. GM Dy. GM
Planning) Engineer (Scheduling)
Planning) Controlling)
Sr. Executive
Draftsman GET GET GET Manager Manager Dy. GM Dy. GM Dy. GM
180 | P a g e
8. Operations and Systems – This is a sub-division under Project & Planning that will mostly
become prominent in the implementation phase of the Project. It is under the purview of
Chief General Manager (O&S). The setup, installation and maintenance of the Rolling
Stock, Signals and Telecommunications is under the purview of this division. GM (MEP)
is another key person that will look after all the Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing work
and its designing in the initial stage, while its scope keeps increasing as we move forwards
in our Project.
(Operations &
Dy. Gm Dy. GM AGM Dy. GM
While preparing the estimate, we have categorized the cost elements into four major phases –
Table 5.1 Cost Estimation for Project Inception Phase of Surat Metro
Traffic Studies: These studies are done to prepare a Comprehensive Mobility Report.
Various surveys are carried out like Origin-Destination surveys, Willing-to-Pay survey and so
on. Fee is based on percentage of cost incurred. Cost incurred is based on number of
questionnaires. As per CoE, CEPT University, the cost is calculated at Rs. 2000 per
questionnaire, with a total of 15000 questionnaires done. 3% of this cost is given as
consultant fee.
DPR Preparation – This has been done by DMRC and the cost is a lumpsum amount of Rs.
2 cr.
Geotechnical Investigations – These are done on the basis of running metre. The quantity is
calculated as the total running distance of both the lines in meter.
Environment Impact Analysis – The cost of this is based on the total cost of project. As our
project cost is in excess of 1000 crore, the cost of EIA would be Rs.15 lakh.
182 | P a g e
5.3.2 Project Development Phase
In this phase, detailed designs are prepared. For this purpose, a Detailed Design Consultant
will have to be appointed. Also, one big cost component of this phase, and the project as a
whole, is land acquirement. The Surat Metro project is to be designed in such a way that the
requirement for land acquisition from private owners is minimal.
Table 5.2 Cost Estimation for Project Development Phase of Surat Metro
Land Acquisition – Land Acquisition quantity has been calculated for two categories –
Temporary and Permanent Land Parcels.
Temporary Land Parcels consist of Casting Yards and temporary office accommodation.
The quantity for casting yard is calculated as 20,000 sq. mt. for each casting yard,
with 3 casting yards to be provided for each corridor.
The quantity for temporary office accommodation is calculated as 2000 sq. mt. at
every 5 km.
The rate has been taken as Rs. 1.82/ha for government land and Rs. 4.38/ha for
private land, as per rates from MEGA after adjustment for inflation at 5% per year.
The time period of possession is taken as 4 years.
183 | P a g e
Permanent Land Parcels include Stations, Depots, Tracks and Sub-stations.
Station requirement is calculated as 30 m width and 100 m length for each station.
Depot requirement is calculated by taking average of depot width & length for
different metro in India. Two depots are proposed, one for each line.
For corridor 1, depot proposed to be at Khajod, for Corridor 2, it is proposed to be at
Sub-station requirement has been calculated as 11,200 sq. mt. for each sub-station, as
per MEGA guidelines. Two substations are proposed, one for each corridor.
The rates have been taken as Rs. 9.12 cr/ha for government land and Rs. 10.84 cr/ha
for private land, as per MEGA and duly adjusted for inflation at 8% per year.
Legal Compliance Costs – These include cost of tree cutting and replantation, cost for
NOC of withdrawal of groundwater construction and authorization for disposal of
hazardous wastes.
Sr. No. Description Unit Qty. Rate (INR/unit) Amount (INR cr)
1 Depot LS 2.00 160 320
2 Viaduct R Km. 33.88 88 2,974
3 Elevated Station No. 31 63 1,946
4 Tunnel and Station R Km. 6.47 206 1,331
5 Bridge LS 26
6 Ballast less Track R Km. 40.35 7 286
Subtotal C 6,884
The civil works include design and construction of depots, viaducts and stations.
184 | P a g e
Viaduct and Tunnel Station cost is estimated at running distance of the whole elevated
section. The rate has been taken as the average of MEGA and DMRC rates, adjusted
for inflation at 8%.
Elevated Station cost is calculated by deriving an average cost for each station
through different metro construction costs.
The cost of bridge and ballastless track is calculated at running km.
Electrical Works make up a major chunk of the cost of this phase, with activities such as
design, supply and installation of Rolling Stock, Traction, Signalling and
Telecommunication, E&M Works. The breakdown is given as per table 5.4
Rolling Stock quantity has been calculated by assuming 3 rolling stocks per station,
and the cost of each has been taken as Rs. 11 cr as per MEGA and adjusted for
inflation at 8% per year.
The rate for Signalling & Telecommunication is taken in running distance, different
for underground and elevated sections.
E&M, Tunnel Ventilation System and Environmental Conditioning System costs are
taken at running distance for underground and elevated stations.
185 | P a g e
concerned with the cost during the lifecycle of the project. The breakdown is given as in table
Table 5.5 Cost Estimation for Operation and Maintenance Phase of Surat Metro
186 | P a g e
Table 5.7 Milestone Schedule for Surat Metro Project
187 | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM2.4 Tendering Sat 21/01/17 120 days Fri 09/06/17
SM3 Execution Sat 10/06/17 816 days Wed 22/01/20
SM3.1 Site Preparation Sat 10/06/17 34 days Wed 19/07/17
SM3.2 Construction Sat 24/06/17 797 days Tue 14/01/20
SM3.3 Monitoring and Control Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
SM3.4 Completion of Construction Wed 15/01/20 7 days Wed 22/01/20
SM4 Commissioning Thu 23/01/20 75 days Sat 18/04/20
SM4.1 Checks Thu 23/01/20 13 days Thu 06/02/20
SM4.2 Payment Fri 07/02/20 60 days Thu 16/04/20
SM4.3 Hand Over Fri 17/04/20 2 days Sat 18/04/20
SM5 Operation & Maintenance Mon 20/04/20 730 days Thu 18/08/22
SM5.1 Physical Infrastructure Mon 20/04/20 730 days Thu 18/08/22
SM5.2 Revenue Generation Mon 20/04/20 730 days Thu 18/08/22
SM5.3 Business & Promotion Mon 20/04/20 730 days Thu 18/08/22
SM5.4 Miscellaneous Works Mon 20/04/20 730 days Thu 18/08/22
5.7 Risk Management
The purpose of Risk Management Plan is to assure that Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation
incorporates appropriate, efficient, and cost-effective measures to mitigate project related
risks. Risk planning and monitoring at each stage of project is must.
Feasibility Stage
Design Development
5.7.2 Risk Categorization
The next process after identification of all the risks pertaining to Metro Project in the city of
Surat is to categorize the risks as per the following heads which are as follows.
1. Political Risk
2. Managerial & Planning Risk
3. Construction Risk
4. Market & Revenue Risk
188 | P a g e
5. Financial Risk
6. Social Risk
7. Natural Calamity Risk
8. Environmental Risk
9. Design Risk
10. Organizational Risk
5.7.3 Risk Rating
The Risk Rating is the severity score which is derived from Probability of Occurrence and
Impact rating of the risk. The severity score is calculated based on the following formula
Severity = (Probability * Impact). The Probability of occurrence score is given based on the
occurrence of risk. It is given in the scale of 1-5, in which 5 being the highest probability of
occurrence and 1 being the lowest possibility of occurrence. The following rating for
Probability is given which is shown in the table below.
189 | P a g e
Risk Type Risk Rating Score
Medium 5-10
Low 1-4
5.7.4 Risk Response Strategies for Negative Risks
The following strategies should be followed for those risks which have negative impacts on
the project objectives.
The strategies are selected as per risk probability and impact on the project‘s overall
objectives. The four strategies are explained in brief below Avoid
This strategy is adopted when the project team acts to eliminate the threat or protect the
project from its impact. Transfer
This strategy is adopted when the client (i.e. GMRC) shifts the impact of a threat to the third
party, together with the ownership of response. By transferring the risk, the risk is not
eliminated. Mitigate
This strategy is adopted when the project team acts to reduce the probability of occurrence &
impact of the risk. Accept
This strategy is adopted when the client decides to acknowledge the risk and not take any
action unless the risk occurs. Exploit
This strategy is adopted when client wishes to ensure that the opportunity is realised.
190 | P a g e Enhance
This strategy is adopted to increase the probability and positive impacts of an opportunity. Share
This strategy is adopted when it involves allocating some or all of the opportunity to a third
party who is best able to capture the opportunity for the benefit of the project. Accept
This strategy is adopted to accept an opportunity if it arises.
2. 2.7,6.2,7.3 1.6,2.1,2.4,2.8,
Unlikely 3.2,3.3,3.4,
Low High
191 | P a g e
5.7.8 Basis of Assumptions
As discussed above that the basis for the Risk Score is marked considering the likelihood of
occurrence and its impact. Specific risks are chosen as examples to describe, elaborately, how
the certain considerations are made to determine probability and impact scores. These are
given below:
Duration between Project Proposal & Initiation (in years) Probability rating
≥5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
Based on the above mentioned time line in Table 5.12, we can see that almost five long years
have gone and the decision is still awaited hence the probability score is taken as 5 .As
formula, Severity = (Probability * Impact) goes, we get 25 as Severity Matrix Score which
marks it under High category risk.
192 | P a g e
Table 5.14:Budgetary allocation for Metro Project by Surat Municipal Corporation Issues and risk in land acquisition and probable time & cost of land
Acquisition of Land for construction purpose needs foremost planning and due diligence for
smooth development of project. The proposed land requirement statement for Surat Metro
construction is as given below:
Table 5.16: Land requirement details for Surat Metro Rail Project
193 | P a g e
the small patch of land is difficult to acquire then it may cause indefinite delays to project.
The change in alignment can also be expected which creates ruckus at high level planning
also. Hence the impact score can be taken as critical i.e. 4.
Table 5.17: Rolling stock breakdown details of DMRC due to Power Supply Failure
Table 5.18: Rolling stock breakdown details of DMRC due to other miscellaneous factors
194 | P a g e
Table 5.19:Willingness to Pay Survey Details and Probability rating
Year 2028- 2029- 2030- 2031- 2032- 2033- 2034- 2035- 2036- 2037
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 -38
DSCR -0.66 -0.68 -0.69 -0.71 -1.34 -0.73 -0.74 -0.76 -0.77 -0.79
The Debt Service Coverage Ratio or (DSCR) = Net operating income /Total debt service. The
values for DSCR from the Financial Model (prepared by us) for the year 2028 to
2038(proposed moratorium period of 10 years with repayment starting from 2028) are
checked. It shows the negative value for DSCR which determines negative Cash Flow. It can
also be described that not enough net operating income are being generated to pay annual
debt payments for the recurring years Based on the Error! Reference source not found.,the
rating for probability can be determined as given below:
195 | P a g e
The impact for the risk shall be taken as Significant i.e. 3 as there are certain means to
increase the ratio value by increasing net operating income and decreasing operating
expenses and borrowing amount.
Due to fluctuations in exchange rates, there is difference in the value of two different
currencies. The investor‘s value of money may change due to changes in the exchange rates.
The risk of exchange rate of Indian currency against US Dollar or Japanese Yen are there as
majority of the funding is done through International source like JICA through Official
Development Assistance loans. The value of INR is analysed for the past seven years:
Table 5.22: Currency Exchange Value Analysis
Currency Valuation
Year Avg. Value for the Year High Low Change (in %)
2012 52.90 57.145 48.66
2013 60.97 68.805 53.14 15
2014 61.07 63.67 58.4725 0
2015 64.23 67.1085 61.358 5
2016 67.46 68.87 66.0473 5
2017 66.05 68.4553 63.645 -2
2018 68.19 72.98 63.39 3
Mean 4
Probability of
Negative Change 83
Score 5
Probability of
Positive Change 17
Score 1
As we see that the probability of negative change is 83% and positive change is 17 %.
Cumulatively based on Error! Reference source not found., its likelihood rating shall
be 4 .The impact of the risk is very low i.e. 1 as the currencies of the countries in
which they operate can affect only small and medium companies‘ profit margins but
196 | P a g e
not with Large Scale Metro Projects. Also, lending institutions provide privilege
where the repayment starts after period of 10 years.
197 | P a g e
6 Procurement Management
6.1 Design Brief
A design brief is a document specifying the roles and responsibilities, objectives,
expectations and scope of work of the designer. It may be detailed or it might just contain an
idea or concept from the client. In that case, it is wise protocol from the designer‘s side to
prepare a detailed design brief specifying the actual work and the methods in which that will
be carried out by the designer.
198 | P a g e
The objective of the project is to reduce over-reliance on personal vehicles and thus,
to curb the traffic problem to some extent.
In the process implementation of this project, care has to be taken to ensure that
minimum land acquisition is required. Wherever there is land acquisition,
rehabilitation of the stakeholder must be done appropriately and adequately.
Environmental impact of the project is also to be kept in mind. The aim is to provide
an eco-friendly, safe and fast transportation system.
199 | P a g e
Structural requirements to resist buckling shall be checked.
1. BIS
2. Euro Code
3. IRC
4. IRS
200 | P a g e
6.1.4 Design Brief for Elevated Viaduct
201 | P a g e
The design relating to fire safety and escape shall be in accordance with requirements of
NFPA 130 – Standard for Fixed Guideway Systems.
1. UIC Codes
2. Euro Codes
3. Other Codes which cover railway loading.
1. IRC
2. IS
3. Euro Codes
4. Other national codes
1. Underground Station- Having this station has an advantage of occupying no road space but
the cost of construction and O&M is high. It is preferable where land parcels are not
available. The stretch in the city core area is congested and is likely to get underground
202 | P a g e
2. On-Grade Station-Due to the scarcity of the land parcel availability, this type of station
types is not preferable.
3. Elevated Station- These stations are most likely to be adopted due to ease of construction
and less cost of O&M. It requires 2 metres width of the road. It is advised to adopt this
typology. The outer city has ample of land parcel availability.
Key design elements are as follows:
Stations should be planned to cater major passenger destinations. (Refer Traffic study
analysis by CoE, (CEPT)
To enable convenient integration with other modes of transport.
Proposed station locations should be kept such that interstation distances are uniform and
close to one km as possible.
The viaducts carrying the tracks will have a vertical clearance of minimum 5.5 m above
road level. The rail level will be about 9.8 m above the road level with concourse at
mezzanine. These levels will, however, vary marginally depending upon where the
stations are located.
The track centre on the elevated section is kept as 4.2 m uniform throughout the corridor
to standardize the superstructure, except at few locations, wherever scissors crossover
(Majura Gate Interchange station) is planned, it is kept 4.5 meter.
203 | P a g e Underground sections
Rail level at midsection in tunnelling portion shall be kept at least 12.0 m below the ground
level. At stations, the desirable depth of rail below ground level is 12.5 m, so that station
concourse can be located above the platforms.
The Stations‘ theme should be worked upon to reflect local Surat culture and showcasing
vibrant colors of Gujarat and aesthetics should be functional at the same time.
The architecture shall be visually appealing, well spacious and lit.
The architecture and usage of material should be site and region specific.
The areas developed for Stations shall comply with all functional requirements for peak
hours under all operating conditions.
The station shall be made developed into customer oriented public space and user friendly.
The stations shall be designed in a way to be energy efficient, cost-effective and
consistent with the environment at the same time.
Safety and reliability of Users shall be seen as foremost priority while designing.
The Station shall have proper cross ventilation and natural light for the Station and road
below the Station.
The stations shall be constructed keeping in mind to make it as a Barrier free design for
handicapped persons. Site Approach and Circulation
Integration facilities at Metro stations include approach roads to the stations, Parking
facilities, pedestrian ways and circulation areas for various traffic modes.
Entrance should be easily identifiable (Specially Underground stations) and minimal
visual intrusion in urban scape shall be there.
There shall be separation of traffic modes for easy and rapid Access/Exit from and to
metro station with specified drop off points.
Clarity of sightlines and vision should be there at merges and intersections.
The station should cater to following modes:
1. Pedestrian
2. Two and Four-Wheeler Vehicles
3. Bus
204 | P a g e
4. Taxi/Auto rickshaw/Car drop off.
Parking for private vehicles shall not be proposed at the station in the city core in view of
the scarcity of land along the alignment.
They are required to be easily accessible from passenger loading areas of public transport
and Drop-offs areas and Totem Signages should be provided at the entry.
The access areas shall be covered from vehicle drop off to Station entry.
Provision of stairs/Escalators/Elevators at the road level to Concourse level shall be given
for access. These shall conform to NFPA 130 standards
The parking entry and exits shall not coincide with the station access points in order to
avoid queuing at the access or adjoining roads.
Passenger Ridership forecast for each station. (Traffic study analysis by CoE, CEPT)
Alignment of Metro Route (As decided by the Consultant for the Road Alignment and
Station Planning for the DPR preparation)
Capacity of the chosen Rolling Stock-It determines the length of the Station platforms and
sizing of the station facilities
Level of Services- Level of service (LOS) is a qualitative measure used to determine
quality of traffic flow service at the station. Six LOS letters are defined by HCM, namely
A, B, C, D, E, and F, where A denote the best quality of service and F denote the worst. It
affects the Station sizing and facilities to be included.
The figure showing concept of LOS is given below:
205 | P a g e
Figure 6.1:Fruin's ranges for Level of Service
Zone 1-Access and Interchange Zone- (Entry/Exits Gates, Lifts, Escalators, Stairs)
Zone 2- Concourse- (Ticket Vending Zones, Checking Area, Information Booths, Retail &
Kiosks, Toilets, Station Management, Exhibits)
Zone 3- Platform Zone (Boarding/Alighting, Lifts, Escalators, Stairs)
Zone 1 and 2 are Unpaid while the Zone 3 is Paid Area.
Zone Area
1 Station Entry/Exits
2 Ticket counters/Automatic ticket vending machines
3 Platforms
4 Supporting Maintenance/Services Areas
5 Space for passenger operated machines for future
206 | P a g e
Zone Area
6 Passenger kiosks and commercial kiosks
7 Customer service centre
8 Emergency evacuation exits
9 AFC system
10 Escalators, Lifts, Stairs
11 Areas for Operation/Maintenance
12 Toilets (Male/Female)
13 Parking and Circulation Area for Traffic Integration
14 Areas for Physically Challenged Users and Senior Citizen
15 Landscaping and Mass Meeting/Performance Areas (Depends upon need and Area
16 Passenger Information Areas
17 Exhibition Areas, Restaurants, shops, Banquets-These can be done in accordance to
revenue generation policy.
The remaining and other facilities can be proposed by the designer if any need arises. Other
design criteria:
207 | P a g e
NFPA 72-National Fire Alarm Code
NFPA 130-Standard for Fixed Guide way Transit and Passenger Rail Systems
Provision of lifts/Escalators for disabled passengers should be there to make the whole station
building barrier free and shall conform to NPFA 130 Standards. Platforms
All the underground stations have been planned with island platforms except Pani Petch
station where side platforms have been planned. In the elevated section, stations should be
designed with side platforms with tracks in between to avoid the symmetry of the viaduct
structure from flaring in and out at stations leading to the traffic obstruction on the road. General
The train design shall be:
(i) Safe, efficient and reliable for operation
(ii) lightweight and elegant
(iii) of high technological standards
(iv) of modular design.
The Rolling Stock shall be safe to operate under all climatic conditions in the operating
environment without damage, and also under all operating conditions.
Rolling Stock shall be compatible with the traction supply system and shall be designed to
operate safely in the range of voltage of the power supply.
The speed control system should meet operational safety in normal operation and should
behave satisfactorily in abnormal situations.
Trains should have adequate access and egress doors for dealing with the heaviest user
The interiors should be designed to provide a safe and convenient environment for users
and should minimize harm in case of an Emergency or accident.
The Rolling Stock should be designed for minimum risk of fire and with adequate
The noise emitted by the Coach on run shall be governed by BS EN ISO 3095:2005 –
‗Railway applications – Acoustics – Measurement of noise emitted by rail-borne vehicle‘.
The safety of the Rolling Stock shall be verified by Tests before commencement of
commercial service.
208 | P a g e
The Rolling Stock must be able to operate irrespective of weather conditions and the
temperature inside the Train parked in the sun.
Rolling Stock safety systems shall conform to IEC 62278 and IEC 61508.
The service life of the complete train is specified as 35 years.
(i) Derailment
(ii) Overturning.
The width of Coach shall not exceed 3.2 m.
The height of Coach, from rail level, shall not exceed 4.0 m.
The Train control equipment in interface with ATC equipment should ensure that Trains
stop within 500 mm of the designed stopping position.
The Train equipment shall ensure that doors of cars on the platform side only open
An emergency stop facility shall be provided on the TO‘s console in a prominent position.
Max. Operating speed is standardised to be 80Kmph.
Max. design speed is standardised to be 90Kmph.
The train configuration will be of either 3-car, 6-car or 9-car formation only.
The Traction system shall be either 750 V DC third rail system or 25 kV AC OHE.
Signalling system shall be Communication Based Train Control (CBTC)
209 | P a g e Coach Design Requirements Coach Body
Coach body shall be lightweight and corrosion resistant. The body panelling should have
resistance to the tractive and braking effort as well as impact and accidental damage. The
Coach body shall conform to ‗EN 12663:2000 – Railway applications – Structural
requirements of railway vehicle bodies‘
210 | P a g e
Interior shall have colour design to have maximum visibility. Contrasting colour shall be
used for improved visibility for visually impaired persons.
Grab pillars/rails and grab handle shall have bright colour.
Digital board showing current & next station in English and Gujarati language.
The Train/Coach shall have provision of pre-recorded or synthesized voice recorded
system to announce the name of the next arriving station or any other general
announcement. These announcements shall be in two languages, viz., Gujarati and
All permanent notices, warnings, shall be displayed at least at 4 locations inside the Coach
The exterior doors shall be designed so as to retain the Users during all service
For lighting the interior of the Coach, fluorescent lamps or compact fluorescent lamps
shall be used. During night, the illumination shall be not less than 200 lux at the floor of
the Coach and not less than 300 lux at seating positions.
In the event of failure of main power supply, head lights and side marker lights shall be
powered from standby batteries of sufficient capacity to maintain the emergency lights (50
percent of the lights) and all exterior lights for one hour.
For video surveillance, adequate number of video cameras shall be provided, including at
least one above each gangway to cover over 90% of the plan area of the Coach. The TO
shall be able to have a full view of each Coach on his VDU. A record of the video image
of each camera in the Coach shall be maintained for half an hour cycle. In case of need,
TO shall be able to connect the camera view to the OCC.
The Coach shall have two-way communication between Users and the TO in an
Emergency. Emergency buttons and talk back phones shall be located near all the doors
and gangways.
The Coach shall be provided with Emergency announcement system, through radio,
directly from the OCC.
The Coach interior shall have resistance to fire and conform to NFPA-130, 2003 edition –
‗Standard for Fixed Guideway – Transit and Passenger Rail Systems‘.
Materials selected especially for internal fixtures, fittings, and furniture shall be the ones
which will minimise the risk of fire and the spread and effects of fire.
211 | P a g e Ventilation and Air conditioning
The Coach, including the TO‘s cab, shall be air-conditioned with minimum two air-
conditioning units in each Coach. A separate supply air duct system shall be provided for
TO‘s cab and another for the Coach. Air-conditioning in Coaches shall conform to EN
Interior temperature shall be 25°C and relative humidity 60% for temperature up to 35°C.
For ambient temperature above 35°C, the interior temperature shall be kept 10°C below
the ambient temperature. For the Train Operator‘s cabin, the interior temperature shall be
kept at 23°C. Bogie
The structural design of the Bogie frame shall conform to BS EN 13749: 2005 – ‗Railway
applications – method of specifying structural requirements of bogie frame‘.
The bogies shall have independent brake cylinder for each wheel
Wheel sets shall be in accordance with BS5892-6, BS EN 13103 and BS EN 13104
(ii) electro-pneumatic (EP) service friction brakes (with axle/wheel disc brakes);
212 | P a g e
The Emergency braking system should be designed to optimize the Train retardation and
should not be degraded by wheel slide protection equipment if provided.
The complete brake system shall be of similar performance as EN 13452-1:2003 –
‗Railway application – Braking – Mass transit brake system performance requirements‘ or
equivalent standard.
ATP equipment shall interface with the braking system. In the event of loss of ATP, the
speed of the Train shall be controlled.
The Train braking system shall be compatible with the signalling system.
213 | P a g e
(vi) the driver‘s safety operator position
214 | P a g e
Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) shall be provided to support all essential Train
control functions at the stations and the Depot and the OCC Cab Signalling shall be
No single point failure shall cause failure of an equipment or sub system that has
impact on the safe operation
All safety critical equipment shall be designed, manufactured and validated to
CENELEC standard or equivalent SIL Standard. The Concessionaire shall submit a
certificate from accredited Independent Safety Assessor (ISA) to this effect.
215 | P a g e Test Facilities
The test track that enables all Train ATP and ATO functions to be tested in both directions of
running, including functions associated with stations. Equipment
The CATC shall be arranged to minimize the amount of equipment that has to be
accommodated in track-side apparatus housings; the equipment should be installed in
Signalling Equipment Rooms
System Description
Generally, CBTC based ATC, ATO is optional. Cab
Type of Signalling
Signalling CATC (ATP/ATO/ATS)
Line Side Signals (CLS), as per operational
Back Up Signalling
requirement and at Point locations.
216 | P a g e
System Description
Interlocking Computer Based Interlocking.
Train Control System Redundant ATS with Operation Control Centre.
• On Main Line: AFTC/Axle Counter.
Train Detection
• (Depot AFTC/ Axle Counter RM mode)
Point Machine Non Trailable High Trust with clamp lock Non
i) For Main Line Trailable / Trailable (Depending upon operational
ii) For Depot requirements) Indian Point Machine.
Redundancy in Cab equipment for 1+1 as per prevalent and proven technology and
ATP (Cab Signalling) meeting RAMS requirement.
Generally, CBTC based ATC, ATO is optional. Cab
Type of Signalling
Signalling CATC (ATP/ATO/ATS)
Line Side Signals (CLS), as per operational
Back Up Signalling
requirement and at Point locations.
Interlocking Computer Based Interlocking.
Train Control System Redundant ATS with Operation Control Centre.
• On Main Line: AFTC/Axle Counter.
Train Detection
• (Depot AFTC/ Axle Counter RM mode)
Point Machine Non Trailable High Trust with clamp lock Non
iii) For Main Line Trailable / Trailable (Depending upon operational
iv) For Depot requirements) Indian Point Machine.
Redundancy in Cab equipment for 1+1 as per prevalent and proven technology and
ATP (Cab Signalling) meeting RAMS requirement.
6.1.8 Communication Systems
A Fast Ethernet/Ethernet Switch shall be interfaced to the DTS to provide the necessary
packet-switching based Ethernet interface
217 | P a g e
(ii) features to supplement the signalling system;
(x) uninterrupted power supply to maintain all essential SCADA functions at Stations and
control centre.
218 | P a g e
Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ) cameras with variable focal length lens with adjustable
orientation in both the vertical and horizontal directions.
(i) Traffic Controller (TC) in OCC and the Train Operators (TO)
(iii) Engineering Controller (EC) and O&M staff carrying hand-portable radio sets at the
(iv) Depot Controller (DC) and the TOs when the Trains are within the Depot areas
(v) DC and staff equipped with hand portable radio sets in the Depot areas for Depot security
purpose; and
(vi) Between Operation and Maintenance (O&M) staff issued with hand portable radio sets at
stations, trackside and Depot areas.
219 | P a g e
(iv) the Engineering Controller (EC) in OCC; General
The layout of the fare collection area covering information panels, signages, fare vending
equipment and controlling gates shall be such as to reflect the logical sequence a User is
required to follow to use the system allowing sufficient queuing space at the time of peak
The operating features of the system shall be fully parameterized.
AFC System shall be engineered for the patronage forecasts of the Design Year of 2046
220 | P a g e Gate Design
Gate arrays may be bi-parting leaves, centre flaps, end flaps or another configuration
Where required, barriers shall be provided to separate paid and unpaid areas of the
The TOM shall be installed at the ticket counter at all Stations and shall be operated by the
TOM function shall include: TVMs
The TVMs shall be made from stainless steel and shall be freestanding or recessed into the
walls of the TVM rooms as required by the Station architecture
221 | P a g e
Daily pass
staff / employee pass
period pass
Other ticket types as defined by the IE Security
The AFC machines and system shall provide a complete audit trail of all transactions,
transfers of cash and other payments.
Security of communications between the AFC equipment, SC and CC system shall
ensure no loss of data in transmission.
The Gates and TVMs, if installed in open areas at some Stations, shall follow international
standards for dust control General
SCADA System equipment for the control and monitoring of each high voltage electrical
power supply system switching and protection equipment and AP TRANSCO supplies. HV Supplies
(a) High Voltage supply and Traction Sub Station power supply arrangements shall be
finalized by the Concessionaire.
(b) During any loss of supplies, the SCADA system shall automatically reconfigure the
arrangement of the networks; reconfiguration of the traction system shall be transparent to
normal Train service operation.
222 | P a g e
Manual supervision of the HV network shall be by the Engineering Controller located at the
HV Auxiliary Power Supply Systems shall be suitably transformed at each station, to the
required voltage Cables
All HV power cables shall be XLPE insulated or equivalent, in accordance with IEC 60332 –
Part 3 and NFPA 130
223 | P a g e Traction Return Circuit & Traction Supply Arrangements in Depot
To limit the extent of conducted EMI, electrical connections with the guideway infrastructure
metal reinforcements shall be connected to an Earth drain wire. Stringer type /750V DC
current collection system shall be provided in all Depots / workshops.
The following procurement strategy for the below mentioned consultants is been proposed
which is been shown in figure 6.2.
DPR Consultant
General Engineering Consultant
The prime consultants are further going to hire sub-consultants. The whole breakdown has
been shown in figure 6.2. The next task is the strategy to be used for selection of the prime
consultants. The strategy which is proposed for procurement of the consultant is been shown
below in table 6.6.
Prime Consultants Consultant
EIA/SIA Consultant Consultant
Sub-Consultants for Traffic
Consultant for Tendering for Contracts
224 | P a g e
6.2.1 DPR Consultant Strategy
The strategy used for procurement of the DPR consultant is Single-Source-Selection. This
method is not recommended as it lacks transparency and isn‘t competitive, but it shall be used
in cases of exceptional qualification of the consultant. As DMRC is the premium company in
the country that has shown past excellence in handling and operation Delhi metro, and it has
worked as DPR consultant for Ahmedabad metro, it has the exceptional qualification required
for choosing Single-Source-Selection strategy. DMRC is appointed by City Engineer Special
cell, Surat Municipal Corporation & Metro-link Express for Gandhinagar & Ahmedabad
(MEGA) who is currently handling the Surat Metro Project till Gujarat Metro Rail
Corporation (GMRC) is not formed.
Single-source selection of consultants does not provide the benefits of competition in regard
to quality and cost, lacks transparency in selection, and could encourage unacceptable
practices. Therefore, single-source selection shall be used only in exceptional cases. The
justification for single-source selection shall be examined in the context of the overall
interests of the client and the project, and the Bank‘s responsibility to ensure economy and
efficiency and provide equal opportunity to all qualified consultants.
Single-source selection may be appropriate in the following cases, and only if it presents a
clear advantage over competition: (a) for tasks that represent a natural continuation of
previous work carried out by the firm (see next paragraph); (b) in exceptional cases, such as,
but not limited to, in response to natural disasters and for emergency situations both declared
by the Borrower and recognized by the Bank; (c) for very small assignments; or (d) when
only one firm is qualified or has experience of exceptional worth for the assignment. In all
such cases, the Borrower is not required to issue an RFP and shall submit to the Bank for its
review and no objection the TOR of the assignment, a sufficiently detailed justification
including the rationale for single-source selection instead of a competitive selection process,
and the basis for recommending a particular firm, except for contracts below a threshold
defined on the basis of risks and the scope of the project, and set forth in the Procurement
225 | P a g e
i) Traffic & Transportation surveys for estimation of transport demand and
projection of sectional and station traffic loads for various years.
ii) Preparation of alternative routes on Google/available standard maps.
iii) Multi modal Traffic integration, planning for feeder bus service, public bike
sharing and pedestrian)
iv) Technology Selection — Broad details of Traction and Signalling system, rolling
stock, track, etc.
v) Field Surveys and preparation of topographical survey plans for route alignments
and assessment of land requirement for facilities like station areas, Electric sub
stations, Maintenance Depot and Construction Depots.
vi) Field Surveys for identification of major above- ground utilities along the
proposed Metro route requiring diversion/relocation. Details of underground
utilities shall have to be procured from the concerned utility agencies.
vii) Geometric design of the route alignments covering horizontal as well as vertical
viii) Location of stations and general layout plans for stations and integration areas.
ix) Maps for land acquisition including details of land to be acquired permanently or
land required temporarily.
x) Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) studies and preparation of Environment
Management Plan (EMP) for negative impacts, if any.
xi) Geo-technical investigations along the identified corridors.
xii) Conceptual Plan for the rolling stock maintenance depots.
xiii) Creation of disable friendly features to ensure accessibility to persons with
xiv) Security measures to ensure security for metro system.
xv) Disaster management features for metro system.
xvi) Implementation Schedule.
xvii) Estimation of construction costs, operation and maintenance costs.
xviii) Study on the Fare Structure.
xix) Revenue Model for generating at least 50% of cost through Property Development
and 12.5% of O&M through recurring source of revenue other than fare.
xx) Financial and Economic analysis for the project.
xxi) Evolving a Funding Plan and Institutional arrangement for the Project.
226 | P a g e
xxii) Preparation and submission of Detailed Project Report. n in the influence area of
Date Progress
13 January High Power Committee, Gujarat state decided to prepare DPR for Surat
2016 Metro and directed MEGA to coordinate
27th January MEGA sent a letter to DMRC to submit offer for preparing DPR
2nd February DMRC submitted offer to SMC with Terms of Reference (TOR) approval
2016 through MEGA
17th February SMC gave work order to DMRC for preparing the DPR
17th March 2016 Offer of DMRC was sanctioned by Standing Committee, SMC
18th March 2016 DMRC started the work (8 months‘ time was allocated)
18th November Proposed to be completed
227 | P a g e Eligibility Conditions Turnover
In case of a Single Bidder, its average annual audited turnover from consultancy services
from mass transportation projects for the last three financial years should be equal or higher
than INR 1.33 crore.
The differences between these are based on the type of forms that have to be submitted as
part of the Proposal. The type of proposal to be used is selected based on the selection
strategy of the consultant.
As SMC has proposed to use Single Source Selection (SSS), according to JICA‘s guidelines,
their scope includes the proposed procedures in the Technical Assistance (TA) paper, and
Report & Recommendation of President (RRP). SMC, on behalf of JICA, requested DMRC
to submit a bio data technical proposal (BTP) and a financial proposal at the same time. The
review of BTP is done to make sure that it is adequate and contract negotiations. As part of
the Technical Proposal, the type of forms to be submitted is as given in table 6.9 below:
Form Description
TECH-1 Technical Proposal Submission Form.
TECH-2 Consultant‘s Organization and Experience.
TECH-3 Comments or Suggestions on the Terms of Reference and on Counterpart Staff
228 | P a g e
Form Description
and Facilities to be provided by the Client.
TECH-4 Description of the Approach, Methodology, and Work Plan for Performing the
TECH-5 Work Schedule and Planning for Deliverables
TECH-6 Team Composition, Key Experts Inputs, and attached Curriculum Vitae (CV)
The above table shows all the type of forms that are to be used for Technical Proposal. These
are mainly used for FTP. For BTP, following forms are to be submitted –
229 | P a g e
Sr. Position Experts' Inputs in Deliverables (in months) Total
No. Time
13 Social Expert 2.00 2.00
The key staffs are divided into deliverable input time. The list of deliverables is as in table
230 | P a g e Remuneration to Support Staff
Support staff is defined as non-key experts or professional staff.
Category of Vehicles No. of Vehicles Vehicle Months Rate (INR) Cost (INR)
AC 4 seated car 4 32 30,000 960,000
Non-AC 4-8 seated car 2 16 45,000 720,000
Total Cost 1,680,000
Table 6.14 Rent for Office
Area (sq. mts) Months INR per sq. mts per month Amount (INR)
350 8 15,000 120,000
Table 6.15 Office Supplies
231 | P a g e
Description Cost (INR)
Fees/Profit @30% 34,51,050
Subtotal 1,49,54,550
Taxes and Duties @ 18% 26,91,819
Total Cost 1,76,64,369
6.2.2 General Engineering Consultant Strategy
The strategy which was used for appointing General Engineering Consultant for Ahmedabad
Metro Phase-1 was Quality Cum Cost Based Selection (QCBS). This strategy was kept so
that high ranked firm based on the technical evaluation are awarded the contract An
Expression of Interest (EOI) document was prepared by MEGA to know the interest in
tendering for the appointment of General Engineering Consultant for the Ahmedabad-
Gandhinagar Metro Rail project Phase-1. As there should be only one Special Purpose
Vehicle (SPV) per state, for the Surat Metro project, MEGA would transform to Gujarat
Metro Rail Corporation (GMRC). Currently MEGA is looking after the Surat Metro project.
The criteria for eligibility have been decided by Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation Procurement
Manual which is in accordance to Central Vigilance Commission (CVC) guidelines. After the
submission of EOI application, GMRC invites technical proposal & financial proposal for
QCBS selection. In QCBS mode of procurement, 80% weightage is given to technical
parameter & remaining 20% weightage is given to financial parameter. Those firms having
technical score (St) of minimum 56 (i.e. 70%), only financial bids for those companies are
opened. The following table shows the breakup of scores for Technical parameter.
232 | P a g e
of preliminary or detailed design, proof checking of designs system integration, procurement
assistance, construction management, project management and supervision including
inspection, safety and quality, assistance in testing and commissioning of
MRTS/Metro/Railway Projects which includes elevated and underground sections over the
project route. The mentioned activities include in areas like civil structures, signalling,
telecommunication, electric traction, rolling stock, automatic fare collection, air conditioning,
platform screen doors, depot, workshops, operational control centres, residential buildings,
station integration areas, bridges, flyovers and other such related facilities for
MRTS/Metro/Railway Projects.
The criteria for deciding the work experience value have been decided by Gujarat Metro Rail
Corporation Procurement Manual which is in accordance to Central Vigilance Commission
(CVC) guidelines. The criteria are based on number of contracts of similar nature based on it
the percentage of the contract value is decided.
Minimum required Annual Turnover = Cost of work/Duration of the contract in years. The
minimum required annual turnover is (400/4) which would be 100 crores.
MEGA has set criteria in case of consortium, that lead member should meet 50% of the
average annual turnover criterion from similar consultancy as mentioned in topic &
each other members must meet a minimum 5% of the average annual criterion.
233 | P a g e
For Ahmedabad Metro, as SYSTRA led consortium was awarded the contract for General
Engineering Consultant for Phase-1. The table below shows the minimum required average
annual turnover for each company.
Table 6.18 Minimum required Average Annual Turnover for the appointed GEC for Ahmedabad Metro
234 | P a g e
Legal status of the Applicant
Its principal place of business
Its place of incorporation (if Applicants are corporations); or its place of registration
(if Applicants are partnerships or individually owned firms).
Details of participation and roles & responsibilities of each member in case of
consortium. Form 2
This form is submitted as an affidavit on Non-Judicial stamp of Rs.10 duly attested by
Notary. In case of consortium, each member should submit this form separately. The
following declarations are made with it which is as follows:
The Applicant has not made any misleading or false representations in the forms,
statements and attachments in the proof of eligibility requirements.
The Applicant‘s does not hold a record of poor performance.
The Applicant‘s business is not banned by Central or State government. Form 3
The draft memorandum of understanding for mutual understanding between the members of
the consortium which is to be submitted on Non-Judicial stamp paper of Rs.100 duly attested
by notary public. Form 4
Power of Attorney is to be executed on non-judicial stamp paper in the name of the company
who is issuing the power of attorney. This needs to be executed by all the members of the
235 | P a g e Form 5
This form consists of general details of each members of consortium. This form also consists
of Annexure in which pending litigation of each member of the consortium are submitted.
The value of assignment and the value of pending claim details are attached. Form 6
This form includes the checklist whether all the documents are submitted and page number
reference for each form is given. Form 7
The experience in years for undertaking similar kind of works is noted for each members of
the consortium. This form has two annexures attached which are Annexure 2, 2A (Summary
table of Annexure 2), Annexure 3, Annexure 3A (Summary of Annexure 3) for providing the
details of total number of works undertaken, Number of contracts delayed beyond the original
date of completion, total value of works completed as on (date proposed). Annexure 3
consists of the total projects in hand in which details of name of client, contract value, value
of balance work to be done, original completion, estimated date of completion, delay with
reason needs to be written. Form 8
This form includes the details of the regular employees who are for more than six months
with the applicant including managerial, technical & supervisory staff of each members of the
consortium. Form 9
This form includes checklist whether the applicant has enclosed documents for liquid assets,
lines of credit & other financial means sufficient to meet the cash flow, after meeting the
commitments for other contracts and other liabilities. Form 10
This form includes the financial data which should be filled by each members of the
consortium. The attached copies of balance sheets, income statements should also be
submitted. The data for the last five years is to be provided. (i.e. from 2013-14-2018-19). The
following data needs to be provided.
236 | P a g e
Table 6.21 Financial information to be provided by Applicant
Sr no. Particulars
1 Total Assets
2 Current Assets
3 Total Liabilities
4 Current Liabilities
5 Profits before Taxes
6 Profits after Taxes
7 Net Worth (=1-3)
8 Working Capital (=2-4)
9 Annual Turnover
10 Average Annual turnover from similar consultancy of Metro/MRTS/Railway
Parameters Score
Method statement 50
Key Expert ‗s qualifications and competence for the assignment 20
Experience of the Consultants to the relevant 5
eligible assignments in India
Experience of the Consultants to the relevant 5
eligible assignments in foreign
Forms Description
FIN-1 Financial Proposal Submission Form
FIN-2 Summary of Costs
237 | P a g e
Forms Description
FIN-3A Remuneration – Key Experts
FIN-3B Remuneration – Non-Key Experts
FIN-3C Remuneration – Support Staff
The FIN-3A,3B,3C is been attached in the Annexure 3-8. The financial score is given 20%
weightage. The lowest evaluated financial proposal will receive the maximum score of 100.
The score is derived from the following formula Sf = (100*Fmin)/F. Where, Fmin is lowest
financial proposal and F is the financial bid proposed by the applicant. 20% from the score is
taken into consideration for the final evaluation. Two companies SYSTRA led consortium &
DB Led Consortium were there in the bidding process for GEC. The Bid price for both
consortia is been shown in the table below.
Table 6.24 Bid price of applicants for GEC contract of Ahmedabad Metro Phase 1
Table 6.25 Financial score for bidders for GEC contract of Ahmedabad Metro Phase 1
Where, Tw is the technical weightage & Fw is the financial weightage. Though DB led
consortium quoted 10% less price than SYSTRA led consortium, but the overall score of
SYSTRA led consortium was more, so based on QCBS mode of selection, SYSTRA led
consortium was awarded the contract.
238 | P a g e
General Engineering Consultant (GEC) for the phase 1 of Ahmedabad Metro Rail project.
The first EOI was floated by MEGA in 2012 before the Detailed Project Report (DPR) was
approved. The revised EOI was floated after the DPR for phase 1 was approved (i.e. October
Date Description
th st
17 April 2012 1 EOI was floated by MEGA
7th May 2012 Last date of submission of queries
1st June 2012 Last date of submission of completed EOI Application
5th February 2015 Revised EOI was floated by MEGA
15th February 2015 Pre-proposal conference
15th April 2015 Deadline for submission of EOI application
5th May 2015 Opening of Technical proposal
25th May 2015 Opening of Financial proposal
5th October 2015 SYSTRA led consortium was awarded the GEC contract
239 | P a g e
Table 6.27 Office Rent
Area (sq. mts) Months INR per sq. mts per month Amount (INR)
350 48 15,000 25,20,00,000
Table 6.28Office Supplies cost
240 | P a g e
comparison of bids including the reasons on which lowest evaluated bid was awarded is
prepared by Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation. The Defect Liability Period (DLP) is kept 52
weeks after the completion of the contract. The percentage of liquidated damage would be
0.1% of the contract price per 1-day delay, 0.5% per 1-week delay and the upper limit for the
total amount should be about 5 to 10%. The size and scope of contracts would depend upon
nature, magnitude & location of the project.
1. Tender Security
2. Eligibility Criteria cum QR Package
3. Technical Package
4. Financial Package
The tender should be submitted in the name of Managing Director and addressed to Sr. DGM
Civil & Procurement, Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation, Gandhinagar.
241 | P a g e Tender Cost Criteria
Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation has set their criteria for setting tender cost based on the
contract value. The tender fee is kept inclusive of 18% GST. The Tender fee shall be payable
in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation payable at
Gandhinagar, Gujarat. The following table shows the tender cost for different contract value.
242 | P a g e Eligibility Criteria of Work Experience
Completed works of past seven years is taken into account. Similar experience of
Viaduct/Flyover/Bridge would be considered for the elevated corridor contract and similar
experience in tunnelling of minimum of 3.92 Km in any works including Tunnel Boring
Machine (TBM) shield method of minimum 5 meters would be considered for underground
corridor. The criteria for deciding the work experience value have been decided by Gujarat
Metro Rail Corporation Procurement Manual which is in accordance to CVC guidelines. The
criteria are based on number of contracts of similar nature based on it the percentage of the
contract value is decided. In case of foreign partner in JV, the company must have done
minimum works of 40% of contract value works outside the country of foreign partner.
As the package for Underground Corridor is Design Build contract, work experience of
Detailed Design Consultancy work for at least two underground metro stations and 1 km
length of single tube channel is taken into account. Liquidity
The liquidity of the company is checked so that the firm can withstand the cash flow
requirement that the contract would require until the payment is not received from Gujarat
Metro Rail Corporation. Liquidity is checked from balance sheet. Net current assets would
show that the firm has available liquid assets to meet the required cash flow.
243 | P a g e
minimum required liquidity ≥ (WM)/100 where W is the minimum required liquidity.
Similarly, for 2nd member, minimum required liquidity ≥ (WN)/100.
A liquidity criterion is decided using the cost of work and duration of the work. The
calculation is as follows: Profitability
Profit before Tax (PBT) should be Positive in at least 2 (two) years out of the last five audited
financial years. In case of JV, profitability of lead member is considered. So, for Package 4B
of Ahmedabad Metro, profitability of Pratibha Industries Limited was checked. Profitability
can be checked from Balance sheet.
For Joint Venture, Net Worth is calculated based on the percentage participation of each
member. It is calculated as follows:
244 | P a g e
Let the Net Worth of Ranjit Buildcon Limited be A & its percentage participation in the
contract is 49% and let the Net Worth of Pratibha Industries Limited be B & its percentage
participation in the contract being 51%. So, the minimum Net Worth required from a Joint
Venture for Package 4B would be (49A+51B)/100.
For Joint Venture, Annual Turnover is calculated based on the percentage participation of
each member. It is calculated as follows:
Let the Net Worth of Ranjit Buildcon Limited be A & its percentage participation in the
contract is 49% and let the Annual Turnover of Pratibha Industries Limited be B & its
percentage participation in the contract being 51%. So, the minimum Average Annual
Turnover required from a Joint Venture for Package 4B would be (49A+51B)/100.
245 | P a g e
Corporation. The Available bid capacity criterion is calculated based on the following
Available Bid Capacity = 2*A*B – B where, A is the Maximum of the value of construction
works executed in any one year during the last five financial years (updated to 31.03.2019
price level assuming 5% inflation for Indian Rupees and 2% for the foreign currency per
year. N is the number of the years prescribed for completion of the work and B is the value of
existing commitments for on-going construction works during the contract time period.
246 | P a g e
regulations to be developed and implemented for ensuring safety as required by Gujarat
Metro Rail Corporation.
The additional requirements for eligibility are number of Plants & Machineries required &
Key personnel shown in Annexure 3.1 & 3.2 required by Gujarat Metro Rail Corporation in
order to perform the contract. If the contractor does not have the required machinery, he
should submit a plan of procuring it. The following table shows the required Plant &
Machineries for elevated and underground corridor:
247 | P a g e
Agreement of consortium if formed
Power of Attorney
Grand summary sheet of bill of quantity
Summary sheet of bill of quantities
The Bill of Quantities (BOQ) is prepared from Delhi Schedule of Rates (DSR) of Central
Public Works Department (CPWD) & Schedule of Rates of Road & Building(R&B)
Department of Government of Gujarat. After clearing the Pre-qualification & technical
package, financial bid for the selected bidders is opened publicly and the Least Cost Bid
(LCB) is awarded the contract.
248 | P a g e
30% of the completed activities from piling to parapet wall for elevated corridor which is
shown below:
Companies Bid for Package 1 (INR in cr) Bid for Package 2 (INR in cr)
L&T 748 901
Afcons Infrastructure 785 942
IT-SKEC JV 809 1005
L&T was the lowest bidder for both the Packages but as per the bidding rules of Metro link
Express for Gandhinagar & Ahmedabad (MEGA), bidders may bid for both contracts but the
successful bidder will be awarded only on contract in order to mitigate the risk of
conglomeration of sizable portion of work to single company. If one contract is awarded with
work value more than Rs. 250 crores, then another contract would not be awarded though
being least cost bid for the second package. MEGA awarded Package 1 contract to Afcons
Infrastructure which was Least Cost (LC2) and L&T was awarded Package 1 contract being
249 | P a g e
Bidding Schedule Dates
Pre-Bid meeting 1 April 2016
Prequalification and Technical Bids opening 1st May 2016
Financial Bids proposed to be opened 7th May 2016
Actual Bid opening 29th December 2016
Work order given to L&T 25th January 2017
There was a delay of 236 days from the proposed date of opening of financial bid due to late
mobilization of payment from JICA to MEGA.
Table 6.38 Tender advertisement rates in National & Local Newspapers (
250 | P a g e
6.4 Project Control
6.4.1 Quality control
The Contractor keeps a record of all the testing procedures performed which includes results
of inspections, tests, process controls, certification of processes and personnel, unacceptable
material and other quality control requirements. These records indicate the nature of
observations made, number and type of deficiencies found and action proposed to correct
those deficiencies. These records are always kept on site and the Employer, Engineer or
representatives of either can come and view those records at their discretion.
The tenderer shall submit their corporate quality policy duly signed by corporate head or
authorized person to GMRCL. Also, an outline quality plan illustrating the intended means of
compliance as per GMRCL stringent quality requirements as and setting out in summary
form and which would be the basis for detailed documents.
Minimum, address the quality system elements as required by ISO 9001 – 1994 – ―Model for
Quality Assurance in Design, Development Procurement, Installation and Servicing‖. Quality
checks on site would be conducted by GMRCL Quality department representative, so
contractors shall associate and take necessary steps for confirmation and improvement.
3. Method Statements
1. When the material is received at site – Test results are as per as set criterion within the
tolerance limits
251 | P a g e
Inspection of executed
works by GEC personnel
If Not
Does the work
comply with the NCR issued by GEC
If Yes
Proceed forward
Figure 6.3 Quality Management System when NCR is not issued by GEC
252 | P a g e
NCR issued by GEC
If not approved
Method statement by GEC
stating the Nonconformance
corrective measures Report issued by GEC
prepared by
If approved by GEC
New method
statement is prepared
253 | P a g e Checklist for Quality Control
Following checklist are prepared by the contractor and filled by QA/QC engineer on site by
contractor firm during the construction stage,
1. Pour Card
2. Bar Bending Schedule
3. Reinforcement Inspection checklist
4. Formwork Inspection checklist
5. Concrete Receival Inspection
6. Post Concrete Inspection checklist
These checklists in the form of inspection are also signed by GEC representative.
After every 15 days there is arranged meetings between all contractor, all consultants
and other members of SPV
During DDC contract the evaluation and weightage of financial status is more than
the experience criteria
Software used of scheduling is primavera and day period of schedule is 15 days of
schedule split
Liquidity damages have been charging if there is counter in the time and schedule.
As a part of Quality Assurance Plan (QAP) of DDC- a system of internal audit and
approval of all designs, including calculations, drawings and other documents
prepared and issued to the Employer/Employer‗s Representative for acceptance.
Purpose is to ensure accuracy and consistency & compliance with current
requirements, standards, codes of the contract.
The Lead Design Checkers for various disciplines shall be a –
Professional Engineer
With at least total design experience of twenty (20) years ‗experience,
With at least ten (10) years ‗experience in handling design of large, complex design
project(s) that includes Metro rail project work of a similar nature.
DDC shall appoint the Lead design Checker (LDC) on approval of Employer.
254 | P a g e
At the outset of project, DDC shall also propose the tentative list of potential lead
design checker ‗s which it intended to engage during production of design and
drawings during Design Phase and during Construction Phase.
DDC shall have full and unrestricted access to the Lead Design Checker/s all their
data, information, calculations, drawings.
LDC cannot produce any drawing as a part of DDC‘s Team.
Approval from Employer/ Employer‗s representative for engagement and inform at
least one month in prior before replacing the lead design checker, failing which DDC
will attract a penalty equivalent to 4 lakhs per month.
Significant errors or inconsistencies in the deliverables, Lead design checker/s to be
immediately removed by DDC (within 1 month) from the design team and be
replaced with a competent design checker after due approval from Employer.
255 | P a g e
o To approve any Design change (to be done within 7+7 days upon request) or
Design support drawings by DDC during construction.
o Every change has to be reported and analyzed to assess if there is any adverse
impact of such changes on the design.
o Working drawings/ Shop drawings of any element or other Temporary
structure design and drawings prepared by the contractor shall be checked in
accordance with Construction Reference Drawings/ Good for Construction
drawings by the Lead Design Checker.
o CRS approval is mandatory for commissioning the system so for the purpose
of determining operational and infra structural safety, in accordance with the
Laws of India, the visits shall be done -Time to Time Visits and Approval of
o Lead Design Checker shall ensure that the Design Works shall conform to the
requirements of CRS.
o During Site visits, he/she shall ensure that the drawings respond to making
good any deficiencies and any defects as reported by CRS.
o Design Basis Report for entire alignment with LDC certificate should be
256 | P a g e
Figure 6.5 Lead Design Checker's Certification
257 | P a g e
Sr. Document Prepared By Submitted Frequency
No. To
3 Maintenance Report Contractor Engineer Once
4 Safety Certification Commissioner of Metro Engineer Each time
Railway Safety
5 Durability Approach and Contractor Engineer Once
Assessment Report
6 Design Submission Contractor Engineer Once
7 Calculations Contractor Engineer Each time
8 Manufacturing Contractor Engineer Once
Management Plan
9 Quality Assurance and Contractor Engineer Each time
10 Installation Plan Contractor Engineer Once
11 Method Statement Contractor Engineer Each time
12 Asset Database Contractor Engineer Each time
13 Testing and Contractor Engineer Once
Commissioning Program
14 Training Program Contractor Employer and Fortnightly or
Engineer Monthly
Works Program details the full scope of the works and is supported by documents showing
sequence and duration of activities and their realistic achievable time. It is created as a CPM
network. Any revisions in the Works Program is notified to the Engineer and only after the
approval, the change is incorporated into the revised works program, with its implications
258 | P a g e
employed on the works is sent to the Engineer, along with a log of delivery notes for all
goods and materials delivered to the site.
The signatories include – Project Manager, QA Manager, Safety Manager, Chief Interface
Coordinator and the Engineering Manager (Design). Calculations
All the calculations sheets and inputs are also submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer.
Copy of Excel spreadsheets and computer model data files sufficient to re-run the model and
do the analysis are also submitted.
259 | P a g e
It also contains a brief description of all inspection hold points and test points, a list of all
subcontractors, a delivery schedule of each item of equipment along-with the Manufacturer‘s
Qualifications. Also, a comprehensive test program, which includes complete equipment,
their subsystems and components and materials, is provided with the Manufacturing
Management Plan.
260 | P a g e
method of testing, Minimum Acceptance Criteria and the location. If any test site is outside
India, then a notice is given to Engineer by Contractor for witnessing the tests.
261 | P a g e
Cost Control at the Construction Phase
The contractor will monitor and analyse its cost performance on a daily and weekly basis. For
that daily progress report must be prepared by the contractor.
The contractor has to submit a Method Statement which includes Hazard Identification and
Risk Assessment on the contractor‘s part. The contractor has to submit, within 4 weeks of
notification of acceptance, a comprehensive contract-specific SHE plan.
262 | P a g e Hierarchy of Risk Control
The client formulates certain series of steps that the designer has to follow in order to reduce
risks. These are called hierarchy of risk control or principles of prevention and protection.
The steps include –
Contractor has to have a structure of the SHE personnel deployed. All the details of these
personnel have to be provided to the client and only after approval by the client can they be
allowed to start working. There cannot be any sub-contractor for SHE personnel. All SHE
personnel has to be on the payroll of the main contractor. In case there is a vacancy in any
spot, the contractor has to fill that up within 14 days of the position becoming vacant. In case
that is not followed, the client appoints their own personnel at the cost of contractor.
Contractor has to form and monitor a Contractor SHE committee at each site within 14 days
of award of contract.
The contractor has to provide a training/workshop on SHE to all its employees and workers,
the minimum duration of which has to be 2 weeks, at the time of induction. A certificate has
to be given to any and all workers stating that they have completed the training in order to get
approval from the client for their work to start. Every has to take a safety oath daily without
fail. In case the contractor is unable to follow through with this task, then the client does this
task through accredited institutions at the cost of contractor.
SHE inspection is done by the client. The system of inspection is administered by the
contractor. The SHE inspection programs to be adopted are listed below.
263 | P a g e
Planned General Inspection – performed at predetermined intervals and require presence of
representatives from both contractor and client.
Specific Inspection – performed on activities without a predetermined date like before heavy
lifting operations, or before welding.
Other Inspection – include inspections by Labour Department of government and client‘s site
SHE management team.
The Project Manager from contractor‘s side has to ensure implementation of a Monthly
Audit. This is conducted at least 7 days prior to the scheduled date of monthly SHE
committee meeting. The audit team has to give scoring to the section based on some elements
that are decided by the client. Overall audit rating is calculated for the section.
Overall Audit Rating = (Actual Score Achieved / Maximum Possible Score) x 100
A rating of less than 60% requires immediate action by the contractor within 24 hours, a
rating of 60-75% requires rectification from the contractor within 7 days and that is approved
in writing by the engineer. A rating of 75-90% requires rectification within a month. This
copy of Audit Report is then sent to the client, contractor and all the subcontractors, and
discussed at monthly SHE meetings. Monthly Electrical Audit is also carried out separately
by contractor‘s senior SHE (Electrical) Engineer and client‘s representative. External SHE
Audits are also carried out with the prior approval of the client.
SHE Management
o Organization
o Communication and Motivation
o Time Office
o Inspection
o Emergency Preparedness
o Budget Allocation
o Education and Training
o Work Permit System
264 | P a g e
o Building and Structure
o Construction Operational Safety
o Material Safety
o Hand tools and Power tools
o Electrical System
o Safety Appliances
o Fire Prevention and Control
o Housekeeping
o Maintenance and Machinery Safety
o First-Aid and Medical Facilities
o Welfare Measures
o Environment Management
The auditor conducts an inspection of the site 14 days after conduct of the initial audit for
checking priority 1 corrections and 28 days after initial audit for checking priority 2
corrections. Priority 1 are those actions that have to be rectified within 2 weeks, and priority 2
actions need to be rectified within 3-4 weeks. A non-conformity report is generated for both
instances and submitted to the client and one copy to the contractor. If the contractor fails to
carry out the corrections, then the client does the same at the cost of contractor.
265 | P a g e
Regional Labour Commissioner, Director General and next of kin within 72 hours. If the
worker is injured for longer than 10 days, then in addition to the above, notice has to be sent
to officer-in-charge of the nearest police station, District Magistrate or Sub-Divisional
Parameter Air
Sampling RSPM, SPM
24 hours of the day
Frequency at each location Two 24-hr samples every 15 days at uniform intervals
Locations To be determined by the contractor based on air sensitive
Number of locations Two locations
Duration of Monitoring by During civil construction
266 | P a g e
Parameter Air
Additional Requirements Ad hoc monitoring as required
The monitoring reports are submitted monthly along with the Monthly SHE Report. Awards
There is provision of awards for good SHE performance. There are categories for every safe
million man-hours working without any reportable incidents, zero fatality contracts, 100%
adherence to voluntary reporting of all accidents throughout the currency of contract, safest
project team of the year, best SHE team of the year and safest contractor of the year.
267 | P a g e
7 Conclusion
The project for Surat Metro is right now in inception phase. The DPR has been made by
DMRC but it is yet to be approved. The project has been stuck in this phase for a mixture of
political and economic factors, which we discussed in detail in this report. The demand is
there, with calculated average daily ridership of 3 lac a testament to the need of metro in the
city. WTP surveys also suggest a positive response towards a better public transportation
system from the people of Surat. The alignment has been chosen keeping in mind the present
and future needs. The financials, though wobbly, present a manageable scenario with positive
NPV and high IRR. Economic benefits are low, and Environmental Impact is negative for the
project. Steps have to be taken to ensure these can be improved. Technical analysis is done to
use the most suitable technologies according to the city, while legal compliances have also
been detailed out and studied. No major hindrances are there for the project, apart from the
political situation, and even that is being solved gradually, as an NIT for the appointment of
DDC has been released by MEGA for Surat Metro. The project is feasible in most of the
criteria bar economic criteria. And so, more can be done to improve the economic benefits of
the project.
268 | P a g e
8 References
Arroyo, P., Tommelein, I. D., & Ballard, G. (2013). Using 'Choosing by Advantages'
to Select Ceiling TIle From a Global Sustainable Perspective. International Group of
Lean Construction (IGLC).
Devkar, G., Trivedi, J., & Pandit, D. (2018). Teaching Choosing by Advantages:
Learnings and Challenges. International Group for Lean Construction (IGLC).
DMRC. (2015). Detailed Project Report for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project (Phase -
I). MEGA Company Ltd.
DMRC. (2015). Detailed Project Report for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project (Phase -
Engaging Professional for Facilitating and Coordinating for Land Cell and State
Government Department Related Work of Jaipur Metro for Various Activities Related
to Jaipur Metro Rail Project Phase - 1 & 2, F.7 (C-190)/JMRC/Consultant
Appointment/2016/614 (7 4, 2018).
ESPL. (2018). Envirotech Systems Pvt. Ltd. Envirotech Systems Pvt. Ld.
Extinct Fire. (2018). Gas Suppression System. Retrieved from Extinct Fire Engineers
Pvt. Ltd.:
269 | P a g e
Gramm. (2015). ECO Barrier - The Sustainanble Noise Barrier. GBS Ltsd.
Hatch Mott Macdonald. (2001). TBM Tunnel Assumptions and Cost Estimating
HMRL. (2016). Project Features. Retrieved from Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited:
ICT (NDRC), W. B. (2009). Urban Rail Development in China: Issues and Options.
The World Bank Group.
IFSEC Global. (2016, 8 11). Fire Detection Systems. Retrieved from IFSEC Global:
KMRCL. (2018). Project Highlight. Retrieved from Kolkata Metro Rail Corporation
MEGA Company Ltd. (2016). Project Profile. Retrieved from Metro-Link Express
for Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad Company Ltd.:
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. (2013). Toolkit on Finance and Financial
270 | P a g e
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. (2017). Appraisal Guidelines for Metro Rail
Project Proposals. MoHUA.
MMRCL. (2015). Our Organization. Retrieved from Mumbai Metro Rail Corporation
MoHUA. (2013). Toolkit on Finance and Financial Analysis. Toolkit on Finance and
Financial Analysis. Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.
MoHUA. (2017). Appraisal Guidelines for Metro Rail Project Proposals. MoHUA.
Rail System. (2015). Drill And Blast Method. Retrieved from Rail System:
RDSO. (2015). Viaduct and Elevated Stations - Design Basis Report. Bangalore
Metro Rail Corporation Limited.
RDSO. (2017). Model Design Basis Report (DBR) for Underground Bored Tunnels
for Metro Systems in India. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
RDSO. (2017). Model Design Basis Report (DBR) for Underground Bored Tunnels
for Metro Systems in India. Ministry of Railways (Railway Board).
RITES Limited. (2015). Environment Impact Assessment Study for Ahmedabad Metro
Rail Project (Phase - 1). MEGA Company Ltd.
271 | P a g e
RITES Limited. (2017). Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Chennai Metro Rail
Phase-II Priority Corridors. Chennai: Chennai Metro Rail Limited.
RITES Ltd. (2014). Social Impact Assessment for Ahmedabad Metro Rail Project
(Phase - 1). MEGA Company Ltd.
RITES Ltd. (2015). Environment Impact Assessment Study for Ahmedabad Metro Rail
Project (Phase - 1). MEGA Company Ltd.
RITES Ltd. (2017). Social Impact Assessment (SIA) for Chennai Metro Rail Phase-II
Priority Corridors. Chennai: Chennai Metro Rail Limited.
Thennarasan, M. (2018). Draft Budget 18-19, Revised Budget 17-18. Surat: Surat
Municipal Corporation.
272 | P a g e
9 Annexure
Annexure 1 List of Stakeholders
6 Comprising seniors
and esteemed
persons who are
High Powered Committee
experienced and
(HPC), Gujarat State
expert on the
Decided to prepare
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
Detailed Project
Report (DPR) for
Metro Rail Project
for Surat city and
directed Metro Link
Express for
Gandhinagar and
(MEGA) to
7 Urban Development and A state level body for the
Urban Housing sanctioning of the budget
Department, Government estimates and approval for
of Gujarat the project
8 Surat Municipal Metro Cell Surat Municipal
Corporation (SMC) Corporation is
acting as a local
Government for
basic facilities and
facilities like road,
transportation etc.
Planning and vision
for Metro rail
system for the
development of the
To ensure smooth
running of
construction in city
during the lifespan
of the project.
Preparation of
Mobility Plan
SMC awarded
DMRC to prepare
DPR of Surat Metro
Rail Project.
Standing committee
& General Board,
SMC sanctions the
project and
formulates SPV for
the metro project.
ii | P a g e
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
iii | P a g e
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
Gandhinagar & Corporation (SMC)
Ahmedabad (MEGA) in association with
Gujarat Urban
Company (GUDC)
has given the
consultancy work to
Metro Link Express
for Gandhinagar
and Ahmedabad
iv | P a g e
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
locations and also to carry
out Ground Penetrating
Radar (GPR) survey for
identifying utilities. Noise
and Vibration study for
heritage assessment will
also be carried by them.
25 Proof Consultant Appointed by the client or
PMC to check the designs,
if work is carried out as per
standards, structural
drawings of the project.
26 Environmental Impact Assess the impact of
Assessment Consultant construction on
27 Social Impact Assessment Assess the impact of cross-
Consultant cultural encounters arising
from project-based
28 Assess the impact of
Heritage Impact
construction on Heritage
Assessment Consultant
sites nearby.
29 Detailed Design Prepare the final route
Consultant alignment of the Metro.
Design review including
proof-checking, system
integration, assistance in
procurement, construction
30 To provide the detailed
Architectural Consultant design & architectural
drawings of the Station.
31 Structural Design To provide structural
Consultant drawings to construction
contractors after getting
approval from SPV.
32 MEP Consultant To provide the
electrical drawings
of the stations and
Tracks and
specification for the
machines used
(Vending Machine,
Mass Transit
Provide detailed
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
drawings for water
supply, plumbing
and drainage.
33 Fire Safety Consultant For suggesting and
checking fire systems at
stations and in underground
34 HVAC Consultant To provide the drawings
for the type of ventilation
systems in tunnels and
35 Contractors Prime Contractor Contract for construction of
(Construction) elevated viaducts or
underground tunnelling
including stations.
36 Sub-Contractor Appointed by prime
(Construction) contractor on contract basis
for the specific task as a
part of overall project.
37 Vendors/ Traction and Power Design & installation for
Suppliers Supply Traction and Power
38 Signal and Design & installation of
Telecommunication Signal and
Telecommunication works.
39 Lifts & Escalators Design & installation of
lifts & Escalators.
40 Automatic Fare Collection Design &
System installation of Automatic
Fare Collection System.
41 Tracks Design & installation of
track in depot and on main
42 Rolling stock Design and supply
of rolling stock.
43 Signages Design and install
the signage for public
44 Electrification Supplying, installing and
commission of
electrification equipment.
45 Regulatory Gujarat Pollution Control Consent to operate
Authorities Board (GPCB) hot mix plant,
crushers, batching
plant on site.
Authorization for
vi | P a g e
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
Disposal of
Hazardous Waste.
46 Ministry of Environment,
To seek permission for
Forest and Climate
Environmental clearance.
47 Collector, SMC To seek permission on
Muck disposal
48 Commissioner of Metro
Railway Safety (CMRS)
Ministry of Railways-
Approval required from the
authority if the metro
alignment is parallel to the
rail line and for modal
integration purpose.
Technical parameters from
Central Government
a. Track structure
b. Strength of bridges
c. Standards of signalling
d. Traction system
e. General structural
character of civil works and
f. Rolling stock
g. Schedule of Dimensions
Certification for Opening
of Line.
vii | P a g e
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
viii | P a g e
S. Category Stakeholders Specific Roles
no Details
Sewerage Board waste water & sewage from
(GWSSB) depots & stations.
64 Central Ground Water Permission for withdrawal
Board, Gujarat (CGWB) of groundwater for
65 Electricity Torrent Power To provide electricity for
Supplier the Construction as well as
O & M stage.
66 Dakshin Gujarat Vij To provide electricity for
Company Limited Surat the Construction as well as
O & M stage (Part
67 Water Hydraulic department, To provide water for the
supplier Surat Municipal Construction as well as O
Corporation & M stage.
68 Users People using Metro facility.
69 Project Affected People People who are affected
(PAP‘s) due to project.
70 Grievance Assisting SMU in
Redressal NGO(s) implementation of R&R
committee activities.
71 Social Management Unit To look after land
(SMU) acquisition and
rehabilitation activities of
the project.
ix | P a g e
Annexure 2 Stakeholder Engagement Matrix
S. Stakeholders Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading
Investment Bank, Beijing
19 Japan International C, D
Corporation Agency
20 Delhi Metro Rail D C
Corporation (DMRC)
21 Metro-link Express for C, D
Gandhinagar &
Ahmedabad (MEGA)
22 Programme Management C D
23 Centre of Excellence in D C
Urban Transport (CoE),
CEPT University
24 Geotechnical Consultant C D
25 Proof Consultant C D
26 Environment Impact C D
Assessment Consultant
27 Social Impact C D
Assessment Consultant
28 Heritage Impact C D
Assessment Consultant
29 Detailed Design C D
30 Architectural Consultant C D
31 Structural Design C D
32 MEP Consultant C D
33 Fire Safety Consultant C D
34 HVAC Consultant C D
35 Prime Contractor C D
36 Sub-Contractor C D
37 Traction and Power C D
38 Signal and C D
39 Lifts & Escalators C D
40 Automatic Fare C D
Collection System
41 Tracks Supplier C D
42 Rolling stock supplier C D
xi | P a g e
S. Stakeholders Unaware Resistant Neutral Supportive Leading
43 Signages supplier C D
44 Electrification supplier C D
45 Gujarat Pollution Control C D
Board (GPCB)
46 Ministry of Environment, C D
Forest and Climate
47 Collector, Surat C D
48 Commissioner of Metro C D
Railway Safety (CMRS)
49 Airport Authority of C D
India (AAI)
50 National Highway C D
Authority of India
51 National Monument C D
Authority (NMA)
52 Archaeological Survey of C D
India (ASI)
57 Chief Fire Officer, SMC C D
58 BRTS cell, SMC C D
59 Private Utilities C D
60 Traffic Police C D
Department, Surat
61 Irrigation Department, C D
Government of Gujarat
62 Chief Inspector of Lifts C D
and Escalators, Energy
and Petrochemical
63 Gujarat Water Supply & C D
Sewerage Board
64 Central Ground Water C D
Board, Gujarat(CGWB)
65 Torrent Power C D
66 Dakshin Gujarat Vij C D
Company Limited Surat
67 Hydraulic department, C D
68 Users C D
69 Project Affected People C D
70 NGO(s) C D
71 Social Management Unit C D
xii | P a g e
Annexure 3 Total Economic Benefits for 'With Metro Scenario'
xiii | P a g e
Annexure 4 Total Economic Costs for 'Without Metro Scenario'
Consumption Emission Accident Total
Year Cost Cost Cost Cost
Start End INR cr INR cr INR cr INR cr
2021 2022 9.31 20 355 385
2022 2023 10.00 20 401 431
2023 2024 10.76 44 453 508
2024 2025 11.57 47 511 570
2025 2026 12.43 51 577 640
2026 2027 13.37 55 651 719
2027 2028 14.37 59 735 808
2028 2029 15.45 63 830 909
2029 2030 16.60 68 937 1,021
2030 2031 17.86 73 1,057 1,148
2031 2032 19.19 78 1,193 1,291
2032 2033 20.63 84 1,347 1,452
2033 2034 22.19 91 1,520 1,633
2034 2035 23.85 97 515 636
2035 2036 25.63 105 581 711
2036 2037 27.56 113 656 796
2037 2038 29.63 121 740 891
2038 2039 31.85 130 836 998
2039 2040 34.23 140 943 1,117
2040 2041 36.80 150 1,065 1,252
2041 2042 39.56 162 1,202 1,403
2042 2043 42.53 174 1,357 1,573
2043 2044 45.73 187 1,531 1,763
2044 2045 49.16 201 1,728 1,978
2045 2046 52.84 216 1,951 2,220
2046 2047 56.80 232 2,202 2,491
2047 2048 61.06 249 2,486 2,796
2048 2049 65.64 268 2,806 3,140
2049 2050 70.57 288 3,167 3,526
2050 2051 75.86 310 3,575 3,961
2051 2052 81.55 333 4,035 4,450
xiv | P a g e
Annexure 5 Key Members Required for Contractor (Elevated Section)
xv | P a g e
Annexure 6 Key Personnel Required for Contractors (Underground Section)
xvi | P a g e
Annexure 7 Contents of Instructions to Tenderers (ITT)
xvii | P a g e
Annexure 8 List of Agencies involved in Approval Processes
xviii | P a g e
S.No. Office Name Department Role
road, bridges, transportation
Planning and vision for Metro
rail system for the overall
development of the city.
Preparation of Comprehensive
Mobility Plan (CMP).
SMC awarded DMRC to
prepare DPR of Surat Metro
Rail Project.
Standing committee & General
Board, SMC sanctions the
project and formulates SPV for
the metro project.
9 Gujarat Urban
GUDC in association with SMC have
given the consultancy work to MEGA
Company (GUDC)
10 Surat Urban To ensure development plans and
Development town planning is up to the standards if
Authority(SUDA) project falls under SUDA area.
11 Finance Department, Allocation of funds to SPV, once the
Government of loan gets sanctioned from central
Gujarat government.
12 Commissionerate of Coordination, implementation &
Transport, monitoring for efficient public
Government of transportation in Surat.
Gujarat (GoG)
xix | P a g e
Annexure 9 List of Drawings given With Tender for Underground Section
S. No. Description
1 Structural – foundation layout
2 Structural – column layout
3 Structural - plan at concourse level
4 Structural - plan at platform level
5 Structural - plan at track level
6 Structural - longitudinal sections
7 Structural – cross-section section
8 GAD of viaduct-transition span
9 GAD of viaduct-transition span
xx | P a g e
Annexure 10 Cost Breakdown Structure
S. Rate
No. Description Unit Qty. (INR/unit) Amount (INR cr)
Project Inception Stage
1 Surveying LS 0.15
2 Traffic Studies LS 15,000 2,000 0.09
3 DPR Preparation 2.00
4 Geotechnical Investigations R Mt. 40,760 1,200 4.89
5 GPR Survey Sq. Mt. 38,958 114 0.44
6 Financial Consultant Month 24 30,000 0.07
Environmental Impact
8 Analysis 0.15
Subtotal A 7.80
Project Development Stage
1 Detailed Design Consultant LS 0.5% 34.42
General Engineering
2 Consultant LS 5.0% 344.19
3 Land Acquisition
3.1 Permanent Land
xxi | P a g e
S. Rate (INR
No. Description Unit Qty. in cr) Amount (INR cr)
3.1Elevated Station R Km. 33.88 8 261.89
3.2Underground Station R Km. 6.47 12 75.44
4Lifts and Escalators No. 37 7 265.85
Automatic Fare Revenue
5 Collection No. 37.00 7 246.45
6 Fire Detection R Km. 33.88 5 177.53
Subtotal D 2,708
Total 11,401
xxii | P a g e
Annexure 11 Cost Sheet for Design 1
Brick Masonry
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Brick, 6 1 5,882 7,646
Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Brick, 9 2 5,882 12,705
Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Brick, 5 1 5,882 6,294
Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Brick, 3 1 5,882 4,588
Wall - Under the Counter Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Brick, 0 5,882 647
Wall - Counter Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Brick, 2 1 5,882 3,000
Wall - Above Lintel Common
Total for Brick Masonry: 6 25 6 34,879
Wall Paint
Apex Paint Exterior Paint 25 24 603
White Distemper Interior Paint 25 11 287
xxiii | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type No Material: Area Vol. Rate Total
Name (sq. (cu. (INR) Cost
mt) mt) (INR)
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete, 0 16,124 4,676
Column: C-230mm x 450mm Cast-in-
Place gray
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete, 0 16,124 4,676
Column: C-230mm x 450mm Cast-in-
Place gray
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete, 0 16,124 4,676
Column: C-230mm x 450mm Cast-in-
Place gray
Total for Columns: 4 1 18,704
Corian Sheet
xxiv | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type No Material: Area Vol. Rate Total
Name (sq. (cu. (INR) Cost
mt) mt) (INR)
Corian Sheet: 6 6 4 0 4,036 15,016
M_Downlight - Strip: 1200mm - 2 Default 500 1,000
120V (Tubelight at Lintel Soffit) Light
M_Downlight - Round - LED: 4 Glass, 600 2,400
LED15FMM9-W120 (LED White
Ceiling Lights)
Total for Lighting: 6 3,400
M_Door-Passage-Single- 1 Glass 0 0 2,489 896
One_Lite: D_900x2100 (Door
System Panel: Glazed (Front 3 Glass 3 0 2,489 7,866
Glass Cutting (For openings) - 3 Glass 0 2,422 128
Glass Cutting (For openings) - 3 Glass 0 2,422 257
Semi Circle
Total for Glass: 10 0 9,147
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Plaster 11 0 17 187
xxv | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type No Material: Area Vol. Rate Total
Name (sq. (cu. (INR) Cost
mt) mt) (INR)
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Plaster 19 0 17 310
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Plaster 9 0 17 155
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Plaster 7 0 17 112
Wall - Below the Counter
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Plaster 1 0 17 23
Wall - Counter
Floor: Linter RCC Band - 75mm 1 Plaster 5 0 17 74
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick 1 Plaster 4 0 17 74
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 1 0 17 13
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 2 0 17 29
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 0 0 17 7
Total for Plaster: 10 59 1 983
Ergonomic Chair
M_Chair-Task (Arms): 3 Plastic,
M_Chair-Task (Arms) Opaque 3,500 10,500
D_900x2100 (with window): 1 Wooden 1 0 4,709 5,839
Door Panel Panel
D_900x2100 (with window): 1 Metallic 3 0 1,250 3,338
Door Frame Frame
Total for Door: 14 1 9,177
Switch Board
Switch Boards (5A) 2 1,000 2,000
Switch Boards (15A) 2 1,500 3,000
AC Switch Board 1 400 400
Total for Switch Boards: 4
xxvi | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type No Material: Area Vol. Rate Total
Name (sq. (cu. (INR) Cost
mt) mt) (INR)
Desktop Computer systems with 3 35,000 1,05,000
speakers and mike
Fire Extinguisher
Stand-alone Fire Extinguisher 1 2,000 2,000
xxvii | P a g e
Annexure 12:Cost Sheet –C2
Brick Masonry
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick,
1 5 1 5,882 6,411
Brick Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick,
1 9 2 5,882 12,705
Brick Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick,
1 3 1 5,882 4,705
Brick Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick
Brick Wall - Under the 1 3 1 5,882 4,588
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick Brick,
1 0 5,882 823
Brick Wall - Counter Common
Total for Brick Masonry: 6 21 5 29,233
Wall Paint
Apex Paint Exterior Paint 23 46 1,072
White Distemper Interior Paint 23 22 511
xxviii | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Vol. Total
Material: Area Rate
Family and Type No (cu. Cost
Name (sq.m.) (INR)
m.) (INR)
1 Cast-in-Place 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x 450mm
1 Cast-in-Place 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x 450mm
1 Cast-in-Place 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x 450mm
Total for Columns: 4 1 17,766
1 Cast-in-Place 0 13,241 5,296
Beam: B_300mm x 450mm
1 Cast-in-Place 0 13,241 5,296
Beam: B_300mm x 450mm
1 Cast-in-Place 0 13,241 6,223
Beam: B_300mm x 450mm
1 Cast-in-Place 0 13,241 6,223
Beam: B_300mm x 450mm
Total for Beams: 4 2 23,040
Workstation RCC Band -
1 Cast-in-Place 0 9,092 1,364
75mm Thick
Linter RCC Band - 75mm
1 Cast-in-Place 0 9,092 1,546
Total for RCC Bands: 2 0 2,910
Counter 20mm Thick
2 Wooden 0 673 13
Blockboard 0
Counter 20mm Thick
2 Wooden 0 673 20
Blockboard 0
Total for Blockboard: 4 0 34
Concrete, Sand/Cement
Floor: Screed for Tiling 1 10 0 1,790 877
xxix | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Vol. Total
Material: Area Rate
Family and Type No (cu. Cost
Name (sq.m.) (INR)
m.) (INR)
Corian Sheet
Corian Sheet: 6 7 4 0 4,036 15,016
M_Downlight - Strip:
1200mm - 120V (Tubelight at 2 500 1,000
Light Source
Lintel Soffit)
M_Downlight - Round - LED: Glass,
LED15FMM9-W120 (LED 4 White, High 600 2,400
Ceiling Lights) Luminance
Total for Lighting: 6 3,400
One_Lite: D_900x2100 (Door 1 Glass 0 2,489 896
System Panel: Glazed (Front
3 Glass 2 2,489 5,650
M_Fixed: W_900x100 (Left
2 Glass 1 2,489 3,460
Side Window)
Total for Glass: 6 10,006
xxx | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Vol. Total
Material: Area Rate
Family and Type No (cu. Cost
Name (sq.m.) (INR)
m.) (INR)
Total for Metallic Paint
3 564
Finish: 3
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick
1 Plaster 9 0 17 157
Brick Wall
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick
1 Plaster 19 0 17 310
Brick Wall
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick
1 Plaster 7 0 17 115
Brick Wall
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick
Brick Wall - Under the 1 Plaster 7 0 17 112
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick
1 Plaster 1 0 17 18
Brick Wall - Counter
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 1 0 17 13
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 2 0 17 29
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 0 0 17 7
Floor: Linter RCC Band -
1 Plaster 5 0 17 1
75mm Thick
Total for Plaster: 14 46 1 761
Ergonomic Chair
M_Chair-Task (Arms):
3 Opaque 3,500 10,500
M_Chair-Task (Arms)
D_900x2100 (with window): Wooden
1 1 0 4,709 5,839
Door Panel Panel
D_900x2100 (with window): Metallic
1 3 0 538 1,437
Door Frame Frame
Total for Door: 14 1 7,276
xxxi | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Vol. Total
Material: Area Rate
Family and Type No (cu. Cost
Name (sq.m.) (INR)
m.) (INR)
M_Fixed: W_900x100: Metallic
2 3 538 3,078
Window Frame Frame
Switch Board
Switch Boards (5A) 2 1,000 2,000
Switch Boards (15A) 2 1,500 3,000
AC Switch Board 1 400 400
Total for Switch Boards: 4 5,400
Desktop Computer systems
3 35,000 1,05,000
with speakers and mike
Fire Extinguisher
Stand-alone Fire Extinguisher 1 2,000 2,000
Fan 1 1,500 1,500
Total Cost 3,72,282
Contratctors profit at 10% 37,228
Final Cost (C2) 4,09,511
xxxii | P a g e
Annexure 13:Cost sheet-C3
Brick Masonry
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Brick, 5 1 5,882 6,411
Brick Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Brick, 9 2 5,882 12,705
Brick Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Brick, 3 1 5,882 4,705
Brick Wall Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Brick, 3 1 5,882 4,588
Brick Wall - Under the Common
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Brick, 0 5,882 823
Brick Wall - Counter Common
Total for Brick Masonry: 21 5 29,233
Wall Paint
Apex Paint Exterior Paint 23 47 1,089
White Distemper Interior Paint 23 22 518
Concrete, Cast-in-Place
xxxiii | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type Count Material Area Volume Rate Total
: Name (sq.m. (cu.m.) (INR) Cost
) (INR)
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x , Cast-in-
450mm Place
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x , Cast-in-
450mm Place
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x , Cast-in-
450mm Place
M_Concrete-Rectangular- 1 Concrete 0 15,316 4,442
Column: C-230mm x , Cast-in-
450mm Place
Total for Columns: 4 1 17,766
xxxiv | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type Count Material Area Volume Rate Total
: Name (sq.m. (cu.m.) (INR) Cost
) (INR)
Total for RCC Bands: 2 0 3,081
Counter 20mm Thick 2 Wooden 0 0 673 13
Counter 20mm Thick 2 Wooden 0 0 673 20
Total for Blockboard: 4 0 34
Concrete, Sand/Cement
Floor: Screed for Tiling 1 Concrete 10 0 1,790 877
Corian Sheet
Corian Sheet: 6 7 4 0 4,036 15,016
Daikin-Split AC Indoor
Daikin- 1 Daikin 40,000 40,000
M_Downlight - Strip: 2 Default 500 1,000
1200mm - 120V (Tubelight Light
at Lintel Soffit) Source
M_Downlight - Round - 4 Glass, 600 2,400
LED: LED15FMM9-W120 White
(LED Ceiling Lights)
Total for Lighting: 6 3,400
M_Door-Passage-Single- 1 Glass 0 2,489 896
xxxv | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type Count Material Area Volume Rate Total
: Name (sq.m. (cu.m.) (INR) Cost
) (INR)
One_Lite: D_900x2100
(Door Window)
System Panel: Glazed 3 Glass 2 2,489 5,650
(Front Façade)
M_Fixed: W_900x100 2 Glass 1 2,489 3,460
(Left Side Window)
Total for Glass: 6 10,006
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Plaster 9 0 17 157
Brick Wall
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Plaster 19 0 17 310
Brick Wall
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Plaster 7 0 17 115
Brick Wall
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Plaster 7 0 17 112
Brick Wall - Under the
Basic Wall: 230mm Thick 1 Plaster 1 0 17 18
Brick Wall - Counter
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 1 0 17 13
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 2 0 17 29
Floor: 12mm Thick Plaster 1 Plaster 0 0 17 7
Floor: Linter RCC Band - 1 Plaster 5 0 17 1
75mm Thick
Total for Plaster: 14 46 1 761
Ergonomic Chair
M_Chair-Task (Arms): 3 Plastic, 3,500 10,500
M_Chair-Task (Arms) Opaque
xxxvi | P a g e
Group - 05_Surat Metro Ticket Counter Quantity Take-off
Family and Type Count Material Area Volume Rate Total
: Name (sq.m. (cu.m.) (INR) Cost
) (INR)
File Drawer/Storage
under counter
M_Cabinet-File 2 Drawer: 2 Oak 2,500 5,000
0380 x 0457mm wood
D_900x2100 (with 1 Wooden 1 0 4,709 5,839
window): Door Panel Panel
D_900x2100 (with 1 Metallic 3 0 538 1,437
window): Door Frame Frame
Total for Door: 14 1 7,276
M_Fixed: W_900x100: 2 Metallic 3 538 3,078
Window Frame Frame
Switch Board
Switch Boards (5A) 2 1,000 2,000
Switch Boards (15A) 2 1,500 3,000
AC Switch Board 1 400 400
Total for Switch Boards: 5,400
Desktop Computer systems 3 35,000 1,05,000
with speakers and mike
Fire Extinguisher
Stand-alone Fire 1 2,000 2,000
Fan 1 1,500 1,500
Total Cost 3,35,874
Contractors profit at 33,587
Final Cost (C3) 3,69,461
xxxvii | P a g e
Annexure 14 Construction Schedule
SM3. Reinforcing & Prestressing Steel Mon 11/09/17 15 days Wed 27/09/17
SM3. Wall & Ceiling Finishes Sat 13/01/18 10 days Wed 24/01/18
SM3. Doors & Iron Mongery Thu 25/01/18 5 days Tue 30/01/18
xxxviii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3. Water Proofing Mon 29/01/18 3 days Wed 31/01/18
SM3. MV Cable & Cable Trays Fri 05/01/18 2 days Sat 06/01/18
xxxix | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3. Pile Cap Sat 15/07/17 7 days Sat 22/07/17
SM3. Reinforcing & Prestressing Steel Sat 07/10/17 15 days Tue 24/10/17
xl | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3. Masonry Work Sat 20/01/18 30 days Fri 23/02/18
SM3. Wall & Ceiling Finishes Fri 09/02/18 10 days Tue 20/02/18
SM3. Doors & Iron Mongery Wed 21/02/18 5 days Mon 26/02/18
SM3. MV Cable & Cable Trays Thu 01/02/18 2 days Fri 02/02/18
xli | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3. HVAC System Wed 14/02/18 7 days Wed 21/02/18
SM3.2.6 Automatic Fare Collection Sat 15/07/17 180 days Fri 09/02/18
SM3.3 Monitoring and Control Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
xlii | P a g e
Annexure 15 Detailed MSP Schedule
xliii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM1.1.6.3 Financial Proposal Fri 29/03/13 7 days Fri 05/04/13
SM1.1.7 Approval for Preparation of DPR Sat 06/04/13 7 days
Mon Mon
SM1.2 Feasibility Study 919 days
15/04/13 21/03/16
Mon Mon
SM1.2.1 Demand Analysis 277 days
15/04/13 03/03/14
Mon Fri
SM1.2.1.1 Location Analysis 89 days
15/04/13 26/07/13
Mon Thu
SM1. Population Trends 10 days
15/04/13 25/04/13
Mon Thu
SM1. Population Distribution 10 days
15/04/13 25/04/13
SM1. Existing land Use Fri 26/04/13 10 days
SM1. Employment Distribution Fri 26/04/13 5 days
SM1. Prominent Places 15 days Fri 24/05/13
SM1. Existing and Proposed Industrial Hubs Sat 25/05/13 15 days
Wed Sat
SM1. Pollution Trends 10 days
12/06/13 22/06/13
Mon Mon
SM1. Existing Public Transport System 7 days
24/06/13 01/07/13
Tue Tue
SM1. Alignment Analysis 7 days
02/07/13 09/07/13
SM1. Station Analysis 15 days Fri 26/07/13
SM1.2.1.2 Traffic Surveys and Studies Sat 27/07/13 173 days
SM1. Daily Peak Riders Sat 27/07/13 10 days
Thu Wed
SM1. Station Capacity 30 days
08/08/13 11/09/13
SM1. Wiilingness-to-Pay Survey Thu 60 days Wed
xliv | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
12/09/13 20/11/13
Thu Wed
SM1. Origin-Destination Survey 60 days
21/11/13 29/01/14
Thu Mon
SM1. Futuristic Projection of Ridership 10 days
30/01/14 10/02/14
Tue Thu
SM1. Trip Length 3 days
11/02/14 13/02/14
SM1.2.1.3 Accidents Fri 14/02/14 15 days
SM1.2.2 Climate Analysis Sat 27/07/13 25 days
SM1.2.3 Technical Analysis Fri 14/02/14 380 days
SM1.2.3.1 Geo-Technical Investigation Fri 14/02/14 365 days
SM1.2.3.2 Structural Analysis Fri 14/02/14 30 days
Thu Sat
SM1.2.3.3 System Specification Analysis 15 days
16/04/15 02/05/15
Mon Sat
SM1.2.4 Land Requirement Analysis 30 days
04/05/15 06/06/15
Mon Wed
SM1.2.4.1 Temporary Land Parcels 15 days
04/05/15 20/05/15
Mon Wed
SM1. Working Area 15 days
04/05/15 20/05/15
Mon Wed
SM1. Casting Yards 15 days
04/05/15 20/05/15
Mon Sat
SM1.2.4.2 Permanent Land Parcels 30 days
04/05/15 06/06/15
Mon Sat
SM1. Depots 30 days
04/05/15 06/06/15
Mon Sat
SM1. Sub-stations 30 days
04/05/15 06/06/15
Mon Sat
SM1. Running Section 30 days
04/05/15 06/06/15
SM1. Stations Mon 30 days Sat
xlv | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
04/05/15 06/06/15
Mon Wed
SM1.2.5 Financial Analysis 15 days
08/06/15 24/06/15
Mon Mon
SM1.2.5.1 Calculation of IRR 7 days
08/06/15 15/06/15
Mon Wed
SM1.2.5.2 Financing Sources 15 days
08/06/15 24/06/15
Mon Wed
SM1.2.5.3 Funding Models 15 days
08/06/15 24/06/15
Thu Fri
SM1.2.6 Economic Analysis 8 days
25/06/15 03/07/15
Thu Sat
SM1.2.6.1 Methods for Fare Revenue generation 3 days
25/06/15 27/06/15
SM1.2.6.2 Fiscal Policies of Country 2 days Fri 26/06/15
SM1.2.6.3 Payback Analysis Sat 27/06/15 3 days
SM1.2.6.6 Cost Benefit Analysis 3 days Fri 03/07/15
SM1.2.7 Legal Analysis Sat 27/06/15 15 days
Wed Tue
SM1.2.8 Risk Feasibility 30 days
15/07/15 18/08/15
Mon Sat
SM1.2.9 Environmental Impact Analysis 180 days
04/05/15 28/11/15
Mon Sat
SM1.2.10 Social Impact Analysis 180 days
04/05/15 28/11/15
SM1.2.11 Analysis of Modal Integration Fri 14/02/14 15 days
SM1.2.11.1 BRTS Fri 14/02/14 7 days Fri 21/02/14
SM1.2.11.2 Sitilink Fri 14/02/14 7 days Fri 21/02/14
SM1.2.11.3 Railways Fri 14/02/14 15 days
SM1.2.11.4 Auto Fri 14/02/14 3 days
SM1.2.12 Preparation of DPR Mon 90 days Sat
xlvi | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
30/11/15 12/03/16
Mon Mon
SM1.2.13 Approval of DPR 7 days
14/03/16 21/03/16
Mon Fri
SM2 Development Phase 382 days
21/03/16 09/06/17
SM2.1 Procurement of Consultants Sat 24/09/16 30 days
SM2.1.1 Determine Type of Consultants Sat 24/09/16 10 days
Thu Mon
SM2.1.2 Preparation of RFQ Documents 10 days
06/10/16 17/10/16
SM2.1.3 Engaging Consultants 10 days Fri 28/10/16
Tue Fri
SM2.2 Designing 190 days
22/03/16 28/10/16
Tue Mon
SM2.2.1 Preparation of Drawings 120 days
22/03/16 08/08/16
Tue Mon
SM2.2.2 Co-ordination of Drawings 30 days
09/08/16 12/09/16
SM2.2.3 Proof Checking 10 days Fri 23/09/16
SM2.2.4 Scheduling Sat 24/09/16 30 days
SM2.2.4.1 Determining Stages Sat 24/09/16 5 days
SM2.2.4.2 Determing Major Milestones Fri 30/09/16 3 days
Tue Tue
SM2.2.4.3 Timeline of Activities 7 days
04/10/16 11/10/16
SM2.2.4.4 Implementation Plan 15 days Fri 28/10/16
Mon Wed
SM2.3 Planning 272 days
21/03/16 01/02/17
SM2.3.1 Resource Planning Sat 29/10/16 17 days
SM2.3.1.1 Labour Planning Sat 29/10/16 15 days Tue
xlvii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM2.3.1.2 Material Planning Sat 29/10/16 15 days
SM2.3.1.3 Tools and Equipment Planning Sat 29/10/16 7 days
Mon Thu
SM2.3.1.4 Land Planning 10 days
07/11/16 17/11/16
Mon Thu
SM2. Location Planning 10 days
07/11/16 17/11/16
Mon Thu
SM2. Size Planning 10 days
07/11/16 17/11/16
SM2.3.2 Finance Planning Fri 18/11/16 65 days
SM2.3.2.1 Determining Sources and Shares Fri 18/11/16 10 days
Wed Tue
SM2.3.2.2 Procurement of Funds 30 days
30/11/16 03/01/17
SM2.3.2.3 Allocation of Funds 15 days Fri 20/01/17
SM2.3.2.4 Maintenance of Cash Flow Sat 21/01/17 10 days
SM2.3.3 Quality Plan Sat 21/01/17 10 days
SM2.3.3.1 Specifications Sat 21/01/17 2 days
SM2. Tools Specifications Sat 21/01/17 2 days
SM2. Material Specifications Sat 21/01/17 2 days
SM2. Labour Specifications Sat 21/01/17 2 days
SM2.3.3.2 Safety Measure Sat 21/01/17 10 days
SM2.3.4 Risk Management Sat 21/01/17 10 days
SM2.3.4.1 Measures for Financial Risk Sat 21/01/17 3 days Tue
xlviii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM2.3.4.2 Measure for Legal Risk Sat 21/01/17 5 days
SM2.3.4.3 Measures for Construction risk Sat 21/01/17 10 days
SM2.3.4.4 Measures for Political Risk Sat 21/01/17 3 days
SM2.3.4.5 Measures for Accidental Risk Sat 21/01/17 7 days
Mon Mon
SM2.3.5 Approvals 180 days
21/03/16 17/10/16
Mon Mon
SM2.3.5.1 Land Acquisition 180 days
21/03/16 17/10/16
Tue Tue
SM2.3.5.2 National Monument Authority 7 days
22/03/16 29/03/16
Environmental Approvals - GPCB, Tue Mon
SM2.3.5.3 30 days
CPCB 22/03/16 25/04/16
Tue Mon
SM2.3.5.4 Tree Authority 120 days
22/03/16 08/08/16
Tue Wed
SM2.3.5.5 Electricity Department 20 days
22/03/16 13/04/16
Tue Mon
SM2.3.5.6 Railway Department 30 days
22/03/16 25/04/16
Tue Mon
SM2.3.5.7 Airport Approval 30 days
22/03/16 25/04/16
Tue Mon
SM2.3.5.8 ASI Approval 90 days
22/03/16 04/07/16
SM2.3.5.9 Utility Diversion 10 days Fri 01/04/16
Tue Tue
SM2.3.5.10 Withdrawal of Groundwater 7 days
22/03/16 29/03/16
Tue Thu
SM2.3.5.11 Muck Disposal 3 days
22/03/16 24/03/16
Tue Thu
SM2.3.5.12 Lifts and Escalators 15 days
22/03/16 07/04/16
SM2.3.5.13 Fire Department Tue 7 days Tue
xlix | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
22/03/16 29/03/16
SM2.3.6 Traffic Management Sat 02/04/16 7 days
SM2.3.7 Communication Planning Sat 29/10/16 7 days
SM2.3.7.1 Schedule of Meetings Sat 29/10/16 3 days
Wed Thu
SM2.3.7.2 Laying Down M.O. 2 days
02/11/16 03/11/16
SM2.3.7.3 Hierarchy of Organization Structure Fri 04/11/16 2 days
SM2.4 Tendering Sat 21/01/17 120 days
SM2.4.1 Prepration of Tender Documents Sat 21/01/17 55 days
SM2.4.1.1 Type of Contract and Payment Details Sat 21/01/17 15 days
Wed Sat
SM2.4.1.2 Drafting of RFP Document 10 days
08/02/17 18/02/17
Mon Sat
SM2.4.1.3 BOQ 30 days
20/02/17 25/03/17
Mon Mon
SM2.4.2 Inviting Tenders for Contractors 1 day
27/03/17 27/03/17
Mon Mon
SM2.4.2.1 Construction Works 1 day
27/03/17 27/03/17
Mon Mon
SM2.4.2.2 Rolling Stocks 1 day
27/03/17 27/03/17
Mon Mon
SM2.4.2.3 Signalling and Control 1 day
27/03/17 27/03/17
Mon Mon
SM2.4.2.4 Power Distribution and Electrification 1 day
27/03/17 27/03/17
Mon Mon
SM2.4.2.5 Security and Fare 1 day
27/03/17 27/03/17
Tue Mon
SM2.4.3 Bidding and Award to Contractor 30 days
28/03/17 01/05/17
SM2.4.4 Contract Tue 34 days Fri
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
02/05/17 09/06/17
Tue Wed
SM2.4.4.1 Contract Formulation 20 days
02/05/17 24/05/17
Thu Thu
SM2.4.4.2 Contract Negotiation 7 days
25/05/17 01/06/17
SM2.4.4.3 Contract Award Fri 02/06/17 7 days Fri 09/06/17
SM3 Execution Sat 10/06/17 816 days
SM3.1 Site Prepration Sat 10/06/17 34 days
SM3.1.1 Site Clearance and Layout Sat 10/06/17 30 days Fri 14/07/17
SM3.1.2 Barricading Sat 15/07/17 4 days
Implementation of Traffic Management Tue
SM3.1.3 Sat 15/07/17 3 days
Plan 18/07/17
SM3.1.4 Resource Procurement Sat 10/06/17 7 days
SM3.1.4.1 Labour Sat 10/06/17 7 days
SM3.1.4.2 Tools Plants and Equipment Sat 10/06/17 7 days
SM3.1.4.3 Material Sat 10/06/17 7 days
SM3.1.4.4 Funds Sat 10/06/17 7 days
SM3.1.5 Job layout 5 days Fri 23/06/17
SM3.2 Construction Sat 24/06/17 797 days
Thu Tue
SM3.2.1 Tunnel Section 775 days
20/07/17 14/01/20
Thu Sat
SM3.2.1.1 Tunnel Boring 45 days
20/07/17 09/09/17
Mon Tue
SM3.2.1.2 UG Station 730 days
11/09/17 14/01/20
SM3. Structural Works Mon 730 days Tue
li | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
11/09/17 14/01/20
Mon Tue
SM3. General 730 days
11/09/17 14/01/20
Mon Sat
SM3. In-situ Concrete Work 90 days
11/09/17 23/12/17
Mon Sat
SM3. Precast Concrete Work 90 days
25/12/17 07/04/18
Mon Wed
SM3. Reinforcing & Prestressing Steel 15 days
11/09/17 27/09/17
Thu Thu
SM3. Structural Steel 25 days
28/09/17 26/10/17
SM3. Roof Sheeting Fri 27/10/17 15 days
SM3. Bearings 10 days Fri 24/11/17
Mon Thu
SM3. Miscellaneous Items 10 days
11/09/17 21/09/17
Mon Wed
SM3. Architectural Works 33 days
25/12/17 31/01/18
Mon Sat
SM3. Masonry Work 30 days
25/12/17 27/01/18
Mon Thu
SM3. Flooring Work 10 days
25/12/17 04/01/18
SM3. Wall & Ceiling Finishes Sat 13/01/18 10 days
SM3. Partitions & Panelling Sat 13/01/18 10 days
Thu Tue
SM3. Doors & Iron Mongery 5 days
25/01/18 30/01/18
Thu Sat
SM3. Aluminium Windows 3 days
25/01/18 27/01/18
Mon Wed
SM3. Metal Works 3 days
25/12/17 27/12/17
Mon Wed
SM3. Water Proofing 3 days
29/01/18 31/01/18
SM3. Painting & Polishing Fri 05/01/18 7 days Fri 12/01/18
lii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
Thu Sat
SM3. False Ceiling 3 days
25/01/18 27/01/18
Mon Thu
SM3. Miscellaneous Works 10 days
25/12/17 04/01/18
Mon Thu
SM3. MEP Works 28 days
25/12/17 25/01/18
Mon Wed
SM3. Electrical Works 21 days
25/12/17 17/01/18
Mon Thu
SM3. Wiring System 10 days
25/12/17 04/01/18
SM3. MV Distribution Board Fri 05/01/18 2 days
SM3. MV Cable & Cable Trays Fri 05/01/18 2 days
Mon Tue
SM3. Light Fixtures 2 days
08/01/18 09/01/18
SM3. Earthing System Fri 05/01/18 2 days
Wed Thu
SM3. Lighting Protection System 2 days
10/01/18 11/01/18
Mon Tue
SM3. Miscellaneous Electrical Items 2 days
25/12/17 26/12/17
SM3. DG Sets Fri 12/01/18 5 days
Thu Tue
SM3. Environment Control System 5 days
18/01/18 23/01/18
Thu Thu
SM3. Tunnel Ventilation System 7 days
18/01/18 25/01/18
SM3. Fire Protection System 2 days Fri 19/01/18
Thu Thu
SM3. FDA 1 day
18/01/18 18/01/18
Thu Sat
SM3. PHE Works 3 days
18/01/18 20/01/18
SM3.2.2 Elevated Viaduct Sat 15/07/17 191 days
liii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3.2.2.1 Substructure Sat 15/07/17 34 days
Thu Wed
SM3. Pile 30 days
20/07/17 23/08/17
SM3. Pile Cap Sat 15/07/17 7 days
Thu Thu
SM3.2.2.2 Superstrucutre 157 days
24/08/17 22/02/18
Thu Thu
SM3. In-situ Concrete Work 67 days
24/08/17 09/11/17
Thu Wed
SM3. Pier 30 days
24/08/17 27/09/17
Thu Thu
SM3. Pier Cap 7 days
28/09/17 05/10/17
SM3. Pedestal Fri 06/10/17 30 days
Thu Sat
SM3. Other 15 days
24/08/17 09/09/17
Tue Thu
SM3. Ballastless Track 45 days
02/01/18 22/02/18
SM3. Precast Concrete Work Fri 10/11/17 45 days
SM3.2.3 Elevated Station Sat 24/06/17 730 days
SM3.2.3.1 Structural Works Sat 24/06/17 730 days
SM3. General Sat 24/06/17 730 days
SM3. Pile Foundation Sat 24/06/17 90 days Fri 06/10/17
SM3. In-situ Concrete Work Sat 07/10/17 90 days Fri 19/01/18
SM3. Precast Concrete Work Sat 20/01/18 90 days Fri 04/05/18
SM3. Reinforcing & Prestressing Steel Sat 07/10/17 15 days
Wed Wed
SM3. Structural Steel 25 days
25/10/17 22/11/17
SM3. Roof Sheeting Thu 15 days Sat
liv | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
23/11/17 09/12/17
Mon Thu
SM3. Bearings 10 days
11/12/17 21/12/17
SM3. Miscellaneous Items Sat 24/06/17 10 days
SM3. Road Works Sat 24/06/17 7 days
SM3.2.3.2 Architectural Works Sat 20/01/18 33 days
SM3. Masonry Work Sat 20/01/18 30 days Fri 23/02/18
SM3. Flooring Work Sat 20/01/18 10 days
SM3. Wall & Ceiling Finishes Fri 09/02/18 10 days
SM3. Partitions & Panelling Fri 09/02/18 10 days
Wed Mon
SM3. Doors & Iron Mongery 5 days
21/02/18 26/02/18
SM3. Aluminium Windows 3 days Fri 23/02/18
SM3. Metal Works Sat 20/01/18 3 days
SM3. Water Proofing Sat 24/02/18 3 days
Thu Thu
SM3. Painting & Polishing 7 days
01/02/18 08/02/18
SM3. False Ceiling 3 days Fri 23/02/18
SM3. Miscellaneous Works Sat 20/01/18 10 days
SM3.2.3.3 MEP Works Sat 20/01/18 28 days
SM3. Electrical Works Sat 20/01/18 21 days
SM3. Wiring System Sat 20/01/18 10 days
lv | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3. MV Distribution Board 2 days Fri 02/02/18
SM3. MV Cable & Cable Trays 2 days Fri 02/02/18
SM3. Light Fixtures Sat 03/02/18 2 days
SM3. Earthing System 2 days Fri 02/02/18
Tue Wed
SM3. Lighting Protection System 2 days
06/02/18 07/02/18
SM3. Miscellaneous Electrical Items Sat 20/01/18 2 days
Thu Tue
SM3. DG Sets 5 days
08/02/18 13/02/18
Wed Mon
SM3. Building Management System 5 days
14/02/18 19/02/18
Wed Wed
SM3. HVAC System 7 days
14/02/18 21/02/18
Wed Thu
SM3. Fire Protection System 2 days
14/02/18 15/02/18
Wed Wed
SM3. FDA 1 day
14/02/18 14/02/18
SM3. PHE Works 3 days Fri 16/02/18
SM3.2.4 Depots Sat 15/07/17 120 days Fri 01/12/17
SM3.2.5 Rolling Stock Sat 15/07/17 730 days
SM3.2.6 Automatic Fare Collection Sat 15/07/17 180 days Fri 09/02/18
SM3.2.7 Fire Detection Sat 15/07/17 120 days Fri 01/12/17
SM3.3 Monitoring and Control Sat 24/06/17 800 days
SM3.3.1 Cost control Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
SM3.3.2 Quality control Sat 24/06/17 800 days
SM3.3.2.1 On-site Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
lvi | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM3.3.2.2 Off-site Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
SM3.3.3 Safety checks Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
SM3.3.4 Timeline controls Sat 24/06/17 800 days Fri 17/01/20
Wed Wed
SM3.4 Completion of Construction 7 days
15/01/20 22/01/20
Thu Sat
SM4 Commissioning 75 days
23/01/20 18/04/20
Thu Thu
SM4.1 Checks 13 days
23/01/20 06/02/20
Thu Mon
SM4.1.1 Operational checks 10 days
23/01/20 03/02/20
SM4.1.1.1 Speed Check 2 days Fri 24/01/20
SM4.1.1.2 Headway checks 2 days Fri 24/01/20
SM4.1.1.3 Safety checks 2 days Fri 24/01/20
Thu Mon
SM4.1.1.4 Surveillance checks 10 days
23/01/20 03/02/20
Thu Sat
SM4.1.1.5 Local and Central by Laws Obedience 3 days
23/01/20 25/01/20
Thu Mon
SM4.1.2 Performance checks 4 days
23/01/20 27/01/20
SM4.1.2.1 Brake test 2 days Fri 24/01/20
SM4.1.2.2 Signal test 2 days Fri 24/01/20
SM4.1.2.3 Accuracy checks 2 days Fri 24/01/20
Thu Mon
SM4.1.2.4 Environmental checks 4 days
23/01/20 27/01/20
SM4.1.2.5 Comfort checks 2 days Fri 24/01/20
Tue Thu
SM4.1.3 Physical checks 3 days
04/02/20 06/02/20
SM4.2 Payment Fri 07/02/20 60 days Thu
lvii | P a g e
WBS Task Name Start Duration Finish
SM4.2.1 Settling of Payments Fri 07/02/20 30 days
SM4.2.2 Audit of Records Fri 13/03/20 30 days
SM4.3 Hand Over Fri 17/04/20 2 days
SM4.3.1 Completion Certificate Fri 17/04/20 1 day Fri 17/04/20
SM4.3.2 Hand Over to O&M Staff Sat 18/04/20 1 day
Mon Thu
SM5 Operation & Maintenance 730 days
20/04/20 18/08/22
Mon Thu
SM5.1 Physical Infrastructure Maintenance 730 days
20/04/20 18/08/22
Mon Thu
SM5.2 Revenue Generation 730 days
20/04/20 18/08/22
Mon Thu
SM5.3 Business & Promotion 730 days
20/04/20 18/08/22
Mon Thu
SM5.4 Miscellaneous Works 730 days
20/04/20 18/08/22
lviii | P a g e
Annexure 16 Form TECH-5 (For BTP)
No. Deliverables
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 TOTAL
Traffic and Transportation
1) Data collection
2) Drafting
3) Inception report
4) Incorporating comments
5) Delivery of final report to
lix | P a g e
Annexure 17 Documents to be submitted in different phases
Document Phase
Design Manual Design
Interface Design Report
Geotechnical Interpretative Report
Testing and Commissioning Report
Station Planning Report
Survey Report
Pre-Conditional Survey of Existing Buildings
EBS Impact Assessment Report
Utilities Report
Water Well Protection and Replacement Report
Temporary Works Design Report
Construction/Installation Analysis Report
Construction Method Statement
Staff Organization Plan
Daily report Construction
Report on the use of work areas
Report on Tunnelling Method
Traffic Management Plan
Integrated Traffic Management Plan
Temporary Traffic Arrangements and Control
Progress Status Reports
Details of personnel to be on site at any time
Manufacturing Management Plan Installation and Manufacturing
Quality Assurance and Controls
Installation Plan
Coordinated Installation Program
Method Statement
Circuit Writing Book
Asset Database
Spares List
Training Program
Packaging Procedures
lx | P a g e
Annexure 18 Safety, Welfare and Occupational Health Requirements as per BOCW Act 1996 and Rules 1998 and Gujarat
BOCW Rules 2003
S. No. Item
1 Registration of Establishment
2 Display of registration certificate at workplace
3 Hours of work
4 Register of overtime
5 Weekly rest and payment at rest
6 Night Shift
7 Maintenance of workers registers and records
8 Notice of commencement and completion
9 Register of persons employed as building workers
10 Muster roll and wages register
11 Payment of wages
12 Display of notice of wages regarding
13 Register of damage or loss, fines and advances
14 Issue of wages book
15 Service Certificate for each worker
16 Display an abstract of BOCWA and BOCWR
17 Deduction of welfare cess by government agencies
18 Annual return
19 Drinking water
20 Latrines and urinals
21 Accommodation
22 Creches
23 First-aid boxes
24 Canteens
25 Food stuff and other items served in the canteens
26 Supply of tea and snacks in workplace
27 Food charges on no loss no profit basis
28 GBOCWR 2003 welfare Board Rules
29 Safety Committee
30 Safety Officer
31 Reporting of dangerous occurrences and accidents
32 Procedure for enquiry into the accidents
33 Responsibility of employer
34 Responsibility of Architects, Project Engineer and Designers
35 Responsibility of workmen
36 Responsibility for payment of wages and compensation
37 Penalties and Procedures
38 Excessive noise, vibration etc.
39 Fire Protection
40 Emergency action plan
41 Fencing of motors
42 Lifting or carrying of excessive weight
43 Health, Safety and Environment Policy
lxi | P a g e
S. No. Item
44 Dangerous and Harmful Environment
45 Overhead protection
46 Slipping, Tripping, Cutting, Drowning and Falling Hazards
47 Dust, Gases, Fumes etc
48 Corrosive Substance
49 Eye Protection
50 Head Protection and other protection apparel
51 Electrical Hazards
52 Vehicular traffic
53 Stability of structure
54 Illumination
55 Stacking of materials
56 Disposal of debris
57 Numbering and marking of floors
58 Lifting appliances and gears
59 Runways and Ramps
60 Working on or adjacent to water
61 Transport and earthmoving equipment
62 Concrete work
63 Demolition
64 Excavation and tunnelling works
65 Ventilation
66 Construction, repair and maintenance of step roof
67 Ladders and step ladders
68 Catch platform and hoardings, chutes, safety belts and nets
69 Structural frame and formworks
70 Stacking and unstacking
71 Scaffold
72 Cofferdams and Caissons
73 Explosives
74 Piling
Medical Examination for building and other construction worker, crane operator and
75 transport vehicle drivers
76 Medical examination for occupational health hazards
77 Charging of workers for Medical Examination
78 Occupation health centres and Medical officers
79 Ambulance van and room
80 Stretchers
81 Occupation health service for building workers
82 Medical examination for occupational health hazards
83 Emergency care services and emergency treatment
84 Panel of experts and agencies
85 Power of inspectors
lxii | P a g e
Annexure 19 Team Composition, Assignment and Key Experts' Inputs
K- Subject
2 Experts
N- [Home]
1 [Field]
lxiii | P a g e
Expert Position No. No. Monthly Total Post Relevant Min
of Salary Salary Qualification Eligible Qualification
Man (INR) (INR) Experience (in Assignment
Mon. years) Experience
(in years)
Core Group
Project Director 2 96 2,50,000 48,0,00,000 20+ 7+ or 3 to 7 Graduation in
/ Project Leader Engineering
/ Project
Dy. Project 2 120 2,00,000 4,80,00,000 15+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Director/ Dy. Engineering
Project Leader
Chief Contracts 2 48 1,50,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Manager Engineering /
Chief Program 2 96 1,50,000 2,88,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Expert Engineering
Chief Quality 2 48 1,50,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Assurance Engineering
Chief Safety 2 48 1,50,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Expert Engineering
Chief 2 72 1,25,000 1,80,00,000 15+ 5+ or 3 to 5 PG in
Environment Environment
Chief 2 96 1,50,000 2,88,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Architectural Architecture
Chief Testing & 2 72 1,50,000 2,16,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Commissioning Engineering
Operation & 2 36 1,25,000 90,00,000 15+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
Maintenance Engineering
Chief Geo 2 36 1,25,000 90,00,000 15+ 5+ or 3 to 5 PG in Geo
Technical Technical
Expert engineering/
Graduation in
Total 22 768
lxiv | P a g e
Expert Position No. No. Monthly Total Post Relevant Min
of Salary Salary Qualification Eligible Qualification
Man (INR) (INR) Experience (in Assignment
Mon. years) Experience
(in years)
Dy. Chief 2 120 75,000 1,80,00,000 15+ 3+ Graduation in
Program Engineering
Manager / Sr.
Program Expert
Chief Cost 2 84 90,000 1,51,20,000 20+ 3+ Graduation in
control Expert Engineering
Sr. Safety 2 120 75,000 1,80,00,000 15+ 3+ PG/Certificati
Expert on in HSE
Sr. Engineer 4 144 15,000 86,40,000 10+ 3+ Graduate
O&M Engineer
Traffic Engineer 2 72 12,000 17,28,000 8+ 2+ Graduate
Utility Engineer 4 144 15,000 86,40,000 10+ 3+ Graduate
Multimodal 2 48 35,000 33,60,000 15+ 3+ PG in
Transport transportation
Senior Project 2 96 15,000 28,80,000 10+ 3+ Graduate
Coordinator Engineer
Sr. Procurement 4 96 15,000 57,60,000 10+ 3+ Graduate
Engg. Engineer
Total 26 1044
Sub Total
lxv | P a g e
Annexure 21 Expert positions for Viaduct, Elevated Station and Depot
Expert Position No No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Qualification Relevant Eligible Minimum
Man Salary (INR) Experience (in years) Assignment Experience required
Mon. (INR) (in years) qualification
Viaduct, Elevated
Station & Depot
Chief Structures 2 48 75,000 72,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 PG in structural
expert – Elevated engineering
Sr. Architect 4 44 55,000 96,80,000 15+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
(Elevated viaduct, architecture
Depot and Station)
Total 6 92 16,880,000
Expert Position No No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Qualification Relevant Eligible Minimum
Man Salary (INR) Experience (in years) Assignment Experience required
Mon. (INR) (in years) qualification
ii | P a g e
Annexure 22 Expert Positions for Underground Section
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in required
Mon. (INR) Experience years) qualification
(in years)
Underground Section
Chief Structures expert – 2 72 75,000 1,08,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 PG in structural
Underground engineering
Chief Ventilation and Air- 2 72 75,000 1,08,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in
conditioning (VAC) Expert Engineering
Total 4 144 21,600,000
iii | P a g e
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in required
Mon. (INR) Experience years) qualification
(in years)
Total 20 672 52,800,000
iv | P a g e
Annexure 23 Expert Positions for Power Supply and Traction
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary Salary Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) (INR) Experience (in years)
Power Supply &
Chief Power Supply 2 96 75,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduate in electrical
& Traction Expert Engineering
Total 2 96 14,400,000
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary Salary Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) (INR) Experience (in years)
vi | P a g e
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) Experience (in years)
Chief Signalling 2 48 75,000 72,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduate in electrical/electronic
Expert engineering
Total 2 48 7,200,000
Chief Telecom 2 96 75,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduate in electrical/electronic
Expert engineering
Total 2 96 14,400,000
vii | P a g e
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) Experience (in years)
Automatic Fare
Chief Automatic 2 96 75,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in engineering
Fare Collection
Total 2 96 14,400,000
Electrical &
Chief E&M Expert 2 96 75,000 1,44,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in engineering
Total 2 96 14,400,000
viii | P a g e
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) Experience (in years)
Rolling Stock
Chief Rolling Stock 2 48 75,000 72,00,000 20+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduate in
Expert electrical/mechanical
Total 2 48 7,200,000
ix | P a g e
Annexure 25 Position for General Staff
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) Experience years)
(in years)
General Staff
Head Strategic/ 1 12 55,000 6,60,000 15+ 5+ or 3 to 5 CA/ MBA(finance)/
Financial Expert PG in (Economics/
Real Estate Expert 1 12 50,000 6,00,000 10+ 5+ or 3 to 5 Graduation in any
Legal Expert 1 36 55,000 19,80,000
Total 3 60 3,240,000
Expert Position No. No. of Monthly Total Salary Post Relevant Eligible Minimum required
Man Salary (INR) Qualification Assignment Experience (in qualification
Months (INR) Experience years)
(in years)
IT Engineer 6 288 20,000 3,45,60,000 3+ NIL Graduate in
IT/Computers Science
Receptionist 3 144 15,000 64,80,000 3+ NIL Graduate
Secretary to P.D. 3 144 15,000 64,80,000 3+ NIL Graduate
Office Manager 3 144 20,000 86,40,000 6+ NIL Graduate
Account Asst. 3 180 25,000 1,35,00,000 3+ NIL Graduate in
Quantity Estimator 4 192 20,000 1,53,60,000 6+ NIL Graduate
Senior CAD 3 144 15,000 64,80,000 6+ NIL Graduation in
Operator Engineering
CAD Draftsman 4 192 10,000 76,80,000 3+ NIL Diploma
Total 32 1608 112,680,000
xi | P a g e
Annexure 26 CBA table for Noise Barrier
S. Minimum Client's
No. Factor & Criterion Polycarbonate Sheet Metallic Noise Barrier Requirement Requirement
Must Factors
1 Factor Sound Proofing (STC) Attribute 36 Attribute 45 27 STC
18 more than
Criterion Higher is better Advantage 9 more than req Advantage req
Importance 92 Importance 95
2 Factor Guarantee (in yrs.) Attribute 10 Attribute 10 10 years 10 years
Criterion Higher is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 85 85
3 Factor Thickness (mm) Attribute 6 Attribute 15 6 mm
9 more than
Criterion Thinner is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage req
Importance 100 50
4 Factor Fire Resistance (Class) Attribute 2 Attribute 1 Class 3 Class 1
1 higher than 2 higher than
Criterion Higher is better;1>2>3 Advantage req Advantage req
Importance 60 Importance 80
5 Factor Service Life (in Years) Attribute 50 Attribute 25 25 years
25 more than
Criterion Higher is better Advantage req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 95 Importance 50
Want Factors
Max 20
6 Factor Weight (kg/sqmt) Attribute 6 Attribute 12.5 kg/sqmt
14 less than max 7.5 less than
Criterion Lighter is better Advantage available Advantage max available
Importance 75 Importance 30
7 Factor Light Transmission (%) Attribute Attribute 30 ≥90%
xii | P a g e
S. Minimum Client's
No. Factor & Criterion Polycarbonate Sheet Metallic Noise Barrier Requirement Requirement
60 less than
Criterion Higher is better Advantage 5 more than req Advantage req
Importance 70 Importance 0
Strength (Tensile
8 Factor Strength in N/sq.mts) Attribute 72 Attribute 65 65 N/Sqmt
1 more than
Criterion Higher is better- Advantage 8 more than req Advantage req
Importance 70 Importance 50
Weather Resistance
9 Factor (Yellowness Index) Attribute 5 Attribute 5 5
Criterion Lower is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 50 Importance 50
Wind Resistance
(Maximum deflection in
10 Factor mm) Attribute 98.5 Attribute 105 80 mm
18.5 more than 25 more than
Criterion Higher is better Advantage req Advantage req
Importance 70 Importance 75
Cost per square metre 1100 900
Total IoFA 767 565
xiii | P a g e
Annexure 27 CBA table for Escalators
S. Minimum Client's
No. Factor & Criterion Escalators with steps Inclined Moving walk Requirement Requirement
Must Factors
Service Life (in
1 Factor Years) Attribute 15 Attribute 10 15 years
5 less than
Criterion Higher is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage req
Importance 95 Importance 70
Transportation 14500
capacity (in 7500-9000 persons 9000-11700
2 Factor persons/hour) Attribute persons/hour Attribute /hour persons/ hour
5500 more
Criterion Higher is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage than req
Importance 70 100
Duty Life (in 12-16
3 Factor hours/day) Attribute 20–24 hours/day Attribute hours/day 16 hours/day
Criterion Higher is better Advantage 8 more than req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 100 65
More energy
Energy Efficiency (in efficient
4 Factor %) Attribute 25- 30% Attribute 37-38% required
Criterion Higher is better Advantage Less efficient Advantage efficient
Importance 80 Importance 95
Maximum Length (in
5 Factor mts.) Attribute 30 Attribute 100 15 mts.
15 more than 85 more
Criterion Higher is better Advantage req Advantage than req
Importance 40 Importance 100
xiv | P a g e
S. Minimum Client's
No. Factor & Criterion Escalators with steps Inclined Moving walk Requirement Requirement
Wheel chair
6 Factor accesibility Attribute No Attribute Yes Required
Criterion Accesible is better Advantage Advantage Equal to req
Importance 0 Importance 100
Power consumption consumption of
7 Factor (in KWh) Attribute 7500 KWh Attribute 6200KWh Power
Higher Less
consumption of consumptio
Criterion Lesser is better Advantage power Advantage n of power
Importance 70 Importance 85
Area required (in sq. 90-110
8 Factor mts) Attribute 80-90 sq.mts Attribute sq.mts 90 sq mts
20 more
Criterion Lesser is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage than req
Importance 80 Importance 90
Want Factors
Width of Going (in 800 - 1100
9 Factor mm) Attribute 1000 mm Attribute mm 800-1100 mm
Criterion Higher is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 80 Importance 80
Transportation speed 0 .5-
10 Factor (in m/sec) Attribute 0.5-0.75m/sec Attribute 0.65m/sec 0.5 m/sec
Criterion Higher is better Advantage Equal to req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 85 Importance 85
upto 8500 Lower Co2
Co2 footprints (in 4000-8000 to 9510 kg / footprints
11 Factor Kg/year) Attribute kg/Year Attribute year required
xv | P a g e
S. Minimum Client's
No. Factor & Criterion Escalators with steps Inclined Moving walk Requirement Requirement
Criterion Lower is better Advantage Lesser footprints Advantage footprints
Importance 75 Importance 45
12 Factor Step Rise (in mm) Attribute 210 mm Attribute No steps 380 mm max
170 less than
Criterion Lesser is better Advantage max Advantage No steps
Importance 60 Importance 75
Angle of inclination 10-12
13 Factor (in degree) Attribute 25-27 degree Attribute degree 30 degree max
18 degree
3 degree less less than
Criterion Lower is better Advantage than max Advantage max
Importance 45 Importance 65
14 Factor Height (in mts) Attribute 15 Attribute 8 8 mts
Criterion Higher is better Advantage 7 more than req Advantage Equal to req
Importance 80 Importance 75
Cost per unit 15 lacs 18 lacs
Total IoFA 960 1130
xvi | P a g e
Annexure 28 Organization Structure of MEGA
Chief Director
Administrativ CGM (HR) (Project &
e Officer Planning)
Add. GM (UG Add. GM (UG Manager Rehabilitation Senior
Assistant GM Company Manager Sr. Manager Sr. Dy. GM Sr. Dy. GM Manager
Section) Section) (QA/QC) Officer Manager (IT)
xvii | P a g e
Annexure 29 Proposed Organization Structure of Surat Metro
Board of
Dy. GM Dy. GM
AGM (Land AGM AGM (Town Structural Dy. GM Manager Manager AGM
Architect (Resource AGM (Tender) (Strategy & Dy. GM Dy. GM Dy. GM AGM Dy. GM Dy. GM AGM Dy. GM
Acquisition) (Contracts) Planning) Engineer (Scheduling) (Civil) (Civil) (Plumbing)
Planning) Controlling)
xviii | P a g e
xix | P a g e