Sl. No. State Capacity (MW) Name of The Solar Power Parks Developer (SPPD) Land Identified at
Sl. No. State Capacity (MW) Name of The Solar Power Parks Developer (SPPD) Land Identified at
Sl. No. State Capacity (MW) Name of The Solar Power Parks Developer (SPPD) Land Identified at
21. West Bengal 500 West Bengal State East Mednipur, West
Electricity Distribution Mednipur, Bankura
Company Ltd.
22. Himachal Pradesh 1000 HP State Electricity Spiti Valley of Lahaul &
Board Ltd. Spiti District
Assam 69 JVC of APDCL, APGCL
23. Amguri in Sibsagar district
Maharashtra 500 To be finalized
24. To be finalized
25. Chhattisgarh 500 To be finalized
To be finalized
26 Jammu & Kashmir 100 To be finalized
To be finalized
27 Odisha 1000 JVC of GEDCOL &
To be finalized