PVC and CPVC Piping Selection Guide: Solvent-Welded Pressure Rating Vs Service Temperature For PVC and CPVC Pipes
PVC and CPVC Piping Selection Guide: Solvent-Welded Pressure Rating Vs Service Temperature For PVC and CPVC Pipes
PVC and CPVC Piping Selection Guide: Solvent-Welded Pressure Rating Vs Service Temperature For PVC and CPVC Pipes
Solvent-Welded Pressure Rating vs Service Temperature for PVC and CPVC Pipes
Outsid † DR=D f=1 f=1 f=0.75 f=0.62 f=0.50 f=0.40 f=0.65 f=0.30 f=0.57 f=0.22 f=0.50 f=0.40 f=0.25 f=0.20 f=0.16
e Wall /† S=2000 S=2000 S=1500 S=1240 S=1000 S=800 S=1300 S=600 S=1135 S=440 S=1000 S=800 S=500 S=400 S=320
1/2 0.840 0.147 5.714 848 848 636 526 424 339 552 255 484 187 424 339 212 170 136
3/4 1.050 0.154 6.818 688 688 516 426 344 275 447 206 392 151 344 275 172 138 110
1 1.315 0.179 7.346 630 630 473 390 315 252 410 189 359 139 315 252 158 126 101
1-1/4 1.660 0.191 8.691 520 520 390 322 260 208 338 156 296 114 260 208 130 104 83
1-1/2 1.900 0.200 9.500 471 471 353 292 235 188 306 141 268 104 235 188 118 94 75
2 2.375 0.218 10.894 404 404 303 251 202 162 263 121 230 89 202 162 101 81 65
2-1/2 2.875 0.276 10.417 425 425 319 263 212 170 276 127 242 93 212 170 106 85 68
3 3.500 0.300 11.667 375 375 281 233 188 150 244 113 214 83 188 150 94 75 60
4 4.500 0.337 13.353 324 324 243 201 162 130 210 97 185 71 162 130 81 65 52
6 6.625 0.432 15.336 279 279 209 173 140 112 181 84 159 61 140 112 70 56 45
8 8.625 0.500 17.250 246 246 185 153 123 98 160 74 140 54 123 98 62 49 39
2S† 2S
P= = = P73°Ff
D - † DR - 1
= Pressure rating of pipe at service temperatures (psi)
S = Hydrostatic design stress (psi)
D = Outside diameter of pipe (inches)
† = Pipe wall thickness (inches)
f = Derating factor for service temperature
DR = Dimensions ratio (D/†)
P73°F = Pressure rating at 73°F
Note 1: Figures for pressure rating at 73°F are rounded off from actual calculated values. Pressure ratings for other temperatures are calculated from 73°F values.
Note 2: Pressure ratings are for PVC (12454-B) and CPVC (23447-B) pipes. For most sizes, pressure ratings are calculated from the experimentally determined long-term strength of PVC
type 1 and CPVC extrusion compounds. Because molding compounds may differ in long-term strength and elevated temperature properties from pipe compounds, piping systems
consisting of extruded pipe and molded fittings may have lower pressure ratings than those shown here, particularly at the higher temperatures. Caution should be exercised when
designing PVC systems operating above 100°F and CPVC systems operating above 180°F.
Note 3: The pressure ratings given are for solvent-cemented systems. When adding valves, flanges, or other components, the system must be derated to the rating of the lowest
component. (Pressure ratings: molded or cut threads are rated at 50% of solvent-cemented systems; flanges and unions are 150 psi; for valves, see manufacturer's recommendation.)