People V Bayker Facts:: Walang Utak - . - . Mga Anak NG Puta - . - . Magkano Ba Kayo - . - God Damn You All."
People V Bayker Facts:: Walang Utak - . - . Mga Anak NG Puta - . - . Magkano Ba Kayo - . - God Damn You All."
People V Bayker Facts:: Walang Utak - . - . Mga Anak NG Puta - . - . Magkano Ba Kayo - . - God Damn You All."
Inasmuch as the prescribed penalty is prision In view of the foregoing, the indeterminate
correccional in its maximum period to prision mayor sentence for the accused-appellant is from four
in its minimum period, plus one year for each years and two months of prision correccional, as
additional Pl0,000.00 over P22,000.00, provided that the minimum, to nine years, eight months and 21
the total penalty shall not exceed 20 years, the days of prision mayor.
penalty to be imposed on the accused-appellant
should depend on the amount defrauded. We note
that the RTC took into consideration only the sum of FRANCISCO v CA
P40,000.00, and the CA concurred with the RTC
thereon. Yet, the records reveal that Miparanum FACTS:
paid to the accused-appellant and her co-
accused not only P40,000.00 but the aggregate The petitioner, then president and general
sum of P54,700.00 (i.e., the P6,000.00 for the manager of ASPAC Trans Company, was charged
seaman's book, the additional P6,000.00 for the with the crime of multiple grave oral defamation by
seaman's book, the P40,000.00 for placement fee, uttering the words “You employees in this office are
and P2,700 for his training certificate). The amount all tanga, son of a bitches (sic), bullshit. Puro kayo
of P54, 700.00 is the determinant of the penalty to walang utak . . . . Mga anak ng puta . . . . Magkano
be imposed. ba kayo . . . God damn you all.”
Pursuant to Article 315 of the Revised Penal Code, The MTC of Makati found him guilty. Aggrieved, he
the penalty prescribed for estafa in which the elevated the case to RTC. The RTC affirmed his
amount of the fraud is over P12,000.00 but does not conviction but appreciated in his favor a mitigating
exceed P22,000.00 is prision correccional in its circumstance analogous to passion or obfuscation.
maximum period to prision mayor in its minimum
period (i.e., four years, two months and one day to Accordingly, petitioner was sentenced "in each
eight years); if the amount of the fraud exceeds case to a STRAIGHT penalty of EIGHT (8) MONTHS
P22,000.00, the penalty thus prescribed shall be imprisonment . . . . "3 After he failed to interpose an
imposed in its maximum period, and one year shall appeal therefrom the decision.of the RTC became
be added for each additional Pl0,000.00 provided final. The case was then set for execution of
the total penalty imposed shall not exceed 20 judgment by the MeTC which, as a consequence,
years. Considering that the penalty does not consist issued a warrant of arrest. But before he could be
of three periods, the prescribed penalty is divided arrested petitioner filed an application for
into three equal portions, and each portion shall probation which the MeTC denied.
form a period, with the maximum period being then
On appeal, the Court of Appeals dismissed the arrest of petitioner had been issued . . . (and)
petition. almost two months after (his) receipt of the
Decision" 22 of the RTC.
Whether or not the petitioner is still qualified to avail
probation. FACTS:
The petitioner had been indicted for removing and Probation is revocable before the final discharge of
substituting the picture of Maria Eloisa Criss Diazen the probationer by the court, contrary to the
which had been attached to her United States of petitioner's submission.
America passport, with that of Florencia Notarte, in
effect falsifying a genuine public or official Section 16 of PD 968 8 is clear on this score:
document. The trial court found the petitioner guilty
of the crime of falsification of a public document. See. 16. Termination of Probation. — After
the period of probation and upon
On appeal, the Court of Appeals affirmed the lower consideration of the report and
court's decision. recommendation of the probation officer,
the court may order the final discharge of
After the case had been remanded to the court of the probationer upon finding that he has
origin for execution of judgment, 2 the petitioner fulfilled the terms and conditions of his
applied for and was granted probation by the probation and thereupon the case is
respondent judge in his order dated August 11, deemed terminated.
1982. The petitioner was then placed under
probation for a period of one (1) year, subject to Thus, the expiration of the probation period alone
the terms and conditions enumerated therein. does not automatically terminate probation.
Nowhere is the ipso facto termination of probation
On September 23, 1982, the probationer (petitioner) found in the provisions of the probation law.
asked his supervising probation officer for permission Probation is not coterminous with its period. There
to transfer his residence from BF Homes to Phil-Am must first be issued by the court of an order of final
Life Subdivision in Las Piñas specifically 33 Jingco discharge based on the report and
Street. The probation officer verbally granted the recommendation of the probation officer. Only
probationer's request as he found nothing from such issuance can the case of the probationer
objectionable to it. be deemed terminated.
The MTC denied his application, prompting necessarily deemed a waiver of his right to
petitioner to file a special civil action with the appeal.20 While he did not file an appeal before
Regional Trial Court (RTC). While his first Petition applying for probation, he assailed the validity of
raised the sole issue of the denial of his application the conviction in the guise of a petition supposedly
for probation, he filed a Supplemental Petition, assailing the denial of probation. In so doing, he
assailing the validity of the promulgation of the MTC attempted to circumvent P.D. No. 968, as
judgment; and impleaded private complainants. amended by P.D. 1990, which seeks to make
appeal and probation mutually exclusive remedies.
The RTC ruled in favor of the petitioner stating that
the latter be immediately released.
The CA, however, reversed the decision of the RTC. VILLAREAL v PEOPLE
A criminal case was filed against the accused
Whether or not the petitioner is entitled to Aquilans. The RTC found them guilty of the crime
probation. charged.
Tecson et al. thus committed a fatal error when To summarize, Article 122 of the Revised Penal
they filed their probation applications with Code, before its amendment, provided that piracy
Caloocan City RTC Branch 130, and not with must be committed on the high seas by any person
Branch 121. We stress that applicants are not at not a member of its complement nor a passenger
liberty to choose the forum in which they may seek thereof. Upon its amendment by Republic Act No.
probation, as the requirement under Section 4 of 7659, the coverage of the pertinent provision was
the Probation law is substantive and not merely widened to include offenses committed "in
procedural. Considering, therefore, that the Philippine waters." On the other hand, under
probation proceedings were premised on an Presidential Decree No. 532 (issued in 1974), the
unwarranted exercise of authority, we find that coverage of the law on piracy embraces any
Caloocan City RTC Branch 130 never acquired person including "a passenger or member of the
jurisdiction over the case. complement of said vessel in Philippine waters."
Hence, passenger or not, a member of the
complement or not, any person is covered by the
Furthermore, since the accused appealed their
conviction to the CA, they could have been no
longer availed of probation.
Republic Act No. 7659 neither superseded nor
PEOPLE v TULIN amended the provisions on piracy under
Presidential Decree No. 532. There is no
FACTS: contradiction between the two laws. There is
likewise no ambiguity and hence, there is no need
The accused were charged with the crime of to construe or interpret the law. All the presidential
piracy. The RTC found the accused guilty of the decree did was to widen the coverage of the law,
crime charged. On appeal, the CA affirmed the in keeping with the intent to protect the citizenry as
RTC decision. well as neighboring states from crimes against the
law of nations. As expressed in one of the "whereas"
Accused-appellant Hiong ratiocinates that he can clauses of Presidential Decree No. 532, piracy is
no longer be convicted of piracy in Philippine "among the highest forms of lawlessness
waters as defined and penalized in Sections 2[d] condemned by the penal statutes of all countries."
and 3[a], respectively of Presidential Decree No. For this reason, piracy under the Article 122, as
532 because Republic Act No. 7659 (effective amended, and piracy under Presidential Decree
January 1, 1994), which amended Article 122 of the No. 532 exist harmoniously as separate laws.
Revised Penal Code, has impliedly superseded
Presidential Decree No. 532. He reasons out that PEOPLE v DELA PNEA
Presidential Decree No. 532 has been rendered
"superfluous or duplicitous" because both Article 122 FACTS:
The accused-appellant was charged with the crime sacks of copra were part of the vessel's cargo. The
of piracy. The RTC found him guilty of piracy. On Information also stated that the vessel's equipment
appeal, the CA affirmed the trial court’s decision. which consisted of the engine, propeller tube, and
tools were taken and carried away by the
The accused alleged that the prosecution failed to appellant. Furthermore, the Information also stated
prove the elements of piracy under PD 532. He that the personal belongings of the passengers
posits that the Information failed to allege the consisting of two watches, jewelry, cellphone, and
elements of the crime of piracy. Appellant cash money were taken by the appellant and his
maintains that the Information did not state that the armed companions. The appellant was able to
vessel in question was in Philippine waters and that seize these items when he, along with armed
its cargo, equipment, or personal belongings of the companions, boarded the victims' pump boat and
passengers or complement were seized. seized control of the same. Armed with firearms,
appellant and his companions tied Jose's hands,
ISSUE: covered his head, and operated their pump boat.
They travelled to an island in Samar where they
Whether or not the appellant is guilty of piracy.
unloaded the sacks of copra. Thereafter, appellant
RULING: YES and his armed companions travelled to another
island where the engine, propeller tube, and tools
Section 2(d) of PD 532 defines piracy as follows: of the pump boat were taken out and loaded on
appellant's boat.
Any attack upon or seizure of any vessel, or the
taking away of the whole or part thereof or its From the foregoing, the Court finds that the
prosecution was able to establish that the victims'
cargo, equipment, or the personal belongings of its
pump boat was in Philippine waters when appellant
complement or passengers, irrespective of the
value thereof, by means of violence against or and his armed companions boarded the same and
intimidation of persons or force upon things, seized its cargo, equipment, and the personal
belongings of the passengers.
committed by any person, including a passenger or
member of the complement of said vessel, in
Philippine waters shall be considered as piracy.