ST Germans Newsletter - 25 August 2019 - Trinity 10
ST Germans Newsletter - 25 August 2019 - Trinity 10
ST Germans Newsletter - 25 August 2019 - Trinity 10
St German’s Church
25 August 2019 - Trinity 10 (OT 21)
Today’s hymns: 167 Father, we love you; 82 Bread of Heaven on thee we feed; As I kneel
before you (see below); 631 Tell out my soul; Mass setting: Rizza (955)
COLLECT acclaim him all you peoples! R/ Then you will begin to say, “We ate
and drank with you, and you taught
Let your merciful ears, O Lord, Strong is his love for us; in our streets.” But he will say, “I do
he is faithful for ever. R/ not know where you come from; go
be open to the prayers of your
Psalm 117 away from me, all you evildoers!”
humble servants; and that There will be weeping and gnashing
they may obtain their petitions SECOND READING of teeth when you see Abraham and
make them to ask such things Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets
The Second Reading is from the in the kingdom of God, and you
as shall please you; through
letter to the Hebrews. yourselves thrown out. Then people
Jesus Christ your Son our will come from east and west, from
Lord, who is alive and reigns Have you forgotten that encouraging north and south, and will eat in the
with you, in the unity of the text in which you are addressed as kingdom of God. Indeed, some are
sons? My son, when the Lord corrects last who will be first, and some are
Holy Spirit, one God, now and
you, do not treat it lightly; but do not first who will be last.’
for ever. Amen get discouraged when he reprimands
you. For the Lord trains the ones that This is the gospel of the Lord.
he loves and he punishes all those that Luke 13
FIRST READING he acknowledges as his sons.