Identity-Based Data Outsourcing With Comprehensive Auditing in Clouds
Identity-Based Data Outsourcing With Comprehensive Auditing in Clouds
Identity-Based Data Outsourcing With Comprehensive Auditing in Clouds
Among existing proposals, provable data possession (PDP) is a promising approach
in proof of storage (PoS). With PDP, the file-owner only needs to retain a small amount
of parameters of outsourced files and a secret key. To check whether or not the
outsourced files are kept intact, the fileowner or an auditor can challenge the cloud
server with low communication overheads and computation costs. If some part of the
file has been altered or deleted, for example, due to random hardware failures, the
cloud storage server would not be able to prove the data integrity to convince the
Tzeng proposed a delegatable PDP scheme, where a user can delegate integrity
auditing capability to a delegate so that the delegatee can perform auditing protocol
on any outsoured files of this user.
Armknecht et al. studied delegatable auditing for privately auditable PoR schemes,
which simultaneously protects against collusion attacks by malicious clients, auditors
and cloud servers.
Based on a variant of the Schnorr signature, Wang et al. proposed a secure data
outsourcing scheme in the identity-based setting, however, their scheme also does
not support delegated data outsourcing mechanism.
The users will lose physical control of their files after outsourced to a cloud storage
server maintained by some cloud service provider (CSP). Thus, the file-owners may
worry about whether their files have been tampered with, especially for those of
We observe two critical issues not well addressed in existing proposals. First, most
schemes lack a controlled way of delegatable outsourcing.
The delegator cannot validate whether or not the authorized one has uploaded the
file as specified or verify whether or not the uploaded file has been kept intact. Hence,
the delegator has to fully trust the delegatees and the cloud server. In fact, the file-
owner may not only need to authorize some others to generate files and upload to a
cloud, but also need to verifiably guarantee that the uploaded files have been kept
Second, existing PoS-like schemes, including PDP and Proofs of Retrievability (PoR),
do not support data log related auditing in the process of data possession proof.
The logs are critical in addressing disputes in practice.
To address the existing issues for securing outsourced data in clouds, this paper
proposes an identity-based data outsourcing (IBDO) system in a multi-user setting.
Our scheme has the following distinguishing features.
Identity-based outsourcing. A user and her authorized proxies can securely
outsource files to a remote cloud server which is not fully trustable, while any
unauthorized ones cannot outsource files on behalf of the user. The cloud clients,
including the file-owners, proxies and auditors, are recognized with their identities,
which avoids the usage of complicated cryptographic certificates. This delegate
mechanism allows our scheme to be efficiently deployed in a multi-user setting.
Comprehensive auditing. Our IBDO scheme achieves a strong auditing mechanism.
The integrity of outsourced files can be efficiently verified by an auditor, even if the
files might be outsourced by different clients. Also, the information about the origin,
type and consistence of outsourced files can be publicly audited. Similar to existing
publicly auditable schemes, the comprehensive auditability has advantages to allow
a public common auditor to audit files owned by different users, and in case of
disputes, the auditor can run the auditing protocol to provide convincing judicial
witnesses without requiring disputing parties to be corporative.
Strong security guarantee. Our IBDO scheme achieves strong security in the sense
that: (1) it can detect any unauthorized modification on the outsourced files and (2)
it can detect any misuse/abuse of the delegations/authorizations. These security
properties are formally proved against active colluding attackers. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first scheme that simultaneously achieves both goals.
Both theoretical analyses and experimental results confirm that the IBDO proposal
provides resilient security properties without incurring any significant performance
It allows the file-owner to delegate her outsourcing capability to proxies.
Only the authorized proxy can process and outsource the file on behalf of the file-
Both the file origin and file integrity can be verified by a public auditor.
System : Pentium Dual Core.
Hard Disk : 120 GB.
Monitor : 15’’ LED
Input Devices : Keyboard, Mouse
Ram : 1 GB.
Operating system : Windows 7.
Coding Language : JAVA/J2EE
Tool : Netbeans 7.2.1
Database : MYSQL
Yujue Wang, Qianhong Wu, Member, IEEE, Bo Qin, Wenchang Shi Robert H. Deng, Fellow, IEEE, Jiankun
Hu, “Identity-Based Data Outsourcing with Comprehensive Auditing in Clouds”, IEEE Transactions
on Information Forensics and Security, 2017.