Break Even Analysis
Break Even Analysis
Break Even Analysis
of Investment Analysis
Fact Sheet No. 3.759 Farm and Ranch Series| Economics
P.H. Gutierrez, former Colorado State University Extension farm/ranch management economist and associate professor;
N.L. Dalsted, Extension farm/ranch management specialist and professor; agricultural and resource economics. 3/2012
point is found faster and more accurately Additional income = $4/bu * 2 bu/A = $8/A Solutions
with the following formula: B-E = $21,270 / ($16/A + $8/A - $1.75/A) = Fixed costs = $12,000
B-E = F / (S - V) $21,270 / $22.25/A = 956 Acres Savings = $16/A
Variable costs = $7/hr / 4 A/hr = $1.75/A
Example 3 Problem 1:
B-E = break-even point (units of produc-
tion), A farmer raising 1,200 acres of wheat B-E = $12,000 / ($16/A - $1.75/A) =
F = total fixed costs, per year considers purchasing a combine. $12,000 / $14.25/A = 842 Acres
V = variable costs per unit of production, How much additional return (to land, Problem 2:
S = savings or additional returns per unit capital labor, management and risk) would Additional profit = ($16/A x 900 A) -
of production, and the mathematical ap- result? [$12,000 + ($7/hr / 4 A/hr x 900 A =
proach is best presented using examples. Additional return = (savings or additional $14,000 - $13,575 = $825 increase
income) - (fixed costs + variable costs)
Example 1 Additional profit = [ $16/A + ($4/bu * 2 Appraisal of Break-
A farmer wants to buy a new combine bu/A) ] x 1200 A = $21,270 + [ ($8.75/hr
rather than hire a custom harvester. The / 5 A/hr) x 1200 A] = $28,800-$23,370 = Even Analysis
total fixed costs for the desired combine are $5,430 The main advantage of break-even
$21,270 per year. The variable costs (not analysis is that it points out the relation-
Thus, the farmer would generate anoth-
counting the operator’s labor) are $8.75 per ship between cost, production volume and
er $5,430 in additional return by purchas-
hour. The farmer can harvest 5 acres per returns. It can be extended to show how
ing the combine. A farmer harvesting only
hour. The custom harvester charges $16.00 changes in fixed cost-variable cost relation-
900 acres would probably choose not to buy
per acre. How many acres must be harvest- ships, in commodity prices, or in revenues,
the combine because the acreage is below
ed per year to break-even? will affect profit levels and break-even
the break-even point of 956 acres. The
points. Limitations of break-even analysis
Fixed costs (F) = $21,270 farmer may want to evaluate the purchase
Savings (S) = $16/A of a smaller or used combine.
• It is best suited to the analysis of one
Variable costs (V) = $8.75/hr / 5 A/hr =
product at a time;
$1.75/A Additional Situations
• It may be difficult to classify a cost as all
B-E = $21,270 / ($16/A - $1.75/A) = Two additional situations are presented variable or all fixed; and
$21,270 / $14.25/A = 1,493 Acres as follows: • There may be a tendency to continue to
Problem 1. If the fixed costs for the use a break-even analysis after the cost
Example 2 combine are $12,000 per year, no additional and income functions have changed.
Break-even analysis can be easily yield is expected, variable costs are $7 per Break-even analysis is most useful
extended to consider other changes. If hour and the farmer can combine 4 acres when used with partial budgeting or capital
the farm operator can save two addition per hour, what is the new break-even point? budgeting techniques. The major benefit to
al bushels of wheat per acre more than the Problem 2. If 900 acres are harvested, using break-even analysis is that it indi-
custom harvester, what would be the break- what is the effect on the farmer’s profits? cates the lowest amount of business activity
even point if wheat is worth $4/bushel? necessary to prevent losses.