DGTipsheet31EnjoyFoodsFromManyCultures PDF

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10 enjoy foods from Dairy


many cultures

Education Series
10 tips to wisely celebrate healthier foods and customs
As a diverse Nation, we can embrace our cultural traditions for the foods we love and still prepare them in
healthier ways. This involves being creative with favorite recipes by substituting foods and ingredients that are less
healthy with flavorful and appealing choices that still help remind us of our treasured food ways.

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cook with others think about beverages
Learn about cooking different traditional or regional Many cultures offer tasty beverages, such as fruit
foods from others who use authentic recipes and drinks, alcoholic drinks, rich coffees, and sweet teas.
ingredients and explore ways to improve the Consider using frozen fruits to create a great tasting smoothie,
nutrition of some of your own family favorites. or adding spices, low-fat dairy, and small amounts of sugar to
Cooking dishes at home allows you to add make beverages. When buying prepared beverages, choose
variety to meals. If needed, adapt recipes by items with less sugar and fat. To manage calories, drink water
cutting back on gravies, creams, and sauces; or other unsweetened beverages instead of sugary drinks.

adding more vegetables; or baking instead of frying.
delight in cultural gatherings

blend cultures Celebrate traditions, especially those that help you stay
Many popular foods and beverages in America blend physically active. Have fun with traditional dances, sports,
the cuisines of many cultures. Celebrate our Nation’s and games that make you move. Balance what you eat with
diversity and be inspired by dishes that include more fruits, regular physical activity.
vegetables, whole grains, beans, seafood, lean meats, and

8 show children what’s important

low-fat dairy.

Children learn to cook from their elders. Show kids how
add a touch of spice meals and dishes from various traditions are prepared.
Combinations of herbs and spices often remind Let them taste foods they made, as you share related stories
us of dishes from our own heritage or our favorite and customs from your own heritage or expose them to other
ethnic food. Add flavor to meals with herbs and spices, cultures, but consider ways to cut back on high-calorie foods
such as chili, garlic, ginger, basil, oregano, curry, or and ingredients.
cilantro, which can replace salt and saturated fat.


use familiar foods to create exotic dishes
Use foods you know and prepare new recipes, such
as adding curry to chick peas, cilantro to brown rice,
9 make smart choices when dining out
Eating out offers tempting new dishes that make it easy
to overeat. Choose lower calorie dishes, such as stir
fries, kabobs, or whole-wheat pastas with tomato sauce.
Split a dish or ask for a take-home container
or mango to your salad or smoothie. Make half your plate
fruits and vegetables. at the start of a meal to save part of
what’s served on your plate.

find the salt and sodium and go with lower
All packaged foods are labeled to show amounts
of sodium. Use “low-sodium” soy sauce, or broth or canned
remember, all types of foods fit on
MyPlate is designed to remind Americans to eat
healthfully, using foods from the food groups. The MyPlate
beans labeled “no salt added.” Check nutrition labels and
website provides practical information, tips, tools, and recipes
use products that are lower in sodium or are salt-free.
that will help you build a healthier diet. Go to

DG TipSheet No.31
United States June 2013
Department of Go to www.ChooseMyPlate.gov Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion
Agriculture for more information. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

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