10 Science Forces and Motion Revision

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10 Science Forces and Motion Revision

Speed: Work and Energy:

 s = d/t  d = s  t  t = d/s  work = F x d
 km/h  3.6 = m/s  work is a measure of energy
 m/s  3.6 = km/h  units of energy = joules
 text p179 (1 J = 1 N.m)
Acceleration:  kinetic energy vs potential
 rate of change of speed energy
finalspeed  initialspeed  gravitational potential energy
 a=
time taken Inclined Planes:
 Ramp = machine
 units m/s/s pr km/h/s etc  Ramp = force multiplier
 acceleration due to gravity = 9.8  Screw and wedge
 text p185 Levers:
 1st class, 2nd Class, 3rd Class
Ticker Timers: Calculate S  examples pf above
 time between ‘dots’  Fulcrum – what is it?
 constant speed vs. constant  Apply w = Fd
acceleration Wheel and Axle:
 text p180  force multiplier vs speed
1st Law: definition Pulleys:
 inertia  application of wheel and axel
 balanced and unbalanced forces  force multipliers (increase
 overall (net) force distance)
 friction Gears:
 forces on an object at rest  driven gear
 text p175  driving gear
 idler gear
2nd Law:
 F = ma  a = F/m  m = F/a
 text p187

3rd Law: equal and opposite

 action and reaction forces
 text p175

Machines: definition of simple machines

 definition of compound machine
 force multipliers
 text p284 – 285

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