Recap of Toy Problems & Introducing H-Atom
Recap of Toy Problems & Introducing H-Atom
Recap of Toy Problems & Introducing H-Atom
Armed with this, we can think about the QM of a particle of mass m constrained to be a sphere.
Now we have to think of,
Lˆ 2 Lˆ x 2 Lˆ y 2 LˆZ 2
1 ˆ2
Hˆ L ; I = moment of inertia
y due to symmetry
: , we only need to
x consider 0 to
: 0,2
1 1 2
sin sin 2 2
L2Z part.
2 1 1
sin 2 , E ,
2I sin sin 2
, Ylm ,
; Spherical Harmonics.
l l 1
Hˆ Yl ml , Yl ml ,
Lˆ Yl ml , 2l l 1 Yl ml ,
LˆZ Yl ml , ml Yl ml ,
El ml l l 1 ; independent of ml .
For e.g. E10 E1,1 E1,1 (3 fold deg.).
simultaneously with arbitrary precision. At the same time we cannot observe the precise values
of Lˆ x or Lˆ y !
Again, this has to do with uncertainity principle. Since LZ 0 . This, in turn,
means that the angular mom. vector can lie anywhere on a cone!
Completely Uncertain
Figures above.
Let us take a simple example to illustrate the concept:
Suppose, l 1 ml 0, 1
N10 P10 cos N1,1 P11 cos l i N1,1 P1,1 cos e i
Also, H Y1,0 } , Y1,0 } ,
I 1
Lˆ Y1,0 } , 2 Y1,0 } ,
1 1
But, LˆZ Y10 , 0.Y10 ,
L2x L2y 2
Classically we can interpret this as ang. mom. vector precessing about Z -axis.
Center of mass
m1r1 m2r2
moment of inertia, I r2 ; r r1 r2
and ; reduced mass
m1 m2
Think of a particle of mass on a sphere of radius r. !
The C.M. is associated with translational motion of a body of mass m1 m2 .
* Thus, what we have just discussed can be applied to diatomic molecules and the
Hydrogen atom.
Now, let us discuss the Hydrogen atom. Hydrogen atom is an exactly solvable problem in
Quantum Mechanics. The solutions of H atoms are the basis for us to solve many electron
atoms and molecules.
We now have to deal with electronic motion which is much faster as compared to the nuclear.
Also, the H-atom spectrum was one of the prime motivation for Quant. Mech. From the point of
view of chemistry, the H-atoms (the lightest ones around in a molecule) are crucial in chemical
reactions—including our vision process: The initial process of our vision is triggered by a proton
motion in about 6 fs timescale !!
The emission spectrum of H, was noted as early as 1885 (by Balmer), 1890 (Rydberg) : Long
before QM (~1925) !
Discrete spectrum.
H K.E of l K .E of nucleus + Coulomb attraction.
1 2 1 2 e2
pe pN
2 me 2 mN 4 0 r
r 2 xN xe yN ye Z N Z e
2 2 2
In QM approach:
ˆ 1 2 1 e2
H pe
ˆ pN
ˆ 2
2me 2 mN 4 0 r
pˆ e i iˆ ˆj kˆ
xe ye ze
pˆ N i iˆ ˆj kˆ
xN y N zN
pˆ e2 2
2 2 2 e
2 2
As usual, we are interested in the internal is electronic motion and not the translation part of the atom.
2 2 e2
Hˆ relative
2 4 0 r
We will be discussing the solution to the Schrödinger equation for the hydrogen atom.
We will solve Ĥ E to get quantized energies as:
En eV