SDLC - An Introduction To SDLC

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The traditional life cycle process for developing customized applications is referred to as Systems
Development Life Cycle.
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Systems Development Life Cycle

I. Introduction
This document provides an overview of the more common system development Process
Models, used to guide the analysis, design, development, and maintenance of information
systems. There are many different methods and techniques used to direct the life cycle of a
software development project and most real-world models are customized adaptations of
the generic models. Each one is designed for a specific purpose, yet, most have similar goals
and share many common tasks. This paper will explore the similarities and differences
among these various models and will also discuss how different approaches are chosen and
combined to address practical situations.

II. Typical Tasks in the Development Process Life Cycle

The traditional life cycle process for developing customized applications is referred to as
Systems Development Life Cycle.

Professional system developers and the customers they serve share a common goal of
building information systems that effectively support business process objectives. In order to
ensure that cost-effective, quality systems are developed which address an organization's
business needs, developers employ some kind of system development Process Model to
direct the project's life cycle. Typical activities performed include the following:

Definition Phase
 Feasibility Analysis
 Requirements Definition
Construction Phase
 System Design
 System Building
 System Testing
Implementation Phase
 Installation
 Operation
 Maintenance

 System conceptualization
 System requirements and benefits analysis
 Project adoption and project scoping
 System design
 Specification of software requirements
 Architectural design
 Detailed design
 Unit development
 Software integration & testing
 System integration & testing
 Installation at site
 Site testing and acceptance

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 Training and documentation
 Implementation
 Maintenance

III. Process Model, Life-Cycle Variations

While nearly all system development efforts engage in some combination of the above
tasks, they can be differentiated by the feedback and control methods employed during
development and the timing of activities. Most system development Process Models in use
today have evolved from three primary approaches: Ad-hoc Development, Waterfall Model,
and the Iterative process.

A. Ad-hoc Development
Early systems development often took place in a rather chaotic and haphazard
manner, relying entirely on the skills and experience of the individual staff members
performing the work. Today, many organizations still practice Ad-hoc Development
either entirely or for a certain subset of their development (e.g. small projects).

The Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University2 points out that
with Ad-hoc Process Models, "process capability is unpredictable because the
software process is constantly changed or modified as the work progresses.
Schedules, budgets, functionality, and product quality are generally (inconsistent).
Performance depends on the capabilities of individuals and varies with their innate
skills, knowledge, and motivations. There are few stable software processes in
evidence, and performance can be predicted only by individual rather than
organizational capability."

Figure 1. Ad-hoc Development

"Even in undisciplined organizations, however, some individual software projects

produce excellent results. When such projects succeed, it is generally through the
heroic efforts of a dedicated team, rather than through repeating the proven
methods of an organization with a mature software process. In the absence of an
organization-wide software process, repeating results depends entirely on having
the same individuals available for the next project. Success that rests solely on the
availability of specific individuals provides no basis for long-term productivity and
quality improvement throughout an organization."

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B. The Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model is the earliest method of structured system development.
Although it has come under attack in recent years for being too rigid and unrealistic
when it comes to quickly meeting customer's needs, the Waterfall Model is still
widely used. It is attributed with providing the theoretical basis for other Process
Models, because it most closely resembles a "generic" model for software

Figure 2. Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model consists of the following steps:

System Conceptualization. System Conceptualization refers to the consideration of

all aspects of the targeted business function or process, with the goals of
determining how each of those aspects relates with one another, and which aspects
will be incorporated into the system.

Systems Analysis. This step refers to the gathering of system requirements, with the
goal of determining how these requirements will be accommodated in the system.
Extensive communication between the customer and the developer is essential.

System Design. Once the requirements have been collected and analyzed, it is
necessary to identify in detail how the system will be constructed to perform
necessary tasks. More specifically, the System Design phase is focused on the data
requirements (what information will be processed in the system?), the software
construction (how will the application be constructed?), and the interface
construction (what will the system look like? What standards will be followed?).

Coding. Also known as programming, this step involves the creation of the system
software. Requirements and systems specifications from the System Design step are
translated into machine readable computer code.

Testing. As the software is created and added to the developing system, testing is
performed to ensure that it is working correctly and efficiently. Testing is generally
focused on two areas: internal efficiency and external effectiveness. The goal of
external effectiveness testing is to verify that the software is functioning according
to system design, and that it is performing all necessary functions or sub-functions.

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The goal of internal testing is to make sure that the computer code is efficient,
standardized, and well documented. Testing can be a labor-intensive process, due to
its iterative nature.


Although the Waterfall Model has been used extensively over the years in the
production of many quality systems, it is not without its problems. In recent years it
has come under attack, due to its rigid design and inflexible procedure. Criticisms fall
into the following categories:

Real projects rarely follow the sequential flow that the model proposes.

At the beginning of most projects there is often a great deal of uncertainty about
requirements and goals, and it is therefore difficult for customers to identify these
criteria on a detailed level. The model does not accommodate this natural
uncertainty very well.

Developing a system using the Waterfall Model can be a long, painstaking process
that does not yield a working version of the system until late in the process.

C. Iterative Development
The problems with the Waterfall Model created a demand for a new method of
developing systems which could provide faster results, require less up-front
information, and offer greater flexibility. With Iterative Development, the project is
divided into small parts. This allows the development team to demonstrate results
earlier on in the process and obtain valuable feedback from system users. Often,
each iteration is actually a mini-Waterfall process with the feedback from one phase
providing vital information for the design of the next phase. In a variation of this
model, the software products which are produced at the end of each step (or series
of steps) can go into production immediately as incremental releases.

Figure 3. Iterative Development

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While the Iterative Model addresses many of the problems associated with the
Waterfall Model, it does present new challenges.

The user community needs to be actively involved throughout the project. While this
involvement is a positive for the project, it is demanding on the time of the staff and
can add project delay.

Communication and coordination skills take center stage in project development.

Informal requests for improvement after each phase may lead to confusion -- a
controlled mechanism for handling substantive requests needs to be developed.

The Iterative Model can lead to "scope creep," since user feedback following each
phase may lead to increased customer demands. As users see the system develop,
they may realize the potential of other system capabilities which would enhance
their work.

D. Variations on Iterative Development

A number of Process Models have evolved from the Iterative approach. All of these
methods produce some demonstrable software product early on in the process in
order to obtain valuable feedback from system users or other members of the
project team. Several of these methods are described below.

E. Prototyping
The Prototyping Model was developed on the assumption that it is often difficult to
know all of your requirements at the beginning of a project. Typically, users know
many of the objectives that they wish to address with a system, but they do not
know all the nuances of the data, nor do they know the details of the system
features and capabilities. The Prototyping Model allows for these conditions, and
offers a development approach that yields results without first requiring all
information up-front.

When using the Prototyping Model, the developer builds a simplified version of the
proposed system and presents it to the customer for consideration as part of the
development process. The customer in turn provides feedback to the developer,
who goes back to refine the system requirements to incorporate the additional
information. Often, the prototype code is thrown away and entirely new programs
are developed once requirements are identified.

There are a few different approaches that may be followed when using the
Prototyping Model:

 Creation of the major user interfaces without any substantive coding in the
background in order to give the users a "feel" for what the system will look
 Development of an abbreviated version of the system that performs a
limited subset of functions; development of a paper system (depicting
proposed screens, reports, relationships etc.), or

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 Use of an existing system or system components to demonstrate some
functions that will be included in the developed system.

Prototyping is comprised of the following steps:

Requirements Definition/Collection. Similar to the Conceptualization phase of the

Waterfall Model, but not as comprehensive. The information collected is usually
limited to a subset of the complete system requirements.

Design. Once the initial layer of requirements information is collected, or new

information is gathered, it is rapidly integrated into a new or existing design so that
it may be folded into the prototype.

Prototype Creation/Modification. The information from the design is rapidly rolled

into a prototype. This may mean the creation/modification of paper information,
new coding, or modifications to existing coding.

Assessment. The prototype is presented to the customer for review. Comments and
suggestions are collected from the customer.

Prototype Refinement. Information collected from the customer is digested and the
prototype is refined. The developer revises the prototype to make it more effective
and efficient.

System Implementation. In most cases, the system is rewritten once requirements

are understood. Sometimes, the Iterative process eventually produces a working
system that can be the cornerstone for the fully functional system.


Criticisms of the Prototyping Model generally fall into the following categories:

Prototyping can lead to false expectations. Prototyping often creates a situation

where the customer mistakenly believes that the system is "finished" when in fact it
is not. More specifically, when using the Prototyping Model, the pre-
implementation versions of a system are really nothing more than one-dimensional
structures. The necessary, behind-the-scenes work such as database normalization,
documentation, testing, and reviews for efficiency have not been done. Thus the
necessary underpinnings for the system are not in place.

Prototyping can lead to poorly designed systems. Because the primary goal of
Prototyping is rapid development, the design of the system can sometimes suffer
because the system is built in a series of "layers" without a global consideration of
the integration of all other components. While initial software development is often
built to be a "throwaway", attempting to retroactively produce a solid system design
can sometimes be problematic.

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F. Variation of the Prototyping Model
A popular variation of the Prototyping Model is called Rapid Application
Development (RAD). RAD introduces strict time limits on each development phase
and relies heavily on rapid application tools which allow for quick development.

1. The Exploratory Model

In some situations it is very difficult, if not impossible, to identify any of the
requirements for a system at the beginning of the project. Theoretical areas
such as Artificial Intelligence are candidates for using the Exploratory
Model, because much of the research in these areas is based on guess-work,
estimation, and hypothesis. In these cases, an assumption is made as to how
the system might work and then rapid iterations are used to quickly
incorporate suggested changes and build a usable system. A distinguishing
characteristic of the Exploratory Model is the absence of precise
specifications. Validation is based on adequacy of the end result and not on
its adherence to pre-conceived requirements.

The Exploratory Model is extremely simple in its construction; it is

composed of the following steps:

 Initial Specification Development. Using whatever

information is immediately available, a brief System
Specification is created to provide a rudimentary
starting point.
 System Construction/Modification. A system is created
and/or modified according to whatever information is
 System Test. The system is tested to see what it does,
what can be learned from it, and how it may be
 System Implementation. After many iterations of the
previous two steps produce satisfactory results, the
system is dubbed as "finished" and implemented.



There are numerous criticisms of the Exploratory Model:

 It is limited to use with very high-level languages that

allow for rapid development, such as LISP.
 It is difficult to measure or predict its cost-effectiveness.
 As with the Prototyping Model, the use of the
Exploratory Model often yields inefficient or crudely
designed systems, since no forethought is given as to
how to produce a streamlined system.

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2. The Spiral Model
The Spiral Model was designed to include the best features from the
Waterfall and Prototyping Models, and introduces a new component - risk-
assessment. The term "spiral" is used to describe the process that is
followed as the development of the system takes place. Similar to the
Prototyping Model, an initial version of the system is developed, and then
repetitively modified based on input received from customer evaluations.
Unlike the Prototyping Model, however, the development of each version of
the system is carefully designed using the steps involved in the Waterfall
Model. With each iteration around the spiral (beginning at the center and
working outward), progressively more complete versions of the system are

Figure 4. Spiral Model

Risk assessment is included as a step in the development process as a means

of evaluating each version of the system to determine whether or not
development should continue. If the customer decides that any identified
risks are too great, the project may be halted. For example, if a substantial
increase in cost or project completion time is identified during one phase of
risk assessment, the customer or the developer may decide that it does not
make sense to continue with the project, since the increased cost or
lengthened timeframe may make continuation of the project impractical or

The Spiral Model is made up of the following steps:

Project Objectives. Similar to the system conception phase of the

Waterfall Model. Objectives are determined, possible obstacles are
identified and alternative approaches are weighed.

Risk Assessment. Possible alternatives are examined by the

developer, and associated risks/problems are identified. Resolutions
of the risks are evaluated and weighed in the consideration of
project continuation. Sometimes prototyping is used to clarify

Engineering & Production. Detailed requirements are determined

and the software piece is developed.

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Planning and Management. The customer is given an opportunity to
analyze the results of the version created in the Engineering step
and to offer feedback to the developer.


Due to the relative newness of the Spiral Model, it is difficult to assess its
strengths and weaknesses. However, the risk assessment component of the
Spiral Model provides both developers and customers with a measuring tool
that earlier Process Models do not have. The measurement of risk is a
feature that occurs every day in real-life situations, but (unfortunately) not
as often in the system development industry. The practical nature of this
tool helps to make the Spiral Model a more realistic Process Model than
some of its predecessors.

3. The Reuse Model

The basic premise behind the Reuse Model is that systems should be built
using existing components, as opposed to custom-building new
components. The Reuse Model is clearly suited to Object-Oriented
computing environments, which have become one of the premiere
technologies in today's system development industry.

Within the Reuse Model, libraries of software modules are maintained that
can be copied for use in any system. These components are of two types:
procedural modules and database modules. When building a new system,
the developer will "borrow" a copy of a module from the system library and
then plug it into a function or procedure. If the needed module is not
available, the developer will build it, and store a copy in the system library
for future usage. If the modules are well engineered, the developer with
minimal changes can implement them.

The Reuse Model consists of the following steps:

Definition of Requirements. Initial system requirements are collected.

These requirements are usually a subset of complete system requirements.

Definition of Objects. The objects, which can support the necessary system
components, are identified.

Collection of Objects. The system libraries are scanned to determine

whether or not the needed objects are available. Copies of the needed
objects are downloaded from the system.

Creation of Customized Objects. Objects that have been identified as

needed, but that are not available in the library are created.

Prototype Assembly. A prototype version of the system is created and/or

modified using the necessary objects.

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Prototype Evaluation. The prototype is evaluated to determine if it
adequately addresses customer needs and requirements.

Requirements Refinement. Requirements are further refined as a more

detailed version of the prototype is created.

Objects Refinement. Objects are refined to reflect the changes in the



A general criticism of the Reuse Model is that it is limited for use in object-
oriented development environments. Although this environment is rapidly
growing in popularity, it is currently used in only a minority of system
development applications.

4. Creating and Combining Models

In many cases, parts and procedures from various Process Models are
integrated to support system development. This occurs because most
models were designed to provide a framework for achieving success only
under a certain set of circumstances. When the circumstances change
beyond the limits of the model, the results from using it are no longer
predictable. When this situation occurs it is sometimes necessary to alter
the existing model to accommodate the change in circumstances, or adopt
or combine different models to accommodate the new circumstances.

The selection of an appropriate Process Model hinges primarily on two

factors: organizational environment and the nature of the application. Frank
Land, from the London School of Economics, suggests that suitable
approaches to system analysis, design, development, and implementation
be based on the relationship between the information system and its
organizational environment.8 Four categories of relationships are identified:

The Unchanging Environment. Information requirements are

unchanging for the lifetime of the system (e.g. those depending on
scientific algorithms). Requirements can be stated unambiguously
and comprehensively. A high degree of accuracy is essential. In this
environment, formal methods (such as the Waterfall or Spiral
Models) would provide the completeness and precision required by
the system.

The Turbulent Environment. The organization is undergoing constant

change and system requirements are always changing. A system
developed on the basis of the conventional Waterfall Model would
be, in part; already obsolete by the time it is implemented. Many
business systems fall into this category. Successful methods would
include those, which incorporate rapid development, some
throwaway code (such as in Prototyping), the maximum use of
reusable code, and a highly modular design.

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The Uncertain Environment. The requirements of the system are
unknown or uncertain. It is not possible to define requirements
accurately ahead of time because the situation is new or the system
being employed is highly innovative. Here, the development methods
must emphasize learning. Experimental Process Models, which take
advantage of prototyping and rapid development, are most

The Adaptive Environment. The environment may change in reaction

to the system being developed, thus initiating a changed set of
requirements. Teaching systems and expert systems fall into this
category. For these systems, adaptation is key, and the methodology
must allow for a straightforward introduction of new rules.

5. Summary
The evolution of system development Process Models has reflected the
changing needs of computer customers. As customers demanded faster
results, more involvement in the development process, and the inclusion of
measures to determine risks and effectiveness, the methods for developing
systems changed. In addition, the software and hardware tools used in the
industry changed (and continue to change) substantially. Faster networks
and hardware supported the use of smarter and faster operating systems
that paved the way for new languages and databases, and applications that
were far more powerful than any predecessors. These rapid and numerous
changes in the system development environment simultaneously spawned
the development of more practical new Process Models and the demise of
older models that were no longer useful.

IV. References

Bassett, Paul "Partnerships take out the garbage", Software Magazine, Nov
1994 v14 n11 p96(2).

S Bell and A T Wood-Harper, "Rapid Information Systems Development - a

Non-Specialists Guide to Analysis and Design in an Imperfect World",
McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead, UK, 1992.

W Cotterman and J Senn, "Challenges and Opportunities for Research into

Systems Development", John Wiley, Chichester, 1992.

A L Friedman (with D.S. Cornford), "Computer Systems Development:

History, Organization and Implementation", John Wiley, Chichester, 1989.

Frank Kand, "A Contingency Based Approach to Requirements Elicitation and

Systems Development," London School of Economics, J. Systems Software

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Mark C. Paulk, Bill Curtis, Mary Beth Chrissis, and Charles V. Weber,
"Capability Maturity Model for Software, Version 1.1", Software Engineering
Institute, February 1993

Mark C. Paulk, Charles V. Weber, Suzanne M. Garcia, Mary Beth Chrissis, and
Marilyn W. Bush, "Key Practices of the Capability Maturity Model, Version
1.1", Software Engineering Institute, February 1993.

Linda Spence, University of Sutherland, "Software Engineering," available at

Kal Toth, Intellitech Consulting Inc. and Simon Fraser University; lecture
notes: Software Engineering Best Practices, 1997.

G Walsham "Interpreting Information Systems in Organizations", John Wiley,

Chichester, 1993.

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