Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
Obstructive Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
32 (2005) 329–359
Snoring is a repetitive sound caused by vibration of upper airway
structures during sleep. The intermediate collapsibility of the nonapneics’
upper airway relative to normals and OSAHS patients [8] has led to the
concept that snoring and OSAHS are part of a spectrum of sleep-related
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: olson.eric@mayo.edu (E.J. Olson).
0095-4543/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.pop.2005.02.007 primarycare.theclinics.com
330 OLSON et al
The upper airway is a complex structure that is an integral component of
breathing, vocal expression, and swallowing. It is not a simple rigid tube,
but rather a dynamic conduit whose functional organization is extremely
challenging to characterize [21]. During normal awake respiration, the
collapsing tendency of the negative inspiratory pressure within the upper
airway lumen is balanced by the outward force of pharyngeal dilator muscle
activity under central nervous system control [22,23]. The understanding of
why apneas and hypopneas occur during sleep remains incomplete. At
present, pathologic upper airway narrowing is believed to occur when
normal sleep-induced changes in upper airway physiology, such as reduction
of tonic pharyngeal musculature activity and loss of compensatory reflex
dilator mechanisms, result in insufficient ability to maintain airway stability
in the context of an anatomically or functionally vulnerable pharynx [24].
The upper airway anatomic variables pertinent to OSAHS vulnerability
include size, configuration, and length. Different imaging techniques [21,24]
have revealed that patients who have OSAHS generally have smaller upper
airways than nonapneics because of increased parapharyngeal fat, tongue
prominence, elongated palate, or, perhaps most importantly, thickened
lateral pharyngeal walls [25,26]. The thickened lateral pharyngeal walls in
OSAHS patients explains why the major axis of apneics’ upper airways may
be directed anteroposteriorly, potentially placing the pharyngeal dilator
muscles at a mechanical disadvantage [29], as opposed to the normal lateral
orientation [27,28]. On physical examination of a series of patients referred
for polysomnography, the finding of lateral pharyngeal wall encroachment
by the peritonsillar pillars was associated with the highest risk for OSAHS
[30]. Greater pharyngeal length increases collapsibility and may explain, in
part, why men may be more susceptible to OSAHS than women [31].
Certain risk factors may interrelate with anatomic upper airway pre-
disposition and sleep-induced neuromuscular attenuation in the pathogenesis
332 OLSON et al
of OSAHS. Identification of these risk factors may help the primary care
physician with OSAHS case detection.
Smoking may increase OSAHS through upper airway inflammation and
edema or sleep instability from nicotine withdrawal (apneas and hypopneas
may be more common during lighter stages of sleep) [16]. Smokers were
three times more likely to have OSAHS than nonsmokers in the Wisconsin
Sleep Cohort [36].
Nasal congestion
The nose produces two thirds of total airway resistance [37]. Further
reductions in nasal cross-sectional area by allergic, infectious, or chronic
nonallergic (idiopathic) rhinitis or mechanical obstruction predispose to
upper airway collapse by amplifying the pressure differential between the
atmosphere and the thoracic cavity, resulting in greater flow turbulence in
the pharynx, or by promoting oral breathing, which may decrease nasal
receptor-derived stimulation of ventilation and alter phasic activity of upper
airway muscles [38]. Nighttime nasal congestion was associated with a 1.8
odds ratio for an AHI greater than five versus no congestion in the
Wisconsin Sleep Cohort [39].
Anesthesia [40], sedative/hypnotics [41], and sleep deprivation [42] can
further diminish pharyngeal dilator activity. The retro positioning of the
tongue and soft palate by gravitational effects during supine (ie, on the
back) sleep further reduces upper airway area [43]. In the short-term,
alcohol before bedtime can increase sleep-disordered breathing events [44],
but the effect of long-term alcohol ingestion on OSAHS risk is not clear [16].
Clinically significant upper airway narrowing most commonly occurs
behind the uvula and soft palate (velopharynx), behind the tongue, or at
both sites. With obstruction comes increasing ventilatory effort and possible
arousal (RERA). With advanced obstruction, hypopneas or apneas develop
with resultant hypercapnia and hypoxia from insufficient ventilation. These
chemostimuli may spur progressive increases in ventilatory effort to the
point of arousal. Airway patency and effective ventilation are temporarily
restored. Although the role of arousals in resumption of airway patency has
long been thought to be important to restoring (at least transiently)
ventilation homeostasis, this may be an overly simplistic view. Many apneas
and hypopneas are terminated in the absence of detectable arousals, and
recent work suggests that arousals may actually contribute to the severity of
OSAHS by promoting airflow overshoot, thereby increasing respiratory
control instability [45].
Large cross-sectional [12,60,61] and longitudinal [13] studies demonstrate
a dose-dependent link between AHI and hypertension, presumably
mediated by chronically heightened sympathetic activity. For a baseline
AHI greater than 15 in the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, the odds ratio for
hypertension at 4 years was 2.89 (95% CI, 1.46–5.64) versus zero events per
hour, adjusting for known confounding variables [13]. Hypertension in the
setting of OSAHS may be more difficult to treat. Sleep apnea is listed first in
the table of identifiable causes of hypertension in the ‘‘Seventh Report of
the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure’’ [62]. Recent placebo-controlled trials
have revealed reductions of up to 10 mm Hg in systolic and diastolic
pressures with CPAP [63–65].
OSAHS is common in stroke victims who have reported prevalence rates
greater than 50% [66–68]. OSAHS was associated with increased stroke
prevalence in the Sleep Heart Health Study [59]. Putative mechanisms
linking OSAHS and stroke include hypertension, prothrombotic and
proinflammatory changes, and marked increases in intracranial pressure
and decreases in cerebral blood flow during disordered breathing events
Cardiac arrhythmias
Hypoxemia-mediated brady- and tachydysrhythmias occur in OSAHS
and are generally reversible with CPAP [76]. Atrial fibrillation is twice as
likely to recur after cardioversion if concurrent OSAHS remains untreated
The known unfavorable effects of hypoxemia, sleep fragmentation, and
sympathetic activation on glucose regulation provides the basis for the
observed association between OSAHS and impaired glucose tolerance
independent of obesity [78]. This association may serve as another
intermediary mechanism connecting OSAHS and cardiovascular disease
[3]. CPAP modestly improves insulin sensitivity [79]. Additional attention
has been drawn to the role of leptin, an adipocyte-derived factor, which
plays an important role in metabolic and appetite control [80]. Leptin also
influences respiratory control, increases platelet aggregation, and is
proposed as an independent risk factor for vascular disease [3]. Patients
who have OSAHS have elevated leptin levels independent of BMI and
disturbed leptin regulation that is largely corrected by CPAP therapy [35].
336 OLSON et al
Perioperative risk may be higher in OSAHS patients because of difficult
endotracheal intubation, upper airway edema from intubation, forced
supine sleep positioning, and anesthetic agents/narcotic analgesics. Anes-
thetic agents and narcotic analgesics increase upper airway collapsibility,
impair protective arousal mechanisms, and decrease central respiratory
drive [81]. The nature of the risk for nonupper airway surgery is difficult to
quantify. A retrospective study of 101 patients who underwent hip or knee
replacement and who had or were later found to have OSAHS, versus 101
age-, sex-, and operation-matched controls, showed the OSAHS group to
have the higher percentage of patients who experienced complications (39%
in the OSAHS group versus 18% in controls) and longer hospital stays (6.8
2.8 days versus 5.1 4.1 days) [82].
The AASM Clinical Practice Committee reviewed the literature regarding
perioperative OSAHS management and concluded there were insufficient
data to develop a standard of practice guideline, yet made several general
recommendations to minimize risk [81]. Preoperative evaluation should
routinely include an OSAHS likelihood assessment. If significant OSAHS is
suspected and clinical circumstances allow, surgery should be postponed
until a sleep evaluation is completed. If surgery is urgent/emergent,
suspected OSAHS should prompt careful perioperative use of sedatives/
narcotic analgesics/anxiolytics, appropriate monitoring, and possible use of
empiric CPAP, perhaps with an auto-titrating unit. Patients who have
known OSAHS should perhaps be referred preoperatively to a sleep
specialist for optimization of care if their last recheck was in the distant past.
Many other common conditions encountered by primary care providers
are purportedly linked to OSAHS, including asthma [83,84], gastroesoph-
ageal reflux [85], and erectile dysfunction [86]. Cause and effect relationships
are not established, but inferred from improvements with CPAP. Primary
care providers should keep OSAHS in mind when the aforementioned
medical conditions respond suboptimally to standard therapies.
The most-cited prevalence figures come from the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort.
Among this group of subjects aged 30 to 60 years, 4% of men and 2% of
women had OSAHS, defined by an AHI greater than or equal to five plus
excessive daytime sleepiness [32]. When considering just the AHI, 24% of
men and 9% of women had an AHI greater than or equal to five, and 9% of
men and 4% of women had an AHI greater than or equal to 15 [32].
Prevalence appears to plateau after age 65 [87]. OSAHS prevalence is similar
Clinical recognition
The history focuses on the frequency and intensity of breathing
disturbances during sleep, unsatisfactory sleep quality, daytime dysfunction,
and OSAHS risk factors [97,98]. Box 1 provides a list of the clinical features
of OSAHS. Questioning should occur ideally in the presence of the bed
partner because they often prompt the evaluation and patients frequently
lack insight or downplay the clinical features. The absence of snoring makes
OSAHS unlikely [99], but the mere presence of snoring lacks specificity for
OSAHS. In the Wisconsin Sleep Cohort, 44% of men and 28% of women
were habitual snorers, yet only one tenth as many had an AHI greater than
five plus daytime sleepiness [32]. Habitual snoring with witnessed apneas
increases diagnostic sensitivity [87].
Similarly, the insidious development of sleepiness in permissive circum-
stances, such as reading, watching television, and audience situations, is well-
known but not specific for OSAHS. Box 2 lists differential diagnoses of
excessive daytime sleepiness. Self-reported daytime hypersomnolence was
found in 21% of men and 26% of women who had an AHI greater than or
equal to five, but also in 12% of men and 28% of women who had an AHI less
than five in a large population-based sample in Spain [100]. The more common
338 OLSON et al
Physical examination
The physical examination concentrates on head and neck conditions that
compromise upper airway patency, such as those listed in Box 3. Typical but
nonspecific findings are a low-draping soft palate, elongated uvula,
prominent tongue base, redundant neck tissue, and excess body weight.
The uvula may appear erythematous and edematous as a result of repetitive
vibratory trauma during snoring. The examination can only modestly hone
OSAHS risk determination. Neck circumference over 17 inches has been
highly correlated with OSAHS [30,103]. In a series of 420 patients referred
for polysomnography who had their upper airways examined while in the
supine position during wakefulness, only lateral narrowing of the airway
walls (defined as encroachment of greater than 25% of the pharyngeal space
by peritonsillar tissues, excluding the tonsils) remained an independent risk
factor for OSAHS when controlling for BMI and neck circumference in
men. No upper airway finding achieved predictive significance in women
340 OLSON et al
Laboratory studies
Adjunctive testing may be useful only in selected circumstances. Blood
tests for associated conditions, such as hypothyroidism, should be
performed only when clinical features are suggestive [105] or perhaps in
OSAHS patients who have no obvious predisposing factors [106]. An
arterial blood gas is indicated for suspected OHS. Polycythemia is un-
common, and therefore routine complete blood count is unlikely to serve as
a useful biomarker [107]. Neither upper airway computed tomography nor
MRI have consistently predicted the presence of OSAHS or responses to
surgery and are therefore not routinely indicated. A thorough upper airway
examination with fiberoptic pharyngoscopy by an otorhinolaryngologist is
not diagnostic, but is indicated for patients seeking surgical treatment
options for OSAHS; when input is needed regarding the medical
management of potentially contributory upper airway disorders (eg, chronic
rhinitis); or when the initial head and neck examination reveals an obvious
(eg, tonsillar hypertrophy) or unexplained abnormality.
Prediction formulae
The cardinal manifestations of OSAHS, including snoring, sleepiness,
obesity, and hypertension, are exceedingly common and therefore non-
specific, which makes it challenging for the primary care provider to decide
when to pursue OSAHS. Over 30% of outpatients in a multinational
primary care practice survey had clinical characteristics that suggested
a high probability of OSAHS [108]. Prediction models based on various
combinations of symptoms, demographics, and anthropometric parameters
have been proposed to help clinicians establish OSAHS probability and
prioritize patients for polysomnography [109]. In general, these formulae are
sensitive but not specific, and tested in patients referred to sleep centers, not
primary care settings [110]. As an example, four clinical prediction models
[99,111–113] applied prospectively to a large group referred for OSAHS
342 OLSON et al
Pulse oximetry
Taking advantage of the repetitive oscillations in the oxyhemoglobin
saturation caused by obstructive apneas and hypopneas, clinicians use pulse
oximetry to screen patients for OSAHS. Published sensitivities and
specificities vary widely because of differences in oximetry interpretation
techniques and study populations [116]. The utility of pulse oximetry is
highest at the extremes of the OSAHS spectrum [117]. When clinical
suspicion is low, a normal study in a patient who has low oxygen stores (eg,
caused by obesity or underlying pulmonary disease) effectively rules out
OSAHS. When clinical suspicion is high, marked saturation instability may
help triage the timing of polysomnography. However, in the case of
intermediate clinical suspicion, abnormal oximetry may also be helpful in
convincing ambivalent patients to consider further evaluation. Pulse
oximetry is not considered a singularly sufficient method to diagnose
OSAHS [118]. RERAs are not detectable by pulse oximetry because
arousals occur before oxyhemoglobin saturation declines. Therefore, sleepy
patients who have normal oximetry require further evaluation.
The diagnosis of OSAHS is difficult to establish based on history and
physical examination alone. A sleep specialist’s prediction of OSAHS based
solely on clinical features may be correct in only 60% of cases [119]. As
a starting point, OSAHS should be suspected in patients who exhibit loud
habitual snoring, witnessed apneas, increased neck circumference ([17 in),
BMI greater than 30, and hypertension. The prospect that finding and
treating OSAHS in a snorer may improve control of comorbidities, such as
hypertension, CHF, or headaches, may provide additional rationale for
OSAHS suspicion. Pickwickian phenotype is but one subset of OSAHS and
not representative of most OSAHS presentations [91]. Clinical prediction
rules provide a consistent template on which to assess OSAHS risk, may
help avoid further testing in low-suspicion patients, and may expedite
Polysomnography is considered the diagnostic ‘‘gold-standard’’ for
OSAHS. It is a laboratory-based, technician-attended recording of sleep
architecture, breathing, and cardiac rhythm through a variety of measure-
ment techniques. Sleep architecture is assessed by electroencephalography,
electro-oculography, and electromyography. Airflow is assessed by oronasal
temperature-sensitive sensors or nasal pressure detectors. Respiratory effort
is assessed by strain gauges, piezo sensors, diaphragmatic electromyography,
or thoracoabdominal inductance plethysmography. Oxyhemoglobin satura-
tion is assessed by pulse oximetry. Cardiac activity is assessed by
electrocardiography. An AASM task force recommends use of inductance
plethysmography and nasal pressure for respiratory monitoring [9]. The
technician usually notes changes in body position and subjectively grades
snoring intensity, although sound sensors are used in some laboratories to
record snoring. Leg electromyography may be added to detect periodic limb
movements of sleep. Esophageal pressure monitoring may supplement
standard respiratory monitoring if RERAs or central sleep apnea are
suspected. Central sleep apnea is distinguished from obstructive apneas by
the absence of esophageal pressure deflections during events signaling
attenuated central respiratory drive.
The reported percentages of patients underdiagnosed after one night of
polysomnography have ranged from 9% [120] to 43% [121]. The more
severe the OSAHS, the greater the night-to-night reproducibility of the AHI
by polysomnography [120]. Le Bon et al [122] reported a diagnostic
sensitivity of 66% for an AHI greater than or equal to five for a full-night
diagnostic polysomnogram in a group of 243 patients who were suspected of
having OSAHS and underwent consecutive-night sleep studies. There was
a 25% increase in sensitivity for an AHI greater than or equal to five after
a second night, when the first night was negative. Therefore, an initially
negative study may not rule out OSAHS, and a second night may be
required if clinical suspicion is strong [123]. Night-to-night differences in
AHI can be caused by variations in sleep position, sleep architecture
(because of a ‘‘first-night effect’’ of sleeping in the laboratory’s novel
environment), nasal congestion, alcohol or drug use, or sleep indebtedness
OSAHS is a chronic disease that requires patient/partner education about
its ramifications and treatment options, and ongoing follow-up of
management strategies. The decision to treat is based principally on the
desire to improve patients’ well-being, not simply on the AHI [5]. A variety
of options are available, such as those listed in Box 4.
Table 1
Trouble-shooting guide for common continuous positive airway pressure-related problems
Problem Solutions
Difficulty tolerating Have sleep center or vendor check blower to make sure
pressure pressure is set as prescribed
Activate CPAP ramp feature
Wear CPAP while awake (daily practice)
Lower pressure by 1–2 cm H2O with or without adjunctive
measures (eg. sleep on sides); some degree of OSAHS may
Return to sleep center for consideration of auto-adjusting
CPAP or bilevel positive airway pressure therapy
Mask air leaks Ensure mask or pillows situated properly
Return to sleep center or vendor for resizing
Protective eye covering during sleep
Intolerance of interface Loosen mask slightly
(discomfort; nasal Ensure mask or pillows situated properly
skin breakdown) Rule out interface modification by patient; inspect and replace
interface if worn-out
Return to sleep center or vendor for resizing or to obtain an
oral interface
Barrier, such as moleskin or bandage, for bridge of nose
Temporary holiday from CPAP
Nasal congestion Nasal saline spray before starting CPAP
Add heated CPAP humidifier; ensure patients are cleaning/air
drying humidifier reservoir daily
Nasal steroid spray
Ipratropium bromide nasal spray if rhinitis/rhinorrhea
Have sleep center or vendor fit patient for oronasal mask
or oral interface
Claustrophobic Have sleep center or vendor check fit of patient’s nasal pillows
response or sleeker mask
Wear CPAP while awake (daily practice)
Refer back to sleep center for frequent phone support
or desensitization/relaxation plan
Difficulty initiating Wear CPAP while awake (daily practice)
sleep with CPAP Reinforce good sleep hygiene (warm bath before bed; exercise
program; decrease caffeine and alcohol; limit time in bed to 8 h)
Delay bedtime until very sleepy
Brief sedative/hypnotic trial
(continued on next page)
348 OLSON et al
Table 1 (continued)
Problem Solutions
Dry mouth Add CPAP heated humidifier
Have sleep center or vendor fit patient for oronasal mask
Add chin strap
Taking off CPAP Reassure patient that this is common
unintentionally Assess all other areas of headgear/nasal interface problems,
during sleep especially nasal congestion
Add humidification
Add chin strap
Low pressure alarm on blower unit may awaken patient to
reposition mask
Severe cases: set alarm at night for patients to check headgear;
progressively set alarm later with improvement
Data from Olson EJ, Moore WR, Morgenthaler TI, et al. Obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea
syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc 2003;78(12):1545–52.
prescribed pressure. The ramp is a feature on all newer machines that allows
a gradual increase in the pressure from a base of 3 to 4 cm H2O to the
prescribed level over 5 to 45 minutes. This feature can be reset at any time,
but repeated resetting is self-defeating [137]. Auto-titrating CPAP devices
employ algorithms to deliver the appropriate pressure for the given
circumstance within a range of pressures set by the prescriber. These
systems eliminate apneas/hypopneas as effectively as standard CPAP at
slightly lower mean pressures across the night, but produce only modest
increases in compliance [138,139]. Unattended use of auto-titrating devices
for determining a fixed CPAP or to start therapy without polysomnography
by CPAP-naı̈ve patients is not currently established [140]. Experience
suggests some CPAP-intolerant patients will benefit from bilevel positive
airway pressure systems, yet improved compliance has not been demon-
strated by randomized trials [141].
The basic patient interfaces are nasal masks, oronasal masks, and nasal
pillows that come in an assortment of configurations, headgears, and
cushioning materials. Oral interfaces and total face masks are also available.
Nasal skin irritation may occur if the patient is cinching the mask too tightly
in an effort to eliminate air leaks. Nasal mucosal irritation (eg, congestion,
dripping, dryness, sneezing) is the most common problem after initial
acclimatization to CPAP. Heated humidification (integrated into many of
the newer CPAP blower units) and nasal steroids are first-line interventions.
Heated humidification has been shown to improve CPAP compliance
[142,143] and has reduced mouth air leaks [144]. Predictive factors of the
need for heated humidification include age greater than 60, chronic nasal
mucosal diseases, use of nasal drying medications, and previous uvulopa-
latopharyngoplasty (UPPP) [143]. The humidifier reservoir must be emptied
and air-dried daily, then refilled with fresh water at bedtime.
Oral appliances
Oral appliances (OAs) have been developed to relieve pharyngeal
obstruction by mechanically enlarging or stabilizing the upper airway
through advancement of the mandible or tongue [145]. The mandible is
typically set forward to 50% to 75% of maximal protrusion. Subjective
improvements in snoring are reported in most case series with oral
appliances, where approximately 50% achieve an AHI less than ten, and
patient-reported compliance rates are 75% to 90% [145,146]. Randomized,
crossover comparisons reveal CPAP is more effective at reducing snoring and
lowering the AHI, but OAs are usually preferred by patients [147–150]. Care
must be taken when applying these figures to individual devices because there
are more than 50 commercially available OAs and these figures may not be
applicable to all models. Clinical predictors of positive outcome include
younger age, lower BMI, smaller neck size, positional OSAHS, and lower
AHI [145]. Therefore, OAs are most appropriately used in patients who have
mild to moderate OSAHS, but may also be a salvage option for patients who
have moderate-severe OSAHS and are unable to use CPAP [151].
Adverse effects, including excessive salivation, xerostomia, teeth and gum
discomfort, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain, unintended displacement
during sleep, and an altered sense of morning dental occlusion, are common
but usually mild [152]. Contraindications include insufficient teeth to anchor
the device, active dental disease, TMJ disorder, minimal protrusive range,
and childhood age. Close collaboration with the dentist is crucial for proper
patient selection; device fabrication and titration; and monitoring for
possible long-term dental and skeletal changes [151].
350 OLSON et al
Surgical interventions offer the promise of freedom from a nightly
therapy, but their impact may be limited because the upper airway
obstruction in OSAHS is often at multiple sites, it is challenging to predict
how patients will respond, and acceptance rates are low for the most
successful procedures (maxillomandibular advancement and tracheostomy).
These procedures may be most effective in patients who have distinct
anatomic abnormalities of the upper airway [6].
The surgical interventions are aimed, sometimes in a sequential manner,
at the suspected sites of obstruction. A convenient paradigm is to classify the
site obstruction as type 1 (retropalatal-predominant); type 2 (retropalatal
and retrolingual); and type 3 (retrolingual only) [153]. Because the
retropalatal region is the major site of narrowing in most cases [154,155],
most OSAHS patients will be type 1 or 2. Palatal-directed procedures for
type 1 and 2 patients include UPPP, laser-assisted uvulopalatoplasty
(LAUP), and radiofrequency ablation (RFA). UPPP modifies the retro-
palatal airway by excision of the uvula, a portion of the soft palate, and
tonsils (if present) under general anesthesia [156]. Less than 50% of patients
achieve an apnea index less than ten and at least a 50% reduction in apneas
with UPPP alone [157]. Acute postoperative pain is pronounced. Potential
long-term adverse effects include velopharyngeal insufficiency (nasal reflux),
voice change, and globus sensation. LAUP is a sequential, office-based
trimming of the uvula and adjacent soft palate typically by carbon dioxide
laser under local anesthesia [158]. Postprocedure pain and complication
rates are similar to UPPP [159]. An AASM review concluded that LAUP
cannot be currently recommended for treatment of OSAHS [160]. RFA is
also a sequential, office-based procedure performed under local anesthesia
in which a handpiece is used to focally apply a temperature-controlled
radiofrequency signal, most commonly to the soft palate, thereby reducing
tissue volume and stiffening the tissues through subsequent fibrosis [161].
Subjective improvements in snoring are to be expected with RFA [162], but
impact on OSAHS is more limited [163]. Pain intensity and duration are less
and complications fewer than with UPPP or LAUP. Adverse effects are
uncommon and primarily limited to mucosal erosion [162]. A variety of
procedures may address retrolingual obstruction for type 2 and 3 patients,
including mandibular osteotomy with genioglossus advancement with hyoid
myotomy-suspension [164].
Assessing the literature for a response rate for so-called ‘‘phase I
procedures’’ (palatal- or tongue-based operations) [165] is difficult because
of slight variations in surgical techniques, nonrandomized patient selection,
and variable intervals before unblinded postoperative polysomnography.
Postoperative AHI less than ten has been reported in 31% [166] to 57%
[167] of patients. Incomplete responders may undergo a phase II procedure
called maxillomandibular advancement in which the maxilla and mandible
OSAHS should be an expected condition in many patients encountered
by primary care providers. The diagnosis may arise because of patient
daytime dysfunction, partner prompting, or in the course of managing
comorbidities adversely influenced by the hemodynamic, neural, humoral,
and inflammatory consequences of repetitive desaturations and arousals.
OSAHS should be suspected in patients who exhibit habitually loud
snoring, witnessed apneas/choking/gasping during sleep, hypertension, neck
circumferences of 17 inches or greater, obesity, and laterally narrowed
oropharynxes. Diagnosis is established by polysomnography. CPAP is the
treatment of choice for most patients. Education, follow-up, and heated
humidification may help bolster compliance. Lifestyle modifications, oral
appliances, and upper surgeries are additional treatment options.
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