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W~rf3ck~ ~*1'iT1f /Ft.1f~~P

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The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Course Examination ptTerm, 2015-16

# a Mis~&..;t,;f*
Course Code & Title : MATHI020AfB/G General Mathematics
Time allowed 2
hours ----_..-------------_
~~ Yt.
Student LD. No Seat No. :

Answer ALL Questions.

1. Given that
J(x) = 2 + e 1- x
(a) (2 points) Find j-l(X), the inverse of j.
(b) (4 points) Verify your answer inpart(a) by showing

(J 0 f-1) (x) = x.

(c) (4 points) Find the ranges ofJ(x) a nd J-l(X).

2. Solve the following problems. Justify your answers.

(a) (3 points) Prove the following identity:

sec x tanx
- - = cosxcotx.
tanx sec x
(b) Given that
J(x) = V3 cos x - 3sinx.
i. (4 points) Find constants A > 0 and 0 < B < 211" such that J(x) = A cos (x + B)
for all real numbers x.
11. (4 points) Solve J(x) = -3 for 0 < x < 211".

3. Let A (2, 4), B (I, 1,0) and C = (3,3,5) be three points in IR3.

(a) (3 points) Find the angle between the vectors BA and EG. Leave your answer in
terms of an inverse trigonometric function.
(b) (2 points) Suppose that ABCD is a parallelogram. Find the coordinates of D.
Note that the Band D are opposite vertices of the parallelogram.
(c) (3 points) Find the area of the parallelogram ABCD.
Course Code *I- § ~~: ...~1'~191.9Af11!_~._. ___..__.._.__..________ ~ ;;.. ~ (~ .:::.. ~) Page 2 of 3

4. Solve the following problems. Justify your answers.

(a) (5 points) Find the focal point and directrix of the parabola with the equation

y2 8x - 6y - 7 = O.

(b) (5 pOints) Show that

4x2 + y2 + 24x 4y + 24 0

is the equation of an ellipse. Find the centre and vertices of this ellipse.
(c) (5 points) Find the equation of the hyperbola with the vertices at (0, ±4) and foci
at (0, ±5). Also, write down the equation of its asymptotes.
(d) Consider the conic section C defined by the equation

x 2 + 2xy + y2 7x + 7y = o.
1. (3 points) Find all the y-intercept(s) of C.
ii. (4 points) Transform the equation above to one in terms of new variables x'
and y', where x'- and yl- axes are obtained by rotating the x-and y- axes
counter-clockwisely by () = 1['/4.
iii. (4 points) Sketch the conic C. Show both the X-, y- axes and x' -, y' - axes.

5. Let

and b = [ :J
(a) (3 points) Solve the system Ax b by Guassian elimination.
(b) (3 points) Solve the system Ax = b by LU factorization.
(c) (3 points) Find the determinant of A, i.e., detA.
(d) (3 paints) Find the inverse of A or show that it does not exist.

6. Let
A= b c and b
[ d 2

(a) (3 points) Use the cofactor expansion along the first row to show that

detA = b 2ab - acd.

(b) (3 points) Given that b+ 2ab = 1 +acd and Ax = b. Express x in terms of a, b, c, d.

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7. Consider the following linear programming problem (LPP):

Maximize z = 3x+4y
subject to
2x + y > 3
x 2y > 2
Problem 1:-:
x + y < 2
3x 1.5y 4.5
x > 0
y > 0

(a) (4 points) Draw the feasible region of the linear program in (x, y) space and label
the constraints.
(b) (6 points) Find the extreme points of the set of feasible solutions for Problem I:­
and then find the optimal solution( s) .

8. Solve the following problems. Justify your answers.

(a) (3 points) Show that for all positive integers m and n:

n ( m~ n } = (m + 1) ( : + 7) .
(b) (3 points) Use the Binomial Series to find the first four terms of a power series
representation of the following function
And determine the radius of convergence of f.
(c) i. (3 points) Does this series converge or diverge? If it converges, find its sum. If
it diverges, explain why.

ii. (3 points) Does this series converge or diverge? If it converges, find its sum. If
it diverges, explain why.

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(d) i. (3 points) Find the partial fraction decomposition of the rational function:

11. (2 points) Use the result of 8(d) i., find the sum of the following series:

L - k2---1-2'

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