Inguinal Hernia Repair - How It's Performed - NHS

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8/23/2019 Inguinal hernia repair - How it's performed - NHS

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How it's performed

Inguinal hernia repair
Overview (Link: /conditions/inguinal-hernia-repair/)
How it's performed
Recovery (Link: /conditions/inguinal-hernia-repair/recovery/)

An inguinal hernia repair can be carried out as either open surgery

or laparoscopic (or keyhole) surgery (Link: /conditions/laparoscopy/).
The hospital will send you instructions about when you need to stop eating
and drinking before the operation.
The operation usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes to complete and you'll
usually be able to go home on the same day. 
Some people stay in hospital overnight if they have other medical problems or
live on their own.
Read more about recovering from an inguinal hernia repair (Link:

(Link: )

Open surgery
Open inguinal hernia repair is often carried out under local anaesthetic (Link:
/conditions/local-anaesthesia/) or a regional anaesthetic injected into the
This means you'll be awake during the procedure, but the area being
operated on will be numbed so you won't experience any pain. 1/4
8/23/2019 Inguinal hernia repair - How it's performed - NHS

In some cases, a general anaesthetic (Link: /conditions/general-anaesthesia/) is

used. This means you'll be asleep during the procedure and won't feel any
Once the anaesthetic has taken effect, the surgeon makes a single cut
(incision) over the hernia. This incision is usually about 6 to 8cm long.
The surgeon then places the lump of fatty tissue or loop of bowel back into
your abdomen (tummy).
A mesh is placed in the abdominal wall, at the weak spot where the hernia
came through, to strengthen it.
When the repair is complete, your skin will be sealed with stitches. These
usually dissolve on their own over the course of a few days after the
If the hernia has become strangulated and part of the bowel is damaged, the
affected segment may need to be removed and the 2 ends of healthy bowel
This is a bigger operation and you may need to stay in hospital for 4 to 5 days.

(Link: )

Laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery

General anaesthetic is used for keyhole inguinal hernia repair, so you'll be
asleep during the operation.
During keyhole surgery, the surgeon usually makes 3 small incisions in your
abdomen instead of a single larger incision.
A thin tube containing a light source and a camera (laparoscope) is inserted
through one of these incisions so the surgeon can see inside your abdomen.
Special surgical instruments are inserted through the other incisions so the
surgeon can pull the hernia back into place.
There are 2 types of keyhole surgery.

Transabdominal preperitoneal (TAPP)

Instruments are inserted through the muscle wall of your abdomen and
through the lining covering your organs (the peritoneum).
A flap of the peritoneum is then peeled back over the hernia and a piece of
mesh is stapled or glued to the weakened area in your abdomen wall to
strengthen it.

Totally extraperitoneal (TEP) 2/4
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This is the newest keyhole technique and involves repairing the hernia
without entering the peritoneal cavity.
Once the repair is complete, the incisions in your skin are sealed with stitches
or surgical glue.

(Link: )

Which technique is best?

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), which assesses
medical treatments for the NHS, says both keyhole and open surgery for
hernias are safe and work well.
Read the NICE guidelines on using keyhole surgery to treat inguinal hernia
With keyhole surgery, there's usually less pain after the operation because the
cuts are smaller. There's also less muscle damage and the small cuts can be
closed with glue.
Keyhole surgery tends to have a quicker recovery time in people who:
have been treated before and the hernia has come back (recurrent hernia)
have hernias on both sides at the same time (bilateral hernias)
But the risks of serious complications, such as the surgeon accidentally
damaging the bowel, are higher with keyhole surgery than with open surgery.
The risk of your hernia returning is similar after both operations.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of keyhole and open surgery with
your surgeon before deciding on the most appropriate treatment.

(Link: )

Deciding which technique to use

The choice of technique for inguinal hernia repair largely depends on:

your general health – elderly people or people in bad health may be too
weak or frail to safely have a general anaesthetic, so open surgery using
local anaesthetic may be advised
the experience of your surgeon – open surgery is more common than
keyhole surgery, and not all surgeons have enough experience in keyhole
Recent guidance from the British Hernia Society advises to repair most primary
single-sided hernias (those appearing for the first time on just one side) using
the open technique. 3/4
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Keyhole techniques are usually only recommended for recurrent or bilateral

Keyhole surgery can also be useful if your surgeon isn't sure exactly what type
of hernia you have.

(Link: )

NHS waiting times

If your GP refers you to a consultant for specialist treatment, such as surgery,
you have the right to start treatment within 18 weeks.
You may be able to book your hospital appointment through the NHS e-
Referral Service (Link: while you're still in
the GP surgery.
Read more about NHS waiting times for treatment (Link:

Page last reviewed: 14 June 2018

Next review due: 14 June 2021

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repair/) repair/recovery/) 4/4

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