Use of Cd-Rom Databases: A Case Study: January 2018
Use of Cd-Rom Databases: A Case Study: January 2018
Use of Cd-Rom Databases: A Case Study: January 2018
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CD-ROM Databases play the vital role for upgrading facilities and improving services to
effectively meet the information needs of users. The present era is an era of information
and knowledge revolution. Many electronic resources have been made most available in
the libraries. The paper deals with Introduction, Advantages and Disadvantages of
CD-ROM Database, Scope & limitations, Related Studies, Objectives, Methodology and
data analysis.
CD-ROMs are therefore very popular for storing databases and full-text materials. Many
databases containing details of medical, health or development materials are available on CD-
ROM – for example, African Health Line, AIDS Line, Medline, and POPLINE. Most CD-ROM
databases are updated regularly. The only cost is an annual subscription. An increasing number
of free CD-ROMs contain collections of full-text documents such as e-Talc, and the Humanity
Development Library. No special software is needed to use CD-ROMs. Using CDROMs to
distribute and access information is useful in situations where using the Internet is costly,
unreliable or unavailable.
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
The Maharashtra Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri is established on March 29, 1968 and subsequently
named as Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV) after a great social reformer "Mahatma
Jyotiba Phule". It has started functioning from October, 1969 at Rahuri, District Ahmednagar,
Maharashtra, India. The Campus is situated 160 km from Pune on Pune-Delhi highway in
Ahmednagar district.
The basic mandates assigned to this University are advancement in teaching, research and
imparting extension education to the farmers of the State. There are four Agricultural
Universities in the State, catering the similar services in their locality. The jurisdiction of
Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri extends over Western Maharashtra covering ten
districts. The University has two faculties namely Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering. The
under-graduate and post-graduate programmes are offered in both faculties. The University also
deals with lower agricultural education through Agricultural Schools, Mali Training Centre and
Training's for Livestock Supervisors. The University has a very good network of research
stations spread over different agro-climatic zones. In all 23 research stations, 4 State level
specialists and 16 research testing/verification centers are located in different agro-climatic zones
in addition to 4 Zonal Research stations. Of the three fold functions, it is mandatory on the part
of the University to transfer the technology from the research centers to the ultimate users
through extension education programme.
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
The purpose of the study was to explore the awareness and usage of CD-ROM Databases by the
post graduate (PG) and doctoral students of MPKV. The main objectives were to:
• Evaluate the pattern of access and use of CD-ROM Database by the PG and doctoral
• Find out the purposes for CD-ROM Database use
• Assess the impact of CD-ROM Database based delivery of digital resources
• Know the satisfaction of users regarding CD-ROM Database
• Assess the provision and impact of user education and information literacy courses for
PG and doctoral students
• Suggest suitable measures to improve the CD-ROM Database based delivery of digital
The study is based on the user behavior and the pattern of the utilization of information resources
by the PG and doctoral students of MPKV. The scope of the study is limited to the digital
resources mainly available through CD-ROM Databases in MPKV.
Dubey,Soniya and et-al (2004). CD ROM Databases: an Approach for Creation of Personalized
Databases. This paper discusses approach for information extraction and tailoring of information
as per user requirements – Database Personalization. This paper also addresses the issues of
database security and Intellectual Property Rights involved in creation of CDROM Databases.
Database personalization is a better solution for fulfilling the increased demand of customized
and up-to-date information. CDROM databases are one of the best ways to make these
personalized databases available to specific group of persons without any network connectivity.
Bhatnagar, Anjana (2004). Search Techniques for Accessing CD-Rom Databases. This study
have attempt in details about what are the CD-ROM Databases, why we use them and why
we don’t want to use them in academic libraries are discussed briefly. Types of databases are
explained by illustration. Search features commonly available in four selected CDROM
databases such as keyword search, phrase search, Boolean search etc are discussed briefly. The
selected CD-ROM databases are Ulrich’s on disc from Directory, Ei Compendex Bibliographic
database, and Emerald full-text database of journal article. Some of the general issues related to
the searching and retrieval of information from CD-ROM databases are briefly discussed. Some
common points have been identified that the user must consider in order to quickly accessing
information on CD-ROM databases in an effective way.
Abdul M.K. (2011). Utilization of CD-ROM Databases by the Users of Indian institute of
technology-Kharagpur: A Survey. The study reveals that most of the users consult CD- ROM
databases not only for updating their knowledge but also for collecting relevant information for
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
the study and research purposes. A majority of the users have become aware of CD-ROM
databases through library staff, discussions with colleagues and from observation. The most
popular search method for searching CD-ROM databases is keyword followed by Boolean
operators and phrases.
Okpala, Angela E. and Igbeka, Josephine U. (2005) .Analysis of users’ searches of CDROM
databases. investigated the behavior of searchers of CD-ROM databases in the Kenneth Dike
Library of the University of Ibadan, Nigeria .The result shows that logical operators “AND “and
“OR” are significantly used for searching by end-users; that search results are dependenton
search strategy employed by the user.
The study was conducted among the PG and research students of Mahatma Phule Krishi
Vidyapeeth Rahuri. Data was mainly collected using a Questionnaire. As a course teacher of
‘library and information services’; and ‘research methodology’ for the PG and doctoral courses
of the university, the investigator has made additional discussions with the students and enriched
the data thus collected. The data was collected from total 359 PG and PhD students.
An attempt has been made to analyze the research data collected from students from MPKV and
interpret the results revealing their awareness among the use of CD-ROM Databases that
provides valuable source of information to the library managers and planners in designing and
developing a suitable strategy in promoting the better use of valuable information sources
including electronic format and thus justifying the cost effectiveness of library efforts.
The results of the user observations, questionnaire schedule, interviews and participatory design
sessions provide a rich description of how CD-ROM Databases use, searching methods
employed in obtaining desired information and problems of not using CD-ROM Databases, if
any. The research study is confined to students of MPKV. Questions like name, Gender and
educational qualification were asked.
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
The data is analysed in view to the objectives mentioned in the study as follows:
The list of the CD-ROM databases in mahatma phule krishi vidyapeeth available in the year of
2010-2011. This database is available in subject wise with separate CDs.
The table no 2 shows that the knowledge of CD-ROM Databases of the users so majority of
users 275 (76.60%) got knowledge about CD-ROM databases through library staff. Followed by
125 (34.82%) users became aware through friends, 89 (24.29%) users know about CD-ROM
databases through observation. and only 15 (4.18%) of MPKV library users became aware
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
through bulletin board. Respondents may select more than one checkbox, so percentages may
add up to more than 100%.
The distribution of respondents according to the frequency of access and use of CD-ROM
Databases is shown in Table 3. It is evident that 189 (52.65%) per cent students were accessing
and using CD-ROM Databases for every day, 87 (24.23%) Twice in a week, 47 (13.09%) per
cent weekly, 29(8.08%) per cent monthly and 7 (1.95%) Occasionally.
No Purposes 1 2 3 4 Total
Keeping abreast of new
1 developments 162 (45.13) 97 (27.02) 76 (21.17) 24 (6.69) 359 (100)
Finding Relevant
2 Information 225 (62.67) 91(25.35) 35(9.75) 8(2.23) 359 (100)
3 Study and research 235(65.46) 67(18.66) 36(10.03) 21(5.85) 359 (100)
4 For career Development 147(40.95) 97(27.02) 68(18.94) 47(13.09) 359 (100)
It is revealed from the above table that 162 (45.13%) respondents were use CD-ROM Databases
for the keeping abreast of new developments purposes with first rank, 225 (62.67%) to use
Finding Relevant Information, 235(65.46%) of users to use to Study and research, and 147
(40.95%) used to career development.
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
Table 5 shows that majority of the users of Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth i.e. 253 (70.47%)
search CD-ROM databases by keywords. Followed by54 (15.04%) users use phrases to search
CD-ROM databases. Similarly 52 (14.48%) respondents expressed that they are using Boolean
operators to search CD-ROM databases respectively.
Table 6 shows the problems of using CD-Rom databases. A majority of the respondents 109
(30.36 %) say that there is lack of trained staff to guide them. Followed by 106 (29.53%) users
says that inadequate infrastructure of the library, 77 (21.45%) feel lack of training & About 39
(10.86%) users replied that lack of maintenance.
It is founded that the out of 359 respondents the 176 (49.03%) respondents were Highly Satisfied
that CD-ROM Databases proved helpful in their needs, followed by 89 (24.79%) have the
Satisfied, 53 (14.76%) were Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied with it and only 17 (4.74%) users
highly Dissatisfied.
The following recommendations are made to improve the access and use of CD-ROM Databases
by the students:
• CD-ROM Database services should be strengthened by adding more resources like
books, theses, reports, union catalogue of all information documents available in all
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International Journal of Library and Information Studies ISSN: 2231-4911
Vol.2(3), Jul-Sep, 2012
• Information literacy and user education courses with emphasis on retrieval software, tools
and techniques of searching, etc., should be provided to all categories of the users.
1. Abdul M.K. (2011). Utilization of CD-ROM Databases by the Users of Indian institute of
technology-Kharagpur: A Survey.International Journal of Digital Library Services.Vol.2
Issue 1.pp.1-8.
2. Bhatnagar, Anjana (2004). Search Techniques for Accessing CD-Rom Databases. 2nd
Convention PLANNER - 2004, Manipur Uni., Imphal, 4-5 November, 2004. Pp.111-123.
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