Sl. No. State Capacity (MW) Name of The Solar Power Parks Developer (SPPD) Land Identified at

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State Capacity Name of the Solar Land identified at

No. (MW) Power Parks Developer

1. Gujarat 700 GPCL Radhanesda, Vav, Distt.

2. Andhra Pradesh 1500 AP Solar Power NP Kunta of Anantpuramu
Corporation Pvt. Ltd., & Galiveedu of Kadapa
JVC of SECI, Districts
3. Andhra Pradesh 1000 APGENCO and Kurnool District
4. Andhra Pradesh 1000 Galiveedu Madal, Kadapa
5. Uttar Pradesh 600 Lucknow Solar Power Jalaun, Allahabad,
Development Mirzapur and Kanpur
Corporation Ltd.; JVC of Dehat districts
6. Meghalaya 20 Meghalaya Power West Jaintia Hills & East
Generation Corporation Jaintia Hills districts
Ltd (MePGCL)
7. Rajasthan 680 Rajasthan Solar Park Bhadla Phase II, Bhadla,
Development Company Rajasthan
Ltd. (RSDCL), a
subsidiary of RRECL
8. Rajasthan 1000 Surya Urja Company of Bhadla Phase III, Bhadla,
Rajasthan Ltd; a JVC Rajasthan
between State Govt. and
IL & FS Energy
Development Company
9. Rajasthan 1000 Surya Urja Company of Jaisalmer Phase I,
Rajasthan Ltd; a JVC Jaisalmer, Rajasthan
between State Govt. and
IL & FS Energy
Development Company
10. Rajasthan 500 M/s Adani Renewable Bhadla Phase IV, Bhadla,
Energy Park Rajasthan Jodhpur Rajasthan
Limited (AREPRL); a
JVC of Government of
Rajasthan and APEPRL.
11. Madhya Pradesh 750 Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Rewa, MP
Limited; a JVC of SECI
12. Madhya Pradesh 2000 Rewa Ultra Mega Solar Neemuch, Agar,
Limited; a JVC of SECI Mandsaur, Shajapur,
and MPUVNL Rajgarh, Chhatarpur and
Morena of MP
Sl. State Capacity Name of the Solar Land identified at
No. (MW) Power Parks Developer

13. Karnataka 2000 Karnataka Solar Power Pavagada taluk Tumkur

Development dist.
Corporation Pvt. Ltd.
14. Tamil Nadu 500 To be finalised Ramanathapuram distt.

15. Telangana 1000 SECI, Telangana Gattu, Mehboob Nagar

GENCO and Telangana Distt.
New & Renewable
Energy Development
Corporation Ltd.
16. Kerala 200 JVC of SECI and KSEB Paivalike, Meenja,
Kinanoor, Kraindalam and
Ambalathara villages of
Kasargode district

17. Uttarakhand 39 UJVN Limited

Almora district

18. Arunachal Pradesh 100 Arunachal Pradesh Tezu township in Lohit

Energy Development district
Agency (APEDA)

19. Nagaland 60 Directorate of New & Dimapur, Kohima and

Renewable Energy, New Peren districts
20. A&N Islands 100 NTPC South Andaman

21. West Bengal 500 West Bengal State East Mednipur, West
Electricity Distribution Mednipur, Bankura
Company Ltd.
22. Himachal Pradesh 1000 HP State Electricity Spiti Valley of Lahaul &
Board Ltd. Spiti District
Assam 69 JVC of APDCL, APGCL
23. Amguri in Sibsagar district
Maharashtra 500 To be finalized
24. To be finalized
25. Chhattisgarh 500 To be finalized
To be finalized
26 Jammu & Kashmir 100 To be finalized
To be finalized
27 Odisha 1000 JVC of GEDCOL &
To be finalized

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