Bio Cal Tech Sheet

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Highly Soluble Calcium for Optimum Crop Performance

Bio-Cal® is an exclusive Midwestern BioAg calcium-based soil amendment. As a liming
material, it contains 32% calcium and provides highly soluble calcium that is both readily
available to plants upon application and throughout the growing season. Alfalfa, corn, soybeans
and small grains need adequate levels of calcium in a plant-available form to promote plant
cell elongation and strengthen cell walls.

Product Characteristics:
ƒƒ More Plant-Available Calcium: Bio-Cal provides ƒƒ A Better Calcium Source: Multiple forms of
higher levels of soluble calcium than many other calcium are present in Bio-Cal, providing both
products. Materials such as dolomitic and calcitic highly available and slow-release calcium. These
lime have varying amounts of soluble calcium, include calcium oxide and calcium carbonate.
often as little as 1-2 pounds per ton, while Bio-Cal ƒƒ Easy to Spread: Bio-Cal is specially formulated
has 150 pounds of soluble calcium per ton. for easy application.
ƒƒ Better Plant Health: For years, farmers have ƒƒ High Quality: We routinely test to ensure ma-
known calcium helps raise healthy, quality terials used in Bio-Cal are free of contaminants.
crops. Recent research supports this and For more than 15 years, Bio-Cal has met or
has identified calcium as a key player in crop exceeded government standards for heavy
production. metals and organic toxins.

Product Analysis: Ingredients: Typical Application Rates:

Calcium..................................... 32% Hydrated lime, calcium oxide 500-2,000 lbs/ac. Refer to
and calcium carbonate soil test and your consultant for
specific needs.

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Midwestern BioAg, Inc. | 800.327.6012 |

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