English Rev
English Rev
English Rev
-bans the use of any form of plastic WHO CARES ABOUT TREES?
bags on dry goods, and regulating its
-the author is wondering if there is
utilization on wet goods, as well as the
even someone who cares about trees
use of polystyrene and similar materials
in the modern era, he/she also states
as containers for food, goods and
the benefits the trees grant us without
other products.
us noticing
Ordinance 8282
-completely disallow the use of non-
-the author, Robert Froman, is
biodegradable plastic bags for dry
sarcastically praising and hailing the
people who contribute to the air
*In the Philippines, with the exception pollution
of 2 cities Metro Manila has largely
complied with the “Total Plastic Ban
Act of 2011” in order to prevent more Ruth and Roger Guzman
non-biodegradable wastes from *Metro Manila ranks among 20 most
polluting the environment populated cities in the world. Air
Mandaluyong pollution in manila comes form mobile
-the latest city to implement the Act and stationary sources. Mobile sources
on April 20, 2014 as it started to include motor vehicles, which emit
prohibit the use and sale of plastic carbon monoxide.
bags Stationary Sources of Pollutants
Muntinlupa -factories -crematorium
-the first city to implement the act -incinerator -power plants
on January 1,2011
-garbage dumps
-construction sites
-the only city to not prohibit the use
of plastic due to the plastic
manufacturers in the area
Health Effects from Air Pollution REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS
-coughing -bronchitis
8. Empathy