Thesis 3
Thesis 3
Thesis 3
In addition, Potluri and Zeleke 2009 cited in Mengesha 2015 states that competency is
more than knowledge and skills it is also a combination of several factors like motivates, traits,
self-concepts, attitudes or values that are required from an individual to function properly and
satisfy the needs and interest of customers as well as to achieve the long term goals and
objectives of the organization.
Chase,1978 cited in Mengesha 2015 states that services vary in the extent to which
customers interact with employees. In high-contact services, interactions between customers
and employees are characterized by intimacy, the exchange of content- rich information, long
interaction times, and, sometimes, intense emotions. Frontline employees are the first lines of
contract in the organization and they are the main players to create the first/lasting impression
of the organization and project a positive image within the minds of clients.
The competition in today’s market is the competition of service, which is based on the
competition of customer satisfaction Wang 2002 cited in Tornio 2015. Customer satisfaction is
regarded as an invisible asset. It is not only an improvement but can also be used in predicting
for the operation quality and development of enterprises. To satisfy the customer and build
their loyalty are the basics for a company to be improved and developed. In order to get a
customer expectation and beyond the expectation, understanding the customers expectation in
advance and taking effective methods is extremely important. Customer satisfaction can be
used as a standard to test a service quality. Service standards must start from the demands of
customers and end with the satisfaction of the customers.
The main objective of the study is to analyse the work competency of Municipality of
Calumpit frontline employees and its impact on the level of satisfaction of the customers.
Through the research, it would help the Municipality of Calumpit in the improvement and
development in the services. Result from this study will further enhance the services rendered
by the frontline employees of the Municipality of Calumpit. In the same way, this would also
increase the level of satisfaction of the customers of the Municipality of Calumpit. This study is
also deemed significant to the future researchers because this will serve as a reference to their
future research.
*Business Understanding
*Result Focus
*Teamwork/Cooperation SATISFACTION
*Interpersonal Communication
*Personal Effectiveness
Figure 1. Conceptual model of the study in analysing the work competency of Municipality of
Calumpit Frontline employees and its impact on the level of satisfaction of the customers of
Municipality of Calumpit.
Management standards provide a self-evolution criterion for the employees thus motivating
them to be more engaged towards their work to achieve personal as well as organizational goals
(Mackay et al., 2004 cited in Dahkoul, 2018).
Result Focus
Front line employees through service encounters can ask customers about their service
experience in the organization and obtain relevant insights from customer preferences and future
service improvement (van der Heijden et al. 2013; Ye et al. 2012 cited in Vijande et al., 2016). Also,
customers that all elements in the processes may frustrate when the system breaks down due to lack of
employee communication about the customers’ problems and inability to provide a kind and complete
service process (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004 cited in Mengesha, 2015).
More so, Asif and Sergeant, 2000 cited in Liang, Tseng, and Lee, 2010 organizations have begun
to consider the employees’ role in achieving sustainable competitive advantage. Employees who are
part of influential service culture and receive management support for delivering improved customer
service culture and receive management support for delivering improved customer service has a
positive impact and influences in the structuring of how an organization pursues service orientation.
One which favors excellent service quality can lead to employee behaviour and attitudes which. In turn,
creates higher value and a better result. Also, the experience will lead to increased customer loyalty and
According to Tribo and Torres, 2011 in order for a customer to feel satisfied, the customer
should receive a level of service that mees or exceeds their expectations. High efficiency can result in
impaired customer satisfaction.
The main purpose of the study is to analyse the competency level of frontline employees and its
impact on customer satisfaction. Specifically, this study will seek answers to the following questions:
1. What is the level of wok competency of frontline employees in terms of the following aspects?
1.1 Business understanding
2. What is the overall level of satisfaction of the customers with front liners’ services?
3. What are the implications from the study in enhancing further the services rendered by front
line employees of Municipality of Calumpit?
4. What competency aspect/s singly or in combination are determinants of customer satisfaction?
The section of the study presents the review of related literature and studies, added more
relevance and depth of the research study.
Business Understanding
Many service firms requires the employee to follow routines and standardized operating
procedures to deliver higher service standards consistently to the customers (Stock, Jong, Zacharias,
2016). Frontline employees must understand the organization’s mission, objectives, goals and service
quality standards. These frontline employees should identify customers’ problems within their work
environment and bring forth immediate solutions. Conversely when they are faced with challenging
problems that cannot be resolved on their own, they communicate effectively and work cooperatively
with team members and the ability to understand and help customers’ needs and interests (Common
Wealth of Virginia, 2007 cited in Mengesha, 2015).
The quality of service delivered by an organization is not only related to technical and
operational knowledge of employees but also to their awareness of customers’ satisfaction as a vital
part and top goal of the job.
Frontline employees play an important role in the hospitality firm. Customer’s evaluation of a
firm depends on the quality of service of its employees (Slatten and Mehmetoglu cited in Baig, Riaz &
Kashif 2015). Also, it is emphasized that customizing the delivery of service on the frontline is a key to
customer satisfaction (Bettencourt and Gwinner, 1996 cited in Baig, Riaz & Kashif 2015). Also, the
survival of an organization depends on the efficient service by frontline employees. They are the first
persons whom the customer meets and what they do will create a lasting impression on the efficiency of
the organization (Mengesha 2015). The front liners awareness and understanding of the needs of the
customers project a positive image in the minds of the customers, and it plays a crucial role in
customers’ satisfaction and loyalty- Lovelock and Wirtz (2004) as cited in Mengesha (2015).
Accordingly, the positive evaluation of the product or service that the customer acquires is a
significant reason to continue a relationship with a company’s products or services, and an essential
factor that upholds loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to repurchase the product and service
offered by the organization, lower their price sensitivity (Chen & Wang, 2009 cited in Picon, Castro and
Roldan, 2014). More so, the importance of satisfied customers is emphasized by the European business
Excellence model, developed by the European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). The
criterion customer satisfaction is the weightiest criterion and accounts for 20 percent of the total points
in the scoring system when companies assess and measure their own excellence. This means that
understanding the customers, and measuring customers’ satisfaction is an important element in
companies’ continuous quality improvement, which leads to improve business performance, including
economic performance. (Neely 2002, 280. Cited in Leppanen 2016).
Tsoukatos and Rand 2006 cited in Islam & Niaz 2014, customer satisfaction is a key to a long-
term business success. To protect or gain market shares, organizations need to outperform competitors
by offering high quality product or service to ensure satisfaction of customers. In proportion to Magesh
(2010) cited in Islam & Niaz 2014, satisfaction means a feeling of pleasure because one has something or
has achieved something.
The competency level of employees is used to integrate selection, training, appraisal and
compensation. On the other hand, competencies are used as a strategy to strengthen the link with
organizational culture, result and individual performance by emphasizing competencies that are needed
across occupational specialties.
The role of frontline employees and the importance of their involvement in different service
contexts has been iluminated in early service research. According to Bitner, 1990 cited in Karlsson 2018,
studied the service encounter, that is, where the direct interaction between frontline employees and
customers takes place. Within the context of the service encounter, (Bitner 1990) evaluated frontline
employees in their role as contract personnel, suggesting that frontline employees play a marketing role
and service operational functions for their customers at the firm’s factory.
It is also been suggested that customers’ evaluation of the service encounter as well as their
satisfaction with the service quality, including the behaviour and reactions of the frontline employees, is
crucial for the customers’ perception of the service (Edvarsson, 1997 cited in Karlsson 2018). In a G-D
logic perspective on service innovation, frontline employees are therefore primarily enacting the role as
deliverers of services to the customers, while customers follow the role as consumers of the services,
destroying value when using the services (Lusch and Nambisan, 2015).
More so, the Frontline employees are the first lines of contact in the organization and they are
the main players to create the first and long lasting impression on the organization and project a
positive image in the minds of customers. They are also capable of creating awareness, understanding
need among customers to use the organization's programs, products and 40 AshEse J. Bus. Manag.
services effectively to generate revenue (Akinyele, 2010).Competent employees play a crucial role to
create satisfied and loyal customers. They are the actors who appear front stage in the service drama
when they serve customers (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004). “Competency is more than just knowledge and
skills. It involves the ability to meet complex demands by drawing on and mobilizing psychological
resources including skills and attitudes in a particular context” (Akinyele, 2010). According to Rychen
and Salganik (2003), marketing competency involves the ability to meet complex demands by drawing
on and mobilizing psychological skills and attitudes in a particular context (Rychen and Salganik, 2003).
Competencies are observable behaviours, knowledge, skills, and abilities of marketing personnel to
attract and retain customers by delivering quality service to the customers (common wealth Virginia,
2007). Potluri and Zeleke, (2009), conducted a survey in 50 companies in Ethiopia through self
administered questionnaires distributed to 300 customers and 500 employees. The result shows that
most employees working at the front desk service areas did not demonstrate most of the basic
marketing competency indicators. The research identified basic competency deficiencies of Ethiopian
employees in handling customers and has managerial implication of how to staff the work force with the
skills needed to deliver quality service. Competent frontline employees are invaluable assets for any
organization’s survival in the dynamic and competitive business environment. In commercial bank of
Ethiopia where researcher conducted the study, there is a high customeremployee contact. These
Frontline employees are the main interface of the organization that play crucial role to delight
customers and serve as key source of competitive advantage for the bank. Competent employees
understand and play their roles and responsibilities to achieve organizational goals and objectives, by
applying the marketing competency parameters. Frontline employees with marketing capabilities and
process, applied to the collective knowledge, skills and resources of the firm to its market related needs,
create satisfied customer. However, there is long queue in the frontlines at which customers are forced
to waste much of their time in commercial bank of Ethiopia. The researcher also made baseline survey
to see the marketing competency of frontline employees and customer satisfaction and identified
customers complaining on the bank for its poor marketing service. These factors have a negative impact
on the image of the banks and also lead to dissatisfaction and lose its valuable customers in light of
competitive banking business environment if and when created. It is a known fact that the success and
failure of any organization, be it private business or public organization, mainly depends on marketing
competency of frontline employees, because they are the first line of contact in the organization and
they are the main player to create the first /lasting impression of the organization and project a positive
image within the minds of customer and the customer viewed these employees as if they are the
organization. In selected branches of Commercial bank of Ethiopia, where the researcher had an
informal and formal communication with some of its customers, it was learnt that the customers are not
satisfied with frontline employee customer service. From the customers’ point of view, as per the
understanding of the researcher, frontline employees are, Core part of the service (visible element of
the service, deliver the service and significantly affect the service quality), the service firm (represents
the service firm) and the brand (frontline employees and the service are core part of the brand and the
human element is the most important). Within this background, effects of marketing competency on
customer satisfactions are compelling the attention of all banking industry around the world, and
Ethiopia is not an exception
Assessing the competency level of employees helps management to identify and close gaps in
individual’s capabilities for better customer service. To identify current skill levels and the needs of
training and development to meet skill requirements of a particular position and to make necessary
changes in the training curriculum based on the gap (Potluri and Zeleke, 2009). The competency level of
employees is used to integrate selection, training, appraisal and compensation. On the other hand,
competencies are used: As a strategy to strengthen the link with organizational culture, results, and
individual performance by emphasizing competencies that are needed across occupational specialties.
As a tool to help describe work and what is required from employees in jobs in a broader, more
comprehensive way to identify and close the gaps in individuals “capabilities and the requirement” of
the position. As a method to align individual and team performance with organization, vision, strategies
and the external environment (United States Office of Personnel Management, 1999).
Frontline employees are the first lines of contact in the organization and they are the main
players to create the first /lasting impression of the organization and project a positive image within the
minds of clients. They are also capable of creating awareness, understanding, and need among
customers to use the organization’s programs, products, and services effectively to generate revenue.
Employees play a crucial role to create satisfied and loyal customers. They are the actors who appear
front stage in the service drama when they serve customers. Elements of the drama can be related to
the service design and delivery: the setting (service scope, social and physical characteristics (with script)
performance (service delivery) cast of actors and actresses (service providers) and audience
(customers)” (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004). The Common Wealth of Virginia identified the following six
most important marketing skills and core competencies (Understanding of the business, Results
focus/orientations, Customer service, Teamwork and co-operation, Interpersonal communication and
Personal effectiveness) to be possessed by frontline service employees that help them to work towards
profitability of their organization and provide quality service to satisfy customers (Common Wealth of
Virginia, 2007). Based on the above reviewed literature; the researcher used to the following
independent variable to analyze the effects of marketing competency of frontline employees on
customer satisfaction.
More so, in organization needs to build employees’ competency around a sound strategic
understating of its business to enable them know how to deliver timely, relevant, complete, accurate,
and useful services to both internal and external customers in line with the organization’s services and
priorities. Frontline employees should understand the organization’s mission, objectives, goals and its
service quality standards. It is also these frontline employees who can identify customers’ problems
within their work environment and bring forth immediate solutions. However, when they are faced with
challenging work problems that cannot be resolved on their own, they should be able to consult their
supervisors and others for better methods of solving the problems. Customers do not want to do
business with staff that do not know the answers to their questions or handle their requests and
problems unempathetically (Zolkiewski, 2007).
Competent frontline employees have both technical capabilities and behavioral competencies to
understand and respond to customers` needs timely, accurately and in a respectful manner. The first
element`s technical competencies are predominately about acquired knowledge and technical abilities
and skills about the service they provide. It is defined in terms of the specialized requirements of an
occupation. These competencies are often easier to see, train, and develop. The second element is
behavioral competencies, which is deep-seated qualities of an individual (attitudes, traits, and
approaches) to communicate effectively and work cooperatively with team members and the ability to
understand and help customers needs and interests (Common Wealth of Virginia ,2007). The quality of
service delivered by an organization is not only related to technical and operational knowledge of
employees but also their awareness of customers’ satisfaction as extremely important part and top goal
of the job. According to Lovelock and Wirtz (2004), the quality of service delivered by an organization is
related to its frontline employee competencies (reliability, responsiveness, assurance and
empathy).Reliability: the employees’ ability to perform the promised service dependably and accurately
time after time. It refers to doing right the first time and every time thereafter.
Team work and Co-operation Skills are the abilities of employees to work together cooperatively
within diverse teams, workgroups and across the organization to achieve group and organizational goals
(BC Public Service, 2002). No one seems to know what is going on outside his or her own immediate
responsibilities and start to say, “I don’t know- it is not my Job”. This leads to a harsh atmosphere of the
service delivery environment that results in poor customers’ service (Macaulay and Cook, 1995).
The service delivery activities at front desk involve a high interaction of employees and
customers each day in which effective communication and problem-solving skills of frontline employees
are critical. It is enough to know services policies or the job responsibilities to deliver quality services but
it is also necessary to communicate openly and honestly with co-workers and customers. Besides, they
should treat each other with respect and resolve any conflict in a positive way to create harmony at the
work environment (U.S. Department of Labor, 2006). Customers assume that all elements in the
processes may frustrate when the system breaks down due to lack of employee communication with
each other about the customers problems and lack of ability to provide a kind and complete service
process (Lovelock and Wirtz, 2004).
Employees are required to be effective and efficient in utilizing organizational resources and
effective in delivering the service to achieve organizational mission and objectives. Frontline employees
should be personally effective in achieving results, solving problems; planning and managing their own
time and works (Common Wealth of Virginia, 2007). Employees working at the front desk should
prepare themselves for potential problems before they occur, accept new ideas and new ways of doing
activities with a positive attitude; organize and prioritize their own work / activities to stay on track
towards implementing decisions and solve problems at the right time and in the right way (Lovelock and
Wirtz ,2004).
More so, Customer service competency parameter, participants are asked five questions about
service delivery; to meet needs and interests of the customer, capability to collect and
implement customer satisfaction feedback, competency to put customer satisfaction as part and
top goal of the job, service delivery accuracy and time, and treatment of the customers The
participants/respondents never, rarely and frequently consider the needs and interest of
customers while delivering the service. It is identified that large members of frontline employees
weakly collect and implement customer satisfactions feedback to increase service quality. Most
of frontline employees of selected branches of commercial bank of Ethiopia did not set
customers satisfaction as a part and top goal of their jobs. This shows that they did not deliver
the service to meet the needs and expectations of customers.
Teamwork and co-operation are the abilities of employees to work together cooperatively within
diverse teams, workgroups and across the organization to achieve the long term goals and objectives of
the organization (BC Public Service, 2002 cited in Mengesha 2015).
The chapter presents the methods and techniques in the study, the respondents of the
study, the instruments, and the data processing and statistical treatment to answer the sub-
problems given in Chapter 1.
This study utilized the descriptive survey type of research because this study deals with
the description of the present situation, current practices, characteristics of groups and
individuals as well as their behavioural patterns, attitudes and opinions. A standardized
structure questionnaire was used as a primary data gathering tool.
The respondents of the study are all the customers coming in and out in the
Municipality of Calumpit.
This study utilized a standardized instrument that answers the level of competencies of
frontline employees of Municipality of Calumpit and the determinants of customer satisfaction
of selected customers at Municipality of Calumpit. The instrument was adapted from the study
conducted by Mengesha (2015) entitled Effect of Marketing Competency of Frontline
Employees on Customer Satisfaction: A study on Commercial Banks of Ethiopia and available
online thru Ashese Journal of Business Management.
The mode of data gathering was a questionnaire method. Each of the respondents was
given a set of questions. In gathering the data, the researcher will carry out the following
1. A letter was sent to the Municipal Mayor of Calumpit, Bulacan to ask permission in
the conduct of the proposed study.
2. With the approval, the researcher commenced the distribution of the questionnaire
and interview personally.
3. The researcher collected the questionnaires from the respondents and checked
whether all the questions are answered.
The data collected were tabulated and processed using the Statistical Packages for
Social Sciences (SPSS). In order to analyse and interpret the data gathered, the following
measures were used:
Weighted Mean=
Correlation- is a statistical technique that show whether and how strongly pairs of variance are
ANOVA between group- it is used when deciding if there is a significantly difference between
the group.