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Emir. J. Food Agric. 2012.

25 (3): 177-188
doi: 10.9755/ejfa.v25i3.11509


Application of plastics and paper as food packaging materials – An overview

Dele Raheem

Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 56, University of Helsinki, Finland


The role of plastics and paper as food packaging materials is reviewed with a brief outlook on the historical
background of food packages in general. The inherent properties of these food packages that should be
considered by food processors are also discussed. The current efforts in meeting the needs of consumers in
ensuring food’s quality with prolonged shelf life during storage and distribution were highlighted. This review
article also reflects on the emerging trends in technology that address innovations on Modified atmosphere
packaging (MAP), Active packaging (AP), Intelligent packaging (IP) and the use of anti-microbial agents to
extend the shelf life of foods under storage and distribution conditions. The future of these packaging materials
in the food industries and their impacts on the environment and the society at large will continue to receive

Key words: Food, Packaging materials, Paper, Plastics, Antimicrobial

Introduction methods, have been developed to offer the

Packaging materials provide a means to necessary barrier, inactivation, and containment
preserve, protect, merchandise, market and distribute properties required for successful food packaging.
foods. They play a significant role in how these The combination of rigid packaging materials made
products reach the consumers in a safe and from metal, glass, or plastic with heat was shown
wholesome form without compromising quality. The to provide the most effective and widely used
relationship between the food and contact with the method for inactivating microorganisms (Cutter,
packaging material continuously interact and 2002). However, there are other means by which
contribute to changes that can occur over time in plastic or paper packaging materials can inactivate
these products. It is therefore important that several microorganisms associated with foods, they include
factors are considered when choosing the right controlled atmosphere, vacuum, modified
package for a particular food product. Generally, the atmosphere, active, and edible packaging
packaging material may either be rigid or flexible. (Suppakul et al., 2003).
Rigid containers include glass and plastic bottles and Since early man first used a variety of locally
jars, cans, pottery, wood boxes, drums, tins, plastic available natural containers to store and eat foods,
pots and tubes. They give physical protection to the significant developments in food packaging
food inside that is not provided by flexible materials have provided the means to lower the
packaging. Flexible packaging is a major group of growth of microbes as well as protect foods from
materials that includes plastic films, papers, foil, external microbial contamination. Packaging
some types of vegetable fibres and cloths that can be materials were developed over the years to prevent
used to make wrappings, sacks and sealed or the deterioration of foods by microbes resulting
unsealed bags. from exposure to air, moisture, or pH changes
Both flexible and rigid packaging materials, associated with the food or its surrounding
alone or in combination with other preservation atmosphere.
Food industries have to decide which
Received 16 March 2012; Revised 30 July 2012; Accepted 16 packaging material will be more appropriate for
August 2012; Published Online 02 December 2012 their food product taking note of the advantages
*Corresponding Author and disadvantages of their choice or perhaps what
Dele Raheem
other attributes can be incorporated in the
Department of Food and Environmental Sciences, P.O. Box 56, packaging material based on the end use properties
University of Helsinki, Finland of the food product. This review is mainly on the
characteristics of plastics, paper as flexible

Dele Raheem

packaging materials and their roles in food quality 1950s, the pop top/tear tab can lid appeared and
and safety. now tear tapes that open and reseal are popular
(Hook and Heimlich, 2011).
Historical background
Plastic is the youngest in comparison with
The earliest forms of packaging materials were
other packaging materials. It was discovered in the
leaves, hollowed-out tree limbs, grounds, skins, reed
19th century, most plastics were reserved for
baskets and earthenware vessels as containers. As
military and wartime use. Styrene was first distilled
civilization developed, more complex containers
from a balsam tree in 1831. But the early products
were developed to meet specific needs. Large
were brittle and shattered easily. Germany refined
ceramic vessels, amphoras were used from 1500 BC
the process in 1933 and by the 1950s foam was
to 500 AD to ship wine and other products
available worldwide. Insulation and cushioning
commercially throughout the Mediterranean. The
materials as well as foam boxes, cups and meat
most large-scale use was to serve the ancient Greek
trays for the food industry became popular. Vinyl
and Roman empires. Although their form is much
chloride was discovered in 1835 and provided the
different from our current packages, the shape and
opportunity for the further development of rubber
design were clearly the result of the same reasoning
chemistry. For packaging, molded deodorant
that we use to design successful packaging today.
squeeze bottles were introduced in 1947 and in
They were designed to be economical, to produce
1958; heat shrinkable films were developed from
and ship. The unusual shapes, and especially the
blending styrene with synthetic rubber. Cellulose
pointed base, facilitated handling, storage, transport
acetate was first derived from wood pulp in 1900
and use in logistical systems that were very
and developed for photographic uses in 1909.
differently shaped from those that we use today
DuPont manufactured cellophane in New York
(Twede, 2002).
in 1924 but was not commercially used for
Glass-making began in 7000 B.C. as an offshoot
packaging until the late 1950s and early 1960s. In
of pottery, and was first industrialized in Egypt in
1933, films protected submarine telephone cables
1500 B.C. Glass is made from base materials
and later were important for World War II radar
(limestone, soda, sand and silica), which were in
cables and drug tablet packaging. After the war, the
plentiful supply, all ingredients were simply melted
new plastics that had been developed entered the
together and molded while hot. Although the mixing
consumer mainstream in a flood and ‘Tupperware’
process and the ingredients have changed very little,
polyethylene food containers with air tight seal
the molding techniques have progressed
entered the market in 1946 (Plastics Make It
dramatically. Paper (from stems of papyrus in
Possible report, 2010).
ancient Egypt) is the oldest form of what is referred
There were new manufacturing processes
to as "flexible packaging". It was reported that
developed using various methods such as forming,
sheets of treated mulberry bark were used as a
molding, casting, and extrusion to churn out plastic
flexible packaging material by the Chinese to wrap
products in vast quantities (Packaging Today
foods as early as the First or Second century B.C
report, 2012). Other cellophanes and transparent
and during the next fifteen hundred years, the paper-
films have been refined as outer wrappings that
making technique was refined and transported to the
maintain their shape when folded. Originally clear,
Middle East, then Europe and finally into the United
such films can now be made opaque, coloured or
Kingdom (Welt, 2005).
embossed with patterns. The polyethylene
The use of metal containers as packaging
terephthalate (PETE) container became available
materials started from ancient boxes and cups,
during the last two decades with its use for
made from silver and gold, which were too
beverages entering the market in 1977. By 1980,
valuable for common use. Cheaper metals, stronger
foods and other hot-fill products such as jams could
alloys, thinner gauges and coatings were eventually
also be packaged in PETE. In 1986, aluminium
developed and mass produced. After metal cans
trays were replaced by plastic, microwavable trays.
were invented and progressively improved, it was
Metallocene catalysed polyolefins was introduced
necessary to find a way to open them. Until 1866,
in 1996 to reduce food waste. In 2000 polylactic
the only method was by hammer and chisel. It was
acid from corn entered the packaging market
during this period that the keywind metal tear-strip
signalling the return of bio based plastic (Plastics
was developed and after nine years in 1875, the can
Make It Possible Report, 2010).
opener was invented. The can opener remained for
more than 100 years, the most efficient method of
retrieving the contents from metal cans. In the

Emir. J. Food Agric. 2012. 25 (3): 177-188

Commonly available food packaging materials that may need to be added to the recycled polymer
The most common food packaging materials (CFSAN, 2006).
are glass, wood, metal, plastics, paper and other As petroleum reserves become more limited,
flexible packages such as coatings and adhesives. new varieties of plastics are likely to increasingly be
Each of these packages offers unique advantages made from renewable biomass. These will
and disadvantages that have to be critically contribute to the already extensive array of
considered in making the right choice by the food mechanical and aesthetic performance properties
processor. that plastics are well known for. The utilization of
Plastic materials are made up of large, organic fossil fuels in the manufacture of plastics accounts
(carbon-containing) molecules that can be formed for about 7% of worldwide oil and gas (Okada,
into a variety of useful products, they are fluid, 2002). These resources will arguably be depleted
moldable, heat sealable, easy to print, and can be within the next one hundred years, and the peak in
integrated into production processes where the global oil production as estimated by some will
package is formed, filled, and sealed in the same occur within the next few decades. The plastic
production line (Marsh and Bugusu, 2007). The industry will be faced with real issues associated
major disadvantage of plastics is their variable with the use of an essentially non‐renewable
permeability to light, gases, vapours, and low feedstock for the majority of their products and there
molecular weight molecules. Structural polymers is an urgent need to develop new synthetic routes to
such as polyethylene and polypropylene provide polymeric materials using renewable resources
mechanical properties at low cost, while barrier (Williams and Hillmyer, 2008). Current packaging
polymers such as polyvinyldene chloride and designs are beginning to incorporate recyclable and
ethylene vinyl alcohol provide protection against recycled plastics but the search for reuse functions
transfer of gases, flavours and odours through the continues. There are several factors that play into the
package. Tie resins, co-extrudable adhesive resins, economic assessment of recycling, including costs
bond the structural and barrier resins together. for collection, separation, cleaning or reprocessing,
The use of plastics in packaging has increased and transportation (energy).
worldwide with an estimate at 280 metric tonnes
(Paine and Paine, 2012). The packaging industry is Table 1. Common abbreviations for different plastic
the largest user of plastics; more than 90% of films and coating materials.
flexible packaging is made of plastics, compared to Abbreviation Full form
only 17% of rigid packaging. Barrier resins are PE Polyethylene
generally being employed for plastic containers by PP Polypropylene
modifications to improve product protection and PET or PETE Polyethylene terephtalate
make them more cost effective. PEN Polyethylene naphthalene
Recyclable and Recycled Plastics PC Polycarbonate
There are more than thirty different plastics in EVA Ethylene vinyl acetate
packaging; the most common are polyolefins, PA Polyamide
polyvinyls and polyesters. There are possibilities PVC Polyvinylchloride
that chemical contaminants in plastic packaging PVdC Polyvinylidene chloride
intended for recycling may remain in the recycled PS Polystyrene
material and could migrate into the food. Other SB Styrene butadiene
aspects of plastics recycling, such as microbial ABS Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene
EVOH Ethylene vinyl alcohol
contamination and structural integrity of the
TPX Polymethyl pentene
recycled plastic, are also important considerations HNP High nitrile polymers
for the safe use of recycled plastics for food- PVA Polyvinyl alcohol
contact applications. HMT Hexamethylene-tetramine
Plastic recyclers must be able to demonstrate
that contaminant levels in the reformed plastic have Recycling diverts materials from the waste
been reduced to sufficiently low levels to ensure stream to material recovery. It is different from
that the resulting packaging is of purity suitable for reuse, which involves using a returned product in
its intended use. The production of a polymer with its original form, recycling involves reprocessing
the desired qualities will require additional material into new products. The recycling program
antioxidants, processing aids, or other adjuvants entails collection, sorting, processing,
manufacturing, and sale of recycled materials and

Dele Raheem

products. It was shown that in order to make - PET: beverage bottles, mouthwash bottles, boil
recycling economically feasible, recycled products in bag pouches
and materials must have a market and the rates of - HDPE: milk jugs, trash bags, detergent bottles
recycling for plastics is on the rise in the United - PVC: cooking oil bottles, packaging around
States of America (EPA, 2006). meat
Commonly used plastic films and their - LDPE: grocery bags, food wrap, bread bags
abbreviations are shown in Table 1. There are - PP: yoghurt containers, shampoo bottles,
several plastic packaging materials for foods as straws, margarine tubs, diapers
shown in Figure 1. All thermoplastics are - PS: hot beverage cups, take-home boxes, egg
recyclable i.e they can be melted and re-used as cartons, meat trays
raw materials for the production of new products. Apart from plastics and plastic products, other
The recycling process requires separation by resin flexible packages include:
type as identified by the American Plastics Council Paper products - Paper like webs of mixed
and shown in Table 4. cellulose and plastics, papers made from plastics,
PVC and PS are difficult to recycle. There are bonded fibre plastics, cloths and scrims, spun
concerns that plasticizers such as adipates in PVC bonded fabrics, regenerated cellulose films,
may leach to foods and incineration is a problem aluminium and steel foils.
because of its chlorine. PS in an expanded form Coatings and adhesives - Cellulose esters,
may be used for non-food packaging and cellulose ethers, rubber hydrochloride, chlorinated
cushioning and can then be recycled or incinerated rubbers, chlorinated polyolefins, natural and
(Marsh and Bugusu, 2007). synthetic bitumens and asphalts, natural and
The above six commonly recycled plastic resin synthetic resins, adhesives of all types, prime, key,
find wide applications in the following: bond or sub-coats, latex bond mineral coatings,
deposited metal layers.

Figure 1. Some examples of plastic packaging materials.

Table 2. Resin identification codes for plastics.
Resin Code Amount generated (thousand tonnes) Amount recycled (thousand tonnes)
Polyethylene terephthalate 1 2860 540
High-density polyethylene 2 5890 520
Polyvinyl chloride 3 1640 -
Low-density polyethylene 4 6450 190a
Polypropylene 5 4000 10
Polystyrene 6 2590 -
Other resins 7 5480 390
Adapted from American Plastics Council, 2006b; a includes linear low density polyethylene

Emir. J. Food Agric. 2012. 25 (3): 177-188

Paper and paperboards Kraft paper—produced by a sulfate treatment

Paper and paperboard are sheet materials made process, kraft paper is available in several forms:
from an interlaced network of cellulose fibers natural brown, unbleached, heavy duty, and
derived from wood by using sulfate and sulfite. The bleached white. The natural kraft is the strongest of
fibers are then pulped and/or bleached and treated all paper and is commonly used for bags and
with chemicals such as slimicides and wrapping. It is also used to package flour, sugar,
strengthening agents to produce the paper product. and dried fruits and vegetables.
Paper and paperboards are commonly used in Sulfite paper—lighter and weaker than kraft
corrugated boxes, milk cartons, folding cartons, paper, sulfite paper is glazed to improve its
bags and sacks, and wrapping paper. appearance and to increase its wet strength and oil
Paper and paperboards provides mechanical resistance. It can be coated for higher print quality
strength, they are biodegradable and have good and is also used in laminates with plastic or foil. It
printability. Coatings such as waxes or polymeric is used to make small bags or wrappers for
materials can be used to improve their poor barrier packaging biscuits and confectionary.
properties. Apart from their poor barrier properties Greaseproof paper—greaseproof paper is made
to oxygen, carbondioxide and water vapour other through a process known as beating, in which the
drawbacks include their being opaque, porous and cellulose fibers undergo a longer than normal
not heat sealable (FCIS report, 2011). hydration period that causes the fibers to break up
A few examples of paper packages for foods and become gelatinous. These fine fibers then pack
are shown in Figure 2 below. Polyethylene densely to provide a surface that is resistant to oils
terephthalate (PET) is a desirable packaging but not wet agents. Greaseproof paper is used to
material. It combines good barrier properties, wrap snack foods, cookies, candy bars, and other
clarity, impact resistance, and high speed processes oily foods, a use that is being replaced by plastic
have made PET containers a choice for carbonated films.
beverage containers, dressings, edible oils, peanut Glassine—glassine is greaseproof paper taken
butter and many other products. The many different to an extreme (further hydration) to produce a very
types of paper used in food packaging can be dense sheet with a highly smooth and glossy finish.
categorized as follows (Kirwan, 2003, Marsh and It is used as a liner for biscuits, cooking fats, fast
Bugusu, 2007): foods, and baked goods.

Figure 2. Some examples of paper food packages, polyethylene (PE) added to increase stiffness and strength.

Dele Raheem

Parchment paper—parchment paper is made and crushing damage makes it widely used for
from acid-treated pulp (passed through a sulfuric shipping bulk food and case packing of retail food
acid bath). The acid modifies the cellulose to make products.
it smoother and impervious to water and oil, which
The packaging material as a barrier to gases
adds some wet strength. It does not provide a good
and vapours
barrier to air and moisture, is not heat sealable, and
The food manufacturer incorporates food
is used to package fats such as butter and lard.
packaging materials that will act as a barrier to
Paper laminates are coated or uncoated papers
gases and water vapour. Oxygen and water vapour
based on kraft and sulfite pulp. They can be
are major concerns in food packaging in relation to
laminated with plastic or aluminum to improve
shelf life. The presence of oxygen in a packaged
various properties. For example, paper can be
food is often a key factor that limits the shelf life of
laminated with polyethylene to make it heat
a product. Oxidation can cause changes in flavour,
sealable and to improve gas and moisture barrier
colour, and odour, as well as destroy nutrients and
properties. Laminated paper is used to package
facilitate the growth of aerobic bacteria, moulds,
dried products such as soups, herbs, and spices
and insects. Therefore, the removal of oxygen from
(Marsh and Bugusu, 2007).
the package headspace and from the solution in
Paperboards on the other hand are thicker than
liquid foods and beverages has long been a target
paper with a higher weight per unit area and often
of the food-packaging scientists. The deterioration
made in multiple layers. They are commonly used
in quality of oxygen sensitive products can be
to make containers for shipping—such as boxes,
minimized by oxygen scavengers that remove the
cartons, and trays—they are seldom used for direct
residual oxygen after packing. Existing oxygen
food contact. The various types of paperboard are
scavenging technologies are based on oxidation of
as follows (Soroka, 1999; Marsh and Bugusu,
one or more of the following substances: iron
powder, ascorbic acid, photo-sensitive dyes,
White board—made from several thin layers of
enzymes (such as glucose oxidase and ethanol
bleached chemical pulp, white board is typically
oxidase), unsaturated fatty acids (such as oleic,
used as the inner layer of a carton. White board
linoleic and linolenic acids), rice extract, or
may be coated with wax or laminated with
immobilized yeast on a solid substrate (Floros et
polyethylene for heat sealability.
al., 1997). These materials are normally contained
Solid board—possessing strength and
in a sachet. Oxygen scavenging is an effective way
durability, solid board has multiple layers of
to prevent the growth of aerobic bacteria and
bleached sulfate board. When laminated with
moulds in dairy and bakery products. There are
polyethylene, it is used to create liquid cartons
more details on oxygen scavenging from other
(known as milk board). Solid board can also use to
reviews (Miltz et al., 1995; Miltz and Perry 2000;
package fruit juices and soft drinks.
Floros et al., 1997; Vermeiren et al., 1999).
Chipboard—chipboard is made from recycled
The barrier properties and capacity to protect
paper and often contains blemishes and impurities
foods depends largely on the permeability of the
from the original paper, which makes it unsuitable
packaging material to gases and vapours. It was
for direct contact with food, printing, and folding.
shown that the protection of foodstuffs may be
It is often lined with white board to improve both
achieved with a single layer of polymer or the use
appearance and strength. The least expensive form
of multi-layered films including different polymers,
of paperboard, chipboard is used to make the outer
coating and metal foils (Robertson, 2006). The
layers of cartons for foods such as tea and cereals.
moisture vapour transmission rate (MVTR) of
Fiberboard—Fiberboard can either be solid or
single – ply films is an important criterion in the
corrugated. The solid type has an inner white board
prevention of moisture and subsequent reduction of
layer and outer kraft layer and provides good
microbial growth that can lead to food spoilage.
protection against impact and compression. When
Hirsch (1991) investigated the MVTR for several
laminated with plastics or aluminum, solid
single-ply packaging materials kept at 40ºC and
fiberboard can improve barrier properties and is
90% relative humidity. It was observed that
used to package dry products such as coffee and
Polyvinyldene chloride (PVDC) with a very low
milk powder. The corrugated type, also known as
MVTR of 0.9 g/25µ/m2/24h was better at
corrugated board, is made with two layers of kraft
preventing moisture when compared to Barex 210
paper with a central corrugating (or fluting)
with a high MVTR of 94.6 g/25µ/m2/24h.
material. Fiberboard's resistance to impact abrasion

Emir. J. Food Agric. 2012. 25 (3): 177-188

As with all food products, it is necessary to tetramine (HMT) as an anti-microbial packaging

integrate a HACCP-based program to assure agent. Chung et al. (1998) found that LDPE films
quality throughout the packaging operation. In (48 to 55 µm thick) impregnated with either 1.0 %
addition to packaging improvements, other novel w/w Rheum palmatum and Coptis chinensis
technologies that can be employed include the extracts or silver-substituted inorganic zirconium
development of detectors for oxygen levels, retarded the growth of total aerobic bacteria, lactic
bacterial toxins, and microbial growth, or the acid bacteria and yeast on fresh strawberries.
integration of time-temperature indicators for Preliminary studies by Suppakul and others (2002)
detection of improper handling or storage (Cutter, with linear low-density polyethylene LLDPE films
2002). The main criterion to extending shelf life is (45 to 50 µm thick) containing 0.05% w/w linalool
to find a material that will balance the oxygen and or methyl chavicol showed a positive activity in
carbon dioxide permeability and water vapour in a controlling the growth of E. coli.
package. The recent increase in environmental
awareness has contributed toward the development
Recent innovations on food packaging agents
of edible packaging materials. Viable edible films
Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP) is a
and coatings have been successfully produced from
form of packaging that involves the removal of air
whey proteins; their ability to serve other functions,
from the pack and its replacement with a single gas
viz. carrier of antimicrobials, antioxidants, or other
or a mixture of gases (Blakistone, 1999). Active
nutraceuticals, without significantly compromising
packaging has been defined as a form of modified
the desirable primary barrier and mechanical
atmosphere packaging, which ‘changes the
properties as packaging films, will add value for
condition of the packed food to extend shelf-life or
eventual commercial applications in food industries
to improve safety or sensory properties, while
(Ramos et al., 2012). Edible films and various
maintaining the quality of packaged food’. This can
antimicrobial compounds incorporated in edible
be achieved by the incorporation of certain
food packages have also been investigated
additives into the packaging film or within a
(Rodrigues and Han 2000; Coma et al., 2001;
packaging container to modify the headspace
Appendini and Hotchkiss, 2002). Rodrigues and
atmosphere and to extend the product’s shelf life.
Han (2000) investigated the edible anti-microbial
Intelligent packaging system monitors the
materials produced by incorporating lysozyme,
condition of packed foods to give information
nisin and ethylenediamine tetracetic acid (EDTA)
about the quality of the packaged food during
in whey protein isolates (WPI) films. Both
transportation and storage (Ahvenainen, 2003).
lysozyme and nisin-containing films are effective
In recent years, antimicrobial packaging has
in inhibiting Brochothri thermosphacta but fail to
attracted much attention from the food industry
suppress Listeria monocytogenes. The
because of the increase in consumer demand for
incorporation of EDTA in WPI films improved the
minimally processed, preservative-free products.
inhibitory effect on L. monocytogenes but had a
As a result of this demand, the preservative agents
marginal effect only on E. coli O157:H7.
must be applied to packaging in such a way that
Coma et al. (2001) studied the moisture barrier
only low levels of preservatives comes into contact
and the anti-microbial properties of hydroxypropyl
with the food (Cha and Chinnan, 2004). The use of
methyl cellulose (HPMC)-fatty acid films (30-50
appropriate film or coatings can impart anti-
µm thick) containing Nisin (105 IU/mL) as the
microbial (AM) effectiveness. An et al. (2000)
anti-microbial agent and its efficacy against
claimed that a polymer-based solution coating
Listeria innocua and Staphilococcus aureus growth
would be the most desirable method in terms of
in food products. Stearic acid was chosen as the
stability and adhesiveness of attaching a
fatty acid because of its ability to reduce the rate of
bacteriocin to a plastic film. It was found that low-
water vapour transmission. However, it impaired
density polyethylene (LDPE) films coated with a
the effectiveness of the film against both strains.
mixture of polyamide resin in i-propanol/n-
This may be explained by electrostatic interaction
propanol and a bacteriocin solution provided anti-
between the cationic nisin and the anionic stearic
microbial activity against Micrococcus flavus.
The potential of incorporating nisin directly
Foods with different biological and chemical
into LDPE film for controlling food spoilage and
characteristics are stored under different
enhancing product safety was highlighted by
environmental conditions, which, in turn may cause
Siragusa et al. (1999). Devlieghere et al. (2000b)
different patterns of microflora growth. The
were the first investigators to use hexamethylene-

Dele Raheem

interactions between the package coatings and anti- be sufficient to remain effective throughout the
microbial agents (AM) are important. For example, shelf life of the product (Cooksey, 2000).
aerobic microorganisms can exploit headspace
Polymer nanotechnology in packaging
oxygen for their growth. The mechanism and
The worldwide sales of nanotechnology
kinetics of growth inhibition are generally studied
products to the food packaging sector rose from
in order to permit mathematical modelling of
US$ 150 million in 2002 to US$ 860 million in
microbial growth. The pH of a product was shown
2004 and has risen steadily (Verbeke, 2006;
to affect the growth rate of target microorganisms
Meetoo, 2011). There are new innovations to
and changes the degree of ionization of the most
encourage active packaging which involves the
active chemicals, as well as the activity of the
combination of food-packaging materials with
antimicrobial agents (Han, 2000). Tobias et al.
antimicrobial substances such as the incorporation
(2000) reported that LDPE film containing benzoic
of antibacterial nanoparticles into polymer films to
anhydride was more effective in inhibiting molds at
control microbial surface contamination of foods. It
low pH values. Guillard et al. (2009) found that the
was observed for both migrating and non-migrating
diffusion of sorbic acid decreased with an increase
antimicrobial materials, an intensive contact
in pH. The food water activity may also alter the
between the food product and packaging material is
microflora, AM activity, and chemical stability of
required and therefore potential food applications
active ingredients that are applied by impregnation
include vacuum or skin-packaged products, e.g.
(Kasapis et al., 2009). Rojas-Grau et al. (2008)
vacuum-packaged meat, fish, poultry or cheese.
showed that the diffusion of potassium sorbate
Nanocomposites are known to exhibit
through polysaccharide films increases with water
increased barrier properties, increased mechanical
activity and this has a negative impact on the
strength, and improved heat resistance compared to
amount available for protection.
their neat polymers and conventional composites
Anti-microbial packaging is a rapidly emerging
(Sorrentino et al., 2007). Nanoclays, kaolinite,
technology. The need to package foods in a
carbon nanotubes and graphene nanosheets that are
versatile manner for transportation and storage,
used as fillers were shown to have potentials that
along with the increasing consumer demand for
will improve the ability of plastic packaging
fresh, convenient, and safe food products presages
against migration of gases and flavour compounds,
a bright future for anti-microbial packaging (Floros
as well as boosting shelf life (Arora and Padua,
et al., 1997). However, more information is
required on the chemical, microbiological and
Cellulose, polylactic acid (PLA) have received
physiological effects of these systems on the
attention as sustainable, biocompatible,
packaged food especially on the issues of
biodegradable materials with good mechanical and
nutritional quality and human safety (Floros et al.,
optical properties. Lactic acid, the monomer of
1997). Current research on anti-microbial
PLA, may easily be produced by fermentation of
packaging has focused primarily on the
carbohydrate feedstock such as corn. Thus, PLA
development of various methods and model
offers more disposal options and its manufacture is
systems, whereas little attention has been paid to its
less environmentally burdensome than traditional
preservation efficacy in actual foods (Han, 2000;
petroleum-based plastics (Arora and Padua, 2010).
Cha and Chinnan, 2004). Research is essential to
There are also possibilities to combine
identify the types of food that can benefit most
antimicrobial compounds with different types of
from AM packaging materials. It is likely that
carriers (plastic and rubber articles, paper-based
future research into a combination of naturally-
materials, textile fibrils and food-packaging
derived AM agents, biopreservatives and
materials). Antibodies may also be attached to
biodegradable packaging materials will highlight a
fluorescent nanoparticles to detect chemicals or
range of the merits of AM packaging in terms of
foodborne pathogens. A successful polymer
food safety, shelf-life and environmental
nanotechnology in food packaging will have to take
friendliness (Nicholson, 1998; Rodrigues and Han,
into consideration the complete life cycle of the
2000; Coma et al., 2001).
packaging material (Silvestre et al., 2011). The life
The storage temperature may affect the activity
cycle assessment consider the overall impact on the
of AM packages. Several researchers found that the
environment from all the stages of raw materials
protective action of AM films deteriorated at higher
sourcing to the production process, transportation
temperatures, due to high diffusion rates in the
and delivery until it reaches end users and finally
polymer (Wong et al., 1996). The diffusion rate of
being disposed (Chaffee and Yoros, 2007). The
the AM agent and its concentration in the film must

Emir. J. Food Agric. 2012. 25 (3): 177-188

sustainability goal inherent within the cradle-to- Currently, WikiCells have just been developed
cradle concept (imposing zero impact on future at Harvard University; they are novel edible forms
generations) builds on life cycle analysis to address for eating and drinking transportable foods and
the material and energy recovery (McDonough and drinks without plastic and would help to reduce
Braungart, 2002). Furthermore, new packaging waste. They use special membrane technology that
materials are being developed to facilitate the goal permits the fabrication of thin delicious membranes
of true sustainability with significant water diffusional resistance and
adjoined shells that allow for stability of the
Multidisciplinary approach to solve future
WikiCells over long periods of time (WikiCells
report, 2012).
A symposium devoted to the “Plastic
There are health concerns regarding residual
Packaging of Foods - Problems and Solutions”
monomer and components in plastics and paper,
identified plastics as the consumer preference of
including stabilizers, plasticizers, and condensation
tomorrow and suggested that consumers need to be
components such as bisphenol A (BPA). Some of
provided with packages that are economic,
these concerns are based on studies using very high
convenient and environmentally sound. The major
intake levels; others have no scientific basis. The
demands by consumers which are still relevant
active form of BPA binds to the steroid receptors
today were identified as - convenience, quality,
and can affect estrogen, thyroid and testoterone
safety and recyclability (Fox, 1989).
functions (Science Daily report, 2011). In order to
Convenience: Consumers demand products
ensure public safety, national and international
and packaging that make life easier and allow them
regulatory bodies such as the Food and Drug
to enjoy more available leisure time. This
Administration (FDA), European Food Safety
convenience applies to closure systems, consumers
Authority (EFSA) carefully reviews and regulates
look for easy open ends, dispensing closures and
substances used to make plastics and other
re-sealable packaging.
packaging materials. Any substance that can
Quality: Consumers are usually willing to pay
reasonably be expected to migrate into food is
for high quality products they can rely on. Aseptic
classified as an indirect food additive subject to
packaging, irradiation processing and controlled
regulations. The Swedish government recently
atmosphere packaging are examples of innovations
introduced a ban on bisphenol A in food packaging
that enhance product shelf life and quality.
intended for children under the age of three from
Safety: With more dual career families,
the beginning of 2013 (Food Production Report,
children are playing an ever larger role in the
home, and consumers are looking for packaging
There was also a recent study about the effects
that is shatter resistant and easy for children to use.
of chemicals such as perfluorinated compounds
A substantial majority of consumers are willing to
(PFC) which are widely used in food packaging.
pay extra for tamper evident packaging.
They are found in teflon cookware, microwave
Recyclabilty: Consumers want packaging
popcorn bags and stain-resistant carpets. These
materials that are environmentally friendly.
chemicals can weaken the ability of vaccination
In the past twenty three years after the 1989
jabs to protect young children. Grandjean et al.
symposium, the production and the use of plastics
(2012) reported that children exposed to
in the world have been enormously increased,
perfluorinated compounds (PFCs) in the womb or
worsening the problem of the waste disposal. The
in the first years of life had lower immunity to
growing interest in environmental impact of
tetanus and diphtheria.
discarded plastics has directed research on the
The choice of a particular plastic or a flexible
development of plastics that degrade more rapidly
package will be linked to developments in
in the environment, leading to a complete
engineering and consumer studies. There will
mineralization or bioassimilation of the plastics
continuously be new packaging materials that will
(Mergaert and Swings, 1996; Tokiwa et al., 2009,
reflect developments in the technology of food
Thompson et al., 2009). Biopolymers should be
processing, life style changes, political decision
used in those applications where biodegradability
making, and environmental issues. These
and/or the derivation of natural resources gives
challenges will be best tackled by multi-
added value, particularly, where valuable
disciplinary approach that addresses these issues in
petroleum-based plastics are used for applications
the nearest future.
with a short life time.

Dele Raheem

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