2 ArcticLake
R topics documented:
ArcticLake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
bcor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
bcorsis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
bcov.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
bd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
bd.test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
bdvmf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
genlung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
macaques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
meteorology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
nhdist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Index 22
Sand, silt and clay compositions of 39 sediment samples of different water depth in an Arctic lake.
ArcticLake$depth: water depth (in meters).
ArcticLake$x: compositions of three covariates: sand, silt, and clay.
Sand, silt and clay compositions of 39 sediment samples at different water depth (in meters) in
an Arctic lake. The additional feature is a concomitant variable or covariate, water depth, which
may account for some of the variation in the compositions. In statistical terminology, we have
a multivariate regression problem with sediment composition as predictors and water depth as a
response. All row percentage sums to 100, except for rounding errors.
Courtesy of J. Aitchison
Aitchison: CODA microcomputer statistical package, 1986, the file name ARCTIC.DAT, here in-
cluded under the GNU Public Library Licence Version 2 or newer.
Aitchison: The Statistical Analysis of Compositional Data, 1986, Data 5, pp5.
bcor 3
Computes Ball Covariance and Ball Correlation statistics, which are generic dependence measures
in Banach spaces.
bcor(x, y, distance = FALSE, weight = FALSE)
x a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame, or a list containing at least two numeric
vectors, matrices, or data.frames.
y a numeric vector, matrix, or data.frame.
distance if distance = TRUE, the elements of x and y are considered as distance matri-
weight a logical or character string used to choose the weight form of Ball Covari-
ance statistic.. If input is a character string, it must be one of "constant",
"probability", or "chisquare". Any unambiguous substring can be given.
If input is a logical value, it is equivalent to weight = "probability" if
weight = TRUE while equivalent to weight = "constant" if weight = FALSE.
Default: weight = FALSE.
The sample sizes of the two variables must agree, and samples must not contain missing and infinite
values. If we set distance = TRUE, arguments x, y can be a dist object or a symmetric numeric
matrix recording distance between samples; otherwise, these arguments are treated as data.
bcov and bcor compute Ball Covariance and Ball Correlation statistics.
Ball Covariance statistics is a generic dependence measure in Banach spaces. It enjoys the following
• It is nonnegative and it is equal to zero if and only if variables are unassociated;
• It is highly robust;
• It is distribution-free and model-free;
• it is interesting that the HHG is a special case of Ball Covariance statistics.
Ball correlation statistics, a normalized version of Ball Covariance statistics, generalizes Pearson
correlation in two fundamental ways:
• It is well-defined for random variables in arbitrary dimension in Banach spaces
4 bcor
n n n
1X X Y 1X X 1X Y
ij,n = δij,k δij,k , ∆X
ij,n = δij,k , ∆Yij,n = δij,k
n n n
k=1 k=1 k=1
δij,k = I(xk ∈ B̄(xi , ρ(xi , xj ))), δij,k = I(yk ∈ B̄(yi , ρ(yi , yj )))
Among them, B̄(xi , ρ(xi , xj )) is a closed ball with center xi and radius ρ(xi , xj ). Similarly, we
can define BCov2ω,n (X, X) and BCov2ω,n (Y, Y). We define Ball Correlation statistic as follows.
BCor2ω,n (X, Y) = BCov2ω,n (X, Y)/ BCov2ω,n (X, X)BCov2ω,n (Y, Y)
We can extend BCovω,n to measure the mutual independence between K random variables:
" K K
1 X X1 ,...,XK
Y Xk 2
(∆ij,n − ∆ij,n ) ω̂k (Xki , Xkj )
n2 i,j=1
k=1 k=1
bcor Ball Correlation statistic.
bcov Ball Covariance statistic.
Wenliang Pan, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang, Hongtu Zhu & Jin Zhu (2019) Ball Covariance: A
Generic Measure of Dependence in Banach Space, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2018.1543600
Wenliang Pan, Xueqin Wang, Weinan Xiao & Hongtu Zhu (2018) A Generic Sure Independence
Screening Procedure, Journal of the American Statistical Association, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2018.1462709
Jin Zhu, Wenliang Pan, Wei Zheng, and Xueqin Wang (2018). Ball: An R package for detect-
ing distribution difference and association in metric spaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03750.
See Also
bcov.test, bcorsis
bcorsis 5
############# Ball Correlation #############
num <- 50
x <- 1:num
y <- 1:num
bcor(x, y)
bcor(x, y, weight = "prob")
bcor(x, y, weight = "chisq")
############# Ball Covariance #############
num <- 50
x <- rnorm(num)
y <- rnorm(num)
bcov(x, y)
bcov(x, y, weight = "prob")
bcov(x, y, weight = "chisq")
Generic non-parametric sure independence screening (SIS) procedure based on Ball Correlation.
Ball correlation is a generic multivariate measure of dependence in Banach space.
bcorsis(x, y, d = "small", weight = c("constant", "probability",
"chisquare"), method = "standard", distance = FALSE,
parms = list(d1 = 5, d2 = 5, df = 3), num.threads = 0)
x a numeric matirx or data.frame included n rows and p columns. Each row is
an observation vector and each column corresponding to a explanatory variable,
generally p >> n.
y a numeric vector, matrix, or data.frame.
d the hard cutoff rule suggests selecting d variables. Setting d = "large" or
d = "small" means n - 1 or floor(n/log(n)) variables are selected. If d is
a integer, d variables are selected. Default: d = "small".
weight a logical or character string used to choose the weight form of Ball Covari-
ance statistic.. If input is a character string, it must be one of "constant",
"probability", or "chisquare". Any unambiguous substring can be given.
If input is a logical value, it is equivalent to weight = "probability" if
weight = TRUE while equivalent to weight = "constant" if weight = FALSE.
Default: weight = FALSE.
6 bcorsis
method specific method for the BCor-SIS procedure. It must be one of "standard",
"lm", "gam", "interaction", or "survival". Setting method = "standard"
means performing standard SIS procedure while the options "lm" and "gam"
mean carrying out iterative SIS procedure with ordinary linear regression and
generalized additive models, respectively. The options "interaction" and
"survival" are designed for detecting variables with potential linear interac-
tion and associated with left censored responses, respectively. Any unambigu-
ous substring can be given. Default: method = "standard".
distance if distance = TRUE, y will be considered as a distance matrix. Arguments
only available when method = "standard" and method = "interaction".
Default: distance = FALSE.
parms parameters list only available when method = "lm" or "gam". It contains three
parameters: d1, d2, and df. d1 is the number of initially selected variables, d2
is the number of variables added in each iteration. df is a degree freedom of
basis in generalized additive models playing a role only when method = "gam".
Default: parms = list(d1 = 5, d2 = 5, df = 3).
num.threads Number of threads. If num.threads = 0, then all of available cores will be
used. Default num.threads = 0.
bcorsis performs a model-free generic sure independence screening procedure, BCor-SIS, to pick
out variables from x which are potentially asscoiated with y. BCor-SIS relies on Ball correlation,
a universal dependence measure in Banach spaces. Ball correlation (BCor) ranges from 0 to 1.
A larger BCor implies they are likely to be associated while Bcor is equal to 0 implies they are
unassociated. (See bcor for details.) Consequently, BCor-SIS pick out variables with larger Bcor
values with y.
Theory and numerical result indicate that BCor-SIS has following advantages:
• BCor-SIS can retain the efficient variables even when the dimensionality (i.e., ncol(x)) is an
exponential order of the sample size (i.e., exp(nrow(x)));
• It is distribution-free and model-free;
• It is very robust;
• It is works well for complex data, such as shape and survival data;
If x is a matrix, the sample sizes of x and y must agree. If x is a list object, each element of this
list must with the same sample size. x and y must not contain missing or infinite values.
When method = "survival", the matrix or data.frame pass to y must have exactly two columns,
where the first column is event (failure) time while the second column is a dichotomous censored
ix the indices vector corresponding to variables selected by BCor-SIS.
method the method used.
weight the weight used.
bcorsis 7
complete.info a list mainly containing a p × 3 matrix, where each row is a variable and
each column is a weight Ball Correlation statistic. If method = "gam" or
method = "lm", complete.info is an empty list.
bcorsis simultaneously computing Ball Correlation statistics with "constant", "probability",
and "chisquare" weights. Users can get other Ball Correlation statistics with different weight in
the complete.info element of output. We give a quick example below to illustrate.
Wenliang Pan, Weinan Xiao, Xueqin Wang, Hongtu Zhu, Jin Zhu
Wenliang Pan, Xueqin Wang, Weinan Xiao & Hongtu Zhu (2018) A Generic Sure Independence
Screening Procedure, Journal of the American Statistical Association, DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2018.1462709
Jin, Zhu, Wenliang Pan, Wei Zheng, and Xueqin Wang (2018). Ball: An R package for detecting
distribution difference and association in metric spaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03750. URL
See Also
## Not run:
n <- 150
p <- 3000
x <- matrix(rnorm(n * p), nrow = n)
error <- rnorm(n)
y <- 3 * x[, 1] * x[, 5] * x[, 10] + error
res <- bcorsis(y = y, x = x, method = "interaction")
## End(Not run)
Ball Covariance test of independence. Ball covariance are generic dependence measures in Banach
bcov.test(x, ...)
bcov.test 9
## Default S3 method:
bcov.test(x, y = NULL, num.permutations = 99,
distance = FALSE, weight = FALSE, seed = 1, num.threads = 0, ...)
x a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame, or a list containing at least two numeric
vectors, matrices, or data.frames.
... further arguments to be passed to or from methods.
y a numeric vector, matrix, or data.frame.
the number of permutation replications. When num.permutations = 0, the
function just returns the Ball Covariance statistic. Default: num.permutations = 99.
distance if distance = TRUE, the elements of x and y are considered as distance matri-
weight a logical or character string used to choose the weight form of Ball Covari-
ance statistic.. If input is a character string, it must be one of "constant",
"probability", or "chisquare". Any unambiguous substring can be given.
If input is a logical value, it is equivalent to weight = "probability" if
weight = TRUE while equivalent to weight = "constant" if weight = FALSE.
Default: weight = FALSE.
seed the random seed. Default seed = 1.
num.threads Number of threads. If num.threads = 0, then all of available cores will be
used. Default num.threads = 0.
formula a formula of the form ~ u + v, where each of u and v are numeric variables
giving the data values for one sample. The samples must be of the same length.
data an optional matrix or data frame (or similar: see model.frame) containing the
variables in the formula formula. By default the variables are taken from envi-
subset an optional vector specifying a subset of observations to be used.
na.action a function which indicates what should happen when the data contain NAs. De-
faults to getOption("na.action").
bcov.test are non-parametric tests of independence in Banach spaces. It can detect the dependence
between two random objects (variables) and the mutual dependence among at least three random
objects (variables).
If two samples are pass to arguments x and y, the sample sizes (i.e. number of rows or length of
the vector) of the two variables must agree. If a list object is passed to x, this list must contain
at least two numeric vectors, matrices, or data.frames, and each element of this list must with the
10 bcov.test
same sample size. Moreover, data pass to x or y must not contain missing or infinite values. If
distance = TRUE, x is considered as a distance matrix or a list containing distance matrices, and y
is considered as a distance matrix; otherwise, these arguments are treated as data.
bcov.test utilizes the Ball Covariance statistics (see bcov) to measure dependence and derives a
p-value via replicating the random permutation num.permutations times.
See Pan et al 2018 for theoretical properties of the test, including statistical consistency.
If num.permutations > 0, bcov.test returns a htest class object containing the following com-
statistic Ball Covariance statistic.
p.value the p-value for the test.
replicates permutation replications of the test statistic.
size sample size.
complete.info a list mainly containing two vectors, the first vector is the Ball Covariance
statistics with different weights, the second is the p-values of weighted Ball
Covariance tests.
alternative a character string describing the alternative hypothesis.
method a character string indicating what type of test was performed.
data.name description of data.
If num.permutations = 0, bcov.test returns a statistic value.
Actually, bcov.test simultaneously computing Ball Covariance statistics with "constant", "probability",
and "chisquare" weights. Users can get other Ball Covariance statistics with different weight and
their corresponding p-values in the complete.info element of output. We give a quick example
below to illustrate.
Wenliang Pan, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang, Hongtu Zhu, Jin Zhu
Wenliang Pan, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang, Hongtu Zhu & Jin Zhu (2019) Ball Covariance: A
Generic Measure of Dependence in Banach Space, Journal of the American Statistical Association,
DOI: 10.1080/01621459.2018.1543600
Jin Zhu, Wenliang Pan, Wei Zheng, and Xueqin Wang (2018). Ball: An R package for detect-
ing distribution difference and association in metric spaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03750.
See Also
bcov, bcor
bcov.test 11
Compute Ball Divergence statistic, which is a generic dispersion measure in Banach spaces.
bd(x, y = NULL, distance = FALSE, size = NULL, num.threads = 1,
kbd.type = c("sum", "maxsum", "max"))
x a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame, or a list containing at least two numeric
vectors, matrices, or data.frames.
y a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame.
distance if distance = TRUE, the elements of x will be considered as a distance matrix.
Default: distance = FALSE.
size a vector recording sample size of each group.
num.threads Number of threads. If num.threads = 0, then all of available cores will be
used. Default num.threads = 0.
kbd.type a character string specifying the K-sample Ball Divergence test statistic, must
be one of "sum", "summax", or "max". Any unambiguous substring can be given.
Default kbd.type = "sum".
Given the samples not containing missing values, bd returns Ball Divergence statistics. If we set
distance = TRUE, arguments x, y can be a dist object or a symmetric numeric matrix recording
distance between samples; otherwise, these arguments are treated as data.
Ball divergence statistic measure the distribution difference of two datasets in Banach spaces. The
Ball divergence statistic is proven to be zero if and only if two datasets are identical.
bd 13
The definition of the Ball Divergence statistics is as follows. Given two independent samples
{x1 , . . . , xn } with the associated probability measure µ and {y1 , . . . , ym } with ν, where the obser-
vations in each sample are i.i.d. Let δ(x, y, z) = I(z ∈ B̄(x, ρ(x, y))), where δ(x, y, z) indicates
whether z is located in the closed ball B̄(x, ρ(x, y)) with center x and radius ρ(x, y). We denote:
n m
1X 1 X
ij = δ(Xi , Xj , Xu ), AYij = δ(Xi , Xj , Yv ),
n u=1 m v=1
n m
X 1X Y 1 X
Ckl = δ(Yk , Yl , Xu ), Ckl = δ(Yk , Yl , Yv ).
n u=1 m v=1
AXij represents the proportion of samples {x1 , . . . , xn } located in the ball B̄(Xi , ρ(Xi , Xj )) and
AYij represents the proportion of samples {y1 , . . . , ym } located in the ball B̄(Xi , ρ(Xi , Xj )). Mean-
while, Ckl and Ckl represent the corresponding proportions located in the ball B̄(Yk , ρ(Yk , Yl )).
The Ball Divergence statistic is defined as:
Ball Divergence can be generalized to the K-sample test problem. Suppose we have K group sam-
ples, each group include nk samples. The definition of K-sample Ball Divergence statistic could be
to directly sum up the two-sample Ball Divergence statistics of all sample pairs (kbd.type = "sum")
Dnk ,nl ,
or to find one sample with the largest difference to the others (kbd.type = "maxsum")
max Dns ,nt ,
to aggregate the K−1 most significant different two-sample Ball Divergence statistics (kbd.type = "max")
D(k) ,
where D(1) , . . . , D(K−1) are the largest K−1 two-sample Ball Divergence statistics among {Dns ,nt |1 ≤
s < t ≤ K}. When K = 2, the three types of Ball Divergence statistics degenerate into two-sample
Ball Divergence statistic.
See bd.test for a test of distribution equality based on the Ball Divergence.
bd Ball Divergence statistic
Wenliang Pan, Yuan Tian, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang
14 bd.test
Wenliang Pan, Yuan Tian, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang. Ball Divergence: Nonparametric two sam-
ple test. Ann. Statist. 46 (2018), no. 3, 1109–1137. doi:10.1214/17-AOS1579. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/152531307
See Also
############# Ball Divergence #############
x <- rnorm(50)
y <- rnorm(50)
bd(x, y)
Performs the nonparametric two-sample or K-sample Ball Divergence test for equality of multi-
variate distributions
bd.test(x, ...)
## Default S3 method:
bd.test(x, y = NULL, num.permutations = 99,
distance = FALSE, size = NULL, seed = 1, num.threads = 0,
kbd.type = c("sum", "maxsum", "max"), ...)
x a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame, or a list containing at least two numeric
vectors, matrices, or data.frames.
... further arguments to be passed to or from methods.
y a numeric vector, matrix, data.frame.
the number of permutation replications. When num.permutations = 0, the
function just returns the Ball Divergence statistic. Default: num.permutations = 99.
distance if distance = TRUE, the elements of x will be considered as a distance matrix.
Default: distance = FALSE.
bd.test 15
bd.test is nonparametric test for the two-sample or K-sample problem. It can detect distribution
difference between K(K ≥ 2) sample even though sample size are imbalanced. This test can cope
well multivariate dataset or complex dataset.
If only x is given, the statistic is computed from the original pooled samples, stacked in matrix
where each row is a multivariate observation, or from the distance matrix when distance = TRUE.
The first sizes[1] rows of x are the first sample, the next sizes[2] rows of x are the second
sample, etc. If x is a list, its elements are taken as the samples to be compared, and hence, this
list must contain at least two numeric data vectors, matrices or data.frames.
bd.test utilizes the Ball Divergence statistics (see bd) to measure dispersion and derives a p-value
via replicating the random permutation num.permutations times. The function simply returns the
test statistic when num.permutations = 0.
The time complexity of bd.test is around O(R × n2 ), where R = num.permutations and n is
sample size.
If num.permutations > 0, bd.test returns a htest class object containing the following compo-
statistic Ball Divergence statistic.
p.value the p-value for the test.
replicates permutation replications of the test statistic.
size sample sizes.
complete.info a list mainly containing two vectors, the first vector is the Ball Divergence
statistics with different aggregation strategy, the second vector is the p-values of
alternative a character string describing the alternative hypothesis.
16 bd.test
Actually, bd.test simultaneously computing "sum", "summax", and "max" Ball Divergence statis-
tics when K ≥ 3. Users can get other Ball Divergence statistics and their corresponding p-values
in the complete.info element of output. We give a quick example below to illustrate.
Wenliang Pan, Yuan Tian, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang, Jin Zhu
Wenliang Pan, Yuan Tian, Xueqin Wang, Heping Zhang. Ball Divergence: Nonparametric two sam-
ple test. Ann. Statist. 46 (2018), no. 3, 1109–1137. doi:10.1214/17-AOS1579. https://projecteuclid.org/euclid.aos/152531307
Jin Zhu, Wenliang Pan, Wei Zheng, and Xueqin Wang (2018). Ball: An R package for detect-
ing distribution difference and association in metric spaces. arXiv preprint arXiv:1811.03750.
See Also
################# Quick Start #################
x <- rnorm(50)
y <- rnorm(50, mean = 1)
# plot(density(x))
# lines(density(y), col = "red")
bd.test(x = x, y = y)
## End(Not run)
# calculate geodesic distance between sample:
bdvmf 17
Simulated random vectors following the von Mises-Fisher distribution with mean direction µx =
(1, 0, 0) and µy = (1, 1, 1), and concentration parameter is κ = 3.
bdvmf$x: A 300 × 3 numeric matrix containing simulated von Mises-Fisher data.
bdvmf$group: A group index vector.
In directional statistics, the von Mises–Fisher distribution (named after Ronald Fisher and Richard
von Mises), is a probability distribution on the (p − 1)-dimensional sphere in Rp
18 genlung
The parameters µ, and κ, are called the mean direction and concentration parameter, respectively.
The greater the value of κ, the higher the concentration of the distribution around the mean direction
µ,. The distribution is unimodal for κ, and is uniform on the sphere for κ = 0.
Embleton, N. I. Fisher, T. Lewis, B. J. J. (1993). Statistical analysis of spherical data (1st pbk. ed.).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 115–116. ISBN 0-521-45699-1.
Publicly available lung cancer genomic data from the Chemores Cohort Study, containing the ex-
pression levels of mRNA, miRNA, artificial noise variables as well as clinical variables and re-
genlung$survival: A data.frame containing n = 123 complete observations. The first col-
umn is disease-free survival time and the second column is censoring status.
genlung$covariate: A data.frame containing p = 2000 covariates.
Tissue samples were analysed from a cohort of 123 patients, who underwent complete surgical
resection at the Institut Mutualiste Montsouris (Paris, France) between 30 January 2002 and 26
June 2006. The studied outcome was the "Disease-Free Survival Time". Patients were followed
until the first relapse occurred or administrative censoring. In this genomic dataset, the expression
levels of Agilent miRNA probes (p = 939) were included from the n = 123 cohort samples. The
miRNA data contains normalized expression levels. See below the paper by Lazar et al. (2013)
and Array Express data repository for the complete description of the samples, tissue preparation,
Agilent array technology, and data normalization. In addition to the genomic data, five clinical
variables, also evaluated on the cohort samples, are included as continuous variable (’Age’) and
nominal variables (’Type’,’KRAS.status’,’EGFR.status’,’P53.status’). See Lazar et al. (2013) for
more details. Moreover, we add 1056 standard gaussian variables which are independent with the
censored response as noise covariates. This dataset represents a situation where the number of
covariates dominates the number of complete observations or p >> n case.
Lazar V. et al. (2013). Integrated molecular portrait of non-small cell lung cancers. BMC Medical
Genomics 6:53-65.
macaques 19
Male and female macaque skull data. 7 landmarks in 3 dimensions, 18 individuals (9 males, 9
macaques$x: An array of dimension 7 × 3 × 18
macaques$group: A factor indicating the sex (’m’ for male and ’f’ for female)
In an investigation into sex differences in the crania of a species of Macaca fascicularis (a type of
monkey), random samples of 9 male and 9 female skulls were obtained by Paul O’Higgins (Hull-
York Medical School) (Dryden and Mardia 1993). A subset of seven anatomical landmarks was
located on each cranium and the three-dimensional (3D) coordinates of each point were recorded.
Dryden, I.L. and Mardia, K.V. (1998). Statistical Shape Analysis, Wiley, Chichester.
Dryden, I. L. and Mardia, K. V. (1993). Multivariate shape analysis. Sankhya Series A, 55, 460-480.
A meteorological data include 46 records about air, soil, humidity, wind and evaporation.
meteorology$air: A data.frame containing 3 variables: maximum, minimum and average
daily air temperature
meteorology$soil: A data.frame containing 3 covariates: maximum, minimum and average
daily soil temperature
meteorology$humidity: A data.frame containing 3 covariates: maximum, minimum and
average daily humidity temperature,
meteorology$wind: a vector object record total wind, measured in miles per day
meteorology$evaporation: a vector object record evaporation
20 nhdist
This meteorological data containing 46 observations on five groups of variables: air tempera-
ture, soil temperature, relative humidity, wind speed as well as evaporation. Among them, max-
imum, minimum and average value for air temperature, soil temperature, and relative humidity are
recorded. As regards to wind speed and evaporation, there are univariate numerical variables. We
desire to test the independence of these five groups of variables.
This function computes and returns the numeric distance matrix computed by using the specified
distance measure to compute the distances between the rows of a data matrix.
nhdist(x, method = "geodesic")
x a numeric matrix, data frame or numeric array of dimension k×m×n containing
n samples in k × m dimension.
method the distance measure to be used. This must be one of "geodesic", "compositional",
or "riemann". Any unambiguous substring can be given.
Available distance measures are geodesic, compositional and riemann. Denoting any two sample in
the dataset as x and y, we give the definition of distance measures as follows.
The shortest route between two points on the Earth’s surface, namely, a segment of a great circle.
First, we apply scale transformation to it, i.e., (xi1 /t, ..., xip /ti ), ti = d=1 xd . Then, apply the
square root transformation to data and calculate the geodesic distance between samples.
k × m × n array where k = number of landmarks, m = number of dimensions and n = sample size.
Detail about riemannian shape distance was given in Kendall, D. G. (1984).
n × n numeric distance matrix
nhdist 21
Kendall, D. G. (1984). Shape manifolds, Procrustean metrics and complex projective spaces, Bul-
letin of the London Mathematical Society, 16, 81-121.
Dmat <- nhdist(bdvmf[['x']], method = "geodesic")
Dmat <- nhdist(ArcticLake[['x']], method = "compositional")
Dmat <- nhdist(macaques[["x"]], method = "riemann")
ArcticLake, 2
bcor, 3, 6, 7, 10
bcorsis, 4, 5
bcov, 10
bcov (bcor), 3
bcov.test, 4, 8
bd, 12, 15, 16
bd.test, 13, 14, 14
bdvmf, 17
genlung, 18
list, 6, 9
macaques, 19
meteorology, 19
nhdist, 20