Ix History The French Revolution
Ix History The French Revolution
Ix History The French Revolution
French society in the eighteenth century was divided into three estates- Clergy, Nobility
and Common People.(I, II and III Estates)
Clergy and Nobility were 10% of the population but possessed 60% of lands. III Estate
was 90% of the population but possessed 40% of the lands.
Clergy and Nobility enjoyed many privileges based on birth. The church collected taxes
from people.
They were exempted from paying taxes. Nobles collected feudal dues from III Estate
Peasants were obliged to render services to the Clergy and Nobility to work in their
houses, fields, serve in the army or to participate in building roads.
The eighteenth century witnessed the emergence of social groups, termed the middle
class, who earned their wealth through trade and professions.
They were influenced by declaration of independence of the USA.
They were also influenced by fundamental rights given to the citizens of the USA.
All of these were educated and believed that no group in society should be privileged by
They also believed that French society should be based on freedom, equality and equal
opportunities for all.
IX History The French Revolution
John Locke, in his book the Two Treatises of Government, criticized the doctrine of the
divine and absolute right of the monarch.
Jean Jacques Rousseau, in his book Social Contract proposeda form of government
based on a social contract between peopleand their representatives.
Montesquieu in his book The Spirit of the Laws, proposed a division of power within the
government between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
The ideas of these philosophers were discussed intensively in salons and coffee-houses
and spread among people through books and newspapers. The news that Louis XVI
planned to impose further taxes generated anger and protest against the ruler and
Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates General to pass his proposals to increase
taxes. The Estates General was a political body to which the three estates sent their
representatives. The first and second estates sent 300 representatives each and III
estate sent 600 representatives. III estate representatives demanded individual voting
right but king refused to grant so they walked out.
On 20 June they assembled in the hall of an indoor tennis court in the grounds of
Versailles and declared themselves a National Assembly and swore not to disperse till
they had drafted a constitution for France that would limit the powers of the monarch.
Mirabeau, a noble and AbbeSieyès, a priest joined with III estate representatives
While the National Assembly was busy at Versailles drafting a constitution, the rest of
France was in tension. After spending hours in long queues at the bakery, crowds of
angry women stormed into the shops and looted the stock.
At the same time, the king ordered troops to move into Paris. People of Paris organized
a militia and broke many buildings in search of weapons. On 14 July, the agitated crowd
stormed and destroyed the Bastille.
In the countryside rumours spread from village to village that the lords of the manor had
hired bands of brigands who were on their way to destroy the ripe crops. Common
people attacked nobles’ houses, looted hoarded grain and burnt down documents
containing records of manorial dues. A large number of nobles were killed and many fled
to other countries.
Louis XVI finally recognised the National Assembly and accepted the constitution. On the
night of 4 August 1789, the Assembly passed a decree (law) abolishing the feudal taxes,
privileges of Nobles and Clergy, Tithes and confiscation of church properties.
The National Assembly completed the draft of the constitution in 1791. Its main object
was to limit the powers of the monarch. These powers were separated and assigned to
different institutions-the legislature, executive and judiciary. This made France a
constitutional monarchy.
The Constitution of 1791 vested the power of making laws to the National Assembly,
which was indirectly elected by active citizens. Active citizens, who were above 25 years
of age and paying taxes worth of 3 days wages of a worker were given voting right. They
voted for a group of electors, who in turn chose the members of the National Assembly.
IX History The French Revolution
The Constitution began with a Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen. Rights such
as the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of opinion, equality before law, were
established as natural and inalienable rights. These rights were granted to only men.
Louis XVI had signed the Constitution but he entered into secret negotiations with the
King of Prussia and Austria to put down the revolution. The National Assembly voted to
declare war against Prussia and Austria. Thousands of volunteers joined the army and it
was a war of the people against kings and aristocracies.
The revolutionary wars brought losses and economic difficulties to the people. As the
Constitution of 1791 gave political rights only to the richer sections Common people
established Political clubs. The most successful of these clubs was that of the Jacobins. .
Their leader wasMaximilian Robespierre.
The members of the Jacobin club belonged mainly to the less prosperous sections of
society. They included small shopkeepers, artisans such as shoemakers, pastry cooks,
watch-makers, printers, as well as servants and daily-wage workers. Jacobins start
wearing long striped trousers so they came to be known as the Sans-culottes, literally
meaning those without knee breeches.
In the summer of 1792 the Jacobins planned an insurrection. Parisians who were
angered by the short supplies and high prices of food stormed the Palace of the
Tuileries, massacred the king`s guards and held the king himself as hostage for several
hours. Later the Assemblyvoted to imprison the royal family.
Elections were held. The newly elected assembly called the Convention. On 21
September 1792 it abolished the monarchy and declared Francea republic.
The period from 1793 to 1794 is referred to as the Reign of Terror because Robespierre
followed a policy of severe control and punishment. Ex-nobles, clergy, members of other
political parties, even members of his own party who did not agree with his methods
were arrested, imprisoned and guillotined.
(The guillotine is a device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person is
beheaded. It was named after DrGuillotin who invented it).
Robespierre`s government issued laws placing a maximum ceiling on wages and prices.
Meat and bread were rationed.
Peasants were forced to transport their grain to the cities and sell it at prices fixed by the
government. The use of more expensive white flour was forbidden; all citizens were
required to eat the equality bread.
Equality was also sought to be practiced through forms of speech and address. Instead
of the traditional Sir and Madame all French men and women were addressed as Citizen.
Churches were shut down and their buildings converted into barracks or offices. Finally
Robespierre was convicted by a court in July 1794, arrested and on the next day sent to
the guillotine.
IX History The French Revolution
The fall of the Jacobin government allowed the middle classes to seize power. A new
constitution was introduced which denied the vote to non-tax paying men.
It provided for two elected legislative councils. These then appointed a Directory, an
executive made up of five members. This was meant as a safeguard against the
concentration of power in a one-man executive as under Robespierre.
The Directors often clashed with the legislative councils, who then sought to dismiss
them. The political instability of the Directory paved the way for the rise of a military
dictator, Napoleon Bonaparte.
Most women did not have access to education or job training. They worked as
seamstresses or laundresses, sold flowers, fruits and vegetables at the market, or were
employed as domestic servants in the houses of prosperous people. Their wages were
lower than those of men.
From the very beginning women were active participants in the events of revolution.
They hoped that their involvement in revolution would provide equality and basic rights
as men. But women were not provided basic rights and voting right in the new
In order to discuss and voice their interests women started their own political clubs and
newspapers. About sixty women`s clubs came upon different French cities. The Society
of Revolutionary and Republican Women was the most famous of them. Their main
demands were equal political rights, right to vote, right to be elected to the
Assembly and to hold political office.
The revolutionary government introduced laws that helped improve the lives of women.
Education was made compulsory for all girls. Their fathers could no longer force
them into marriage against their will. Marriage was made into a contract entered
into freely and registered under civil law. Divorce was made legal, and could be
applied for by both women and men.
During the Reign of Terror, the new government issued laws ordering closure of
women`s clubs and banning their political activities. Many prominent women were
arrested and a number of them executed. It was finally in 1946 that women in France
won the right to vote.
The slave trade began in the seventeenth century. French merchants sailed to the
African coast where they bought slaves from local chieftains. Slaves were branded,
shackled and packed tightly into ships for the three-month long voyage across the
Atlantic and sold to plantation owners in America. So this was known as a triangular
slave trade between Europe, Africa and the Americas.
Throughout the eighteenth century there was little criticism of slavery in France. The
National Assembly held long debates about whether the rights of man should be
extended to all French subjects including those in the colonies. But it did not pass any
laws, fearing opposition from slave traders who paid huge tax to the French government.
One of the most revolutionary social reforms of the Jacobin regime was the abolition of
slavery in the French colonies. Robespierre passed a Convention according to which in
1794 all slaves were freed in the French colonies.
Ten years later, Napoleon reintroduced slavery. Slavery was finally abolished in French
colonies in 1848.
IX History The French Revolution
The revolutionary governments took initiative to pass laws that would translate the ideals
of liberty, equality and fraternity into everyday practice. In 1789 the revolutionary
government abolished censorship and introduced press freedom.
The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen proclaimed freedom of speech and
expression to be a natural right. Newspapers, pamphlets, books and pictures were
printed in the towns of France and they travelled to the villages.
The revolution brought changes in dress they wear, food they eat and language they
The ideas of liberty, equality & fraternity and the democratic rights were the most
important legacy of the French Revolution.
These ideas spread from France to all the parts of Europe during the nineteenth century,
where feudal systems, aristocracy and monarchy were opposed by the people. Even
these ideas spread to India and used for freedom struggle.
IX History The French Revolution
Question 1:
Describe the circumstances leading to the outbreak of revolutionaryprotestin
Following are some of the causes which had a cumulative effect to result in
revolution in France:
1. The war with Britain for an independent America: This war led to mounting
debt on the French monarchy. This necessitated imposition of new taxes on the
2. Privilege based on birth: People got privileges and position based on their
lineage and not on their merit. This led to resentment among common people.
3. Concentration of power among the privileged: People belonging to the first
and second estate had all the power and money. Masses were at the mercy of
this privileged class.
4. Subsistence Crisis: Rising population and less grain production resulted in
demand supply gap of bread, which was the staple diet. Wages did not keep pace
with rising prices. It was becoming difficult for people.
5. Growing Middle Class: Because of increased overseas trade a new class
emerged. This class was wealthy not because of birth but because of its ability to
utilize opportunities. People of the middle class started raising their voice for an
end to privileges based on lineage.
All of this led to a general sense of resentment among people. Certain thinkers of
the period spread awareness through various media. Some from the privileged
classes also advocated a switch to democracy. So, finally there was revolution in
Question 2:
Which groups of French society benefited from the revolution? Which groups
were forced to relinquish power? Which sections of society would have been
disappointed with the outcome of the revolution?
Peasants and artisans of French society benefited from the revolution. Clergy,
nobles and church had to relinquish power. It is obvious that those who had to
forego power and privileges would have been disappointed. People from the first
and the second estate must have been a disappointed lot.
Question 3:
Describe the legacy of the French Revolution for the peoples of the world during
the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The ideas of liberty and democratic rights were the most important legacy of the
French Revolution. These spread from France to the rest of Europe during the
nineteenth century, where feudal systems were abolished. Further these ideas
spread to different colonies of the European nations. Colonised people interpreted
and moulded these ideas according to respective needs. This was probably like
seed for an end of colonization in many countries. By the mid of 20th century
major part of the world adopted democracy as the preferred mode of rule and the
French Revolution can be termed as the initiation point for this development.
IX History The French Revolution
Question 4:
Draw up a list of democratic rights we enjoy today whose origins could be traced
to the French Revolution.
The following fundamental rights, given in the Indian constitution can be traced to
the French Revolution:
The right to equality
The right to freedom of speech and expression
The right to freedom from exploitation
The right to constitutional remedies
Question 5:
Would you agree with the view that the message of universal rights was beset with
contradictions? Explain.
The major contradiction in the message of universal rights as per the French
Constitution of 1791 was the total ignorance of women. All rights were given to
men. Apart from that the presence of huge number of people as passive citizens,
without voting rights, was like not putting into practice what you preach. In other
words it can be said that although the declaration of universal rights was a good
starting point but it left much to be desired.
Question 6:
How would you explain the rise of Napoleon?
After France became a republic in 1792, the then ruler, Robespierre, gave more
privileges to the wealthier section of society. Further, he was a sort of autocrat
himself. This led to reign of terror for the following many years. After
Robespierre’s rule came to an end a directory was formed to avoid concentration
of power in one individual. Members of the directory often fought among
themselves leading to total chaos and political instability. This created a political
vacuum in France. This was a conducive situation and Napoleon Bonaparte took
the reign of power as a military dictator.