3D Voronoi Diagram
3D Voronoi Diagram
3D Voronoi Diagram
Master Thesis
Geographical Information Management and Applications
Tom van der Putte,
Utrecht University
Dr. H. Ledoux
Delft University of Technology
Prof. dr. ir. P.J.M. van Oosterom,
Delft University of Technology
Dr. D. Karssenberg,
Utrecht University
First of all, I would like to thank my girlfriend, and biggest support: Natanja. I am convinced that this
thesis would not have existed if it weren’t for her ability to run the practical side of both her and my
everyday life while I was locked up in the world of Voronoi diagrams, behind my computer screen.
Also, I would like to thank my parents for their support and all the opportunities they have given me up
to now.
I would also like to thank Hugo for presenting the idea of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, and for
helping me out when through the edges, I could no longer see the Voronoi diagram....
In this thesis the use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in modelling continuous fields in geosciences
will be assessed.
The Voronoi diagram is a structure that divides a certain space into cells, called Voronoi cells. These cells
are created so that every location within each cell is closest to the corresponding data point, or seed, of
that cell. Every location in that cell is assigned the value of the corresponding seed.
Throughout history, the Voronoi diagram has been widely used. In general, the Voronoi diagram is used
in three spatial operations:
- Using the Voronoi diagram to determine spatial distribution and neighbourhood relations
between points in a dataset.
- Using the Voronoi diagram to determine the area of influence of points in a dataset.
- Using the Voronoi diagram as a basis for the natural neighbour interpolation method.
In geosciences, data is sampled in many different ways. Sometimes by means of a regular grid for
instance, but measuring continuous fields is often done in an anisotropically distributed pattern. Most
often this is due to the way in which samples are collected. The Voronoi diagram can be a good means
of visualizing and determining the distribution of data points, and therefore it can be a useful tool when
working with anisotropically distributed data.
The exact 3D Voronoi diagram is a data model in vector format that has been investigated for quite
some years now, often in different areas of sciences. The properties, the advantages and the
disadvantages of this data model have been documented. The discrete 3D Voronoi diagram is a data
structure in raster format, and, although it has been investigated, it has not been properly documented
with respect to its properties, advantages and disadvantages. In this thesis these properties are
described, especially in light of the modelling of continuous field data in the realm of geosciences, to
perform for instance the natural neighbour interpolation, visualize the data distribution and other
spatial operations.
To do so, first a new algorithm has been devised, based on literature reviews of different articles on the
3D discrete Voronoi diagram. The new algorithm presented in this thesis has been implemented through
the Python programming language. In order to use the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in combination with
geo-scientific, continuous data, a GIS that handles 3D raster data was identified, namely GRASS, and the
possibilities and functionalities of GRASS with respect to the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram were
investigated. Some functionality, such as resampling and natural neighbour interpolation, that was not
found in the GIS but that is considered necessary, has also been implemented.
By using test data, the entire process has been tested, from creating a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram,
through interpolation it, to visualizing and analyzing it. The outcome shows that the discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram is a proper tool for handling and analyzing 3D continuous field data. It enables user to go from a
dataset of 3D points to a 3D continuous field, in the environment of a GIS, which allows for even further
spatial analyses and operations.
One of the advantages of the implemented algorithm is the effectiveness in adding, moving and
removing points. This makes it very suitable for dynamic modelling, as well as natural neighbour
interpolation. The algorithm also shows other interesting future possibilities, such as creating 3D
generalized Voronoi diagrams. Some of these advantages and future uses are currently difficult or not
yet possible to implement in an exact environment.
Besides the possibilities of the presented algorithm, practical implementation of the algorithm is not yet
feasible, due to calculation-time related issues. However, it is expected that if a compiled programming
language such as C++ is used, as opposed to the interpreted language Python, the efficiency of the
algorithm will increase.
Abstract .............................................................................................................................................5
1. Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 11
1.1. The history and uses of the Voronoi diagram ............................................................................. 11
1.2. The Voronoi diagram in GIS ........................................................................................................ 12
1.2.1. Vector representation......................................................................................................... 13
1.2.2. Raster representation ......................................................................................................... 13
1.2.3. The Voronoi diagram in geosciences .................................................................................. 15
1.3. Research Objectives .................................................................................................................... 17
1.3.1. Main research objective...................................................................................................... 17
1.3.2. Research questions and objectives ..................................................................................... 17
1.3.3. Scope ................................................................................................................................... 18
2. State of the art in 3D GIS ........................................................................................................... 19
2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................ 19
2.2. Criteria......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.2.1. Visualization criteria............................................................................................................ 21
2.3. Evaluated GIS / software suites .................................................................................................. 23
2.4. Grass 6.3...................................................................................................................................... 24
2.4.1. User review of GRASS ......................................................................................................... 24
2.4.2. Different way of visualising: MayaVi2................................................................................. 25
2.5. Storage ........................................................................................................................................ 26
2.6. Lacking functionality ................................................................................................................... 27
2.7. Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 27
3. State of the art in discrete 3D Voronoi diagrams ....................................................................... 29
3.1. The exact Voronoi diagram ......................................................................................................... 29
3.1.1. The Voronoi diagram and the Delaunay triangulation in 3D, and their duality ................. 32
3.1.1. Why is the 3D Voronoi diagram difficult to implement? .................................................... 34
3.2. Voronoi diagram in raster space ................................................................................................. 35
3.2.1. Raster space ........................................................................................................................ 35
3.2.2. Different Metrics ................................................................................................................. 36
3.3. Methods for creating the discrete Voronoi diagram .................................................................. 38
3.3.1. From exact to discrete Voronoi diagram ............................................................................ 40
3.3.2. The Naïve Method............................................................................................................... 40
3.3.3. Nearest Neighbour Sweep Circle Algorithm ....................................................................... 41
3.3.4. Dynamic Distance Transformation and dilation ................................................................. 43
3.3.5. GPU based methods............................................................................................................ 46
3.3.6. A Hierarchical Raster Method for Computing Voronoi Diagrams based on Quadtrees ..... 49
3.3.7. Using a KD-tree ................................................................................................................... 51
3.3.8. The incremental method .................................................................................................... 53
3.4. Summary ..................................................................................................................................... 54
4. Creation and implementation of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram algorithm .............................. 57
5.1. Using the 3D Voronoi diagram for the modelling of continuous field data ............................... 83
5.1.1. Modelling continuous fields ................................................................................................ 83
5.1.2. Neighbourhood-related spatial operations and analysis .................................................... 84
5.2. Future possibilities of the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm ............................................................. 87
5.2.1. Adjacency and edges........................................................................................................... 87
5.2.2. Generalized Voronoi diagrams............................................................................................ 90
5.2.3. Extended file structure........................................................................................................ 94
5.3. Discrete versus Exact .................................................................................................................. 95
5.3.1. Speed................................................................................................................................... 95
5.3.2. Accuracy and precision ....................................................................................................... 97
5.3.3. Interactive or dynamic modelling ..................................................................................... 104
5.3.4. General Usability of exact and discrete 3D Voronoi diagram ........................................... 105
5.4. GIS and the discrete Voronoi diagram ...................................................................................... 106
5.4.1. Showcase: Geological dataset........................................................................................... 106
5.4.2. Evaluating the practical use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in a GIS ....................... 109
5.5. Summary ................................................................................................................................... 111
6. Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 113
6.1. Discrete vs. Exact ...................................................................................................................... 113
6.2. Discrete Voronoi diagram methods .......................................................................................... 113
6.3. The new CreateDiscreteVD algorithm. ............................................................................ 114
6.4. GIS and functionality ................................................................................................................. 114
6.5. Utilizing the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram ................................................................................ 115
6.5.1. Speed................................................................................................................................. 115
6.5.2. showcase ........................................................................................................................... 115
6.5.3. Suitability of Exact and Discrete 3D Voronoi diagram ...................................................... 115
6.5.4. Future possibilities ............................................................................................................ 115
6.6. General conclusion.................................................................................................................... 116
Bibliography .................................................................................................................................. 117
Appendix I - Internal structure of data files..................................................................................... 123
In this thesis, the use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in combination with continuous field data in
geosciences will be evaluated. To introduce the main subjects that this thesis will cover, first the general
concept of the Voronoi diagram will be presented, after which two forms of the VD will be introduced;
exact and discrete. After these data structures have been explained, the main problem of this MSc
research will be presented, which will finally be formed into the main research objective.
Figure 1.1 The Voronoi diagram. The red dots are the seeds, and the solid black lines the boundaries of the Voronoi
The Voronoi diagram has been used in different fields of science since many years. According to Okabe,
Boots et al. (1992), Descartes published several examples of a Voronoi diagram in his book Le monde de
Mr Descartes, ou Le Traité de la Lumiere (Descartes, 1644). An example from this book can be seen in
Figure 1.2. It shows the way in which objects are distributed in the Solar System. Note the circular
shapes that are drawn within the different cells; these shapes will be considered in more detail when
explaining the creation of the Voronoi diagram in Chapter 4. Both Dirichlet (1850) and Voronoi (1908)
were one of the firsts to publish work that concerned the Voronoi diagram of which the publication is
undisputed. This is the reason that the Voronoi diagram is also called the Dirichlet tessellation.
Figure 1.2 Representation of the solar system. S represents the sun. All the Voronoi cells represent heavens. From
Descartes (1644).
One of the abilities that the Voronoi diagram displays is that of modelling features that are present in
nature on very different scales. It can be used to model crystal lattices and other molecular structures in
chemical sciences such as crystallography (Wigner and Seitz, 1933) and metallurgy (Spitzig, Kelly et al.,
1985). But also in animal ecology and plant ecology the Voronoi diagram is used (Mead, 1967), as well as
in astronomy and countless other fields.
One thing that the studies in which the Voronoi diagram is used have in common is the nature of the
study. The aim is always to find a relation between a (series of) point(s) on the one hand, and either the
area of influence around such a point, or the location with respect to its neighbours on the other hand
(neighbourhood operations).
Another field in which the Voronoi diagram is often used, and which is of particular interest to me is the
field of geosciences. Numerous applications of the Voronoi diagram within the realm of geosciences can
be given (Tsai, 1993; Delerue, Perrier et al., 1999; Courrioux, Nullans et al., 2001; Tucker, Lancaster et
al., 2001; Zhang and Thurber, 2005), all of which are again concerned with the area of influence of
neighbourhood operations in one way or another.
Vector representation can also be seen as an object oriented view: the polygons, (poly)lines and points
describe objects in a space (Gold and Edwards, 1992). A polygon for instance can represent the footprint
of a building. Another polygon which is adjacent to this polygon might represent the garage. Using
topology the relationships (such as adjacency) can be described.
So a Voronoi diagram represented in a vector environment is in essence nothing more than a set of
mathematical expressions, representing points and lines and polygons (and polyhedral in 3D). Figure 1.1
is an example of a visualization of an exact VD. Why Figure 1.1 is actually not a vector image is explained
in the next section.
Some characteristics of the raster environment are:
Also, the raster environment is does not really support an object oriented view, like the vector
environment does. A raster describes tiles (pixels) which have an inherent topology, in other words, it is
know which pixels are adjacent to others (Gold and Edwards, 1992). By making groups of pixels that
have equivalent values, objects may be approximated. This concept is used in this thesis do represent a
Voronoi partition, or cell; a set of adjacent pixels that have the same value.
Although an exact rational can be stored and used in a computer, displaying a vector as an images on a
screen in its exact form is not possible. The reason for this is that computers work with discrete data: at
the lowest level, objects in a PC are represented in 0’s and 1’s. Besides that, a computer screen is made-
up out of pixels. Therefore, an image representing vector data is always a discrete image.
Figure 1.3 is a representation of the same Voronoi diagram of Figure 1.1, but now in raster space. The
cells have a similar shape, but when zoomed in on an edge between two cells, the tessellations (pixels)
become visible.
(a) (b)
Figure 1.3 (a) A Voronoi diagram in raster space and (b) zooming in on a small section of the Voronoi diagram
shows the discrete nature of the image.
The exact Voronoi diagram has been used extensively in many fields of science. Some general fields have
already been mentioned, and in the following section some examples of applications of the Voronoi
diagram in the realm of geosciences will be presented. The discrete Voronoi diagram, however, has not
been used so frequently.
The Voronoi diagram is a space divided into partitions, as explained in Section 1.1 (an exact equation is
given in Section 3.1, Equation 1), and as such can be interpreted as an interpolated surface in 2D, in 3D
as an interpolated volume; given a set of points a certain space, every location in that space is given a
value based upon the position that the location has with respect to the data points. The interpolation
method that returns a Voronoi diagram is called the nearest neighbour interpolation method. One could
argue that it is a crude method, since it does not yield a continuous surface. However, it does give a
good overview of for instance the distribution of data points, and the relation between points that at
first glance might not be connected. This makes the Voronoi diagram very suitable to use in combination
with anisotropic data. In geosciences, data is often collected in an anisotropic fashion. For instance,
collecting temperature measurements in the earth’s subsoil is done by drilling wells, and measuring the
temperature in the wells at varying depths. This yields data that is distributed quite compactly in the
vertical dimension, while the data points are distributed far apart in horizontal dimensions.
The fact that the Voronoi diagram is an interpolated surface does not mean that it cannot be
interpolated any further. In fact, when performing natural neighbour interpolation, the Voronoi diagram
is a prerequisite (Sibson, 1980; Sibson, 1981; Park, Linsen et al., 2006). The natural neighbour
interpolation, also called Sibson interpolation, is an interpolation method that yields relatively accurate
surfaces, but which is difficult to implement in exact environments (Perez and Traversoni, 1996; Ledoux,
2006). The natural neighbour interpolation will be discussed in detail in Section 4.6.2.
There is also another way to utilize the Voronoi diagram. In Ledoux (2006), the author proposes to use
the exact 3D Voronoi diagram as the basic data model in which to represent trivariate data as an
alternative to a raster environment which is used in almost all cases to represent trivariate data.
According to Ledoux, this is done for three main reasons. The first and second reasons have already
been mentioned; it gives a clear definition of the neighbourhood relations between the data points, and
it is possible to (re-) create the continuous field using natural neighbour interpolation. The third reason
is that the Voronoi diagram enables several visualization operations, as well as several spatial analysis
operations. This will be shown in detail in sections 2.2, 2.4 and Chapter 5. There are more advantages in
using the Voronoi diagram, which will also become clear in further sections.
However, the exact Voronoi diagram is rather difficult to implement in a robust and efficient way
(Sugihara and Inagaki, 1995). First of all, 3D geometrical computations are difficult in general, but the
construction of 3D Voronoi diagram, and especially dynamically modifying the Voronoi diagram, are
both very intricate procedures for which very few and difficult algorithms exists. More details on the
difficulties concerning the creation of the exact 3D Voronoi diagram will be given in Section 3.1.1.
One interesting question arose from this research: what would happen if not the exact 3D Voronoi
diagram is used, but the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram? Both raster and vector space have their own
advantages and disadvantages, and it is likely that both representations of the 3D Voronoi diagram have
different pros and cons. What advantages of the exact representation will it retain, what advantages of
the raster environment will be gained, and what disadvantages will there be?
To see if this idea could lead to a valid research objective, some preliminary investigations were
performed. These show that indeed the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram may have some interesting
abilities: the use of raster based methods might be of use creating Voronoi diagrams for objects other
than points (lines, areas) (Li, Chen et al., 1999; Dong, 2008; Zhao, Li et al., 2008). This might also be the
case for generalized Voronoi diagrams, which are Voronoi diagrams that are generalized in seeds,
assignment function and/or space (Drysdale and Lee, 1978; Okabe, Boots et al., 1994) (Section 5.2.2).
Both these operations are difficult to implement in an exact environment.
The discrete 3D Voronoi diagram might also be of use in situation in which dynamic modelling is
required. Dynamic modelling is used to (visually) modify or manipulate data in order to assess data and
the distribution of data, and to see what effect possible changes in data might have. The main tool that
provides such functionality would is a tool that allows the user to add, move and remove certain data
points. Although this tool has been provided in the exact Voronoi diagram data structure proposed by
Ledoux (2006), it is again difficult to implement, especially in certain degenerate cases. The discrete 3D
Voronoi diagram might allow for easier implementation of these dynamic modelling tools.
The fact that the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram might be helpful in these situations is promising,
however, this thesis is written from a GIS-perspective. This means that the solution must be practical
and usable. Therefore it is important to know if the 3D Voronoi diagram can be used within, or in
combination with a GIS, and how this can be achieved. These questions finally lead to the research
objectives that are stated in the next section.
Based on the description of the problem in the previous introduction, the main research objective that
can be posed is as follows.
To assess the use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram for the modelling of
3D continuous information in geosciences.
A) What are the main differences between the discrete and exact 3D Voronoi diagram?
- What are in theory the main differences between exact and discrete (3D) Voronoi diagram?
C) Which software packages are suitable for use with the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram?
- Which software packages can handle 3D raster data files?
- Which of these are of use to the analysis of continuous fields in geosciences?
- What data formats are the software packages able to read/import?
- What functionality should be available within these software packages?
- Devise storage and conversion algorithms.
- Expand program with a storage/conversion routine to store or convert the model into
usable raster format(s).
- Identify lacking functionality.
- Include lacking functionality into the design of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram algorithm.
D) How does the exact 3D Voronoi diagram compare with the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram?
- What are the pros and cons of both
- How can the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram be utilized in GIS?
- What improvements can be made to the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in the future?
1.3.3. SCOPE
The aim of this research is to design and implement an algorithm that can produce a discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram, in a robust manner, as well as add, remove and move points within the discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram. This is necessary to provide a structure that can be dynamically modified which is an important
functionality in current GIS. The scope of this research also comprises the assessment of the use of the
discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in combination with current GIS. This means that different functionalities
(among which are analytical and visualization functionalities) will be tested. If certain functionalities are
not present, but are deemed necessary for this research, development of such functionalities will be
attempted. The discussion of future possibilities of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram also fall within the
scope of this research.
It is not within the scope of this research project to create the most efficient algorithm possible. This is
due to the fact that this is not a computer science thesis, and in this case, conceptual simplicity is a
factor that has a major influence. However, as far as time will allow, efficiency will be pursued as a sub-
objective in order to make the algorithm more usable.
Although storing 3D raster in different file formats will be implemented to allow for a degree of
interoperability if necessary, storing the 3D raster as efficient as possible (through compression) is not
within the scope of this thesis.
Also, in light of calculation time, parallelization (executing the program on multiple CPU cores) might
decrease the calculation time of the algorithm. However, this does not fall within the scope of this
The aim of this research is to create an algorithm that can process 3D points that contain an attribute
value (x,y,z,a), which is the most common form of sampling in geosciences. Creating discrete 3D Voronoi
diagrams of other objects, such as lines, planes and polygons, is not within the direct scope of this
project. However, the possibilities of the algorithm for future adaptations are also important. Therefore,
this might indirectly have consequences for the algorithm that is created. This point will be discussed in
Chapter 5.
In this chapter the start of the art in GIS with respect to 3D rasters will be investigated and presented. In
order to find a suitable GIS, a set of prioritized criteria (such as means of visualization and analytical
functionality) is presented to describe what a GIS must be able to handle or execute. Based on these
criteria, GIS’s are evaluated and one GIS is selected to be used during the research. Functionalities that
are not available in the selected GIS but are deemed necessary for this research is identified.
Although the algorithm that is designed for this project has not been presented yet, the resulting output
will consist of a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, and will be in a 3D raster format. It is important to note
that this research is concerned with true 3D data (or volumetric data) that consists of x,y,z coordinates
and one or more additional attribute value. This is contrary to the so-called 2.5D data, where data points
consist of only x and y coordinates, and an attribute that denotes the z-value (elevation).
The discrete 3D Voronoi diagram can in most circumstances not be considered to be an end-product.
Instead the power of the Voronoi diagram lies in enabling the user to perform different operations and
analyses on the dataset. The ideal environment to perform these operations and analyses is a GIS, which
is able to handle georeferenced data of different origins and formats, visualize and analyze it.
The GIS selected for this project is GRASS 6.3 (GRASS Development Team, 2008). GRASS is an open
source and freeware GIS, that supports 3D raster files. For visualization purposes, MayaVi2
(Ramachandran and Varoquaux, 2008) is used. In this chapter, several GIS are presented, and it is shown
that, based on several criteria, the combination of GRASS 6.3 and MayaVi2 is the most suitable for this
research project.
Before selecting suitable GIS, a set of criteria must be determined to which the GIS must adhere to.
Three different types of criteria are distinguished: standard, analytical and visualization. These criteria
are shown and described in Table 2.1.
Nr. Criterion Type of Priority Description
1 Import 3D Standard Critical The GIS must be able to read 3D raster files. Not the
raster standard 2.5D representation, which has been around
since the 1980’s (Bak and Mill, 1989).
2 Map Algebra Analytical High Map algebra is the collection of tools that enable the
user to perform calculations with (3D) raster files, as
described in Tomlin (1990).
3 General 3D Analytical High Provides statistics such as dimensions, volume/area
raster calculations etc.
4 Resampling 3D Analytical Medium Resampling is a standard basic operation in 2D GIS, and
raster often used.
5 Interpolating Analytical Medium Interpolating 3D points can be useful to combine the
3D point sets results of these interpolations with the 3D raster
6 Slicing Visualization High Slicing a 3D raster will enable the user to view a slice
(plane in any direction) of the 3D raster in 2D
7 Isosurface Visualization High Isosurface is a surface that connects points with the
same value. It is the 3D equivalent of the 2D isoline.
8 Volume Visualization Low A volume rendering of a 3D raster is a way to visualize
rendering the entire grid on a 2D plane (the screen), giving a semi –
transparent image of the 3D raster.
Table 2.1. Criteria that the tested GIS must adhere to.
Some remarks on this table are in place. First of all the criteria described here have been assigned a
priority. Criterion 1, the ability to import 3D rasters is critical; without this, the 3D Voronoi diagram
cannot be utilized. Therefore, GIS that do not adhere to this criterion will not be selected.
Also, as mentioned in Section 2.1, the so-called 2.5D visualization is not the same as 3D. Data that has an
x and y coordinate, and an attribute value can sometimes be visualized in 2.5D. When this attribute
represents for instance elevation, most GIS can project the data such that a seemingly 3D image is
shown. However, this is nothing more than a surface that is elevated to the attribute value at each
associate (x,y) coordinate. Figure 2.1 shows a 2.5 D surface. In this case, it is a DTM (Digital Terrain
Model) that shows the elevation in a certain part of Slovakia.
Data that is truly 3D however, has x, y and z values and one (or more) attribute value(s) (Tse and Gold,
2004), and is also called volumetric data.
Figure 2.1. The DTM (bathymetry) of the Chesapeake Bay estuary is an example of a 2.5D surface, shown from two
different angles: (a) oblique top view and (b) parallel to horizontal plane.
The clarity of the resulting image and the ease of interpreting it, means that this way of visualization has
a high priority.
Volume rendering is another method of visualizing 3D raster data (Kaufman, 1996). In this case, it is not
only a part of the dataset that is visualized, as in slicing, or isosurfacing, but it is a way in which to show
the entire 3D raster in once. This is done by assigning each voxel a certain colour and opacity
(transparency). Then the projection of the 3D raster onto the screen is calculated, which is the image the
user is shown. The advantage of this is that all information can be seen at once, which enables the user
to place certain trends or object in context with the surrounding data. The major disadvantage of using
it with the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram is that the raster is always in the form of a cube or a cuboid in
which every voxel has a value. Trying to represent all those Voronoi cells in one 2D projection will not
yield an image that can be readily interpreted by the user; therefore, this criterion has a low priority.
The power of the mentioned techniques for visualizing 3D raster data can increased dramatically by
adding extra functionality such as perspective, rotation and motion. This way, the spatial interrelation
that object or parts of objects have becomes much clearer.
For the purpose of this research, I have evaluated a few well-known GIS packages. These include:
MapInfo Professional 9.0, ArcGIS 9.2, GRASS 6.3, Manifold Professional 8.00 and PCRaster 3D. An
extensive review based on the criteria described in Table 2.1 would be given here but there was only
one program that managed to fulfil the first critical criteria: handling 3D raster data. This package is
GRASS 6.3. ArcGIS claims to support 3D raster files, and the software can indeed import NetCDF files (a
3D/4D raster format), but to the best of my knowledge, it will slice the data and present only a 1 voxel
thick slice of the 3D raster (ESRI, 2009). PCRaster 3D was evaluated based on the paper by Karssenberg
and De Jong, 2005. PCRaster 3D is a program focussed primarily on dynamic environmental modelling. It
can handle 3D raster data, but the voxels are not fixed in size in the z-direction. Also, the software is in
the prototype stage, so it is not available on the market as of yet. These reasons make it not suitable for
use with the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram.
In fact, to the best of my knowledge, GRASS is the only GIS that meets the first criteria. Table 2.1 shows
how GRASS handles the other criteria. The functionality presented in this table was based on a review of
the online product specification and support documents (GRASS GIS, 2008).
4 Resampling 3D No
5 Interpolating 3D Some
point sets (Bicubic or bilinear spline (GRASS GIS, 2007))
6 Slicing Yes
7 Isosurface Yes
8 Volume rendering No
Based on this list of functionality, one could say that, besides being the only candidate, GRASS would
qualify as a relatively good candidate to make use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram.
Although GRASS may be the only GIS available that can handle 3D rasters, there is specialized software
available, predominantly in the geology, geophysics, and petrology area that is capable of handling 3D
raster data. Software suites such as Petrel (Schlumberger, 2009), JewelSuite (JewelSuite, 2009) and
EarthVision (Dynamic Graphics Inc., 2008) are all capable of handling 3D raster and 3D vector data.. But
since none really qualify as an off-the-shelf GIS, and because licences for these packages cost
approximately 10-100 time more than licenses for the GIS packages mentioned, these will not be
discussed further in this thesis.
Figure 2.3. NVIZ visualization module showing 2 isosurfaces from a 3D raster
Almost all visualization functions described in Table 2.1 are available; isosurfacing (such as in Figure 2.2
and 2.3), as slicing and combining 2D and 3D rasters. The only function that is missing is volume
rendering, but as explained in Section 2.2, this has not really a high priority. At first glance, the NIVIZ
module seems to meet all requirements. But it is rather buggy, and not user-friendly.
User-friendliness is a subjective term, but in this case, it simply means that it should be easy to work
with, and not have a very steep learning curve.
There are plenty of packages which specialize in the visualization of 3D environments, such as various
CAD programs, and other scientific geo-visualization software. After testing several programs, there was
one program that stood out, and which was also free for academic uses. It is called MayaVi2
(Ramachandran and Varoquaux, 2008), and acts as an interface to the Visualisation Toolkit (VTK, 2009)
which is a software library for visualizing 3D images. It can handle various formats of 3D files, in both
vector and raster format. It adheres to the three criteria set above, not in the least to the third: user
friendliness; it is very intuitive, and comes with a simple menu structure. It is aalso
lso quite easy to extend
MayaVi2’s functionality, since it has an interface for the Pyth
on programming language. MayaVi2 will be
used as the main visualization program in this project.
Although MayaVi2 is selected as a suitable visualization tool, one major disadvantage is the fact that it
cannot project georeferenced files, meaning that two 3D rasters in different projections cannot easily be
visualized at the same time using MayaVi2
In order to take full advantage of the power of the 3D Voronoi diagram, the vi visualization
sualization criteria have
been separated from the analytical functionality. For the GIS analyses GRASS will be used, for
visualization purposes, MayaVi2 will be used. Although this is a solution that meets all the criteria from
Table 2.1, and uses user-friendly
endly software, it also poses a new problem: after the discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram has been analyzed in GRASS, it is necessary to transfer the data to MayaVi2
MayaVi to visualize the
outcome. This can only be done by exporting the data to a file from the GRASS program,pr and then
importing it into MayaVi2.. The methods of importing and exporting data in both MayaVi2
May and GRASS
have been identified, and are illustrated in Figure 2.4.
By using these file formats all available functionalities in every program can be utilized. The internal
structure of these files is presented in Appendix II.. Note that it is not possible to export data from
MayaVi2;; it is used for visualization purposes only.
In Table 2.2 shows that the resampling functionality and the volume rendering functionality are not
available in GRASS, but since the visualization was assigned to MayaVi2, the only functionality that is not
available is the resampling function. Because resampling is a frequently used tool, for instance for the
rotation and resizing of rasters, it will be developed for this research and added to the general
Although not specifically mentioned in the list of necessary functionality, but rather under the heading
‘interpolation of 3D points’, another analytical functionality will also be added. It is the natural
neighbour interpolation method. This is an interpolation method that uses the Voronoi diagram as a
basis. It delivers smooth results, but can be difficult and time consuming to implement when the exact
Voronoi diagram is used (Perez and Traversoni, 1996). But initial reviews of articles indicate that this
interpolation method might be easier to implement in raster environment (Park, Linsen et al., 2006) this
might increase the effectiveness and efficiency of the natural neighbour interpolation. To investigate
this, the natural neighbour interpolation will also be added to the general algorithm. It the
implementation is successful, the usefulness of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram will be improved
In this chapter the state of the art in 3D (raster) GIS has been evaluated. Most GIS support 2.5D raster
data and deliver some functionality to analyze these data. However, to measure the support for true 3D
raster data, a set of prioritized criteria have been developed, and the selected GIS were assessed based
on these criteria. There is only one GIS that meets the most important criteria; support of 3D raster
data. This GIS is called GRASS, and is an open source freeware package.
Furthermore, the functionality that GRASS offers for the analysis, manipulation, visualization and
storage has been inventoried and, combined with a created list of functionality that is considered
necessary for handling 3D raster data, a set of functionalities that are not currently available in grass is
identified. Part of the objective of this thesis is to implement these ‘missing functionalities’. How this is
done is explained in Chapter 4.
The visualization of 3D raster (one of the necessary functionalities) has also been discussed. The GRASS
3D visualization module does present the user with the required functions, however, in a user–
unfriendly way and it seems to contain some bugs. Therefore a different visualization method was
found. A program called MayaVi2 delivers almost all the necessary visualization options, in a very user-
friendly GUI. The only disadvantage is that it cannot georeference or transform geographic data.
Combining two rasters in different projections will therefore be difficult.
Although the title of this section refers to the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, the exact Voronoi diagram
will be explained in more detail at first in Section 3.1: how it is created and what is used for. The
explanation of the exact Voronoi diagram will take place in 2D, and is later expanded to 3D. This will
provide the necessary context for discussing the discrete Voronoi diagram.
After revisiting the exact version of the 3D Voronoi diagram, the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram will be
presented in more detail (Section 3.2). First of all, the concept of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram will be
explained more thoroughly, as well as the concept of raster space and the different metrics which are
possible within raster space. In Section 3.3 the different ways in which a discrete Voronoi diagram (2D
and 3D) can be created will be presented, and the advantages and disadvantages of these methods will
be discussed in terms of efficiency, simplicity and the possibility or adapting the algorithm.
There are a lot of variations on the ordinary Voronoi diagram (Okabe, Boots et al., 1994), but when the
Voronoi diagram is mentioned in this thesis, the ordinary Voronoi diagram is meant. If a non-ordinary
Voronoi diagram is discussed, it will be expressed so explicitly.
One way to illustrate the concept of the Voronoi diagram is to think of it as follows:
Let a finite Euclidian space contain a certain number (n) of points (with n > 1), called seeds. Around each
of these seeds a circle is drawn, with a radius of 0. These circles expand at the same rate with an
infinitely small increment. They will keep expanding, but where two circles touch, a line or boundary is
formed. The circles keep expanding until the circles cannot expand any further (Figure 3.1). The
resulting graph is the Voronoi diagram for that set of points. When looking at Figure 1.2 by Descartes, in
the introduction, it can be seen that he visualized a similar method of creation.
Figure 3.1 Visual representation of the formation of a Voronoi diagram
- , … ,
is a set of distinct seeds located in ,
- , represents the Euclidean distance between location and seed
- represents the ordinary Voronoi polygon associated with seed
These Voronoi polygons or cells are also called the area of influence polygons (Okabe, Boots et al.,
1992). They are convex;; which means that if an imaginative rubber band would be stretched around the
vertices that make up the cell,, the rubber band touch all vertices, whereas with a concave polygon, this
is not the case. This is illustrated in Figure 3.2.
The Voronoi diagram has several interesting characteristics, such as the ability to illustrate spatial
relations. (Okabe, Boots et al., 1994).
To create an exact Voronoi diagram within the bounds of a computer there are several options. In
Okabe, Boots et al. (1992) numerous methods to create a Voronoi diagram in 2D are summarized and
explained. Among those methods are the incremental method, the sweepline method, the walking
method and the divide and conquer method. These all have their advantages and disadvantages and are
suitable for different situations. Although these methods are quite interesting, they are beyond the
scope of this thesis, and will therefore not be explained in detail. There is one method, however, which
will be discussed in slightly more detail, because it is designed both to create a Voronoi diagram in 3D,
and be able to insert, move and remove points at will, without having to recreate the entire structure.
This method is based on the incremental method which starts out with a Voronoi diagram consisting of
2 or 3 seeds. By inserting new seeds one by one and updating Voronoi diagram after each insertion, this
algorithm will eventually yield the entire Voronoi diagram of all seeds (Okabe, Boots et al., 1992). It is
also based on the fact that the Voronoi diagram has a dual, called the Delaunay triangulation. To explain
further, a small clarification on the Delaunay triangulation and the relationship between the Delaunay
triangulation and the Voronoi diagram is in order.
The Delaunay triangulation can be defined in many ways, but one of the most simple definitions state
that the Delaunay triangulation is a tessellation of space into triangles, where n points (the seeds in the
Voronoi diagram, with: 3 < ∞ ) represent the vertices of the edges, and where the triangles all
have an empty circumcircle (Okabe, Boots et al., 1994). This means that within a circle that connects the
three vertices of a triangle, there are no other points. Figure 3.3 a and b show an empty circumcircle,
and non empty circumcircle respectively.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.3 (a) Empty circumcircle and valid Delaunay triangulation. (b) Non-empty circumcircle of the
corresponding grey triangle, and invalid Delaunay triangulation.
The dual relation between the Voronoi diagram and Delaunay triangulation implies that if the Voronoi
diagram is known, the Delaunay triangulation is derived from it and vice versa (in O(n) time). Duality in
relation to graphs implies that the dual of a graph G has for each plane region (a Voronoi cell) in G a
vertex, and for each edge in G an edge.
This is illustrated in Figure 3.4 where the Voronoi diagram is shown in solid lines, and the Delaunay
triangulation in dotted lines. In each Voronoi cell, a vertex of the Delaunay triangulation is located. Also,
each edge in the Voronoi diagram has an edge of the Delaunay triangulation. Also, a Delaunay triangle is
dual to a Voronoi vertex. In fact each Voronoi vertex is located at the centre of the empty circumcircle
that defines each Delaunay triangle (orange circle and vertex). For illustrational purposes, some edges
are colour-coded; edges in both structures with the same colour are each other’s duals.
Figure 3.4Voronoi diagram (solid line) and Delaunay triangulation (dotted line) of a set of points.
Edges with the same colour are each other’s duals
Based on this property Ledoux (2006) proposed and implemented a robust algorithm that constructs
exact 3D Voronoi diagrams, from the Delaunay tetrahedralization (3D generalization of the Delaunay
triangulation). It also allows for points to be inserted, removed and moved within that 3D Voronoi
diagram, without having to recreate the entire structure.
In this section and in the entire thesis in general, many concepts are illustrated using 2D visualizations.
This is because of the fact that 2D images are easier to visualize on paper or a screen, but also because it
is conceptually simpler to explain the different concepts and methods in 2D. In most cases these can be
generalized into three dimensions, but in order to fully grasp all concepts, theories and methods, it is
good to understand the following relations between the different 2D and 3D objects.
In 2D, Voronoi cells are separated from each other by boundaries that consist of line segments. The
Voronoi cell consists of a convex polygon without holes. In 3D, these boundaries consist of planes, and
the cells consist of convex polyhedral (also without holes). In Figure 3.5, an example of the 3D Voronoi
diagram is shown. It is not easily interpreted, but this issue will be covered in Section 5.1.
Figure 3.5 Example of the 3D Voronoi diagram. The yellow spheres are the seeds.
In the same way that in 2D the creation of a Voronoi diagram can be seen as the ‘expanding
‘ circles’
concept (Figure 3.1),, in 3D this can be seen as spheres that expand from each seed, becoming flattened
wherever the spheres touch each other. In Figure 3.6, a Voronoi polyhedron is shown. The red dot
represents the seed.
Figure 3.6 Example of a 3D Voronoi cell, or polyhedron. The red dot represents the seed.
Itt is important to notice that the lines connecting neighbouring seeds in a 2D Delaunay triangulation
cannot be translated into planes in 3D 3D, as is the case with the Voronoi diagram.. In the Delaunay
tetrahedralization, the seeds are also connected by edges. However, the triangles in a 2D Delaunay
triangulation translate into tetrahedra for the Delaunay tetrahedralization. These tetrahedra consist out
of 4 points, and can be thought of as 44-faced pyramids. A Delaunay tetrahedralization of a small set of
points is shown if Figure 3.7,, in which a tetrahedron is highlighted.
Figure 3.7 Example of a Delaunay tetrahedralization. The highlighted tetrahedron shows the 4 faces and 4 vertices
of a Delaunay tetrahedron.
Duality in 3D
The dual relationship between the 3D Voronoi diagram and the Delaunay tetrahedralization is also
present, as it is in the 2D representations. In this case however the dual relationships are as follows:
As well as in 2D, the duality implies that if one knows the 3D Voronoi diagram, the Delaunay
tetrahedralization can be derived, and vice versa. To understand this basic principal is imperative for
understanding the difficulties in creating the exact 3D Voronoi diagram.
These degenerate cases make it very difficult to make an algorithm that is robust (and efficient), and
also enables the user to dynamically add, move or remove points (Sugihara and Inagaki, 1995; Devillers
and Teillaud, 2003; Ledoux, 2006).. The fact that this is so difficult to achieve makes it worthwhile to see
if the raster structure can increase
rease efficiency or robustness.
The discrete Voronoi diagram is already explained slightly in the introduction as a representation of the
Voronoi diagram in raster space. In this case, raster space is a space which is tessellated into regular
cells, called pixels in 2D and voxels in 3D. The polygons (2D) and polyhedra (3D) of which the exact
Voronoi diagram consists, are also present in the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, only now these are
represented by a group of pixels (2D) or voxels (3D) which share the same value.
Where vector space is essentially infinite (unless boundaries have been explicitly established), raster
space has to be finite in order to work with it, otherwise pixels cannot be given indices, and no
operations can be performed on the raster. By setting the boundaries for the raster, one automatically
creates an image. This image then consists of a fixed amount of pixels between the boundaries that are
situated in a certain order, and equals a 2D -or 3D- array. Because of this order of pixels within the
image or array (spatial coherence), the efficiency of storing an raster image can be improved
dramatically, since only the value of pixels have to be stored, instead of both location and pixels (de By,
2000). There are several spatial structures that decrease storage space of a raster such as quadtrees
(2D) or octrees (3D) and various space filling curves (van Oosterom, 1999; Burrough and McDonnel,
2006), by using the spatial coherence of a raster image.
One key factor in the popularity of raster images in GIS and in computer software in general, is that it
makes use of discrete packets of information. Information in a computer is always processed in a
discrete way: on the lowest level of computer processing, only the values 0 or 1 are used. The discrete
nature of the computer makes it an excellent environment to store and manipulate raster images. Also,
when an image is generated on the computer monitor, this image is made up of pixels. These are the
reasons that objects created in vector space very often have to be discretized before they can be
manipulated or visualized.
Also, the fact that a raster image is in essence an array adds to the usefulness and popularity of raster
images. The array is a native data structure in many computer programming languages, and many tools
for manipulating, analyzing and storing arrays haven been developed, and are integrated within these
languages. This makes it relatively easy to use arrays in developing tools.
Raster terminology
In the rest of this thesis, some expressions and terminology concerning the evaluation of pixels will be
mentioned repeatedly. In order to avoid confusion, these expressions will be explained here. The
process of giving a pixel the same ID value as the seed which is closest by, is called ‘assigning a pixel an
(ID) value’. This act can also be referred to as a seed ‘claiming a pixel’. These expressions are used
frequently during the rest of the report. Another situation that is often referred to in the thesis is the
event in which a pixel is situated at exactly the same distances from two or more seeds. In this case a
pixel is said to be equidistant to two or more seeds. This situation is referred to as a ‘tie’ or a ’conflict
situation’.. If a pixel has been assigned an ID value that does not belong to the closest seed, but to
another seed, this means that the Voronoi diagram is not correct, and the pixel is said to have an ‘invalid
(ID) value’, or has been ‘wrongfully’’ or ‘incorrectly claimed’.
In ordinary everyday life, distance is usually expressed using Euclidean distance. The distance between
point a and b is the distance of a straight line between those points, which can be calculated based on
the Pythagorean Theorem:
(Worboys and Duckham, 2004).. But distance can also be described in different ways. For instance,
consider Figure 3.8.
Figure 3.8 Euclidean distance (black line) vs. Manhattan distance (green line)
This illustration show 2 stores (orange and blue) in a city, where the white squares are city blocks (50 m.
x 50 m.), and the grey lines represent roads. The black line illustrated the Euclidean distance which
whi is
approximately 212 2 m. However, if one had to drive by car, the distance would be 6 city blocks,
blocks which
equals 300 meters.
This concept can easily be transferred to a raster image. Figure 3.9 a and b show a small 5 x 5 pixel grid.
The numbers in each pixel ixel represent the distance from that pixel to the orange pixel in the centre. In
Figure 3.9a, the so-called
called Manhattan, or city block distance is used (named after the typical layout of
Manhattan, New York (Worboys and Duckham, 2004). In Figure 3.9b, the Euclidean distance is used. used In
Figure 3.9aa the distance between the orange pixel and the red lined pixel is 4, in Figure 3.9b,
3. it is 2.8.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.9 Differences in distance between Manhattan (a) and Euclidean distance(b).
From the above example, it is clear that distance can be defined in different ways. A space in which
distance is defined according to the conditions given hereafter is called a metric space.
Suppose there is a set of points, called S. S can be called a metric space if for S there is a distance
function d(s, t), where s and t are a pair of ordered points, that returns a distance that meets the
following criteria (from (Worboys and Duckham, 2004):
There numerous methods available. The metrics most appropriate for this research are the Euclidean
and Manhattan metrics. The distance function for Euclidean metric space is given in Equation 2. The
distance function for 2D Manhattan metric space is:
To illustrate the difference in metrics, one other example is shown. In Figure 3.10a a set of consecutive
circles is drawn around a point pixel in Euclidean metrics in a raster. In Figure 3.10b the same
consecutive circles are drawn, except now for Manhattan metrics. Figure 3.10c shows the circles in
23 metric.
Figure 3.10 Set of consecutive circles represented in Euclidean (a), Manhattan (b) and 23 metrics (c).
(a) (b) (c)
The different shapes in Figures 3.10 a – c essentially represent distance isolines. Every point on such a
line is located at the exact same distance from the seed as every other location on the line, measured in
the corresponding metric. A circle in Euclidean distance becomes a diamond shaped figure in the
Manhattan metric, and a square in the 23 metric. Going from Figure 3.10a to b, and to c can be seen as a
distance conversion. The process of converting a raster from Euclidean distance into Manhattan
distance is called distance transformation. How distance transformation and different metrics can be
helpful will be made clear in Section 3.3.3.
It is important to realize that when modelling real-world situations in a raster, the conversion from real
world object to pixel representation can introduce errors and issues concerning accuracy. For instance, a
point might fall in the top-left corner of a pixel, but it is represented by the entire pixel. Also, the
orientation of the grid can have an influence in the measured distances when using the Manhattan and
23 distances.
These methods will be presented in more detail, followed by a discussion concerning the general
advantages, possibilities and applications. Most of these methods are explained in 2D because they have
been developed in 2D and because this makes it more easily visualized. However, they can be
generalized into three dimensions.
The above mentioned methods can roughly be divided into two groups which I call the implicit method
(such as those using dilation, Section 3.3.4), and the explicit method (like the naïve method, Section
Using the explicit methods, each pixel in the Voronoi diagram is evaluated, and the distance to the
closest seed is determined through ordinary distance calculation methods. The risk that a pixel is
assigned an incorrect value is very low. Even if one pixel is evaluated incorrectly, values of other pixels
do not depend on the erroneous pixel, so the error does not progress further. This method is not very
efficient in the case of the naive method (Section 3.3.2). However, the efficiency or speed of the
algorithm might be increased by using auxiliary data structures, but these structures have other
disadvantages, such the need as additional storage space and keeping the structure up to date. One
example of an explicit method with an auxiliary data structure is shown in Section 3.3.7.
On the other hand, implicit methods will generally assign a value to a pixel based on the value of their
neighbours. In other words, based on pixel adjacency, it is implicitly assumed that a certain ID value can
be assigned to a certain pixel. Only in situations in which it is not entirely certain that the correct value is
assigned to a seed, more checks need to be performed in order to make sure the Voronoi diagram is
correct. These situations will occur near the boundaries of the Voronoi cells. Although this seems to be
more efficient than explicit methods, it is imperative to implement an algorithm that decides correctly
whether or not a pixel can implicitly be assigned an ID value, or if more checks are need. If this is not the
case, and a pixel is assigned a wrong ID value, the erroneous value might be distributed throughout the
Voronoi diagram.
In Figure 3.11, the difference between the implicit and explicit methods is illustrated.
Figure 3.11 The difference between the implicit and explicit methods: The implicit methods implicitly assumes that
neighbouring pixels have the same value. The explicit methods explicitly calculate the value of each pixel.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 3.12 (a) A 7x7 pixel raster with three seeds (ID’s 1,2 and 3). (b) The distances from the first pixel to all seeds
are determined. (c) The closest seed has ‘claimed’ the first evaluated pixel. The second pixel is evaluated. (d) This
process is done for all empty pixels, from left to right, top to bottom.
It shows an image of 7x7 pixels, in which 3 seeds are placed, each with a unique ID value (1,2,3). To
make it more clear, each seed is also represented by a colour. In order to create the discrete Voronoi
diagram, for each empty pixel in the raster, the closest seed must be determined. This is done by, for
each pixel, calculating the distance from that pixel to all seeds in the image, and assigning the ID value
belonging to the closest seed to that pixel.
For large images and/or large number of seeds, it will be very slow to calculate the Voronoi diagram,
especially in 3D. Another major disadvantage is when trying to add, move or remove seeds; this method
requires the entire Voronoi diagram to be rebuilt after adding, moving or removing a seed.
To make the algorithm more efficient, a spatial indexing techniques such as the R-tree or the kd- tree
can be used (Rigaux, Scholl et al., 2002). However, the main disadvantage of using a spatial index is that
an auxiliary data structure has to be built first, which also has to be kept up to date. This requires
relatively much time and memory space.
The algorithm starts by setting all pixels to 0 (marking them as not claimed), and then setting pixels
which represent the seeds to their corresponding ID-values. The initial radius of the circle r is set to a
positive value, as is the radial increment Δ9. The radius index (which keeps track of how often the radius
has expanded) is set to 1. The algorithm then enters a loop which can be expressed as follows:
1 FOR each claimed pixel P:
2 x = seed with value of P
3 Claim all unclaimed neighbours that are within distance 9 # ℓ ⋅ Δ9 of seed x
4 If a neighbor is already claimed by a seed y THEN:
5 IF P is closest to x THEN:
6 assign neighbor to x
7 ELSEIF P is equidistant to x and y THEN:
8 assign neighbor to seed with smallest index
To assess which pixels are neighbours of a claimed pixel P, Schueller proposed 3 neighbourhood sets,
among which are the Moore neighbourhood and the Neumann neighbourhood. In Figure 3.13a and b,
the Moore and Neumann neighbourhoods are shown. These are also known as 8-neighbourhood and 4-
neighbourhood respectively. The grey pixel (central pixel) in the middle represents the claimed pixel P,
the orange pixels represent those that are its neighbourhood pixels.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.13 Two different neighbourhoods. The Moore neighbourhood (a), and the Neumann neighbourhood (b)
When considering these two neighbourhoods in 3D, the Moore neighbourhood consists of a 3x3 voxel
cube in which the central voxel (2;2;2) is empty. When dilating a pixel using the 3D-Moore
neighbourhood, the resulting image will be a cube. The 3D Neumann neighbourhood consists of a 6-
voxel object, where all 6 faces of the central voxel are adjacent to 1 of the six voxels. Dilating the 3D
Neumann neighbourhood results in a diamond shaped object. There are also other neighbourhood sets
available such as the 16-connected and 32-connected described in van Bemmelen, Quak et al. (1993).
These will be discussed in Section
Schueller notes that the algorithm can be made more efficient by not considering points whose
neighbours have all been claimed already. But even when taking that into consideration, one major
shortcoming in terms of efficiency for this algorithm can be identified. It is located in the statement in
line 3 in the pseudo-code. To check whether a neighbouring pixel falls within the boundaries of
9 # ℓ ⋅ Δ9 of seed x is costly, since this has to be done for every pixel that is claimed, at least once. The
check has to be performed at least twice for pixels that lie on the boundary between Voronoi cells. This
means that the advantage that comes with using the sweeping circle or expanding circle principle is not
exploited. The sweep circle principle would be an excellent option when considering that using Figure
3.13a as a neighbour set could yield a circle in the 23 metric. The same goes for Figure 3.13b, but then
for the Manhattan metric. Using each of the neighbourhood sets to create a Voronoi diagram in the
corresponding metric would be advantageous, since no checks would have to be made to see if a pixel
falls within the radius of the next circle, because the claimed pixels would actually define the circle.
However, since the Schueller is looking for a Euclidean Voronoi diagram, the advantage of the automatic
distance transformation gained by using the either of the neighbourhood sets is partly lost. More on
implicit Voronoi diagram creation algorithms is presented in Section 4.2.1.
Also, in the event of a tie, that is when a pixel is equidistant from two or more seeds, the seed with the
smallest index number is assigned to the pixel. This will give a systematic error, and Schueller gives no
explanation as to why this rule of assigning is chosen. Other possibilities, such as arbitrary assignment of
the boundary pixels, will be discussed in Section 5.3.2.
When looking at the different neighbourhoods used in the article, two properties are distinguished that
are of importance: accuracy and efficiency. On both counts, using the Neumann neighbourhood yielded
better results. Especially in the vicinity of corners of the exact Voronoi diagram the Neumann
neighbourhood shows fewer errors in assigning pixels.
Adapting the algorithm so that seeds can be added will be relatively easy with this algorithm. The only
thing that needs to be done is to insert the new seed as a pixel, and dilate this seed. The algorithm will
automatically stop once the new Voronoi cell is added. Also, moving and removing a point will not be
difficult; by marking all the pixels of the Voronoi cell to be deleted, the surrounding seeds can be
expanded, thereby overwriting the marked pixels.
All in all, this algorithm does look promising, and will be taken into account when designing my own
Figure 3.14 The creation of a discrete Voronoi diagram using distance transformation. In (a) The 23 metric is used
(a) (b) (c)
to assign distances to the closest seed. In (b) consecutive circles are drawn until these collide. In (c) the resulting
Voronoi diagram is shown, with each seed represented by a colour (orange, blue and green). The grey pixels are
pixels represent pixels that are equidistant from one or more seeds.
In Figure3.14a, three seeds are inserted, namely seeds A, B and C. Using the 23 metric (chessboard
distance), the distance from these seeds to all other pixels is evaluated. This leads to a raster with
distance values. In this raster, contour lines can be drawn (Figure 3.14b). By joining the pixels containing
the highest numbers for each seed, one attains the Voronoi diagram for the specific metric (Figure
3.14c), in this case the 23 metric. In this Voronoi diagram however, the grey pixels represent the pixels
that are equidistant to two or more seeds. Also in this article there is no mention of how such pixel
should be treated. In the chapter concerning the algorithm I created (Chapter 4) this issue will be
discussed in more detail. The authors state that the concept of connecting the pixels with the highest
distance for each seed can be replaced by a different mechanism, namely the morphological dilation
The dilation operator is an operator that is frequently used in the field of computational geometry,
digital image processing and analyzing, medical image analysis and many other fields (Wu, Xu et al.,
2005; Jamil, Sembok et al., 2008; Tang and Chen, 2008; Martini and Wu, 2009). The mathematical
formula for the dilation operation is (Haralick, Sternberg et al., 1987):
where A is the original image, which is dilated using B, which is the structuring element.
It is the opposite of morphological erosion, operations which are both used on binary images. Binary
images are images in which pixels can have 2 values: 1 or 0. Both the dilation and erosion operations are
based upon two elements: the main image (Figure 3.15a) and the structuring element (Figure 3.15b).
The structuring element consists of a ‘central cell’ (grey) and ‘stamping’ cells.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.15 (a) The image to be dilated, (b) the structuring element
In the example in Figure 3.15a, the image is a 7x7 raster, in which all cells are 0 except the centre cell,
which is marked 1 (red). In the structuring element in Figure 3.15b, the blue pixels represent the pixels
with value 1. When the dilation operation is performed, the central cell is placed successively over all
pixels marked 1 in the main image. Each time the structuring element is placed over a pixel in the image,
the pixels in the image that overlap with the blue pixels of the structuring element are marked 1. This
operation can be performed an infinite amount of times, each time expanding or dilating
Figure 3.16a shows the image after it has been dilated once, Figure 3.16b and c show the main image
after having been dilated two and three times respectively.
In the study by (Li, Chen et al., 1999) Li, Chen et al. the authors want to use the concept of dilation to
find the distance contour lines (as in Figure 3.14b) in order to determine the Voronoi cell. Also they want
to approximate Euclidean distance as well as possible. In order to find these contours, they make use of
the concept of the expanding circles, which has a great advantage that until the circles touch (or in this
case contour lines), all pixels within the circle or contour line are implicitly assigned to the corresponding
seed. This means that only when the contour lines of two or more seeds touch, does a check need to be
performed as to which seed they belong. This can increase performance drastically.
In order to find the correct final contour lines (Voronoi boundaries) that approximate the Euclidean
distance as good as possible, the authors state that the expanding contour lines should resemble a circle
as much as possible. In order to do this, they combine the concept of distance transformation and
dilation by creating several different structuring elements. These different elements are then placed at
specific locations in such a way that the new image resembles a Euclidean circle as much as possible.
This technique is then adapted so that it can dilate other features beside points (such as lines and areas)
as well, in such a way that the final image represents a Voronoi diagram of those features. The creation
of Voronoi diagrams for other objects than points is indeed an interesting topic, and will be discussed
further in Section 5.2.
The authors state that using Euclidean distance in raster environments is not preferable. Therefore they
propose a method to create a Voronoi diagram in raster distance. But the algorithm proposed makes
use of Euclidean distance to calculate whether or not the dilated image represents a Euclidean circle as
close as possible. This contradicts the goal of the authors, and is not very efficient. Also I see no
objection to using Euclidean distance, especially when the outcome needs to resemble the Voronoi
diagram in Euclidean distance as good as possible.
Another remark can be made about the criteria that the dilated image must resemble a Euclidean circle
as much as possible. Although this does give the advantage of knowing explicitly which points are closest
to the seed corresponding to the circle, as soon as the circles (or contour lines) start to meet each other,
checks have to be made as to which seed is closest.
A different possibility would be to use one structuring element instead of several to approximate a
circle. Although this will require more of these checks, since the dilating object does not approximate a
Euclidean circle as well. But if only one structuring element would be used, the calculations that are
necessary to evaluate the differences between the dilated circle and the Euclidean circle would also not
be necessary. A further discussion on the shape of the structuring element will be given in Section 5.3.
For creating correct Voronoi diagrams of other object (lines, areas), it seems to be an effective
algorithm, since it is able to effectively dilate objects of different shape, without having to calculate the
closest object for each pixel. However, to use this method for the creation of a Euclidean Voronoi
diagram of point features seems not to be very efficient. This is because the dilated shapes need to be
checked in every round to see what structuring elements are needed to get a shape that is as close to a
circle as possible. Also, this algorithm shows possibilities in adding, moving and removing points, similar
to the nearest neighbour sweep circle algorithm. Based on these advantages, this algorithm will also be
taken into account for the creation of a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram creation algorithm.
As already mentioned in the research objectives, using the GPU is not within the scope of this research.
In order to utilize the GPU, my knowledge of, and skills in programming would have to be stretched far
beyond what they are now in order to perform the low-level programming necessary for the usage of
the GPU. This would be far too time-consuming for this thesis. This does not mean, however, that the
algorithms and ideas in the presented papers cannot help in creating a new algorithm. Therefore,
articles that might be relevant for this research project are discussed below.
Several people have devised ways to create a discrete Voronoi diagram with the aid of a GPU (Hsieh and
Tai, 2005; Rong and Tan, 2006; Rong and Tan, 2007; Majdandzic, Trefftz et al., 2008). A small, relevant
selection of these will be summarized.
It is important to note that most GPU based methods are not applicable directly for the creation of the
3D discrete Voronoi diagram. However, Rong and Tan (2007) present a method to create a 3D Voronoi
diagram using the GPU.
In Hsieh and Tai (2005) (Hsieh and Tai, 2005), the authors rely mainly on the power of the GPU. They use
a variation of the ‘naïve method’, in which the distance between a pixel and a seed is calculated for each
seed, instead of each pixel. Each pixel keeps track of the current nearest seed and the distance to that
seed. If a seed is closer that current nearest seed, the pixel is updated. The implementation is slightly
different from that of the naïve method, but the efficiency is still similarly poor. The only thing that
increases the speed of the algorithm is the sheer power of the GPU.
In Rong and Tan (2006, 2007) (Rong and Tan, 2006; Rong and Tan, 2007), the authors propose a method
called the Jump Flooding Algorithm (JFA) in which they utilize the parallel programming options of the
GPU, in combination with a efficient algorithm. The concept of jump flooding can be described as
In a raster of n x n pixels, the pixels that represent the seeds are assigned a unique ID value. In the first
round after this initial state is set, each seed at (xi, yi) will pass on its ID to the pixels at (xi + m, yi + n),
where m, n ∈ [[-k, 0, k]], and k = n / 2. This is done for each seed simultaneously. This means that
depending on the location of the seeds, a pixel might be assigned ID’s of several different seeds. Of
these seeds, the one that is closest to that pixel is chosen, and recorded for that pixel. In each
subsequent round, this process is repeated, but each round the step length k is divided by 2, in other
words, the step length k will be n / 2, n / 4, … n/n = 1, for each subsequent round.
To illustrate this process, the Figures 3.17a-d show the concept of jump flooding for one seed in an 8 x 8
One disadvantage of this method is however that it is somewhat prone to errors. Because the algorithm
depends on the propagation of values from pixels to other pixels, an erroneous image may be formed
when a pixel receives the incorrect value. This is referred to as a pixel or site being ‘killed’, and it would
cease the propagation of the correct value to other pixels. This is partly solved in the revised algorithm
1+JFA in Rong en Tan (2007), making this algorithm more accurate.
In that same paper, another implementation of the JFA and 1+JFA is presented. This variation allows for
the creation of 3D discrete Voronoi diagrams, without the use of the GPU. The GPU is not used in this
implementation, because the functionality of the GPU did not allow for this method to work in 3D. Thus,
the CPU is the only available option. This variation in 3D works on in slice-by-slice manner, in which the
3D raster is sliced into 1 voxel-thick slices either in the x-, y- or z-plane. These slices are then handled
separately. This 3D version of the (1+)JFA relies on the property that the seed does not need to be
represented in the exact correct location in the raster in order to gain a correct Voronoi diagram
(property 1 in Rong and Tang, 2007), as long as no pixels are ‘killed’. Simply put, this is because in each
subsequent round, every pixel that is assigned a certain ID value is checked so that only the closest seed
is assigned to that pixel. If a seed is placed at an offset, distance checks at each pixel should prevent
pixels in the next round to get a wrong value, unless pixels get killed. Therefore the authors propose to
orthogonally project the seeds on each slice, and run the 1+JFA for each slice. When calculating and
checking distances, 3D Euclidean distances are used, ensuring that the correct seeds are assigned to the
respective voxels. Afterwards, the slices can be added together again, recreating the entire 3D Voronoi
The authors claim that the general concept of the JFA is applicable not only to points, but also to other
objects, such as lines, splines, etc.
The execution of the JFA and 1+JFA is done within the GPU, which is obviously one of the main
advantages of this algorithm. If this algorithm would be implemented using a serial processor such as
the CPU, it would not be an efficient algorithm at all. This is due to the fact that each pixel can receive a
minimum of one, and a maximum of eight different ID values from pixels at (xi + m, yi + n), where m, n ∈
[[-k, 0, k]]. This means that the distance between a pixel and a seed is evaluated at least once, and at
most eight times per pixel. By executing these calculations parallel (simultaneously) the increase in
speed can be dramatic. But since all GPU related algorithms fall beyond the scope of this project, it
means that this algorithm is not usable for this research project.
The 3D implementation, the slice-by-slice algorithm, however is suitable only for use with the CPU. This
makes it much more interesting for this research project. But the main issue with this method is that the
drastic increase in efficiency that the GPU yields is lost completely. The GPU can at present not be
implemented to create the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. Therefore, this method will not be taken into
account when creating a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram algorithm.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.18 (a) An 8x8 pixel image, showing the three levels of subdivision. Blue lines represent the first level,
green the second and red the third level (b)Visualization
Visualization of the quadtree structure, corresponding to the
subdivision made in (a).. The square containing the numbers 1/4 show the sequence in which a square is
By using a quadtree, images can be stored relatively efficiently, because groups of pixels can be stored
as one entity, instead of having to store the value of all pixels separately. In the ca
se of the image in
Figure 3.18a,, only 11 counts of black regions have to be stored, instead of 29 separate black pixels. The
structure itself also needs to be stored, but for even for relatively small raster, this will be an
This concept is adapted by Zhao, Li et al., and used in combination with the morphological dilation
operator. They reason that when dilating seeds into Voronoi cells, it is only necessary to calculate
distances between a pixel and two or more seeds for pix
els near the boundaries of Voronoi cells. Pixels
that are closer to the seeds might be assigned to a seed more effectively. This is done by creating a
quadtree of the image, so that whole areas of pixels that belong to a certain seed can be assigned that
alue in one operation. These areas are represented by the black nodes in Figure 3.18b.
3.1 When nearing
the boundaries between two or more Voronoi cells, the subdivision is extended so that separate pixels
can be evaluated.
One of the drawbacks of employing a structure like the quadtree is the large overhead needed for the
creation of the quadtree. While storage space of a raster can be decreased dramatically by using a
quadtree/octree structure, the overhead of memory space needed for the creation and manipulation of
a quadtree (creating a Voronoi diagram for instance) is relatively high. Although this is the case, this
does not mean that using quadtree structure cannot be an effective aid in creating a discrete Voronoi
diagram. If one would try to create a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, an octree could be utilized, which is
the 3D version of a quadtree. In an octree, a cube is recursively divided into eight smaller cubes.
The concept which Zhao, Li et al. present does seem rather efficient, especiall
especiallyy when having images in
which the resolution is relatively high, or when the number of seeds is relatively low. In these situations,
it would be faster to be able to assign larger areas at once to a certain seed, than doing it one pixel at a
time. Figure 3.19 zooms in on such a situation, where a normal dilation function is being executed. The
dark colours represents the actual dilated Voronoi areas so far (using a Moore neighbourhood), where
as the lighter colours represent the Voronoi cells as they should be at the end. In this case, calculation
time could be decreased by assigning larger areas at once to the seeds. The black lines show the areas
that each could be assigned to the blue seed in one round.
Figure 3.19. Enlarged portion of an image in which dilation is being executed (using a Moore neighbourhood). The
black squares show the areas that could be assigned to the blue seed in one round.
The authors propose to do this using a quadtree structure. However, from the article it does not become
clear how the quadtree is constructed when the pixel values are not known yet. In other words, how
does the algorithm know where the boundaries between Voronoi cells are situated? Without this
knowledge, a quadtree cannot be constructed in one round. While the concept is sounds attractive, it
will not be utilized for this research project because of the limited explanations in the article, and
because of the practical implementation issues concerning the octree in Python.
Figure 3.20 The decomposition of a kd-tree based on the points represented by the black dots. (Wikipedia, 2006)
Using the kd-tree to find the nearest neighbour of a point in a set of points can be very efficient (Bentley
and Friedman, 1979; Yianilos, 1993; Talbert and Fisher, 2000; Park, Linsen et al., 2006; Liu, Chen et al.,
2009). The kd tree can be implemented relatively easily. Using the data structure to find nearest
neighbours of a point can be more difficult, but nonetheless possible.
Since the discrete Voronoi diagram is essentially a diagram that shows which seed is the closest
neighbour for each pixel, creating the Voronoi diagram from a kd-tree of points is relatively straight
forward. First of all, the kd-tree of the set of points must be created. Then for each pixel, a new location
has to be inserted into the kd-tree after which the kd-tree can be queried for the location of nearest
neighbour of that pixel. The ID value of this seed can then be assigned to the pixel. After all pixels have
been evaluated, the Voronoi diagram is formed.
Normally, the creation of a kd-tree requires all seeds to be known from the start in order to get a
balanced kd-tree. A balanced kd-tree is a tree in which each leaf is located at approximately the same
distance (number of divisions) from the root of the tree (van Oosterom, 1999; Langetepe and
Zachmann, 2006).
This very straightforward method is relatively efficient, but the overhead of this method is quite large,
similar to the quadtree method. Another advantage of this method is that it explicitly calculates which
seed is closest for each pixel, in other words, this is an explicit method, and if the nearest neighbour
calculation is implemented correctly in this structure, there is very little chance of errors.
The kd- tree is not only a suitable data structure to use when searching for the nearest neighbour, but it
also handles image scaling very well (Yianilos, 1993; Park, Linsen et al., 2006). This means that the set of
points that is used to create the kd-tree can be scaled to the distance range [0, 1]. Any metrics range,
including that of Euclidean distance can be scaled to the same [0, 1] range, so that after the kd-tree is
created, the coordinates of pixels that need to be inserted into the kd-tree can be scaled identically,
retaining the nearest neighbour relations. When creating the Voronoi diagram the results can be easily
scaled into any other image size, without increasing the risk of errors.
One major disadvantage lies in the possibility of adapting this algorithm so that seeds can be added,
moved or removed. The problem with this is not that inserting, moving or removing points in or from
the kd-tree is highly time consuming, but to be able to perform a nearest neighbour search requires a
balanced tree. After points have been inserted or removed, the tree becomes unbalanced, and has to be
re-balanced. But the tree structure and the discrete Voronoi diagram are not dynamically linked; in
other words, when updating the tree, the Voronoi diagram is not updated automatically. To solve this,
at first glance, the entire Voronoi diagram would have to be recreated from the kd-tree, if the kd-tree is
changed. A more innovative solution would be to somehow calculate what area of the Voronoi diagram
is affected by the change in the kd-tree, and recreating only that area. However, calculating this area
might not be easy, nor will it very efficient if many seeds were to be added or manipulated.
Based on the advantages and disadvantages, this method will also be looked at when creating a discrete
3D Voronoi diagram algorithm. There are several other tree-like data structures; however, the described
quadtree and kd-tree are the most suitable for the required purpose. This is true for the kd-tree
especially, since it is well equipped for nearest neighbour searching. Other available structures might
work, but offer more functionality than is necessary. For an overview of more spatial index structures,
see (van Oosterom, 1999)
Although the concept looks promising, there are too many unknown mechanisms to adapt this method
and use it for the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram algorithm.
In the beginning of this chapter, the exact and discrete 3D Voronoi diagram have been discussed in
depth, and the duality between the Voronoi diagram and the Delaunay triangulation has been
explained. Also, the concept of metric space is discussed, including the Euclidean, Manhattan and 23
Several existing methods for the creation of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram have been discussed. Two
different types of methods can be distinguished. Implicit methods assign values to voxels by assuming
they carry the same value other voxels (usually the voxel next to them). This assumption makes it
imperative that a good error-control mechanism is in place. Explicit methods explicitly calculate the
value for each voxel. For this method, errors are less likely to occur, however, a good mechanism for
these calculations must be in place in order to make the algorithm efficient.
The following methods for creating the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram have been discussed:
The discussion of these methods will be used to develop an algorithm that is able to create a discrete 3D
Voronoi diagram. This is done in Chapter 4.
In this chapter a new algorithm for the creation of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram will be presented.
First of all, the process of how this algorithm is created will be described. This is quite important, since it
explains certain characteristics of the algorithm, especially in light of the literature review in Chapter 3.
The presented algorithm is based partly on Schueller’s natural neighbour sweep circle algorithm.
After the algorithm is presented, some additions will be discussed that enable the algorithm to add,
move and remove points within an already created discrete Voronoi diagram. In Chapter 2, several
different functionalities have been mentioned that are deemed to be important for a GIS to have in
order to handle the 3D discrete Voronoi diagram. The different GIS or other software packages that are
capable of handling the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram have been identified, and their capabilities have
been assessed. It is clear that some basic functionality is lacking. This functionality has also been added
into the algorithm, and will be presented.
Finally, the possibilities of the algorithm will be discussed in terms of adaptation, future use and
different environments (metrics)
In this chapter, the term voxel is used in all instances. Also in images that describe processes or concepts
in 2D, the term voxel is still used in order to maintain consistent, and to emphasise that the algorithm is
implemented in 3D.
As with the discussion on the discrete Voronoi diagram literature, the methods in this section will be
described in 2D but can, without exception, be generalized to the 3rd dimension.
The first algorithm I created was based on the naïve method. This algorithm visits every voxel in the
image, and checks for every voxel which seed is closest to that voxel. It does this by simply calculation
the Euclidean distance between the voxel coordinates and the seed coordinates. As already mentioned,
the naïve method is the most inefficient of all methods. For this reason it has been abandoned relatively
After this limited test, the choice was made to develop an implicit method, in order to create
conceptually relatively simple algorithm that at the same time had potential to be relatively efficient. As
explained in Section 3.3, an implicit method makes use of certain assumptions that enables the
algorithm to assign a certain seed ID value to a voxel without having to perform distance calculations for
every combination of voxel and seed. The choice to use an implicit method was made because the two
explicit methods that were relatively promising in terms of efficiency are not easily implemented. These
methods are:
Since no explicit methods were readily available to implement in the tool setup that was available, the
only option is to proceed with an implicit method.
are not near the boundary of a Voronoi cell. The voxelss near the boundaries have to be evaluated
Circle dilation
The first improvement I attempted to make was to avoid the calculations that were necessary to find the
correct structuring elements for the right place. This would be possible if a circle could be created in a
different way. Unfortunately, creating circles in a raster environmen
environmentt is very time-consuming.
time And
although Bresenham created a well known algorithm for the creating of circles (Bresenham, 1977),1977) it is
still not efficient enough to improve the Nearest Ne
ighbour Sweep Circle. Also, when dilating circles in
other manners, artefacts can be seen ((voxels that have not been assigned a value) (Ji, Piper et al., 1989)
(see Figure 4.1).
Other struct uring e le ments
Another method to remove the time consuming checks to approximate a Euclidean circle is to simply
use only one structuring element. Since there is no way to dilate a circle with one structuring element
(Ji, Piper et al., 1989),, this will eliminate the need for those calculations. However, this will also partly
change the assumption that voxelss that fall within the dilated area are assigned correctly (as was the
case with the circular shaped dilation). This can be explained as follows:
The image in Figure 4.2a is a small raster (10x7 voxels) in which two seeds have been inserted. These
seeds are iteratively dilated with a Moore neighbourhood structuring element
element,, resulting in expanding
squares. Figures 4.2b-d represent the image after respectively 1,2 and 3 rounds. A problem that can
occur with this dilation is the wrongful claim of a voxel.
The green voxel in Figure 4.2e shows a situation that could introduce errors. In the last round, this has
been claimed by the blue seed. But when looking purely at Euclidean distance, thehe distance to the blue
seed is √18,, while the distance to the orange seed is √17. Therefore, this voxel has been wrongfully
assigned to the blue seed. The way to overcome this is to allow the algorithm to re re--assign voxels that
have already been claimed. How this is done will be covered in detail in the next section.
Figure 4.3 The 16-connected neighbourhood.
It is used by van Bemmelen , Qauk et al. to increase accuracy in finding a least cost path in a raster
where different pixel values represent different costs. In this article there are more neighbourhood sets
presented like the 16-connected, but larger (32-connected neighbourhood). If testing shows promising
results, these will also be evaluated.
In the testing of this algorithm, the above three mentioned structuring elements will be used and
compared in Section 5.3.2 (Accuracy and precision).
This method described above, and illustrated in Figure 4.2, is similar to that of Schueller’s natural
neighbour sweep algorithm, in that it uses a form of dilation. However, where the sweep algorithm
would check every pixel if it falls within the expanding circle, this method implicitly assumes that the
pixels that are claimed by the dilated cells are claimed correctly. Only if there is a collision (where two
expanding cells try to claim one pixel) are explicit checks made to see to which seed a pixel belongs. This
method might be more efficient, and is also conceptually quite simple. Therefore, the final algorithm will
use dilation with one structuring element as its primary mechanism. The description of the algorithm is
presented in the next section.
As already mentioned, the algorithm will be explained and presented in 2D, but every aspect of it can be
generalized in to 3D. So although the figures are in 2D, the algorithm is fully implemented in 3D.
3) Since the structuring element is not a circle, a mechanism must be in place to ensure all voxels
have been assigned correctly once the algorithm has completed.
The algorithm CreateDiscreteVD presented in pseudo code below adheres to all the above criteria.
Algorithm 1: CreateDiscreteVD
1 change = 1
2 DO WHILE change = 1
3 FOR each voxel X in image:
4 IF X == 0 THEN:
6 neighbourList = list of all neighbours of X
7 FOR each neighbor N in neighbourList:
8 IF N.id == X.id THEN:
10 ELSE IF N.id == NoData THEN:
11 N.id = X.id
12 ELSE IF N.id <> X.id and N.id <> NoData:
13 D1 = distance between N and seed with id: N.id
14 D2 = distance between N and seed with id: X.id
15 IF D1 < D2 THEN:
17 ELSE IF D2 < D1 THEN:
18 N.id = X.id
19 ELSE IF D2 == D1 THEN:
20 Set value of N.id according to ARBITRARY_RULE
23 IF no voxel were changed THEN change = 0
In order to create complete Voronoi diagram, this loop must be repeated until none of the voxels have
changed their ID value. A bit more explanation is perhaps in order. It starts at line 1, with the beginning
of a loop. It will loop over all voxels in the image. At every voxel it encounters, it first checks if it has
been assigned a value. If not, this voxel will be skipped, and the next voxel is evaluated. If it has been
assigned a value the algorithm proceeds by identifying all the neighbours of the voxel and storing them
in a list.
This action is determined by the shape of the applied structuring element. If the Neumann
neighbourhood is used, only the four direct neighbours are selected (top, bottom, left and right). If the
Moore neighbourhood is used, the four diagonal neighbours are also selected.
Now another loop is created. This loop iterates over the selected neighbours. If the neighbour has the
same ID value as the current voxel (X), it is correctly assigned already (LINE 8 and 9). If a neighbour has
no value set (NoData), it automatically assumes the ID value of the current voxel (X) (LINE 10 and 11). If
a value has been set, but not the same as that of the current voxel, some checks have to be performed
(LINE 12 – 20). At this instance, 2 dilating regions have met at this voxel. In order to see if the voxel was
claimed correctly by the other region, the distance between the neighbour N and the seed
corresponding to voxel X, and the distance between neighbour N and the seed corresponding to
neighbour N have to be checked. If one distance is smaller than the other, the corresponding seed ID
value is assigned to neighbour N. If the two distances are exactly the same, a choice must be made,
according to the so-called ARBITRARY_RULE. This rule can be based on several things, such as ID value,
position, etc. One could also choose to flag such voxels as being boundary voxels. Which method is most
suitable for what situation is explained in Section 5.3, but the standard in this thesis is that the
ARBITRARY_RULE states that in conflict situations the pixel is assigned to the seed with the lowest ID (of
the seeds that claims the pixel, not of all seeds).
It must be noted that to increase efficiency, the distance checks that are performed are actually based
on the squared distance, to avoid the use of square root operations (which can be computationally
What the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm does is nothing more than to take the structuring element,
place it over every voxel in the image that has been given a ID value already, and ‘stamp’ the structuring
element onto the original image.
3 FOR each voxel X in changedVoxelList:
One other way to make this algorithm a lot more efficient is making sure that no voxel is evaluated
twice. If no mechanism for this would be in place, this would occur very frequent. Consider the example
shown in Figure 4.4
The orange voxels represent the boundary of a Voronoi area, during the process of dilation. When
identifying the neighbours of the voxels, all the blue voxels are identified twice; once for the orange
voxel below them, and once for the orange voxel to their right. In order to counteract this, a dictionary is
maintained that stores only unique neighbours, thereby forcing the algorithm to use evaluate every
neighbour once. However, this dictionary can store a neighbour twice, or more. This occurs when the
voxel is a neighbour to two different voxels. In Figure 4.4 the blue voxels are a neighbour to both the
green and the orange Voronoi areas. Both areas need to be allowed to claim the blue voxels. Therefore,
not only are the neighbours stored uniquely with respect to their coordinates, but also in combination
with the voxels they are identified from. Thus, all blue voxels will be stored in the dictionary as
neighbour to the orange and green Voronoi area.
This figure shows a voxel-level representation of two Voronoi areas, green and orange. The white voxels
will be evaluated and claimed. The order in which the white voxels will be claimed is purely defined by
the order in which the program loops through the changedVoxelList, which is usually on ID
value. This means that one area will claim these voxels before the other has the opportunity to do so.
Line 12 in the pseudo code represents the mechanism that enables the correct area to claim the voxel,
even if it comes second in evaluating:
This expression checks the condition that the neighbour N of voxel X does not have the same ID value as
voxel X (which would make it part of the same area already) and that the neighbour N <> NoData. If this
condition is met, this means that it has been claimed by a different area, and the algorithm will perform
more checks. First of all, the (squared) distance between the evaluated voxel (N) and the seeds
corresponding to both areas (green and orange in this case) will be calculated. If it is closer to the green
seed, it will be assigned to the green area, and the same for the orange seed. If for this voxel nothing
changes (i.e. it was already correctly claimed) nothing happens, and the seed is not added to the future
changedVoxelList. However, if the voxel is changed, and therefore it was wrongfully claimed, it
will be added to the future changedVoxelList. This behaviour makes it possible for every voxel to
be assigned to the right seed, as long as the seed is represented by at least one voxel. This can be
proven since:
b. The seed corresponding to the voxel (X) is favourable, based on the ARBITRARY_RULE.
This means in essence that a seed can propagate to every voxel the image, as long as the voxels it
encounters are either empty, or if the voxels can be rightfully claimed for that seed based on either the
distance or the ARBITRARY_RULE.
In order for the algorithm to perform correctly, it must also terminate every time when the Voronoi
diagram is completed. That it does terminate in the correct way follows from the following proof:
Proof II: Correct algorithm temination.
1) Every voxel will receive the correct ID (Proof I)
2) If a voxel has been assigned the correct ID, it will not be assigned that ID again if it should be
checked (line 15 of algorithm).
3) If all voxels have been assigned the correct ID, no voxels will change their ID
4) If no voxels have been changed in one round, the algorithm terminates (line 23 of algorithm).
Name Description Type
Point.id ID value
Every newly created instance is added to the end of a list, called pointList. After the entire data file
has been processed, pointList contains every point in the dataset.
4.4.2. SCALE
After importing the point data set, the points need to be converted into seeds, by entering them into
the raster. Therefore, first the raster has to be created and to do this the extent of the raster has to be
known. First of all, the extent is automatically created by placing a bounding box (rectangle) that exactly
envelopes all points. The points are then re-referenced with respect to the extent so that the corner of
the bounding box of all points with the lowest x, y, and z coordinates is assigned the raster index (0,0,0).
These new coordinate values are then also stored into the point class:
Name Description Type
Table 4.2 Extended properties of the Point class: coordinates cropped to the bounding box.
In a raster, voxels are assigned an (i; j; k) index, instead of (x, y, z) coordinates for exact points. The index
of a voxel is expressed in integers. In order to place the points into a grid as seeds and compute the i, j
and k indices of the seeds, a resolution has to be decided on. This can be illustrated by the following
relation between resolution and size of the bounding box (can be generalized for x-, y- and z –
In order to create the grid, ultimately the number of voxels is needed. Therefore the user can enter
either the resolution, or the number of voxels. The resolution is then used to scale the points into the
grid by multiplying the cropped x ,y and z coordinates by the resolution. This gives the following
additions to the Point class:
Name Description Type
Table 4.3 Extended properties of the Point class: coordinates scaled to the bounding box.
A grid point (voxel) could be seen in exact form as a square of 1 x 1. In order to put exact points into a
grid, the voxel that best matches that point has to be found, and marked by assigning it a certain value.
The pixels are defined so that there is no boundary-line between them, so for instance, the extent of
pixel P( k; l; m) is as follows:
k < Pi = k <= k + 1
l < Pj = l <= l + 1
m < Pi = m<= m + 1
This, combined with the fact that an exact point has no size, means that such a point will always fall
within the boundaries of a voxel, and never on top of a boundary. By taking the scaled (exact) point, and
converting it to an integer, one can find the voxel index. Consider Figure 4.6.
Figure 4.6 Converting exact points (black dot) to discrete coordinates (orange voxel).
In this figure, the exact scaled point with coordinates (2.2; 1.2) is displayed as a black dot. By converting
these coordinates into integers, (2; 1) the (orange) voxel which represents this point is found. This
operation yields another property for the Point class:
Name Description Type
Table 4.4 Extended properties of the Point class: exact points converted to discrete points.
If during the process of scaling points fall within the same voxel, a new point is create with a negative ID
value to indicate it is a combined point. This point has the extra property:
Table 4.5 Extended properties of the Point class: combining unique points and their ID values.
The ID value of this point is the id value of the first point it stores multiplied by -1 to indicate that it is a
compound point. The x, y, z and a values are averaged over all combined points which also results in
averaged cropped and scaled values. Thus the two exact points:
Point (1.1, 1.1, 1.1) with attribute value 5 and ID =1
Point (1.7, 1.7, 1.7) with attribute value 10 and ID = 2
Which would then be treated as a ‘normal’ exact point; it will be converted to a discrete point.
The attribute values of the original points are set to -9999, indicating that these need not be used
anymore. The final result is one point that can be inserted into the grid, but which represents all the
points that fall within the voxel.
- discrete_VD.a3d
This file contains the (3D) raster data. The format is the ASCII 3D format, used by GRASS GIS. For
more detail on the internal file structure, see Appendix I
- id_2_values.pnt
This file contains the attribute values that correspond to the ID values of the seeds. This file is
also plain ASCII text, and formatted according to Appendix I.
After a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram has been created, it is possible that the Voronoi diagram has to be
modified by adding removing or moving points. This is something that is particularly important for users
that need interactive modelling functionalities (Bailey and Gatrell, 1995). It may be that some points
need to be removed because they are regarded as outliers. Also, it might be necessary to insert extra
data points (for instance, when new measurements become available), or to move data points to see
what the effect is on the Voronoi diagram. To accommodate for these requirements, the program was
extended with algorithms that provide functionality to add, move and remove points. These algorithms
are presented in this section.
Algorithm 2: AddSeed
To do this, first of all, the voxel representing the new point would be assigned the ID value of the new
point, thus becoming the new seed in the grid (line 1).
Normally, the original CreateDiscreteVD algorithm would each round rely on a list of points that
were changed in the last round. This can be emulated by feeding this function a list containing only the
new point (line 2). This would set the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm to evaluate the neighbours of
this point. Assuming that the discrete Voronoi diagram was complete, these voxels will already be
occupied, but as long as they should belong to the new seed, these voxels will be reclaimed by the new
seed. In this way, the new 3D Voronoi diagram will be finished in as many rounds as it takes to dilate the
new seed.
This method will not only allow for the insertion of one point, but can be used to simultaneously insert
multiple new points. Building the adapted Voronoi diagram will then take only as many rounds as are
necessary for the slowest Voronoi cell to be dilated.
The pseudo code for this algorithm is as follows:
Algorithm 3: RemoveSeed
First, all voxels containing the ID that corresponds to the seed (line 1) (green voxels in Figure 4.6a) need
to be identified. There are two ways to do this. The first is a quite inefficient operation, since it requires
the program to evaluate each voxel in the image and check if it has the ID value that corresponds with
that of the seed to be deleted. Fortunately, there is a module available for Python called Numpy
(Oliphant, 2006), which is programmed in C, and provides very fast array processing operations. It has a
built-in function that takes a 2D or 3D array together with a value, and returns the indices of all voxels
that contain that value. This function performs the operation many times faster than a user defined
function can do by evaluating every pixel. After the voxel indices have been identified, these voxels are
visited to see if their neighbours belong to another Voronoi cell (line 4); if so, they are stored in a list
(line 5) (see Figure 4.7 b).
The second possibility to get a list of all voxels that need to be deleted is to start with the seed that is to
be deleted. Using the dilation principal, all neighbours are checked if they have the same ID value. If a
neighbour does have the same ID value, its neighbours are checked. When a neighbour does not have
the same ID value, it can be considered to be a ‘boundary’ voxel. This way all boundary pixels can be
stored in a list and used in the next section of the algorithm. In theory, this is much faster, since it has to
visit only the voxels that belong to the Voronoi cell that is to be removed, and its boundary voxels.
However, in practice it turns out that is slower than the low-level pre-programmed method described
above. Therefore, this method is not implemented. However, when implementing the algorithm in a
different language, such as C, this issue must be revisited.
The second part of the removing procedure is performed by passing the list of boundary pixels on to the
general dilation function (line 9), which will then ‘re-dilate’ the Voronoi cells surrounding the removed
Voronoi cell, overwriting the voxels that are to be deleted , finally yielding a recreated Voronoi diagram
(Figure 4.7c).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 4.7 The process of removing a seed and its Voronoi cell.
(a) The Voronoi cell. (b) Identifying the green voxels and boundary voxels. (c) The darker coloured boundary voxels
are then re
re-dilated until all green voxels are overwritten.
These additional algorithms that allow to add, remove and move points, also show one of the strong
points of the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm in comparison to other discrete 3D Voronoi diagram
algorithms, because in essence the AddSeed algorithm uses the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm to
‘overwrite’ certain pixels,, so no major adaptations are necessary. The modifications are also done
locally,, instead of needing to reconstruct th
e entire Voronoi diagram. Also the RemoveSeed algorithm
shows similar efficiency if an additional data structure is added
added, which is described
cribed in Section 5.2
By resampling an image, one can increase or decrease the spatial resolution of that image. It is also used
in raster rotation and (projection) transformations. By upsampling an image, the number of voxels is
increased, resulting in more voxelss covering the same image. By doing so, the spatial resolution of an a
image increased. Downsampling on the other hand, will result in a lower spatial resolution, by
decreasing the number of voxels (Baxes, 1994).
Upsampling can for instance be used to match the resolution of two different raster images. If they have
different resolutions, the image with the lowest spatial resolution can be upsampled to match the
resolution of the second image. This can be necessary when performing an operation like map algebra.
Although upsampling will yield a higher spatial resolution, the features in the image will only be
enlarged; they will not become more sharply defined or more detailed, since the upsampling cannot
retrieve more information out of the original image than there already is. Essentially, upsampling is
nothing more than interpolation of an image, in this case using nearest neighbour interpolation. This can
be illustrated using Figure 4.8.
In Figure 4.8a , a 2x2 image is shown. This has to be resampled, in such a way that the new image is 4x4
Figure 4.8b. Each centre of a voxel in (a) can be represented in (b) as a point, which has the same
relative position in (b) as it has in (a). By performing a nearest neighbour interpolation on the voxels
with respect to the points, one can get the resampled image in Figure 4.8d.
When a digital image is upsampled, for example a digital photograph, using a nearest neighbour
interpolation will cause aliasing (Baxes 1994). Aliased images are images in which the spatial pattern is
distorted, resulting in a less clear image. Therefore, other interpolation methods, such as bi-linear, tri-
linear or bicubic interpolation are usually implemented (Baxes 1994). However, these result in an image
that contains intermediate values, so the result looks smoother (Baxes, 1994). For normal digital images
this indeed preferable, but in this case the required result can only contain values identical to those in
the original image, since intermediate values would result in Voronoi cells with fuzzy boundaries.
Since creating a Voronoi diagram is nothing more than interpolating points using nearest neighbour
method, the program already contains a nearest neighbour interpolation method: the
CreateDiscreteVD algorithm. This can be used to upsample an already existing image by first
creating a grid that has the required amount of voxels. Then each voxel from the original image can be
represented as a seed in the new image. A list of these seeds is created, and passed onto the dilation
function. The result is a resampled image with the desired resolution. This is theoretically similar to a
standard nearest neighbour resampling algorithm (Baxes, 1994).
The most likely reason for downsampling a discrete Voronoi diagram is to reduce the size of the Voronoi
diagram so that certain analyses on that Voronoi diagram can be performed faster. If the operation does
not require the level of detail provided in the original discrete Voronoi diagram, there is no objection to
do so.
The concept of downsampling can be illustrated using Figure 4.9, in which a downsampling operation
from a 3x3 image to a 2x2 image is performed.
Figure 4.9 Downsampling from a 3x3 (a) to a 2x2 (b) voxel image.
In Figure 4.9 a, the grey lines represent the voxels in the 3x3 image. The orange lines define the areas
that represent the voxels in the 2x2 image. Although the voxels have the same dimensions, conceptually
one could say that a voxel in the 2x2 image overlaps multiple voxels in the 3x3 image. The value that is
assigned to the voxels in the 2x2 image depends on the values of the voxels in the 3x3 image they
overlap. These values can be averaged with respect to the area they envelop, but in the case of discrete
3D Voronoi diagrams, averaged values are not acceptable. This is because of the fact that the cells of a
Voronoi diagram have a sharply defined boundary. Averaging values would make these boundaries
fuzzy, and thus the Voronoi diagram would not be a true discrete Voronoi diagram anymore.
The CreateDiscreteVD algorithm assigns the value that has the most area within the area that
represents a voxel in the 2x2 image. Consider the top-left voxel of the 2x2 image. This voxel envelopes
two values in the 3x3 image; 0 (black) and 1 (white). The total area of the black voxels in the top left
area is 1 + 0.25 = 1.25 voxel. The area of the white voxels is 0.5 + 0.5 = 1 voxels. Therefore, the top left
voxel in the 2x2 image is assigned 0 (Figure 4.9b). In case the total areas of all distinct values are equal,
one is chosen randomly.
This method has not been documented as far as I can find. However, this is not surprising, since it will
yield quite poor results for digital images, such as photographs. This is because it will not average any
values, similar to the upsampling mechanism.
In contrast to for instance the Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation, where each seed has an
influence that is based on distance, the natural neighbour interpolation method is a natural neighbour
interpolation method, which is based on overlapping Voronoi areas (2D) or volumes (3D). It uses a
weighted average of neighbouring areas or volumes to determine the influence of each seed. In Figure
4.10a-d, the mechanism of assigning the weights for each is illustrated.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 4.10. The basic principle of natural neighbour interpolation. (a) A Voronoi diagram of 4 regularly spaced
points (p1-p4). (b) Insertion of point q, to be interpolated. Dotted white polygon shows the new Voronoi cell. (c)
The new Voronoi cell, with µ1-µ4 representing the respective weights for each corresponding seed, based on the
relative area of each section with respect to the area of the new Voronoi cell. (d) The interpolated image, after
each point has been interpolated.
Figure 4.10a represents an exact Voronoi diagram of 4 points, p1 to p4. The areas are coloured for clarity,
and represent different values. For each location that is to be interpolated (in this case, each voxel in the
image) a new point is temporarily inserted (point q) and a new Voronoi diagram is created. The dotted
line in Figure 4.9b shows the area of the newly created Voronoi cell. The overlapping areas (u1 to u4) that
this new Voronoi cell has with the original Voronoi cells determine the relative weight of the seed that
corresponds with those areas. The value of voxel q ( \ can be described as:
_cd ^_ `a
\ ∑b
_cd ^_
Eq. 6
It is important to note that the inserted Voronoi cell is only temporary. For each interpolated voxel, a
new temporary Voronoi cell is created. After the value at this voxel estimated, the cell is removed. If this
is done for every voxel in the image, the result is an interpolated raster, approximating the (continuous)
field that was sampled.
The natural neighbour interpolation method has some interesting properties. These are explained
thoroughly in Sambridge, Braun et al. (1995), Watson (1992) and Gold (1989)and will be summarized
Properties of the natural ne ighbour interpo lation method
The first attractive feature of the natural neighbour interpolation method is that it is an exact
interpolation method. This is in contrast with, for instance, the Inverse Distance Weighted interpolation
method, which is an inexact method. The fact that it is an exact interpolation method implies that at the
sample point location (or seed location, in the context of the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm) the
interpolated value is exactly the same as the recorded value. In other words, the weight of each seed is
exactly 1 at the exact location of that seed, which means that no other seeds influence the value at that
Secondly, the natural neighbour interpolation method is a local method, meaning that the influence of
a seed is restricted to a certain area, so that a location is not influenced by points that are situated
relatively far away.
The third property of the natural neighbour interpolation method is that the resulting surface is
continuous, meaning differentiable, except at positions of the seeds. It must be noted that the natural
neighbour interpolation method can be adjusted so that its derivative is existent everywhere (C1), also at
the seed locations (Watson, 1992).
The output of the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm is a 3D Voronoi diagram in 3D raster format. Once
the 3D discrete Voronoi diagram is created, this raster can also be used to as a support for the natural
neighbour interpolation, instead of the exact 3D Voronoi diagram used normally. In Park, Linsen et al.
(2006), this is done very efficiently. First of all because they create the discrete Voronoi diagram by using
the kd-tree, which can be a very efficient method as already explained in Section 3.3. Secondly, they also
use the power and properties of the GPU to effectively create the natural neighbour interpolation of the
discrete Voronoi diagram. Although this is not possible in this project, the function to add a point in the
discrete Voronoi diagram is relatively efficient, since only the voxels that are changed are evaluated,
instead of the whole raster. This makes it very suitable for the natural neighbour interpolation. This is
done in a similar way when using an exact Voronoi diagram as the basis for the natural neighbour
interpolation, and is implemented as illustrated in the following pseudo-code:
Algorithm 4: CreateNaturalNeighbour
In line 2 the AddSeed algorithm is called, which is introduced in Section 4.5. It takes the indices of the
voxel (P) that is to be interpolated and the original discrete Voronoi diagram (Figure 4.11a) as
parameters. It returns the modified Voronoi diagram (Figure 4.11b) containing the new Voronoi cell, and
the list of voxels that were modified in the process. In line 4 of the pseudo code, the values of the voxels
in the original Voronoi diagram (voxels within black line in Figure 4.11c) that correspond to the modified
voxels (grey voxels Figure 4.11b) are summed. This total is then divided by the number of modified
voxels. This gives the interpolated value at voxel P. To get the total interpolated image, this has to be
done for each voxel in the 3D Voronoi diagram.
In practice this means that the volumetric calculations that can be difficult to implement in exact
environment (Ledoux and Gold, 2005), comes down to simply counting voxels, and multiplying the
number of voxels by their (known) volume.
In this chapter, the development and implementation of the CreateDiscreteVD has been
discussed. The algorithm is based on the implicit Nearest Neighbour Sweep Circle algorithm by Schueller
(Schueller, 2007), with several modifications in the dilation component to make it more efficient.
Besides the basic CreateDiscreteVD algorithm, 3D raster data import/export functionality, dynamic
modelling functionality (adding, moving and removing points), resampling functionality and natural
neighbour interpolation have been added.
The result is an algorithm that is able to import a 3D point dataset and from this dataset create a
discrete3D Voronoi diagram. It can export this Voronoi diagram to different formats so that it can be
imported in both MayaVi2 and GRASS. Besides the GRASS 3D raster functionality such as map algebra, it
is possible to perform the neighbour interpolation on the discrete 3D, thereby creating a 3D continuous
Besides designing and implementing an algorithm for the creation of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram,
combining the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram with current off the shelf GIS is also something that has to
be assessed. The software that enables the handling of discrete 3D data has been selected, and in this
chapter, the usage of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in combination with trivariate (x, y, z, a) data will
be assessed. How useful is the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in practice? How does it compare to the
exact Voronoi diagram, in terms of accuracy, speed and usability? These questions will be addressed in
this chapter.
In Section 5.1, the 3D Voronoi diagram is assessed in the context of modelling continuous 3D data. In
Section 5.2 other (future) possible uses and extensions are presented, that might increase the
usefulness of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. Section 5.3 shows the advantages and disadvantages of
the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram compared to those of the exact 3D Voronoi diagram. Finally, in Section
5.4 the use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in a GIS environment is assessed and discussed.
Basically there are two ways of using the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram for the modelling of continuous
• Using the discrete Voronoi diagram as a basis for creating a continuous field using natural
neighbour interpolation.
• Using the discrete Voronoi diagram as a tool for neighbourhood-related spatial analysis
Interpolation the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram using natural neighbour interpolation is relatively easy:
No user input concerning any parameters is required. After the algorithm is complete, the image is
interpolated. In Figure 5.1 both a 2D and 3D discrete Voronoi diagram are shown, with the resulting
interpolated images.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5.1. (a) A 2D discrete Voronoi diagram and (b) its interpolated surface. (c) Slicing of a discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram and (d) a slicing of the interpolated surface.
As previously mentioned, the exact natural neighbour interpolation method is relatively difficult to
implement, mainly due to degenerate cases of sample point locations. Since the discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram does not have this problem, the implementation of such an interpolation method is relatively
straightforward. The algorithm itself has already been presented. However, due to the speed limitations
concerning Python, the algorithm is not yet practical to implement. At this moment, it takes 2 hours to
interpolate a 50x50x50 Voronoi diagram with 150 seeds, whereas using the exact Voronoi diagram
model by Ledoux (2006), it takes approximately 10 minutes. The implementation by Ledoux was
programmed in a compiled language called Delphi.
However, in 3D this is slightly different. In order to display the exact 3D Voronoi diagram, a wireframe
can be used, as is done in Figure 5.2a, but unfortunately this does not clearly show the concept of depth.
For this shading or surface visualizing is required, which has been done for a different Voronoi diagram
in Figure 5.2b, but this makes it not much clearer.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.2. Visualization of an exact 3D Voronoi diagram can be a difficult task. (a) An exact 3D Voronoi diagram
visualized using online lines and (b) displaying surfaces as well. Both are not easily interpreted.
A discrete Voronoi diagram is also difficult to visualize. Section 2.2 discussed the possible ways to
visualize the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram; volume rendering, isosurfacing and slicing. Visualization of
the entire Voronoi diagram through volume rendering is not recommended, since this will show every
Voronoi cell in the raster. Isosurfacing is also not a recommended option for the raw discrete Voronoi
diagram; this is used more appropriately for the processed and interpolated result. However, by slicing
the data, the distribution of points can be illustrated very well. An example of this is show in Figure 5.3
It shows an image of MayaVi2, in which a 3D discrete Voronoi diagram has been loaded and sliced by a
specified plane. By simple mouse movements, this plane can be controlled in x-, y- and z-directions. This
way, the distribution of points in all directions can be visualized and interpreted. It must be noted here
that the resulting slices do not represent 2D Voronoi diagram, but mere a cross-section of 3D Voronoi
diagrams. The same goes for all other images in this thesis that show slicing of a 3D Voronoi diagram.
It might seem trivial to look at the distribution of sample points. However, if the user only has the
discrete Voronoi diagram, and not the dataset of 3D points, it can be quite important to look at the
sampling distribution. An example: suppose a method called ‘progressive sampling’ is used during the
collection of data. In this method, the data that is sampled is analyzed simultaneously. In places where
changes in the sampled variable are minor, it can be decided to collect fewer samples (Burrough and
McDonnel, 2006). This method can decrease the amount of necessary sample points and calculation
time, but it will also increase the anisotropy of the sample point distribution.
When this sampling method is used, the discrete Voronoi diagram based on these data will contain large
cells where the change in the measured variable is relatively low. In areas where this change is larger,
the Voronoi cells will become smaller. An example of this can be seen in Figure 5.4 a-c:
If a user would receive such a discrete Voronoi diagram, and it is known to him that progressive
sampling has been used, he can make an interpretation of the data simply by looking at the Voronoi
diagram. It is important to note however, that the shape and size of the cells say little on the modelled
value itself, but only on the change in value; since in progressive sampling schemes the points are closer
together wherever the sampled values change a lot. In the case of Figure 5.4 this attribute would be
Using the Voronoi diagram to assess data and the distribution of sample points is just one of many ways
in which the Voronoi diagram can be used to perform spatial analysis. Many more spatial operations are
possible using the Voronoi diagram. However, for some of these, the discrete Voronoi diagram has to be
extended with additional functionality. In the next section the possibilities and necessary additions will
be presented.
This research project has a limited time frame. Within the available time the concepts and
functionalities that were discussed above have been implemented such as resampling functionality,
natural neighbour interpolation and dynamic manipulation of seeds. However, there are several ideas,
possibilities and concepts that were thought of during this project which can definitely aid in making the
discrete 3D Voronoi diagram a useful data structure, especially in combination with off-the-shelf GIS.
The most important of these future possibilities will be discussed in the next sub sections.
Although the term topology can also be used in combination with continuous fields represented in
raster structures, the two have different meaning. Topology in exact space describes “the continuity of
space and spatial properties, such as connectivity, that are unaffected by continuous distortion.”
(Burrough and McDonnel, 2006). One of these properties, aside from connectivity, is adjacency. In 2D,
adjacent objects are objects that share a common boundary or edge, whereas in 3D objects are
considered to be adjacent when they share a face.
In some data formats, the topology relationships between objects are stored within the file (Arc/INFO
coverage files), in other formats (ESRI Shapefile) only the objects are stored, and topological
relationships have to be calculated from the geometries in real-time (ESRI, 1998).
In raster representation, topology between objects can be defined as well, although the definitions are
slightly different (Winter and Frank, 2000). However, the concept of adjacency is rather similar in both
environments. In Figure 5.5a two polygons are adjacent: they share a common edge (edge connected). If
two polygons would meet only at one vertex, they are also adjacent, but they are vertex connected.
The boundary between pixels is non-existent. They are drawn in most figures to emphasise that a pixel is
a discrete unit, but in reality the boundary is not there. So how do we define raster adjacency? In Figure
5.5b four pixels are adjacent. These can also be edge connected (blue and orange pixel) or point-
connected (orange and green pixel). But not only pixels can be adjacent. In the case of the discrete
Voronoi diagram the Voronoi cells might also be adjacent. A Voronoi cell A is said to be adjacent to
another Voronoi cell B, when at least one of the pixels in A is adjacent to at least one of the pixels in B.
This concept is illustrated in Figure 5.5c, where the light blue, orange and dark blue Voronoi cells are
adjacent to each other, but the green is only adjacent to the orange and light blue pixels. Thus one can
say that a Voronoi cell is adjacent to another Voronoi cell, if at least one of each cell’s pixels are adjacent
(edge and point adjacency).
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 5.5. Adjacency in exact and discrete environments. (a) Polygon A and B are edge-connected. (b) The blue
and orange pixels are also edge-connected, while the green and orange pixel are corner-connected. (c) Light-blue,
dark-blue and orange areas are adjacent. Green area is only adjacent to orange and light-blue area.
The concept of adjacency can be integrated with the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm as follows.
During the construction of the discrete Voronoi diagram, areas are dilated. During this dilation
operation, an outer pixel p tries to push its ID value to its neighbour(s) q. If q has already been claimed, a
check is performed to determine which value is the correct choice. If the result of this check is that the
original value of q is correct, this means that that pixel is part of the boundary of the neighbouring area,
and p is part of the boundary of the current area. By storing this information a database can be created
that for each Voronoi cell stores both the boundaries of that cell, as well as the ID value of the adjacent
Voronoi cells. This database can then be used to speed up existing operations such as the RemovePoint
operation (see Section 4.5). It also clears the road for other adaptations and extensions to the algorithm.
One of the possibilities that the adjacency table could introduce is creating or extracting the Delaunay
triangulation / tetrahedralization from the Voronoi cell adjacency table. By drawing lines between seeds
that are adjacent (where adjacency is based on Voronoi cell adjacency (edge variant)), one has in
principle the DT of a point set. Drawing lines and filling areas in a raster are quite straightforward
operations (Gourret and Paille, 1987). After filling the triangles (2D) or tetrahedra (3D), the discrete DT is
complete (Figure 5.6a and c). The discrete DT can also be used as a method to represent continuous
field data for instance (Fuchida, Kashima et al., 2005)
Adjacency table
Grey Orange
Grey Yellow
Purple Green
Blue Grey
.. ..
Another major benefit from this minor chang change of explicitly storing cell boundaries, is the possible
increase in efficiency in the operation RemovePoint and MovePoint. The RemovePoint operation
is as of yet not as efficient as it could be. The main issue is the lack of efficiency in finding the boundary
Currently, the algorithm uses an internal function thathat returns the index of the pixels. It does this much
more efficiently than a custom built function that evaluates the entire grid, but the mechanism is still
the same. It then visitss these pixels, recording the pixels that form the boundary of adjacent Voronoi
cells. But if the
he database containing adjacency and edge information described above is stored with the
3D Voronoi diagram, the RemovePoint algorithm can be simplified since no boundary pixels have to
be identified.
The general dilation function will simply then re-dilate from the list of boundary pixels,
pixels returning a
Voronoi diagram that does not contain the deleted seed anymore. Figure 5.7a-c shows the method as it
is now, Figure 5.7a and b shows the simplified method.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.7. Removing a seed (and Voronoi cell) through adjacency table. (a) The Voronoi diagram. (b) The
boundary pixels are already known, and can readily be re-dilated.
The Voronoi diagram discussed in this thesis is the ordinary Voronoi diagram, which assigns areas (2D)
or volumes (3D) to points based on Euclidean distance. Every location within this area is closest to the
corresponding point than to any other. However, there are many more types of Voronoi diagrams that
are also used quite extensively in different fields of science. Okabe, Boots et al. (1994) show how, with
the help of 12 different generalized VDs, 35 different neighbourhood operations can be performed. The
Voronoi diagrams they propose are generalized in space, assignment function (determines to which
seed is a location assigned), and in the set of seeds that are used. Examples of these are the weighted
Voronoi diagram and the high order (ordered) Voronoi diagram (Okabe, Boots et al., 1994). These
Voronoi diagrams can be difficult to construct or modify in vector format in two dimensions (Gahegan
and Lee, 2000; Dong, 2008), let alone in 3D. It is interesting to see if the discrete versions of these
generalized Voronoi diagrams can also be created with the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm. To do
this, some examples of a generalized Voronoi diagram will be presented and the suitability of the
algorithm created in this project will be discussed.
The weighted Voronoi diagram is a diagram in which the area that corresponds to a seed is defined by a
weighted distance function. The weighted Voronoi diagram is an interesting diagram that can be used
for instance to define the areas in which a certain product is ordered at the lowest price at supplier pi,
based on :
The total cost for ordering the product at location p, from supplier pi would then be Pi + tid(pi ,p). The
weighted Voronoi diagram would in this case show the areas in which the cheapest supplier is the
supplier corresponding to that area (Okabe, Boots et al., 1994).
This weighted distance between a location p and a seed pi can be described as follows:
Where dw is the weighted distance, wi1 would represent in the above example, and wi2 would
represent –Pi. Using only g would yield a so-called multiplicatively weighted Voronoi diagram (Figure
5.8). Using only g$ would yield an additively weighted Voronoi diagram. Using both would yield a
compoundly weighted Voronoi diagram.
Figure 5.8. Example of a 2D exact multiplicatively weighted Voronoi Diagram. (Adapted from
This distance equation can be used to easily create a weighted Voronoi diagram with the
CreateDiscreteVD algorithm. This is primarily based on the fact that a seed can propagate itself to
every pixel in the raster, as long as it does so according to the distance function and according to the
ARBITRARY_RULE. For an ordinary Voronoi diagram the distance function is simply:
But by substituting dw for d, the created Voronoi diagram will be weighted, and where d can be called a
Euclidean distance, dw can be called the Weighted Euclidean distance (Dong, 2008). From this, it
becomes clear that each seed can have a different weight, and thus each seed must have its own
distance function. This distance function is continuous, it must comply with the three conditions that
need to be met in order to define a metric space (Section 3.2.2), and it is only valid only within the
corresponding Voronoi cell. This can be generalized by stating the following:
Postulate 1:
CreateDiscreteVD can create any Voronoi diagram for which the distance function belonging to a
seed pi is describes a metric space within the boundaries of the corresponding Voronoi cell.
With this statement in mind, it is also possible create a ‘Voronoi diagram in a river’ (Okabe, Boots et al.,
1994). A ‘Voronoi diagram in a river’ can model for instance the areas of influence of a factory with
respect to its smog output. This smog will not disperse radially, because wind will blow it into one
direction. An example of this can be seen in Figure 5.9, which show a ‘Voronoi diagram in a river’ in
vector format.
Figure 5.9. Example of a ‘Voronoi diagram in a river’. It shows the non-radial dilation of a set of points, due to a
directional influence. (From Okabe, Boots et al. (1994))
The distance function will be somewhat more intricate however. Let j be the speed at which the smoke
diffuse from the chimney, g the windspeed in positive x direction and k = l
< 1. The distance function
would then be:
By combining the 3D ‘Voronoi diagram in a river’ and the weighted 3D Voronoi diagram, interesting
applications in 3D can be devised. For instance; consider a river or estuary where a lot of factories are
located along the shores which all discharge water with traces of heavy metals into the river. If one
would be interested in the concentration of a certain heavy metal in the river, it is possible to model this
using the Voronoi diagram in a river. The volumes of influence of each factory in the estuary or river can
be calculated, taking into account the dispersion of the metals by the flow of the river. If some factories
produce more discharge, this can be modelled by integrating a weight per factory. By using natural
neighbour interpolation, one can model the 3D concentration of the heavy metals based on the
discharge of the factories. Note: this is an illustrative example; to model such things as accurate as
possible more variables have to be taken into account, such as flow mechanisms.
Generalize d Voronoi diagrams that cannot be created
There are also some generalized Voronoi diagrams that cannot be created using this algorithm. This is
the case when the Voronoi diagram does not comply with Postulate 1. This the case with for instance
directional network Voronoi diagrams, where the distance between two points is based on the available
paths instead of the relative position of the two points. Therefore, it does not meet criterion 2 (Section
3.2.2, metric space) that states that the distance between 2 points should be equal when travelling in
both directions, which is not necessarily so in a directional graph. From this it follows that a
CreateDiscreteVD cannot create a Voronoi diagram with it. Other examples of Voronoi diagrams that
cannot be created with this algorithm are k-order (ordered) Voronoi diagram and the Voronoi diagram
with obstacles.
For in depth explanation of the generalized Voronoi diagrams, I refer the reader to Okabe, Boots et al
Different metrics
Based on postulate 1, it should also be possible to create discrete Voronoi diagrams for different
metrics, such as the Manhattan metric, of which the distance function is shown in Equation 3. This could
be interesting for instance when one wants to find the nearest hospital in a city that has a gridded
layout, or to perform any spatial analysis requiring a Manhattan Voronoi diagram for that matter.
The CreateDiscreteVD algorithm is created to work only with point datasets. However, it can be
interesting to create the Voronoi diagram of other objects, such as lines, polygons or even polyhedra.
Various people have already created algorithms for the exact Voronoi diagram of lines and areas in 2D
(Drysdale and Lee, 1978; Kirkpatrick, 1979; Lee and Drysdale, 1981; Sharir, 1985; Yap, 1987; Dong,
2008). The 3D JFA algorithm by Rong and Tan (2007), is able to create a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram,
however, it does this by creating several 2D Voronoi diagrams, and adding them together to form a 3D
Voronoi diagram.
A Voronoi cell of an object other than a point shows the region in which every location is closer to the
closest point of that object than to the closest point of any other object. An example of this is shown in
Figure 5.10, where a 2D Voronoi diagram of areas is shown.
Figure 5.10. Example of a Voronoi diagram of areas.
(Adapted from Okabe, Boots et al, 1994)
The possibilities of the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm could be greatly increased if it can also create
Voronoi diagrams for objects other than points; however, this is not the case. The problem lies in the
fact that instead of the distance from a certain pixel to a point, the shortest distance from a pixel to an
object must be determined. This is not possible with the current CreateDiscreteVD algorithm. However,
other discrete Voronoi diagram algorithms have shown this potential in 2D, such as (Li, Chen et al., 1999;
Fuchida, Kashima et al., 2005; Zhao, Li et al., 2008).
- A file containing the attribute values that correspond to the ID values of the seeds.
- A file containing the Ids of the adjacent seeds, for every seed:
- A file containing (for every seed), the indices of the pixels that form the boundary of the
That the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram can be used to model continuous surfaces has been proven in the
previous sections. However, the fact that it is possible does not mean that it is the best way. In the
beginning of this research, the exact 3D Voronoi diagram was also introduced, and the analogues
between the exact and discrete versions have been mentioned frequently, either to show the
differences between them or their similarities. In this section, the discrete and exact version of the 3D
Voronoi diagram will be compared as to how each method is equipped to model three dimensional
continuous fields, and in general spatial analysis and operations. This will be based partly on their
characteristics; some properties can make a method more suitable for a certain purpose than others.
Also, concepts such as accuracy, speed and the ability to dynamically model the Voronoi diagram will be
5.3.1. SPEED
As stated in the scope of this research (Section 1.3.3), the aim of this research was not to create the
most efficient algorithm possible. However, during the designing and the implementation of the
CreateDiscreteVD algorithm, many tweaks have been made to make the CreateDiscreteVD
algorithm as efficient as possible within the available time frame. By doing so, it was attempted to
increase the suitability of this algorithm for creating 3D Voronoi diagrams. To see whether or not the
CreateDiscreteVD is suitable algorithm to create the 3D Voronoi diagram, it is interesting to see
how this algorithm performs in terms of speed, compared to an algorithm creating the exact version.
The algorithm for the exact version is the same as is implemented in Ledoux (2006).
Although such a comparison seems relatively straightforward, in this case the comparison is not, since
the end products of both methods are totally different objects. Perhaps a better comparison would be
to see how the methods compare in speed, when the same end product is created by both methods,
and both methods are created in the same language.
To get the same end result from both types of algorithm, one of them has to be modified. Since this
research is focussed on the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, this will be the desired output for both the
discrete and the exact algorithm. The exact algorithm used to do this is an extension to the CGAL library
(CGAL, 2009). As explained earlier, this method first creates the Delaunay tetrahedralization, and then
derives the Voronoi diagram from that. To create a discrete Voronoi diagram with this method, first the
Delaunay tetrahedralization is created. Then a function is called that gives the closest seed for any
location. By doing this for every voxel in a 3D raster, a 3D discrete Voronoi diagram can be created.
Conceptually however, this is not a very efficient way to do this.
Although this comparison seems to be based on more equal terms, it is still skewed. This has to do with
two other factors. The first is the programming languages in which the exact and the discrete Voronoi
diagram algorithm have been created in. Both the discrete and exact versions have been implemented
in the Python language. However, the Python implementation of the exact 3D Voronoi diagram is based
on the CGAL library (CGAL, 2009) that has been written in C++, and for which so-called bindings are
provided. These bindings allow Python to use the CGAL library, which allows for considerably faster
execution of very intricate geometric calculations than a pure Python implementation would. The
CreateDiscreteVD algorithm has been written and implemented almost completely with Python
code and can thus be expected to run much slower.
One technical aspect to increase efficiency is to write certain parts of the algorithm in Cython (Behnel
and Bradshaw, 2008). By writing in Cython, parts of the program can be written in C instead of Python.
For simple repetitive operations, this can increase efficiency by several orders of magnitude. Parts of the
CreateDiscreteVD algorithm have been implemented in Cython, increasing the speed with a factor
20. If the algorithm itself could be written in C entirely, the efficiency would increase dramatically,
especially when the array in which the raw data for the Voronoi diagram is stored can be converted to a
C array.
In Figure 5.11, the running time for the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm is shown. From this graph it is
clear that the time complexity of this algorithm is linear. An exact theoretical derivation of the time
complexity for the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm is beyond the scope of this research.
0 10 20 30
Numer of voxels
The second factor for the incorrect comparison is the way the Voronoi diagrams are created. The time it
takes for the CreateDiscreteVD to create a finished discrete Voronoi diagram is mostly dependent
on the number of voxels in the image. The more voxels that have to be evaluated, the longer it takes. In
the exact-to-discrete method, this is different. The first part, creating the Delaunay tetrahedralization, is
dependent on the number of seeds; the second part is mainly dependent on the number of voxels in the
desired discrete Voronoi diagram. Therefore, it is difficult to compare the two methods. In theory, one
might be faster when using very few seeds in a large raster; the other might be faster when a lot of
seeds are used in a small raster.
The fact that this comparison is difficult to make quantitatively, does not mean that it cannot be made
qualitatively. Actually this can be easily done. With a few test cases, it can already be stated that the
CreateDiscreteVD is slower for almost every set of parameters, compared to the exact-to-discrete
method. Only when the raster is relatively small (< 100x100x100 voxels) is implementation of the
CreateDiscreteVD quicker.
However, this does not mean that the development of the CreateDiscreteVD is a futile
undertaking, since the functionality of the algorithm adheres to the criteria set in the start of this thesis.
It is expected that if the entire algorithm is written in C or C++, that it will be several orders of
magnitude faster than it is now. That would make the algorithm more suitable for the creation of the
discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, and perhaps it will be quicker than the exact-to-discrete method. The
reason that an implementation in C or C++ will be quicker is that those languages are compiled, whereas
Python is an interpreted language. In an interpreted language, a line of code is parsed, and then
executed. Then the next line of code is parsed and executed. Compiled languages first parse the entire
file into machine code. Once that is finished the machine code can be executed in one go, giving a
significant speed improvement.
In Chapter 3 it is explained that in the process of dilation, a structuring element (or neighbourhood) is
used to dilate a pixel. This structuring element can take any shape, but for this project, three structuring
elements were chosen; the Moore neighbourhood (8-neighbourhood) and Neumann neighbourhood (4-
neighbourhood) (Section 3.3). In several trials, the three neighbourhoods were compared in speed and
accuracy. Although there was no difference in accuracy, with the Neumann neighbourhood the
algorithm required the least time to complete. For this reason, in future test, only the Neumann
neighbourhood was used. The graph Figure 5.12 shows the different calculation times for the three
structuring elements at different raster sizes. The tests were conducted using the 2D Voronoi diagram
for practical reasons. However these results can be generalized for the third dimension as well.
Neumann (4)
Moore (8)
100 200 300 500 1000 (^ 2)
Numer of pixels
Figure 5.12. Calculation time of discrete 2D Voronoi diagram using different structuring elements
The reason that it takes more time to complete with larger structuring elements might sound
paradoxical since more pixels can be claimed in one round. However, this also means that when two or
more Voronoi cells start to converge, overlap between the dilated cells becomes more frequent, and
this means that there are more pixels that need to be corrected, which also takes time. From these
results, it is clear that this algorithm performs the most efficient with a structuring element that is as
small as possible while still expanding in all directions.
Shape representation
In comparing raster with vector representation, the first thing that is to be acknowledge is that a raster
is always less accurate in representing the shape of an object than the vector representation is. For
instance, consider a triangle (Figure 5.13a):
Figure 5.13a shows the triangle in vector format, Figure 5.13b and c in raster format. It is clear that the
shape of the triangle is approximated in Figure 5.13b and c, but not really well. Based on Figure 5.13b,
one could say that the triangle is an isosceles triangle, while in vector representation it is not. This
approximation of a shape in raster representation can be improved by increasing the number of pixels.
This decreases the spatial resolution; one pixel will represent less space in the reality it is modelling, but
the shape of the object will approximate the exact shape more closely. This can be done indefinitely
(within bounds of realistic computing practice) but the shape will simply never be exactly the same as
the shape in the vector representation. This exposes one of the disadvantaged in raster data models: a
higher degree of accuracy means more storage space is needed.
An interesting feature of the discrete Voronoi diagram is the ease with which the area or volume of
influence (Voronoi cell) of a point can be calculated. The only thing that has to be done is to calculate
the number of pixels or voxels that make up the cell, and multiply this by the area or volume of one pixel
or voxel respectively.
Theoretically, the accuracy problems that are illustrated in Figure 5.13b should have their consequences
on the accuracy when performing these volume calculations. For testing purposes, two 3D Voronoi
diagrams were created, one exact and one discrete Voronoi diagram. Both were created using the same
dataset, with 17 randomly distributed points. A bounded Voronoi polyhedron was selected in the exact
model. The ratio between the volume of this polyhedron and the bounding cube of the exact Voronoi
diagram was created in was calculated (rexact). This ratio is a constant, in other words, a bigger cube will
yield exactly the same ratio, since it is created in a vector environment. In the discrete Voronoi diagram,
the same polyhedron was selected. Also for the discrete version, the ratio between the volume of the
polyhedral and the volume of the cube it was created in was calculated. This is illustrated in Figure 5.14,
where for the sake of simplicity a 2D example is shown. In Figure 5.14, The total area of the image Atotal
= X * Y. In the discrete version, Adiscr is the area of the blue Voronoi cell. In the exact image, Aexact
denotes the area of the corresponding exact Voronoi polygon (orange). To compare the accuracy of the
discrete Voronoi diagram to that of the exact Voronoi diagram, one can define the two ratios rdiscrete =
Adiscr / Atotal and rexact = Aexact / Atotal.
rexact will never change when increasing the size of the exact Voronoi diagram, but rdiscrete does change
slightly when changing the size of the discrete Voronoi diagram. Increasing the number of pixels should
increase the accuracy, and therefore the rdiscr should approach rexact.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.14. Comparing accuracy between exact and discrete objects through comparing ratios (a) Adisc is defined
by the area of the blue polygon (b) Aexact is defined by the area of the orange polygon
By comparing the rexact with rdiscrete, the error in the volume of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram can be
calculated. In this case it is expressed as the amount the ratios differ in percentages. As mentioned
earlier, to increase the accuracy, theoretically one can use more pixels. Therefore, the influence of
increasing the number of pixels in the discrete Voronoi diagram has also been modelled. The outcome is
shown in Table 5.1 and visualized in Figure 5.15.
100 12.00
125 0.42 8.00
150 1.69 6.00
160 4.00
170 0.47 0.00
175 1.76 0 10 20 30 Million
180 1.08 Nr of voxels
190 0.25
Figure 5.15. Graph showing the relation between error in volume calculation
200 0.06 of a random chosen Voronoi Cell for a 3D discrete Voronoi diagram. The error
250 0.12 is the absolute relative difference between the exact volume and discrete
300 volume of the same Voronoi cell in percentages.
Table 5.1 The absolute relative error shown in Table form, with respect to the number of voxels used to create the
discrete Voronoi diagram.
Table 5.1 shows a highly erratic outcome in the error column. Some errors had a negative value, but in
the table the absolute value is shown. The peaks are caused by the conversion to absolute values.
Would the graph show signed values, the resulting graph wou would zigzag around the y=0 line. In the
following section I propose an explanation for the trend in the errors, and why the absolute value has
been used as indicator.
There seems to be no correlation between the number of pixels used and the size of the error. The
expected drop with increasing number of pixel is visible, when going from 20^3 voxels to 125^3 voxels.
However, the drop does not continue and the error remains to fluctuate erratically between
approximately -1% and +1%.
One reason for the fluctuation of the error is the fact that pixels that are equidistant to two or more
seeds are assigned to the seed (and Voronoi cell) with the lowest ID value. When creating the discrete
Voronoi diagram in different scales, as has been done with the Voronoi diagram m mentioned
entioned in Table 5.1,
a pixel that is equidistant to two or more seeds in a 50x50x50 raster might not be so in a 75x75x75
raster. Since the volume of only one Voronoi cell is calculated, in one resolution this cell might have
slightly less pixels (relatively)
ely) than in a different resolution. This is illustrated in fig. Figure 5.16.
(a) (b)
Figure 5.16.. Assigning equidistant pixels to a seed. (a) The centre column of pixels is equidistant. (b) Based on
ARBITRARY_RULE, it is assigned to the blue seed.
In Figure 5.16aa the centre column of pixels (with black outline) is entirely equidistant to both seeds
(darker pixels). In this case, blue has an ID value 1 while orange has ID value 2. Based on the
ARBITRARY_RULE, the centre column will be assigned entirely to the blue seed. The area of the blue seed
q th
r $
is now of the entire area, while in the exact version it would be exactly . Since this error can be
either negative or positive depending on the object and the chosen resolution, the absolute values was
given in Table 5.1 to illustrate the magnitude of the error. When changing the resolution by 1 pixel in
both x and y direction, as is done in Figure 5.16b,, the ratio of the areas comes closer to the
th ratio in the
exact representation (in this case they are exactly similar).
Equidistant pixe ls
The error in volume or area explained above is a structural error.. One way to decrease this structural
error is to change the ARBITRARY_RULE
ARBITRARY_RULE, discussed in Section 4.3.1, which states what has to be done
when a seed is equidistant to two seeds. Normally, it is assigned to the seed with the lowest ID. But if
the assignment would be random, then the probability that the pixel is assigned to either seed is 0.5 for
both seeds, instead of 1.0 for the seed with the lowest ID. However, this is not possible as of yet with
this algorithm. To understand this, it is important to realize that the rule of assigning the pixel to the
seed with the lowest ID is rather arbitrary: it could also be the seed with the highest ID or any other rule.
However, it has to be a rule that defines a suitable seed in a reproducible way: a specific situation must
have the same outcome every time, otherwise the algorithm will fail. A situation where pixels are
randomly assigned does not fit this criterion; therefore it is not suitable for now.
The reason why the algorithm needs a reproducible assignment rule, and cannot assign a seed randomly
is illustrated by Figure 5.17, in which equidistant pixels are arbitrarily assigned to a seed.
In Figure 5.17a, two seeds have been dilated once using the Moore neighbourhood. The column of
pixels in the centre of the image contains only equidistant pixels. In the following round (Figure 5.17b),
the orange pixels start dilating, and claims all the pixels in the centre column, because they contain
NoData. In the same round, after the orange dilation, the blue area dilated. When it evaluates the
equidistant pixels, it randomly assigns some pixels to the blue area (Figure 5.17c). In the next round the
neighbours of the changed orange pixels are evaluated, including the pixels assigned to the blue area. It
might be that these are than assigned to the orange area again (Figure 5.17d). This process can go on
indefinitely (Figure 5.17e), which means the algorithm is in an infinite loop. This is the reason why the
random assignment has not been implemented
Because the natural neighbour natural neighbour interpolation method is directly connected to the area
(in 2D) or volume (in 3D) of the different Voronoi cells, any error that these Voronoi cells contain will be
reflected automatically in the natural neighbour interpolation. An example of this can be seen in Figure
5.18, where a Voronoi cell of point q has an area that is 7% smaller for the discrete version compared to
the exact version. This will directly reflect in the value that is assigned to point q after natural neighbour
Figure 5.18. A portion of an Exact and discrete Voronoi diagram in overlay. The area of the discrete Voronoi cell of
point q is 7% smaller than the exact Voronoi cell of point q.
When looking at the relation between resolution and shape accuracy, it is clear that increasing the
resolution can increase the accuracy. But what can be said on the required resolution of the discrete 3D
Voronoi diagram, in order to get a satisfactory result?
Obviously, this depends strongly on the purpose for which the Voronoi diagram is built. One could state
for instance that at least every sample point must be represented by a single pixel, so that all sample
points are represented in the diagram. This concept can be expressed with the help of the Nyquist
sampling frequency. The Nyquist sampling frequency is the highest occurring frequency in the dataset
times two (Baxes, 1994; Hengl, 2006). When applying this relation to a set of geographically referenced
points, the relation is as follows:
$ Eq. 10
Where is the spatial resolution, and ℎ the average distance between two smallest point pairs.
However, this requires one to know the spatial distribution of the sample points. To retrieve this
information, first the entire dataset has to be examined, requiring a substantial amount of time. Hengl
(2006) postulates some more relations for the spatial resolution, and there is one that is perhaps the
most suitable for the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, which gives the relation between the minimum
spatial resolution, the area and the number of samples collected for a random sampling distribution in
2D. This relation can be generalized to three dimension, which will yield the following equation
v w
Eq. 11
Where p is the spatial resolution in meters, C is a constant, V the volume of the sampled area, and N the
number of samples. For a random sampling, C must have a value of at most 0.25 (Hengl, 2006). Although
sampling in geosciences in by all means not generally based on random sampling, it will resemble an
anisotropic sampling distribution better than a regular sampling.
The relation in Equation 11 will ensure that every voxel in the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram will
represent only one unique sample point. In other words, not seed (or sample point) will fall in same
voxel with another sample point.
However, one can also argue that samples that are relatively close might be rather similar and can be
aggregated (this obviously depends very much on the manner in which the area was sampled. With
progressive sampling for instance the opposite is true). Or one simply wants to quickly create a coarse
Voronoi diagram, to have a fast overview. Whatever the reason for it, it is already accommodated for in
the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm. Sample points that occupy the same pixel are aggregated into a
so-called compound point (Section 4.4.4). Such a point has the average coordinates of the sample points
that are aggregated, as well as an averaged value. This allows for low resolution discrete 3D Voronoi
diagrams, without having to completely ignore sample data.
Physical limitations
In the current setting, the algorithm cannot handle rasters that are bigger than 300x300x300 voxels. This
is because of the memory limitations that the Numpy module has.
The prototype GIS created by Ledoux (2006) accommodates for the dynamic modelling of points. In
other words, after the data was loaded and the exact Voronoi diagram was created, the points in the
data structure can be moved, removed, or new points could be added. The data structure is updated
locally instead of the entire structure having to be recreated. The main advantage of this is that the size
of the dataset is not relevant for the operation in terms of efficiency or speed, since only points that are
nearest neighbour to the modified point are used.
To accommodate for the same type of dynamic modelling, the CreateDiscreteVD was extended
with the AddSeed, RemoveSeed and MoveSeed algorithms. These can only be used within the Python
program, but if the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm would be integrated into GRASS using a plug-in for
instance, this could make the modelling even more dynamic.
The contest between vector and raster representation is one that is not going to end soon, since each
data model has its own pros and cons. This is why there is no decision in this thesis on which is better:
the exact or the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. They both have their pros and cons, and are therefore
suited to cope with different situations.
Since both representations represent the same geometric structure, both the exact and discrete 3D
Voronoi diagram have some similar advantages and disadvantages. However, it is more interesting to
see what the specific pros and cons are for both the data structures. Therefore, the pros and cons for
both the discrete and exact version of the 3D Voronoi diagram are listed in Table 5.2. From it, it
becomes clear that both implementations of the Voronoi diagram have their own strengths and
weaknesses. Calculation time is also mentioned in the table, but the reader must keep in mind that the
efficiency of the algorithm can be greatly increased by programming it in a different (lower-level)
Exact Discrete
- Enables high precision - Very difficult to implement - Raster format is widely used - Less accurate (depending
and accuracy robustly on resolution)
- Visualization is relatively
- Topology relatively - Difficult to apply dynamic easy and clear - Only very limited
easily added modelling (add/remove topology possible
points) - Dynamic modelling easily
- Easy to make spatial implemented (add/remove - Storage space is relatively
queries if topological - Can be difficult to visualize points) high
data structure is used
- Performing robust natural - Straightforward in - Resizing the raster is
- Once calculated, it is neighbour interpolation is generating Voronoi relatively expensive
easily scalable (i.e. expensive diagrams in different
resizable) metrics or other generalized - Rotationally variant
- Creating generalized Voronoi Voronoi diagrams
- Rotationally invariant diagrams is expensive, and has - Current implementation
not often been done in 3D. - Easily combined with other is relatively slow
- Relatively fast to (2D or 3D) rasters.
implement (compared
to discrete algorithm) - Map algebra can be applied
Table 5.2 General pros and cons for both the discrete and abstract version of the 3D Voronoi diagram
When looking at the difference in Table 5.2, some interesting differences can be seen. The exact Voronoi
diagram is quite suitable for the ordinary 3D Voronoi diagram, especially if one is interested in for
instance adding topology to the Voronoi diagram. However, the discrete version is well equipped for the
generalized Voronoi diagrams, as well as for dynamic modelling. One other major advantage is the map
algebra which is possible to apply on the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. Although storage space and
memory usage are many times higher for the discrete Voronoi diagram, the technical innovations in
these areas allow for such large data structures.
Figure 5.19. Distribution of the points in the test dataset. The anisotropy in distribution is clearly visible.
The first step is to calculate the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram using the CreateDiscreteVD
algorithm. After this is done, it can be visualized in MayaVi2. In Figure 5.20, five different visualization
methods are shown for specific attribute values values; surface visualization, using a controllable cutting
surface (slicing), two different visualizations using isosurfaces and a volume rendering.
Figure 5.20. Visualizing the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. (a) Surface visualization. (b) Slicing. (c) 2 different
isosurfaces. (d) Another isosurface. (e) Volume rendering.
It is clearly visible that the different visualization methods have their advantages and disadvantages. The
slicing method gives a good indication of the distribution of points and their neighbourhood relations,
while the isosurfaces can identify the location of specific features or anomalies. It is also clear that
volume rendering is not the best method of visualizing 3D raster, as already explained in Section 2.2.
After visualizing the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram, it might be interesting to see what the continuous
field that the data describe looks like. This is done by interpolation the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram
using the implemented natural neighbour interpolation method. The results are visualized in Figure
5.21. Note that the isosurfaces are created based on the same values as in Figure 5.20.
Figure 5.21. Visualizing the interpolated volume.(a) Surface visualization. (b) Slicing. (c) 2 different isosurfaces. (d)
Another isosurface. (e) Volume rendering.
From most of the methods shown in Figure 5.20 and Figure 5.21, it is clear that the natural neighbour
interpolation method yield very smooth isosurfaces, as is expected based on Section 4.6. A interesting
difference between the Voronoi diagram and the interpolated volume is visible in the isosurfaces. In the
Voronoi diagram it is visible that the isosurfaces tend to follow the edges of the boundary voxels of the
Voronoi cells, whereas in the interpolated volume the isosurfaces are smooth. This is because the values
between the boundary voxels of two Voronoi cells can be relatively far apart, resulting in very distinct
isosurfaces. In the interpolated volume however, the difference in values is spread over a larger area,
resulting in smoother isosurfaces.
With the results from the previous two steps, it is possible to analyze and modify the discrete Voronoi
diagram and the interpolated 3D raster. The map algebra function (Tomlin, 1990) enables users to
perform intricate calculations and operations on the 3D grid. It can, for instance, mask a raster with
another raster. This would be interesting if one would want to show only a particular section of the
raster, based on the value of each voxel. It is also possible to create neighbourhood (local) filters. To
create these filters, a function is provided that enables the user to incorporate values of neighbouring
voxels for each evaluated voxel. Using this function, it is possible create for instance raster representing
the derivative of a continuous field. An example of such in 2D would for instance be a map representing
the slope of a DEM.
Reclassification is also one of the possibilities that the map algebra function provides. Suppose a user
would want to divide the attribute values in to three classes; lowest, medium and highest values. This
can be easily done using map algebra functionality. As an example, this is done in Figure 5.22, showing a
cut plane through the reclassified 3D raster (based on the interpolated volume). The reclassification was
done in GRASS, and the visualization in MayaVi2.
Figure 5.22. A cut plane through a reclassified 3D raster, showing a reclassification into 3 classes.
The showcase presented above only shows a part of what the possibilities with 3D rasters, and
especially with discrete 3D Voronoi diagrams are. The map algebra functionality, although not easy to
master, gives a wide range of spatial analytical functionality. Now that these practical possibilities have
established, a full description of the possibilities of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram can be presented.
To do this, the comparison between the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram and the exact counterpart will be
In the introduction a number of ways have been mentioned how the exact 3D Voronoi diagram can be
used in GIS (Section 1.2.3). Among these are:
To be able to assess the use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram in the use of modelling continuous fields
using GIS, it is interesting to compare how the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram performs on the four
methods shown above, and in other fields.
For the exact 3D Voronoi diagram, the Voronoi cell (which represents the area of influence) is described
by polyhedra, where as in the discrete Voronoi diagram, it is determined by the collection of voxels that
carry the same value. This means that it is relatively easy to determine the area of influence by simply
finding all voxels that carry the same value. In this way, sub-selections can easily be made, and be used
in combination with different spatial analysis operations, such as map algebra, reclassification or
interpolation methods. Therefore, I believe that in most cases, the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram is
better-suited than the exact Voronoi diagram, in terms of area of influence of points.
The exact Voronoi diagram can be less clearly visualized, as explained in Section 2.2. As for the spatial
analysis operations, it has already been mentioned that Voronoi cells are easily identified, and since the
raster format is used, performing spatial analyses on these structures is relatively easy. This is one of the
points that the strength of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram may lie in, since these spatial analysis
operations comprise of the majority of operations, such as map algebra, interpolations, reclassifications,
and other local, and focal operations, performed by a general GIS scientist.
Also, the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm has great potential in creating several generalized Voronoi
diagrams, which is something that can be difficult to implement in algorithms creating exact Voronoi
As a prerequisite for natural ne ighbour interpolation.
It has been shown that the CreateDiscreteVD is well equipped for creating a natural neighbour
interpolation using the natural neighbour method, since the algorithm allows for interactive, local
modification of the Voronoi diagram. Since the objective of the research is to see how the discrete 3D
Voronoi diagram handles continuous field data, the method that enables the creation of the field is
rather important. So, in this area, the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram is also better equipped than the
exact 3D Voronoi diagram, since there are issues concerning the implementation of the natural
neighbour interpolation using the exact Voronoi diagram.
In Section 5.3..2 it has been shown that the accuracy of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram is inherently
worse that the accuracy of the exact 3D Voronoi diagram, in terms of shape, and volume calculations of
a Voronoi cell. However, this has always been an issue in the ongoing discussion between raster vs.
vector. However, approximating accurate values is possible, by creating a discrete Voronoi diagram
using the correct resolution. A way has been presented two determine the number of voxels required
for an acceptable 3D discrete raster. This means that although the exact Voronoi diagram is more
accurate, the discrete Voronoi diagram is still usable when applied correctly.
In this chapter, the suitability of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram has been assessed both in light of
modelling continuous data within the environment of a GIS, as well as its (future) possible uses in other
areas. The discrete 3D Voronoi diagram has also been compared to the exact 3D Voronoi diagram in
several fields, and a list of advantages and disadvantages has been compiled or each
The discrete 3D Voronoi diagram can provide a simple but effective tool for the modelling 3D continuous
field data in combination with a GIS. The implemented algorithms provide the creation of the Voronoi
diagram, and the natural neighbour interpolation of the Voronoi diagram, resulting in a 3D continuous
raster. This can be used in combination with the GRASS GIS package, to perform for instance map
algebra. Although this can be complex, it does give a powerful tool for the manipulation of 3D raster
images. The visualization options in MayaVi2 deliver powerful visualization tools with a user-friendly
interface, thereby allowing for easy and accurate visualization of 3D raster images.
Some possible extension to the algorithm have also been presented for future development, such as the
possibility of extending the data structure of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram with a list of Voronoi Cell
edges, for the extraction of the Delaunay triangulation, and the quick deletion of points. Also, the
possibility of using this algorithm for the creation of generalized Voronoi diagrams such as the weighted
Voronoi diagram and the ‘Voronoi diagram in a river’ has been discussed. It seems that the
CreateDiscreteVD is suitable for the creation of these generalized Voronoi diagrams in 3D.
The exact and discrete 3D Voronoi diagram have also been compared on different issues, such as speed,
accuracy, the ability to interactively model data and the general usability of both in handling spatial
data. As can be expected, both representations have their own pros and cons. Apart from speed issues,
both seem relatively suitable for most applications. However, the downside of the exact Voronoi
diagram is that it can be bothered by degenerate cases in most operations such as the creation of the
Voronoi diagram itself and when deleting points. The implementation of the natural neighbour
interpolation is also not straightforward with the exact 3D Voronoi diagram.
The discrete Voronoi diagram has no issues regarding degenerate cases. However, it currently does
suffer problems in terms of calculation time, making it not a practical tool yet. But it is expected that if
implemented in a low-level programming language like C or C++, the algorithm will perform much faster,
and will likely be suitable for practical use.
A small showcase has also been presented in this chapter, to illustrate the possibilities that the discrete
3D Voronoi diagram has when used in combination with a GIS. It showed the possibilities in visualization
and in analytical functionality such as map algebra.
At the end of the chapter, the full range of possibilities of 3D raster images and the discrete 3D Voronoi
diagram especially are presented, also in comparison to the exact Voronoi diagram. This overview also
establishes that the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram is a powerful tool in modelling 3D data in earth
The main objective of this research is:
To assess the use of the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram for the modelling of 3D
continuous information in geosciences.
The research done to achieve this objective has been described in this thesis, and based on the results of
this report, a set conclusion can be formulated. These conclusions are presented following the general
structure of the sub-questions and objectives presented in Section 1.3 – Research Objectives.
Besides the exact Voronoi diagram, several methods have been examined that are aimed towards the
creation of a discrete Voronoi diagram. None of these methods are inhibited in any way by degenerate
cases, which is a large advantage compared to the exact Voronoi diagram. This can be considered to be
the main difference in terms of the implementation of both structures. In practice there are more
differences, which will be discussed in 6.5.3.
Two different types of method can be distinguished: implicit and explicit methods. Implicit methods
assign a voxel to a seed based on the value of the pixel next to them. Explicit methods explicitly
determine the closest seed for each voxel. Explicit methods are not error-prone, but need a mechanism
that will increase efficiency in order to be practically implementable. Implicit methods are theoretically
efficient since distance calculations are not required for every voxel. However, a control mechanism is
needed to ensure that voxels are assigned correctly.
Based on the literature review, two different methods were deemed both efficient and conceptually
simple; the nearest neighbour sweep circle algorithm (implicit method), and the method based on the
nearest neighbour search through the use of a kd-tree. However, the latter method could not be
implemented during the timeframe available for this thesis, due to the lack of certain programming
The algorithm has also been extended so that it is possible to add, move and remove seeds. The dilation
principle shows that it is very well suited for the local insertion and deletion of points without having to
recreate the entire Voronoi diagram. Being able to add and remove seeds is allows for the dynamic
modelling of the 3D (continuous) data, which is a frequently used in current day modelling practices.
Although GRASS does provide 3D visualization options, these are user-unfriendly and contain bugs.
Therefore a scientific 3D data visualization program called MayaVi2, which is very user-friendly, has
been used for visualization purposes.
Functionalities have been identified that were not available in GRASS, but which could provide extra
flexibility or added value to the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. These functionalities are: 3D raster
resampling and 3D natural neighbour interpolation based on the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. These
two functionalities have been developed and implemented, along with routines that enable the
import/export of 3D raster data between the different programs.
6.5.1. SPEED
The implementation of the CreateDiscreteVD, but especially the natural neighbour interpolation is
as of yet to slow to be suitable for general implementation in ordinary GIS. This is due to the speed
reduction that is a result of using an interpreted programming language instead of a compiled language.
Therefore, when discussing suitability of these algorithms, speed is not considered to be the most
important factor.
The implementation of the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm combined with the functionality of
GRASS, allows for an assessment of the main research objective. The suitability of the discrete 3D
Voronoi diagram in the modelling of 3D continuous information is presented through a showcase, in
which a geological dataset of 150 data points is used to create a discrete 3D Voronoi diagram. The
Voronoi diagram is also interpolated using the implemented natural neighbour interpolation algorithm.
The discrete 3D Voronoi diagram itself is very well equipped to display the distribution of the data
points, whereas the interpolated volume yields a 3D raster containing an approximated continuous field
based on the data points provided. Both structures are easily imported into GRASS, in which the can be
combined with other 3D or 3D rasters (and vector images), and where for instance map algebra can be
applied. This allows for reclassification, filter creation and other intricate calculations.
For the possibilities concerning specifically the CreateDiscreteVD algorithm, the following
extensions are very simple to implement, but would increase the use of the algorithm greatly:
And on the extra possibilities that CreateDiscreteVD offers, such as the modelling of generalized
Voronoi diagrams, it can be concluded that the discrete 3D Voronoi diagram can be considered to be a
well-suited, powerful tool for modelling 3D continuous data in geosciences.
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The file formats used, and described in the previous section all have their own characteristics. The main
characteristics of these files is described below.
n (number of points)
x1 y1 z1 a1
x2 y2 z2 a2
.. .. .. ..
xn yn zn an
Where xi , y i and ai represent the x- and y-coordinates and the attribute value of point i respectively.
These files are not compressed, but since the data contains vector points only, and not raster
information, the files tend to be manageable.
The header information contains the extent of the data that is stored in the file, as well as the number of
rows (i), colums (j) and levels (k). This allows for this file to be geo-referenced, but the geo-referencing
itself is done in GRASS by creating a workspace: an environment which specifies certain characteristics,
such as what coordinate system is used. The characteristics of the workspace, together with the
coordinates of the ASCII 3D file provide geo-referenced data. There is no standard extension for this file,
but in this project, all ASCII 3D files received the *.A3D extension.
For the exporting of raw 3D array data to VTK XML there was already a library available, so there was no
need to create one. VTK imports both formats, but GRASS exports VTK files, not VTK XML files. There is
no possibility of geo-referencing these files, which is logical since MayaVi2 is not a GIS, but a
visualization tool.