NRIHome Loan Form
NRIHome Loan Form
NRIHome Loan Form
ure / false declaration can lead to cancellation of your loan With you, right through Non-Resident Indians (NRIs) /
Regd. Office: Ramon House, HT Parekh Marg,169, Backbay Reclamation, Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs)
Outstanding Monthly Instalment Term Mumbai 400 020. e-mail: OR
Visit us at B R O C H U R E C U M A P P L I C AT I O N F O R M
Amount (Rs.) Payable (Rs.) (Months)
HDFC offers you Loans for Homes - for buying or constructing your home or What are the fees and charges payable and when are they payable?
____________ ____________ _________ even to extend or improve your existing home. HDFC will also finance FEES:
purchase of land, from approved agencies to help you construct a home of your
____________ ____________ _________ choice. You could acquire a self-contained flat in an existing or proposed co- A one time fee of 1.25% is payable on the loan amount applied for. This fee
operative society, in an apartment owners association or even an independent is in respect of costs incidental to the application. Taxes as applicable will be
____________ ____________ _________ single-family or multi-family bungalow or row house. charged on the fees collected.
HDFC, through its office in Dubai and Service Associates in Abu Dhabi, CHARGES:
Sharjah, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia (Al Khobar, Jeddah & Riyadh)
____________ ____________ _________ offers to the Middle East based NRIs/PIOs who wish to acquire homes in India: For Fixed Rate Home Loans (FRHL) and FRHL with Money Market Condition
Advisory services in real estate i.e. information and services regarding (MMC) Clause an early redemption charge of 2% of the amount being prepaid
____________ ____________ _________ ●
is payable, if the amount being repaid is more than 25% of the opening
buying and selling of real estate in India.
____________ ____________ _________ balance*. However, under Adjustable Rate Home Loans (ARHL) option early
● Advisory services in real estate financing i.e. facilitate NRIs/PIOs taking redemption charges of 2% is payable only in case of commercial refinance. You
loans from HDFC – India. may be required to submit copies of your Bank Statments or any other
GENERAL INFORMATION ON HOME LOANS documents that HDFC deems necessary to verify the source of prepayment.
Type of account Account No.(s)
What is the maximum loan amount I can borrow? You can make payments for fees and charges by cheque marked "Payee's
NRE NRO NRSR account only" drawn on a bank in a city where HDFC has an office or by
You can avail of a maximum loan of 85% of the cost of the property, including demand draft (payable at par to HDFC).
cost of the land, or the loan eligibility whichever is lower.
NRIs/PIOs based in the Middle East are requested to pay the fee in UAE
How will HDFC decide the loan amount I am eligible for? Dihrams by cheque (if based in Dubai) or Bank Demand Draft (if based
Subject to the above, your repayment capacity as determined by HDFC, will elsewhere in the Middle East) drawn in favour of “Housing Development
OVED) (PLEASE COMPLETE AS APPLICABLE) Finance Corporation Limited”.
help decide how much you can borrow. Repayment capacity takes into
consideration factors such as income, age, qualifications, work experience, *Subject to terms and conditions.
: Sq.mts. number of dependants, spouse’s income, assets, liabilities, stability and
continuity of occupation, alternate employment prospects when you return to What is the rate of interest that will be charged on my loan and what will
: Sq.mts. India and savings history. And, of course, HDFC’s main concern is to make sure be the Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI)?
: Rs. you can comfortably repay the amount you borrow. For the current rates of interest and EMIs please check with HDFC.
When can I make an application? Under the monthly rest option, interest is calculated on monthly rests. Principal
: Rs. You can apply for a loan whilst you are working abroad, to plan for your return a) Employment contract (if the e) Identity card issued by current
to India in the future. The application can also be made even if the property
: has not been selected or the construction/improvement has not commenced. contract is in a language other employers.
than English, an English f) Visa stamped on the passport.
Yes No How do I make an application? translation of the same attested
by the Embassy/Employer should g) Continuous Discharge Certificate
ole owner of the dwelling unit ? ■ ■ It’s simple! Complete the application form attached to this brochure and submit (CDC) - (for applicants employed
it along with the supporting documents at any HDFC office be given).
e to the dwelling unit clear ? ■ ■ in the merchant navy).
or Service Associate that is convenient to you. On b) Past occupational history.
able to obtain first mortgage receipt of the completed application form with the h) Overseas Bank Account Statement
prescribed fee (including taxes as applicable) c) Latest salary slip/certificate. for the last four months.
ling unit ? ■ ■
HDFC will consider your application, make d) Latest work permit/Labour card. i) Latest Credit Bureau report.**
enquiries as it deems necessary and convey its
Download decision to you. repayments are credited at the end of every month.
will you be able Are you a citizen(s) of application form You can also appoint a Power of Attorney in At HDFC you have the choice between the normal FRHL & FRHL with Money
_______________ India? India and the Power of Attorney should be Market Clause and the innovative Adjustable Rate Home Loan (ARHL).
_______________ or apply online at executed as per the draft provided by HDFC. Alternatively, you can also avail part of the loan under FRHL and balance under
■ Yes ■ No. ARHL.
details of your Can I apply for a loan to repay a
Do you belong to housing loan availed by me from another HDFC also offers you the option to switch between schemes* for a nominal fee.
ernal) Account/ bank / housing finance company?
nary) Account/ ■ SC ■ ST ■ NA Interest rates on the ARHL will be linked to HDFC’s Retail Prime Lending Rate
Yes, you can avail of HDFC’s home loan to (RPLR). The rate on your loan will be revised every three months from the date
ndia from which Did you get to know HDFC repay a loan availed by you from another bank of the first disbursement, if there is a change in RPLR, i.e. the interest rate on
s will be issued for / housing finance company. your loan may change. However, the EMI on the Home Loan disbursed will not
through: change*. (If the interest rate increases, the interest component in an EMI will
■ Advertise increase and the principal component will reduce, resulting in an extension of
________________ ■ Service Associates the term of loan, and vice versa when the interest rate decreases).
________________ ■ Builder/Developer HDFC offers special rates for its loyal customers (past & present). Existing
housing loan customers can avail the Home Improvement Loans (HIL) at special
________________ ■ Friends/Relatives terms.
*Subject to terms and conditions.
**Applicable to customers residing in countries where Credit Bureaus exists. eg. USA, UK etc.
otection Products offered by HDFC Bank ?
■ No ■ Savings Bank Account ■ Credit Card ■ Other Loans What are the supporting documents to be submitted along with an
be from india and the other from the city where you currently stay) The following documents are to be submitted along with the application:
1. Employment / Residency related documents:
Photo copies of :
2. Property Related Documents:
Pin: — — — — — —
a) Receipts for payments made for purchase of the dwelling unit.
(R) — — — — — b) Copy of approved drawings of proposed construction/ purchase/ extension.
————— ———————— ————————
c) Agreement for sale / sale deed / detailed cost estimate from Architect /
Engineer for property to be purchased/constructed/ extended/improved.
d) Allotment letter from the co-operative society / association of apartment
the basis of any loan HDFC may decide to grant me/us. I/We confirm that I/We have
he brochure and understood the contents. I/We am/are aware that HDFC offers loans owners.
application form. I/We am/are aware that the Equated Monthly Installment comprising
tion indicated in the application form. I/We are aware that the options on interest rate
n such terms and conditions as decided by HDFC. I/We agree that HDFC may take up
regarding any change in my/our occupation/employment and to provide any further
to HDFC and information pertaining to the loan to any institution or body. HDFC may
ittance from abroad through normal banking channels and/or out of the Non-Resident Applicants from the Middle East can co-ordinate all their future
ing unit, as per guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India. I/We further agree that my/our
plication without giving any reasons therefor. requirements through the HDFC Dubai Office.
Regd. Office: Ramon House, H T Parekh Marg, 169, Backbay Reclamation,
b) Government servants who are posted abroad on duty with the Indian missions and
a) Indian citizens who stay abroad for employment or for carrying on business or vocation
A) Non-Resident Indians are:
Under the Foreign Exchange Management Act of 1999,
Other Income Rs. Source: Rs. Source:
of stay abroad, or
outside India or for any other purpose in circumstances indicating an indefinite period
Employer/Business name
and address (Pleasse
mention the address of the
office you are based at)
Office Phone No. — — — — — — — — — — — — — Fax:— — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — Fax:— — — — — — — — — — — — —
Mobile No. — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — —
Indians/Persons of Indian Origin by HDFC. The guidelines are:
The Reserve Bank of India has issued certain guidelines for granting loans to Non-Resident
Non-Resident Indians/Persons of Indian Origin:
Guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India for grant of housing loans to
Fixed Rate
2. Total purchase price/construction cost Rs. : ________________ Fixed Rate with MMC Clause Rs. : _________________
The loan shall be fully secured by equitable mortgage of the dwelling unit being
NRSR Account in India.
Resident (External) account and/or the Non-Resident (Ordinary) account and/or
to be remitted to HDFC from abroad through normal banking channels, the Non-
Repayment of the loan, comprising of principal and interest including all charges are
(Ordinary) account and/or Non-Resident (Special) Rupee Account (NRSR) in India.
from the Non-Resident (External) account in India and /or the Non-Resident
can be met from direct remittances from abroad through normal banking channels,
Own contribution, which is the cost of the dwelling unit financed, less the loan amount,
The loan amount should not exceed 85% of the cost of the dwelling unit.
or 2.
The person is a spouse of an Indian Citizen or a person referred to above in clause 1
Adjustable Rate Rs. : _________________
3. Incidental costs (if any) Rs. : ________________ 7. Savings from Bank Rs. : _________________
e.g. Stamp duty, Registration charges, etc. 8. Disposal of investments
(fixed deposits / shares, etc.) Rs. : _________________
4. Other costs (please specify) Rs. : ________________ 9. Amount already spent (source __________) Rs. : _________________
5. Loan outstanding (for refinance) Rs. : ________________ 10. Provident Fund (refundable/non-refundable) Rs. : _________________
11.Other (specify ________________________) Rs. : _________________
A. Total requirement of funds (Total) Rs. : ________________ B. Estimate of sources of funds (Total) Rs. : _________________
Note: 'A' which is the total requirement of funds, should equal estimate of sources, 'B' which indicates the sources from where the cost will be met.
It is important that you indicate in detail the sources from where the cost will be met in order to help us process your application faster.
application fo
Mumbai 400 02
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Regd. Office: R
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What is the ma
HDFC, through
Visit us at www
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cost of the land
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single-family or
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You can avail o
Advisory s
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Sharjah, Kuwai
How do I mak
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■ Savings Bank Account ■ Credit Card ■ Other Loans
Pin: — — — — — —
had no insolvency proceedings against me/us nor have I/we ever been adjudicated insolvent and further confirm that I/we have read the brochure and understood the contents. I/We am/are aware that HDFC offers loans
I/We declare that all the particulars and information given in the application form are true, correct and complete and that they shall form the basis of any loan HDFC may decide to grant me/us. I/We confirm that I/We have
under a fixed interest rate option as well as under variable interest rate option and that I/we have selected the option indicated in the application form. I/We am/are aware that the Equated Monthly Installment comprising
and the frequency of rests once selected cannot be changed and any change(s) may be permitted only at the sole discretion of HDFC on such terms and conditions as decided by HDFC. I/We agree that HDFC may take up
principal and interest is calculated on the basis of annual rests as also on the basis of monthly rests and that I/we have selected the option indicated in the application form. I/We are aware that the options on interest rate
such references and make such enquiries in respect of this application, as it may deem necessary. I/We undertake to inform HDFC regarding any change in my/our occupation/employment and to provide any further
information that HDFC may require. HDFC may make available any information contained in this form and other documents submitted to HDFC and information pertaining to the loan to any institution or body. HDFC may
seek/receive information from any source/person to consider this application. I/We shall pay all fees, charges and dues of HDFC by remittance from abroad through normal banking channels and/or out of the Non-Resident
(External) Account / Non- Resident (Ordinary) Account/NRSR Account in India, and my/our own contribution towards the cost of the dwelling unit, as per guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India. I/We further agree that my/our
(R) — — — — — — — — — — — — — Tel (O): ————— ———————— (R) — — — — — — — — — — — — —
■ SC ■ ST ■ NA
Account No.(s)
Do you belong to
■ Service Associates
■ Builder/Developer
■ Yes ■ No.
■ Friends/Relatives
Monthly Instalment
■ Advertise
Payable (Rs.)
loan shall be governed by rules/norms of HDFC which may be in force from time to time and HDFC shall be entitled to reject my/our application without giving any reasons therefor.
Type of account
repayment of loan
Cost of construction/purchase/
Branch Name
Co-applicant :
Applicant :
Pin: — — — — — —
of Loan
Area of Land
Built-up area
Cost of land
Applicant (Rs.) Co-applicant (Rs.)
Name of Bank
Address of dwelling unit: Mention dwelling unit
Tel (O): — — — — —
Date _________________
Other Assets (specify)
Immovable Property
Savings in Bank
Would you be
interested in
enquiries from
the referees,
make such
HDFC may
if it deems
OFFICES HDFC has over 180 Offices all over India...
Dubai: Contact: Alnaaz Mithwani / R. Sreekumar / M. Subhadra / Kaushik Bhadresha, Office No. 105, 1st Floor, Juma Al-Majid AGRA Tel: 0562-2526769. AHMEDABAD (Navrangpura) Tel: 079-55307000. AHMEDABAD (Maninagar) Tel: 079-25450081. AHMEDABAD (Satellite) Tel: 079-26933611. AHMEDNAGAR Tel: 0241-2320819. AKOLA Tel: 0724-2442454.
Commercial Building, Opp. Burjuman Center (Extension), Trade Centre Road, P.O. Box No.-29022 Dubai, UAE. Tel: 9714 - 3961825. AJMER Tel: 0145-2624994. ALWAR Tel: 0144-2702739. ALLAHABAD Tel: 0532-2608326. AMBALA Tel: 0171-2630880. AMRAVATI Tel: 0721-2562480. AMRITSAR Tel: 0183-5090512. ANAND Tel: 02692-255514. ANKLESHWAR Tel:
Fax: 9714 - 3961890. Email: Website: Timings: Sat to Wed: 8.30 am to 1.00 pm & 2.00 pm 02646-227771. AURANGABAD (CIDCO) Tel: 0240-2474110. AURANGABAD (Station Road) Tel: 0240-2338052. BANGALORE (Kasturba Road) Tel: 080-51183000. BANGALORE (Jayanagar) Tel: 080-26544471. BANGALORE
to 6.00 pm. Thu - 9.00 am to 1.00pm. Abu Dhabi Contact: Mrs.Gaganpreet Kaur / Mr. Ramesh Ravindranath The NMC Group, (Koramangala) Tel: 080-51101621. BANGALORE (Basaveswaranagar) Tel: 080-23584222. BAREILLY Tel: 2581-2477496. BHARUCH Tel: 02642-245245. BHILAI Tel: 0788-5040840. BHIWADI Tel: 01493-224041. BHOPAL (MP Nagar)
UAE Exchange Center Building, Hamdan Street, PO Box 6333, Abu Dhabi. Tel: 971-2-6334383. Fax: 971-2-6322169. Email: Tel: 0755-5277772. BHOPAL (Kamla Bhawan) Tel: 0755-5229990. BHILWARA Tel: 01482-232902. BHUBANESWAR Tel: 0674-2534335. BILASPUR Tel: 07752-500707. BULDHANA Tel: 07262-246301. CALICUT Tel: 0495-2724432. / Timings: Sat to Thu: 9.00am to 1.00 pm & 4.30 pm to CHANDIGARH Tel: 0172-3989123. CHENNAI (Anna Salai) Tel: 044-28599300. CHENNAI (Adyar) Tel: 044-24403313. CHENNAI (Anna Nagar) Tel: 044-26190457. CHENNAI (Kodambakkam) Tel: 044-24815656. CHENNAI (Tambaram)
Tel: 044-22264122. CHENNAI (Velacherry) Tel: 044-22435571. CHIDAMBARAM Tel: 04144-222810. CHIPLUN Tel: 02355-250035. COIMBATORE Tel: 0422-2222735. CUTTACK Tel: 0671-2332061. DEHRADUN Tel: 0135-2742231.
8.30 pm. Sharjah Contact: Mr.Chetan Kandhari / Ms.Manjula Khatri / Ms. Tanuja Prakash Panama Advertising & Marketing, P.O.Box
DEWAS Tel: 07272-254550. DHULE Tel: 02562-273500. DURGAPUR Tel: 0343-2549778. ERODE Tel: 0424-2240928. FARIDABAD Tel: 0129-2226912. GANDHIDHAM Tel: 02836-228704. GHAZIABAD Tel: 0120-2721446. GOA Tel: 0832-
4735, Sharjah, UAE. Tel:+9716-572 54 58 Fax:+9716-573 51 52 Email: Timings: Sat to Wed: 9.00 am to 2429222. GULBARGA Tel: 08472-241966. GUNTUR Tel: 0863-2217538. GURGAON Tel: 0124-5061772. GUWAHATI Tel: 0361-2666915. GWALIOR Tel: 0751-5011970. HARDWAR Tel: 01334-265325. HINGOLI Tel: 02456-224515.
6.00 pm Thu: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm HOSUR Tel: 04344-247444. HUBLI Tel: 0836-2356345. HYDERABAD (Basheer Bagh ) Tel: 040-55475001. HYDERABAD (Dilsukhnagar) Tel: 040-24540845. HYDERABAD (Kukatpally) Tel: 040-23155944. HYDERABAD (Panjagutta)
SERVICE ASSOCIATES Tel: 040-23414855. INDORE (M G Road) Tel: 0731-5223300. INDORE (Vijaya Nagar) Tel: 0731-5026442. INDORE (Prabhu Nagar) Tel: 0731-5028222. JABALPUR Tel: 0761-5065771. JAIPUR (Ashok Marg) Tel: 0141-5150888. JAIPUR
Kuwait: Contact: Mr.Cajetan Barretto or Mr. Mohammad Amin. CLIC National Industries, P.O.Box 24387, Safat, Kuwait. Tel: 965 - (Mansarovar) Tel: 0141-2781981. JAIPUR (Vaishali Nagar) Tel: 0141-5110410. JALANDHAR Tel: 0181-2225633. JALGAON Tel: 0257-2220762. JAMMU Tel: 0191-2434419. JAMSHEDPUR Tel: 0657-2424518. JODHPUR Tel: 0291-
4738742, 4768164, 4768993, 4748514/ 4715794. Fax: 965 – 4768165/994. Email:, & 2644448. JUNAGADH Tel: 0285-2671930. KANNUR Tel: 0497-2765850. KANPUR Tel: 0512-2306744. KOCHI (M. G. Road) Tel: 0484-9895399900. KOCHI (Palarivattom) Tel: 0484-2346684. KOLHAPUR Tel: 0231-2664034. KOLKATA Timings: Sat to Wed: 8.00 am to 4.30 pm. Thu: 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. Oman: Contact: Mr. Kesavan or Mr. Sunil (Middleton Street) Tel: 033-23215060. KOLKATA (Old Court House Street) Tel: 033-22481308 KOLKATA (Salt Lake City) Tel: 033-23215949. KOLKATA (Behala) Tel: 033-24468392. KOLKATA (Garia) Tel: 033-24351082. KOLLAM
Kumar. Middle East Investment L.L.C., 1st Floor, Bhawan Business Center Bld., Suhail Bahwan Group Holding Building, Opp. Oman Tel: 0474-2762551. KOTA Tel: 0744-2436981. KOTTAYAM Tel: 0481-2304985. LATUR Tel: 02382-226040. LUCKNOW (Ashok Marg) Tel: 0522-39891234. LUCKNOW (Aliganj) Tel: 0522-2763494. LUCKNOW (Gomti Nagar) Tel: 0522-
2303770. LUCKNOW (Indira Nagar) Tel: 0522-2310870. LUCKNOW (Kanpur Road) Tel: 0522-2434519. LUCKNOW (Raebareli Road) Tel: 0522-3098766. LUDHIANA Tel: 0161-2429856. MADURAI Tel: 0452-2350715. MALAPPURAM
Arab Bank Main Branch, CBD Area, P.O.Box No. 21, Postal Code 112, Ruwi, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman Tel: 968 – 24793741 Ext.: Tel: 0483-2738873. MANGALORE Tel: 0824-2445220. MOHALI Tel: 0172-2220116. MUMBAI (Churchgate) Tel: 022-56636000. MUMBAI (Andheri East) Tel: 022-26830048. MUMBAI (Andheri West) Tel: 022-26733981. MUMBAI
102 / 145. Fax: 968 - 24706087. Email:, Timings: Sat to Thu: 8.00 (Andheri-Kurla Road) Tel: 022-28304251. MUMBAI (Borivli) Tel: 022-28647152. MUMBAI (Chembur) Tel: 022-25291188. MUMBAI (Malad) Tel: 022-28446307. MUMBAI (Mulund) Tel: 022-25655633. MUMBAI (Parel) Tel: 022-24707497.
am to 1.00 pm & 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm Qatar: Contact: Mr. Ravindranathan Investec W.L.L, Office No. 37, 5th Floor, Sofitel Commercial MUMBAI (Virar) Tel: 0253-2511654. AMBARNATH Tel: 0251-2603168. KALYAN Tel: 0251-2201580. DOMBIVLI Tel: 0251-2861473. THANE (Gokhale Road) Tel: 022-25451114. THANE (Vikas Complex) Tel: 022-25471568. VASHI (Navi
Complex, P.O.Box 3002, Doha, Qatar. Tel: 0974 - 4325060, 4365060. Fax: 0974 - 4353560. Email: Timings: Sat Mumbai) Tel: 022-56165201. KOPARKHAIRANE (Navi Mumbai) Tel: 022-27550615. BELAPUR (Navi Mumbai) Tel: 022-27561781. NERUL (Navi Mumbai) Tel: 022-27718787. NEW PANVEL Tel: 022-56166242. PEN Tel: 02143-257709.
to Thu: 8.00 am to 12.00 noon & 4.00 pm to 8.00 pm Saudi Arabia: THE ALI REZA GROUP Al Khobar: Contact: Mr. Tarun B Nair. MYSORE Tel: 0821-2433770. NAGERCOIL Tel: 04652-237192. NAGPUR Tel: 0712-2527888. NAGPUR (East) Tel: 0712-2732244. NASHIK (Sharanpur Link Road) Tel: 0253-2571492. NASHIK (Indira Nagar) Tel: 0253-2325301. NASHIK
Rezayat Trading Co. Ltd., P.O. Box No.90, King Khalid St. 4th Cross, Opp. Al Ghazali (Rado Showroom), Above Al Khatir Studio, Al (Panchavati) Tel: 0253-2621953. NASHIK ROAD Tel: 0253-2467994. NELLORE Tel: 0861-2302347. NEW DELHI (Munirka) Tel: 011- 51115111. NEW DELHI (Vikas Puri) Tel: 011-25540989. NEW DELHI (Lodhi Road) Tel: 011-24643755.
Khobar 31952. Tel: +966-3- 8974227, 8954739, 8954108 Fax: +966-3- 8974227 Ext: 104 Email: Timings: Sun NEW DELHI (Tolstoy Marg) Tel: 011-23359829. NEW DELHI (Vikas Marg) Tel: 011-22463421. NEW DELHI (Kingsway Camp) Tel: 011-30906820. NOIDA Tel: 0120-2512058. PALAKKAD Tel: 0491-2536481. PANCHKULA Tel: 0172-
to Thu: 9.00 am to 1.00 pm & 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm Sat: 3.00 pm to 7.00 pm Jeddah: Contact: Mr. Vijay Rezayat Trading Co.Ltd. P.O.Box 2570436. PATIALA Tel: 0175-2209273. PATNA Tel: 0612-2320378. PITHAMPUR Tel: 07292-252127. PONDICHERRY Tel: 0413-2205421. PUNE (University Road) Tel: 020-25505000. PUNE (Camp) Tel: 020-26348602. PUNE
No.6670, Rear Side of Jamjoom Center, Jeddah 21452. Tel: 966-2-6654901, 6611333. Ext: 230; Mobile: 966-0503869830. Fax: 966- (Chinchwad) Tel: 020-27481736. PUNE (Kothrud) Tel: 020-25453592. PUNE (Nagar Road) Tel: 020-26699149. RAIPUR Tel: 0771-5092585. RAJKOT Tel: 0281-2472337. RANCHI Tel: 0651-2331055. RATLAM Tel: 07412-507375. ROPAR
2-6637616. Email: Timings: Sat to Wed: 8.00 am to 1.00 pm & 2.30 pm to 6.00 pm. Thu: 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. Tel: 01881-224986. SALEM Tel: 0427-2314486. SANGLI Tel: 0233-2329892. SATARA Tel: 02162-226400. SECUNDERABAD (Tarnaka) Tel: 040-27014041. SILIGURI Tel: 0353-2640716. SIMLA Tel: 0177-2622211. SOLAPUR Tel: 0217-
Riyadh: Contact: Mr. R. Ramanathan. Rezayat Trading Co. Ltd. P.O.Box No. 966, First Floor, ABB Building, Opp. Malaz Zoo, Pepsi 2316804. SURAT Tel: 0261-2479371. THIRUVANANTHAPURAM Tel: 0471-2324224. THRISSUR Tel: 0487-2442565. TIRUCHIRAPALLI Tel: 0431-2412744. TIRUNELVELI Tel: 0462-2577822. TUTICORIN Tel: 0461-2300707. UDAIPUR
Cola Road. Riyadh 11421. Tel: 966-1-4777061. Ext.: 123, 1-4777437 Fax: 966-1-4778919. Email: Timings: Tel: 0294-2561060. UJJAIN Tel: 0734-5010222. VADODARA Tel: 0265-2356397. VADODARA (Waghodia Road) Tel: 0265-2514164. VAPI Tel: 0260-2462573. VARANASI Tel: 0542-2420484. VIJAYAWADA Tel: 0866-2483262.
Sat to Wed: 8.00 am to 1.00 pm & 4.00 pm to 7.00 pm. Thu: 8.00 am to 1.00 pm. VISAKHAPATNAM Tel: 0891-2552876. WASHIM Tel: 07252-231302. YAVATMAL Tel: 07232-239941.