Bio Cal Tech Sheet
Bio Cal Tech Sheet
Bio Cal Tech Sheet
Product Characteristics:
More Plant-Available Calcium: Bio-Cal provides A Better Calcium Source: Multiple forms of
higher levels of soluble calcium than many other calcium are present in Bio-Cal, providing both
products. Materials such as dolomitic and calcitic highly available and slow-release calcium. These
lime have varying amounts of soluble calcium, include calcium oxide and calcium carbonate.
often as little as 1-2 pounds per ton, while Bio-Cal Easy to Spread: Bio-Cal is specially formulated
has 150 pounds of soluble calcium per ton. for easy application.
Better Plant Health: For years, farmers have High Quality: We routinely test to ensure ma-
known calcium helps raise healthy, quality terials used in Bio-Cal are free of contaminants.
crops. Recent research supports this and For more than 15 years, Bio-Cal has met or
has identified calcium as a key player in crop exceeded government standards for heavy
production. metals and organic toxins.