The central theme of ecosystem concept is that the living
Functioning of Ecosystem
There are mechanisms for continuous absorption of materials by
materials and the energy utilized to perform this act comes from the sun.
However all living organisms are not capable of utilizing the solar energy
and convert the same into chemical energy. The functional aspect of
ecosystem including the trapping of energy by green plants and its
of energy.
Types of Ecosystems
Some terrestrial ecosystems are named after the types of
Similarly fresh water ecosystems are (i) pond ecosystem (ii) Lake
ecosystem (iii) river ecosystem & so on. The largest and most uniform
aquatic ecosystem is marine ecosystem. An v may be as small as drop of
Ecosystem Components
According to Odum, from the trophic (food) point of view, an ecosystem
and salts etc. to produce their own food. Producers are largely
photosynthetic plants and their kind varies with the kind of
ecosystem eq. in a dense forest the trees are the most important
producers , in lakes and ponds, the producers are rooted or large
algae, in ocean the rooted and floating algae are the producers.
2. Consumers – Consumers are those living members that ingest
and game fish is a pond feed on the primary consumers. There are
in most ecosystems, some organisms that eat other carnivores like
vulture, which are not killed or rarely killed and eaten by other
components, chiefly the bacteria and fungi that break down the
consists of two things. The materials and the energy. The materials
are like water, minerals, atmospheric gases and salts. They also
include some organic matter, such as the amino acids and other
products of decay of living things.
into biotic system and after the death and decay of organisms
return to soil and atmosphere. This is known as biogeochemical
Food Chain
The series of organisms eating one and being eaten by the other is called
the food chain. A simple food chain consists of three steps as follows –
Plant --- Herbivore --- Carnivore, but it is obvious that more than three
food web.” Food web opens several alternate pathways for the flow of food
energy. It also allows an organisms to obtain it also allows an organisms
to obtain its food from more than one type of organisms of the lower
trophic level. eg. a simple food web is fresh water as producers primary
three types –
1. Pyramids of Numbers
A graphic representation of number of individuals per unit area of
various trophic level stepwise with producers forming the base and
For example : in a grassland ecosystem, a large number grass or
2. Pyramid of Biomass –
The amount of living or organic matter present in a particular
with producers at the base and top carnivores at the tip is called
pyramid of biomass.”
of upright.
3. Pyramid of Energy
A graphic representation of the amount of energy trapped per unit
1. It is a systematic process.
2. The changes are directional and take place as a function of time.
1. Primary succession –
abandoned land.
b) Vegitation, destroyed due to flood, grows once again.
UNIT – 3
A reaction may occur or may not occur depending upon the density of
electrons at the site of reaction in the substrate. The factor which
b) Mesomeric Effect
c) Electromeric Effect
or groups which attract electrons away from the carbon atom i.e.
electron withdrawing groups are said to have –I effect.
a) –I effect groups (Electron - attracting)
-NO2, -F, -Cl, -Br, -I, -OH, -C6H5, -CN
b) +I effect groups (Electron - releasing)
(CH3)3C-, (CH3)2CH-, CH3CH2-, CH3
2. Mesomeric Effect & It involves Ti electrons of double and triple
or groups which attract electrons away from the carbon atom are said to
possess a –M effect.
which form the bond are completely transferred to one atom or the
The products X0 and Y0 are free radicals. They are electrically neutral
and have one unpaired (odd) electron associated with them. Free radicals
The products of heterolytic fission are ions. The reactions take place at
measurable rates.
Heterolytic fission occurs most readily with polar compounds is polar
free radicals.
1. Carbonium Ions – Organic ions which contain a positively charged
inductive effects. Both allyl and benzyl carbonium ions can be stabilized
by resonance.
Electron attracting groups (-I group) like –NO2, -Br will make carbonium
form bond with three atoms/groups while the fourth has non-bonding
Electron attracting groups (-I groups) like –NO2, -Br, will stabilize by
partial removal of negative charge on the carbon.
three bond at trigonal plane. A half filled p-orbital extends above &
benzyl > allyl > Tertiary > Secondary > Primary > Methyl
1. Substitution Reaction
2. Addition Reaction
3. Elimination Reaction
1) Substitution Reaction – Substitution reactions are those
reactions, at least one bond is lost while two new bonds are
formed e.g.
The hydroxide ion approaches the substrate carbon from the side
opposite the bromine atom. This is because both O H and the bromine
atom are electron rich which repell each other. An intermediate unstable
the plane.
In the course of the reaction, the configuration of the carbon is inverted
SN1 reactoins –
SN1 stands for unimolecular substitution. When the rate of substitution
E.g. the hydrolysis of t-butyl bromide. the reaction proceed in two steps.
Step 1 – The alkyl halide ionizes to give carbonium ion. This is the rate
determining step.
The central positively charged carbon atom is sp2 hybridized and hence
Reaction Mechanism
1. Aldol Condensation – Aldehydes containing - hydrogens
derived from Aldehyde and alcohol, the two functional group present in
the product.
Mechanism –
Step 1-The enolate ion is formed
Step 2-
Step 3-
(or any other conjugated diene) with alkene or alkyne. The alkene
Mechanism –
always approaches the nitrogen atom on the side opposite t the oxygen
Mechanism -