Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine
Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine
Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine
Berthold Rzany
Injectable Fillers in
Aesthetic Medicine
Second Edition
Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine
Mauricio de Maio • Berthold Rzany
Injectable Fillers in
Aesthetic Medicine
Second Edition
Mauricio de Maio Berthold Rzany
Clínica Médica Dr Mauricio de Maio RZANY & HUND
São Paulo Privatpraxis für Dermatologie und
São Paulo Ästhetische Medizin
Brazil Kurfüstendamm
vi Foreword II
This book is a “must-read” manual, reference and desk-top text for all
practitioners working with “fillers” in the “aesthetic medical space”.
I congratulate the authors as well as thank them for creating and updating
this much needed body of work.
It has been 5 years since the publication of the 1st edition of Drs. De Maio
and Rzany’s book Injectable Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine. During this time a
revolution has occurred in our understanding of facial anatomy and its rela-
tionship to the aging process as well as the development of new and improved
products. We no longer “cookbook” the nasolabial fold or lips in all patients
alike, but have evolved our understanding of the development of folds, creases
and atrophy related to the aging process. It is the incorporation of these new
principles to the practice of aesthetic medicine that makes this new 2nd edi-
tion a hallmark in our understanding of injectable correction and an invalu-
able guide to personalizing the practice in practical terms. Of extreme
importance are the chapters that set the stage for injecting, injectable products
and their applications, patient evaluation and selection of treatment and
development of a treatment plan. Rather than simply separating injection
areas, as has previously been done, this guide gives the clinician a broader
view of facial aging, then interprets the areas together for a more complete
program to reverse facial aging. The attention to “blind spots” for patients
and physicians instruct as how to evaluate patient needs in a fresh new man-
ner. This gives the physician a plan to treat the aging face and satisfy the
patient. The emphasis on “Do’s”, “Don’ts”, ‘Key points” and “FAQ’s” sum-
marize the essentials of each chapter in a readable, yet complete guide to
injectable facial treatment.
This is the first practical compendium for a new era of injectable filler
treatment of the aging face. In this case, the 2nd edition is not just an update,
but a new approach to facial treatment. It is the closest experience to a tutorial
lesson with two masters of aesthetic facial injection treatment.
Gary D. Monheit, MD
Departments of Dermatology and Ophthalmology
Total Skin & Beauty Dermatology Center, P.C.,
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, AL, USA
The book on injectable fillers was our first book and was like our book on
botulinum toxin A very successful. Why did we decide on an update? Of
course the 1st edition still stands its ground in many aspects. However, during
the last years we have seen many changes in the filler market. Fillers have
been withdrawn from the market (some for very good reasons!), and new fill-
ers did appear. Furthermore, we have improved, too. We increased the num-
ber of indications we can offer, and we advanced our injection techniques.
Furthermore, we made a great step forward in how we analyze our patients
and how we set up the most optimal treatment strategy – the treatment plan –
that includes the doctors’ and the patients’ perspectives.
The tasks of this book though remain unchanged: first, to give an overview
on the most common biodegradable and nonbiodegradable fillers and how to
approach them and, second, to lead through the most common indications of
the face and other body areas. This book kept the hands-on approach from the
1st edition. However, we included new features. From our last common book
on Male Aesthetics, we included the “Do’s”, “Don’ts”, and the “Key Points”
to highlight the most important points. Last but not least, we tried to be as
specific as possible. However, in case we missed something or something
appears to be unclear or even wrong, please do not hesitate to contact us by
mail, and we will both try to answer your questions as clearly and quickly as
About the Authors
Berthold Rzany
Conflict of interest Berthold Rzany is a speaker and/or advisor for the following filler
companies (2013): Merz Pharmaceuticals, Q-Med Galderma, Teoxane Laboratories and
Sinclair Pharmaceuticals.
Mauricio de Maio
Dr. de Maio is a board certified plastic surgeon from the Brazilian Society of
Plastic Surgery and member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic
Surgery. Dr. de Maio graduated in Medicine in the Medical School of the
University of Sao Paulo in 1990. He specialized in plastic surgery in Brazil in
1996. He obtained his Master’s Degree in Medicine in 1997 and Doctorate in
Sciences in 2006 at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. He was a clinical
assistant professor of the Plastic Surgery Department of the University of Sao
Paulo from 1996 to 2002. Dr. de Maio has authored scientific publications and
articles as well as published several books including the following books he
coauthored with B. Rzany: Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine, 2006; Botulinum
Toxin in Aesthetic Medicine, 2007; and The Male Patient in Aesthetic Medicine,
xii About the Authors
Conflict of interest Mauricio de Maio is a speaker and advisor for the following filler
company (2013): Pharm-Allergan.
The 2nd edition of this book would not have been possible without the help
of many others. First, we would like to thank our patients and colleagues with
whom during the last years we advanced together discovering new indica-
tions and techniques. We would like to thank those who helped us with their
skills and support during the completion of this book. Furthermore, we would
like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Ellen Blasig from Springer
Heidelberg for her guidance and her continuous support, which enabled us to
keep the project going.
From the German team, we are grateful to Julian Wiora and Twyla
Michnevich for proofreading the text. From the Brazilian team, we would
like to thank the staff, who are always prompt in providing support with new
tasks: Mrs. Liliann Amoroso Ribeiro and Lilian de Toledo Lima.
xviii Contents
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Overview on Injectable Fillers:
Efficacy and Safety 1
Berthold Rzany
Porcine collagen was not as easy to inject They were made from natural human collagen
compared to bovine collagen. By mixing lido- grown under controlled laboratory conditions. There
caine (0.2 ml) to the syringe, the injectability as was no need for a pretreatment skin test for these
well as the injection comfort (less pain!) could be sterile devices, which were composed of highly
increased. As for Like bovine collagen, the filler purified human-based collagen that is dispersed in
had a yellowish color which could be visible phosphate-buffered physiological saline containing
beneath the mucosal surfaces when the filler was 0.3 % lidocaine. Cosmoderm was a noncross-linked
injected too superficially. For this filler, a guide- formulation that was used in the treatment of super-
line is available (Rzany et al. 2010). ficial lines, whereas Cosmoplast was cross-linked
and was used primarily in the treatment of more pro-
nounced wrinkles. A few clinical trials are available
Key Points using Cosmoderm as a comparator. Based on these
• Evolence was a filler which was sup- trials, the durability seems to be less as for other
ported by good clinical data. products (Man et al. 2008; Smith et al. 2007).
• With the withdrawal of the Evolence
products, no porcine filler is at the Collagen of Autologous Nature
moment available in Europe and the The commercial preparation Autologon consists
USA. of dermal extracellular matrix, primarily colla-
• Nevertheless, it cannot be ruled out that gen (types I, III, and VI), that has been harvested
this or a comparable product will be from the patient’s own skin. It requires the exci-
reintroduced to the market again. sion of the patient’s skin and is therefore mostly
suitable for those undergoing surgical proce-
dures. Here again, overcorrection is recom- Collagen of Human Origin mended by the manufacturer. The available data
Collagen of human origin can be of allogenous or on the efficacy and safety of the product are lim-
autologous nature. ited (Sclafani et al. 2000).
Concerning the safety as said before, the num- Collagen of Allogenous Nature ber of studies for the above products is limited.
(From Cadaver) Pretesting might reveal adverse self-limited local
In addition to bovine or porcine sources, collagen reactions (Moody and Sengelmann 2000).
can be derived from human cadavers. Data is Adverse reactions after pretesting appeared only
available for two products: Dermalogen and as mild, nontender erythema. Acute or severe
Cymetra. Both products derive from pooled reactions like allergic ulcerations or chronical
human cadaverous tissue from accredited tissue granulomatous reactions were not reported in a
banks. Overcorrection is recommended by the nonsystematic review (Fagien 2000). Case
manufacturer. Here again the available data on the reports describe acute choroidal infarction fol-
efficacy and safety of the product are limited. lowing the subcutaneous injection of allogenous
Cymetra was tested against Zyplast in a small ran- collagen in the forehead region (Apte et al. 2003).
domized controlled trial. A total of 47 patients
were treated: 20 received Cymetra and 27 received
Zyplast. Various photometric outcome measures Key Points
were used in this study, which favored the new • This overview is merely for academic
product over Zyplast (Sclafani et al. 2002a, b). reasons. The products to our knowledge
are either not widely used or not avail- Collagen of Allogenous Nature able anymore.
(From Culture) • The quality of clinical data behind these
Later-generation noncadaverous collagen products products varied.
are Cosmoderm and Cosmoplast (Baumann 2004).
1.3 Biodegradable Fillers 5
are based on either patients returning to their decided to withdraw Hyacorp H-S 500, H1000,
private practice or voluntary reports, the real inci- and Hyacorp L from the European market (mail-
dence might be higher. ing to doctors using Hyacorp in August 2013).
In 2004, Andre evaluated the incidence of
adverse reactions with nonanimal, stabilized
hyaluronic acid between 1997 and 2001 using a Key Points
questionnaire-based survey. Out of 12,344 • Among the bacterial HAs, there is an
syringes sold and 4,320 treated patients, 16 cases easy way to distinguish between prod-
of immediate hypersensitivity and 18 cases of ucts with good clinical data and those
delayed reactions were recorded. The global risk without.
of sensitivity was calculated at 0.8 %. Since • If you use a product without good clini-
2000, the amount of protein in the raw product cal data, the risk for a not-so-good effi-
was decreased and the incidence of hypersensi- cacy or an increased risk of inflammatory
tivity reactions has been reported to be around reactions is with the patient and the
0.6 %. As 50 % of these reactions were immedi- treating physician.
ate and resolved within less than 3 weeks, the risk
of a strong but transient, delayed reaction is
around 0.3 %. Four cases of sterile abscess were
reported (Andre 2004). Again, although the data 1.3.3 Combination of Hyaluronic
were quite systematically assessed, an underesti- Acid with Other Substances
mation of the real incidence cannot be ruled out.
Further case reports that are available describe Combination with Dextrans
in detail adverse reactions such as erythema, pru- The combination of hyaluronic acid, hydroxpro-
ritus, edema, urticae, and papulocystic nodules ylmethylcelluose and dextrans (dextranomers),
after injection with hyaluronic acid preparations marketed as Matridex, is thought to be more dura-
of various origins. Arterial embolization and exu- ble than other products. However, there is as yet
dative granulomatous reaction after treatment no good clinical data on its efficacy and safety.
with hyaluronic acid of avian origin have also How safe is the addition of dextrans to an HA
been reported (Fernandez-Acenero et al. 2003; preparation? Or how safe are the HAs which are
Lombardi et al. 2004; Lowe 2003; Lupton and combined with dextrans? We do not have good
Alster 2000; Micheels 2001; Raulin et al. 2000; clinical trials to answer these questions. However,
Shafir et al. 2000). In rare cases, a bluish discol- we do have some case reports focusing on adverse
oration might occur. This bluish discoloration reactions to these products (Huh et al. 2010;
may reflect a Tyndall phenomenon. Massone et al. 2009). One patient developed after
Not every product is similar. There appear to 5 weeks a delayed inflammatory reaction to
be products there with an increased risk of Matridex injected in the glabellar fold that lasted
adverse reactions. How are we able to detect more than a year. The patient was treated with oral
these products? Only by communicating adverse doxycycline and intralesional injection of triam-
reactions among colleagues and to the authori- cinolone acetonide; this resulted in almost com-
ties! In the Netherlands the sales of Hyacorp H-S plete resolution of the lesion (Huh et al. 2010).
and H1000 were temporarily stopped after sev- The second patient was a 43-year-old woman who
eral cases occurred with two products of the fam- complained of multiple, painful, reddish, nonul-
ily (Skipr. Tot nu toe 25 klachten over rimpelfiller. cerated, hard nodules on both cheeks and periocu-
Online in the Internet: lar regions 4 weeks after the injection of Matridex.
actueel/id12523-tot-nu-toe-25-klachten-over- Histopathology showed a diffuse suppurative
rimpelfiller.html [2012-10-25]). At the moment granulomatous reaction with the presence of mul-
(August 2013), these cases are still investigated tinucleate giant cells and many neutrophils involv-
by the Dutch authorities. However, the company ing the entire dermis (Massone et al. 2009).
8 1 Overview on Injectable Fillers: Efficacy and Safety
Key Points
1.3.5 Poly-l-lactic Acid
• We do not have good clinical data on
HAs in a fixed combination with dex-
Poly-l-lactid acid (PLLA) is a synthetic biode-
trans or antioxidants.
gradable material. It has an unique collagen stim-
• Caution is therefore advisable as case
ulating quality. When injected into the dermis or
reports of adverse reactions have been
subdermis, it gradually stimulates collagen for-
mation and by this restructures the facial tissue,
making it a facial volumizer. This is a gradual
process, and the manufacturer recommends three
1.3.4 Alginates initial treatment sessions, each approximately
6–8 weeks apart. After the three initial treat-
At the end of 2009, a new filler, an alginate, ments, the results are supposed to last for up to 2
which derives from brown algae was introduced years and longer.
to the market. Based on the results of the initial This product comes as a powder and needs to
large cases series, the product looked very good. be diluted with sterile water several hours before
Erythema, swelling, and even hematomas seem injection. Although initially the recommended
to be less as for HA products (unpublished data dilution for PLLA was 3 ml, the current recom-
presented at IMCAS Paris 2010). mendation is to dilute it in a volume of 5–9 ml or
In contrast to other filler, the alginate could be more. Most colleagues add an additional 2 ml of
very easily injected. And this is probably what a local anesthetic to decrease injection pain. The
caused even experienced and trained injectors to correct recommendation from the SculpTraining
inject too much in nonclinical investigated areas Expert Group is 7 ml + 2 ml of a local anesthetic,
as the infraorbital hollow. making it a total of 9 ml. Furthermore, it is rec-
As some adverse events as nodule formation ommended to dilute the product at least 24 h
were reported specifically in areas as the infraor- before use. Even when administered using the
bital hollow and no antidote was available at that correct injection technique and the higher dilu-
time, the filler was removed from the market tion, in some cases the needle will block during
(Schuller-Petrović et al. 2013). the injection, at which point the syringe has to be
withdrawn and the plunger retracted until the
PLLA flows again.
Before 2010, studies on the efficacy and
safety of PLLA were based mainly on the treat-
Do’s ment of HIV patients with drug-induced lipoat-
• Watch out for this product. If reintro- rophy (Moyle et al. 2004; Perry 2004; Valantin
duced in the market, it could be (if an et al. 2003). Only case reports and case series
antidote is available) an interesting existed for the use of PLLA for aesthetic indica-
alternative in patients prone to erythema tions (Rzany et al. 2004; Woerle et al. 2004). In
and edema after HA fillers. 2010 a large clinical trial was published
comparing PLLA to human collagen (Narins
1.3 Biodegradable Fillers 9
1.3.6 Calcium Hydroxylapatite patients treated with CaHa for facial soft tissue aug-
mentation. In addition to mild bruising and swelling,
Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa) is made from no immediate side effects were observed. Sklar and
synthetically formed calcium phosphate pearls, a White (2004) reported five patients with complica-
procedure that is classified as bioceramics and tions after CaHa treatment. Three patients had pal-
involves the ionic bonding of calcium and phos- pable bumps, one had puffiness of the lower eyelid,
phate ions. When injected, they form a founda- and another patient developed a pink/white plaque.
tion within a matrix that allows the local cellular The two latter adverse events occurred when treating
infiltration of fibroblasts. The complex is avail- the tear trough area. The treatment period in that
able as a gel to allow easier application. The sub- study was 6 months. In a 6-month nasolabial fold
stance comes in 1.2-ml syringes and is injected trial of CaHa compared to human collagen, patients
through a 25- to 27-gauge needle. treated with CaHa reported more edema (73.9 %
Early studies focused on drug-induced lipoat- compared to 56.4 %) and had more ecchymosis
rophy in HIV patients (Comite et al. 2004; Silvers (63.2 % compared to 43.6 %) (Smith et al. 2007).
et al. 2006). However, due to the quest for an aes- Despite that, patients preferred CaHa compared to
thetic license in the USA, we do have now three the human collagen. CaHa has been also studied in
randomized controlled clinical trials, one against an open-label 6-month study in patients with skin
collagen (Smith et al. 2007) and two against hyal- types IV to VI (Marmur et al. 2009). No reports of
uronic acid products (Moers-Carpi et al. 2007; keloid formation, hypertrophic scarring, hypo- or
Moers-Carpi and Tufet 2008) focusing on the cor- hyperpigmentation, or other clinically significant
rection of nasolabial folds. Not surprisingly CaHa adverse events were recorded in this study compris-
was shown to be superior to human collagen in a ing 100 patients.
6-month study (Smith et al. 2007). For the com- The area where adverse reactions were quite
parison to the HAs, the picture is not as clear. The frequently reported in the beginning is the lip
larger study of the two 12-month studies did not area. In the study of Tzikas (2004), 7 out of 90
show a difference in the WSRS; the smaller study patients developed persistent visible mucosal lip
favored in the WSRS the CaHA-treated site nodules, 4 of whom required an intervention.
(Moers-Carpi et al. 2007; Moers-Carpi and Tufet The treatment period for this study was also 6
2008). Patient preference and satisfaction with months. Furthermore, there are reports of CaHa
treatment favored CaHA (however, one has to note causing arterial occlusion leading to local necro-
that neither study was double blind; therefore, a sis or even blindness (Kim and Choi 2013; Sung
bias might favor the treatment under study). CaHa et al. 2010).
comes without lidocaine. In another RCT on 50
patients who received CaHa injections in the naso-
labial folds, patients favored the site which was Do’s
treated with a CaHA lidocaine mixture (Marmur • Dilute CaHa with lidocaine before
et al. 2010; Grunebaum et al. 2010). injection. Adding 0.2 ml of lidocaine
In contrast to the other fillers, CaHa is visible hydrochloric acid (HCL) to the 1.2 ml of
on x-rays. According to Feeney et al. (2009), CaHa should be sufficient. This is done
hydroxylapatite is hyperattenuating on CT, hyper- through a Luer Lock connector. On one
metabolic on FDG-PET imaging, of intermediate side is the CaHA syringe and on the
signal intensity on MRI, and by this a potential other side a syringe with 0.2 ml of HCl.
cause of a false-positive findings. Patients should In the next step, the content of both
be informed of this so that they can tell their doc- syringes will be mixed. N.B. in case a
tors should they require an x-ray or another premixed combination of CaHA and a
sophisticated radiological examination. LA might become available the separate
There is not much evidence for common adverse dilution of CaHa with lidocaine will not
reactions to this filler. Sklar and White (2004) and be necessary any more.
Tzikas (2004) reported case series with 64 and 90
1.4 Nonbiodegradable Fillers 11
1.4.1 Silicone
1.4 Nonbiodegradable Fillers
Injectable silicone is one of the oldest injectable
Several nonbiodegradable fillers are or were filler materials used. Medical-grade silicon is a
available (Table 1.2). As well as being expensive, clear, oily, colorless liquid composed of long
frequent injections can be quite tiresome for both chains of polymerized dimethylsiloxane.
the patient and the physician, and so the applica- There are several methods of injection for this
tion of a nonbiodegradable or permanent filler product. One of the recommended techniques is
holds a certain attraction. Conversely, there are the microdroplet technique (Orentreich 2000;
certain disadvantages that should be taken into Webster et al. 1986). Fluid silicone is injected
12 1 Overview on Injectable Fillers: Efficacy and Safety
1.4.3 Polyalkylimide
1.5 Combination of
Polyalkylimide was available as Bio-Alcamid. Nonbiodegradable and
It consists of alkyl-imide group networks Biodegradable Fillers
(approximately 4 %) and water (approximately
96 %). The product was available at two differ- Some fillers are a combination of nonbiodegrad-
ent viscosities for lip and facial augmentation able (permanent) and biodegradable (temporary)
and is used for folds, skin sculpting (including materials. The purpose of the biodegradable
the lips), and facial atrophy, but not for the treat- material is to act as a carrier and to ensure an
ment of fine lines. The material must be injected immediate effect until the fibrotic foreign body
subdermally and, according to the manufactur- reaction induced by the nonbiodegradable filler
er’s information, is supposed to be easily leads to visible effects (Table 1.3).
14 1 Overview on Injectable Fillers: Efficacy and Safety
1.5.2 Hydroxyethylmethacrylate
and Hyaluronic Acid Don’ts
• We would not recommend using this or
Hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA) and ethyl- a similar product in patients.
methacrylate microspheres suspended in hyal-
uronic acid were available in Europe as Dermalive
since the end of the 1990s until 2007. This prod-
uct consisted of 40 % bacterial hyaluronic acid Key Points
and 60 % acrylic hydrogel particles (diameter of • This product had a bad efficacy/safety
45–65 μm). A similar formulation with larger- ratio. Adverse events as nodule forma-
sized particles (about 85–110 μm) and a some- tion were not infrequent and very diffi-
what higher hyaluronic acid content was cult to treat (see Chap. 8).
marketed as DermaDeep and was intended to be • Although the product is not on the mar-
injected deeper. ket anymore, we still do see adverse
Dermalive was supposed to be injected with reactions against it. Therefore, it is still
a 27.5-gauge needle into the deeper layers of important to know the product.
the dermis, at the junction between the dermis
and the hypodermis, with the tunneling tech-
nique, while DermaDeep was supposed to be
injected with a slightly bigger needle (26.5 1.6 Combining Different Fillers
gauge) deeper into the subperiosteal layer or in One Area
the hypodermis. Overcorrection was to be
avoided. At least 3 months should be left Nonbiodegradable and biodegradable products
between two injection sessions (Bergeret- may be combined by the injector in one area, but
Galley et al. 2001). should this be done? This question raises some
This product was probably the product with controversy. For example, with PLLA, where the
the highest risk of adverse reactions to inject- onset of efficacy may be delayed, combination
able fillers (Rossner 2009b). Early after the with another biodegradable filler such as hyal-
introduction to the market, case reports uronic acid might improve the patient’s satisfac-
became known focusing on nodule formation tion. On the other hand, if an adverse event
to HEMA (Requena et al. 2001; Waris 2003). occurs, the culprit filler might be much more dif-
Besides nodule formation, abscesses as well ficult to identify. Nevertheless, the combination
as ulcerations are part of the adverse reactions of different fillers in one area does not necessar-
spectrum of this product (Zielke et al. 2008). ily increase the risk. Only 8.9 % of patients with
In 2001, Bergeret-Galley published an over- adverse reactions to injectable fillers from the
view in which the overall incidence of late Berlin registry reported an individual combina-
side effects and complications (nodules, swell- tion therapy. Nevertheless, since good epidemio-
ing, and erythema, on average 6 months after logical data is lacking, we would recommend
injection) based on data from the manufac- using extreme caution when combining fillers of
turer is given as <1.2 per 1,000 patients different origin for the same indication.
(Bergeret-Galley et al. 2001). As the data from
the manufacturer is based on spontaneous
reports and with this being an early study, e.g., 1.7 General Approach to New
with a limited observation period, the real Fillers
incidence will be higher.
Although this product is not produced any- Especially in Europe, South America, and Asia,
more, we will very likely see further adverse new injectable fillers are popping up like daisies.
reactions to this permanent product. CE certification is the official way to introduce a
16 1 Overview on Injectable Fillers: Efficacy and Safety
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injectable autologous and allogeneic human tissue complications. Dermatol Surg 29(6):573–587; discus-
collagen matrix (autologen and dermalogen). Plast sion 587
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Selection of Patients
Mauricio de Maio
patients is mandatory. Physicians who would like has to find a compromise between the expecta-
to successfully practice aesthetic medicine must tions of the patient and what is feasible.
understand that the vast majority of patients are Patients are prone to ask for procedures that
unaware of what they really need (see above). they have heard of or read about in lay maga-
They know (hopefully) what they want; however, zines. For example, it is quite common for
it is the physician who has the knowledge of the patients to request treatment of nasolabial folds
anatomical base and the aging process and who with botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A) only because
this product is widely advertised. In most cases,
however, injection of BoNT-A into the nasolabial
fold would result in an unhappy patient because
• Do take time to educate your patient
this would have little effect on the depth of the
about the benefits of the treatments that
fold. Understanding patients’ complaints and
you believe are important to them.
educating them according to their needs will
• Do try to overcome the barriers that
minimize patient dissatisfaction and increase
block you to obtain more efficient treat-
patient retention.
ments. Long-term patient retention will
Patients with multiple needs and requesting
depend on that.
immediate results are legendary. The first consul-
tation is very important, as it gives the physician
the opportunity to establish the kind of patient he
will be treating. Uncompromising patients, for
• Do not automatically deliver what the example, are best avoided. Dissatisfaction with
patients are asking for. They may have a prior aesthetic procedures is one of the most
wrong perception of their needs. important points to be evaluated. It is therefore
mandatory to conduct a thorough examination of
their past history, which should include any prior
cosmetic procedure, and how the result was per-
Key Points ceived by the patient. Depending on the answer,
• All injectors will sooner or later be able the practitioner can evaluate the patient’s percep-
to deliver a satisfactory technical result. tion. Unrealistic expectations are another impor-
Long-term patient retention does not tant factor to be analyzed before starting with any
rely on delivering patients’ request only. treatment. Experience shows that sometimes it is
preferable not to treat a specific patient because,
whatever is done, dissatisfaction will invariably
• Why are some doctors reluctant to be
more active in indicating a procedure 2.2 General Rules
that the patient is unaware of?
Cultural aspects, problems in com- As mentioned before, the first consultation is
munication, lack of time or patience to very important for both the patient and the physi-
educate patients, the inability to perform cian. Before the advent of the digital camera, the
proper diagnosis, technical deficiency, physician would make a communicative effort to
and lack of experience to predict whether make the patient understand the limits of treat-
the diagnosis, technique, and product ments and, in particular, the limits of a specific
are the main reasons that prevent injec- treatment for a specific patient. The lack of
tors from being more active and efficient knowledge of the vast majority of patients would
in treating cosmetic patients. often make it difficult for them to truly under-
stand what the physician is telling them. Showing
2.2 General Rules 23
some before and after pictures could be useful in view and basically the signs that come with the
some cases but may be disastrous in others. Only aging process. So, a patient that was born with a
the best cases would be shown, and patients may distracting nose but is used to it since she was
gain an unreasonably positive impression of the born will most likely complain about the nasola-
results, since these results may not be achievable bial fold that became more prominent with aging
in their case. (and in the frontal view!). So, her nose is in the
Without the digital camera, it is particularly “blind spot” of self-perception. This is so true
hard to make patients understand the physi- that when a doctor, a relative, or a friend uncov-
cal limitations of certain procedures. Patients ers it, patients become aware and may decide to
often do not look at themselves in the mirror have that area treated. The “blind spot” also
in the proper way (they perceive themselves in affects the doctors’ ability to assess patients unbi-
a more frontal view). Patients unconsciously ased. These blind spots might be ethnic related.
correct any defects by smiling or changing the For a Caucasian doctor, wide, low, and flat noses
angle when facing the mirror. It is quite difficult may be considered distracting because he under-
for human beings to face differences in beauty stands that noses are expected to be high and nar-
and accept the aging process. If a woman was row as commonly found in Caucasians. That
quite beautiful when she was young, it is even means that low noses should be included in the
harder to accept that she cannot become that treatment plan of a patient. Some noses that are in
beautiful again, even after an invasive cosmetic the “blind spot” for Asian doctors are not for
procedure. Caucasian doctors. The same is found for the lack
After many years working with cosmetic of chin projection, mid-cheek deficiency, or
patients and also teaching injectors worldwide, prominent ears in Asians. In contrast, Caucasians
it became evident that there is a “blind spot” for are happy when they have only three to five wrin-
both patients and injectors when it comes to the kles in the crow’s feet area (where they may have
evaluation of facial features. Basically, cosmetic 15!) compared to a single wrinkle in a young
practitioners aim to beautify, correct, or prevent Asian female patient (that she considers distract-
aging signs. When assessing a patient, we may ing) which may be in the “blind spot” for a
use a simple quantitative scale that almost every- Caucasian doctor when prioritizing the treatment
body in the world is familiar with: 0–10. We for that patient.
may deliberately say that 0 (zero) is the worst
that someone may look at that specific age, eth-
nicity, and gender and 10 (ten) is the top, the Do’s
most desirable, and perfect human being that • Do analyze the structural and aging
exists on the planet. We dare say that no one will signs of your patient before establishing
be a zero or 10! But we can exercise and assess the treatment plan.
a patient and roughly and subjectively give a • Do take a mirror and/or digital photo-
grading in this scale. Even more interesting is to graphs when communicating with the
evaluate what upgrades and downgrades the patient.
overall grading. For instance, a 50-year-old • Take sufficient time for yourself and
woman may have a beautiful nose according to your patients when analyzing the facial
the beauty pattern of that specific community structures.
but may have an unfavorable lip. We may then
say that her nose upgrades her but her lips down-
grades her. Facial shape, proportion, eyebrows,
cheekbones, and so forth should receive the Don’ts
same rule. • Do not disregard yours and your
As discussed previously, patients are mostly patient’s ethnic background.
aware of problems that they see in the frontal
24 2 Selection of Patients
2.3 The First Consultation • Do take time to listen and observe your
patient in the first consultation. It is one
When patients come into the office, they usually of the most important moments to build
complete a consultation form in which they are up a long-term relationship with your
asked what they would like to be treated. In the patient.
next step, a complete past history should be • Do have time to think and design your
obtained and pictures taken in several positions treatment plan for your patient before
(frontal, oblique, profile), from both the static you both decide what is the best option
and dynamic points of view. Before the consulta- for them.
tion, the photographs are downloaded onto a
computer, and the physician and the patient go
through the consultation form and finally the
photographs themselves. It is important to tell the
• Do not let yourself be contaminated or
patients before the pictures are shown that
influenced negatively by your patients’
nobody likes this phase of the consultation but
anxiety or misperception of their needs.
that it is the most effective way of getting straight
to the point and that it will be helpful to make
them understand their needs. By following this
procedure, the consultation becomes more objec- Key Points
tive and time is not wasted. • The first consultation is the ideal oppor-
It is impressive how difficult it is for patients tunity to identify both patients’ and
to see themselves exposed in this way, particu- injectors’ “blind spots.”
larly when it is the own body that is being
2.6 The Aging Patient 25
To ensure that patients understand their aesthetic The ideal patient is happy to listen to what the
problems, the face is divided didactically into the physician has to say. This patient is able to
classical three thirds: superior, medial, and infe- point out what is bothering him or her and is
rior. The patient will be informed that in the pro- willing to understand what steps must be taken
cess of the consultation, all of the positive and in order to reach the desired aesthetic improve-
less positive aspects of their face will be dis- ment. The ideal patient is able to balance the
cussed (it is recommendable that physicians positive and negative outcomes and therefore is
avoid the use of any negative word during the able to make the most suitable choice. It is clear
consultation). Any possible negative aspect to him or her that even minimum invasive pro-
should be balanced by some positive aspect in the cedures must be handled by experienced physi-
face. The physician should point out what must cians. The ideal patient discusses the type of
be treated and whether it is a surgical or nonsur- product to be injected and is concerned about
gical procedure that should be performed. In gen- adverse effects. When it comes to the duration
eral, saggy skin is treated with surgery, peels, or of the fillers, the ideal patient can understand
fractionated lasers, dynamic wrinkles with perfectly differences in degrees of permanence
BoNT-A, and wrinkles, folds, and volume loss when informed about the internal and external
with fillers. Patients start to realize what can be factors that may influence filler duration. The
treated with these different types of procedures ideal patient is willing to learn what can be
and what is needed to promote a real improve- done to maintain good results and what should
ment. Some patients cannot be subjected to all be avoided. It is perfectly understandable to
procedures due to either social or economic rea- him or her that the aging process is a continuing
sons. Depending on specific circumstances, the process and that there will be a need to return
intended procedures need to be discussed and for other procedures to maintain the aesthetic
their limitations pointed out. It is very important result.
to tell patients directly about the benefits and
limitations of each procedure that they will be
subject to. 2.6 The Aging Patient
The facial thirds system is very helpful to
structure the consultation so that no important The aging process happens to all people who
aspect on the face is overlooked (see also live long. This does not mean, however, that our
Chap. 4). patients are prepared for that. Women, in gen-
eral, are more likely to feel depressed by age-
related changes to their body. Saggy skin, deep
Do’s folds, wrinkles, and aging spots are some of the
• Do use the facial thirds system to struc- major signs that develop during this phase. It is
ture the consultation and to bring aware- hard to look at the mirror and at previous photo-
ness about the potential of the areas to graphs and realize that time has passed. It is
be treated. important to explain to patients that the aging
process is complex and it results from various
factors. If that is understood, patients may admit
that a single procedure is not enough to solve all
Don’ts of the disturbances that accompany the aging
• Do not forget to observe every detail process. It is easier if it is explained to the
during the facial thirds analysis. It will patients that the aging process derives from
be helpful for the treatment plan. intrinsic and extrinsic reasons. Extrinsic aging
results from environmental influences such as
26 2 Selection of Patients
Don’ts Don’ts
• Do not treat patients that have suffered • Do not try to compensate dysmorphic
from an acute psychological stress until patients with cosmetic procedures. It
they have recovered. will usually not work well.
Katez P (1991) The dissatisfied patient. Plast Surg Nurs and body dysmorphic disorder. Plast Surg Nurs 17(4):
11(1):13–16 193–197, 209
Lewis CM et al (1983) Patient selection and patient satis- Vuyk HD, Zijlker TD (1995) Psychosocial aspects of
faction. Clin Plast Surg 10(2):321–332 patient counseling and selection: a surgeon’s perspec-
Sarwer DB (1997) The “obsessive” cosmetic surgery tive. Facial Plast Surg 11(2):55–60
patient: a consideration of body image dissatisfaction
Requirements and Rules
Berthold Rzany and Mauricio de Maio
0 1 2 3 4
Very Thin Thin Moderately Thick Thick Full
Fig. 3.1 Validated Lip Fullness Grading Scale (Carruthers et al. 2008d; © Merz)
intake of acetylsalicylic acid!), and previous should be photographed frontal and at 90° and/
aesthetic procedures should be documented. or 45°. Standardization requires some effort,
In particular, all previous injections of fillers such as using a fixed setting or following stan-
should be thoroughly assessed. dard procedures. In addition to being useful as
Patients must be thoroughly examined. legal documentation, these photographs will help
Clinical severity can be assessed by using to improve your communication with the patient
clinical wrinkles and volumes scales as the Merz (see Chaps. 2 and 4).
Aesthetics Scales™ (Carruthers et al. 2008a, b, c, If you already have incorporated standard-
d, e (several publications) and 2012; Flynn et al. ized photographs in your practice, you may also
2012) (Fig. 3.1). consider taking the full set of photos in selected
Besides that, the treatment itself needs to be cases. There are five traditional positions as
documented. The product used, the dilution (if described above (frontal view, right and left
any), the injected areas, the depth of injections, oblique, right and left full profile) in variable
and the injected volumes should be logged. A situations such as angry, surprised, kissing, full
graphical sketch might be helpful, too. Special smile, chin down, and chin up depending on the
attention should be given to the “lot” number of type of treatment that is being carried out on the
the filler used because this identifies the produc- patient (Fig. 3.2).
tion batch and, in the event of adverse effects,
might allow the manufacturer to trace an entire
• Do take photographs! You need them any-
Last but not least, the chart should always
way for the first consultation when the first
include the informed consent of the patient. If
steps of the treatment plan are laid out.
you use electronic medical records, the consent
should be scanned. For legal reasons, however, it
might be necessary to keep the original in a spe-
cific binder. Don’ts
• Do not worry if the photographic quality
is not as good as you want it to be. This
3.1.4 Photographs is not a photography contest but a tool
for patient communication and docu-
It is advisable to document the status of the mentation. A photo from your
patient before the treatment. If possible, the smartphone might be sufficient enough.
photographs should be standardized. Patients
3.1 General Requirements 33
Fig. 3.2 Ideal baseline documentation of a patient’s full face (© de Maio and Allergan)
and it is possible for patients to collapse due to that have been treated in a similar way. However,
circulatory imbalance, for example, when treat- try to make it clear that every patient presents dif-
ing the upper lip area with insufficient local ferent responses and the patient must understand
anesthesia (Berkun et al. 2003). The first aid kit that the very same result is not applicable and it
should also include hyaluronidase which needs to is used mainly for patient education.
be used immediately after an inadvertent arterial
occlusion after an HA injection.
• Do explain the potential of treatment of
Do’s areas that are not primarily requested by
• Do include hyaluronidase in your first your patient, but are important to aes-
aid kit in case you are treating with thetic balance of the face. Most of the
HAs. time, patients’ dissatisfaction results
from wrong perception or lack of proper
medical advice (see Chap. 4).
3.2.6 Tips, Tricks and Key Points
Patients and doctors are prone to the same ver- Key Points
bal misunderstandings as everybody else. In aes- • Some patients are reluctant to the use of
thetic medicine, the results may be disastrous if botulinum toxin due to negative media
the doctor misunderstands the patient. It is there- information. Proper patient’s education
fore very important to listen to the patient, to try is mandatory.
to understand what the patient really wants. If • Aging process is multifactorial and a
possible, use a digital photograph of the patient single tool cannot cope with the com-
as the basis for your discussions and also intro- plexity of it.
duce realistic pre- and post-photos of patients
36 3 Requirements and Rules
3.3.4 Rule 3: Talk About Money 3.3.5 Rule 4: Talk About Possible
Adverse Events
The patient should have a clear understanding
of what he will have to pay for which treatment. Adverse events can occur with all fillers (see
If you use biodegradable fillers, make it clear Chap. 8). Make sure that patients understand
that for most patients, one treatment will not be what might occur without frightening them.
enough and that subsequent treatments will be
necessary to ensure a good result. It might be
Key Points
helpful to include the subsequent treatments in
• With the advent of longer-lasting bio-
the first cost estimation for the patient. Tell the
degradable fillers, the proportion of
patient, for example, “If you start with this pro-
patients suffering from adverse reac-
cedure (and you like it), you will need to have at
tions to nonbiodegradable fillers will
least two to three treatments over the following
decrease as nonbiodegradable filler will
12 months, which will cost you approximately
be used less and less. However, adverse
this amount of money per month.”
events will be always present.
• Adverse events might be patient related,
product related, and/or injector related.
The triad of an inexperienced injector,
• Do explain to your patients what the products not evaluated in good clinical
benefits are of starting the treatments trials, and patients with present risk fac-
when the problems are mild to moderate. tors might multiply the risk of adverse
• Do make realistic estimations. If the or an unwanted reaction.
final bill is somewhat less than the initial • Patients need to be aware of a certain risk
estimate, patients will appreciate that. without being unnecessarily frightened.
Key Points
• Women and mirrors are interesting to
3.3.12 Rule 11: Quantity of Filler
watch! They are likely to start fixing the
(Do Not Inject Too Much)
hair and pursuing before they can really
focus and point out the distracting areas.
Too much filler is not a good idea either. You do
Another habit is to put down the mirror
not want a patient with large lumps of injectable
and avoid looking at it. Be aware of this
filler that can be seen or felt for weeks or even
and guide them gently back on track.
Key Points
3.3.11 Rule 10: Quantity of Filler • In the past, we basically had “dermal
(Do Not Inject Insufficient fillers.” Nowadays, a greater variety of
Amounts) products are available on the market and
injectors must know beforehand what
Injection of insufficient filler will leave you with the correct level to inject is.
an unhappy patient. Make sure that the patient
References 39
consented strategy for a treatment plan. In this Table 4.1 De Maio/Rzany rough classification for the
clinical use of HA fillers and volumizers
chapter we will try to help our readers with the
treatment planning of their patients, but before Degree 0 Very-low-density HA: to be used preferably
intradermally or high subdermally
that we will briefly describe the barriers that may
Degree 1 Medium- or high-density HA: to be used in
interfere with accomplishing this task. any layer except intradermally
Degree 2 Very-high-density HA: to be used ONLY in
deep planes close to the bone
4.1.1 Product-Related Barrier
Since our first edition of the book Injectable volumization as well as a volumizer (i.e., high-
Fillers in Aesthetic Medicine, we have pointed density HA) to be used in the fine lines of the
out in the first chapter by “At the moment new lower eyelid – which might end up in an aesthetic
injectable fillers are popping up like daisies” that challenge (e.g., a very visible HA roll).
we have an abundance of fillers. Specifically for Sometimes a specific product is designed and
Europe and Latin America, the situation is not clinically investigated by good trials for a specific
much different by now. Fortunately for some indication in a specific way, and we discover in our
products we do know now at least something practice that there is another way to inject it (e.g.,
about their clinical behavior. Nevertheless, there with a cannula instead of a needle) or that a differ-
are still unanswered questions even for those spe- ent indication can be treated (e.g., a volumizer that
cifically when it comes to the understanding of was designed to be injected down deep to the bone
the long-term behavior. and found useful in treating folds in a more super-
We started with silicone, PMMA, methyl meth- ficial, e.g., subcutaneous mode) (Table 4.1). If we
acrylates, polyacrylamides, collagens (bovine and are working with a versatile HA product, we may
later porcine), poly-l-lactic acid, hydroxylapatite, obtain an accurate response of this product regard-
and HAs. Lately we seem to be focusing mostly less of the area we are injecting it as long as we
on HA-based fillers and HA-based volumizers. respect its limits. If we are working with a less
However, within the HAs themselves it is easy to versatile product, there might be still some vari-
get confused as industry gives us different names ability. We may use a volumizer (degree 1) to treat
(all the brands), types (mono- and biphasic), as a prominent nasolabial fold as long as they are
well as cross-linkers that initially made us curi- injected subdermally. By using such a filler, less
ous but finally ends up making us more and more volume compared to a standard filler might be
confused. We have now products for fine lines, needed. On the other side a very-low-viscosity
folds, lips, cheekbones, jawline, etc., with and product (degree 0) may also be injected into a deep
without lidocaine. These products have helped fold but with the certain disadvantage of using
us to achieve many incredible results in an indi- more volume and a shorter durability.
vidual patient but also make it sometimes difficult The performance of a product also depends on
for us to position a specific product. For exam- the experience that we develop by injecting it
ple, can we or can we not use a product that was over the years. The same product may perform
designed to be used in lips and nasolabial folds? differently in different patients and among differ-
The answers are not so simple. ent injectors. So, it is basically quite important to
There are indeed products that perform well in keep a clear and critical mind to be aware of the
different areas and are very much versatile when product as well as the injection technique for the
it comes to different indications. There are other benefit of the patients and us.
products that are obviously only suitable for a We will be constantly invited to try different
specific area such as a fine line product (i.e., low- products and requested by patients to inject new
density HA) which does not make a lot of sense areas. We have to remember that respecting the
to be injected into the chin area for projection and science behind the products and our learning
4.1 Introduction 43
Another barrier to overcome when putting a
• Do not try a new product in area which treatment plan together may be the patient-
is new for you (e.g., an area where you injector relationship. As discussed before, when
have little or no experience). The result it comes to aesthetic procedures, patients have a
can be frustrating if not a disaster. stronger influence on treatment decision when
compared to other medical fields. Sometimes
one may wonder if medical aesthetics is not
closely associated to buying/selling a car than to
Key Points health care.
• If possible stay with products where There are patients that are very much aware
there is at least one good clinical trial of their needs and open to listen to advice. These
available (this will give you at least a are considered the ideal patients. But unfortu-
good idea on the expected common nately it is not the rule. There are many patients
adverse events). that will not listen to the physicians’ opinions
• If you are interested in injecting a com- and only see the injector as a “deliverer” of their
pletely new area, use a product that you wishes. That would be acceptable if the patients’
are familiar with. perceptions were always accurate – which is of
• If you are interested in trying a new prod- course not always the case. Patients usually tend
uct, inject into an area that you are famil- to look at themselves in the mirror in the frontal
iar with and observe for consistent results view and their complaints are usually focused on
compared to the product you are used to. the glabella, tired eyes, and nasolabial folds.
They only see what can be seen in the frontal
44 4 Treatment Planning
view and this is not necessarily what makes them Table 4.3 Barriers between patients and injectors
look more exhausted or older (Rzany et al. Barrier 1 Patients with misperceptions and which are
2012). In society, however, we do not look at not open for advice
each other frontal to frontal – which is consid- Barrier 2 Patients with coherent different requests for
which the injector is unable to technically
ered confronting – but instead we look at each deliver the treatment
other more in the oblique view which is softer Barrier 3 Patients that do not know what they want
and nicer. Only by this can we see a discrepancy and seek for advice and in whom the
of analysis and perception between patient and injector is unable to promote a treatment
physician. plan
The “blind spot” definition presented in the
chapter “Patient Selection” is another important and in whom the injector is unable to promote a
aspect to be considered. We defined “blind spot” treatment plan (Table 4.3).
as the area/areas that untreated worsen the Female patients might be highly influenced
patients’ appearance. Usually the patients are by the media and celebrities. It is not uncom-
unaware of these areas – that are mainly deter- mon to have a patient asking an injector for
mined by the patients’ genetics, for example, Angelina Jolie’s lips. But what she is unaware
very small chin, sunken eyes, and asymmetries. of is that those lips will only be suitable on her
Patients usually complain and request treatment face if she has similar facial structure as
of the areas that worsen with aging. So patients Angelina. As a result of this misconception,
may be biased toward aging signs and will disre- many distracting lips are seen in real life as well
gard their “blind spots” completely. In fact this as on TV. Some other patients feel that
would be adequate if these patients only want to they become a more accentuated look when they
look younger but not more attractive. Bringing have their lips injected. The problem is that they
awareness to the “blind spots” must be handled request further injections to make their lips even
with care as it may lead up to the patient’s frus- more pronounced and by this (in their view)
tration especially when we cannot or can only more attractive. The result is that (in case
with great difficulties or expenses improve or they find an injector and of course they will)
solve the underlying defects. A careful way to they will do get more attention but not
help patients discover their “blind spots” is to because they look more attractive but because
show their pictures in different positions (frontal, they look weird. Patient education about propor-
oblique, profile, leaning forward) in different tion and beauty is very important to avoid dis-
situations (at rest, full smile, angry, kissing, etc.) tracting results. A very important rule must be
and ask them what they like and dislike when observed here: “the posttreatment photo must be
they see their pictures. At this moment we may more pleasant to look at than the before-treat-
find people that will get frightened by their look ment photo.” Obvious as it can be, we might
and even patients that are really becoming dis- surprise ourselves with the opposite.
tressed. For those patients that feel severely
impaired and depressed with their looks, we
advise to stop the photo analysis and proceed to Do’s
treatment options, and for those patients that are • Do deliver patients’ request if you agree
completely blind and cannot establish an ade- with their perception. You will make the
quate analysis, we should try to help them see patient happy.
their aesthetic problems and monitor and control
their reaction.
The interaction between patients and injectors Don’ts
may also be a challenge and may differ depend- • Do not inject a patient with mispercep-
ing on cultural aspects. We may separate those tion of his/her needs. It is quite likely
patients that are aware of what they want and that you will be creating a future prob-
seek for advice and those patients that are lem for yourself.
unaware of what they want and seek for advice
4.1 Introduction 45
Table 4.5 Facial shape according to Terino and Flowers Qualitying the problem
1 Oval Facial shape
2 Heart-shaped
3 Round
4 Square
5 Round head and square jaw
6 Round head and oval jaw Step 1: Qualify the Problem! there are static and/or dynamic forehead lines
After assessing facial shape, proportion, and (Fig. 4.3). Treatment planning might be facili-
asymmetry, the injector should analyze the facial tated by a chart (Table 4.7).
units. It is important to analyze the face at rest, on The treatment plan chart is a guide to help injec-
animation, and in a forward position to qualify tors to include all important areas during the patient
the important points. For example, when assess- assessment. After filling up the chart, the top part is
ing the upper third, we may start by the forehead completed with the areas to be treated, the products
and verify if the shape is adequate, if there is a to be used, and the prioritization. Below there is an
volume loss at frontal view and profile, and if example of qualifying the problems (Fig. 4.4).
48 4 Treatment Planning
First rule
Qualify the problem
• Low eyebrow
• Flat midcheek
• Prominent NLF
• Saggy skin Step 2: Quantify the Problem! same happens with injectables. Patient and injec-
After a detailed qualification of the problems, the tor may only decide to treat when the problems
next step is quantifying them. There are many become severe and sometimes when the solution
validated 4- or 5-point scales that can be used and is better handled by surgery or another interven-
simple work with classifications of none, mild, tion and not by injectables.
moderate, severe, and very severe/extreme The correct approach for minimal invasive
(Carruthers et al. 2008a, b, c, d, e; Rzany et al. procedures such as the use of injectables should
2012). These scales come quite handy. Another be “the sooner, the better,” not only from a finan-
very simple way to document the present status cial point of view but also from a technical point
of the patient is to work with crosses (+) of view. Despite the injector’s philosophy, mild
(Table 4.8). For example, a prominent nasolabial problems are easier to improve than severe prob-
fold may be mild (+) or mild to moderate (+/++). lems, and that is unquestionable.
Culturally, patients and cosmetic surgeons The sequence of deficits that may be found
tend to decide for treatment when the problems during the aging process is easily diagnosed
are severe. Facelifts are performed when saggy when we analyze patients’ photos or if we hap-
skin has become intolerable! Unfortunately, the pen to know someone for a long time but only see
this person from time to time. As mentioned
Table 4.8 Quantifying the problem with a simple scale before, we do not age in a single night. It takes
using crosses to evaluate the degree of severity years to move from mild to very severe deficien-
Number of crosses Degree of severity cies. The problem is that patients’ and injectors’
+ Mild perception seems to be more sensitive when the
++ Moderate exponential aging has started. Below there are
+++ Severe examples of different patients in different degrees
++++ Very severe of severity for the same area (Fig. 4.5). After
50 4 Treatment Planning
Fig. 4.5 Quantify the problem! We do not go to sleep with mild problems and wake up in the following morning with
very severe deficiencies. How can someone develop a severe problem if we never let it become moderate?
• Do start to correct problems when they
are still mild. Key Points
• Do educate your patients about the ben- • Mild problems are easier to improve
efits of starting the treatment at an early than severe problems.
stage. • The sooner we start to correct, the better.
4.1 Introduction 51
Treatment plan
• Glabella: 20 U Botox
Fig. 4.7 Both structural • Chin and pre-Jowl: 1 ml Juvéderm Voluma per side
and aging problems were
improved in this patient. Her
aging process will be slower
52 4 Treatment Planning
a b c
Fig. 4.8 (a–c) This is a typical surgical patient that presents severe to very severe problems on the face including exten-
sive saggy skin
4.1 Introduction 53
Table 4.12 The MdM 8-point lift: the areas, regions, and comments
Point Region Comments
1 Zygomatic region Lifting point of lateral cheekbone
2 Intermediate infraorbital region Projection of cheek bones and improvement of
elongated lid-cheek junction
3 Medial infraorbital region Improvement of tear trough
4 Canine fossa and upper part of nasolabial Less volume requirement is needed after areas 1, 2,
fold and 3 were treated
Lower third Region Comments
5 Marionette lines Start from top to bottom by strengthening the oral
6 Pre-jowl sulcus Small bolus or retrograde techniques are suitable here.
Do not inject the jowls!
7 Jawline Linear and retrograde technique is preferable at this
8 Parotid region When volume loss is replaced here, lifting effect is
a b
Fig. 4.11 (a, b) It is very important to demarcate the GO! (blue) and NO GO! (red) areas before starting. Note that the
NO GO! areas must also be evaluated with the patient with “eyes up and chin down”
It must be reinforced that the amount per point Younger patients with moderate saggy skin usu-
will vary from patient to patient depending on the ally require 1 ml of Juvedérm Voluma or a com-
volume loss, bone structure, and degree of laxity. parable product per side.
4.1 Introduction 55
a b
Fig. 4.12 (a, b) Before and after frontal view photos from the patient that was treated with “the MdM 8-point lift.”
Note that it seems that the patient was submitted to eye surgery and a light surgical lift
a b
Fig. 4.13 (a, b) Profile view of the pre- and post-photos jowls, and jawline definition. The overall saggy skin was
after the MdM 8-point lift. Note the shortening of the lid- also improved. A total of 2.7 ml of Juvedérm Voluma was
cheek junction, projection and lifting of the cheekbones, injected per side and 20 U of Vistabel in the glabella
and improvement of the marionette lines, pre-jowl area,
56 4 Treatment Planning
Rate of ageing
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Age (years) Menopause
needs 1. Assessment and
Prepare for the
Fig. 4.20 The standards of eight: injectors should recognize their strengths and weak points that need improvement
based on the eight important aspects that are found in real-world clinical practice
Ophtalmic nerve
Maxillary nerve
Mandibular nerve Technique
Key Points Inject 0.1–0.3 ml lidocaine at the junction of the
• The need of nerve blocks has tremen- root of the nose and the upper rim of the orbit,
dously decreased after the advent of fill- just below the medial portion of the eyebrow
ers containing lidocaine. (Fig. 5.4).
1 2 3 Technique
Inject 0.1–0.3 ml of lidocaine 1 cm below the lat-
Fig. 5.5 Blocking of the infraorbital nerve (1) (de Maio eral canthus and at level of the zygomaticofacial
2011) foramen in the zygomatic bone.
a b
Fig. 5.7 (a) The mental nerve may be blocked either transcutaneously or through the mucosa (b)
Arndt KA et al (1983) Minimizing the pain of local anes-
Do’s thesia. Plast Reconstr Surg 72(5):676–679
• Do use products with lidocaine, or if the Brown DT et al (1981) Allergic reaction to an amide local
products (e.g., PLLA) do not contain a anaesthetic. Br J Anaesth 53(4):435–437
Carvalho JCA, Mathias RS (1997) Chapter 22.
local anesthetic, add a local anesthetic Farmacologia Do’s anestésicos locais. In: Manica JT
to the solution/the filler. They reduce the et al (eds) Anestesiologia: Princípios e Técnicas, 2nd
patient’s discomfort during the edn. Artes Médicas, Porto Alegre, pp 332–340
injection. Cohen JL (2013) Pain management with a topical lido-
caine and tetracaine 7 %/7 % cream with laser derma-
• Do perform nerve blocks if you are tologic procedures. J Drugs Dermatol 12(9):986–989
working with 21–18 gauge cannulas. It De Maio M (ed) (2011) Tratado De Medicina Estetica,
brings more comfort to the patient. 2nd edn. M. Ed. Roca, Sao Paulo
Grekin RC, Auletta MJ (1988) Local anesthesia in derma-
tologic surgery. J Am Acad Dermatol 19(4):599–614
Hallen B, Uppfeldt A (1982) Does lidocaine-prilocaine
cream permit pain-free insertion of IV catheters in
children? Anesthesiology 57(4):340–342
Laskin DM (1984) Diagnosis and treatment of complica-
Don’ts tions associated with local anaesthesia. Int Dent J
• Do not forget to slow down the speed of 34(4):232–237
Mather LE, Cousins MJ (1979) Local anaesthetics and
injection if you are working with prod- their current clinical use. Drugs 18(3):185–205
ucts that contain lidocaine. It takes McKay W et al (1987) Sodium bicarbonate attenuates
around 3–5 s to take effect. pain on skin infiltration with lidocaine, with or without
• Do not get too hectic. If you are relaxed, epinephrine. Anesth Analg 66(6):572–574
Snow J (1982) Manual of anesthesia. Little, Brown,
the patient will be relaxed and therefore Boston
will experience less discomfort.
The Most Common Indications
Mauricio de Maio and Berthold Rzany
6.11 Jawline and Chin Reshaping .................... 125 and procerus. Horizontal forehead lines appear
6.11.1 Introduction.................................................. 125
when the occipitofrontal muscle is activated. The
6.11.2 Anatomy....................................................... 125
6.11.3 Patient Evaluation and Selection ................. 126 vertical glabellar folds result from the continuous
6.11.4 Technique ..................................................... 127 contraction of both corrugator muscles. The hori-
6.11.5 Complications .............................................. 128 zontal lines in the glabellar area arise from pro-
6.11.6 Tips, Tricks and Key Points ......................... 129
nounced procerus muscle activity. With time,
6.12 Other Facial Indications these lines become embedded into the skin and
for Volumizers ............................................ 131 will not disappear after BoNT-A treatment.
6.12.1 Introduction.................................................. 131
6.12.2 Facial Advancement ..................................... 131 Therefore, the best possible overall effect may be
6.12.3 Tips, Tricks and Key Points ......................... 132 gained using fillers (Fig. 6.1).
References ................................................................. 132
6.1.2 Anatomy
In the following chapter, the indications will be
discussed separately. However, one must be aware The aesthetic forehead unit comprises the upper
that treating one indication might influence the one-third of the classical “facial thirds.” It extends
other indication, e.g., treating the temporal region vertically from the supraorbital rim to the ante-
may influence the position of the eyebrow and rior hairline. The skin on the forehead is gener-
treating the cheek will influence the appearance of ally thicker than on the lower face, and five layers
the tear trough and infraorbital hollow. are encountered at this level: the skin, the subcu-
taneous tissue, the galea aponeurotica, a part of
the submuscular aponeurotic system (SMAS),
6.1 Forehead and Glabella the loose subaponeurotic areolar layer, and the
6.1.1 Introduction The fascia superficialis is known as the tempo-
roparietal fascia in the temporal area and as the
The forehead and glabellar areas are character- galea in the forehead. There is a fat pad called the
ized by extensive mimic movements of three galea fat pad in the glabella and above the eye-
main muscles: Mm. occipitofrontal, corrugator, brows. The superficial fat is sparse in the forehead,
a b
Fig. 6.1 (a) Analysis of the patient at rest: observe that maintain a long-lasting result. (b) The patient was submit-
due to overcontraction of the corrugators over time, the ted to deep injection with HA with a 21G blunt cannula in
patient became hypertonic and is unable to relax these both scar-like medial and lateral vertical wrinkles. No
muscles anymore with the result of deep static wrinkles. BoNT-A was injected and there is persistence of corruga-
BoNT-A alone would not be able to correct those lines or tors contraction
6.1 Forehead and Glabella 71
glabella, temporal, and orbital areas. It is dense therapy in these areas often turns out to be unnec-
due to fibrotic septa in the forehead region. Deep essary after pretreatment with BoNT-A. Persistent
fat is dense in the temporal and periocular areas. wrinkles after BoNT-A treatment as the residual
At this level, the temporal extension of the deep wrinkles above the lateral eyebrows may benefit
fat pad of Bichat may be found. In the upper face, from the treatment with an injectable filler.
the SMAS denominated the galea aponeurotica, Patients presenting deep forehead and glabellar
which envelops the frontalis, the occipitalis, and folds will require a filler that can be injected
the procerus. The frontalis forms the frontal belly more deeply (subcutaneous or intramuscular
of the occipitofrontal muscle and is inserted into planes) to increase volume (Fig. 6.2). Patients
the galea aponeurotica. The galea connects the presenting superficial forehead and glabellar
frontalis and the occipital muscles. In the central folds or lines may benefit from a fine or very fine
forehead, the frontalis muscle is paired and united filler that must be injected more superficially
by the superficial fascia. It raises the eyebrows (Fig. 6.3). Furthermore, for patients with
and produces the forehead hyperkinetic lines. The advanced elastosis, repeated treatments with
frontalis antagonists are the corrugators, procerus, injectable fillers may rejuvenate the whole area.
and orbicularis oculi. For deep and superficial forehead and glabellar
The supraorbital artery is a terminal branch of folds, the appropriate fillers should be combined
the ophthalmic artery from the internal carotid and the proper use of needles or cannulas should
artery. The superficial temporal artery is the ter- be considered.
minal branch of the external carotid artery and
divides into two major branches. The carotid
veins accompany these arteries. The frontal 6.1.4 Techniques
branch of the facial nerve may be found within
the temporoparietal fascia, from the midportion Anesthesia is not usually necessary. Most injec-
of the zygomatic arch up to its entrance to the tors use the retrograde tunnel technique (i.e., the
frontalis muscle. It provides motor innervation to filler is injected while withdrawing the needle),
the frontalis, corrugator, and procerus muscles. It as it allows a faster application. However, the
also innervates the cephalic portion of the orbicu- multiple injection site technique can also be used.
laris oculi (Pitanguy and Ramos 1966). The This technique will help to blend the filler better
supratrochlear nerve exits the orbit between the into the surrounding area. Deep and superficial
periosteum and the orbital septum at the medial forehead and/or glabellar lines may require mul-
supraorbital rim. It runs along the caudal aspect tilevel injections. The injection should not be too
and within the corrugator muscle and then supe- deep. An injection below the fascia may encour-
riorly on the inner surface of the frontalis fascia age migration of the filler (e.g., from the glabella
to supply sensation to the medial and central to the perinasal area). To avoid an occlusion of
forehead. The supraorbital nerve exits between the arteries, which have been reported for the gla-
the medial and central thirds of the superior bella and forehead area, all injections should be
orbital rim and runs superiorly and laterally on done very carefully, if possible through a 30G or
the inner surface of the frontalis fascia and galea. even blunt cannulas when deep planes are treated.
It is responsible for sensation in the anterior lat- Higher volumes should be avoided in this area.
eral forehead and scalp. Usually 0.2–0.3 ml of an HA filler may be suffi-
cient for the glabellar area (Bachmann et al.
2009). During treatment, avoid injecting into the
6.1.3 Patient Evaluation and direction of the upper eyelid if volume replace-
Selection ment at this level is not necessary.
Usually, volume requirement for the whole
Patients should be critically appraised for possi- forehead is high especially when there is severe
ble pretreatment with BoNT-A; additional filler volume loss and depressions (Figs. 6.4 and 6.5).
72 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
c d
e f
Fig. 6.2 (a, b) Before and 3 weeks after treatment with (e, f) Immediately after injection of hyaluronic acid
BoNT-A. Status: relaxed. (c, d) Before and 3 weeks after relaxed and maximum frown. Please note: the erythema is
the treatment with BoNT-A. Status: at maximum frown. not always necessarily present
Medium- to high-viscosity HA products are used patients with severe dermal and subcutaneous
with cannulas for forehead and glabella reshape atrophy, lower-viscosity HA products are
to improve contour and volume loss. In elderly preferred.
6.1 Forehead and Glabella 73
a b
Fig. 6.3 (a) Superficial static lines over the glabella. (b) The patient was submitted to the injection of HA fine lines
with a 30G cannula into the superficial dermis to avoid vascular occlusion. BoNT-A was not injected
a b
Fig. 6.4 (a) In Asians, due to structural aspect, concavity Voluma with a single entry point in each eyebrow between
in the upper forehead and convexity at the glabella level the supratrochlear and supraorbital foramina. A 21G non-
may be found and is considered undesirable. (b) The flexible blunt cannula was used. The after photo was taken
patient was submitted to an injection of 4 ml Juvéderm after 8 months
a b c d
Fig. 6.5 (a–d) Before, immediately after, as well as 1 and 8 months after the forehead reshaping. Note: the consistency
of the results over an 8-month period
74 6 The Most Common Indications
6.1.5 Tips, Tricks and Key Points face, this area should not be forgotten as it may
impact the overall expression of the patient, e.g.,
the combination of full cheeks and hollow tem-
Do’s ples may not be aesthetically wanted. Furthermore,
• Before injecting a filler treating forehead treatment of the temporal area may improve eye-
and glabellar folds, it is recommendable brow positioning (see below) and thereby add fur-
to pretreat this area with BoNT-A. The ther improvement to the upper face.
combination of BoNT-A and an inject-
able filler usually leads to a better overall
result. BoNT-A should be injected 6.2.2 Anatomy
approximately 2 weeks before the filler,
although both procedures can be Lateral to the forehead region lies the temporal
performed at the same time in this area. area. It is located above the zygomatic arch, lim-
• Any remaining superficial lines above the ited by the temporal crest or linea temporalis (the
eyebrow after treatment of the upper third junction of the frontal, temporal, and parietal
with BoNT-A can easily be corrected with bones) and laterally by the hairline. Below the
a biodegradable filler of low viscosity. skin and subcutaneous tissue, there are three fas-
Correction with small dosages of BoNT-A cial layers within the temporal region, compris-
is also possible. However, this might carry ing the superficial temporal fascia (or
a small risk of brow ptosis if a significant temporoparietal fascia), which is strongly
part of the M. frontalis is affected. attached to the subcutaneous tissue, and the
superficial and deep layers of the deep temporal
fascia attached to the bony floor. The trigeminal
nerve supplies the sensory innervation of the
Don’ts temporal region. The temporal branch of the
• Do not inject too much volume into the facial nerve passes posterior to the middle aspect
glabella and forehead area. In rare cases of the zygomatic arch, where it lies quite superfi-
focal necrosis is reported after the treat- cially beneath the subcutaneous fat. The superfi-
ment of the glabella and/or the forehead. cial temporal artery and vein are also found in the
subcutaneous layer in the temporal area.
a b
Fig. 6.6 (a) Volume loss and concave aspect at the temporal area down to the projection of the zygomatic arch before
treatment. (b) After injection of 0.5 ml of Juvéderm Voluma per side, a convex aspect was obtained
present lateral eyebrow lifting only with injection irregularities of skin surface after subcutaneous
into the temporal area. filling with either needles or blunt cannulas.
Volume replacement at the temporal area may be With anatomical landmarks marked before, the
carried out with needles or cannulas. Products injection itself is a very safe procedure performing
may be placed deep down to the bone and/or sub- deep temple volume replacement by needle. With
cutaneously. After marking the area of volume the subcutaneous approach, bruising and surface
loss and identifying the superficial temporal irregularities may be found more commonly. As for
artery (may be visible or may identifiable by its the glabella and the nasolabial area also come cases
pulse) and the veins, the filler can be injected of arterial occlusion have been reported for this area.
very safely by needle. The needle should be
inserted perpendicular to the skin penetrating the
epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous, superficial 6.2.6 Tips, Tricks and Key Points
temporal fascia, temporal muscle, and deep tem-
poral fascia up to the bone. The periosteum Most patients are not aware of volume loss at the
should not be scratched to avoid pain. After aspi- temporal area. Therefore, the treating physician
ration to rule out vascular injection, the filler/ may suggest this area when designing the treat-
volumizer may be delivered safely. Advise the ment plan.
patient that (specifically with deep injections) a
slight pressure at the temple level may be felt
especially during mastication in the first post- Do’s
treatment day. The disadvantage of this approach • Remember that temporal volume
is more volume usage compared to the subcuta- replacement may be accompanied by
neous approach. The subcutaneous approach is lateral eyebrow elevation.
the second possibility. As needles may lead to • The use of blunt microcannulas is
bruising and/or intravascular injections, cannulas encouraged using the subcutaneous
are encouraged. However, specifically patients approach for temporal elevation.
with severe subcutaneous atrophy may present
76 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.8 (a, b) Patient before and after injection of 0.8 ml product per side both with a 21G blunt cannula. Note the
of Juvéderm Ultra Plus along the eyebrow per side and projection of the upper lateral aspect of the orbit
upper eyelid volume replacement with 0.8 ml of the same
level. In women, the eyebrow should lie above Patients should understand that it is not a surgical
the supraorbital rim and in an arch shape with its procedure. What fillers may promote is basically
highest point at the level of the lateral limbus of a mild volumetric augmentation of the lateral
the eye at approximately the junction of the orbital roof and an elevation of the eyebrows in
medial two-thirds and the lateral third of the eye- the range of millimeters (Fig. 6.8). Other aspects
brow. In men, the arch must be smaller and must of the upper third such as hyperkinetic forehead
lie slightly lower at the supraorbital rim than in and glabellar lines and the desire to have a major
women. It also tends to be heavier in men than in lifting of the eyebrows should be treated with
women (Fig. 6.7). BoNT-A or with selective endoscopic muscle
transection. The patient should be evaluated for
eyebrow position and mobility, eyelid function,
6.3.3 Patient Evaluation and and the presence of skin excess and eye bags.
Selection Pretreatment planning should include photo-
graphic documentation and a clear explanation of
The initial consultation should include a physical the final result.
evaluation and provision of education about the Some clinical situations make treatment with
benefits that fillers may bring to brow reshaping. fillers difficult or are contraindicated. Severe or
78 6 The Most Common Indications
moderate ptosis of the eyebrows cannot be After examining the patient, the requirement
improved with fillers because of the inherent lim- for medial, central, or lateral elevation must be
itations of the procedure. The best results are evaluated. Before starting the injection, it is
those with symmetric mild ptosis of the eyebrows advisable to stretch up the eyebrow with the fin-
and thin skin. In these cases, the skin tends to ger to verify the mobility of the medial, central,
have more mobility for both expansion and eleva- and lateral part of the eyebrow. When major
tion. Mild upper eyelid skin excess can be expansion is desired, the entire eyebrow should
improved in selected cases. be injected. In this case, the use of blunt cannula
Eyebrow position is one of the common areas (21, 25, or 27 gauge) may minimize bruising.
for asymmetry. It is quite difficult to find someone If only lateral elevation is desired, a small
with eyebrows that are same shaped and posi- quantity of the product (0.2 ml) is needed for the
tioned. Therefore, any asymmetry, which is quite lateral part of the eyebrow and is usually per-
common in middle-aged women, must be thor- formed with needles (Fig. 6.9). Mild differences
oughly documented before injection. Please note in positions may be achieved by varying the
that most patients will present lateral eyebrow lift- quantity of the product injected.
ing only with injection at the temporal level. Although the vast majority of fillers are
designed for dermal injections, biodegradable
products can be injected into all layers beneath
6.3.4 Technique the eyebrow for a better impression of the filler.
The filler should be injected onto the periosteum,
Eyebrow elevation usually does not require local into the muscle, and subdermally, especially
infiltration or nerve blocking prior to injection of when volumizers are used to improve eyebrow
the filler. Only topical or no anesthetic at all is contour and projection. The injection must be
usually required for this procedure. With the soft, and touching the periosteum (which would
proper technique, this procedure may be consid- cause pain) should be avoided. While injecting, it
ered quite painless. is advisable to stretch the eyebrow and place the
6.3 Eyebrow 79
thumb on the upper eyelid to avoid migration of control bleeding. Immediate compression is
the product down this area (Fig. 6.10). advisable in these cases. Local pain and discom-
After injecting the entire eyebrow or into a fort during injection is probably the result of
specific area, it is advisable to compress the eye- touching the periosteum with the needle.
brow for a few seconds to avoid bleeding and Edema after injection is quite common and
keep the product at the proper site. Bleeding is should be explained to the patient beforehand.
generally light and only minor edema usually Surface irregularities result from irregular
occurs. Ice bags are put in place immediately placement of the fillers. Asymmetry can be cor-
after the procedure. Micro-tapes may be placed rected with complementary injections of
onto the site for 2 days to help maintain the eye- fillers.
brow shape and to reduce edema and migration The most feared complication is migration of
of the product down to the upper eyelid if we are the filler down to the upper eyelid. Using the
treating restless patients. However, for the vast proper technique and injecting only small quanti-
majority of patients, no tape is needed. ties of the required product can avoid this. Other
Posttreatment pain is usually minimal and the complications, such as those in association with
use of any medication is rare. Patient’s satisfac- surgical procedures (e.g., numbness, paresis,
tion is usually good if the limitations of the scars, alopecia, and nerve damage), do not occur
results have been understood. When fillers/volu- in treatment with fillers.
mizers are combined with BoNT-A treatment,
the results tend to be longer lasting and more
gratifying. 6.3.6 Tips, Tricks and Key Points
a b
Fig. 6.11 (a) Epicanthal fold at rest. (b) Epicanthal fold on animation
6.4 Epicanthal Fold and Sunken Upper Eyelid 81
showing. There is no shadow of the upper lid ing where fullness was, and the shadow of the
sulcus (see also Sect. 6.1). During aging the upper lid sulcus appears. The fold of the upper
upper lid deflates, there is skin excess and fold- lid skin often droops and may reach the lash
line and hide completely the upper lid. This
status is an indication for aesthetic rejuve-
The treatment of the sunken upper eyelid with
HA fillers should only be performed by experi-
enced injectors that have already succeeded with
the treatment of complex tear troughs. Persistent
edema and mechanical impairment of the upper
eyelid excursion may be found if inappropriate
technique is performed. Serious risk of vascular
injuries may happen if sharp needles are used.
The use of blunt cannulas, gentle technique, and
low volume is advisable to avoid complications.
If proper technique is used, the result may be
amazing and much better than fat grafting
(Figs. 6.17 and 6.18).
a b
Fig. 6.13 (a) Sunken frontonasal angle and epicanthal fold. (b) After the augmentation of the glabella and nasal bridge,
an improvement of the epicanthal fold can be seen
82 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.14 (a, b) Profile view of the same patient: before and after augmentation
a b c
Fig. 6.15 (a–c) Frontal view of the same patient, before, 1 month, and 8 months after treatment
a b c
Fig. 6.16 (a–c) Observe the projection of the nose, the medial aspect of the upper part of the orbit, and the evolution
of the epicanthal fold
6.5 Infraorbital Hollow, Tear Trough, Cheekbones, and Cheek Reshaping 83
a b
Fig. 6.17 (a) Frontal view: presence of sunken upper amount of 0.45 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Plus was injected
eyelid with excessive palpebral show. (b) The patient was into the right side and 0.35 ml into the left side without
submitted to an injection with a 21G cannula. A total any complications
a b
Fig. 6.18 (a) Oblique view: distracting appearance of the upper eyelid. That was patient’s main complaint. (b) After
the treatment, a more attractive look was achieved
depression. Cheek ptosis with a depression paral- portion and the jowl portion. The deep fat is
lel to the nasolabial fold and the face and the dense in the anterior and the middle cheek. The
presence of the malar mound are important aging deep components of the malar fat pad may be
signs that are placed in the midface. encountered between the facial muscles. The
HA volumizers have dramatically changed the buccal fat pad of Bichat is anterior to the masse-
approach to the mid-third of the face. In the upper ter and lies deeper to the deep fascia at the buccal
mid-cheek and upper lateral cheek area (cheek- level.
bone level), volume deficiencies are mostly cor- The suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) is situ-
rected by the injection of volumizers at this level. ated over the lower portion of the zygomatic
Whenever a patient presents infraorbital hollow, body and beneath the muscles. It is separated
tear trough, mid-cheek deficiency, and prominent from the periorbital fat by the thin orbital and the
nasolabial fold, always start by restoring volume malar septum. The presence of malar bags may
at the cheekbone level which will usually lead to result from the ptosis of the SOOF.
an improvement of the infraorbital hollow and In the cheek area, the buccinator muscle arises
the nasolabial fold. posteriorly from the pterygomandibular raphe.
The buccinator muscle is localized deep to the
buccal fat pad and extends anteriorly to attach the
6.5.2 Anatomy orbicularis oris. The masseter has a superficial
and a deep part. The superficial part arises from
The middle third of the face encompasses the the lower border of the anterior two-thirds of the
area between the eyebrows and the base of the zygomatic arch, and the deep part originates from
nose. The inferior third reaches from the nasal the inner surface of the posterior third. It inserts
base to the menton. The ideal location of the the entire lateral ramus of the mandible. Its func-
cheekbone prominence is 10 mm lateral and tion is to elevate the mandible.
15 mm inferior to the lateral canthus. Deficits The malar prominence area has large muscu-
at this level are the result of maxillary elonga- locutaneous perforators. Just lateral to the nasola-
tion and are usually accompanied by a lack of bial groove, there is a concentration of fatty
midface projection. The cheek is framed supe- tissue, the so-called malar fat pad. The facial
riorly by the malar complex and inferiorly by nerve branches and the parotid duct are deep to
the mandible. The size and the shape of the the SMAS and superficial to the masseter and
cheeks are determined by the parotid gland, buccal fat pad. The zygomatical and buccal
the musculature (mostly the m. masseter), and branches of the facial nerve become more super-
the buccal fat. ficial in the medial cheek (Hamra 1992). The
Any midface analysis must include the infra- infraorbital nerve is located deeply, along the
orbital, the tear-trough area, and the submalar bony midface. It is responsible for the sensitivity
triangle (Tobias and Binder 1994). Tear-trough of the cheek and the lip.
deformities become visible in cases of infraor- As the aging process progresses, ptosis and
bital rim depression. The submalar triangle is an pseudoherniation of the SOOF and the orbital fat
inverted triangular area of midfacial depression pads occur. Malar bags result from the ptosis of
and is limited superiorly by the prominence of the SOOF and occur below the level of the orbital
the zygomatic, medially by the nasolabial fold, rim. Loss of the midfacial cheek support causes
and laterally by the body of the masseter accumulation of anterior and inferior cheek fat
muscle. and loss of the lateral and superior cheek fat. This
The SMAS comprises the superficial fascia change of anatomy results in deep nasolabial
and envelopes the majority of the midfacial mus- folds, multiple folds in the cheek (while smiling),
culature. The superficial fat to the SMAS is dense and a hollowness of the submalar area. The
in the cheek, the nasolabial fold, and jowls. The descendent vector will also produce a skeleton-
superficial malar fat pad is divided into the cheek ized appearance of the cheekbones.
6.5 Infraorbital Hollow, Tear Trough, Cheekbones, and Cheek Reshaping 85
a b
Fig. 6.20 (a) Presence of tired look with elongated lid- lower eyelid and cheeks was softened. A direct injection
cheek junction. (b) After the injection of 0.5 ml of into the tear trough was not performed
Juvéderm Voluma per side, the transition between the
a b
Fig. 6.21 (a) On the profile view, it is evident that the ment, there is no evidence of a noticeable transition line
volume loss in the mid-cheek was the cause of the elon- between both structures
gated lid-cheek junction and tired look. (b) After the treat-
originates just below the orbicularis oculi muscle Mild tear-trough deformities (e.g., infraor-
attachment to the medial orbital rim (Muzaffar bital rim depression) are a good indication for
et al. 2002). fillers. The presence of fillers along the infraor-
As there is scant subcutaneous tissue between bital rim may improve the suborbital groove.
the skin and the orbicularis muscle in this area, This is considered an advanced area for injec-
the tear-trough skin is attached direct to the tors, and complications are not rare, especially in
orbital rim. The cause of the tear-trough defor- the hands of inexperienced users who tend to use
mity may include volume loss, orbital fat hernia- too much volume or inappropriate fillers.
tion, and skin laxity in different degrees of Minimizing adverse events is of utmost impor-
severity among patients. tance here.
6.5 Infraorbital Hollow, Tear Trough, Cheekbones, and Cheek Reshaping 87
a b
Fig. 6.24 (a) This patient presented eye bags in the 25G microcannula. The product was delivered along the
lower eyelid. She was searching a nonsurgical solu- periosteum of the inferior orbital rim and under the m.
tion. (b) She was submitted to the injection of 1 ml of orbicularis oris. Note that the eye bags have completely
Juvéderm Volbella per side in a single entry point with a disappeared. No late edema was found
a b
Fig. 6.25 (a, b) The same patient before and after treatment smiling. Please note the reduction in the number of subor-
bicular wrinkles
a b
Fig. 6.26 (a, b) Profile analysis of the same patient before and after treatment. Observe shortening of the lid-cheek
junction and improvement of dark circles through tissue expansion with the HA
6.5.5 Cheekbones
• Do not use high-viscosity HAs for this There has been a huge change in cosmetic prac-
indication. tice since the introduction of volumizers in the
market. Before that when assessing the midface,
90 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.27 (a, b) Profile analysis of the same patient leaning forward with “chin down and eyes up.” In this position the
protrusion of the eye bags makes it easier to understand the importance of lower eyelid by the injected HA
both injectors and patients would focus on the Either no anesthetic or only topical anesthesia
nasolabial fold and sometimes in the tear-trough is usually required for this procedure especially
area, but cheekbones were in the “blind spot.” when the product contains lidocaine. Nerve
The introduction of volumizers did show us how blocks may be necessary if cannulas are to be
important the replacement of volume loss in the used especially 18 and 21 G. Outlining the entire
cheekbones is. Not only have we noticed the area with, e.g., an eyeliner before injection may
WOW effect in our patients but an additional promote accurate filling and easy removal of the
improvement in the nasolabial fold and tear marking (Figs. 6.29 and 6.30).
trough. Depending on the HA volumizer preparation,
There are different approaches to volume injections should be deep down to the bone.
replacement in the cheekbones. It is important to However, for some volumizers as Juvéderm
mark the lid-cheek junction and the volume loss Voluma injections may be performed in the
in the mid and lateral aspects of the cheekbones. superficial and deep fat malar compartment. This
I usually perform the marking with the patients enables a better lifting effect with less quantity of
with “eyes up and chin down.” This position product. The multilayer approach is recom-
enables a more accurate definition of the areas to mended when the deficiency also results from
be treated as well as a very efficient way to verify lack of good bone projection. There are different
the immediate response (Fig. 6.28). approaches that may lead to the same result.
6.5 Infraorbital Hollow, Tear Trough, Cheekbones, and Cheek Reshaping 91
Fig. 6.30 When major projection is desired, the zygo- Fig. 6.31 Injection is performed after an injection plan of
matic arch level is also filled the area to be treated has been drawn. At this level, the
malar prominence is enhanced
Bolus or small bolus, retrograde/anterograde require 0.5 ml, moderate deficiencies may be
techniques are possible at this level. Massage is improved with 1.0 ml per side (Fig. 6.34), severe
very important to smooth out any irregularity. deficiencies may need a minimum of 2.0 ml per
Both cannulas and needles can be used for side, and very severe may require up to 4.0 ml
cheekbone volume replacement, and care should be when submalar deficiency is also present. Volume
taken to avoid deep direct injection into the infraor- restoration in the mid-cheek may also be helpful to
bital foramen. It is also noticeable that more volume promote facial advancement (Figs. 6.35 and 6.36).
is used when the treatment is delivered with cannu- A frequent challenge that can be seen is the
las. Maybe it is due to the fact that more superficial over-injection at the cheekbone level, what is con-
product placement is obtained with needles. sidered not aesthetically appealing. Patients and
During the injection, the fan technique is under- injectors need to be aware about balance and pro-
taken from each edge of the drawing in order to portion in this area. A simple rule to be followed
promote a crossing of micro-tunnels. M multilayer includes the following: treatment should stop if at
injections are conducted. The deep reticular dermis rest we still believe that a little more product is
will be filled by starting more superficially with the required, and then the patient will be good on ani-
needle almost parallel to the skin. Opening the mation. If full cheekbones are slightly big at rest,
angle of the needle to 30–45° will allow it to reach the result may be catastrophic on animation!
the subcutaneous and the muscular layers
(Fig. 6.31). After filling all layers, a soft massage is
conducted and a final analysis of the obtained pro- Key Points
jection is undertaken. Finally, if needed, the needle • The injection of volumizers in the cheek-
must be inserted at a 90° angle almost touching the bone area has changed the understanding
periosteum on the most prominent parts of the of treatment sequence. Patients present-
malar bone for major projections. Drapes are may ing elongated lid-cheek junction, volume
be applied to reduce edema but are usually not nec- loss in the cheekbones, and prominent
essary and for correct maintenance of the position nasolabial fold sometimes might only
of the filler. After the edema has subsided, the final need treatment at the cheekbone area,
result may be evaluated (Fig. 6.32). The filling of and improvement of the tear trough and
the cheekbones should be subtle and increase nasolabial fold will not be necessary.
slightly the midface width (Fig. 6.33). • Overtreatment of the cheekbone area is
The amount of product will vary according to not recommended.
the degree of volume loss: mild deficiencies may
92 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.32 (a, b) Before and after injection of the cheekbone area. After treatment, with the improvement of the mid-
third of the face, a more youthful appearance is evident
a b
Fig. 6.33 (a, b) The filling of the cheekbones must be subtle and increase slightly the midface width
a b
Fig. 6.34 (a, b) A male patient with elongated lid-cheek junction, volume loss in the mid-cheek, and prominent naso-
labial fold before and after 2 ml of Juvéderm Voluma into the cheekbones and nasolabial fold
a b
Fig. 6.35 (a, b) Asian patient with volume loss in the canine fossa and 1 ml Juvéderm Ultra Plus injected into
mid-cheek and retruded upper maxilla before and after the lips. The injections in the midface were done with a
2 ml of Juvéderm Voluma per side for the mid-cheek and 21 G blunt cannula
94 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.36 (a, b) Same Asian patient as before in negative negative photo analysis is an alternative way of reviewing
photo analysis. Observe that after advancement of the improvements in volume restoration. Shadow vs light
mid-third of the face with injectable fillers, less concavity analysis after volumizing cheekbones
is obtained and consequently less shadow is noticed. The
a b
Fig. 6.39 (a, b) Cheek lines before and after injection of buccinator was provided and resolution of the lines
1 ml of Juvéderm Voluma per side. The injections were obtained. Please note that direct injection with needles
done with a 21G cannula. By this a deep support at the M. usually does not lead to prolonged correction
a b
Fig. 6.40 (a, b) Both the left cheek and the upper lip were filled. Symmetry and balance were obtained after the filling
undertaken beneath the lines. Placing the thumb ute to fight gravity (Fig. 6.41) Besides HAs
against the cheek intraorally may be helpful PLLA is the product for cheek rejuvenation. As
during the injection, especially when the inter- here the results are based on gradual collagen
nal part is treated. Immediately after the fan stimulation, the desired effect will show only
technique, a smooth massage with both the after several sessions over several months.
thumb and the index finger will make the sur- PLLA should be diluted with 9 ml (see Sect.
face more uniform and make any small untreated 1.3.4) to avoid unnecessary adverse effects. For
areas evident. Both cannulas and needles may cheek augmentation, PLLA should be injected
be used in this area. The treatment of accordion deeply approximately 0.3 ml per 1 cm2 follow-
lines is better handled with blunt cannulas ing the cheekbone. In the lower cheek area, sub-
(Fig. 6.39). In some cases only one specific area cutaneous injections of approximately 0.1 ml/
needs to be filled to promote facial balance and cm2 are recommended (European Expert
correct asymmetries (Fig. 6.40). In other situa- Recommendations for Sculptra, unpublished
tions, cheek volume replacement may contrib- data).
96 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.41 (a, b) Before and after treatment of the volume loss and sagginess of the cheeks with 2 ml of Juvéderm
Voluma per side by a 21G cannula. Besides correcting the volume loss, observe the improvement of sagginess
a b
Fig. 6.42 (a) At rest, there is an evident nose hump and Injections into the frontonasal angle, supratip, and tip
caudal rotation of the nose tip. This patient considered his areas were carried out. A total amount of 1 ml of
nose to be distracting but he was not open for surgery. (b) HA-containing lidocaine was injected
He accepted the nonsurgical approach with HA fillers.
6.6.2 Anatomy and the external nasal arteries are branches of the
ophthalmic artery. The lateral nasal vessels are
The nose consists of a framework of skin, carti- 2–3 mm above the alar groove and together with
lage, and bone that is supported by connective the columellar artery arise deep at the nasal base
tissue and ligaments that hold them all together. and end at the tip in the subdermal plexus
The skin is thicker and adherent in the lower third (Rohrich et al. 1995; Fig. 6.43).
of the nose and is thinner and more mobile in the The skeletal component of the nose consists of
upper two-thirds. The blood supply to the exter- bone and cartilage. The nasal bones are paired
nal nose is based on the facial artery. The supe- and the frontal process of the maxilla is found
rior labial and the angular artery are the main laterally. The dorsum of the nose is where the
branches that respectively form the columellar lateral surfaces of the upper two-thirds join the
branches and the lateral nasal branch. Both of midline. The upper lateral cartilages are conti-
them supply the tip of the nose. The dorsal nasal nuous with the nasal bones. The lower lateral
6.6 Nose Reshaping 99
a b
Fig. 6.44 (a) During animation, a downward rotation of Juvéderm Voluma into the nasal dorsum and into the naso-
the nose tip can be noticed. Note the presence of an evi- labial angle, straightening of nasal dorsum is observed
dent nose hump. (b) After the injection of 1 ml of
100 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.45 (a, b) Nose reshape with 1 ml of Juvéderm Voluma. Note the straightening of the nose dorsum
a b
Fig. 6.47 (a) This female patient presents a low nasal was done with 1 ml Juvéderm Voluma using a 25G blunt
dorsum and an excessive concave frontonasal angle giv- cannula through correction of the saddle appearance of
ing the impression of a frontal fossa. This pattern may be the nose and the retruded columella
found in infants and Afro-descendants. (b) Nose reshape
should lay 2 mm posterior to a parallel line from used. Lately, HA preparations containing lido-
the nasofrontal angle to the nasal tip in women caine have brought enough comfort for patients
and a little less in men. The best cases to be during the injection, and the use of nerve blocks
treated with fillers are those too far posterior to is unnecessary when working with needles.
this line; in these cases the whole dorsum should Tissue expansion is easier on the bone dorsum
be augmented. If the dorsum is on the line or and more difficult in the lower third. Care should
projects over it, filling the tip and the nasofrontal be taken with the vessels that pass within the sub-
angle should be the choice. cutaneous tissue above the muscles. The injec-
Nose reshaping with injectables can enhance tion of any substance into patients with oily skin
dorsum projection, correct nose hump, lift the and large pores may be followed by extrusion
nose tip, and improve the retruded columella and loss of the product, so injections should
(Fig. 6.47). always be below the subdermis and the bevel
down. When contrasting thin with thick nasal
skin, the latter will require larger polymers and
6.6.4 Technique quantities of products. Any mistake will become
quite evident in patients with thinner skin. For
As the nose is quite a sensitive area, topical anes- safety reasons beginners are advised to start with
thesia might not be sufficient. Therefore, a block biodegradable products. As mentioned previ-
of the fibers of the ophthalmic and maxillary ously, HA preparations are lasting longer and the
nerve branches is recommended. Usually block- use of permanent fillers tend to decrease.
ing the supratrochlear and infraorbital branches The use of cannulas for nose reshape is the
will suffice especially when cannulas are to be best alternative to treat very low and flat noses
102 6 The Most Common Indications
Fig. 6.48 Treatment of the nasofrontal angle must be Fig. 6.49 The nasolabial angle filling enables the lifting
undertaken closely to the periosteum, injecting into the of the tip of the nose. For women, this angle must be 100°
muscular and subdermal layers. This filling will make the or 110°. It produces a delicate appearance of the nose
bone dorsum more even and straighter
a b
Fig. 6.53 (a, b) Saddle deformity after rhinoplasty before and after treatment with a filler. Fillers may be an important
ally to prepare patients for surgery or may even be the only treatment
a b
Fig. 6.54 (a, b) This typical surgical nose was only treated with fillers. After a 5-min procedure, the patient could leave
the office with no postoperative period, no ecchymosis, and no bandages
augmentation should almost reach the imaginary native is to use injectables (Fig. 6.54). After
line between these two points. Injections should be treating the tip, injections must be made into the
carried out with a retrograde technique. Any irreg- nasofrontal angle, onto the bone and cartilagi-
ularity should be treated with a slight massage. nous dorsum, and into the nasolabial angle. Care
In the past, the dorsal hump was treated should be taken not to produce a supratip
mainly by surgery. However, a very good alter- deformation.
6.6 Nose Reshaping 105
a b
Fig. 6.55 (a, b) Presence of nasal hump and a droop of nasal tip. The treatment was carried out with 1.0 ml of Juvéderm
Voluma. A straightening of the nasal dorsum and correction of the tip were obtained
106 6 The Most Common Indications
• Do educate your patients with nasal def- 6.7 Nasolabial Folds
icits about the benefits of nose reshape
with injectables. 6.7.1 Introduction
• Please remember that nasal injections
will not change the physiology of the Nasolabial folds are still the major indication for
nose. In case of a distorted nasal sep- injectable fillers. Furthermore, they are the best
tum, surgery is the option. investigated filler indications as the FDA requests
this indication for fillers entering the US market.
Based on these studies we have for the investigated
products good data to answer simple questions as
Don’ts the following: (1) How much filler do I need to
• Do not inject noses if you are not prop- inject on average? (2) How long will the filler last?
erly trained. After one injection? After repeated injections?
And what is the safety of this procedure?
There is no such thing as the nasolabial fold.
There are deep nasolabial folds and more superfi-
Key Points cial ones; there are nasolabial folds that are
• Nose reshaping with injectables have induced by strong facial mimics (Fig. 6.56) and
filled a gap to the treatment of the dis- those induced by ptosis of the SMAS (Fig. 6.57).
tracting or the aging nose when we had Each of these folds requires special attention
only surgical solutions in the past. with regard to the injection technique, the mate-
• To have good results and avoid adverse rial to be used, and the amount of filler necessary.
events, extreme care in technique and Last but not least, a word of caution: this is like
proper antisepsis is of utmost the glabella, an area where an inadvertent injec-
importance. tion in an artery (a. nasalis) might lead to the
occlusion of the vessel with subsequent necrosis,
e.g., of the ala nasi (see Sect. 8.5.3).
• What are the benefits and limits of nose 6.7.2 Anatomy/Structure
reshape with injectables?
Nose reshape with injectables may Nasolabial folds – the small triangle between the
have limited results in the correction of ala, the nose, and the cheek – can be deepened by
a bulbous tip, but it definitely can contracting the levator labii superioris alaeque nasi
enhance dorsum projection, correct nose and the levator labii superioris muscles. Both mus-
humps, lift the nose tip, and improve the cles are activated when patients wrinkle their nose.
retruded columella. Strong muscular tonus might lead to very deep
wrinkles at quite an early age (Fig. 6.58). The depth
6.7 Nasolabial Folds 107
a b
Fig. 6.56 (a, b) Nasolabial fold on animation before and after correction with Juvéderm Volift (0.4 ml in the NLF and
0.1 ml in the marionette line per side)
a b
Fig. 6.57 (a) Before treatment, patient is leaning for- labial folds and marionette lines, mechanical support was
ward to show and analyze the degree of skin laxity at the provided and less sagginess resulted
nasolabial fold and cheek. (b) After treatment of the naso-
a b
Fig. 6.58 The same patient in her twenties (a) and her forties (b). Please note the deepening of the nasolabial folds
108 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.59 (a, b) Before and after treatment or the nasolabial fold with 1 ml of Juvéderm Voluma per side. The lips were
treated with 0.6 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Plus
a b
Fig. 6.60 (a, b) Before and after treatment of the nasolabial fold of a male patient. A total of 1 ml of Juvéderm Volift
was injected by side. Note the softening and natural aspects of the folds
of the nasolabial folds at rest in contrast correlates older patients with very deep folds, for example,
well with the degree of cutaneous elastosis and the it might be necessary to inject up to 2 ml per site.
tonus of the SMAS. Therefore, nasolabial folds are The best results are obtained in patients with
one of the signature folds to be affected by aging. either no or mild saggy skin over the nasolabial
fold (Figs. 6.59 and 6.60). With the introduction
of HA volumizers in the market, nasolabial folds
6.7.3 Patient Evaluation and are often treated in a second step, e.g., after vol-
Selection ume replacement in the cheekbones (Fig. 6.61).
a b
Fig. 6.61 (a) This male patient is leaning forward. A fold is not fully corrected under this position of stress,
worsening of the nasolabial fold is seen. (b) To be sure the short-lasting result may be expected. A total of 4 ml of
correction of the nasolabial fold will be long lasting, Juvéderm Voluma was injected into the cheekbones and
observe if the correction is still maintained with the NLF. With this a duration of the result should last over
patient leaning forward, after treatment. If the nasolabial 18 months
Fig 6.62 Native nasolabial fold Fig. 6.63 Stretching of the skin of the nasolabial fold
prior to injection
6.7.6 Complications
a b
Fig. 6.65 (a–c) Deep nasolabial folds treated with PLLA prior to and immediately after treatment and 5 months later
6.7 Nasolabial Folds 111
a b
Fig. 6.66 (a, b) Superficial nasolabial lines in a patient successfully pretreated with PLLA for deep nasolabial folds
before and 3 months after the superficial injection of a total of 1.4 ml of a low viscosity hyaluronic acid
a b
Fig. 6.67 (a, b) Before treatment, there is a deflation of the earlobe and presence of a vertical wrinkle. After injection
of 0.5 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Plus per side, volume restoration is achieved
6.8 The Earlobe 113
a b
Fig. 6.70 (a, b) Before treatment, it seems that it is a improvement. Right after the injection of 0.5 ml of
ripped earlobe with an enlarged orifice. Usually, this Juvéderm Ultra Plus per side, the torn aspect is resolved
patient would be submitted to surgical correction for
6.8.5 Tips, Tricks and Key Points undesirable results that even for lay persons are
detectable. Together with the eyes, the perioral
area is under direct attention and any inadvertent
Do’s injection will lead to distraction.
• Stretch the skin while injecting.
6.9.2 Anatomy
Don’ts The lips cover more than the area of the red part
• Do not overdue it – the patient does not of the mouth. They also include the skin adjacent
want a big lump as an earlobe. to the red part of the mouth. It must be considered
as an anatomic unit with extensions superior to
the nose and inferior to the chin. Perfect lip struc-
ture includes a visible white or transition line
Key Points between the mucosa and skin, a “V”-shaped
• This is usually an indication of which Cupid’s bow, fulfilled medial tubercle and ver-
the patient is not aware. You might point million, and ascendant line in the oral commis-
this out in case you have a patient with sures. The ratio between the upper and lower lips,
loose earlobes while treating another at golden proportions, is 1:1.618.
indication. A very important topographic landmark is the
philtrum. The midpoint of the upper cutaneous
lip is highlighted by the two vertically oriented
ridges of the philtrum. The Cupid’s bow is the
6.9 The Upper and Lower Lips concavity at the base of the philtrum (Fig. 6.71).
It is also very important to take into account the
6.9.1 Introduction surroundings of the lips, which are the labiomen-
tal and nasolabial lines. If too deep, these lines
The lips are very important for social interac- may give an older appearance which will prevail
tion. A wide spectrum of emotions is repre- even after a sufficient augmentation by a filler.
sented by the lips, from happiness to sadness The skin of the upper lip is very thin and lacks
and sorrow. It also plays an important role in the subcutaneous fat. The lack of additional support
expression of sensuality and sexuality. When at this level and excess of muscular movement
the sphincter mechanism is intact, normal lip may lead to the breakdown of the perioral area,
function promotes a competent oral seal for liq- producing wrinkling (Fig. 6.72).
uids and solids, especially the lower lip. The The major muscle of the lips is the orbicularis
free movable nature of the vermillion and cuta- oris muscle. It has circumferential fibers that are
neous skin makes this area quite suitable for dis- responsible for the sphincter function of the
tortion. The use of BoNT-A, although sometimes mouth. There are circumoral muscles, which are
quite helpful, may lead to asymmetries and tem- intimately associated with the orbicularis oris.
porary loss of function (see Sect. 9.4). Fillers, These muscles elevate, depress, and retract the
on the other hand, are highly suitable for both lips, producing complex movements during nor-
lip augmentation and improvement of perioral mal function. The levators lie from medial to lat-
wrinkles. eral: the labii superioris alaeque nasi levator, the
Nevertheless, one has to be aware that the labii superioris levator, the zygomatic minor and
variety of lip shape, occlusion, and muscle activ- major, the levator anguli oris, and the risorius
ity at this area make the treatment of the lips a muscles. The depressors include the depressor
challenge. Lack of understanding of the lip anat- anguli oris, the depressor labii inferioris, the
omy and muscular activity patterns may lead to mentalis muscles, and the platysma.
6.9 The Upper and Lower Lips 115
a b
Philtrum dimple
Philtrum column
White line
Philtrum dimple
Philtrum column
Cupids bow
White line
Fig. 6.71 (a, b) Frontal and lateral view on landmarks of the upper lip
a b
Fig. 6.72 (a, b) At the age of 28 this patient already pres- static as well. After the injection of 1 ml of Juvéderm
ents excessive perioral wrinkling on animation. If left Volbella into the vermillion, less wrinkling is observed
untreated, these dynamic rhytides are likely to become and a younger condition is provided
The upper and lower lips are supplied respec- innervated by the mental nerve. The motor inner-
tively by the superior and inferior labial arteries vation of the orbicularis oris is provided by the
within the submucosa. Both of these are branches buccal branches of the facial nerve. The muscles
of the facial artery. that act around the mouth are either innervated by
Sensory innervation of the upper lip is pro- the buccal or the marginal mandibular branches
vided by the infraorbital nerve. The lower lip is of the facial nerve.
116 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.73 (a, b) Analysis of the young lip before and boluses and massages. Note the absence of edema, bruis-
right after treatment with 1 ml of Juvéderm Volbella ing, or unnatural appearance of the lips
injected into the upper and lower vermillion through small
a b
Fig. 6.74 (a, b) The same patient 20 days after treatment. vermillion, better structure and less wrinkling were
Despite her young age (32 years old), she presents peri- observed. The presence of the product avoids excessive
oral wrinkling on animation. After the treatment of the puckering of the lips
6.9 The Upper and Lower Lips 117
a b
Fig. 6.75 (a, b) Profile analysis of photos before and million through small boluses and massage. Note the
right after the patient has been treated with 1 ml of adequate and pleasant projection of both the upper and
Juvéderm Volbella injected into the upper and lower ver- lower lips
a b
Fig. 6.76 (a, b) Profile analysis of photos before and after treatment. Note the natural aspect on animation without
excessive lip projection and improvement of perioral wrinkles
a b
Fig. 6.77 (a, b) Patient with a retruded upper maxilla. Lip into the upper lip, and 1 ml of Juvéderm Volift has been
treatment in male patients requires a conservative approach. injected into the NLF per side. Note the natural result that
A total of 0.5 ml of Juvéderm Volbella has been injected was obtained with both procedures
a b
Fig. 6.78 (a, b) Oblique view before and after the treatment. Note the upper maxilla advancement with a slight and
natural eversion of the upper lip and a more youthful appearance
a b
Fig. 6.79 (a, b) Note the retruded upper lip in comparison projection of the upper lip and more balance between the
with the lower lip due to underbite occlusion, before treat- lips. Observe the nice curvature in the philtrum area. The
ment. Injection along the lip border and volume replace- total volume of 0.8 ml Juvéderm Ultra Plus has been
ment into the medial tubercle through the mucosa lead to injected into the upper lip and oral commissure
6.9 The Upper and Lower Lips 119
a b
Fig. 6.80 Transition lines of both the upper (a) and the lower lips (b) are treated with an HA filler
the first choice. Prior topical anesthetics or lower lips. Attention must be paid to the dental
nerve blocking might further reduce pain. For arcade at this time. If more projection is desired,
the upper lip, the infraorbital nerve may be the medial tubercle may be filled either from the
injected followed by infiltration of lidocaine in mucosa or intraorally through the submucosa
the submucosa laterally and medially to the (Figs. 6.81 and 6.82). Mild perioral wrinkling
frenulum linguae. For the lower lip, the mentalis may be improved only by this method. If not,
nerve may be blocked and infiltration into the direct injection into each small rhytide should be
submucosa is also beneficial. Both the intraoral performed (Fig. 6.83). This is done best when the
and transcutaneous approach may be chosen. lip is stretched and the needle is placed directly
The intraoral approach is generally preferable as under the rhytide.
it is usually less painful (see Chap. 5). In senile lips, a nicer look will be achieved if
Nevertheless, in some patients topical anesthe- the entire lip structure is treated (Fig. 6.84). All
sia alone or even ice bags may be acceptable perioral area should be treated in order to provide
when associated with HA and lidocaine balance and natural result is mandatory
preparations. (Fig. 6.85). If the lips are surrounded by elastotic
Biodegradable products, although tempo- skin, combinations of injectable fillers are recom-
rary, promote the most natural results. The lip mended with ablative methods, such as chemical
border may be reshaped with HA to enhance lip peels or laser resurfacing. The best results are
definition (Fig. 6.80). For the vermillion, hyal- obtained in those patients whose anatomic land-
uronic acid gives the volume and the mobility marks are preserved and who have soft, distensi-
that only this highly hydrophilic substance may ble skin.
provide (Fig. 6.76). Nonbiodegradable prod- In some cases, direct injection in the lip border
ucts are less and less used for lip augmentation may increase inversion of the lips and causing
as the durability of HA preparations has excessive protrusion if too much product is inject
increased. in trying to correct this deficiency. Preferably
Injections may be started from Cupid’s bow or some senile lips and mostly young inverted lips
from the oral commissure. It is most important to with poor dental arcade support should be
perform it as a retrograde injection. Serial tech- approached differently. Instead of using needles
niques increase bleeding and may lead to irregu- as described before, the use of a delicate cannula
lar filling. The frame of the lips (the white line) with submucosal injection will avoid inversion
should be injected first; this will help to limit the and promote lip eversion with adequate projec-
expansion of the vermillion in both the upper and tion (Figs. 6.86 and 6.87).
120 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
a b
Fig. 6.82 (a, b) Filling the medial tubercle may improve the lips on profile examination
Key Points
• Lip reshape with HA products contain-
ing lidocaine has dramatically changed
the cosmetic practice. Patient discom-
fort during injection was one of the
main barriers for the use of injectables
in the lips.
• Evaluate the lip not only statically but
also during animation.
• Overtreatment should be strictly
a b
Fig. 6.84 (a, b) Filling the lips should target the restructuring of the anatomical landmarks. The philtrum has been
injected as well
122 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.85 (a, b) This 64-year-old patient presents promi- the NLF and 0.1 ml into the marionette lines per side. She
nent nasolabial fold (NLF) and downturn of the oral com- was also submitted to lip contour with 1 ml of Juvéderm
missure with moderate degree of severity. She asked for a Volbella. She was very pleased with the natural result that
natural result and was in restricted budget. Result imme- enabled her to return to her social activities soon after
diately after the injection of 0.4 ml of Juvéderm Volift into treatment
a b
Fig. 6.86 (a, b) Inverted thin lips with flat philtrum and eversion of the lips, lip contour and philtrum reshape were
immediate result after the injection of both the upper and undertaken with 0.55 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Smile using a
lower lips with 1.0 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Smile by a 25G 30G needle
blunt microcannula. After promoting deep support and
a b
Fig. 6.87 (a, b) Oblique view: inverted thin lips with a flat philtrum before and after treatment
6.10 Marionette Lines 123
a b
Fig. 6.88 (a, b) Before treatment, presence of prominent Juvéderm Ultra (Plus), all the units of the perioral area
nasolabial fold, marionette lines, and prejowl sulcus. were improved. Note the improvement in the jawline as
After injection of 1 ml of Juvéderm Voluma and 0.8 ml well
124 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.89 (a, b) A difficult marionette line to treat due to Voluma into the nasolabial fold and chin and 0.8 ml of
the inversion of the lateral aspect of the vermillion and Juvéderm Ultra Plus, eversion of the oral commissure and
oral commissure. After injection of 1 ml of Juvéderm correction of the marionette lines were obtained
a b
Fig. 6.90 (a, b) Marionette lines before and 1 week after treatment with BoNT-A while the patient is grimacing
• Do not forget to check the dental status
of the patient. With no teeth laterally or
an otherwise insufficient dental correc-
tion, a treatment with an injectable filler
will not be enough.
Fig. 6.91 With BoNT-A pretreated marionette lines • As for nasolabial folds have the patient
immediately after the injection of an HA filler while the comfortably sit up either during the
patient is grimacing
6.11 Jawline and Chin Reshaping 125
arises from the mandible below the central and the increase of the jowl pad and soft-tissue
lateral incisors and inserts into the skin of the atrophy, marionette lines and a sad mouth
chin. Wrinkles can form in a cobblestone pattern develop. The migration of fat down to the man-
where it inserts into the skin in some patients. dible creates the jowls that may extend below the
The chin is supplied by the mental and sub- lower mandible border. The superficial subcuta-
mental arteries: the former a branch of the infe- neous tissues tend to sag more than the deeper
rior alveolar artery and the latter a branch of the subcutaneous tissues.
facial artery. The venous drainage corresponds to
the arterial supply. The mandible is supplied by
the facial and inferior alveolar artery. The man- 6.11.3 Patient Evaluation
dibular branch of the facial nerve passes just and Selection
anterior to the middle portion of the mandible
into the midlateral zone. The marginal branch of The ideal relationship in a patient’s face is one-
the facial nerve has a variable course, but its loca- third upper lip and two-thirds lower lip and chin.
tion is normally at the angle of the mandible. The Patients with mandibular hypoplasia appear to
greater auricular nerve is in the cervical fascia, have a round face due to a short lower facial
posterior to the angle of the mandible. The men- height. The ratio between the upper lip and lower
tal nerve exits from the mental foramen, below lip and chin becomes 1:1. On the profile exami-
the second mandibular premolar. nation, the face presents a convex appearance,
The aging process may be accompanied by a jowls, and obtuse mentocervical angle with
reduction in the size of the mandible with redundant skin (Fig. 6.92).
absorption of the alveolar processes. In older When considering a patient for chin augmenta-
patients, there may also be soft-tissue atrophy lat- tion with fillers, evaluations of the occlusion, skel-
eral to the anterior chin, producing a deep trian- etal, and dental relationships must be performed.
gle almost directly underneath the oral Patients with a normal occlusion are the best
commissure. It is known as prejowl sulcus. With candidates for fillers. Patients with class II or III
a b
Fig. 6.92 (a, b) A male patient presenting retrusion of Juvéderm Volift for NLF, and 1 ml of Juvéderm Volbella
the upper maxilla, protrusion of the lower lip, and retruded for the upper lip. Note the improvement of the neck con-
chin. The patient was submitted to structural correction tour and the balance between the upper and the lower lip
with 4 ml of Juvéderm Voluma for the chin, 1 ml of
6.11 Jawline and Chin Reshaping 127
a b
Fig. 6.93 (a, b) A female patient presenting volume loss the chin with 2 ml of Juvéderm Voluma has improved the
in the mid-cheek and consequently elongated lid-cheek convexity appearance of the face. Nose and lip reshape
junction. The tip of the nose rotates downward, and an with 0.8 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Plus has also helped to
unbalance between the upper and the lower lip and the improve the balance of the patient’s profile
chin is seen. Volume replacement in the mid-cheek and
malocclusion were considered surgical candidates also suitable as a pretreatment before surgery to
in the past. In some cases, avoiding extensive give an idea of the amount of projection either
orthognathic surgery means giving fillers a try, required or desired by the patient.
while understanding their limitations and the num-
ber of sessions involved to obtain a nice result.
The classic mandibular retrognathia patient 6.11.4 Technique
presents with a retruded mandible and convex
soft-tissue profiles. Treatment involves orthodon- Fillers may be placed in the central segment
tic correction: surgical mandible advancement alone, between the mental foramina and along
with osteotomy with rigid fixation. the mandible body. When the central mentum
Patients may present good chin projection and and the midlateral zone are augmented, there is a
no lateral fullness. These patients are ideal candi- resulting widening of the anterior jawline con-
dates for fillers in these areas (Fig. 6.93). Fillers tour. Fillers in the mandibular angle will either
will improve chin projection and promote a jaw- widen or elongate the posterior mandibular angle,
line reshape and also improve the aspect of sub- promoting a strong posterior jawline contour.
mental fat deposit (Fig. 6.94). Some patients may Before starting the injection, topical anesthe-
need forward and downward projection; filling sia is applied and drawings are performed to limit
into the upper and lower part of the menton may the area to be treated (Fig. 6.95). The filling of
increase the distance between the mandible tip the mandible area associated with the nasolabial
and the lip, thus balancing the face. Fillers are fold may promote an interesting result, especially
128 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.94 (a, b) Due to the small size of the chin and its elongation of the chin and the hidden underchin fat in
upward rotation, the submental fat deposit is evident. frontal view
After the injection of 2 ml of Juvéderm Voluma, note the
a b
Fig. 6.96 (a, b) A female patient presenting perioral reshape, and chin advancement with HA-based fillers.
wrinkling and skin excess in the neck. This patient was Note the improvement of the skin laxity under the chin
submitted to lip treatment, prejowl sulcus and mandible
a b
Fig. 6.97 (a, b) Profile view: before and after treatment prejowl area and along the jawline and chin, reduction of
of the lip, prejowl sulcus, and chin advancement with HA. the skin in the neck area can be obtained
Note that by expanding the skin with volumizers in the
damage, and rarely any extrusion or nodule for- 6.11.6 Tips, Tricks and Key Points
mation. Chin prostheses may cause an abnormal
projection, even in patients with adequate soft tis-
sue. Mandibular and chin reshaping with fillers Do’s
may only produce mild ecchymosis and edema • Do encourage chin and jawline reshape
and entails a quick recovery. Proper technique in female patients. The loss of jawline
and a good choice of products may decrease contour leads to an older appearance.
these adverse events.
130 6 The Most Common Indications
a b
Fig. 6.98 (a, b) Mandible filling may improve the definition of the mandible and even treat mild saggy skin
a b
Fig. 6.99 (a, b) Either one or the other demarcation may hand side is suitable when both mid and lateral
be chosen depending on the projection desired. The right- augmentations are needed. After proper demarcation, the
hand side demarcation is for mild projection and the left- injection technique is started
a b
Fig. 6.100 (a, b) Chin advancement may be obtained with fillers. It is useful both as a single treatment and for surgical
6.12 Other Facial Indications for Volumizers 131
a b
Fig. 6.101 (a) Patient with class III occlusion, underbite, with 4 ml of Juvéderm Voluma injected into cheekbone,
and retruded upper maxilla. The traditional surgical indi- canine fossa, and nose and 1.2 ml of Juvéderm Ultra Plus
cation would be LeFort I. (b) After midface treatment into the lips, nonsurgical facial advancement was obtained
132 6 The Most Common Indications
Key Points
• Volumizers might be an alternative in
patients reluctant toward surgery.
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Nonfacial Indications
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a b
Fig. 7.1 (a, b) Inverted nipple on profile view. A total of 1.0 ml of Juvéderm Voluma was injected with a 21G blunt
cannula. Full correction of the deficiency was obtained
stimulation. Patients with local retractions or pre- 7.1.5 Tips, Tricks and Key Points
vious surgery will have limited to no results.
Before indicating the use of injectables for the
nipple area, it is important to guarantee that
patients are properly assessed and have no medi-
• Inject a local anesthetic first to (1) eval-
cal conditions in their breasts. Further, only HA
uate the degree of correction that is pos-
products should be used.
sible and (2) provide anesthesia.
• Use medium- or high-density HAs.
7.1.4 Techniques
a b
Fig. 7.2 (a, b) Frontal analysis of the correction of the inverted nipple
a b
Fig. 7.3 (a, b) Bottom view: Not only the inverted nipples were corrected, but a nice projection of them was
Table 7.1 Hand Grading Scale (Carruthers et al. 2008) that the visible veins cannot be perceived as
0 No loss of fatty tissue guiding structures to protect cutaneous nerves.
1 Mild loss of fatty tissue and mild visibility Subcutaneously, the veins coming from the
of veins and tendons digiti (usually two joined by anastomoses) are
2 Moderate loss of fatty tissue and mild continued in the dorsal metacarpal veins of which
visibility of veins and tendons
three are usually particularly well developed.
3 Severe loss of fatty tissue and moderate
visibility of veins and tendons The largest are the dorsal metacarpal veins at the
4 Very severe loss of fatty tissue and marked root of the fourth digit which, after merging,
visibility of veins and tendons become the accessory cephalic vein leading to
the forearm. The dorsal metacarpal vein of the
fifth digit represents the beginning of the basilica
Busso and Applebaum 2007; Becker-Wegerich vein. A large number of anastomoses intercon-
2008; Man et al. 2008). The evidence, however, nect all the veins to form the venous network of
is quite limited. There is a small clinical trial the dorsal hand, which may become quite dis-
(n = 10) investigating hyaluronic acid (Restylane) tracting with the volume loss due to aging
versus collagen (CosmoPlast). In this small study process.
(Man et al. 2008), the HA did better than the col- On the ulnar side, covered by veins, runs the
lagen. Besides that, there is a larger case series dorsal branch of the ulnar nerve, while radially
on poly-l-lactic acid (Redaellie 2006) in which the terminal parts of the superficial branch of the
2–4 ml of a highly diluted poly-l-lactic acid radial nerve may be found. After removal of the
mixture was injected in 3–6 sessions as well as fascia (subfascial layer), the extensor tendons
two case reports on hydroxylapatite (Busso and and the branches of the radial artery become vis-
Applebaum 2007) and another on hyaluronic ible. In the region of the radial fovea, the radial
acid (Becker-Wegerich 2008). artery produces the dorsal carpal branch and runs
between the heads of the first dorsal interosseous
into the palm of the hand. The dorsal carpal
7.2.2 Anatomy branch merges into the dorsal metacarpal arter-
ies, which again divide into the dorsal digital
The carpus is formed out of two rows – a prox- arteries.
imal and a distal – of four carpal bones each.
The metacarpus is composed of five short hol-
low bones. The back of the hand is covered by 7.2.3 Patient Evaluation
thin connective tissue so that the bones can be and Selection
easily felt. The visible and palpable bones
serve as leading structures for nerves and Which patient is right for volume replacement of
blood vessels from the forearm to the dorsal the hands? Of course, a patient that presents
hand. The skin is easily movable over the lipoatrophy of the dorsum of the hand. Some
superficial fascia and can be lifted in folds. patients may complain of mild to moderate
Due to the loose and flexible structure of the prominence of the vein or tendon, while others
subcutaneous connective tissue, large amounts are only bothered by a severe skeletonized
of fluids can accumulate causing edema. The appearance of the hands. Depending on the grade
tissue flexibility offers ideal conditions for of lipoatrophy, the choice of filler may vary.
the injection and distribution of fillers. As the Please find below the different stages of volume
veins are minimally fixed by subcutaneous fat, loss with patients of various ages (Fig. 7.4).
they are to a certain extent movable, reducing There are other hand positions that are use-
the risk for puncture. Cutaneous nerves lie ful for evaluating volume loss and prominence
deeper than veins and do not follow their path. of the tendons (Fig. 7.5) and veins (Fig. 7.6) as
They have variable patterns of branching so follows:
7.2 Hand Volume Replacement 139
Fig. 7.4 Different stages of volume loss of the dorsum of the hands. These are best candidates for volume
7.2.4 Material to Be Used on the indication. For patients with severe elasto-
sis, at first, a superficial filler should be used to
Several fillers have been used for hand augmenta- strengthen the dermis. In the second step, the vol-
tion. Which one should be chosen? This depends ume loss can be addressed with fillers intended
140 7 Nonfacial Indications
hyaluronic acid preparation can be injected with 7.2.7 Potential Specific Adverse
a 30 gauge needle (Man et al. 2008; Redaelli Events
Besides the typical adverse events as hematoma Deep Tunneling and swelling, some specific adverse events or
Technique unwanted results may occur which will be dis-
For this technique, a blunt cannula is used. cussed briefly.
Different cannula gauges can be used at this level
including 18, 21, or 25. As the blunt cannula does The Pin Cushion Hand
not allow the penetration of the dermis, a small If a high volume is used and the epidermis/der-
incision with needles must be made at the dor- mis is very thin, the whole dorsum of the hand
sum of the hand. The cannula is inserted into this may take on the appearance of a pin cushion.
incision, and then the material (usually hyal- This is not the usual desirable effect.
uronic acid) is distributed subcutaneously by In this case, it is recommended to strengthen
anterograde and retrograde technique. For expe- the dermis by a superficial HA injection before
rienced hands, this is a very fast technique applying a large volume subcutaneously. Here, a
(Hartmann et al. 2010). Regardless of the injec- low-density HA filler is recommended.
tion’s volume, slight massaging should be per-
formed to produce an aesthetic and uniform Visible Depots
result. Please find below the result of the hand In patients with extensive elastosis, depots of the
volume replacement both with hands shut filler may be visible as lumps. To avoid this, the first
(Fig. 7.9), hands up (Fig. 7.10), and hands down step is to use a suitable filler as an HA indicated for
(Fig. 7.11). superficial injections to strengthen the dermis. In
the second step, the deep filler should be used. Tenting Technique
The tenting technique is straightforward. Paraesthesias
0.2 ml or more is injected forming a small nod- In some patients, paraesthesias have been
ule. This nodule will then be massaged into the reported after deep injections with large cannu-
dorsum of the hand (Becker-Wegerich 2008; las. These paraesthesias usually disappear after a
Busso and Applebaum 2007; Hartmann et al. couple of weeks and are hardly bothersome to
2010). most patients.
142 7 Nonfacial Indications
Fig. 7.9 Before and after augmentation by a 21G cannula and a total of 1.6 ml of Juvéderm 4
Fig. 7.10 Before and after augmentation with an 18G cannula and with 1 ml of Juvéderm Voluma
The penis basically consists of the two corpora cav- 7.3.4 Material to Be Used
ernosa and the corpus spongiosum which contains
the urethra. The two corpora cavernosa, which are Most evidence for shaft augmentation can be
essential for the erection, are bound together by the found for lipofilling (Abecassis et al. 2010;
tunica albuginea. Several layers of tunicas enclose Panfilov 2006). Literature for fillers is scarce.
the penis. The superficial penile veins lead between There is a quite enthusiastic paper about the use
these layers. Above the tunicas is the skin which of silicon (polydimethylsiloxane oil) for shaft
ends up in the prepuce of the penis. The prepuce augmentation (Yacobi et al. 2007). This paper
can be divided into the outer and the inner layer. reports on the results for over 300 men. The mean
measured penile circumference is 9.5 cm (7.5–
11.5 cm) pretreatment and increases up to
7.3.3 Patient Evaluation 12.1 cm (10.3–15.3 cm) posttreatment (mean
and Selection increase of 27 % in circumference and 0.84 cm in
diameter). The silicon was injected in a tenting
Most patients are quite shy about this indication. technique using an 18 gauge needle. The mean
Therefore, it is advisable to establish a trustful follow-up was after 20 months with a range of
144 7 Nonfacial Indications
Fig. 7.11 Same hand positioned down. The degree of venous congestions is significantly decreased
1–36 months. No complications were reported. had significantly increased in maximum com-
Sexual intercourse could be resumed after 8 h. pared to basal circumference of 9.13 ± 0.64 cm
However, two things must be considered: (1) sili- in Group I (p = 0.01) and 9.49 ± 1.05 cm in
con has been associated with partly horrendous Group II (p = 0.01). Net increase of glandular
adverse effects (García Díez et al. 2005; Vardia circumference in maximum after glans aug-
et al. 2008), and (2) the study size and the follow- mentation was 14.93 ± 0.80 mm in Group I
up period do not allow to detect rare and/or and 14.78 ± 0.89 mm in Group II. No abnormal
delayed adverse events. reaction in area feeling, texture, or color was
For the augmentation of the glans penis, described. In most cases, initial discoloration
evidence can also be found. Kim et al. (2003) by glandular swelling recovered to a normal
report in a large case series: 100 patients state within 2 weeks.
with a subjective small penis (Group I) and Concerning the limited evidence, which one
87 patients with a small glans after dermofat should be chosen? In the interest of the patient’s
graft (Group II) were treated with HA. In all well-being and the doctor’s safe sleep, it is rec-
patients, 2 ml of the HA was injected subcu- ommendable to use HAs for this indication as
taneously into the glans penis. One year after unwanted results or adverse reactions might be
the injection, the glandular circumference more easily corrected.
7.3 Penile Augmentation 145
7.3.5 Procedure Prior to Injection with a mere filling of the shaft, a slight elongation
of the penis will be achievable as the weight of the
Prior to injection, a local anesthesia is inevitable. injected HA will lengthen the penis somewhat.
A penile block anesthesia with a standard local
anesthetic (no epinephrine!) is sufficient. Kim The Augmentation
et al. (2003) report glandular enhancement after of the Penis Shaft
EMLA application only. A concomitant antibiotic The augmentation of the penis shaft leads to a
therapy, e.g., with clindamycin or ciprofloxacin, visibly bigger penis. According to Abecassis
is recommendable. (2010), the increase using lipofilling is about
2.6 cm in circumference. To achieve this dimen-
sion, the injectable filler must be placed between
7.3.6 Techniques the tunicas. Usually a bilateral injection
technique between the tunicas is used. The injec-
Several techniques are known for elongation and tion can be done either top down by placing the
augmentation. Elongation is discussed only injections at the beginning of the penis shaft or
briefly as it is a surgical procedure. bottom up (pre-coronally). In that case, the mate-
rial is injected from the prepuce area upward The Elongation of the Penis (Abecassis 2010).
A real elongation of the penis requires a surgical Using blunt cannulas associated with proper
intervention, for example, the dissection of the antisepsis, technique and HA products will guar-
suspensory ligament (Abecassis 2010; Vardia et al. antee a safe treatment. The nerve block anesthe-
2008). This procedure combined with fat augmen- sia at the dorsal penile base is required. Please
tation might increase the penis length by about find below before and after photos for penile
2.5 cm (Abecassis et al. 2010). However, even treatment (Figs. 7.12, 7.13, and 7.14).
a b
Fig. 7.12 (a, b) Increase of the length and diameter of the penis after the injection of 10 ml of Macrolane VRF20. A
blunt 21G cannula was inserted at the foreskin as the entry point
146 7 Nonfacial Indications
a b
Fig. 7.13 (a, b) Profile view after penile elongation with 10 ml of Macrolane VRF20
a b
Fig. 7.14 (a, b) Before and 14 days after erasing a large Please not another lump of the material on the right side
HA nodule after Macrolane VRF20 injection in the left of the shaft
foreskin area with hyaluronidase (Hylase Dessau, 1:150).
References 147
Butterwick KJ (2005) Rejuvenation of the aging hand. and tolerability of Restylane versus Zyplast for the
Dermatol Clin 23:515–527 correction of nasolabial folds. Dermatol Surg 29(6):
Carruthers A, Carey W, De Lorenzi C et al (2005) 588–595
Randomized, doubleblind comparison of the efficacy Redaelli A (2006) Cosmetic use of polylactic acid for
of two hyaluronic acid derivatives, restylane perlane hand rejuvenation: report on 27 patients. J Cosmet
and hylaform, in the treatment of nasolabial folds. Dermatol 5:233–238
Dermatol Surg 31:1591–1598
Carruthers A, Carruthers J, Hardas B et al (2008) A
validated hand grading scale. Dermatol Surg 34(2):
S179–S183 Penile Augmentation
Coleman WP III (1999) Fat transplantation. Dermatol
Clin 17(4):891–898 Abecassis M, Berreby S, Boccara D (2010) Penile
Edelson KL (2009) Hand recontouring with calcium enhancement surgery: widening and lengthening lipo-
hydroxylapatite (Radiesse). J Cosmet Dermatol 8(1): penisculpture. Ann Chir Plast Esthet 55(2):135–142
44–51 García Díez F, Izquierdo García FM, Benéitez Alvarez
Fournier P (2000) Fat grafting: my technique. Dermatol ME et al (2005) Penile silicone granuloma. Arch Esp
Surg 26:1117–1128 Urol 58(5):457–460
Hartmann V, Bachmann F, Plaschke M et al (2010) Kim JJ, Kwak TI, Jeon BG et al (2003) Human glans
Hand augmentation with stabilized hyaluronic acid penis augmentation using injectable hyaluronic acid
(Macrolane VRF20 and Restylane Vital, Restylane gel. Int J Impot Res 15:439–443
Vital Light). J Dtsch Dermatol Ges 8(1):41–44 Panfilov DE (2006) Augmentative phalloplasty. Aesthetic
Lindqvist C, Tveten S, Bondevik BE et al (2005) A ran- Plast Surg 30:183–197
domized, evaluator-blind, multicenter comparison of Vardia Y, Harshaib Y, Gilb T, Gruenwald A (2008) Critical
the efficacy and tolerability of Perlane versus Zyplast analysis of penile enhancement procedures for patients
in the correction of nasolabial folds. Plast Reconstr with normal penile size: surgical techniques, success,
Surg 115(1):282–289 and complications. Eur Urol 54(5):1042–1050
Man J, Rao J, Goldman M (2008) A double-blind, com- Yacobi Y, Tsivian A, Grinberg R et al (2007) Short-term
parative study of nonanimalstabilized hyaluronic acid results of incremental penile girth enhancement using
versus human collagen for tissue augmentation of the liquid injectable silicone: words of praise for a change.
dorsal hands. Dermatol Surg 34:1026–1031 Asian J Androl 9:408–413
Narins RS, Brandt F, Leyden J et al (2003) A randomized,
double-blind, multicenter comparison of the efficacy
Safety: Assessment and Treatment
of Adverse Reactions 8
Berthold Rzany
require the efforts of multicenter case-control might have an increased risk of adverse reac-
studies with a duration of at least a couple of tions. Be specifically suspicious of HAs where
years. no good clinical trial data exists (e.g., this is true
In summary, present knowledge is based on for the majority CE-marked HA products in
case reports and case series and therefore needs Europe).
to be viewed cautiously.
Roughly three groups of risk factors can be
distinguished: 8.4.3 The Patient as a Risk Factor
1. The doctor
2. The product When is the patient a risk factor? As said before,
3. The patient we do not know a lot about the origin of these
adverse reactions. However, there is some evi-
dence that active autoimmune diseases, such as
8.4.1 The Doctor as a Risk Factor rheumatoid arthritis, or a treatment with inter-
feron might increase the risk of adverse reactions
When do we as doctors become a risk factor? specifically when using a tissue stimulation filler
(1) When we use products of questionable ori- such as PLLA.
gin, (2) when we inject the wrong product for
the wrong area or when we inject too aggres-
sively (there is some evidence that arterial Do’s
embolization might be caused by high-pressure • Take a thorough past history in your aes-
injections), (3) when we insufficiently dilute the thetic patients.
product (see PLLA), and (4) when we do not do • If a patient reappears in your office for a
the local disinfection properly prior to the injec- reinjection, take a few minutes and ask
tion – especially when we are using cannulas. him/her if a new medical condition did
Furthermore, this has been reported before – arise.
when we share syringes between different
patients. This might sound economical, but
might be associated with an increased risk of Don’ts
infections. • Do not do routine laboratory screening
tests in your patients. There is no evi-
dence that they are helpful.
8.4.2 The Product as a Risk Factor • Do not do skin testing (except for bovine
collagen) as skin testing would only
Substances with a rough irregular surface seem make sense in patients with a delayed-
to have a higher risk for adverse reactions. There type allergy.
are basically three examples for that: (1) PLLA,
which has a strong tissue-stimulating ability
especially when not correctly diluted upon injec-
tion (Rossner et al. 2009b); (2) hydroxyethyl- Key Points
methacrylate in a fixed combination with • There is no sense of an undirected labo-
hyaluronic acid (Dermalive) (Rossner et al. ratory screening for autoimmune dis-
2009a), which to our best knowledge is currently eases prior to an injection.
for the sake of everybody no longer being pro- • However, it is highly advisable to ask
duced; and (3) polymethylmethacrylate and col- prior to the injection the patient if he/she
lagen, when modifying the surface structure of is aware of any current medical
the rate of adverse reactions could be reduced. conditions.
There are also some suggestions that some HAs
152 8 Safety: Assessment and Treatment of Adverse Reactions
• Do not believe in any therapeutic rec-
ommendation before there is some clini-
cal proof that a therapy suggestion based
on a theoretical concept really works.
Key Points
• The biofilm theory is quite popular at
the moment although only limited evi-
dence backs it up. Recommendations
based on this theory must be carefully
reviewed. For instance, nothing speaks Fig. 8.1 Bluish discoloration after injection of an HA
8.5 Treatment of Adverse Reactions 153
8.5.2 Hypersensitivity Reaction depot following the flow of the artery to make
sure that all the HA that was injected dissolves
Bovine collagen was the only preparation with a (Rzany et al. 2009). The additional use of topi-
significant risk of hypersensitivity reactions cals that enhance the blood flow in this area might
(Fig. 8.2). Treatment of contact dermatitis after be helpful. Both measures, however, only make
collagen injection is usually straightforward and sense in the immediate hours after the injection.
involves topical and oral glucocorticosteroids From animal studies, we know that an occlusion
(oral pulse; see below). was reversible in a 4-h period (Kim et al. 2011).
After 24 h, when there are already erythematous
and pustular changes (Fig. 8.3), the damage is too
Key Points far progressed and the injection of hyaluronidase
• The treatment of hypersensitivity reac- will not be helpful anymore.
tions after bovine collagen was straight-
forward and involved topical and oral
glucocorticosteroids. Do’s
• In case of a likely vascular occlusion,
immediately stop the injection.
8.5.3 Acute Vascular Reaction • In case of an (extremely rare) event of
visual disturbances, have the patient imme-
If the injected filler occludes an artery, patients diately transferred to an ophthalmologist.
will report immediate pain and the injector might • In case hyaluronic acid was used, hyal-
even see a whitish vascular reaction. Usually uronidase should be injected in the area
these reactions can be seen when injecting the where the filler was injected and in the
glabella/forehead area or the nasolabial folds. It area of the supposed arterial distribution
is assumed that high-pressure injections increase as soon as possible (see below).
the risk of embolization. Besides cutaneous reac-
tions (e.g., necrosis of the glabella/forehead area
or the alae nasi), there are recent reports of blind-
ness after filler injections (Lazzeri et al. 2012 and
• Do not inject the hyaluronidase too late.
2013; Kim and Choi 2013; Park et al. 2012).
From animal studies (rabbit ears), we do
In case an HA was injected, hyaluronidase
know that hyaluronidase should be
should immediately be used. 1 to 3 ml of hyal-
injected at least 4 h after the occlusion.
uronidase should be injected around the HA
a b
Fig. 8.2 (a, b) Acute inflammation of injection and testing sites 2 weeks after injection of bovine collagen and 4 weeks
after the second skin test (Zyderm I and II)
154 8 Safety: Assessment and Treatment of Adverse Reactions
Key Points
• Act immediately if there is the possibil-
ity of a vascular occlusion.
• Stop the injection.
• If an HA was used, inject hyaluronidase.
• Do not forget that hyaluronidase of ani-
mal origin (this is the hyaluronidase
available in Europe) might elicit allergic
a b
Fig. 8.5 (a, b) Nodular reaction 2 years after injection of a combination of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and hyaluronic
acid (Dermalive). Five months before and after repeated injections of triamcinolonacetonide 40 mg (11 treatments)
156 8 Safety: Assessment and Treatment of Adverse Reactions
a b
Fig. 8.6 (a) Focal lipoatrophy after steroid injections in the upper lip to decrease nodule formation after PLLA. (b) The
same patient after correction of the focal lipoatrophy with an HA
a b
Fig. 8.7 (a) Abscess formation several months after injection of a porcine collagen (EVOLENCE BREEZE). (b) The
histopathology shows a huge amount of neutrophil granulocytes around the injected collagen
recommended. Prior to the treatment a bacterial • If an adverse reaction occurs, the first
culture to identify the pathogen is encouraged. goal is to find out about the filler or the
fillers that have been injected.
• In unclear cases a biopsy is highly
Key Points encouraged.
• Drain the abscesses in the first step. • The treatment should be based on the
• In case of an assumed bacterial infec- clinic of the adverse reaction.
tion, an appropriate antibiotic treatment • Every step should be openly communi-
must be initiated. cated with the patient.
Patients with adverse reactions usually feel very Bjarnsholt T, Tolker-Nielsen T, Givskov M et al (2009)
Detection of bacteria by fluorescence in situ hybrid-
insecure. Patients need to be guided. The goal
ization in culture-negative soft tissue filler lesions.
should always be to reduce the visible impact of Dermatol Surg 35(2):1620–1624
the adverse reaction, not to remove all injected Cassuto D, Marangoni O, De Santis G et al (2009)
filler material, which, in some cases of nonbiode- Advanced laser techniques for filler-induced compli-
cations. Dermatol Surg 35(2):1689–1695
gradable injectables, is not possible. The patient
Dadzie OE, Mahalingam M, Parada M et al (2008)
should understand this aim and not focus on Adverse cutaneous reactions to soft tissue fillers–a
something that might not be achievable. review of the histological features. J Cutan Pathol
Fitzpatrick RE (1999) Treatment of inflamed hypertrophic
scars using intralesional 5-FU. Dermatol Surg
Key Points 25(3):224–232
• There is no filler with nil risk. Kim YJ, Choi KS (2013) Bilateral blindness after filler
• Therefore all patients need to be injection. Plast Reconstr Surg 131(2):298e–299e
Kim DW, Yoon ES, Ji YH et al (2011) Vascular complica-
informed about the potential of an – tions of hyaluronic acid fillers and the role of hyal-
even delayed – adverse reaction. uronidase in management. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet
Surg 64(12):1590–1595
158 8 Safety: Assessment and Treatment of Adverse Reactions
Lazzeri D, Agostini T, Figus M et al (2012) Blindness fol- a fix composed of hydroxyethylmethacrylate and eth-
lowing cosmetic injections of the face. Plast Reconstr ylmethacrylate with hyaluronic acid. Dermatol Surg
Surg 129(4):995–1012 35(1):367–374
Lazzeri S, Figus M, Nardi M et al (2013) Iatrogenic reti- Rossner F, Rossner M, Hartmann V et al (2009b) Decrease
nal artery occlusion caused by cosmetic facial filler of reported adverse events to injectable polylactic acid
injections. Am J Ophthalmol 155(2):407–408 after recommending an increased dilution: 8-year
Marusza W, Mlynarczyk G, Olszanski R et al (2012) Probable results from the Injectable Filler Safety-Study.
biofilm formation in the cheek as a complication of soft J Cosmet Dermatol 8(1):14–18
tissue filler resulting from improper endodontic treatment Rzany B, Becker-Wegerich P, Bachmann F et al (2009)
of tooth 16. Int J Nanomedicine 7:1441–1447 Hyaluronidase in the correction of hyaluronic acid-
Nast A, Eming S, Fluhr J et al (2012) German S2k guide- based fillers: a review and a recommendation for use.
lines for the therapy of pathological scars (hypertro- J Cosmet Dermatol 8(4):317–323
phic scars and keloids). J Dtsch Dermatol Ges Strom BL (1994) What is pharmacoepidemiology? In:
10(10):747–760 Strom BL (ed) Pharmacoepidemiology, 2nd edn.
Park SW, Woo SJ, Park KH et al (2012) Iatrogenic retinal Wiley, New York
artery occlusion caused by cosmetic facial filler injec- Wiest LG, Stolz W, Schroeder JA (2009) Electron micro-
tions. Am J Ophthalmol 154(4):653–662 scopic documentation of late changes in permanent
Reisberger EM, Landthaler M, Wiest L (2003) Foreign fillers and clinical management of granulomas in
body granulomas caused by polymethylmethacrylate affected patients. Dermatol Surg 35(2):1681–1688
microspheres: successful treatment with allopurinol. Zielke H, Wölber L, Wiest L et al (2008) Risk profiles of
Arch Dermatol 139(1):17–20 different injectable fillers: results from the Injectable
Rossner M, Rossner F, Bachmann F et al (2009a) Risk of Filler Safety Study (IFS Study). Dermatol Surg
severe adverse reactions to an injectable filler based on 34(3):326–335
Combination Therapy
a b
Fig. 9.1 (a) Patient before treatment to improve the lips and balance the asymmetries. (b) Same patient. Submitted to
laser resurfacing. Fillers were injected 6 months later
complexion specifically in the hands of a less Fillers must be seen as the primary therapy for
experienced physician may present hyper- and/or volume loss of the deep dermis or subcutaneous
hypopigmentation after laser resurfacing. In fat. In contrast, laser resurfacing is the first
patients with fair and sun-damaged skin showing a method to be used for superficial rhytides and
full-face fine wrinkling, laser skin resurfacing may elastotic and pigmented skin due to sun damage.
be the treatment of choice to decrease the number For complex scars, both methods should be used.
of rhytides by increasing the dermal strength. If any resurfacing method reaches the deep der-
Awaiting the inflammatory phase to subside, in a mis or in case of bacterial or viral infections, scar
next step, biodegradable fillers may be injected tissue may result. This complication has also
into deeper wrinkles. The degree of collagen been dramatically reduced by the use of frac-
remodeling that occurs following laser treatment tional lasers. Fillers injected too superficially into
varies, depending on laser aggressiveness and lev- rhytides may result in nodule or “sausage” for-
els of enzymes, such as collagenases, which must mations and cause irregularities in the skin – spe-
have stabilized before any biodegradable products cifically when not appropriate fillers are used.
are injected. The appropriate time for beginning When full-face resurfacing is performed, laser
filler treatment is at the subsiding erythema. resurfacing as well as a deep peel may in some
Some patients cannot schedule the required cases decrease the depth of the nasolabial fold,
recovery time for a laser resurfacing. Those may especially a superficial crease, as it tightens the
prefer fillers to improve the appearance of wrinkles skin from both of the cheeks and upper lips. An
and scars until the time is appropriate for laser resur- aggressive therapy, however, may result in scar
facing. The advent of fractional lasers which are tissue formations. Patients with deep nasolabial
characterized by a much faster recovery time allows folds may benefit from a combined therapy with
to use both tools in one session. Therefore, combin- fillers and laser. As a rule, the injection of fillers
ing both of the methods may be more feasible. into the dermis should not be carried out until
Patients with darker skin are not suitable for laser-induced collagen remodeling has ceased. If
aggressive laser resurfacing. For these patients, the injection of nonbiodegradable fillers or fat trans-
combination of a mild exfoliative method or even fer is to be carried out in the subdermal layers (fat
a fractional laser device and fillers is appropriate. or muscle), it may be possible to combine them in
Skin resurfacing should improve skin quality, and the same session. Fillers should be injected
fillers should be used to treat deeper defects. Mid- immediately before laser resurfacing has begun.
exfoliative methods as well as fractional lasers can Vertical lines of the upper and lower lip benefit
be combined with fillers in the same session. from laser resurfacing. Results can be quite
9.3 Chemical Peels and Fillers 161
impressive. If partial improvement is obtained, depending on the skin type and the time required
fillers can be used to achieve better results after from recovery, superficial or medium-depth
laser resurfacing (Fig. 9.1). peels are better suited for some patients – and of
Other lasers may be helpful as well. Vascular course more economical. The rules are the same
lasers such as the KTP laser will reduce telangi- as for laser resurfacing: there are advantages
ectasias and facial erythema. Pigment lasers such and disadvantages with lasers, chemical peels,
as the Rubin laser will decrease lentigines – not and dermabrasion (with the latter being mostly
only in the face but also in all sun-exposed areas used for acne scar treatment). Combining any of
such as the décolleté and the hands. these resurfacing methods may amplify the
advantages of each and reduce the
Key Points Superficial peels must be used over a course of
• A combination of fillers and lasers is several sessions to produce a visible result. Since
possible in the same session depending they only exert effects in the epidermis, the
on the layer in which the tools are used. recovery time is quite quick, and skin condition-
ing can be obtained. There is no problem with
performing superficial chemical peels and dermal
or subdermal fillers in the same session. Fillers
FAQs must be injected first and the superficial peel
• Which one is better: dermal fillers or applied soon after. Patients must be warned that
laser resurfacing? skin redness may be more prominent at the points
For extensive superficial facial wrin- of injection. It may be the perfect method for a
kling, laser resurfacing, even fraction- “lunch-time” visit. Patients can return to their
ated laser resurfacing, is still superior to social or professional activities immediately
dermal fillers. after.
• When should fractional lasers and On the contrary, medium-depth peels, such as
injectable fillers be combined? trichloroacetic acid peels, require at least 1 week
For patients with fair skin, multiple away from work and social activities. When the
superficial wrinkles, folds, and creases, effect of the chemical peel extends down to the
both methods produce synergistic dermis, dermal fillers should not be injected in
results. the same session. Injections should only be made
• What is the right order of procedures? when the collagen remodeling has ceased and
If a full-face resurfacing is planned, skin redness fades. In general, dermal filler injec-
the resurfacing should lead, and the tion can take place sooner after chemical peels
filler should follow after the inflamma- than after deep laser resurfacing.
tion has subsided. If a fractionated mode
is used, the order is not as important.
The same applies for vascular and pig-
mented lesion lasers. Key Points
• Superficial chemical peels are beneficial
for skin conditioning, and the associa-
tion with fillers is very favorable because
it tends to enhance overall skin
9.3 Chemical Peels and Fillers appearance.
• Deep peels should not be combined with
Chemical peels are also important tools for the fillers in the same session. Here, the peel
removal of superficial wrinkles. Although should precede the filler.
patients may find the word laser more appealing,
162 9 Combination Therapy
9.4 Botulinum Toxin and Fillers area in order to avoid over- or undercorrection.
Experienced practitioners, however, may inject
The use of BoNT-A has changed the way cos- both BoNT-A and fillers in one session.
metic procedures are handled. Nonsurgical treat- Glabellar lines result from the action of the cor-
ment of wrinkles used to consist of filling (with rugator and procerus muscles. Surgical section of
collagen) or peels, both of which were focused both muscles often produces imperfect results and
on static rhytides. At the time, dynamic wrinkles may cause a distorted frown line. BoNT-A is the
could only be treated by a surgical approach and optimal solution to treat this area, and fillers may
only in a few areas, such as the forehead and gla- be used as complementary treatment (see Fig. 6.2).
bella. Muscle action may affect the duration of This is the case when the wrinkle is very deep;
biodegradable fillers. Therefore, the inhibition of some wrinkles are so deep that they seem to be like
muscular activity with BoNT-A might have a scars and are therefore uncorrectable even by the
beneficial effect on the durability of a filler, espe- combination of BoNT-A with fillers. In these cases,
cially in the upper third of the face. Furthermore, subcision or direct excision may be considered.
as the study of the Carruthers et al. (2010) clearly Horizontal lines on the forehead are caused by
shows the combination of BoNT-A and filler in excessive movement of the frontalis muscle.
the same area has a clear advantage over the only BoNT-A is usually the single method needed in this
BoNT-A therapy of the lower third of the face as area. However, specifically in patients with severe
with the combination, adverse effects of BoNT-A elastosis, BoNT-A is often associated with
become less recognizable. unwanted brow ptosis. Depending on the skin’s
The aging process triggers a change in muscular thickness and wrinkle depth, fillers may be very
behavior. Continuous contraction of specific mus- helpful as the only or adjunctive treatment here.
cles may lead to static rhytides. For such wrinkles, After the effects of BoNT-A are at their maximum,
BoNT-A alone might even be the only method fillers can be injected into the remaining wrinkles.
required. In severe cases, however, the dermis is so The use of combination treatment with BoNT-A
affected by both muscular hyperactivity and sun and fillers is also interesting in the oral commissure
damage that fillers and even other interventions (Carruthers and Carruthers 2004, de Maio 2003).
need to be used. Although the onset of the BoNT-A BoNT-A inhibits the hyperactivity of the depressor
effect starts after 24–72 h, a period of 15 days is anguli oris muscle, and fillers promote structural
advisable before treatment with fillers in the same support (Fig. 9.2; see Figs. 6.90 and 6.91).
a b
Fig. 9.2 (a) Patient before treatment to improve perioral injected to block both the overcontraction of the orbicu-
wrinkles. (b) Dermal fillers were injected into the perioral laris oris in the upper and lower lip and into the depressor
wrinkles and into the oral commissure. BoNT-A was anguli oris
9.4 Botulinum Toxin and Fillers 163
a b
Fig. 9.3 (a) On animation, excessive action of the DAO action is clearly visible. Juvéderm Ultra 3 was injected
and platysma bands is observed. (b) After the combined into the lips and oral commissure. Juvéderm Voluma was
treatment, the reduction of DAO, platysma, and mentalis injected into the chin
a b
Fig. 9.4 (a) Patient before treatment to reshape the nose. septum. There is a change in the laugh line and an eleva-
(b) This patient submitted to nasal reshaping with fillers tion of the tip of the nose
and botulinum toxin to block the depressor muscle of the
Platysmal bands reduce or disappear with septum and thus lift the tip of the nose (Figs. 9.4
BoNT-A. However, some of the horizontal lines and 9.5).
on the neck require complementary treatment Treating the nasolabial fold is feasible with
with fillers. Fillers may be injected in one session BoNT-A, but it must be conducted only in very
or after the BoNT-A effect has appeared few cases where muscular action plays an
(Fig. 9.3). important role. In this situation, the opposite
Other areas in which both methods can be happens: fillers should be injected first into the
combined are in the nose and nasolabial folds. As nasolabial fold, and BoNT-A may be injected
mentioned earlier (Chap. 6), nose reshaping may subsequently to decrease the muscular puffi-
be conducted with fillers. Here, fillers can be ness next to the nasal flare. Symmetry can also
effectively combined with BoNT-A, which will be achieved in selected cases (Fig. 9.6). Care
block the action of the depressor muscle of the should be taken because asymmetry is not an
164 9 Combination Therapy
a b
Fig. 9.6 (a) On animation, observe overactivity of the M. combined treatment of BoNT-A into the muscles previ-
zygomaticus major on the right and the DAO on the left. ously mentioned and Juvéderm 3 into the nasolabial fold,
Observe also the widening of the nasal flare due to action balanced symmetry was achieved
of M. alaeque nasi labii superioris levator. (b) After the
a b
a b
Fig. 9.9 (a) Patient before treatment. (b) Same patient. Submitted to minimum invasive surgery and full-face filling for
volumetric improvement
9.7 Eye Rejuvenation as an Example for Combination Therapy 167
9.6 Topical Drugs in area, especially when they are resistant to alternatives
Combination with Fillers such as injectables or surgery. The effect of bima-
toprost 0.03 %, prostaglandin eye drops, on eye-
Besides topical vitamin A preparations as treti- lashes was first seen in a clinical trial on glaucoma,
noin and topical estrogens, the evidence for the where some patients were forced to trim their eye-
clinical efficacy of topical drugs is very limited. lashes periodically to prevent them from hitting
Topical drugs can be combined with filler treat- their eyeglasses. This leads to further studies and
ments. In case of multiple punctures after a filler in 2008 to the FDA approval of Latisse (Allergan)
treatment, it might be wise to wait 24 h before for eyelash hypotrichosis. Here the bimatoprost
restarting the topical treatment. solution was not used as an eye drop but as a topi-
cal product which was applied to the upper eye-
lashes using an applicator. The bimatoprost
Key Points ophthalmic solution 0.03 % must be applied daily
• Topical drug therapy can be combined to the skin of the upper eyelid margin at the base
with filler treatment. of the eyelashes using the accompanying applica-
• Specifically in patients with severe elas- tors. Excessive application around the eye must
tosis, the combination of a PLLA ther- be avoided since resulting from the drop-skin con-
apy with external tretinoin application tact, pigmentary changes were reported.
has been recommended (Schierle and The ritualistic daily application on the upper
Casas 2011). eyelid margin helps patients focus on the eye area.
The improvement seen in the eyelashes includes
length, thickness, and darkness (Fig. 9.10). This
product produces effective results on a home care
9.7 Eye Rejuvenation as an basis with minimal adverse events giving the
Example for Combination patient a very positive experience. It may also help
Therapy strengthen the patient/physician relationship.
a b
Fig. 9.11 (a, b) Same patient before treatment with eyes elongated lid-cheek junction, skin excess in the lower eye-
opened and closed: the presence of volume loss in the lid, eye bags, malar mound, and static periorbital
periorbital area is evident. Further aging signs include wrinkles
Treatment in the infraorbital area starts with when it is not a real tear-trough deformity. If
the marking. The patient should be in an upward direct injection into the tear trough is needed,
position and lean its head forward, chin facing the volume requirement will be lower and so
down and eyes looking up. This position will the risk of adverse events. Care should be
enables more accurate distinction of the elon- taken when the malar mound is present.
gated lid-cheek junction and accentuates the Aggressive attempts to overfill a malar mound
volume loss along the infraorbital and cheek- can increase the deformity provoking prolonged
bones and mid-cheek areas. In general, volume and greater swelling. It is most recommendable
replacement in the infraorbital and cheekbone to volumize the surroundings and leave the
areas should come first and may completely or malar mound untouched (Fig. 9.13) (see also
partially solve problems at the lid-cheek junction Sect. 6.5).
9.7 Eye Rejuvenation as an Example for Combination Therapy 169
a b
Fig. 9.12 (a, b) Step 2 – observe the shortening of the Voluma per side. The infraorbital volume loss was treated
lid-cheek junction and the improvement of the tired look with Juvéderm Refine (0.3 ml per side). The upper part of
and skin excess in the lower eyelid after the treatment of the nasolabial fold also improved without direct injection
the cheekbones and mid-cheek with 1 ml Juvéderm
a b
Fig. 9.13 (a, b) The malar mound must be handled with level. Lifting the upper and lower cheek will smooth this
caution. Direct injection into the zygomatic retaining liga- area. The posttreatment picture shows correction of the
ment without providing support to the malar fat pad may volume loss in the cheekbones and infraorbital hollow and
lead to prolonged edema and should be avoided at this improvement of the malar mound
9.7.3 Step 3: Decreasing Muscular frontalis muscle to act unopposed, resulting in brow
Activity by BoNT-A elevation. Step 3 may comprise the treatment of the
glabella area. The dynamic component of wrinkles
BoNT-A has revolutionized the treatment for eye for the eye rejuvenation may be carried out 15 days
rejuvenation. With precise injection sites in the cor- before the filling process. Other alternatives are also
rugators and procerus muscles, elevation of the eye- possible including both treatments in one session or
brows and reduction of glabella lines are obtained. even after the filler component is completed as seen
A weakening of the brow depressors allows the below (Figs. 9.14 and 9.15).
170 9 Combination Therapy
a b
Fig. 9.14 (a, b) Again same patient before and after the the patient is frowning in the picture before treatment. The
treatment with HA-based products only as described picture after treatment shows the improvement of the
above. Note the visible glabella lines and crow’s feet when dynamic periorbital wrinkles after the injection of HA
a b
Fig 9.15 (a, b) The patient has been treated with a total lifting of the eyebrows. The beauty of the curved and lon-
of 20 U of BOTOX® injected into the corrugator and pro- ger eyelashes can be more appreciated now
cerus. Note the improvement of the glabella area and the
9.7.4 Step 4: Develop a Plan for and lead to very severe aesthetic problems. With
Maintenance Therapy that understanding in mind, we need to commu-
nicate with our patients and make them aware
Step 4 is of utmost importance as we are working that the aging process can be effectively slowed
with temporary products. It is important to down. If we do not have a follow-up plan, we will
remember: “We do not go to sleep looking young always be starting from nothing. Book 2 or 3 vis-
and wake up the following morning looking old.” its per year for your patients for touch-ups and/or
Aging is a continuous process that starts with reevaluation. Patients need and appreciate your
mild aging signs, to moderate, that become severe attention.
References 171
Abscess, 3, 6, 7, 9, 13, 15, 149, 152, 156–157 Facial plastic surgery, 166
Acute vascular reaction, 153–154 Facial thirds system, 25
Adverse reactions, 3, 4, 7–15, 36, 144, 149–157 First consultation, 22, 24, 27, 32
Alginates, 2, 8 Forehead and glabella, 70–74, 77, 153, 162
Anesthesia, 34, 37, 61–68, 71, 97, 113, 136, 140, 145
Asian patients, 23, 73, 80–83, 93, 94, 102
Asians, 23 H
Hand volume replacement, 137–143
Hyaluronic acid, 2, 3, 5–7, 10, 14, 15, 67, 72, 85, 105,
B 111, 119, 138, 141, 142, 151–155
Biodegradable fillers, 1–11, 13–16 Hyaluronidase, 5, 35, 83, 105, 111, 140, 146, 147,
Biofilm, 12, 152 152–154
“Blind spot” of self-perception, 23 Hydroxyethylmethacrylate (HEMA), 14, 15, 151, 152,
Bluish discoloration, 7, 149, 152 154, 155
Botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A), 22, 25, 27, 35, 45, 57,
70–74, 76, 77, 79, 99, 108, 114, 117, 123, 124,
131, 162–166, 169–170 I
Ideal patient, 25, 43
Intralesional injections steroids, 155
C Inverted nipple, 135–137
Calcium hydroxylapatite (CaHa), 2, 5, 10–11
Cheek, 3, 7, 9, 28, 37, 49, 50, 53–55, 64, 70, 74, 95–97,
106, 107, 110, 111, 125, 127, 160, 167–169,
171 L
Cheekbones, 23, 38, 42, 51, 53–55, 81, 90, 95–97, 108, Lips, 3, 6, 9, 10, 13, 16, 23, 28, 32, 34–36, 38, 42, 44,
109, 131, 164, 167–169 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 84, 85, 93, 95, 96, 99, 100,
Chemical peels, 119, 137, 161 102, 108, 114–123, 125–127, 129, 131, 132,
CIA. See Cosmetic investment advisor (CIA) 150, 154–156, 160, 162–165
Combination of nonbiodegradable and biodegradable
fillers, 13–15
Combination therapy, 15, 74, 159–171 M
Cosmetic investment advisor (CIA), 45, 46, 58–59 Marionette lines, 53–55, 107, 111, 122–126
MdM 8-point lift, 52–56
Merz aesthetics scales, 32
Dextranes, 2, 7, 8
Documentation, 12, 14, 31–34, 49, 77, 78 N
Dysmorphia, 36, 147 Nasolabial folds, 5, 9, 10, 12, 22, 23, 42, 43, 45, 49, 53,
The dysmorphic patient, 28, 37 54, 64, 67, 83, 84, 90, 91, 93, 97, 106–111,
118, 122–125, 127, 153, 160, 163, 164, 167,
E Nerve block, 37, 61, 63–68, 78, 90, 101, 119, 145
Earlobe, 112–114 New products, 4, 6, 16, 43
Epicanthal fold, 80–82 Nodule, 7–10, 12, 14, 15, 38, 96, 129, 141, 146, 149,
Eyebrow, 23, 49, 64, 70, 71, 73–80, 84, 166, 167, 169–171 150, 152, 154–157, 160
NO GO area, 53, 54, 92, 94 Poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA), 2, 8, 9, 15, 42, 68, 95–97, 110,
Nonbiodegradable fillers, 11–13, 36, 38, 160 111, 138, 150, 151, 156, 167
Nose, 23, 49–51, 64, 68, 80–82, 84, 85, 97–106, 114, Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) and collagen, 14, 151
127, 131, 163, 164, 166
Scales, 5, 9, 12, 23, 32, 49, 137, 138
Silicone, 11–12, 41, 42, 125
Oral pulse steroid therapy, 154–156
Sunken upper eyelid, 80–83
Penile augmentation, 143–147 Tear trough and infraorbital area, 70, 85–89
Photographs, 23–25, 32–35, 77, 90, 120, 147 Temples, 9, 21, 45, 74–76
PLLA. See Poly-l-lactic acid (PLLA) Topical anesthesia, 33, 37, 62–63, 87, 90, 92, 101, 119,
Polyacrylamide, 11–13, 42, 152 123, 127
Polyalkylimide, 11, 13 Treatment plan(ing), 21, 23–25, 32, 33, 41–58, 75, 77