WebDescriptions SessionIV
WebDescriptions SessionIV
WebDescriptions SessionIV
(1 2:1 0 – 1 :1 0)
New, Notable, and Noteworthy at SUNY
On which SUNY campuses are your students most likely to succeed? Learn more by joining us for
a demonstration of SUNY’s new search tool and a review of student-friendly resources. Together,
we’ll also discuss the latest updates to the 2019 application process, as well as new options for
financial aid. Please bring your questions! A pplication: High School Counselors
Presenter: Cheri Perrillo, SUNY’s Assistant Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Services
Current Legal Issues A f f ecting School Counselors (Sponsored by the Westchester,
Putnam, Rockland Counseling Association
This Program will provide practical advice for counselors regarding some current legal issues which
may confront them: Conf identiality: FERPA issues, Parents Bill of Rights” regarding educational
records, Whether any legal “privilege” attaches to confidential communications made by a student to
a counselor; Litigation Procedures: What should you do if named in a lawsuit, availability of
“indemnification” statutes, access to insurance, conflict of interest issues, considerations if called as
a witness; Possible A reas of Liability: Reporting Child Abuse/Child Abuse in the Educational
Setting – immunity and good-faith defenses, References, Advice regarding credits/College
admission, Suicidal/dangerous students, Pregnant students; CSE/Special Education Issues
involving guidance counselors: Counseling as a related service, Transition plans, Issues under
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. A pplication: Elementary, Middle and HS
Presenter: Moderator: John-Eric Aguilar, Fordham U., President Elect, WPRCA, Mr. David
Strong, Thomas, Drohan, Waxman, Petigrow & Mayle, LLP
Sticks and Stones Hurt and So do Words: Physical and Relational
A ggression A mong A dolescent G irls
While the recent focus of bullying prevention programs for girls has been on relational aggression
(e.g., gossiping, rumor-spreading, excluding and cyber-bullying), there has been a notable increase in
the frequency and severity of acts of aggression and violence among girls in schools that also needs
to be addressed. In this presentation, we aim to bring awareness to adolescent girls’ engagement in
relational and physical aggression and the psychosocial, physical and academic outcomes related to
being a victim or a perpetrator. The school counselor’s role in prevention and intervention will be
highlighted and their role in consulting with teachers and other school personnel will be delineated.
A pplication: Elementary, Middle and High School Counselors
Presenters: Dr. Jennie Park-Taylor, Dr. Merle Keitel, Abby MacLean, & Polina Turner, Fordham
The Dignity f or A ll Students A ct (DA SA ): School Counselors as A nti-
bullying Specialists
The State of New York enacted the DASA law in 2012, and yet there is still a lot of confusion
regarding it. School counselors are often tapped to act as DASA Coordinators, create programming
for Respect for All Week or National Anti-bullying Month, and train faculty/staff. These
responsibilities require a level of knowledge and skill that many counselors do not possess...yet. This
session will enhance your ability to be an anti-bullying specialist through discussion of the DASA
law and it's applications to real cases.
A pplication: Elementary, Middle, and High School Counselors.
Presenter: Dr. Daniel Cinotti, Associate Professor, School Counseling, NYIT
The Forever Changing World of Financial A id…Both on a Federal and
State Level-Update 201 9-2020 (Sponsored by Dominican College)-Repeated in Session
Just when you think you have a handle on the entire aid process, a change is made. What are those
recent changes and how it will it impact your students and families? This session will give you
updates on both the Federal and State levels to assist your college bound students. A pplication:
High School Counselors
Presenter:: Stacy Salinas, Director of Financial Aid, Dominican College
Will or Do You Have Enough Money to Retire?
In addition to the workshop “Will or Do You Have Enough Money to Retire?”, this Small Group
Session is an opportunity to have your individual questions answered about safely managing your
investments, maximizing your Social Security benefits, planning your retirement, prudently saving
for college savings, and protecting your investments from rising nursing home and health care costs.
Feel comfortable putting your investment questions to experienced advisors in this “Townhall”
session. A pplication: Elementary, Middle, & HS Counselors
Presenter: Joseph Brunelli, Financial Advisor.
This extended workshop provides an overview of how to best align your Comprehensive School
Counseling Program (CSCPs) with Multiple Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) with a focus on
infusing prevention science. Based on the textbook, The Sc ho o l Co unse lo r’s Guide to Multip le -
Tie re d Syste m s o f Sup p o rt, this training explores both strong theoretical/research underpinnings
and practical applications to support the implementation of effective and culturally responsive
services. Participants will engage in hands-on activities, self/program assessments and action
planning sessions to enhance their ability to meet the academic, social, emotional and college/career
development needs of their students. A pplication: Elementary, Middle and High School
Presenter: Peg Donohue, Ph.D., Department of Counselor Education & Family Therapy at
Central Connecticut State University