Application For Registration RPEQ
Application For Registration RPEQ
Application For Registration RPEQ
Approved 19 June 2019
Version 2
About Registration 1
How to apply 1
Personal Details 1
Area of engineering and registration type 2
Education and employment status 2
Evidence of identity 2
Fitness to practise 2-3
Declaration 4
Checklist 4
Fees and payment 4
False or misleading statements in form or documents attached to form 4
Logdement 4
Processing Period 4
Registration decision 5
Registration period 5
Privacy 5
You must apply for registration by way of the approved form – Application for Registration Form 2.
You must provide various personal details in the form.
Your residential address, business/employer address, and email address will be used by BPEQ to correspond
with you, including to give you notices under the PE Act. Your residential address cannot be a PO Box.
If your registration is restored, the following of your personal details will be kept in BPEQ’s register of RPEQs:
The register is open for inspection by members of the public. Details including name, RPEQ number, date of
registration, business/employer name and business/employer suburb/city, postcode, state/territory and
country also appears in the RPEQ search function on BPEQ’s website.
Your residential address will be used if you do not have a business/employer address (e.g. you are not
practising or are not practising predominantly at one place).
Your other personal information is collected to authenticate your identity when you contact BPEQ to discuss
your personal information and assist BPEQ in performing its functions under the PE Act.
You must provide the required evidence of identity documents – one Category A document and one Category
B document OR two Category B documents and one Category C document.
You must make various declarations about issues that might affect your fitness to practise as a RPEQ. For
these declarations:
bankruptcy means:
• you are a bankrupt in respect of a bankruptcy from which you have not been discharged, whether in
Australia or in an external territory of foreign country
• you have the status of an undischarged bankrupt under the law of an external territory or a foreign
• your property is subject to control by the Official Trustee or another specified registered trustee or
a solicitor, whether under a personal insolvency or otherwise, under the Bankruptcy Act 1966 (Cth)
(Bankruptcy Act) or the corresponding law of an external territory or foreign country;
• you have executed a personal insolvency agreement under Bankruptcy Act or the corresponding
law of an external territory or foreign country, and the terms of the agreement have not been fully
complied with;
• you are party to a debt agreement under the Bankruptcy Act or the corresponding law of an external
territory or a foreign country.
conviction means:
a conviction by or before any court for an offence, whether recorded, in Australia or overseas.
(b) in relation to a conviction recorded against a person where paragraph (a) above does not apply—
i. a period of five years commencing on the date the conviction is recorded; or
ii. where an order of a court made in relation to the conviction has not been satisfied within that period
of five years—a period terminating on the date the order is satisfied;
revival, for any conviction for which a rehabilitation period has expired, means the following:
(1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, where a person who has incurred a conviction—
a. in relation to which the rehabilitation period is running; or
b. in relation to which the rehabilitation period has expired;
c. in the case referred to in subparagraph (a) above—the rehabilitation period in relation to that
conviction commences again to run on the date the offender is again convicted and any part of the
rehabilitation period that elapsed between that conviction and that date is disregarded; and
d. in the case referred to in subparagraph (b) above—that conviction is taken to be revived and the
rehabilitation period in relation to that conviction commences again to run on the date of the revival
of that conviction.
(1A) However, if the subsequent conviction is quashed on appeal, the provisions of subparagraphs (c)
or (d) above (whichever is appropriate) do not apply and it is if the subsequent conviction had not
been incurred.
(2) Paragraph (1) above does not apply where the offence for which a person is subsequently convicted
is a simple offence or a regulatory offence or an offence that if committed in Queensland would
be a simple offence or a regulatory offence or an offence in respect of which the offender could be
dealt with in summary proceedings unless the court by which the person is subsequently convicted
is satisfied that, having regard to the public interest, previous convictions recorded against the
person, or any of them, should be revived and pronounces accordingly in its order.
(3) Where a court pronounces in its order that one or some only of several convictions recorded
against a person are to be revived the provisions of paragraph (1) above applies in respect of that
conviction or those convictions.
The list of issues that might affect your fitness to practise is not exhaustive. If you have any doubt about
whether an issue might affect your ability to competently and safely practise as a RPEQ, you must contact BPEQ
at or call 07 3210 3100 to discuss before lodging your notice.
You should complete the checklist to ensure you have fully completed the form and attached all required
PO Box 15213
BPEQ will endeavour to process your application as soon as practicable (the processing period). If there are
issues with your qualification for registration or fitness to practise, however, the processing period will be
BPEQ’s General Registration Process policy sets out how BPEQ will decide whether to register you and, in
registering you, whether to impose conditions on your registration.
BPEQ will notify you in writing whether it has registered or refused to register you and, if it registers you,
whether it has imposed conditions.
If BPEQ decides to register you it will give you a certificate of registration, which is evidence of your
registration. The certificate will list any conditions that are imposed on your registration.
Registration is for a period of no more than 12 months and expires 30 June each year.
The personal information you provide in your form will be used by BPEQ to administer the PE Act, including
but not limited to assessing whether to renew your registration and, if your registration is renewed, assessing
whether to impose conditions. BPEQ is authorised to collect the information by the PE Act.
BPEQ may use third parties to administer and deliver services and communications to you including, but not
limited to, maintaining BPEQ’s register of RPEQs, newsletters, updates, and online surveys. Some of these
third parties may be located outside Australia. Personal information you provide with this application may be
transferred to an entity outside Australia and stored outside Australia to administer and deliver these services
and communications. By completing the form, you agree to this transfer.
Please visit for more privacy information and information about how to access or amend
documents containing your personal information.
You must read the attached Explanatory Notes on Registration. The Explanatory Notes on Registration contain
information on the registration process under the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld) (PE Act) and
definitions for terms contained in this form.
You must complete every section of this form, attach all required documents, and make the declaration at
Section F. If you do not, your application will not be accepted and you will not be registered. Do not provide
original documents unless requested.
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ) can refuse your registration if any of the statements
or information in this form are materially false or misleading or any document or information provided is
materially false or misleading. If you are registered because of a materially false or misleading representation
or document your registration can be cancelled.
You must provide this form as an original hard copy complete with an original/wet ink signature (i.e. you
cannot lodge this form by email with an electronic signature). You can lodge this form, accompanied with all
necessary documents by post to PO Box 15213 CITY EAST QLD 4002, by delivery to BPEQ’s office at Level 15,
53 Albert Street, BRISBANE QLD 4000.
The Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland (BPEQ) will use the personal information you provide in
and with this form to:
• update and maintain your name and contact details in its records and in its register of persons who are,
or have been, registered professional engineers of Queensland (RPEQ);
• assess whether to restire your registration as a RPEQ and, in restoring your registration, whether to
impose a condition or conditions on your registration;
• if BPEQ decides to restore your registration—receive payment of your annual registration fee;
• assess whether to investigate, or authorise, in writing, an investigator to conduct an investigation of,
your conduct or of your compliance with the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld)
• assess whether to investigate, or authorise, in writing, an investigator to conduct an investigation of, a
possible disciplinary ground of conviction for an offence related to the practice of engineering;
• assess whether to require you to undergo a health assessment;
• provide you with important information about matters affecting your registration and services offered by
BPEQ; and
• provide you with services and communications including, but not limited to, newsletters, updates, and
online surveys via post, electronic and telecommunications means.
BPEQ is authorised to collect this information by section 18(3) and 18(6) of the PE Act. BPEQ will publish your
name and contact details in its register of persons who are, or have been, RPEQs, which is available to the
public. BPEQ may use third parties to administer and deliver services and communications to you including,
but not limited to, newsletters, updates, and online surveys. Some of these third parties may be located
outside Australia. Personal information you provide with this application may be transferred to an entity
outside Australia and stored outside Australia to administer and deliver these services and communications.
By completing this application, you agree to this transfer.
Title (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Prof/Dr)*
First name*
Middle name(s)*
Preferred name*
Date of birth
Country of birth
City/Town/Suburb of birth
Postal address
Include area code
Mobile telephone
Fax number
Business/employer name*
Business/employer address*
Must be street address – PO Box not accepted
Business/employer telephone*
Include area code
Business/employer email*
The information marked with an Asterix (*) will be kept in BPEQ’s register of RPEQs, which is open for inspection to the public. Some of this
information will also appear in the RPEQ search on BPEQ’s website. The questions marked with a Caret (^) are optional to answer but by
providing a response you will assist BPEQ. Your answers will be treated confidentially.
The areas of engineering and BPEQ’s assessment schemes are listed on BPEQ’s website.
Are you applying for registration as a practising professional engineer or non-practising professional
Non-practising professional engineers must not carry out, or be responsible for the carrying out of, professional engineering services. Different
registration fees apply.
List your engineering qualifications. For each qualification, state the full name of the qualification, the name
and country of the institution, and the year of graduation.
You must provide one Category A document and one Category B document OR two Category B documents and
one Category C document. Indicate below which evidence of identity documents you are submitting.
Foreign passport
Citizenship certificate
Australian passport
Firearms licence
Medicare card
Tertiary identification card (less than one year old and issued by an
Australian university)
Telephone directory
Do you have a conviction, other than a spent conviction, in Australia or overseas for:
• an indictable offence?
• an offence against the Professional Engineers Act 2002 (Qld) or the Professional Engineers Act
1988 (Qld)?
• an offence, relating to the practice of engineering, against a law applying, or that applied, in
Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of your criminal history and for each conviction attach a copy of your criminal history
sentence remarks/sentencing transcript. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Has your registration to practice as a professional engineer under a law applying, or that applied, in
Queensland, a State or Territory of Australia, the Commonwealth of Australia, or a foreign country ever been
suspended, cancelled, refused, or revoked?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of the notice of suspension, cancellation, refusal, or revocation from the registration body
and the reasons for the registration body’s decision for each suspension, cancellation, refusal, or revocation.
If NO, proceed to the next question.
Are you otherwise personally prohibited from practising as a professional engineer in Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of all relevant documents and provide details. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of all relevant documents stating the condition, a copy of the notice of decision you
were given by the registration authority and the reasons for the registration authority’s decision. If NO,
proceed to the next question.
Have you ever contravened any of the conditions on your registration to practise as a professional engineer in
Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of relevant documents stating the condition and provide details about how and why you
contravened it, if you were disciplined, and how you were disciplined. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Are you the subject of disciplinary proceedings (including any preliminary investigations or actions that
might lead to disciplinary proceedings) in relation to your registration to practise as a professional engineer
in Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of the disciplinary charges against you for each disciplinary proceeding. For each
preliminary investigation or action that might lead to disciplinary proceedings, provide details of the
allegations being investigated or action being taken that might lead to disciplinary proceedings and attach
relevant documents. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Have you ever been subject to a disciplinary decision or order in relation to your registration to practise as a
professional engineer in Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of each decision or order and reasons for each decision or order. If NO, proceed to the
next question.
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of the notice of suspension/cancellation/refusal/revocation you were given by the
association and the reasons for the association’s decision for each suspension/cancellation/refusal/
revocation. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Are you the subject of disciplinary proceedings (including any preliminary investigations or actions that
might lead to disciplinary proceedings) in relation to your membership of a association of professional
engineers in Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of each of the disciplinary charges against you. For each preliminary investigation or
action that might lead to disciplinary proceedings, provide details of the allegations being investigated or that
might lead to disciplinary proceedings and attach relevant documents. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Have you ever been subject to a disciplinary decision or order of an association of professional engineers in
Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of each decision or order and reasons for decision or order. If NO, proceed to the next
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of the trustee’s report to creditors (or equivalent) and for each bankruptcy action and
provide a statement about the reasons for the bankruptcy action and how your conduct caused or contributed
to it. Attach any other relevant documents. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Are you, or in the past six years have you been, an executive officer of a corporation affected by control action
in Australia or overseas?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of the report to creditors of the administrator/liquidator/receiver/receiver and manager
(or equivalent) for each control action and any other relevant documents and provide a statement about the
reasons for the control action and how your conduct caused or contributed to it. If NO, proceed to the next
Have you ever been required by BPEQ to undergo a health assessment?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of all relevant documents and provide details. If NO, proceed to the next question.
Is there any other issue relevant to your ability to competently and safely practise as a RPEQ, including, for
example, your mental or physical health?
Yes No
If YES, attach a copy of all relevant documents and provide details. If NO, proceed to the next section.
I declare as follows:
1. I apply for registration as a RPEQ in the area(s) of engineering stated in this form.
2. The information on this form and the documents with this form are true and correct.
3. I have read and understand this form and the Explanatory Notes on Registration.
4. I authorise BPEQ to make inquiries of and exchange information with any entity in Australia or overseas
regarding matters relevant to this application and consent to the making of these inquiries and the
exchange of this information.
5. I authorise any entity with whom BPEQ makes inquiries regarding matters relevant to this application to
disclose information to BPEQ and consent to this disclosure.
7. For applicants applying for registration as a non-practising professional engineer only—I will not carry
out, or be responsible for the carrying out of, professional engineering services in or for Queensland
within the registration period to which this application relates.
8. I consent to BPEQ giving me information, including notices under the Professional Engineers Act 2002
(Qld), by email to my email address.
9. I consent to BPEQ transferring my personal information outside Australia for the purposes stated in the
Explanatory Notes on Registration.
10. I understand it is an offence to state anything on this form, or give BPEQ any document with this form, that
I know is false or misleading in a material particular, and that doing so is a ground for BPEQ to refuse to
register me or, if I am registered, to discipline me or cancel my registration.
Complete the following checklist to ensure you have correctly completed this form.
Have you listed all areas of engineering in which you seek registration and provided Yes No
details of the assessment entity?
Have you indicated whether you are applying for registration as a practising or non- Yes No
practising professional engineer?
Have you provided the required details about your education and employment Yes No
Have you answered all fitness to practise questions and provided all required Yes No
Have you provided payment details for your application and registration fees on the
Yes No
attached Tax Invoice/Direct Debit Request Form?
Credit: Enter credit card payment details below and post to PO Box 15123 CITY EAST QLD 4002
VISA Mastercard
Cardholder name
Complete Direct Debit Request Form and post to PO Box 15213, CITY EAST QLD 4002 with
Tax Invoice
Credit card and account information is not stored by BPEQ and will be destroyed after payment
has been accepted.
A receipt will be issued following registration.
Definitions Account means the account held at the Financial Institution from which we
are authorised to arrange for funds to be debited.
Agreement means this Direct Debit Request Service Agreement between you
and us.
Banking Day means a day other than a Saturday or a Sunday or a public
holiday listed throughout Australia.
Debit Day means the day that payment by you to us is due.
Debit Payment means a particular transaction where a debit is made.
Direct Debit Request means the Direct Debit Request Form between
us and you.
Financial Institution is the financial institution where you hold the Account
that you have authorised us to arrange to debit.
us or we means the Board of Professional Engineers of Queensland,
that you have authorised by signing your Direct Debit Request.
you means the customer who signed the Direct Debit Request.
1. Debiting your Account 1.1 By signing a Direct Debit Request or by providing us with a valid
instruction, you have authorised us to arrange for funds to be debited
from your Account, either directly or through Secure Pay. You should
refer to the Direct Debit Request and this Agreement for the terms of
the arrangement between us and you.
1.2 We will only arrange for funds to be debited from your Account as
authorised in the Direct Debit Request.
will only arrange for funds to be debited from your Account if we have
sent to the address nominated by you in the Direct Debit Request, a
billing advice which specifies the amount payable by you to us and when
it is due.
1.3 If the Debit Day falls on a day that is not a Banking Day, we may direct
the Financial Institution to debit your Account on the following Banking
Day. If you are unsure about which day your Account has or will be
debited you should ask the Financial Institution.
2. Amendments by us 2.1 We may vary any details of this Agreement or your Direct Debit Request
at any time by giving you at least fourteen days written notice.
4. Your obligations 4.1 It is your responsibility to ensure that there are sufficient clear funds
available in your Account to allow a Debit Payment to be made in
accordance with the Direct Debit Request.
4.2 If there are insufficient clear funds in your Account to meet a Debit
you may be charged a fee and/or interest by the
Financial Institution;
you may also incur fees or charges imposed or incurred
by us; and
you must arrange for the Debit Payment to be made by another
method or arrange for sufficient clear funds to be in your Account
by an agreed time so that we can process the Debit Payment.
4.3 You should check your Account statement to verify that the amounts
debited from your Account are correct.
5 Dispute 5.1 If you believe that there has been an error in debiting your Account,
you should notify us directly on 07 3210 3100 and confirm that notice
in writing with us as soon as possible so that we can resolve your
query more quickly. Alternatively you can take it up directly with the
Financial Institution.
5.2 If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your Account has
been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by arranging for
the Financial Institution to adjust your Account (including interest and
charges) accordingly. We will also notify you in writing of the amount by
which your Account has been adjusted.
5.3 If we conclude as a result of our investigations that your Account has
not been incorrectly debited we will respond to your query by providing
you with reasons and any evidence for this finding in writing.
7. Confidentiality 7.1 We will keep any information (including your Account details) in
your Direct Debit Request confidential. We will make reasonable
efforts to keep any such information that we have about you secure
and to ensure that any of our employees or agents who have access
to information about you do not make any unauthorised use,
modification, reproduction or disclosure of that information.
7.2 We will only disclose information that we have about you:
(a) to the extent specifically required by law; or
(b) the purposes of this Agreement (including disclosing
information in connection with any query or claim).
8. Notice 8.1 If you wish to notify us in writing about anything relating to this
Agreement, you should write to The Board of Professional Engineers of
Queensland, Level 15, 53 Albert Street, Brisbane QLD 4000.
8.2 We will notify you by sending a notice in the ordinary post to the
address you have given us in the Direct Debit Request.
8.3 Any notice will be deemed to have been received on the third
Banking Day after posting.