Topten MKTG Strategies 2
Topten MKTG Strategies 2
Topten MKTG Strategies 2
Looking for marketing strategies proven to be the most effective for business
growth? This article is designed to help you explore the best marketing tactics for
any business situation—whether B2B or B2C! Below you'll find two routes—one
for B2B and another for B2C businesses. Click the button below that matches your
business situation to explore the best strategies to deploy for your business.
10 Business-to-Consumer Marketing Strategies
We were curious about what business professionals thought about marketing. We
took a look at recent survey results and reports that compiled data on the topic, and
created a list of 10 B2C marketing strategies commonly recognized as successful
regardless of industry. Here’s what we found, in no particular order:
Cause Marketing
Earned media (or “free media”) is publicity that is created through efforts
other than paid advertising. It can take a variety of forms – a social media
testimonial, word of mouth, a television or radio mention, a newspaper article or
editorial – but one thing is constant: earned media is unsolicited and can only be
gained organically. It cannot be bought or owned like traditional advertising.
Fast Fact: Nearly 75% of consumers identify earned media as a key influencer in
purchase decisions.
Point-of-Purchase Marketing (POP)
Paid media is a tool that companies use to grow their website traffic
through paid advertising. One of the most popular methods is pay-per-
click (PPC) links. Essentially, a company buys or “sponsors” a link that appears as
an ad in search engine results when keywords related to their product or service are
searched (this process is commonly known as search engine marketing, or SEM).
Every time the ad is clicked, the company pays the search engine (or other third
party host site) a small fee for the visitor – a literal “pay per click.”
Fast Fact: 76% of businesses use promoted posts and search engine marketing.
Word of Mouth Advertising
Social media marketing focuses on providing users with content they find
valuable and want to share across their social networks, resulting in increased
visibility and traffic. Social media shares of content, videos and images also
influence Search Engine Optimization (SEO) efforts in that they often increase
relevancy in search results within social media networks like Facebook, Twitter,
YouTube and Instagram and search engines like Google and Yahoo.
Fast Fact: 54% of B2C companies report revenue generated from social media