ST Germans Newsletter - 25 August 2019 - Trinity 10

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St German’s Church
25 August 2019 - Trinity 10 (OT 21)

In answer to the question ‘Will only a few be This week:

saved’? Jesus responds with a teaching and Sun 25: Trinity 10
imagery on the ‘narrow door’. Today’s gospel is (OT 21)
aimed at those who think that salvation is the 9:30 Sung Mass (St S)
preserve of only the elect, the specially chosen
11am Sung Mass (St G)
ones by God who are blessed with health and
wealth. Jesus on the contrary always challenges Mon 26:
an exclusive view of salvation. The kingdom of No Mass (St G)
God is hard to access but it is for everyone and Tues 27:
everyone is invited to belong. His invitation is 10am Mass (St S)
especially warm to those who considered St Monica
themselves excluded: the sick, the lonely, the
Wed 28:
isolated and those who were rejected. The
Kingdom is a place where the whole of 10am Mass (St G)
humanity will encounter the compassionate love St Augustine
and forgiveness of God - bar none! Thur 29:
5:45pm Mass (St S)
Beheading of John the
Parish Notes: Baptist
Fri 30:
Weekday Services - No Monday mass this week. 6pm Mass (St S)
Parish Lunch - There is a sign up list for a parish lunch in St German’s on Sunday 8 St Rose of Lima
September. See Angela for other details. Sat 31:
A warm welcome to Fr Jordan Hillebert, Theology Tutor from St Padarn’s institute, 11am Mass (St S)
who will preach and preside today. Sun 1: Trinity 11
(OT 22)
Faith Groups - We hope to launch again the faith and theology discussion group
St Saviour’s:
‘Faith QI’ this coming Autumn. We will also have trial a book club when will read 9:30 Sung Mass;
and discuss a book on faith and spirituality. More details in the weeks to come. St German’s:
Autumn Confirmation Dates - Diocesan confirmation in the Cathedral with Bishop 11:00 am Sung Mass
Philip North on Thursday 3 October at 7:30pm. Other dates are available with
Bishop June: Sunday 24 November in Ely or Sunday 1 December in Llandaff Parish Priest:
Cathedral. If you would like to be confirmed this Autumn please see Fr Phelim. Fr Phelim O’Hare,
Friends of St German’s AGM and Lunch Advance notice: Sunday 6 October 2019. 02922 411229,
Gardening Club - next meets 6 Sept in the memorial garden.
PCC Meeting - the next PCC meeting has been changed to Monday 30 September. (Day off - Friday)
Rome and Assisi Pilgrimage 2019 - 2-6 December. If you are interested in going Churchwardens:
please see Fr Phelim. Cost of flights from Bristol, transfers and transport in Rome
and to Assisi will be £250. Peter Lovitt
Recently Departed: Peter Alan Mapstone, Terence Clive James, Maureen Ttophi RIP. 02920 763754
Richard Hill
07519 352840

Isa 66:18-21 Sir 3:17-18, 20, 28-29 Go out to the whole
Ps 117:1, 2 Ps 68:4-5, 6-7, 10-11
Heb 12:5-7, 11-13 Heb 12:18-19, 22-24a world; proclaim the
Luke 13:22-30 Luke 14:1, 7-14 good news. (2vv)


Today’s hymns: 167 Father, we love you; 82 Bread of Heaven on thee we feed; As I kneel
before you (see below); 631 Tell out my soul; Mass setting: Rizza (955)

COLLECT acclaim him all you peoples! R/ Then you will begin to say, “We ate
and drank with you, and you taught
Let your merciful ears, O Lord, Strong is his love for us; in our streets.” But he will say, “I do
he is faithful for ever. R/ not know where you come from; go
be open to the prayers of your
Psalm 117 away from me, all you evildoers!”
humble servants; and that There will be weeping and gnashing
they may obtain their petitions SECOND READING of teeth when you see Abraham and
make them to ask such things Isaac and Jacob and all the prophets
The Second Reading is from the in the kingdom of God, and you
as shall please you; through
letter to the Hebrews. yourselves thrown out. Then people
Jesus Christ your Son our will come from east and west, from
Lord, who is alive and reigns Have you forgotten that encouraging north and south, and will eat in the
with you, in the unity of the text in which you are addressed as kingdom of God. Indeed, some are
sons? My son, when the Lord corrects last who will be first, and some are
Holy Spirit, one God, now and
you, do not treat it lightly; but do not first who will be last.’
for ever. Amen get discouraged when he reprimands
you. For the Lord trains the ones that This is the gospel of the Lord.
he loves and he punishes all those that Luke 13
FIRST READING he acknowledges as his sons.

The First reading is from the prophet

Suffering is part of your training; COMMUNION HYMN:
God is treating you as his sons. Has
Isaiah. there ever been any son whose As I kneel before you,
father did not train him? Of course, As I bow my head in prayer,
The Lord says this: I am coming to any punishment is most painful at Take this day, make it yours
gather the nations of every the time, and far from pleasant; but and fill me with your love.
language. They shall come to later, in those on whom it has been
witness my glory. I will give them a used, it bears fruit in peace and Ave Maria,
sign and send some of their goodness. So hold up your limp arms Gratia plena,
survivors to the nations: to Tarshish, and steady your trembling knees and Dominus tecum,
Put, Lud, Moshech, Rosh, Tubal, and smooth out the path you tread; then Benedicta tu.
Javan, to the distant islands that the injured limb will not be
have never heard of me or seen my wrenched, it will grow strong again. All I have I give you,
glory. They will proclaim my glory to Every dream and wish are yours,
the nations. As an offering to the This is the word of the Lord. Mother of Christ,
Lord they will bring all your Heb 12 Mother of mine, them to my Lord.
brothers, on horses, in chariots, in
litters, on mules, on dromedaries,
from all the nations to my holy
GOSPEL As I kneel before you,
And I see your smiling face,
mountain in Jerusalem, says the A reading from the Holy Gospel Ev'ry thought, ev'ry word
Lord, like Israelites bringing according to St Luke. Is lost in your embrace.
oblations in clean vessels to the
Temple of the Lord. And of some of ‘Jesus went through one town and
them I will make priests and Levites, village after another, teaching as he
says the Lord. made his way to Jerusalem.
Someone asked him, ‘Lord, will only
This is the word of the Lord. a few be saved?’ He said to them,
Jer 38 ‘Strive to enter through the narrow
door; for many, I tell you, will try to
enter and will not be able. When
once the owner of the house has got
RESPONSORIAL PSALM up and shut the door, and you begin
Go out to the whole world; to stand outside and to knock at the
proclaim the Good News. door, saying, “Lord, open to us”,
then in reply he will say to you, “I
O praise the Lord, all you nations, do not know where you come from.”

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