A41 Construction Methodology
A41 Construction Methodology
A41 Construction Methodology
1.1.1 This Appendix provides an outline of typical construction methods and plant likely to be used for
the main roadworks, structures including bridges, and environmental mitigation works for the
1.2 Roadworks
1.2.1 Preliminary activities include the setting up of the contractor’s compounds and offices for the
Contractor and Engineer. This also includes cabins, stores, welfare facilities and car park. The
contractor will determine the location of the main site compound and seek all necessary approvals
for its design and construction. Due to the size of the scheme, other smaller offices and
compounds are likely to be established along the route. Preparatory works for the temporary site
establishments will involve some site clearance work, minor earthworks operations to level the site,
drainage and pavement works for the car park and service installation. Typical plant will be similar
to that described for the various roadworks operations below.
1.2.2 Services to the site cabins and offices will include electrical, communications, water and sewerage
facilities. The site compound will to be erected, maintained and subsequently removed in a
manner that will have minimum impact on the locality.
1.2.3 Specific facilities and structures identified in the Contract will be surveyed to determine their
structural condition prior to any works commencing in the neighbourhood. Restrictions will apply to
activities undertaken in the vicinity of these properties relating to working hours, movements of site
personnel, control of dust, noise and vibration levels induced during construction. These measures
aim to minimize or control nuisance during construction and also avoid damage to nearby
structures and buildings.
1.2.4 Site operatives and site staff will use the site establishments, on a daily basis, when the facilities
are significantly completed and access is available for personal vehicles and other forms of
transport. Construction plant will be established in the site compound and in working areas of the
route, when the relevant work permits and licenses are issued.
1.2.5 The initial actions will involve the construction of site access and egress points. Wherever
practicable, haul routes will also be established to ensure that construction traffic is contained
within the confines of the site, as far as possible. However, since the route intersects rivers, main
roads, local roads and other obstructions the use of other public roads is likely to be required and
approval for this will be sought by the contractor with the relevant authorities.
1.2.6 The land area occupied by the permanent works will be identified accurately on the ground, by
surveying and installing appropriate pegs and posts, prior to the works commencing. The area
defined will be the area of land acquired through the Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and any
other areas the contractor has acquired by agreement to facilitate construction of the works due to
his own method of working.
1.2.7 This will involve the installation of permanent fencing with temporary fencing erected where it is not
possible to install the permanent fence, for example at areas where land will be returned to
agriculture following completion of the works, or if the contractor considers that there is a risk of
damage to the permanent works during construction.
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
1.2.8 The permanent fencing, required to denote the permanent highway boundary will generally be a
1.4m high timber post and four-rail fence. This would, however be supplemented with additional
measures suitable for the exclusion of badgers, otters, rabbits and other wildlife. Temporary
fencing will generally be a post and wire or chespale fence.
1.2.9 Other specific fencing that may be required temporarily will include silt/sediment fences to prevent
sediment reaching watercourses and higher security fences at compounds or where additional
security of the works is required.
1.2.10 Fence materials such as posts, rails, wires and mesh will be delivered to the site, either to the main
compound or directly to satellite compound. Typically, materials will be transported along the site
by tractor and trailer mounted with hydraulic plant for driving the fence posts. Some fences may
require a concrete foundation, or the ground may be too hard for driven fence posts. In this
instance a small excavator will be used. Following fence post installation, the rails, wires and mesh
will be attached manually.
1.2.11 Environmental fencing eg otter fencing and badger fencing, requires to extend below ground level
and this requires an element of excavation which will be undertaken using a small excavator or by
hand digging.
1.2.13 Plant required for the site clearance activities will include, but not be limited to:
• crane mounted, hydraulic operated demolition apparatus;
• cranes, excavators, bulldozers;
• tracked vehicles, dump trucks, lorries; and
• mechanical saws, portable electric and pneumatic tools, cutting and burning sets.
1.2.14 Any material to be reused in the permanent works (eg dry stone walls) will be stockpiled.
1.2.15 Surplus and unsuitable materials arising from the site clearance operations will be disposed of at
appropriate, approved landfill sites in the Aberdeen City or Aberdeenshire area. Burning of
materials on site will not be permitted, except when specifically required for which approvals will be
required. Materials for disposal will be transported in appropriate wagons along prescribed routes
which are likely to include the A90, A96, A956, A93, A944, A947, B9077 and B979. Prescribed
routes will be included in the main construction contract documents. The contractor will be
required to seek approval from the relevant authority should he wish to use any other routes.
1.2.16 The contractor will be responsible for the timing of demolition and site clearance activities and he
will be required to take account of seasonal incidents, such as such as bird breeding seasons and
relocation of any species in his works programme. The detailed timetable for ecological constraints
will comply with the ES and will also be agreed with Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH).
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
Contaminated Materials
1.2.17 The treatment of hazardous materials encountered in site clearance will comply with specific
contract requirements and will require an assessment in accordance with current health and safety
regulations including the Control of Substances Hazardous To Health Regulations (COSHH)
Regulations. Contaminated materials may have to be disposed of outside the Aberdeenshire area
if there are no licensed sites nearby.
1.2.18 Temporary arrangements will be made to control surface water run-off, during construction, where
surface water could affect the works or the environmental performance of mitigation measures.
Measures implemented may include temporary settlement ponds which will allow sediment to settle
before clean water is discharged via a temporary outfall pipe or ditch to receiving watercourses.
Other options for disposal of water include discharging to sewers if they have sufficient capacity or
taking water off site in bowsers or tankers for disposal. It is likely that the permanent drainage
basins and ponds will be constructed and used during construction. These will be cleaned and
maintained following the main construction works for incorporation in the final scheme drainage
network. During the construction period, and particularly the earthworks construction phase, water
will be directed to these ponds using temporary cut off ditches within the works. Temporary ponds
will require to be maintained during the course of the works, to remove sediment and silt, for
example, and ensure that the ponds operate to an acceptable level.
1.2.19 Construction of the ponds will involve earthworks operations including excavation, placement of fill
and compaction. Typical plant will include:
• excavators, bulldozers; and
• tracked vehicles, dump trucks, lorries.
Service Diversions
1.2.20 It is possible that some service diversions will be undertaken in advance of the main construction
works. However, other diversion are only likely to be possible once construction has reached a
certain point.
1.2.21 Services are either located above or below ground. For works above ground, posts, towers or
pylons will have to be delivered to the site and constructed. This will involve transport of materials
and some excavation and concrete works for foundations or footings. Plant likely to be involved
will include:
• excavators;
• dump trucks and lorries;
• concrete wagons; and
• cranes (for pylon construction).
1.2.22 For works below ground, excavation will be necessary to the ensure the services are placed in a
trench at an appropriate level. Where the service apparatus will pass below the route, ducting and
a concrete surround will be required to protect the diversion and will be delivered to the site. Plant
likely to be involved will include:
• excavators;
• dump trucks and lorries;
• concrete wagons; and
• hand operated compacting plant.
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
1.2.23 Where appropriate, topsoil will be stripped off the full area occupied by the roads, cuttings,
embankments and associated structures to depths defined for each particular location. The topsoil
will be stockpiled in large mounds, outwith working areas, until such time as it is re-used on the
exposed side slopes of embankments and cuttings. Otherwise, adjacent grassland areas are to be
protected. Measures such as cut off ditches may be required around stockpiles to transfer any
contaminated run-off to temporary settlement ponds.
1.2.24 The plant generally used for topsoil stripping includes rubber-tyred motorised scrapers, for long
haul; and crawler tractors with scrapers, when stockpiles are close to the excavations. More
controlled procedures will be required in environmentally sensitive zones where smaller excavators
would be used to load dump truck transporters. Limits will be imposed on the maximum distance
from the zone of excavation to the point of deposition of the topsoil to control invasive plant species
and ensure that topsoil is reused close to the location it was stripped. In addition, archaeologists
may be required during the topsoil stripping process.
Pre-Earthworks Drainage
1.2.25 Pre-earthworks drainage comprises unlined or lined ditches, or filter drains constructed at the top of
cutting slopes or toe of embankments where required by the design to prevent surface or ground
water entering the works. When placed at the top of cuttings, surface water carried by the pre-
earthworks drainage is clean and can be transferred directly to watercourses unless the rate of
discharge has to be controlled. When placed at the toe of embankments, surface water carried by
the pre-earthworks drainage will contain sediment from run-off from the embankments being
constructed and will be required to discharge water to temporary settlement ponds prior to it being
discharged to a watercourse.
1.2.26 Pre-earthworks drainage will involve excavation of a ditch or trench with the excavated material
being transported to a tip or for reuse within the works. Plant likely to be involved will include:
• excavators; and
• tracked vehicles, dump trucks, lorries.
1.2.27 It should be noted that some ditches will have to be lined depending on the nature of the subsoil to
prevent ingress of sediment into the ditch. Other options in this instance would include us of filter
drains. Plant likely to be involved will include:
• excavators;
• tracked vehicles, dump trucks, lorries; and
• concrete wagons.
1.2.28 The principal earthworks process involves layered excavations of soils in cuttings and
transportation of the excavated soil to neighbouring zones where embankments are required.
Deposition in the fill areas will be built up by depositing the material and using bulldozers to place it
in layers which are compacted by rollers. This earthworks procedure continues until the ground
elevation in cuttings is reduced, and embankments are built, to the road formation level. The road
formation level is the plane between the soil layers and structural road pavement materials.
1.2.29 Generally, it is preferred to achieve a cut/fill balance and have short haul distances to minimise
transport of earthworks materials along the site between cuttings where they are excavated and
embanlments where they are placed. The undulating topography of the site and alignment
standards to be provided complicate achievement of an earthworks quantities balance and long
hauls of material may be required. Excavations in cutting will include the removal of the top layers
(generally around 2m deep) of material which are likely to be unacceptable for use in the main road
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
embankments and transport of this material to stock piles to be reused as landscaping earthworks
mitigation at a later date. The lower layers of the cuttings are likely to comprise material which is
more acceptable for use in the main road embankments and this will be transported and
compacted as described above.
1.2.30 Some excavations may encounter rock and this is harder to excavate. In some instances, rock
may be ripped using a bulldozer with a blade attached to the rear. Other options include using a
hydraulic breaker (also known as a rock hammer or pecker) or blasting. Blasting is only likely to be
used for the removal of large quanties of rock to expedite programme or for harder rock which
cannot be ripped. Blasting involves drilling holes to the required depth in the rock, placing charges
and detonators. Prior to blasting, the blast area is evacuated and controlled blasting occurs. The
blasted rock is transferred to dump trucks or lorries and transferred for reuse as bulk rockfill in the
works or to a crusher to process the rock into aggregate for use as drainage bedding and filter
material, pavement materials, concrete aggregates etc.
1.2.31 The main items of plant required for the earthworks activities will include but is not limited to:
• rubber-tyred motorised scrapers and crawler tractors with scrapers for cut / fill operations;
• bulldozers to grade banks in cuttings;
• front loading bucket excavators and dump trucks in cuttings;
• bulldozers with ripping blades or tracked excavators with a hydraulic breaker for rock
• road wagons for off-site disposal of unsuitable and surplus;
• bulldozers to layer and grade soil deposited in embankments;
• smooth or vibrating rollers to compact the fill in layers;
• motor graders to plane and trim the formation; and
• rock crushers.
1.2.32 Construction of environmental bunds for landscaping or noise attenuation purposes is part of the
overall earthworks operation. As indicated above, the material used to form these bunds is likely to
be excavated from the top of cuttings and stockpiled prior to use.
1.2.33 The material will be loaded from the stockpile and transported along the haul road to the location of
the earthworks mitigation where it is deposited, placed and compacted.
1.2.34 Construction of carriageway drainage will involve laying filter drains, carrier drains and outfalls to
transport surface water run-off from side slopes, carriageways and other paved areas. Drainage
products will include pipes, gully pots, cover gratings, graded gravel to bed, gravel filter material,
and other stone pieces for balancing ponds and open channels. Manholes and chambers will be
built with in-situ concrete bases, precast concrete ring or brickwork walls and iron cover on precast
concrete caps. Drainage products and construction materials will be delivered to site by road.
1.2.35 Construction of carriageway drainage will involve excavation of the drain with material being
deposited adjacent to the drain in the road verge or transported for reuse or disposal. Gravel
bedding and filter material (crushed rock) is delivered to the works. This may be from a local
quarry or may be excavated and processed on site. The bedding material is placed at the bottom
of the excavated trench and the drainage pipes, are placed on top. The filter material is then
placed on top. Some filter drains have a geotextile surround to prevent sediment ingress into the
filter material. If this is required it will be placed in the trench prior to depositing the pipe bedding
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
and will wrap around approximately the bottom two thirds of the filter material. If the drainage pipe
crosses the road carriageway, it will have a concrete surround which will be transported to the site
and placed around the pipe in the trench. Following concreting, the pipe trench will be backfilled
with acceptable earthworks material.
1.2.36 Catchpits and manholes will be constructed as described previously for pre-earthworks drainage.
1.2.37 As described previously, the permanent treatment and attenuation facilities will be constructed in a
similar manner as the temporary ponds described previously or by cleaning and maintaining the
temporary ponds constructed previously.
1.2.38 An outflow from the will be constructed from the carriageway drainage network to the permanent
ponds and from the permanent ponds to the receiving watercourse. This will be in the form of a
pipe or ditch and will involve trench or ditch excavation as described previously for pre-earthworks
drainage. If a piped outfall is proposed, a headwall will be required at the point it discharges to the
receiving watercourse. Headwalls are likely to be insitu concrete although they may have a stone
facing or other finish applied following the main headwall works. Headwall construction will involve
excavation to form the base of the headwall, steel fixing, shuttering, concreting and backfilling
operations. During this operation, temporary diversion or damming of the watercourse may be
1.2.39 Service ducts and chambers are constructed in a similar manner as carriageway drainage and
catchpits/manholes. Service chambers may, however, be brick built involving transport of materials
and on site manufacture and use of mortar.
1.2.40 Plant likely to be involved in the construction of the drainage system will include:
• excavators;
• tracked vehicles, dump trucks, lorries; and
• concrete wagons.
1.2.41 Topsoiling and seeding will be undertaken as soon as possible after earthworks construction is
completed. This will enable the subsoil to be sealed preventing sediment run-off. As described
previously, topsoil will have been stripped and stored adjacent to the works. The topsoil will be
transported from the topsoil storage locations to the works and will be placed by a tracked
excavator. Grass seeding may be by hand or by machine spreading, undertaken in the relevant
areas specified in the landscape design.
Pavement Construction
1.2.43 The bottom layer (sub-base) is a crushed rock aggregate which will be delivered to the site from
local quarries or crushed and graded on site from excavated rock, as described previously. The
material is deposited and then pushed into place and compacted. Plant likely to be involved in
pavement construction will include:
• bulldozers;
• motorised graders;
• sprayers;
• lorries;
• crawler spreaders;
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
• dump trucks;
• rollers;
• gas heaters; and
• pneumatic spades and other hand tools.
1.2.44 The upper pavement layers can be a cement bound material, concrete or bituminous material. All
of these will involve transport of material to the site either from local sources or from a batching
plant on site. On large projects, it is not uncommon for on site batching plants to be constructed,
depending on the availability of suitable materials on site to manufacture the pavement material.
1.2.45 Following pavement construction, safety barriers will be installed. Posts and barriers are delivered
to the site and safety barrier installation then involves driving steel posts into the ground or
excavating small footings and placing concrete into which the posts are set. The barriers are
bolted to the posts and fixed to small concrete anchorages either end.
1.2.46 Sign installation will involve excavation for the foundations which are concrete and setting the
posts. The sign faces are then fixed to the sign posts. Some signs may be lit and will require
cabling to be passed through the service ducts installed as described previously.
1.2.47 Road markings will be sprayed onto the road surface using specialist lorry mounted equipment.
1.2.48 Lighting columns are installed in a similar manner as traffic sign posts.
Accommodation Works
1.2.50 Accommodation works may be bridges, access roads, fences and walls or other ancillary items
agreed with landowners. Construction methods will be similar to those described for these items in
this outline methodology.
1.3 Structures
1.3.1 Typical construction methods for bridges are described below. These apply in general to most of
the bridges on the AWPR. The sequence bridges are constructed in can be significantly affected
by the location of the structure: for example if it is on the line of an existing road the need to keep
traffic flowing can result in complex construction phasing at bridges.
1.3.2 An overbridge carries a road over the AWPR and incorporates a deck, supported on piers and
abutments which are supported by foundations. Abutments are formed to support the ends of the
bridge deck; piers are formed in the central reserve or verge to support the inner parts of the deck.
The main bridge elements can be steel or concrete or combinations of these. Concrete can be
cast on site (in situ) or the bridge can include precast units which are transported to the site. The
exact form and materials used on each bridge is specific to individual locations depending on the
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
nature of the bridge, the alignment of road it carries, the distances between the piers and between
the piers and abutments (spans).
1.3.3 The road surface on the bridge deck is normally a bituminous bound pavement laid on a
waterproofing coat. Bridge deck waterproofing can either be a spray applied or sheet membrane
system. The spray applied system comprises a solvent free methyl methacrylate resin spray and a
polymer modified bituminous based hot melt adhesive tack coat. The sheet membrane system
comprises a non-woven polyester reinforced, styrene-butadene-styrene (SBS) polymer modified
bitumen sheet with a solvent-based bituminous primer and blown (oxidised) bitumen bonding. A
steel parapet is also fixed to the bridge deck.
1.3.4 Construction of overbridges will commence when the earthworks embankments on the adjacent
sections of road are at abutment level. Typical bridge construction procedures may be
summarised as follows:
Bridge Foundations
1.3.5 Foundations are required for the abutments and piers. Foundations can be either concrete pad or
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
• trim projecting piles to required level using mechanical saws or cutting equipment; and
• construction of a reinforcement pile cap upon which piers and abutments will be constructed
follows in a similar manner as the construction of the pad footing.
Bridge Piers
1.3.8 Bridge piers are generally concrete columns and are constructed as follows:
• fixing a grillage of steel reinforcement for piers to the starter bars;
• erecting vertical formwork for piers with shores and bracing;
• placing and vibrating concrete into formwork for piers; and
• stripping shutters and curing concrete.
1.3.9 Abutments are concrete seats upon which the bridge beams can be supported at each end of the
bridge. Construction of abutments is generally undertaken as follows:
• fixing a grillage of steel reinforcement for abutment walls;
• erecting vertical formwork for abutment walls;
• placing concrete in wall formwork and compacting by vibration;
• removing shutters, curing concrete, treating exposed surfaces and applying waterproof
membrane to faces retaining soil fill – the waterproof membrane can typically be a bitumen
coating applied by brush or spray;
• drain is laid behind the abutments comprising a small pipe with a granular surround;
• placing and compacting granular fill, behind abutments and wing walls, to road formation level;
• preparation of seatings for bridge beams.
Bridge Deck
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
• erecting soffit formwork, between and along outer edges of bridge beams, and side forms for
edge parapet beam and diaphragms / transverse beams;
• fixing inserts for services and additional structural elements;
• fixing grillage of steel reinforcement for in-situ concrete deck and parapet beamf
• placing concrete for bridge deck and in-situ edge beams. This is normally done as a staged
process. The first stage involves the concrete pour of the main deck sections, followed by the
diaphragms / transverse beams and finally the edge beams;
• curing deck concrete, stripping formwork, treating exposed surfaces;
• waterproofing top of structural deck; and
• completing services.
1.3.13 The deck is completed with construction of the verges/footways, and placement of the deck
waterproofing system as described above. The final stages of bridge construction include erecting
metal parapet elements and applying pavement markings.
1.3.14 Underbridges accommodate roads or watercourses which pass below the AWPR. They can be
open structures, similar in appearance to overbridges or underpasses which are more box shaped.
Both underbridges and underpasses are constructed in a similar manner as overbridges,
• foundation construction;
• abutment, pier and wall construction;
• deck construction; and
• finishes.
1.3.16 The River Dee crossing is proposed to be an arch type structure with a concrete/steel arch
constructed over the river with steel hangers carrying a steel/concrete deck. The arch is supported
at either end by concrete abutments which are constructed to the north and south of the river. A
culvert is also included to the north of the river which is positioned opposite the exisitng culvert
under the B979. The culvert will be a reinforced concrete box culvert constructed, constructed as
described below. Construction of the main crossing will include some of the main elements
described previously and will follow the overall process detailed below:
• foundation construction;
• abutment construction;
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
1.3.17 Access to the River Dee Crossing will be taken from the B9077 South Deeside Road to the
construction areas to the south of the river and from the B979 to the construction areas to the north
of the river.
1.3.18 Temporary works, such as silt/sediment fences and other temporary arrangements to control
surface water run-off will be required to mitigate the risk of pollution of the river during construction.
No works are permitted within the River Dee Special Area of Conservation (SAC).
1.3.19 The foundations will be bored pile foundations constructed following the process as described
previously. The B9077 South Deeside Road underbridge will also be constructed at this stage
following the process described above for underbridge construction. The culvert to the north of the
River Dee will also be constructed at this stage following the process described below for
reinforced concrete box culvert construction.
1.3.20 Abutment and pier construction will be similar to that described previously. Following construction
of the abutments, the embankments between the B9077 and south abutment and the River Dee
floodplain and the north abutment will be constructed. Embankment construction will follow the
process decribed for earthworks described previously.
1.3.21 The main difference between other bridges and the Dee Crossing will be in bridge deck
construction. The bridge deck is anticipated to be a post-tensioned concrete box with the concrete
box sections, either cast in-situ or installed as pre-cast segments. The construction of the river
span is envisaged to be the balanced cantilever method and is described below, which would
ensure that no temporary supports are required within the river:
• balance cantilever deck construction would be undertaken progressively from the piers out
towards midspan of each span. The deck is supported by travelling formwork which is fixed
initially to the piers and then moves progressively along the previously constructed deck to
support the current section of deck being constructed. Construction progresses simultaneously
away from the piers until a full span is complete. Once complete the final pre-stressing tendons
are installed and stressed to create a fully continuous structure. All of these works will entail
steel-fixing, post-tensioning, shuttering, concrete placement and compaction.
1.3.22 For the sections over the floodplain the deck can be constructed in a number of ways, including by
balanced cantilever, as described above, or on supports, as described below:
• deck construction could be supported on temporary staging which be similar to a framework of
scaffolding that would be designed to support the deck during construction works. Once each
span is complete, the final pre-stressing tendons would be installed as described previously.
Once the deck is complete the temporary staging would be removed.
1.3.23 Complete construction of the deck as a balanced cantilever would minimise the construction
activities on the floodplain although the movement of plant, machinery and the workforce will be
required at floodplain level during construction.
1.3.24 Following completion of the deck, the bridge finishes will be completed as described previously.
1.3.25 Areas will be included within the CPO to the north and south of the river which are essential to
facilitate construction of the River Dee crossing. These areas will be used for the storage of
materials and for any compounds required specifically for construction of the bridge.
1.3.26 The River Don crossing is proposed to be a concrete viaduct style structure. Construction will
include the main elements described previously, comprising:
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
• foundation construction;
• abutment, pier and wall construction;
• deck construction; and
• finishes.
1.3.27 Temporary works, such as silt/sediment fences and other temporary arrangements to control
surface water run-off will be required to mitigate the risk of pollution of the river during construction.
1.3.28 Foundation, abutment and pier construction will be similar to that described previously. The main
difference will be in bridge deck construction. The bridge deck is anticipated to be a post-tensioned
concrete box with the concrete box sections, either cast in-situ or installed as pre-cast segments.
The construction of the river span is envisaged to be the balanced cantilever method and is
described below, which would ensure that no temporary supports are required within the river:
• balance cantilever deck construction would be undertaken progressively from the piers out
towards midspan of each span. The deck is supported by travelling formwork which is fixed
initially to the piers and then moves progressively along the previously constructed deck to
support the current section of deck being constructed. Construction progresses simultaneously
away from the piers until a full span is complete. Once complete the final pre-stressing tendons
are installed and stressed to create a fully continuous structure. All of these works will entail
steel-fixing, post-tensioning, shuttering, concrete placement and compaction.
1.3.29 For the sections over the floodplain the deck can be constructed in a number of ways, including by
balanced cantilever, as described above, or on supports, as described below:
• deck construction could be supported on temporary staging which be similar to a framework of
scaffolding that would be designed to support the deck during construction works. Once each
span is complete, the final pre-stressing tendons would be installed as described previously.
Once the deck is complete the temporary staging would be removed.
1.3.30 Complete construction of the deck as a balanced cantilever would minimise the construction
activities on the floodplain although the movement of plant, machinery and the workforce will be
required at floodplain level during construction.
1.3.31 Following completion of the deck, the bridge finishes will be completed as described previously.
1.3.32 Two parcels of land are included included in the CPO which are essential to facilitate construction
of the River Don crossing. These areas lie to the west of the river on the south side of the
proposed AWPR and to the east of the river on the north side of the proposed AWPR and will be
used for the storage of materials and for any compounds required specifically for construction of
the bridge.
1.3.33 Culvert works will commence when the earthworks operation progresses far enough. Temporary
culverts may be used to facilitate completion of haul roads. This will require approval from SEPA.
The permanent culvert works will involve either temporary diversion and culverting for the
watercourse, or constructing a temporary dam upstream of the works and pumping the water to the
downstream side of the works. This will depend on the sensitivity of the watercourse and will be
agreed with SEPA. Various types of culverts may be used:
• circular piped culverts;
• precast box culverts;
• in-situ box culverts;
• corrugated steel pipes; and
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
• bridges.
1.3.34 Circular piped culverts and precast box culverts are constructed in a similar manner:
• material, including gravel for bedding and culvert surrounds, and precast concrete culvert
sections, will be delivered to the site taking access from the permitted roads and haul road
through the works. The line of the culvert will be excavated to bedding level with material taken
away by dump truck or wagon for reuse or disposal. The gravel bedding material will be placed
followed by the culvert sections. Culvert sections will be treated with a waterproof membrane to
faces retaining soil fill – the waterproof membrane will typically be a bitumen coating applied by
brush or spray. Following this, the gravel culvert surround will be placed and compacted;
• insitu box culverts will commence with excavation as above. A thin layer of blinding concrete
will be placed to provide an even and clean surface on which to construct the culvert.
Construction of the box sections will involve steel fixing, shuttering, transport of concrete to the
works and placing concrete within the shuttering. Following the completion of the concrete
works, shuttering will be removed, the concrete will receive waterproofing and the culvert
backfilled with gravel; and
• corrugated steel pipes are constructed from sections of pipe which are bolted together.
Excavation and bedding works will be undertaken as described for the precast culverts. The
pipe sections, having been delivered to the site, will be joined together to form the culvert.
Following completion of the steelwork, the culvert will be backfilled with gravel and suitable
earthworks material.
1.3.35 The above culvert types will also require construction of a headwall which will be constructed in a
similar manner to that described previously for drainage outfall works. Headwalls are likely to be
insitu concrete although they may have a stone facing or other finish applied following the main
headwall works. Headwall construction will involve excavation, steel fixing, shuttering, concreting
and backfilling operations.
1.3.36 Environmental measures such as otter ledges will be constructed following the main culvert works
and are likely to be cast from insitu concrete transported to the site and pumped into the culvert.
1.3.37 Construction of a bridge will mean that the existing watercourse bed, banks and part of the riparian
zone may be retained. The exact construction sequence will depend on the form of structure, for
example whether it has piers or is a box shape, with construction methods similar to those
described previously for bridges and underpasses.
Retaining Walls
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
1.3.40 The piled walls involve construction of piles similar to that described for piled foundations for
bridges, although the piles are closely spaced (contiguous) to form a complete wall rather than
being spaced apart. These are generally constructed by forming the piles and then excavating the
material in front of the piles to reveal the face of the piles. A facing can be applied to the piles to
provide the finished exposed surface.
1.3.41 Reinforced concrete walls are formed in a similar manner to the major concrete works described
previously, with excavation for the wall being undertaken initially, followed by concreting works for
the base (similar to foundation construction), and further concreting works for the main part of the
wall (similar to abutment wall). At each stage, formwork is in place to contain the wet concrete and
form the shape and finish to the wall. As with culvert headwalls, a facing can be applied which can
be brick, stone or some other finish that may be specified by the architectural adviser or landscape
1.3.42 Reinforced earth walls are formed by placing and compacting layers of gravel between which a
plastic or metal reinforcing mesh or strips are placed.
1.3.43 Plant during wall construction is likely to be similar to that required for bridge construction.
Earthworks Mitigation
1.4.1 Earthworks mitigation comprises graded out slopes and bunds and is described previously in this
outline methodology.
1.4.2 Planting works are seasonally dependent and are generally undertaken in Autumn or Spring.
Planting works are undertaken manually with plants delivered to the site and planted.
Noise Barriers
Ecological Mitigation
1.4.4 Specific mitigation required for ecological purposes may include fencing, bridges, enhancements
for culverts, and construction as previously described.
1.4.5 Details of the specific mitigation measures identified in the ES are summarised in Chapter 55,
Overall Schedule of Environmental Commitments.
1.5.1 Temporary works are generally described previously under the relevant construction element. In
addition, temporary traffic management will in place during construction at works close to or on
existing roads, and at site access and egress points. Such measures may include:
• traffic cones;
• traffic signals;
• temporary signs;
• temporary lighting;
• temporary speed restrictions;
• temporary diversions;
Aberdeen Western Peripheral Route
Environmental Statement Appendices 2007
Part A: The Scheme
Appendix A4.1 - Typical Construction Methods
• narrow lanes;
• lane closures;
• partial or full road closures (to be agreed with the relevant authority) with appropriate diversion
signing in place;
• contraflows; and
• rolling closures.
1.5.2 Temporary works involving traffic management can be disruptive to the local road network if not
managed properly. The Contract for the scheme will contain specific restrictions regarding traffic
management and routeing of vehicles to and from the site. The contractor will prepare his own
programme for the construction of the works, which will require approval by the Scottish
Executive’s representative on site. This programme will take into account the traffic management
requirements of the contract for works affecting all existing roads. It is unlikely that any lane
closures of the main trunk or A class roads will be permitted during peak hours except under
exceptional circumstances and as a consequence it is anticipated that much of the off line works
will be completed without affecting the trunk road traffic directly. However, impacts due to
additional construction and delivery vehicles using these routes will occur
1.5.3 During construction of tie-ins with the existing road network or at locations where the proposed
route is close to existing roads, narrow lanes may be used by the Contractor to facilitate
construction. It is also possible that sections of temporary carriageway may be required to enable
the flow of traffic to be maintained. During all traffic management works, the appropriate standards
will be adhered to including those specifying geometric standards and pavement construction
standards necessary to minimise disruption to road users
1.5.4 If contraflows are required overnight, temporary lighting will be required. Temporary lighting will
also be required where structures are constructed over live traffic during night time periods. A
typical example would be lifting bridge deck beams over the existing roads at the key junctions.
This may have to be undertaken during night time road closures to ensure the safety of traffic is
maintained and disruption is minimised. Road closures will be kept to a minimum and will involve
adequate signing of appropriate diversion routes.
1.6 Maintenance
1.6.1 Inspection works and maintenance will be required for the scheme. Routine maintenance could
include works such as pavement rehabilitation, drainage works, safety barrier works, structural
inspections and repairs. All of these may require traffic management measures to be implemented
to ensure the safety of the workforce and road users during the works.
1.6.2 Winter maintenance will involve gritting and snow clearing to ensure the road surface is safe to
drive on.
1.6.3 Lansdscape maintenance will involve grass cutting, weeding and general plant maintenance and
this may also require temporary traffic management measures.
1.6.4 Due to the method of procurement for the scheme, as a Design, Build, Finance and Operate style
contract, a private company will have responsibility for the design and construction of the scheme
and they would continue to operate the completed trunk road for an extended concession period of
the order of 30 years. Following expiry of the concession period, responsibility for operating and
maintaining the trunk road will return to the Scottish Executive. Responsibility for the maintenace
of the side roads will lie with Aberdeenshire or Aberdeen City Councils.