Puberty Boy Changes Girl Changes

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The passage discusses the physical and emotional changes that occur for boys and girls during puberty.

For girls, the passage mentions development of breasts and hips, weight gain, onset of menstruation, and growth of pubic and underarm hair.

For boys, the passage discusses growth of muscles and shoulders, development of an Adam's apple, growth of the penis and testes, facial and body hair growth, and wet dreams.

Women's and Children's Health Network

Puberty - boy changes, girl changes

Kids' Health Topic
As you begin to go through puberty you grow taller, stronger, heavier, hairier, smellier,
moodier and you may get pimples! Other changes depend on whether you are a girl or a

Girls' changes
 Bodies become curvier and hip bones widen.

 There is weight gain, particularly on the hips. This does

not mean you have to start a diet to lose weight. In fact
you would be unhealthy if you did not put on some weight.
It just means that you are getting a womanly shape. Just
continue to eat healthy foods and get regular exercise.
 Muscles get bigger and stronger, but they do not show up
as much as boys' muscles.
 Breasts start to develop. First there is a small swelling
under the nipples, and then the whole breast area starts
to get bigger.
 Menstruation (say men-stroo-ay-shun) (periods) starts.

 You may get some whitish jelly from your vagina before or
in between periods. (Don't worry it's just your body's way
of cleaning itself.)

Boys' changes
 Boys gain weight.

 Shoulders get wider.

 Muscles start to get bigger and stronger.

 You may notice that you are getting an 'Adam's apple'. This is
your larynx or voice box getting larger and sticking out at the
front of your throat. Your voice may seem to be all over the
place, squeaky then deep or even sound like it is cracking.
Don't worry - when your larynx has finished growing your
voice will sound 'normal' again and probably a bit deeper than
 Penis gets longer and wider.

 Testes (or testicles) get larger.

 Breasts look like they're developing a bit! (Don't worry this is

quite normal and usually goes away by the end of puberty.
See our topic Boys' breasts for more information.)
 Apart from hair starting to grow on your body, it also grows on your face, like a beard,
moustache or sideburns. Usually it's pretty thin at first but gets stronger and darker
towards the end of puberty.
 You get erections sometimes because you're nervous or excited and other times when it
just happens by itself! This can be a bit embarrassing at first but other people don't usually
notice them as much as you do and if you don't think about the erection or you concentrate
on something really boring (like saying the alphabet backwards) things will settle down
You may have 'nocturnal emissions' or wet dreams while you are sleeping. The 'wet' stuff is
semen and you haven't wet the bed! It is also a normal part of growing up. (See our topics
'Sexual reproduction' and 'Secret boy's business' for more information.)

Both have to deal with

 Changing body shape.

 People responding to you differently. If you are tall for your age, people may think you
should 'act older,' or if you are small for your age they may insist on treating you like a little
kid. Some people may talk to you in an embarrassing way (see our topic Sexual feelings)
or touch you when you don't want to be touched. Confusing isn't it?
 Mixed up feelings and mood changes. This is a hormonal thing and is very difficult for kids
and their parents to deal with (see our topic Family relationships)
 One minute you have lots of energy and the next you feel so absolutely dead tired that you
just want to be left alone to 'veg out'. This is particularly difficult for parents to understand -
especially when the tiredness only seems to happen when it's time to do your chores or
homework! (OK, OK, I'm just joking!)
Seriously though, this is a time that is exciting and a bit scary so:
Don't be afraid to ask questions.
Take some time to get to know yourself.
Look after yourself by eating healthily, exercising (it makes you feel good) and getting plenty
of rest so that your body has the energy to cope with all the growing it has to do.

Answering your questions

How will I know when it is time for my first period?
First ask mum when she had her first period as this will give you a good idea. (Your genes
have a lot to do with how and when your body grows and develops.)
As a rough guide, you usually start your periods 12-18 months after your breasts start to
Have a look at the topic 'Menstruation - facts and questions'.
What if I start when I'm not at home?
Don't worry, you will not start with a great 'flood', so you will have time to ask a teacher,
school service officer or ask to ring your mum if you are at school. Start carrying a 'pad' in
your bag or leave one in your locker just in case.

Last updated: January 2011

Remember all females menstruate (have periods), so any female will know how to help you.
When does Puberty stop?
It usually takes a few years for all the changes to take place. A person's body is fully adult a
couple of years after reaching their adult height.
(Adult height is usually reached by the age of 17 for girls and 19 for boys.)

Why am I so much bigger than, or smaller than, other kids in my class?
Not everyone grows at the same time or the same rate. Some people have their growth spurt
really early and others really late. Kids who are really tall in year 7 are mostly about the same
as everyone else in year 10.
If you are really concerned, ask mum and dad when they did their growth spurt. (It's those
genes again!)
What happens when your voice 'breaks'?
You can see how fast you are growing on the outside but you can't see that inside your body
is growing too. As a boy reaches puberty the larynx (voice box) grows, which causes the pitch
of the voice to change. The pitch gets lower and the voice sounds less like a child.
Sometimes the sound seems to 'break' part way through speaking so that you may sound a
bit like you're yodelling!
It will settle down.
Some men are able to sing in the high voice they had as a child as well as their deeper adult
voice. This is called singing 'falsetto'. The voice sort of 'changes gear' to get into the high

Dr Kim says
"Do you know the story of the ugly duckling that turned into a swan?
There may be times during puberty when you feel that you have a lot in common with the
duckling! Gradually though, you will turn into a swan! Well perhaps not, but you will turn into
the wonderful, unique adult that is you."

My legs are getting longer

My feet are growing too
I'm starting to get pimples
I'm glad that you are too!
The boys are talking 'six packs'
The girls discussing bras
Make-up, fashion, friendships
Boys are mad on cars.
Confusing and exciting
The self I feel and see
I guess that I am changing
Into an adult me.


Last updated: January 2011

Women's and Children's Health Network

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