English Rev

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LITERATURE woman who was having a hard time

connecting to the internet

-“literatur” (Greek)
Jhaecci, CSR
-he share his funniest experience as
-“litera” (Latin)
an agent when he forgot the spelling
-letters and words of a city in New Mexico because he
-“belles letres” (French) was so sleepy at that time

-beautiful writings Cecille dela Cruz, CSR

FORMS OF LITERATURE -states that over the past decade at

the call center, she discovered patience
 Written
because the job is very demanding and
 Oral
requires mastery of skills set, and so
CLASSIFICATION OF LITERATURE you can’t be faint-hearted
 Poetry (Fiction) CONCERN
 Drama (Tragedy/Comedy)
Carolina T. Gonzales
-encourages everyone to do their
Rachel Dumlao, CSR part by bringing reusable bags like
-states that she experience name- bayong or canvas bags because
calling and racial prejudice, but according to Jamie Marie Elona
through it she learned to be patient (2012), each individual uses 22,176
and her communication skills, plastic bags in an average lifetime
computer skills, multitasking, and time Plastic Bags
management got better and better.
-are the most common type of
Miguel Leones, TSR garbage found in Manila Bay
-states that the number of calls they - when environmental groups
get every day is stressful but they need collected garbage from Manila Bay,
to maintain and improve their stats to they gathered 1594 liters, 61.9% are
be rewarded or even be promoted plastic and 23.2% are plastic bags
-he shared his most memorable *plastics dumped in bodies of water
experience wherein he received an can wreak havoc in marine ecosystems.
incentive after assisting a middle-aged plastic can choke marine animals or
damage coral reefs. ingested micro
plastics can poison fish and sea turtles. A STUDENT ENVIRONMENTALIST
when these marine animals end up in
-is about a fifth-grader named Omar
our plates, the plastic ends up in our
who has a chemist father who made an
body too (Enclona,2012)
invention to save the environment
Ordinance No.7393 despite his young age

-bans the use of any form of plastic WHO CARES ABOUT TREES?
bags on dry goods, and regulating its
-the author is wondering if there is
utilization on wet goods, as well as the
even someone who cares about trees
use of polystyrene and similar materials
in the modern era, he/she also states
as containers for food, goods and
the benefits the trees grant us without
other products.
us noticing
Ordinance 8282
-completely disallow the use of non-
-the author, Robert Froman, is
biodegradable plastic bags for dry
sarcastically praising and hailing the
people who contribute to the air
*In the Philippines, with the exception pollution
of 2 cities Metro Manila has largely
complied with the “Total Plastic Ban
Act of 2011” in order to prevent more Ruth and Roger Guzman
non-biodegradable wastes from *Metro Manila ranks among 20 most
polluting the environment populated cities in the world. Air
Mandaluyong pollution in manila comes form mobile
-the latest city to implement the Act and stationary sources. Mobile sources
on April 20, 2014 as it started to include motor vehicles, which emit
prohibit the use and sale of plastic carbon monoxide.
bags Stationary Sources of Pollutants
Muntinlupa -factories -crematorium
-the first city to implement the act -incinerator -power plants
on January 1,2011
-garbage dumps
-construction sites
-the only city to not prohibit the use
of plastic due to the plastic
manufacturers in the area
Health Effects from Air Pollution REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS

-coughing -bronchitis

-heart disease -cancer Jennie brought herself a dress.

*the most vulnerable groups include, S V RP DO

infants, children, the elderly, and those
suffering from chronic respiratory

In these alarming conditions, the

Government has enacted the My mother herself paid for my
-Clean Air act S IP V
-Republic Act No.8749 shoes.
-Presidential Decree No. 984 on “Air DO
Quality Standards”,and other
Presidential decrees that help save the
environment.  One way to make convincing
persuasive texts is by adding
emphasis to it.
-explains a term by giving
1. Use of Passive Voice
explanatory examples of its use
 You can use passive voice when
 identify the term to be defined+
the focus is on the action of the
 (is a)+place in a general class
person or thing affected
where it belongs+
 (that)+put the differentiation or Example:
the exact meaning of the term  Oral presentations are
PRONOUN scheduled by the end of the
month. (This is passive voice)
-replaces the noun/subject
2. Use of Inverted Word Order
-myself -itself
 The phrases or other expressions
-yourself -ourself
(rarely will, no, suddenly into,
-himself -yourself little, seldom, not until, etc.)
-herself -themselves precedes a subject
Examples:  I do believe that you should
rest now and stop working so
 Hardly had I said a word when
that kid started complaining
 At no time did she say that we
couldn’t come -delivering a speech in front of a
large audience in a formal situation
3. Use of Cleft Sentences: It
 Changing the normal sentence
pattern with the relative  Mental
pronoun “it”
-covers issues such as
Example: performance anxiety

 It was she who received my  Verbal

-correct use of words and
4. Use of Cleft Sentences: What pronounciation

 To emphasize a specific  Vocal

subject, write cleft sentences -proper speech patterns and
with “what: clauses techniques
 Visual
-usually about maintaining eye
 What we need is a clear
informative lecture to clear
5. Exceptional use of ‘Do’ or ‘Did’
1. Clarity
 To express something
opposite or contrary, use  Set clear goals and messages,
auxiliary verbs “do” and “did” and be consistent throughout
to emphasize negative your speech.
 State Concise opinions, do not
Examples: confuse your listeners with too
much information
 No that is not correct. Jane did
confront Jenny about the issue  Do not bore your audience and
between them provide them with meaningful
and sensible data
2. Conciseness  They also have reasons and
expectations for listening to you.
 Being straight to the point and
keeping it brief  Put yourself in the place of the
receiver while composing a
3. Concreteness
 When your message is concrete,
9. Self- Reflection on the strategies
then your audience has a clear
and Techniques
picture of what you are telling
them  Consider the following strategies,
and plan on how you may use
4. Accuracy or Correctness
them in speaking before a group
 When you communication is of people
correct, the audience gets
10. Clear Planning and Purpose
 Plan the objectives and intention
 It validates your credibility as a
of your speech, ensuring that it is
sharply focused and there are no
5. Small-Group Discussion irrelevant deviations
 Other desired characteristics of 11. Interest and Enthusiasm
communication which you need
 If you are interested in what you
to consider in making a speech
are saying, your audience will
6. Adequacy and Completeness sense that and they will give you
 Speech contains all the necessary more attention.
information the audience needs sana naman iccrushback na q ng
to achieve the result you desire crush q ;((((
7. Politeness

 Consider the audience’s reaction

to your message and take
consideration on their feeling

 Use polite words and gestures to

show that you are appreciative

8. Empathy

 It is being in the audience’s


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