Refraction and Prescribing
Refraction and Prescribing
Refraction and Prescribing
Refraction and
prescribing by Claire McDonnell FAOI
Competencies covered: Refractive management for dispensing opticians, visual function for
optometrists, binocular vision for optometrists
Target groups: Dispensing opticians, optometrists
Refraction and prescribing are two the most commonly used forms of front of the retina and therefore the
different concepts and often a objective refraction is the patient is myopic and vice versa for
prescribed correction is not the same autorefractor. Many studies have hyperopia (see Figure 1). By adjusting
as the error found in the testing room. shown that autorefractor results are the position of the object eventually a
This article explores the reasons why generally very similar to subjective single focus of light will be seen by the
the results of a refraction may not results but it is widely accepted that patient and the patient’s far point and
necessarily be identical to the the main use of an autorefractor is to therefore refractive error can be
correction the patient needs to wear. give the optometrist a starting point for determined. In the autorefractor two
subjective1. (usually infra-red) diodes illuminate the
Refraction can be divided into two retina through a small aperture and
types: subjective - where input is Autorefractors are based on the their images are reflected onto a
required from the patient and Scheiner double pinhole principle. In photodetector. By moving the
objective which requires patient the Scheiner experiment a double aperture the image can be brought
cooperation but little or no input. pinhole is placed in front of the eye into focus and its position then gives a
Objective refraction is particularly and the patient is asked to look at a measurement of refractive error.
useful where a patient may have spotlight which they perceive as
communication difficulties, eg, young double. If the top pinhole is covered Autorefractor results themselves are
children, mental handicap, Alzheimers and the patient reports that the upper not usually prescribed because they
etc and indeed often in these cases spotlight disappears (remember don’t control/relax accommodation
the objective results are the only images on the retina are inverted) as well as can be achieved during a
power that can be prescribed. One of then the light must be focussing in subjective refraction. Proximal
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Continuing Education and Training
Figure 1: Scheiner’s double pinhole Figure 2: Shows a letter viewed with a correctly aligned cylinder on the right
and a 2.50DC five degrees off-axis on the left
accommodation from an awareness movement is observed centrally and a to over-minus the patient to achieve
of being in an enclosed environment different movement observed in the the same effect. This works well with
(propinquity), may be evoked by periphery. This can make it difficult to young patients with lots of
some autorefractors2. Although a decide on an exact end point. accommodation and may be
cycloplegic drop can be used to relax considered in favour of prisms, which
accommodation, this is still not ideal. Even with subjective refraction there can have a tendency to be
Autorefractor results are affected by can be errors. In fact in one study absorbed, thus requiring increasing
corneal refractive surgery and certain comparing subjective refraction with amounts.
ocular pathologies, eg, asteroid autorefraction, VA was better with
hyalosis (a form of vitreous autorefraction than subjective To help correct a convergent
degeneration in which calcium soaps refraction in 15% of cases1. Subjective deviation with an accommodative
aggregate in the vitreous body). refractions are usually carried out at a element, the patient is usually given
Autorefractor results can lack testing distance of six metres. (This their full cycloplegic prescription. This
accuracy in high degrees of myopia distance usually being achieved by relaxes accommodation and reduces
due to off-axis aberrations3. use of a mirror). The hypothesis is that convergence helping to straighten the
at six metres the effects of eyes. Sometimes a patient cannot
The other common objective method accommodation will be negligible. accept the full prescription as there is
of refraction is retinoscopy. (Although in fact the eye must ciliary muscle spasm preventing
Retinoscopy results are prescribed for accommodate by 0.167D to see an complete relaxation of
children, as subjective refraction of the object at six metres). When test charts accommodation. In these situations
under fives is meaningless, from ages are used at four metres (as with many the patient is often given 75% of the
five to seven subjective responses can logMAR charts) or at three metres (as full prescription initially. In the case of
only be used as a rough guideline and is the case with some computerised children under the age of seven, 100%
it is only really from age eight and and projector test charts), the amount of the prescription must be given
upwards that the subjective refraction by which the patient is within six months or the convergent
can be used for prescribing. accommodating is 0.25D and 0.33D deviation may never be fully
Retinoscopy can also suffer from respectively. This can lead to the corrected.
problems of accommodation. The patient being under-plussed or over-
technique must be carried out with minussed in the refraction and some Prescriptions may also have to be
the practitioner’s eye exactly aligned optometrists will make an allowance modified in cases of anisometropia.
with the patient’s eye, as being off-axis for this in their final prescription. This can be divided into two types:
can result in over or under estimation early onset - which has been present
of both the sphere and the cylinder Optometrists may wish to modify since childhood and late onset or
components. Patients with a manifest prescriptions to correct binocular vision secondary anisometropia which may
strabismus may have to have their problems. If a patient has a divergent occur as a result of unilateral surgery
fixing eye occluded during deviation (a tendency for an eye to or injury, eg, cataract operation or
retinoscopy (to straighten the eye that turn outwards) the optometrist may laser refractive surgery to one eye.
turns) which increases the likelihood of prescribe the lowest plus prescription Patients with early onset anisometropia
unwanted accommodation. compatible with comfortable VA. By normally have some suppression of the
Obtaining an accurate result with leaving the patient under-plussed, the eye with the higher prescription but
retinoscopy can be difficult with small eyes are obliged to use this suppression may be mild and
pupils, media opacities and accommodation. An increase in usually only applies to central vision.
keratoconus. Even large pupils can accommodation causes the eyes to The depth (or density) and extent of
cause problems as sometimes a split converge and this can correct the the suppression will depend on a
reflex can be seen, where one divergent deviation. It is also possible number of factors such as whether or
Continued overleaf
6 dispensingoptics March 2012
not there is also a turn in the eye, should be reduced to a point where it modified sphere (b), then the
whether the patient ever wore a is within 1.25 - 2.12D of the prescription worse eye dos not need any
patch, how much anisometropia is in the good eye. (Usually an inter-eye cylinder.
present etc. Some optometrists will not difference of no more than 1.50D is • If (a) is numerically less than
even bother to refract the worse eye if the aim). That is straightforward the proposed modified sphere
the corrected VA in this eye is poor (ie, enough if the prescription is spherical (b), then the worse eye will
the eye is amblyopic) and will simply but what if the prescription has a need some cylinder in most
write “balance” in the prescription. cylindrical component? cases.
Others may refract the amblyopic eye The modified prescription for the worse
but still just prescribe “balance”, If astigmatism cannot be fully eye never requires the full cylinder as
leaving it up to the dispensing optician corrected, then the best case established in refraction.
or even the technician to decide scenario would be to have the circle
what power lens should be placed in of least confusion on the retina, the Example: Hyperopic anisometropia
front of the amblyopic eye. Normally next best would be to have one focal A patient has the following
the balance lens is a lens line on the retina (preferably one that prescription at the end of refraction:
approximately equal in power to the is close to vertical). RE: +4.00/-1.00x90 LE: +0.50
prescription in the fellow eye (usually (a) Add the sphere and the cylinder
equivalent to the mean spherical From personal experience a useful rule (from the worse eye) together:
equivalent). This can be frustrating for of thumb for modifying prescriptions +4+(-1) = +3D
a patient with good peripheral vision with astigmatism is as follows: (b) Add 1.50 to the prescription in the
in their amblyopic eye. It is more 1. Hyperopic anisometropia with good eye:
appropriate to prescribe a specific negative cylinder: +0.50+1.50 = +2.00D. This is the
power in the balance lens, but what (a)Add the sphere and the cylinder proposed modified sphere.
should that power be? (from the worse eye) together (a) is greater than the proposed
(b)Add 1.50D to the prescription in modified sphere (b) and therefore the
Anisometropia causes two problems: the good eye, this will be the poorer eye does not need any
differential prismatic effect and proposed modified sphere for the cylinder correction.
aniseikonia. A patient with a small worse eye
The new modified prescription will be:
amount of central suppression could • If (a) is greater than or equal to
RE: +2.00DS LE: +0.50DS
probably tolerate up to one prism the proposed modified sphere
dioptre of vertical prismatic effect. (b), then the worse eye does
This new prescription for the RE leaves
Assuming that most people look 8mm not need any cylinder.
both focal lines behind the retina but if
below the optical centres of their • If (a) is less than the proposed
any cylinder component was to be
spectacles to read, then an inter-eye modified sphere (b), then the
incorporated into the prescription one
difference of 1.25D could probably be worse eye will need some
focal line would lie even further
tolerated by most amblyopes (using cylinder in most cases.
behind the retina.
Prentice’s rule: P =cF = 0.8x1.25 = 1 2. Myopic anisometropia with
prism dioptre). Aniseikonia seems to negative cylinder: convert the
Example: Myopic Anisometropia
become clinically significant at values prescription to plus cylinder form
A patient has the following
of 3-5%4,5,6,7,8. (See note 1 on how to (a)Add the sphere and the cylinder
prescription at the end of refraction:
calculate spectacle magnification as (from the worse eye) together
RE: -4.00/+3.00 x 90 LE: -0.50
a percentage). (b)Subtract 1.50D from the
(a) Add the sphere and the cylinder
prescription in the good eye, this will
(from the worse eye) together:
This translates as an inter-eye be the proposed modified sphere
-4+3 = -1D
difference of 2.12D (assuming a for the worse eye
vertex distance of 13.75mm). Therefore • If (a) is numerically greater (b) Subtract 1.50 from the prescription
the prescription in the worse eye than or equal to the proposed in the good eye:
-0.50-1.50 = -2.00D. This is the
proposed modified sphere.
(a) is numerically less than the
Spectacle magnification as a percentage proposed modified sphere (b) and
RE: Plano LE:+2.12D therefore the poorer eye will need
Vertex distance = 13.75mm cylinder correction.
K (ocular refraction) = +2.18D The new modified prescription will be:
Spectacle magnification (SM) for the LE = K/Fsp = 2.18/2.12 = 1.03 RE: -2.00/+1.00 x 90 LE: -0.50
Spectacle magnification as a percentage: 100(SM-1) = 100(0.03) = 3%
Note: in the case of a thick lens, the form of the lens will affect the This new prescription for the RE leaves
spectacle magnification, in which case the thick lens formula should be
one of the focal lines on the retina.
Note 1 It is also possible for the optometrist to
modify the refraction results in the trial
frame to come up with a modified
Continued overleaf
8 dispensingoptics March 2012
Trial lens power for near Correction value for the stated add opticians would not know the
+2.00 +2.50 +3.00 thickness and front surface power of
+8.00 the proposed spectacle lens and so it
+8.50 is simpler just to use a table (see Table
+9.00 +0.25 1). It is not necessary to calculate
+9.50 NVEE for minus lenses as these tend to
+10.00 +0.25 be quite flat and thin and are
+10.50 therefore similar in form to trial lenses.
+11.00 +0.25
+11.50 Even for distance prescriptions the BVP
+12.00 of a combination of trial lenses in the
+12.50 +0.50 trial frame is not necessarily its
+13.00 algebraic sum. It depends on the
+13.50 power, thickness, form and position of
+14.00 +0.50 the lenses used. This is particularly so
+14.50 with high refractive errors. After
+15.00 refracting a patient with high
+15.50 +0.50 ametropia in a trial frame, the BVP
+16.00 +0.75 should be measured using a focimeter
and the subsequent reading should
Table 1
be ordered for the patient’s
prescription that the patient is Modification of a prescription may
comfortable with and most dispensing also be required to correct for near It is well known that a change in vertex
opticians will look at the patient’s vision effectivity error (NVEE). The back distance between that read from the
previous balance lens and ask if the vertex power (BVP) of a lens represents trial frame during refraction and that
patient was happy with that lens. In the vergence leaving the lens when which the patient will eventually wear
cases where the poorer eye has a the light originates from a distant in their new spectacles can cause
very reduced VA, the prescription in object. For near vision the light problems, but at what power does this
the balance lens is largely irrelevant. originates from a point which is a finite become an issue? According to the
Where the anisometropia is late onset distance from the front of the lens. In relevant standards, the vertex
or secondary the optometrist may this case the vergence of light leaving distance is only required to be
want to attempt to give the full the back surface depends on the BVP, included on written prescriptions
prescription (particularly if it is the the form and thickness of the lens and above ± 5.00D. Assuming that the
patient’s dominant eye that has the the patient’s working distance. When closest a frame (trial frame or
higher prescription). In this case the patients are tested for a reading spectacle) might be worn is 8mm and
dispensing optician can look at prescription, trial lenses made in flat the furthest it might be worn is 15mm
dispensing bicentric lenses or form are used. However when the (giving a change in vertex distance of
attempting to order different lens lenses are made up into spectacles, 7mm) then the lowest prescription that
forms to minimise the inter-eye they are in a more curved form. In the could have a change of
difference in retinal image size. case of lenses greater than +8D, this approximately 0.25D is ±5.50D.
difference in form means that the Realistically however the change in
If the patient with late onset patient gets less power from their vertex distance between the testing
anisometropia cannot tolerate or spectacles (compared to the trial room and the dispense is not normally
afford specialist lenses or does not like lenses) and so they have to make up that large. For example nearly all
their cosmetic appearance, the the shortfall with accommodation. The phoropters have a vertex distance of
prescription should be modified by difference between the vergence 13.75mm assuming they are used
either changing the prescription in the leaving a lens when the light originates correctly. If we say that a change of
eye with the worse VA to bring it to from a near object and the vergence 5mm is more likely then the lowest
within 1.50D of the other eye or, if the for a distant object (the sum of the prescription with an approximately
VAs are equal, changing the incident vergence + BVP) is known as 0.25D change becomes ± 6.50D. The
prescription in the non-dominant eye. the NVEE. It is possible to calculate simplest way to avoid having to make
There are many different ways of what the error will be using the adjustments for vertex distance is to
testing for ocular dominance but for formula: NVEE = [(t/n)L1(L1+2F1)] help the patient to choose a frame
the purposes of prescription where t is the centre thickness of the prior to the test, measure the back
modification, the simplest way is to put spectacle lens, n is the refractive vertex distance of the chosen frame
the prescription in a trial frame with index, L1 is the incident vergence (for and then set the trial frame up at this
the RE modified and then with the LE a reading distance of a third of a distance for the actual refraction itself.
modified and check which one metre, this would be -3D) and F1 is the
causes the patient the least amount of front surface power of the spectacle Unequal reading additions are
noticeable blur. lens. In reality, most dispensing uncommon in prescriptions but there
Continuing Education and Training
may be reasons why they are unable to take their full cylinder static model of accommodation and
sometimes required. The additions prescription. In this case their spheres vergence. Ophthal Physiol Opt 16, 31-
may be different where the should remain the same and their 41
accommodation is not equal in both cylinders reduced. 3. Collins MJ, Wildsoet CF, Aitchison
eyes. There can be a number of The new modified prescription will DA. (1995). Monochromatic
reasons why this might occur. If a depend on their VA requirements but it aberrations and myopia. Vision Res.
patient has unilateral pseudophakia could be: 35, 1157-1163
the eye with the intraocular lens RE: Plano/-2.00x35 4. Jiménez JR, Ponce A, del Barco LJ,
implant will have little or no LE: +0.50/-1.75x155 Díaz JA, Pérez-Ocón F. Impact of
accommodation while the other eye induced aniseikonia on stereopsis with
still has accommodation normal for Example 2 random-dot stereogram. Optom Vis
the patient’s age. Third nerve palsies A patient has already had spectacles Sci. 2002;79:121-125.
can cause paralysis of made up to their full refracted 5. Jiménez JR, Ponce A, Anera RG.
accommodation. Horner’s syndrome prescription which is: Induced aniseikonia diminishes
causes an increase in RE: -2.00/-1.00x70 binocular contrast sensitivity and
accommodation and Adie syndrome LE: -2.50/-1.50x65 binocular summation. Optom Vis Sci.
causes a reduction in but they are noticing distortion that 2004;81:559-562.
accommodation but this is usually they never had with their previous 6. Katsumi O, Tanino T, Hirose T. Effect
short-lived. spectacles (no astigmatic correction). of aniseikonia on binocular function.
To place the CLCs on the retina, the Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 1986;27:601-
Some patients who are prescribed prescription can be modified to: 604.
astigmatic spectacle prescriptions for RE: -2.50 7. Crone RA, Leuridan OM. Tolerance
the first time will not tolerate their full LE: -3.25 for aniseikonia. I. Diplopia thresholds in
cylinder (or indeed any cylinder). A the vertical and horizontal meridians of
patient is increasingly likely to struggle Another rare problem that can occur the visual field. Albrecht Von Graefes
to adapt to astigmatism, the older with astigmatic prescriptions is Arch Klin Exp Ophthalmol. 1973;188:1-
they are when they get their first cyclotorsion. This is where the eyes 16
spectacles, the higher the cylinder, the rotate as well as converging when 8. Crone RA, Leuridan OM. Tolerance
more oblique the axis and the less looking at a near object. For most for aniseikonia. II. Determination based
they wear their spectacles. Normally if patients this is not a problem but a on the amplitude of cyclofusion.
an astigmatic prescription has to be patient with high cylinders and Albrecht Von Graefes Arch Klin Exp
modified the aim would be to put the incyclotorsion at near may find that Ophthalmol. 1973;188:17-22
circle of least confusion (CLC) on the they need two separate pairs of
retina. However if the spherical spectacles for distance and reading
element of the patient’s prescription is with different axes in each. Figure two
plano or mildly hyperopic then they shows the effect that five degrees of
will be accustomed to having one cyclotorsion can have on a 2.50D
focal line on the retina so it should be cylinder.
checked to see if they prefer a
modified prescription that puts the It can be seen then that there are
CLC or a focal line on the retina. quite a number of scenarios in which a
Once the cylinder has been reduced prescription may differ from that found
to a level that the patient can adapt in the refraction. It is important to
to, the CLC can be placed on the remember that if it is necessary to
retina by adding half the modified modify a prescription it should be
cylinder to the sphere and this is the noted on the patient’s copy (as well
new sphere. If the aim is to keep one as the practice’s record card) that a
focal line on the retina, leave the modification has been made so that
sphere as found on refraction. If the other optometrists will be aware of it
patient cannot tolerate any cylinder and will not query what appear to be
simply add their sphere and half the large changes in prescription. It is also
cylinder together and prescribe this as necessary to ensure that patients still Claire McDonnell FAOI is a lecturer in
a sphere. Again this will place the CLC meet certain visual standards (e.g. the the Department of Optometry at the
on the retina. driving standard) when their Dublin Institute of Technology where
prescription is modified. she teaches advanced clinical
Example 1 techniques to optometry
A patient has the following References undergraduates and qualified
prescription at the end of refraction: 1. Wood IC. A review of autorefractors. practitioners. She has worked in
RE: Plano/-3.50x35 Eye 1987;1(Pt 4):529-35 private practice, refractive surgery
LE: +0.50/-3.25x155 2. Hung GK, Ciuffreda KJ, Rosenfeld M. and education in Ireland, the UK and
The patient has a history of being (1996). Proximal contribution to a linear New Zealand. n
MCQs overleaf
10 dispensingoptics March 2012
2. How much would an eye have to accommodate as a 8. What kind of power modification is most likely to be
result of the testing distance if a logMAR chart was used at selected for a patient with a divergent deviation, in order to
a distance of 4 metres from the subject? assist their binocular vision?
a. 0.167D a. A small increase in plus power
b. 0.25D b. A small decrease in plus power
c. 0.33D c. The lowest plus prescription that will allow a comfortable
d. 0.50D V/A
d. The highest plus prescription that will allow a
3. Given that a patient is able to tolerate 1 prism dioptre comfortable V/A
differential between their two eyes, what degree of
anisometropia is likely to be the most that a patient could 9. A patient has the following prescription: RE +1.00DS LE
tolerate when looking downwards to read through a point +4.25/-0.75 x 90. In this case of this being a troublesome
8mm below the distance optical centres? anisometropic prescription requiring alteration what is the
a. 0.50D most likely combination to be prescribed?
b. 0.75D a. RE +1.00DS LE +2.50DS
c. 1.00D b. RE +2.50DS LE +4.25/-0.75 X 90
d. 1.25D c. RE +1.00DS LE +3.50DS
d. RE +2.50DS LE +3.50DS
4. Aniseikonia is a condition caused by the two lenses of a
pair of spectacles giving different levels of spectacle 10.What is/are likely to cause secondary anisometropia in
magnification from one another. At what degree of an adult?
difference between the image sizes does aniseikonia a. A congenital condition
appear to become significant? b. Laser refractive surgery to one eye
a. 2 - 4% c. An injury to one eye in infancy
b. 3 - 5% d. All of the above
c. 4 - 6%
d. 5 - 7% 11.When dealing with a convergent deviation, what
refractive result would usually be prescribed?
5. In the case of an anisometropic astigmatic prescription a. 75% of the full prescription
where the astigmatism cannot be fully corrected, which of b. 100% of the prescription within six months
the following options would be the best case scenario? c. The full cycloplegic prescription
a. Place the circle of least confusion on the retina d. 50% of the full prescription
b. Place the focal line closest to the horizontal on the
retina 12.Spectacle lenses for near vision are being dispensed for
c. Place the focal line closest to the vertical on the retina a patient whose prescription is:
d. None of the above would make any significant RE +9.50/+0.50 x 90 LE +9.25/+0.75 x90
difference Reading Addition +3.00 R & L
Vertex Dist. 12mm.
6. NVEE only has an impact when considering a certain If this prescription is dispensed at 12mm, what lens powers
prescription range. Which is this prescription range? would be ordered?
a. Over -8.00D a. RE +12.00/+0.50 x 90 LE +11.75/+0.75 x 90
b. -8.00D to -0.25D b. RE +9.50/+0.50 x 90 LE +9.25/+0.75 x 90
c. +0.25D to +8.00D c. RE +12.50/+0.50 x 90 LE +12.25/+0.75 x 90
d. Over +8.00D d. RE +13.00/+0.50 x90 LE +12.75/+0.75 x 90
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