Florida Clinic To Open Its Doors in 2020
Florida Clinic To Open Its Doors in 2020
Florida Clinic To Open Its Doors in 2020
No 3 Helen Joseph Street PO Box 61877 Tel +27(0) 11 688 7851 (O)
The Bus Factory Marshalltown Fax +27(0) 11 688 7899/63
Newtown 2107 E-mail: info@jda.org.za
Johannesburg, 2000
Two adjacent houses, located on Madeleine street, were earmarked for the development
and demolished to make way for the modern healthcare facility, which is designed to
effectively and efficiently meet the growing healthcare needs of the local community.
Once completed, the healthcare facility will consist of 18 consulting rooms, an emergency
and stabilisation unit, a mother and child section, counselling rooms, a group room for ARV
Treatment and TB therapy, a testing facility and antenatal care. The clinic will also have a
central pharmacy, social work counselling rooms and ablution facilities.
M Ntanga (Chairperson) D Cohen (Acting CEO) S Moonsamy (CFO) S Jensma TG Sambo JW Karuri -Sebina EF Peters K Govender A Steyn P Zagaretos R Shirinda (Company Secretary)
Registration Number: 2001/005101/07
“The upgraded healthcare facility will provide access to quality primary healthcare to the
more than 30 000 residents in Ward 70. If our residents are healthy, they are able to work,
earn a living and contribute to the growth of our economy,” Member of Mayoral Committee
for Health and Social Development, Dr. Mpho Phalatse said.
This construction also plays a role in job creation and skills development, with 30% of the
contract value being awarded to SMME’s in Ward 70, and the appointment and training of
local labourers from the same ward.
“Florida Clinic has, for a long time, been one of the City’s health care facilities which were
due for redevelopment, and as the City, we are pleased to be in a position to provide
suitable facilities that cater to the needs of the community,” said Cllr Reuben Masango,
Member of the Mayoral Committee for Development Planning.
The clinic, located in Region C, is anticipated to be completed in January 2020, after the
contractual agreement with the previous contractor was terminated by the JDA, due to
failure to execute the works in accordance with the construction programme. The newly
appointed contractor took occupation of the site on 18 June 2019.
Issued by:
Johannesburg Development Agency
Susan Monyai
Email: smonyai@jda.org.za