Healthcare Provider CAB of CPR Helpful Hints

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C-A-B of CPR for Adults, Children, and Infants*

Adults Children Infants
Recognition Unresponsive (for all ages)
Check for responsiveness and breathing simultaneously
No breathing or
No breathing or only gasping
no normal breathing
(ie, only gasping)

Activate 911 and get the AED or send second rescuer (if available) to do this
Check a pulse for no more than 10 seconds

CPR sequence C-A-B Chest compressions, Airway, Breathing

Compression rate At least 100/min on the lower half of the breastbone

Compression depth At least 1/3 AP diameter At least 1/3 AP diameter

At least 2 inches (5 cm)
About 2 inches (5 cm) About 1½ or 1.5 inches (4 cm)
Chest wall recoil Allow complete recoil between compressions
Rotate compressors every 2 minutes
Compression Minimize interruptions in chest compressions
interruptions Attempt to limit interruptions to <10 seconds
Airway Head tilt–chin lif (suspected trauma: jaw thrust). Avoid excessive ventilation.

30:2 30:2 Single rescuer
ventilation ratio (until
Single rescuer or 2-rescuers 15:2 Two rescuers
advanced airway placed)

Ventilations with 1 breath every 6-8 seconds (8-10 breaths/min)

advanced airway Asynchronous with chest compressions (at least 100/min)
About 1 second per breath with visible chest rise

Defibrillation Attach and use AED as soon as available. Minimize interruptions in chest compressions before and afer
shock; resume CPR beginning with compressions immediately afer each shock.
Abbreviations: AED, Automated External Defibrillator; AP, Anterior-Posterior; CPR, CardioPulmonary Resuscitation.
* Excluding the newly born, in whom the etiology of an arrest is nearly always asphyxial.

BLS for Healthcare Providers Critical Concepts

High–quality CPR improves a victim’s chances of survival. The critical characteristics of high-quality CPR include:
 Start compressions within 10 seconds of recognition of cardiac arrest.
 Push hard, push fast: Compress at a rate of at least 100/min with a depth of at least 2 inches (5cm) for
adults, approximately 2 inches (5cm) for children, and approximately 1 ½ or 1.5 inches (4cm) for infants.
 Allow complete chest recoil afer each compression.
 Minimize interruptions in compressions (try to limit interruptions to < 10 seconds).
 Give effective breaths that make the chest rise.
 Avoid excessive ventilation.
Automated External Defibrillator-AED
 As soon as an AED becomes available, the first step the rescuer should perform is to turn on the AED.
 Afer the AED delivers a shock, the rescuer should immediately restart CPR, beginning with chest
Foreign Body Airway Obstruction - Choking
 The best way to relieve severe choking in responsive adult or child – Perform abdominal thrusts.
 The best action to relieve severe choking in a responsive infant – Begin cycles of 5 back slaps, followed by
5 chest thrusts.
 When choking victim becomes unresponsive (adult, child, or infant) – the rescuer should send someone to activate
emergency response system and immediately start CPR beginning with compressions.
Child or Infant With A Heart Rate
 When a child/infant has a heart rate greater than 60 per minute and a pulse but is not breathing
effectively, the rescuer should give breaths without chest compressions.
 When an unresponsive child/infant is not breathing and has a heart rate less than 60 per minute and
signs of poor perfusion despite oxygenation and ventilation with a bag-mask, the rescuer should perform both
compressions and breaths.
C-A-B is Chest Compressions–Airway–Breaths, Not A-B-C
 The rescuer should initially ensure that the scene is safe when the rescuer first sees a potential victim.
 A victim who is unresponsive with no normal breathing and no pulse needs CPR.
 To identify cardiac arrest in an unresponsive victim with no breathing (or no normal breathing), a
healthcare provider should check a pulse for no more than 10 seconds.
 It is important to compress to the appropriate depth during CPR to create blood flow during compressions.
 The depth of chest compressions for an adult victim should be at least 2 inches (5cm).
 The depth of chest compressions for an infant is at least one third the depth of the chest,
approximately 1½ or 1.5 inches (4cm).
 Rate of performing chest compressions for victims of all ages is at least 100 compressions per minute.
 Hands are placed on the lower half of the breastbone to perform chest compressions on the adult.
 In 2-rescuer CPR, while the first rescuer begins chest compressions, the second rescuer maintains an
open airway and gives ventilations.
 Preferred chest compression technique for 2-rescuer CPR for the infant is the 2 thumb-encircling hands
 Afer the airway is opened, the proper technique for delivering mouth-to-mouth ventilation is the
rescuer opens the airway, seals his or her mouth over the victim’s mouth, pinches the victim’s nose
closed, and gives 2 breaths while watching for the chest to rise.
 The rescue breath for an adult, child, or infant is effective when the chest rises visibly.
 During bag-mask ventilation, giving a breath just until you see the chest rise is recommended to
minimize the risk of gastric inflation.
 The compression-to-ventilation ratio for 1-rescuer adult CPR is 30:2.
 The compression-to-ventilation (or breaths) ratio for 2-rescuer child/infant CPR is 15:2.
 Compression and ventilation rates for 2-rescuer CPR in the presence of an advanced airway is to
compress at a rate of at least 100 per minute, 1 breath every 6 to 8 seconds.
 When administering breaths by using a bag-mask device for a child who is not breathing but does have a
pulse, the rescuer should give breaths at the rate of 1 breath every 3 to 5 seconds.
 Bag-mask device/technique is not recommended for a single rescuer to provide breaths during CPR.
BLS Healthcare Provider Helpful Hints are courtesy of Helen McCracken

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