Analysis and Design of A Web-Based Decision Support System For Choosing Higher Education Studies

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Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research

24 (2014), Number 3, 399-414

DOI: 10.2298/YJOR140411025K



Vassilis Kostoglou1, Nikolaos Ploskas2, Michael Vassilakopoulos3, Vaia-

Ekaterini Tsantopoulou1
Department of Informatics,
Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, Greece
Department of Applied Informatics,
University of Macedonia, Greece
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
University of Thessaly, Greece

Received: April 2014 / Accepted: August 2014

Abstract: The vocational orientation of the youngsters who are about to enter, study, or
have recently graduated at higher education (HE) institutions, and linking HE with labor
market are two research areas which have not been investigated extensively in Balkan
countries. Job (or occupational) profiles,among other tools used in vocational orientation,
provide standardized and digitized descriptions of different professions. This article
focuses on the analysis and the design of a web-based decision support system (DSS) to
assist its users in getting thoroughly informed about HE studies in Greece,and eventually
in choosing their vocational prospects. Apart from reviewingthe related previous research
work and relevant web-based systems, we present the main elements of the system’s
analysis and its design, the extensions that could lead to even more powerful systems,
and conclusions about the advantages, limitations and practical application of the DSS.
Keywords: Computer assisted studies guide, Vocational orientation, Highereducation, Specialty of
studies, Decision support system, System analysis and design.

MSC: 68U35, 91B06.

400 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision


The vocational orientation of lyceum (3-year upper secondary education)

graduates, higher education (HE) students and fresh university graduates, as well as
linking higher education with labor market are two research areas that have not been
investigated extensively, especially in Balkan countries. Nevertheless, these areas are of
exceptional scientific interest,so as their practical implications, because they are directly
connected with the vocational orientation and socialization of the youngsters, and the
desired decrease of the unemployment rate. Especially nowadays, these issues are of top
priority as they are directly related to the efforts to decrease unemployment, which in the
European South records unprecedented rates exceeding 20% of the active population and
50% of the persons aged less than 25 years [1].
Among the tools used in vocational orientation, career planning and
development, are the job profiles or occupational profiles. They constitute a basic or
detailed description of the different professions in a standardized way, in most cases
recorded in digital data bases, accessed easily and freely through computer applications.
More analytically, job profile is a term used to describe any type of information that
defines the inputs, process and outputs of any job. This may include things like purpose
statements, grades, roles & responsibilities, expected results, priorities, reporting
structures, required skills & qualifications, experience, etc. associated with the job or the
person doing the job. The usefulness of job profiles is apparent: the professions of each
broader specialty mirror the current situation of the corresponding labor market [2].
This article focuses on the analysis and the design of a digital guide, a web-
based Decision Support System (DSS), aiming to assist its users in getting thoroughly
informed about HE studies, and eventually in choosing the most appropriate HE studies1.
The digital guide has a twofold goal: i) support youngsters in their decision making, and
(ii) inform students or graduates about their department's vocational prospects. The
digital guide presents the HE departments in Greece; these departments are categorized
according to their specialty, their vocational prospects, and HE institutions. These
categories offer the users the opportunity to search the DSS database according to their
Furthermore, a key aspect to enhance the usability of the proposed DSS is the
design of user-friendly interfaces. Simple interfaces are designed and implemented. They
allow users to make their selection by mouse clicks (or by tapping on smartphones and
tablets), and the least possible by typing. Finally, the responsive web design approach is
utilized to provide an optimal viewing experience across a range of devices (desktop and
laptop computer monitors, tablets and smartphones). This web design approach assists
users to easily read and navigate through the DSS with a minimum of resizing and
scrolling. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) have been utilized in order to assist
users to visualize the location of the HE departments. Google Maps API has been used as
a promising technology to implement web-based DSS with geographical data. Selected
screenshots are presented in order to provide the key features of the system.

1This article is a post-proceedings enhanced version of: V. Kostoglou, M. Vassilakopoulos, N.

Ploskas, Towards a Web Based Decision Support System for Choosing Higher Education Studies,
Proc. of the XI Balkan Conference on Operational Research (BALCOR 2013), Belgrade
&Zlatibor, 7-12 September 2013, pp 168-176.
Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 401

The structure of this paper is as follows: Section 2 presents the related previous
research work and relevant web-based systems. Section 3 deals with the main elements of
system’s analysis and its design, such as the relevant functionality, data modeling,
architecture of the system, and the human/system interaction. Section 4 presents selected
user interfaces of the web-based system. In the last Section, some conclusions are drawn
about the advantages, limitations and practical application of the digital guide.


HE job profiles have been established in many developed countries and are used
extensively by two main categories of users: i) lyceum graduates who are called to
choose the field of their further studies and future profession, and ii) HE students or
graduates wishing to know better the vocational and/or academic prospects of their
specialization. The organization of the information (as well as the access to it) included
in the job profiles is usually implemented through software linked to powerful desktop or
sometimes web-based applications. These systems can be used for setting up multiple
types of job profiles, e.g. job descriptions, performance agreements/contracts,
competence profiles etc. [3].
The European Commission attempted the first major effort by setting up table
NACE(Nomenclature Générale des Activités Economiques dans les Communautés
Européennes) containing the nomenclature of all economic activities [4]. A relevant
literature review revealed that despite the significant practical work carried out in some
countries (the best examples being Australia, Canada, USA and among Europe, Finland,
France and UK), there is no adequate published work [5], [6]. The majority of relevant
work is mainly based on web-based actions (usually web pages) for the provision of
information about certain fields of studies or employment.
In general terms, the examined relevant web sites present some general
characteristics, the most important being: i) the inclusion of basic data with a certain,
nearly common standardization without overload of information, ii) the ease of use, iii)
they are addressed to certain target groups (e.g. secondary and HE graduates, students,
practitioners, as well as persons looking for a career/job change), iv) considering job as
the content of the work and not the specialization provided by the educational system,
and v) they use an international codification or categorization system. National
occupational web-based systems or databases are maintained in several countries. The
best relevant examples that can be found are those in Austria (AMS-Qualifikations
barometer), Germany (Kompetenzen katalog BerufeNet), France (ROME), United
Kingdom (AGCAS) [7], Sweden (Taxonomy database), Poland, Belgium (VDAB),
Finland (Ministry of Employment and the Economy), USA (O*NET) [8], Canada
(National Occupational Classification), Korea (KEIS), and a number of other countries
[9], [10].
Another common resource for the vocational orientation of youngsters is
computer-assisted career guidance (CACG) systems [11]. The first CAGS were
introduced 40 years ago, with SIGI [12] and DISCOVER [13] being the first. The most
recent and widely-used CACGS are CAPA and FOCUS. CAPA is based on the work of
Betz and Hackett [14], and Betz and Borgen [15], and is a web-based system that
suggests college and career options to individuals using an integrated assessment of
402 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision

vocational interests and career confidence [16]. FOCUS [17] is also a web-based system
that provides suggestions for occupations based on five types of short assessments of
interests, skills, work values, personality, and preferences.
In Greece, the administration and dissemination of HE job profiles, despite
several relevant efforts, is until today occasional without long-term provision of the
information and support to the users. Some relevant initiatives indicating the above are: i)
The National Statistical Authority of Greece has codified all the professions, however
without regular update [18], ii) The Career Services of HE establishments (all the
Technological Educational Institutions (TEI) and some Universities) compiled 96
detailed job profiles of their departments without extensive dissemination to their
interested categories of users [19], [20], iii) the Pedagogical Institute (named since 2012
Institute of Educational Policy) has produced through Nestor Network 250 summarized
professional monographs and created a relevant database application, which has not been
updated since 2006, iv) the National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications
& Vocational Guidance has produced 202 detailed monographs of certified occupational
profiles following the international practice, thus describing certain professions of the
labor market; nevertheless very few of them correspond to HE graduates [21], and v) the
Manpower Employment Organization carried out the probably best relevant work by the
creation of 1450 professional monographs which are presented on a web application as
well as in printed form [22]. However, only a small percentage of the above mentioned
works and computer applications concern specializations directly related to HE studies.
The study of the related work as well as the examination of several websites
revealed that there are significant differences in used professions’ titles, as well as in the
contents (analyzed fields) and the sizes of the job profiles. The main affecting factors are
the place (country or geographical area), the time of publication or uploading on the
WWW, and mainly the aim of each relevant study. These findings lead to some
conclusions. The HE job profiles should: i) focus on a certain country or geographical
area with common socio-economic characteristics, ii) be updated frequently in order to
mirror the changes of HE, labor market and economy, and most importantly iii) be
presented and disseminated to the stakeholders through a web-based system able to
provide an in-depth search of the desired information, as well as to support their
decisions for choosing the appropriate higher education studies. The present work
attempts to fulfill this last significant need.


3.1. Object-Oriented Requirement Analysis

Object-oriented approach with Unified Modeling Language (UML) has been

adopted in the analysis and the design of the proposed web-based DSS. UML is the
standard language for modeling large-scale software systems [23]. UML includes several
types of diagrams in order to model the static and dynamic behavior of a system. The Use
Case diagram and the Class diagram of the proposed DSS are presented. Use Case
diagrams consists of actors, use cases and their relationships. A use case refers to a
specified functionality of the system under discussion. Class diagrams are fundamental
Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 403

software elements of the DSS and consist of a set of classes, interfaces and associations
that represent the object-oriented view of a system.
We have two types of actors in the proposed DSS: i) Users and ii) Registered
Users. Users can register, display the map of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs),
display the departments of a specific HEI and view department details, such as the
curriculum and employment prospects. Registered users can search for one (or more)
field(s) of study by keywords or/and topic or/and distance between different cities and
display departments. This distinction is made, because registered users have filled out a
registration form providing personal information. The proposed DSS builds a user profile
in order to present suggestions depending on the information provided.
Referring to the static model of the system under discussion, a region includes a
number of cities, a city has many HEIs and a HEI consists of multiple departments. A set
of departments with related subjects form a school (faculty). A specific subject is related
to several keywords. The Use Case and the Class diagram are illustrated in Figures 1 and
2, respectively. The diagrams have been designed with Visual Paradigm [24].

Figure 1:Use Case diagram

404 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision

Figure 2:Class diagram

3.2. DataModeling

The database is used to store the adequate information for each entity and
support the decision making process. The Extended Entity Relationship (EER) model is
illustrated in Figure 3. The diagram was designed by MySQL Workbench [25]. The
entities and relationships represent:
• regions of Greece
• cities in which ΗEIs are located
• distances between user’s city and a ΗEI’s city
• ΗEIs
• departments of ΗEIs
• schools that represent a set of departments
• subjects of related departments
• group of subjects
• keywords for each group of subjects
Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 405

Figure 3: The Extended Entity Relationship (EER) model

3.3. System Architecture

The basic system architecture is illustrated in Figure 4. Blue rectangles and

names designate machines, black rectangles and names designate software/system
components, red arrows lines designate physical communication channels of machines,
green arrows and lines designate logical communication between components belonging
to separate machines, while black arrows and lines designate logical communication
between components within the same machine. The main part of the system (excluding
the Administrator's PC) formstypical 3-tier architecture [26]. The presentation tier
consists of end-user machines (PCs / laptops / tablets / smart mobile devices) running
web browsers that display web pages allowing access to the DSS (implementing the
functionality illustrated in Figure 1). Theseweb pagesarebasedonAjaxtechniques to create
406 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision

a synchronous web application. Thus, the browsers at end-user machines should support
Ajax (like recent versions of most common browsers). For smart mobile devices and
tablets, special versions of the web pages have been created to deal with limited screen
size and touch-screen capabilities of these devices. The middle tier (application server
machine) consists of a web server (e.g. Apache) that communicates with the web
browsers at end user machines providing them with web pages (dynamic content). This
content is created on the data which the application logic component (the actual DSS)
produces by forwarding end user queries to the query processor component. The
application logic component is based on the classes illustrated in Figure 2. Queries,
appropriately restructured are forwarded by the data access component to the Database
Management System (DBMS), residing on the data tier (database server machine). The
DBMS hosts the DSS database that is structured according to the EER model of Figure 3.
Moreover, the communication between the DBMS and its administrator,which update the
DSS database, follows client-server architecture [26] for extra security (not exposing the
data tier to the web). The Database Server, the Application Server and the
Administrator's PC are interconnected through a high speed Local Area Network. The
Administrator's PC runs administrative utilities that communicate with the DBMS and
enable performing administrative tasks and updates of the DSS database.

Figure 4:System Architecture

Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 407

3.4. User Interface / Human System Interaction

A key issue for the successful “pumping” of information from the job profiles
database is a powerful yet simple User Interface (UI) to the DSS that help the end user
expressing powerful queries. The design of the UI is based on forms providing the
following capabilities (characteristics):
• Fields referring to limited numbers of items (like the Higher Institutions of Greece)
are filled by allowing the user to select an item from a scrollable list. In case the
number of items is fixed but too long to be handled through a list (like titles of
departments, which number several hundreds), typing part of the item (the first
letters, or any subsequent letters of the item) narrow and display the list (by
exchanging data with the database on-the-fly, through Ajax).
• For fields that are numerical of date / year type (like distances of departments from
the residence of the end user, or the year of establishment of a department), the
possibility to enter ranges of values are given.
• The selections made by the end user are displayed along with the result, so that the
user can alter some of these selections and directly see the change of the results (by
exchanging data with the database on-the-fly, through Ajax).
• Since a key characteristic of HE departments and institutions is their position on the
map of Greece, fields related to geography (like regions where the end user would
prefer to study) are able to be filled by mouse clicks (or by tapping on smartphones
and tablets) and / or dragging on a map, or the search results are also presented on a
map, when possible.
• For text fields the ability to enter wild cards (or even regular expressions) is
provided (for example, in a field related to the subject of studies, “electr*” returns
all departments that are related to “electrical”, “electricity”, “electronic). Moreover,
the ability to search by lists of keywords is provided.
• Search conditions and results are saved for inspection, or reference at any future
time point.
• The ability to enter conjunctions, or disjunctions of search conditions are provided
(for example, search for all departments (related to “informatics” OR
“information”) AND (situated in the region of “Western Greece”).
• The ability to present a comparison between the conditions of searches and the
results returned are provided. This is done by displaying each group of conditions
and related results in a column, followed by a column for another group etc, taking
into account the width of the screen (this ability is appropriate for non-mobile
devices, having a wide enough screen).
Selected screenshots are presented in Section 4 in order to present the key
features of the system.


The web-based DSS has been implemented using PHP, MySQL and Javascript.
Furthermore, Ajax has been used in order to exchange data with the database on-the-fly
and Google Maps API has been utilized for the visualization of the geographical data of
the HEI departments.
408 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision

Figure 5 presents the interactive map of the Greek TEI with which the user can
preview the geographical information of each TEI and access the departments of a
specific TEI.

Figure 5: Interactive Map of Greek Technological Educational Institutions

Figure 6 shows the visualization that the DSS offers for the search results, so
that the user can alter some of these selections and directly see the change of the results
on the map (by exchanging data with the database on-the-fly, through Ajax). A user can
fill the department's name and / or the TEI's name and / or the city's name by entering
wild cards and find the location of the departments that fulfill the specific criteria.
Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 409

Figure 6: Geographical Visualization of Search Results

The web-based DSS utilized the responsive web design approach in order to
provide an optimal viewing experience across a range of devices (desktop and laptop
computer monitors, tablets and smartphones). This feature assists user to easily handle
the DSS with a minimum of resizing and scrolling. Figure 7 presents the initial page of
the DSS on smartphones and tablets. Furthermore, Figure 8 shows the interactive map of
the Greek TEI on smartphones and tablets.
410 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision

Figure 7: Initial Page of the DSS on Smartphones and Tablets

Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 411

Figure 8: Interactive Map of Greek Technological Educational Institutions

on Smartphone and Tablets

Finally, Figure 9 presents the advanced search screen that a user can utilize to
find specific departments. The user can fill a keyword and / or select a department from
the list and / or select the range of distance from a city that the departments are located.
412 Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision

Figure 9: Advanced Search of Departments


A web-based decision support system aiming to support youngsters in Greece

who are about to enter, study, or have graduated at HE institutions has been presented in
this paper. The proposed DSS informs its users about the available departments and their
vocational prospects, and finally assist them to choose HE studies in Greece.The system
provides the end user with the ability to search for information related to job profiles and
their relation to higher education studies in Greece by giving numerous search criteria
and possibilities to combine them in an easy to fill / reuse / compare way. The
information “pumped out” of the database of job profiles could serve as an advisor in the
decision making of a youngster, who is confused about the provided studies and the
vocational rehabilitation they lead to. The responsive web design approach was utilized
to provide an optimal viewing experience across a range of devices. Furthermore, GIS
technologies through Google Maps API have been used in order to assist users to
visualize the location of the HE departments.
Based on users' functional requirements, fundamental software elements of the
DSS have been introduced using UML notation. More specifically, the Use Case
diagram, Class diagram and EER model have been presented. Furthermore, the system
architecture of this system was introduced, and selected screenshots were presented.
Typical 3-tier architecture was used in order to logically separate the presentation layer,
the business logic layer, and the database layer.
As future work, we aim to provide some additional functionality to the proposed
DSS in order to assist youngsters in the decision making of their HE studies. These
enhancements can be summarized as follows: i) database historical data could be useful
to answer aggregate questions (this would require dimensional modeling and creating a
Data Warehouse [27]), ii) data related to the placement of graduates of each higher
education specialty in the labor market would give an overview of vocational prospects
of each specialty, and iii) personalization and recommendation tools will further support
youngsters to make their decisions.
Kostoglou, V., et. all /Analysis and Design of a Web-Based Decision 413


This research is implemented through the Operational Program "Education and

Lifelong Learning" and is co-financed by the European Union (European Social Fund)
and Greek national funds. Project title: “Digital map of higher technological education


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