Research in Psycholpgy Syllabus

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Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

Province of Laguna

College of Arts and Sciences

An Outcomes-Based Learning Program


VISION: The Laguna State Polytechnic University is the center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.

MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive institution, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for
improved quality of life towards nation building.

QUALITY POLICY: LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, sustainable extension and productive services.
Thus, we are committed with continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient, and effective services to the
University stakeholders’ highest level of satisfaction through an excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and


Program: BS Psychology Academic Year: 2019-20
Course Title: Research in Psychology 1 Semester: 1st Summer: ___
Pre-Requisite/s: Statistics No. of Units: 3 No. of Hours:54

Part 1. Course Description, Course Outline, and Timeframe

Part 1.1 Course Description

Undergraduate research experience engages students in an original research project. Using one or a variety of methods, students will gather original
data and contribute to problem solving in sciences like psychology. As a first research experience, attention will be placed on the procedures of scientific
research, including formulation of a research plan, data collection, assessment of data quality, and interpretation based on available data. Students are
required to present their results to the faculty of the department.

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Part 1.2 Course Outline and Timeframe

Weeks Topics
1 Definition and Value of Research
2 Getting Started in Research
3 Research Ethics
4 Theory in Psychology
5 Psychological Measurement
6 Experimental Research
7 Nonexperimental Research
8 Survey Research
9 Single Subject Research
10 Presenting Research
12 Writing/consultation/checking of the paper
16 Communication Phase of the Research Proposal

Part 2. Outcomes-Based Macro Curriculum Framework

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Program Intended Course Intended
Institutional (ILOs)
Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes
LSPU Graduate Attributes The Bachelor of Science in Psychology is When you successfully complete Research
designed as an application of the principles in Psychology 1 , you will be able to:
LSPU Graduates is expected to be a: of human behavior, the similarities and
differences in psychological functioning with
the improvement of working conditions in
business, principles of teaching, as effective
instructor utilized systematic practice
LSPU-ACAD-SF-15 Rev. 0 10 August 2016
conducive to the preservation of mental
health of mental illness to provide students
strong foundation as a well rounded
When you have fully completed the
Bachelor of Science in Psychology you
should be graduates who:
1. Responsible and Upright Citizen, who is Demonstrate understanding of Define the “scientific method” and

capable of achieving high level personal the ethical dimensions of the describe how it operates in psychological
well-being contributive to the harmony use of psychological theories research.
and betterment of the profession, family, and methods.
society, and nation.
2. Professionally Skilled, who applies Demonstrate theoretically knowledge in
technological as worker-leader in the field psychology; specifically Construct a testable hypothesis and design
of expertise apt to the global needs. a. demonstrate an understanding of appropriate tests and data collection
theories, principles, concepts, and skills strategies.
in psychology,

b. develop and sustain arguments about

established principles in psychology,
c. critically evaluate the established
principles in psychology,
d. comprehend and evaluate new
information related to psychology (e.g.
theory, concepts, data) that may be
presented in various forms and from
various sources.

3. Creative and Critical Thinker, who Undertake further training for developing Write a coherent scientific report including
articulates and produces entrepreneurial existing skills and acquiring higher level context, methods, new data, and
resources extended to families and competencies either through formal discussion.
community for improvement. graduate education or in an employment

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4. Competent Research Oriented Individual, Apply psychological theories and methods;
who is able to analyze facts methodically, specifically
discover and establish new theory to use in a. correctly apply the theories, principles,
solving problems and decision making concepts and skills in psychology in an Collaborate and complete psychological
contributory to the sustainability of the employment context, research projects with their peers through
needs of the community. b. undertake research using the collecting high-quality original data by one
knowledge and skills in psychology, and or several commonly used methods in
communicate the results of such Psychology.
research to both specialist and non-
specialist audiences.

Part 3. Curriculum Mapping

Program Outcomes
Professional Courses
Knowledge (Intellectual Competencies)
1. Analyze “texts” (written, visual, oral, etc.) critically
2. Demonstrate proficient and effective communication (writing, speaking, and use of new
3. Use basic concepts across the domains of knowledge
4. Demonstrate critical, analytical, and creative thinking
5. Apply different analytical models in problem solving
Values (Personal and Civic Responsibilities)
1. Appreciate the complexity of the human condition
2. Interpret the human experience from various perspectives
3. Examine the contemporary world from both Philippine and global perspectives
4. Take responsibility for knowing and being Filipino
5. Reflect critically on shared concerns
6. Generate innovative practices and solutions guided by ethical standards
7. Make decisions based on moral norms and imperatives
8. Appreciate various art forms
9. Contribute to aesthetics
10. Advocate respect for human rights

LSPU-ACAD-SF-15 Rev. 0 10 August 2016

11. Contribute personally and meaningfully to the country’s development
Skills (Practical Skills)
1. Work effectively in group
2. Apply computing tools to process information effectively
3. Use current technology to assist and facilitate learning and research
4. Negotiate the world of technology responsibly
5. Create solutions to problems in various fields
6. Manage one’s knowledge, skills, and values for responsible and productive living
7. Organize one’s self for lifelong learning

I – Introduced
P – Practiced skills with supervision
D – Demonstrated skills without supervision

Part 4. Teaching and Learning Matrix

Time Intended Learning Outcomes Teaching-Learning

Course Contents Assessment Tasks
Frame (ILOs) Activities
Weeks 1 - ILO 1. Describe the Topic 1: Definition and Value of Research Professional lectures List 10 variables that
5 fundamentals of research and a a.Scientific Research in Psychology Interactive and might be of interest to a
general model of scientific researcher in psychology.
Topic 2: Getting Started in Research cooperative learning
research in psychology and give For each, specify
specific examples that fit the a. Basic Concepts Journal Reading whether it is quantitative
model. b. Generating Good Research Questions or categorical.
c. Reviewing the Research Literature
Topic 3: Research Ethics Generate five research
a. Moral Foundations of Ethical Research ideas based on each of
the following: informal
b. From Moral Principles to Ethical Codes
c. Putting Ethics Into Practice practical problems, and
Topic 4: Theory in Psychology topics discussed in recent
a. Phenomena and Theories issues of professional

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b. The Variety of Theories in Psychology journals.
c. Using Theories in Psychological Research
Generate five empirical
Topic 5: Psychological Measurement
research questions about
a. Understanding Psychological Measurement each of the following
b. Reliability and Validity of Measurement behaviours or
c. Practical Stages for Psychological Measurement psychological
characteristics: long-
distance running, getting
tattooed, social anxiety,
bullying, and
memory for early
childhood events.

Find 10 journal articles

and book chapters
on one of the following
research ideas: memory
for smells, aggressive
driving, the causes of
narcissistic personality
disorder, the functions of
the intraparietal sulcus,
or prejudice against the
physically handicapped.

Find a study in a
professional journal and
create a consent form for
that study. Be sure to
include all of the
participants’ rights and
details of the procedure
so that they can make an
LSPU-ACAD-SF-15 Rev. 0 10 August 2016

Find a recent article in a

professional journal and
do two things:
1. Identify the primary
phenomenon of interest.
2. Identify the theory or
theories used to explain
or interpret that

Ask several friends to

complete the Rosenberg
Self-Esteem Scale. Then
assess its internal
consistency by making a
scatterplot to show the
split-half correlation
(even- vs. odd-numbered
Weeks 6-9 ILO 2. Explain and define each Topic 6: Kinds of Research Professional lectures For each of the following
topics, decide whether that
kind of research is and its a. Experimental Research Interactive and
topic could be studied using
respective important b. Nonexperimental Research cooperative learning an
characteristics. c. Survey Research experimental research
design and explain why or
d. Single Subject Research
why not.
1. Effect of parietal lobe
damage on people’s ability
to do basic arithmetic.
2. Effect of being clinically
LSPU-ACAD-SF-15 Rev. 0 10 August 2016
depressed on the number
of close friendships people
3. Effect of group training
on the social skills of
teenagers with Asperger’s
4. Effect of paying people
to take an IQ test on their
performance on that test.

Think of a question that

each of the following
professionals might try to
answer using
survey research.
1. a social psychologist
2. an educational
3. a market researcher
who works for a
supermarket chain
4. the mayor of a large city
5. the head of a university
police force
Week 10 ILO 3. Define APA style and list Topic 7: Presenting Research Professional lectures Find a description of a
several of its most important a. American Psychological Association (APA) Style Interactive and research study in a
characteristics; and identify popular magazine,
b. Writng a Research Report in APA Style cooperative learning
multiple sources of information newspaper, blog, or
about APA style. c. Other Presentation Formats website.
Then identify five specific
differences between how
that description is
written and how it would

LSPU-ACAD-SF-15 Rev. 0 10 August 2016

written in APA style.
Weeks 11- ILO 4. To work with data; Topic 8: Writing/consultation/checking of the paper Summary and
14 compare with published data; presentation of research
and test hypothesis against all results
Weeks 15- ILO 5. To draft a final scientific Topic 9 :Communication Phase of the Research Professional lectures Proposal Defense
18 report Proposal Interactive and
cooperative learning

Part 5. References

Booth W., Colomb G. and Williams J.(2003). The Craft of Research, Second edition. Chicago: Chicago UP.
Hacker, Diana and Barbara Fister. (2010). Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age, 5th ed. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Paul C. Price, Rajiv Jhangiani, & I-Chant A. Chiang. (2015). Research Methods in Psychology. Creative Commons.

 LCD, Laptop

Part 6. Learners’ Assessment (Grading System)

Attendance 10%
ILOs 1-3 20%
ILOs 4-5 70% (Base on the rubrics prescribed by the department)

100% Total

Part 7. Course Policies

1. Regular attendance is required for all students; three (3) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course.
2. Wearing of the University students’ ID and uniform at all times is required for all the students except when having field activities.
3. Active participation individually or in group is expected.
4. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence.
5. Student shall abide the instructor/professor’s policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given.

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Prepared by: Reviewed: Approved:


Faculty Assoc. Dean

LSPU-ACAD-SF-15 Rev. 0 10 August 2016

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